How to recognize a witch in yourself and others. Signs of a witch in a woman. How to recognize a witch? What witches don't like

It’s not for nothing that they say that every woman has something magical and witchcraft. And if at least a few of the points listed in our article coincide, it means you have a little bit of a witch in you.

As children, we imagined witches and sorceresses as such sinister creatures with hooked noses, evil eyes, pointy hats and an invariable means of transportation - a broom.

In fact, every person has an inherent energy, be it white or black, that forces him to perform actions that sometimes have no explanation. For example, looking at a girl in high heels, we can think to ourselves (without malicious intent at all) - they say, how hard it is for her, as if she would not trip. And then those times, and the girl already, cursing, rises from the ground. She’s jinxed, we think to ourselves. Or, for example, a restless child cannot fall asleep even in the arms of his mother, but in your arms he snores sweet sleep. To the misunderstanding, surprise and dissatisfaction of my mother, who sang the entire repertoire of lullabies.

So what can it say that there were probably witches in your family, and that charms and abilities were passed on to you by inheritance?

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Developed intuition

Let me give you an example. I have a friend who recently started driving. He drives quite confidently and is not afraid. But sometimes it happens, as I call it, “stupid.” He may suddenly slow down a little and look to the side with concern. Just as soon as I open my mouth and ask, why aren’t we going, a crazy tinted “nine” flies out from around the corner and rushes past us, centimeters away. If we had stood half a meter further, the blow would have landed exactly on the passenger door. “Did you see the car?” – I ask in a voice trembling with fear and a little joy from the misfortune that has passed us. “No, I just felt it. And don’t even continue - I can’t explain,” the friend calmly answers. And there were many such moments in her life, not just while driving. She always follows her intuition and gut feeling and assures that they never let her down. Whether it’s buying real estate, meeting new people, dating a young man - it’s as if she reads the information and knows what it will bring her - good or bad. We even call her our loving witch. She is not offended, she just chuckles.

Ability to relieve pain

Have you noticed that, having hit ourselves, our hands involuntarily reach for the bruised area - we begin to rub it, and the pain gradually goes away. Doctors explain this by saying that we create heat with friction and soothe pain endings. But mediums believe that a person creates an energy field that, enveloping the injured area, helps cope with pain. But there are people who, with just one touch, can relieve pain not only in themselves, but also in others. They just need to place their palm, and the “patient” realizes with surprise: that’s it, it doesn’t hurt!

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Deja vu

It often happens - you sit, chat with family or friends - and bam! An insight descends on you: but this has already happened to me. This is an incomparable feeling of déjà vu, a kind of mini-premonition - you can predict your next actions within a few seconds. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet. Some scientists are inclined to think that a person is simply experiencing a state from the past, which he has subconsciously forgotten about for a long time. Psychics claim that these are echoes of your past life. And by the way, they claim that if you develop your abilities, you can predict the future.

Close to nature

Already now you can’t help but think about how wonderful it would be to live in your own house on the edge of the forest, with a river babbling under the window, in the shade of tall trees and away from the bustle of the city. There are no neighbors, but only the singing of birds, the rustling of leaves and the sounds of the forest, which do not scare you, but only calm you down. Well, this shows that you feel Mother Nature like no one else. She is close to you, from her you draw strength and give your energy. You are not afraid of thunder and thunder, you rejoice in any season and in every manifestation of the weather, be it severe frost, blizzard, hurricane, downpour, you find your charm and admire it.

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Love to the animals

Let me give you another example. There is a girl in our company who can probably tame any of the most obstinate and terrifying animals. There was some incident. While relaxing at a friend's dacha, we listened to warning information. Before leaving urgently, he warned us that he had unleashed his guard dog, the huge Caucasian shepherd dog Yulka. A lady with that same character kept the entire neighborhood in fear, was famous for her very aggressive disposition and was ready to tear anyone up for her home. “Don’t go out into the yard,” our friend said and drove off for a couple of hours. Everyone somehow forgot at once and decided to do a friendly photo shoot in the yard under a blooming apple tree. Cackling merrily, we settled down under a lush branch, when suddenly... we heard a dull growl. It was like a cold shower that hit us. Burning eyes flashed out of the darkness, and then she, Yulka, came out. Like the dog Cerberus guarding the gates - a giant red, shaggy, with a grinning mouth. Who was about to rush towards the house, but was stopped in time. I definitely wouldn't have made it. Here we stand, shaking with fear, and the hellhound is getting closer and closer. Suddenly our friend, thin Anya, with a joyful exclamation of “Yulechka, my girl, come to me,” took a step towards the monster! And then the monster instantly turned into... a giant plush toy! Waving her tail, she almost skipped up to Anya and started butting her head - like, come on, smooth it out. Together with Anya, she went into the house to the kitchen for cookies, and then settled down with the monster tamer on the porch, resting her head on her lap. And we made our way back into the house and watched this lovely scene from the windows.

We were sure that this was not the first time Anya had seen the dog and that the dog simply recognized her. It turned out not. "What a cutie. I’m so glad that she came to meet us,” she then exclaimed throughout the evening. And in fact, Anya always had a great relationship with animals - the most capricious biting cats climbed onto her lap and began to caress her, fighting dogs fell with their bellies in the air and put their bellies up for her friend to stroke them.

There is an opinion that there are a huge number of witches living among people. They can be found everywhere, in every corner of the globe. Naturally, at the present stage, not many of them dress in ritual clothing. And few people wear characteristic jewelry. And if someone puts them on, they try to hide them under their clothes. There is nothing strange in the question of what signs of a witch might be in a woman. It can be heard especially often from men.

Can fairy tales help?

We first heard about witches when we were read fairy tales. Does it make sense to say that their image was not kind and good? However, it is no secret that magical powers can be used with good wishes. Couldn't a prince's kiss overcome evil spells? Wasn’t it magic that helped Cinderella? These are just a few possible examples. Trying to find signs of a witch in a woman, one cannot say with confidence that magic brings only evil. This is an unfair statement. Much depends on the person.

Should everyone be considered a witch?

So who can be considered a witch? Someone who is capable of performing any mystical acts? However, it is worth remembering Moses, who directed all his abilities to help the suffering. And it should be noted that almost all people have magic from their very birth. So what signs of a witch may be present in a woman? Folklore paints a not entirely pleasant image of Baba Yaga.

Adults quite often speak negatively about those people who try to use magic. And since children generally strive to be like their parents, they try to adopt their opinions. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that at the present stage many people have a negative attitude towards everything related to magic. That is why we are gradually losing it. And only a small part managed not to lose this skill.

Wisdom and intelligence are a characteristic feature of many owners of magical abilities.

So what signs of a witch may be present in a woman? Since ancient times, man has worshiped various mysteries. With every new minute lived, understanding is born. Accordingly, meaning appears. However, very often you can come across such an opinion, the essence of which is that mystery is gradually being replaced by meaning and understanding. But this assumption is very far from the truth. Secrets never go away. They just become deeper and more interesting.

Before you begin to figure out how to recognize a witch, you need to understand that magic belongs to both the spiritual sphere of life and the scientific one. In this regard, it can be said that people who practice magic must have an excellent understanding of the principles of physics and metaphysics. They are used in magical activities.

Some things have always happened. Magic can safely be considered one of them. This word should be understood as wisdom. This is precisely the meaning of the word “magic” in translation. Accordingly, a magician is a sage. The concept of "witch" has a similar meaning. And in order to figure out how to recognize a witch, you need to understand that this is the name given to those who know the secret meaning.

The pursuit of truth

Holders of magical skills understood by wisdom not only the presence of a mind, but also a soul. This is due to the fact that even when the brain, in which there is a certain amount of knowledge, dies, the soul continues to live. If you want to understand how to recognize a witch, then pay attention to a word like parapsychology. Mediums have a rare gift, as they have the ability to comprehend universal wisdom. However, such a skill can be developed by everyone, not just a select few. If a person constantly strives in search of new knowledge, in solving riddles, then he will be able to return to the lost origins, to magic. However, aspiration alone is not enough. We must understand exactly where the truth is hidden and what is false. It was because of this that the question arose about how to recognize a witch in a woman. Those who are capable of performing magical acts simply hide their abilities. If they tell the truth, they will not receive honor. People do not trust those who have hidden, secret abilities. Therefore, witches and sorcerers will not be able to receive love.

Should we believe external signs?

However, what could be the signs of a modern witch? can you see in that girl who has attractiveness and sex appeal? If a girl excites the imagination, is it possible to see her territory, to touch the dark energy that she possesses? A lot of people dream about this. The appearance of a witch is the same everywhere. This is definitely a beautiful and young girl who dresses flashy and impressive. Clothes should contain mostly dark shades.

Speaking about the distinctive features of a witch, in most cases it is implied that she is characterized by an intelligent and insightful look. You can even find some bohemian notes. However, after a longer conversation, you can understand that this is not a witch, but a capricious and wayward girl. However, she can also be very intriguing.

If you want to know what signs can be used to determine that you are a witch, then you should understand that there is no secret code. No one says what the owner of magical powers should look like. The main thing is naturalness. However, there is no need to doubt that there may be very little sincerity. A girl can have any twists and turns.

How to understand that there is a witch in front of you?

What could be the external signs of a witch? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. However, you must understand that the owner of magical abilities loves to play to the public. Especially if you need to demonstrate the presence of intelligence. For the sake of success, she will not spare anyone. Even yourself. At first glance, you can decide that the witch is a selfish and narcissistic creature. But you shouldn’t be guided by your first opinion about those who have the gift of magic. If you look as deeply as possible, you can see that for the witch, the dominant role is occupied not so much by herself, but by her environment. However, if there is a chance to show off, she will never miss it.

Medieval instructions should be discarded immediately, since they are absolutely not suitable for modern reality. Well, we won’t throw a girl into the water and see whether she drowns or not. And then judge that if she didn’t drown, she’s definitely a witch. In reality, attention should be paid to completely different aspects. And one of the main signs is that modern witches simply do not know about the presence of magical power within themselves. This is her main trick. There are creatures that are simply trying to pass themselves off as a witch. However, they themselves are not such.

An ordinary girl who strives for knowledge

A real witch sincerely considers herself an ordinary person. This judgment is absolutely correct. After all, only in this case will she not doubt anything, will not regret, will not try to look amazing in any situation, so as not to reduce the glory of centuries-old traditions. And it should be noted that it is always necessary to be so unshakable. This is the only way you can show your magical abilities and achieve maximum success.

The sole, instinctive goal of the owner of magic is the need to penetrate the world of consciousness. In addition, one must always comprehend the basics of the unconscious. To do this, many modern witches resort to the simplest method - sex. And at the same time, they strive to get more than just pleasure.

For a witch, sex is a kind of explosive that can stir up the subconscious. With the help of such an effective method, a woman seeks to explode her soul, to turn her body into a ruthless object for pleasure. At the same time, the witch manages to maintain all the firmness of her judgments and adequately perceive incoming information.

Why the desire to gain abilities?

Why do many girls strive to become witches? What will they subsequently do with their abilities? Where will they send all the information received, and what benefit will they personally derive from it? The answers to all the questions posed are quite simple. The dark side of creation can be safely attributed to a powerful area in which not only negativity and destruction can exist, but also positive aspects.

For example, you can direct all your strength to creative inspiration, material enrichment, and spiritual development. You can find a lot of options. It’s not for nothing that women, over the course of many centuries, have always strived to gain abilities in all possible ways.

If you want to become a witch, then you should understand that you may have a powerful source of energy in your hands, which will be used for your purposes at your discretion. However, you can harm yourself with your rash and frivolous actions. This must not be forgotten under any circumstances.

Modern witches are different from fairy tale characters

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that modern witches in no way resemble the caricatured grandmothers from a variety of fairy tales. They are practically no different from ordinary people. However, this does not negate the desire to understand what they look like. This is facilitated by a variety of goals, starting with simple fear and interest. Therefore, it is worth listing some more signs of a modern witch.

What signs can be used to determine the presence of abilities?


In this review, we tried to look at some of the signs by which a witch can be identified. However, as you might guess, almost all beautiful and sexy girls can be classified as witches. Especially if they have a strong character and do not follow men’s lead. Therefore, there is no need to look for signs of a witch in a girl. You just have to admire and love her.

Incredible facts

Who is this witch?

And how to recognize her among a crowd of people?

Is it a curse to be her or a reward from above?

As a rule, the word witch is pronounced in a half whisper.

Many people associate the meaning of this word with something forbidden and shameful. Of course, the reason for this is some stereotypes that have developed from time immemorial in the wake of patriarchy, male dominance in society, which has permeated the planet for 5 thousand years.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that very often male energy simply suppressed female energy if it turned out to be stronger.

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Just look at the so-called witch hunts in medieval Europe. Thousands of lives lost were the result of the hysterical mood of the crowd and its ignorant mentality.

If a woman was beautiful, had red hair, or simply loved cats, she could be declared a witch, captured and burned at the stake.

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At that time, a huge number of wise women, healers, and those who were close to the earth were killed. In the Middle Ages, any woman who refused to obey Christian and patriarchal laws could easily be killed.

Under false pretenses, amid growing hysteria, thousands of innocent lives were ruined by those who simply seemed strange and incomprehensible to others.

In fairness, it is very important to bring back the beauty, power and heritage of the word "witch". The witch's goal has always been and will be the earth.

Witches love the earth and worship nature. And nature is not Satan.

Another common myth about huge warts on a witch’s nose was formed as a result of the influence of Hollywood films. Scary Halloween masks do not reflect reality at all.

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In fact, witches are beautiful and natural, like nature itself. They do no harm and live by the rules of karma : everything they do comes back to them threefold.

The more we kill the earth, the more we kill ourselves. Witches enjoy communion with the wild and are influenced by the Earth cycle and lunar phases.

So how can you recognize a witch among millions of ordinary women? Is she a witch? Or maybe you yourself have asked this question more than once? Here are 13 mystical signs that can help you determine if you are a witch:

How to recognize a witch

1. Connection with the power of the earth

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A witch is a woman of the earth. We inherit her natural strength, the ability to give birth, transform, and heal. Feminine strength and energy is very similar to the power of the earth.

Do you know how to see signs in simple things and find answers to your questions in the patterns that nature draws? Is her wisdom your wisdom?

Do your life and your body adapt to the seasonal changes of nature? If you are active and dynamic in the summer, become sluggish and calm in the fall, seem to be dead in the winter, and are reborn in the spring, then you are completely dependent on the whims of nature.

Signs of a witch in a woman

2. Inner wisdom

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You undoubtedly have something of a witch in you if:

You feel that a cauldron of natural healing wisdom is boiling inside you, and people turn to you for advice, talk about their life, love, or share their problems in the hope that you will help them.

You, in turn, give them advice or prepared herbal tinctures and various potions(because she is well acquainted with the properties of plants). People leave you with hearts full of hope for happiness and healing.

How do I know if I'm a witch?

3. Closeness to nature

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Do you live in a forest or near a pond? If not, do you spend a lot of time in such places, preferring them to urban areas?

Witches, being inextricably linked with nature, try to be as close to nature as possible and spend as much time with it as possible. Her natural beauty and energy nourish the witches and give them strength.

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Many perform their rituals near water or in the forest. If you are a witch, you feel right at home in nature.

Signs of a witch

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

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You do not feel fear, even when nature is raging so much that it seems like the apocalypse has arrived. Moreover, you enjoy storms and storms, and sometimes you wonder if perhaps your own energy caused such a disaster.

The witch revels in the power of nature in all its manifestations. She rejoices in the rain and the wind.

5. Love for animals

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You love the animal world and empathize with all living beings on our planet. You are able to feel their pain and cry with him.

In some strange natural way, you know the entire animal race, are able to understand it, and also see the signs that animals give you.

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Often lost dogs come into your house or birds fly into your windows. And it also happens that in the field an unfamiliar horse will come close and lean its head on your shoulder.

Can you talk to animals, understand their requests and heal them from illnesses?

Witches and animals are so dependent on nature that they can speak a similar energetic language and easily recognize each other.

How to spot a witch

6. Influence of the Moon

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Does your activity and mood depend on the lunar phases? The energy of the moon affects you. When you were a little girl and standing by a moonlit window, did you talk to the moon? Are you adapting to its phases now?

For example, do you start any new projects or relationships when the moon is exceptionally waxing? Have you noticed that when the moon is full, things around you begin to behave strangely, and when it is waning, all endeavors or relationships weaken and decline?

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If you have the traits of a witch, you will not miss the opportunity to sit alone in complete silence on a new moon. In the dark, you like to dream and make plans for the future.

So, on a new moon, you adapt to the phases of the moon, drawing on its energy.

Witch Abilities

7. Powerful power to make wishes come true

Do you have any suspicions that your wishes have the ability to come true? Be careful with them, because both good and bad wishes can come true.

Witches are as old as time. If you are a witch, in your eyes you can see ancient stories and secrets of the earth, myths and secrets, answers to many questions.

8. The ability to heal people

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Most likely, you have the traits of a witch if you have the desire and ability to heal people.

You have the gift of choosing medicinal herbs, natural energy products for yourself and loved ones. You are undoubtedly a witch if you simply place your hand on someone’s sore back or bruise, and the next day the pain disappears and the wound heals.

People can be cured of their illnesses, even if they are just near you. Witches, being very close to the earth, are natural healers.

Witch Traits

9. Memories of a past life

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As a rule, witches remember their past lives. Many of them have painful memories of being burned at the stake or drowned in the Middle Ages simply because they were wild, wise and free.

Witches are desperately trying to drive away images from the past.

10. White Crow

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As a rule, witches always feel uncomfortable around people. They are often considered black sheep and underestimated, despite the fact that they are wise and insightful. People around them simply do not understand them.

Sometimes they are said to be outsiders, since they often withdraw into themselves and avoid people, although serious passions are seething inside them.

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If you are a witch, most likely you do not fit into generally accepted norms and rules. You know secret and sacred things and can discern what others cannot understand.

You do not blend in with a large crowd, but, on the contrary, prefer loneliness. You are very sensitive and fragile, but at the same time you have the strength of a lone wolf.

You need a lot of time to think, dream, communicate with nature and adapt to a new wave.

11. Mystical crystals as personal possession

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You are attracted to beautiful rocks that contain the energy of the earth. Rose quartz, turquoise, amber – these natural stones have been at your disposal for a long time.

You have been keeping them since those times when you did not yet know about their magical properties. Some of them were given to you, others you collected yourself.

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The witch knows about their properties to heal ailments, knows how to charge stones, use them as protection against negative influences from the outside, and also wears them as jewelry.

If you are a witch, you know how to use a burning candle and some stones to summon spirits and angels, and also create a magical divine aura.

12. Magic

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You believe in magic like a child, you see mysticism in the air and around you. You are attracted to unusual things, stories, objects.

Despite the fact that the people around you do not believe in mystical signs and omens, there is a corner in your heart in which you keep faith in magic.

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You are attracted to films, books, creepy and strange stories about witches and ghouls. You think that there are no coincidences, and that everything that happens to us cannot be called an accident.

You believe in signs and symbols and you always see them. You adhere to the principle “there are no coincidences in this world” and you know that even if you are somewhere completely alone, you are never alone.

13. Fortune telling

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You have a very developed intuition, and very often you anticipate and predict events as accurately as if you had that same magic crystal ball inside you.

When you talk about what you think might happen, people tend to listen to you. Sometimes you can see the distant future and predict the result of one or another action. But you see not only the future, dreams and visions also tell you about your past life.

You can read a person like an open book, and you can tell a lot by their energy. You have a developed sixth sense. For this reason, you are attracted to Tarot cards and other mystical things and objects, thanks to which you can predict love, separation and other events.

If you can confidently attribute at least a few of the 13 signs to yourself, it is quite possible that you are a real witch.

Hereditary witches - 10 signs that you are descended from witches

It's no secret today that genealogies of powerful hereditary witches are found all over the world. In the popular television series Charmed back in the 90s, we saw a vivid example of a hereditary witch who set the stage for her three powerful granddaughters to become “Charmed.” According to the plot, the Halliwell family descends from a powerful witch from Salem, who passed on her own powers to her descendants.

Family trees of hereditary witches

Naturally, this serial story is fictitious. Nevertheless, today all over the world there are real births of both white or neutral and black witches. Not every descendant in these families becomes a witch. Only the most talented are chosen and raised in special traditions of esoteric origin.

Hereditary witches, such as British, Irish, Greek, Voodoo, Slavic, Scandinavian, Celtic, Arabic, Mexican, Italian, pass on their powers and abilities hereditarily from generation to generation. Hereditary witches are most often found in parts of the world where families live together for most of their lives.

Why do they keep their abilities a secret?

There are two reasons for this.

Witches are not easily accepted by society, most likely due to the power they possess. This means that such families often try to keep it a secret and NEVER reveal themselves or their abilities, even to their own descendants. With the madness of the Dark Ages, they became even more secret (as if they weren't secret enough already).

These births often serve different purposes. Some serve light or dark forces, while others become politically or financially interested. Therefore, wars between witches and their families are not uncommon. There are even rumors that great wars (for example, World War II) began as a consequence of the witch wars. Do you remember how British witches fought Nazi occultists? Or perhaps think about the Crusades. Many people believe that they were actually trying to find powerful magical artifacts, at least those that had nothing to do with Christianity anyway.

10 signs that you are a hereditary witch

The ancestor can only reveal power and wisdom if the child shows special signs of magical power. However, there are many hints and signs by which you can understand that your ancestors actually know much more than they will ever admit.

I come from an old line of witches myself. It was only when I turned 20 that my grandmother told me the whole truth. There is no age standard. Some families reveal their “magical essence” to their descendants at a young age, while others prefer to keep it a secret longer.
Let's look at the signs that we are from a family of witches. Here is a list of signs that every hereditary witch should know about!

1. Your ancestors love to tell stories.

Do/did your ancestors like to tell interesting stories and fairy tales? Hereditary witches are often raised by telling stories and tales over and over again. It is very important for their descendants to get acquainted with the world of magic and witchcraft.

Additionally, these stories often have a structure that teaches the young witch something about their esoteric traditions or morality. “With great power comes great responsibility.”
2. Your ancestors love to make various tinctures, decoctions and mixtures

Did your ancestors always have tinctures for everything? In witch families, it is customary to create recipes for various potions, prepare them and pass them on to future generations. They are used to help with studying, for better sleep, for calmness, for better sex...the list goes on forever.

3. People in your family are able to interpret dreams.

Did your ancestors always find it interesting to hear about your dreams? Witches and, of course, hereditary witches know that in our dreams we are more aware of our true essence. Moreover, hereditary witches often wait for the right moment to talk to their children or grandchildren about their magical powers. This “right moment” may come just after the child’s dream. A dream that revealed his true purpose.

4. Your ancestors are extraordinary advisers.

Do your relatives give you specific advice? My grandmother always gave me advice that made sense and was understandable only to witches. For ordinary people, they were more like superstitions, so they laughed at her. Of course, I listened to them carefully.
I understood the meaning of such advice as “don’t whistle in the forest at night”, “always have a pot of basil at home”, “don’t leave your hair on the brush” or “always flush bloody napkins down the toilet” only when I studied magic.

5. Your relatives are great cooks.

Are your ancestors weird cooks? Using seasonings and herbs that no one else knows about or uses? Kitchen magic is very popular because it is secretive and powerful at the same time. Witches love spices and herbs and prefer to use them daily to improve their lives.

Still admiring their huge collections of dried herbs and exotic spices, beautifully presented in hand-signed glass bottles? Cooking becomes unique if you add a little magic to it...

6. Your relatives love nature

Did your parents raise you to love nature and have you always spent a lot of time outdoors? Hereditary witches love to teach their heirs the wonders of nature. Future witches are taught to distinguish between birds, reptiles and trees. They organize various activities in the forest, spending a lot of time among lakes, rivers and forests so that their heirs establish contact with nature.

7. Your ancestors are lone wolves

Do your relatives like to spend time alone with themselves? They may be old and/or they may have lost their spouses, but they don't mind being at home all alone. Somehow they manage to do it perfectly. Witches are not afraid to be alone. They even prefer it for certain rituals and processes. It's not that they don't enjoy the company of their loved ones. Quite the contrary. However, they just love to be left alone.

8. Your predecessors are walking calendars

Do they always know what phase of the moon it is and what holiday it is today? Sometimes they even know religious calendars by heart. Witches are always susceptible to the rotation of the sun and moon. It is also very important for them to keep up with the zodiac.

9. Your ancestors did unusual rituals, sometimes related to birth or death.

Did your predecessors perform small rituals at the birth of a child, moving house, or the beginning of the New Year? Witches, despite the fact that they want to keep their essence secret, try to never miss important moments. Did they bury the placenta in blessed soil after the baby was born? Have you noticed that they cover the mirrors when someone dies?
Even though they don't talk much about what they do, they insist on performing such rituals. Additionally, they want their heirs to attend some of these rituals and perhaps have every little detail explained to them.
10. Your body and the bodies of your ancestors have identical “witch marks”

Do your ancestors have the same designations or marks on their bodies as you? Do they keep telling you that you have inherited these weird spots on your body?

As we have already explained in detail in our article on witch marks, very often in witch families people are born with the same marks on their bodies, which confirm their blood relationship. What’s even more interesting is that even an adopted child can have the same signs. Witch marks are a mark of magical bloodline in the genetic code.

- Gild your pen, beauty! I'll tell you the whole truth!
Anna quickened her pace, not paying attention to the gypsy who tagged along behind her.
- You will have deep, real love. Coming soon. Do you want me to tell you which of the two you love?
Long wrinkled fingers grabbed the sleeve of his coat.
“No, I’m not interested.” She’s never had a boyfriend, much less two. Anna has long come to terms with the fact that she is not attracted to either men or women. The life of an asexual is calm and allows you to channel the energy that others waste in vain into useful things, for example, into professional growth. Dr. Anna Krivosheeva was considered one of the best geneticists in the city.
Anna tried to shake off her hand, but the old woman held on tightly.
“Isn’t the truth worth the change from your pocket?”
The light rain that had been drizzling since Anna left the clinic began to fall, threatening to turn into downpour. Wet. Disgusting. I’d rather go home, wrap myself in a warm blanket and drink strong tea.
“Here,” Anna pursed her lips and grabbed the change left over from visiting the store from her pocket. Let be. If only I could quickly get rid of the gypsy.
- Hey, baby, I’m not a beggar. “I want to help you,” the old woman hid the handout, but continued to mince nearby. - Two kings, two handsome men love you. Both are red-haired, strong, rich. Their love is different, but sincere. But you will be happy with only one. Make sure you don't make a mistake with your choice!
Without listening to the gypsy, Anna saw a minibus at the bus stop and hurried towards it. She slipped in a puddle, fell and cursed as she watched the car drive away. The cream cashmere coat was dirty, and so was the bag.
We should have taken a taxi.
Swearing through her teeth, Anna stood up and tried to clean her soiled sleeve with a napkin.
- Aegis!
The red-haired stranger picked her up and kissed her.
- What the hell? “Anna pushed him away with difficulty and tried to break free, but the guy held her tightly.
Breathing became erratic. My heart was beating like crazy. Anna had never felt such excitement before.
- Sorry, Aegis. I know you don't remember me, but that's fixable. We will go to the temple of the Great Mother and she will return you to you.
“Let me go,” this was no longer a request, but an order. Oddly enough, the man obeyed. He put her down but continued to hold her hand.
Anna never found the strength to break free. She looked into the stranger’s face and fell silent, meeting a loving gaze. A handsome man, but why does he wear red contact lenses?
- I'm Leonil, your husband.
- I'm single. Let me go! — there are a lot of swindlers! That's right, that gypsy woman set me off.
My head was spinning, as if after a bottle of vodka. Yes, some vodka would be nice right now. One hundred grams. Or better yet, three hundred.
“Let her go,” a growl was heard behind her. Anna looked back and saw another redhead. Same long hair. Only the one who called himself Leonil had strands hanging freely, turning into wet icicles in the rain, and this one had his hair braided in a thick short braid. Leonil was dressed for the weather: in a white coat, jeans and boots, but the second one sported a bare torso. The only clothes he was wearing were short red shorts. There were no shoes either. What kind of hippie is this?
Leonil did not answer. He grabbed Anna in his arms, pressed her to his chest and jumped somewhere. For a moment it seemed as if my heart had stopped, and the air had disappeared and I couldn’t breathe.
- Let me go! “Anna finally managed to free herself from the embrace and look around. - What the hell?!
She stood in the middle of a room as huge as the concert hall of the Old Theater. Columns stylized as animals and people held up the vaulted ceiling. In the center of the hall stood a huge statue, twice the height of a man, of a woman naked to the waist. In one hand she held a golden cup, in the other - crystal beads.
- Glory to the Great Mother, I have returned my wife.
- I want to know what's going on? - Anna felt that any more and she would start to go hysterical. I took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help much.
“Now you’ll remember everything,” Leonil took her hands in his. A trembling ran through my body, my legs felt like they were made of cotton, and my heart froze for a moment, only to beat again in an uneven rhythm. What kind of obsession? Why is she reacting so strangely to this stranger?
“I don’t want to,” Anna freed her hands and squeezed them into a lock.
- Why?
- I need to go home.
- Are you already at home. Many years ago you died, and then were reborn in another world. I was looking for you, I had almost lost hope, but Mother was favorable to our feelings and allowed us to find you. After all, you and I are a true couple.
“Nonsense,” Anna stepped back. The mind said that it was necessary to run, but the body wanted to rush into the arms of a stranger. My heart ached with the desire to touch Leonil, feel the warmth of his body, kiss him. It's all strange. I didn't drink anything at work. Only tea at lunch. Couldn't they have given her drugs? Who? And why? No, it all started after meeting a gypsy woman. Nothing other than her scam. But how to explain the sudden change in situation? Anna looked back again. Just a minute ago she was standing on the street, and now she found herself in a strange temple.
Hot. Anna unbuttoned the top button of her coat.
- Come after me. Don’t be afraid,” Leonil took her hand again.
- What do you want?
- I want you to remember us. You love me no less than I love you. I cannot be with another woman, and in the same way you are not able to find happiness with another man. We are destined for each other, and the Great Mother brought us together one day, despite the distance. We can't lose each other.
- Stop talking about this pretentious nonsense! - Anna nevertheless broke down into hysterical notes. - You kidnapped me! It is a crime. They will look for me.
- Don't be afraid, Aegis. No one will find you here. I'll take care.
- My name is Anna.
-Your real name is Aegis.
“You’re sick,” Anna was still trying to find a rational explanation for what had happened. — I was kidnapped by a schizophrenic.
“Don’t be afraid,” Leonil led her to the statue. - Now you will remember everything.
- I won’t allow you to dig into my brain! - Panicked, Anna rushed away. An elderly woman in a white robe tried to stop her at the door, but Anna was quicker. Pushing open the high door, she jumped out into the street and froze in horror. The temple was located on a hill, and at its foot lay the city. Tall houses were surrounded by greenery. Their smooth forms, reminiscent of lava frozen by a wave, were strikingly different from the usual rectangular high-rise buildings. On the opposite edge was another hill, on which stood a large white building that looked like a giant squid, whose tentacles hugged the hill, and its head was lost in the clouds. Another temple?
“Alyoncel,” Lionel stood next to him and nodded towards the city. - Do you like it?
- What is this? - Anna almost cried. Sweat ran down his back in a nasty stream. Hot. Unlike her hometown, where it was deep autumn, summer reigned here.
- The capital of Celia, my kingdom. Of our kingdom.
“Bullshit,” it seems, is her favorite word today.
- Let's go to. You will remember everything, and we will be happy,” Lionel gave her his hand. Noticing the hesitation, he firmly repeated, “Don’t be afraid.”
Anna looked up at Leonil and could no longer resist. Is it possible to refuse when they look at you with such love?
Leonil led her back to the temple. He placed him facing the statue, and stood still behind his back, putting his hands on his shoulders.
The hall was filled with people in white robes. Melodious singing began to flow, and a strange feeling of flight arose. Hypnosis? Trance? Now they will sell a wild tale, and then swindle it out for money.
Anna closed her eyes and took a step to the side. She swayed. My head began to spin, my legs gave way, and if Leonil hadn’t caught me, I would have fallen to the floor.
“You can’t break contact,” he chided her gently, pressing her to his chest.
- I don't play your games.
- Fine. Go home. We'll wake up your memory later.
-Where are you taking me?
- Home.
— I live in Bolotino.
- Forget about this terrible world. Your home is here.
“Perhaps you can still tell me what’s going on?” “Anna decided not to break free for now and allowed herself to be carried in her arms. The forces are not equal, and, to be honest, it was cozy in the man’s arms. Suspiciously cozy.
“You could remember everything yourself.”
-What do you want me to remember?
- You are my betrothed. Every living being has a soul mate. Only with her can he be happy, only with her can he have heirs. I looked for you and found you in another world. It is rare, but it happens when two halves of the soul are born in different worlds. You were held captive by a dragon. I saved you, we got married and were happy. Unfortunately, not for long. The dragon, angry that I stole his most valuable treasure, searched for you and found you. I'm sorry that I was far away at that moment and could not protect you. I wanted to bring you back, but your soul managed to fly far away. I had the opportunity to search for you for a long time in alien worlds.
“An interesting fairy tale, but I don’t believe in it,” Anna frowned, trying to control her own desire to attack the man with kisses. The mind said that she was in a mousetrap, that she was being brainwashed, hoping that she would believe an outright lie, but her heart demanded that she trust and relax, because she had met her soul mate.
- Why? You feel the same as me. Do you love me.
- I'm seeing you for the first time.
- In this life - yes.
They approached an arch located on a small rise in the middle of the room. Leonil climbed the steps, passed through the opening, and they found themselves in a round room, in which Anna counted seven more similar stone arches.
- What was it? “Anna involuntarily grabbed the man’s shoulders.
- Teleportation.
- Really? After all, it is only tested, and then on inanimate objects.
“What is called “teleportation” in your world,” Leonil grimaced contemptuously, “has nothing to do with the ability to instantly cover distances.” We are already in the castle. I'll take you to your room.
- I can walk there myself.
- Do not argue. I'm pleased.
- What if I argue?
- For what? - He nevertheless put her on the floor.
- Thank you. Are you saying that I am in another world?
“That’s right,” Leonil led her through a suite of rooms. — The castle has several portals configured to move inside the building. We will shorten the path if we use one of them.
- I do not trust you.
- Now we will use the portal, and...
- I'm not talking about portals. I don't believe that I'm in another world. Prove it.
-What will you accept as evidence? — Leonil behaved surprisingly compliantly for a kidnapper.
Anna caught herself thinking that she wanted to believe him. She wants him to really be who he claims to be - her beloved husband. But the old habit of digging into every little detail and not taking anything for granted was stronger than the suddenly flared up feeling.
- Show me your world. I want to be sure that he is not a decoration or a delirium of my sick psyche.
— Do you want to go on a trip now or will you rest first?
- Now.
“Then we’ll go in the other direction.”
Leonil turned into the side door.
After a couple more turns, Anna found herself in a cramped closet, against the far wall of which stood the same arch as in the temple, only smaller.
— How does the teleport work? - Only when she approached the steps of the dais did Anna notice that all this time she had been holding the kidnapper’s hand, as if it was in the order of things. Freeing her hand, she hurried to start a conversation on a neutral topic, just to distract herself from her own romantic thoughts and desires.
— The magician makes punctures at the points of arrival and connects them with a channel from compressed space. The puncture sites are stabilized, the channel is strengthened, it is checked that time flows at the same speed, both in the channel and in the world, and only after that the teleport can be used. Don't worry, all the arches in the palace are checked twice a month. There has never been a case of imbalance.
Leonil offered his hand again, and Anna, without hesitation, immediately leaned on it. You can’t trust someone who kidnapped you and talks terrible nonsense! But, unfortunately, the voice of reason sounded quieter, but the heart beat louder. She is at home. She is with her beloved. Now she will be happy.
On the other side of the teleport there was a stable. At a sign from Leonil, six pegasi were immediately harnessed into the carriage, which resembled a huge oyster shell. Yes, these white horses had wings. Anna even felt them - they were real. The pegasi continually stretched their wings, stretching, like ducks in a barnyard.
Anna took off her coat, which was immediately picked up by one of the servants. Just change the boots for shoes, and it would be completely fine.
Leonil helped her get into the carriage, carefully placed a pillow under her back and took the reins. The pegasi ran along the runway paved with colored tiles and soared into the sky.
- Oh! — Anna grabbed the seat rails. “I thought we would go in a safer way.”
“It’s safe to fly on pegasi,” her new husband assured her. “And you can admire the city from above.”
After hesitating, Anna nevertheless risked looking out and appreciating the panorama.
Well, if she wanted proof, there was already enough of it. Pegasi are definitely alive; it is technically impossible to make half a ton fly on two relatively flimsy wings, so the version with robots is out of the question. And the carriage, to be honest, did not at all resemble a flying machine, but nevertheless it stayed in the air perfectly. Maybe anti-gravity has already been invented in this world? In any case, it is easier to believe in another world than in violation of physical laws. After all, if she really ended up in another dimension, then the physical laws here may operate differently, which means that what the locals call “magic” has a right to exist.
- Can you hear me? — Leonil touched her hand.
- Did you say something? — Anna was distracted from her thoughts.
“Perhaps flying really isn’t the best idea,” he ran his finger over her cheek.
Anna closed her eyes, overcome by a previously unknown languor. Her heart was filled with tenderness, and when Leonil kissed her, Anna, succumbing to her feelings, reached out to him like a flower to water.
She had never felt so good before. All past life ceased to matter. Plans, patients, scientific work - everything faded not even into the background, but into the tenth place. Now only this kiss mattered.
A sharp turn - and Anna hit the back of her head against the wall. Leonil immediately opened his arms and jumped out of the carriage, turning into a scarlet snake. Four short legs, rudimentary wings covered with short feathers, and a large maned head - such a monster could only exist on the pages of legends and fairy tales. However, here he is fighting in the sky with a real dragon, whose golden scales shine no less brightly than those of a snake.
Left to their own devices, the pegasi kept a safe distance from the monsters, but did not fly away.
Anna couldn't take her eyes off the fight. There was no fear. What was happening seemed too unreal to be afraid.
The dragon squeezed the snake's throat with its jaws and tried to tear its belly with its paws, but Leonil wriggled, not allowing himself to be reached. His tail, topped, as far as Anna could see, with three spikes, kept flailing through the air, missing the dragon by just an iota, but finally luck smiled on the snake. The spikes hit the dragon in the side, and he was forced to unclench his teeth.
Breaking free from the grip, Leonil himself tried to reach the enemy, but instead of the throat, he could only grab onto the front paw.
Anna heard a bone crack, followed by a roar of pain. The dragon breathed fire, but the snake did not retreat. A jerk - and the dragon's paw was in his teeth. Scarlet blood rained down onto the ground. Roaring again, the dragon soared upward and disappeared. Anna rubbed her eyes. No, he really disappeared. He didn’t fly away, didn’t fall, didn’t disappear into the clouds, but disappeared without a trace, as if he never existed.
The scarlet snake hovered over the carriage. While still in the air, he turned human and softly sank onto the seat next to Anna.
“I hope you weren’t too scared?” “I drove him away,” Leonil tossed a strand of hair matted with blood and soot from his face. - Sorry, he ruined your walk. I'll strengthen the barriers so he can't get in here anymore.
- Who is he? - Anna looked again at the empty sky.
“Dragon,” Leonil turned the carriage back. - You need to rest. Our chambers are the same as they were when you died. I didn't want to change anything without you.
- Why did I die?
- The dragon killed you.