Chinese perpetual motion "kill" oil and gas? (1 photo). Almost a perpetual motion machine: Chinese scientists made gasoline out of thin air Chinese scientists created a perpetual motion machine

Scientists from China claim that they are about to test in space EM-drive - a quantum engine that does not need an external power source. This is not only a scientific and technological sensation and a breakthrough in space research: if the Chinese really manage to bring their perpetuum mobile to mind, traditional energy carriers such as oil and gas will someday become unnecessary.

In general, the opponents failed to refute the physico-mathematical constructions of the researchers, who, it seems, have already passed into the experimental phase for several years.

As far as we know, such developments are not declared in Russia, but are actively carried out by some laboratories.

One of the competent scientific sources of our editors commented on the American and Chinese results in the field of EM-drive tests: "The engine, presumably, operates due to the emission of microwave waves, no cosmic radiation. Why is there so much controversy about the engine - its thrust is very difficult to measure.

The discrete opinion of the Russian physicist coincided with the conclusion of such a recognized authority in the field of physics as A.P. Shergin

(Scientific Secretary Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Physical-Technical Institute named after A.F. Ioffe). He is cautious about the results obtained in American and Chinese laboratories: "The laws of conservation of energy are carried out one hundred percent. There can be no violations. When it seems that energy came from nowhere, in fact it simply transformed from another type of energy."

The conclusion that a certain innovation cannot work because "it can never work" is a painful reaction to someone else's discovery that is quite common in the scientific community. After all, behind any stable theory there is a whole school with recognized authorities, founding fathers and functionaries from Big Science. Inventors, on the other hand, are, as a rule, young initiative enthusiasts who have yet to prove their case and become venerable scientists, and on the way to overthrow some of the authoritative opinions of their predecessors (which, to put it mildly, is not to the liking of the authorities themselves).

Almost a hundred years before the research before the EM-drive, Nikola Tesla, ahead of his time, created a power plant, the principle of which contemporaries were clearly unable to understand and appreciate.

The mystery of his experiments has not been solved to this day - perhaps because free energy will destroy the economy of consumption of fossil raw materials and the nuclear industry. Naturally, Russia, as one of the world's largest energy exporters, does not really need to use an EM-drive engine on the ground.

Chinese scientists from the Northwestern Polytechnic University in Xi'an announced the successful testing of a conceptually new engine. An unusual power plant called EmDrive could potentially be used in space technology and in flying cars.

The Chinese development is based on the invention of the British engineer Roger Shiver, who was ridiculed in his native country for pseudoscientific forgery. Why did EmDrive cause such a reaction? The fact is that this engine creates thrust in an unusual way: without burning fuel and without moving parts at all.

EmDrive is a closed conical container that resonates under the influence of microwave radiation and creates thrust from the wide side of the "nozzle". At first glance, an engine that does not emit a jet of hot gases, does not consume fuel, but only emits microwaves, violates the law of conservation of momentum and simply cannot create thrust. However, Schiver argues that the engine is running and the thrust is there because the microwave waves have a group velocity that is greater in one direction than in the other. However, can this create useful jet thrust? Most of the scientists who have evaluated Schiver's work argue that this EmDrive is an erroneous concept, if not quackery.

Chinese prototype EmDrive. Compared to modern jet engines, it is incredibly simple and cheap to manufacture.

His theory, Schiver in 2003 built a demonstration engine that developed a tiny thrust of 16 millinewtons. However, instead of the triumph of the British engineer, a new batch of attacks awaited. In the end, critics, including experimenters from NASA, agreed that Shaiver's "success" was due to electronic interference, unaccounted for the influence of drafts, gravity, etc.

The principle of operation of EmDrive is based on the well-known phenomenon of radiation pressure: electromagnetic radiation, moving at the speed of light, has a certain momentum, which is repeatedly reflected and creates thrust in one of the directions

Chinese scientists have chosen a more thorough and cautious approach. First, they conducted theoretical studies and found that, in principle, the Shaiver engine can create thrust. A prototype engine was then created that, in testing, converted a couple of kilowatts of input power into about 720 millinewtons (72 grams) of thrust.

Such thrust may seem negligible, but Boeing's XIPS ion engine, with 2 times the power consumption, creates a quarter less thrust. At the same time, XIPS requires for operation not only a source of electricity, but also a large supply of fuel.

It is possible that Roger Shiver's "wacky craft" will turn out to be a real breakthrough, which will provide space and atmospheric technology with a completely new amazingly efficient engine. This is actually "anti-gravity" - soaring in the air without the roar of jet streams and the noise of propellers. So far, EmDrive produces a small amount of thrust, which is only enough to accelerate small satellites (which, in principle, is a huge achievement in itself). However, Shaiver believes that the use of superconductors will make it possible to increase thrust many times over - up to the possibility of spacecraft tearing off the surface of the planet and entering low-Earth orbit. By 2016, the engineer plans to build the first prototype on superconductors, which in the future will increase the thrust of EmDrive thousands of times.

If the same breakthrough occurs in energy sources, and compact generators capable of delivering hundreds of kilowatts appear, then flying cars and “pleasure” flights into orbit will become commonplace.

Scientists from China say they are about to test in spaceEM- drive- a quantum engine that does not need an external source of energy. This is not only a scientific and technological sensation and a breakthrough in space research: if the Chinese really manage to bring their perpetuum mobile to mind, traditional energy sources such as Russian oil and gas will someday become unnecessary.

China has created an EM-drive power plant that operates on a quantum principle and does not need an external energy source. The new engine has allegedly already been tested in laboratory conditions and now must pass "sea" tests in space. It will be launched into low Earth orbit and will undergo a series of tests.

The information was aired by the Chinese TV channel CCTV-2, and a test commercial is available on the Daily Mail. Nevertheless, the video recording does not make it possible to make a reasonable conclusion about the scientific viability of the declared project.

The idea of ​​perpetuum mobile, which draws energy from the interaction of an asymmetric resonator and a magnetron, was born 13 years ago (that is, in 2004) by the British physicist Roger Scheuer, founder of the Satellite Propulsion Research company.

A working prototype of the EM-drive was assembled in 2006, and research is being carried out both at the Chinese Research Center (Professor Yang Juan's laboratory) and at NASA (USA).

A report on the successful testing of a new type of electromagnetic engine, conducted by the Eagleworks laboratory (a division of NASA), appeared in November 2016 in the American Journal of Propulsion and Power, which is published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Prior to that - in 2015 - the publication had already published an article-report "Direct measurements of EM-drive flow quantities and possible side effects" (M. Tajmar, G. Fiedler).

However, for all the temptation of the dream of a perpetual motion machine, there is also an obvious contradiction with the basics of physics: the absence of a consumable working fluid violates the law of conservation of momentum. The positive results obtained by the researchers are attributed by their opponents to instrumental errors. At the same time, they, characteristically, do not find fault with the purity of tests in the NASA laboratory. And its employees attribute their success to the pilot wave theory. It is extremely little studied, but is the first known example of a theory with hidden variables, presented back in 1927 by the founder of quantum physics, the French scientist Louis de Broglie. David Bohm, who finalized it, provided a theoretical foundation for the interpretation of quantum mechanics as a deterministic theory. Its mathematical proof, in particular, is substantiated with the help of the quantum Lagrangian and derivations from the Schrödinger equation.

In general, the opponents failed to refute the physico-mathematical constructions of the researchers, who, it seems, have already passed into the experimental phase for several years.

As far as we know, in Russia such developments are not declared, but are actively carried out by some laboratories.

One of the competent scientific sources of our editors commented on the American and Chinese results in the field of EM-drive tests: "The engine, presumably, operates due to the emission of microwave waves, no cosmic radiation. Why is there so much controversy about the engine - its thrust is very difficult to measure.

The discrete opinion of the Russian physicist coincided with the conclusion of such a recognized authority in the field of physics as A.P. Shergin (Scientific Secretary, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute). He is cautious about the results obtained in American and Chinese laboratories: "The laws of conservation of energy are carried out one hundred percent. There can be no violations. When it seems that energy came from nowhere, in fact it simply transformed from another type of energy."

The conclusion that a certain innovation cannot work because "it can never work" is a painful reaction to someone else's discovery that is quite common in the scientific community. After all, behind any stable theory there is a whole school with recognized authorities, founding fathers and functionaries from Big Science. Inventors, on the other hand, are, as a rule, young initiative enthusiasts who have yet to prove their case and become venerable scientists, and on the way to overthrow some of the authoritative opinions of their predecessors (which, to put it mildly, is not to the liking of the authorities themselves).

A Romanian enthusiast built and launched an EM-drive at home:

Almost a hundred years before the research before the EM-drive, Nikola Tesla, ahead of his time, created a power plant, the principle of which contemporaries were clearly unable to understand and appreciate. The mystery of his experiments has not been solved to this day - perhaps because free energy will destroy the economy of consumption of fossil raw materials and the nuclear industry. Naturally, Russia, as one of the world's largest energy exporters, does not really need to use an EM-drive engine on the ground. Nevertheless, our country is one of the recognized leaders in the field of space exploration, and there these engines can become indispensable.

In China, a working version of the EmDrive engine has been created, which does not need fuel. This is reported by Western media with reference to a video published by the Chinese TV channel CCTV-2.

The video does not explain exactly how the engine works. At the same time, according to the statement of the Chinese side, soon the inventors intend to test this engine in space.

The operation of the device without fuel cannot be explained from the point of view of classical physics, since this contradicts known scientific laws.

The fuel-free EmDrive engine is a device consisting of a magnetron that creates microwaves and a resonator that accumulates the energy of their vibrations. If the device is made in the form of a cone, and the resonator is placed inside, then it is assumed that the entire device will begin to move at low speed towards the narrow part of the cone.

It is assumed that if such an invention is placed on a spacecraft, travel in the Universe over long distances will become possible, since the problem of refueling engines will be solved.

Science fiction

RT turned to Russian scientists for clarification. According to Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a specialist of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of astrospace industry Boris Stern, the invention of such an engine is still inaccessible to modern scientists.

“Such experiments are impossible. Scientists who claim this (about the creation of a fuel-free engine. — RT), or scammers, or unsuccessful experimenters, ”he explained.

Elena Lushchevskaya, a physicist at the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", spoke in the same vein. According to her, the operation of the engine without fuel is impossible, since "something must be added to the system in order to obtain efficiency."

“This does not happen,” she concluded, commenting on reports of the creation of a working sample of a fundamentally new engine in China.

Nathan Eismont, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, explained to RT that "without mass rejection, it is impossible to develop thrust." It is due to this that space rockets are currently moving: combustion products in the engine fly in one direction, and the rocket itself in the other. Everything else defies the laws of physics.

  • Aubrey Gemignani/

“I will say right away that this is nonsense.<...>We all want miracles, and we want them so badly that people who are quite literate and have received the appropriate education fall into a state where they begin to believe in miracles. Previously, they wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, but now they are trying to create an engine that will not discard masses, ”Eismont said.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Alexander Zheleznyakov found the statements of his Chinese colleagues so implausible that he declined to comment, calling the publications about the fuelless engine "fiction."

Dreamers from NASA

In November 2016, it became known about similar studies at NASA. Materials have leaked to the network, according to which the operation of such an engine is indeed possible. According to American engineers, EmDrive produces constant thrust without fuel consumption, and a directed beam of radiation is not generated, which, according to experts, contradicts the law of conservation of momentum.

Physicists claimed that a fuelless engine produces about 1.2 millinewtons of thrust for every kilowatt of energy expended. According to them, EmDrive generated thrust both in the presence of an atmosphere and in almost complete vacuum, so the device can be used both on Earth and in space.

But even then the miracle engine was severely criticized. Czech physicist Lubos Motl, after reading the report of American colleagues on the work of the invention, found errors in the document. He noted that in the scientists' article, the force generated by this engine is approximately 360 times greater than it should be if "pairs of virtual particles constantly appearing and disappearing in a vacuum were involved in its birth." This means that an error was made during the experiment (or calculations), or there were still some third-party forces that generated thrust.

For the first time, the development of such an engine became known in 2001. American aircraft engineer Roger Scheuer claimed that he intended to create a device that violates all known laws of physics.

The latest version of the engine was patented by Scheuer at the end of October 2016. The new modification differed from the previous ones by the presence of a superconducting plate. According to the scientist, it will reduce the change in the frequency of the electromagnetic wave as it propagates in the engine cavity and thus increase the thrust of EmDrive.

catalyst using iron nanoparticles. According to them, it is capable of "forever" from ordinary carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce a mixture of hydrocarbons that are similar to gasoline, the site reports with reference to RIA Novosti.

"Over the past 200 years, coal, oil and gas have been the main engines of our civilization, the basis of its economic and social development. Fuel combustion has led to the release of gigantic amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, which today causes negative climate change. Turning CO2 into fuel and chemicals is not only help us fight global warming, but also solve the problem of depletion of minerals," say Jian Sun from the Institute of Chemical Physics in Dalian (China) and his colleagues.

In recent years, scientists have been actively trying to find a way to turn atmospheric CO2 into biofuels and other useful substances. Last July, for example, Chicago physicists built a solar cell that uses light energy to break down CO2 and produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen, and in October, colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory built a catalyst that converts carbon dioxide into ordinary alcohol.

In principle, both can already be used to store energy, but these catalysts have two major drawbacks. They quickly fail and require cleaning after several tens of hours of operation, and also emit a lot of by-products.

Sun and his team solved both of these problems - their catalyst converts virtually all carbon dioxide into hydrocarbons, which form the basis of gasoline and other high-octane fuels, and at the same time works for at least 1000 hours (one and a half months) in "normal" industrial conditions.

It consists of two components - nanoparticles from a compound of iron oxide and sodium, as well as the so-called zeolites. Zeolites are hollow aluminum silicate nanoparticles, which are widely used today for water purification and for "packaging" various catalysts, the entry of molecules of which into zeolites significantly changes their properties and often makes them behave much more actively than in a free form.

As scientists note, each component in this case plays a different role - iron nanoparticles "break" carbon dioxide molecules and force it to combine with hydrogen atoms, while zeolites and their filling contribute to the combination of such "semi-finished products" into long chains of hydrocarbons.

The combination of these components, according to Chinese chemists, makes it possible to achieve the actual "eternity" of such a catalyst. Its effectiveness, according to scientists, decreased by only 6% in the first 300 hours of operation and then did not change, which suggests that it is stable and will remain in this form for much longer than 1000 hours. In addition, 96% of carbon dioxide is converted into an analogue of gasoline, and only 4% of CO2 is converted into methane.

Moreover, the "bouquet" of hydrocarbons can be flexibly changed by increasing or decreasing the proportions of hydrogen and CO2 in the mixture and by varying the type of zeolite used as a "packaging" for iron nanoparticles. Using solar panels as a source of energy to heat this gas mixture and pump it through the catalyst, it is possible to efficiently and cheaply store solar energy in the form of fuel familiar to everyone, while not harming the environment, Sun and his colleagues conclude.