Day of the angel Valery men. The meaning of the name Valeria, origin, character and fate of the name Valeria. Pendant with the name Valeria made of gold: photo

Valeria is a rather beautiful modern name. It is widespread in Russia. When pronouncing this name or hearing it, the image of a strong, successful, strong-willed and purposeful woman comes to mind. Since the name took its root from the masculine - Valery, masculine charisma is clearly felt. Let's look at what Valeria really is, what secrets and mysteries this name will present to us.

The name Valery has been around for many years and centuries. The name is strong, one might say, imperial. In order to understand the origin and find out interesting facts about the birth of the name, let's dive deeper into history.

  • The name Valeria comes from the male name Valery. "VALEO" translated from Latin means - to be strong, strong, healthy, healthy.
  • The name appeared in Ancient Rome. In those distant times, women did not have names; they were called by their father, and later by their husband. Knowing this fact, we can assume that Lerochka was the daughter or wife of a certain Valery.
  • The name was used only in noble and wealthy families.
  • The Romans believed that the owner of this name would certainly be a powerful, strong-willed person.
  • In Orthodoxy, the name Valery is also mentioned quite often. For example, the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who (as is known from references in the biblical scriptures) was one of the first women to convert to Christianity, and served the church and the Lord for the rest of her life. She was not broken when she was forced to abandon her chosen faith and embrace paganism. Which once again emphasizes the strength of character and strength of the name.
  • The name Valeria is recognized by the church even when a child is baptized; if the parents do not choose a different church name, then the name remains the same.
  • According to the church calendar, Valeria's name day is June 20 - the Day of Valeria of Caesarea, the martyr. On this day, it is customary to go to church and light candles for the health of people close and dear to the heart.
  • There is also a popular belief: if the day is cloudless and warm, then winter will be without severe frosts.
  • April 23rd and May 6th are the day of the angel Valeria.
  • Other forms of the name: Lera, Valerie, Lerik, Lerusya, Valeska.

The secret of the name Valery

The secret of the name Valeria is that she is a magnificent and devoted friend. But if you betray her once, you may regret it for the rest of your life. She becomes a real enemy who quietly, calmly, so to speak, with a “cool head”, thinks through and carries out a plan of revenge. It acts unexpectedly and unpredictably. There is nothing left of a cheerful and sincere girlfriend, so it is better not to play such games with Valeria.

Another secret of the bearers of this name is the frequent change of mood. It sometimes changes for inexplicable reasons - from loud laughter to sad melancholy. Perhaps this “zest” is what makes Lerochka interesting.

  • The girl's planet is Mercury
  • Plant - wild orchid
  • Tree - Japanese sakura
  • Stone - granite
  • Fruit - lime
  • Vegetable - zucchini
  • Totem animal - lizard
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus
  • Name color - lilac

The character of the girl Valeria

The girl's characterization is captivating. Valeria's character is quite complex, but anyone who finds a common language with her will become the happy owner of a devoted friend who is always ready to help.

  • She is insanely jealous, eccentric and unpredictable, but at the same time, she is a very vulnerable person.
  • From early childhood, Valeria has been distinguished by persistence and firmness in her desires. Even to the point of insisting and forcing your parents to re-paste the wallpaper in their bedroom.
  • He prefers to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, looking at himself and admiring.
  • She loves clothes that will easily make her stand out from the crowd. Sometimes there are very extraordinary “outfits”. But she always walks with her head held high and the confidence of a queen.

  • The makeup is applied brightly, with clearly defined contours of the lips and eyes.
  • Valerie often changes her image as unpredictably as her mood - from golden blonde to fiery brunette.
  • She is very distrustful. Be careful when meeting new people. It is very difficult to gain her trust; she is not verbose for a long time, trying to make the interlocutor speak more, thereby getting to know the person.
  • When meeting a man, she tries her best to please him, but at the same time, she does it as discreetly as possible so that the man does not see her passion.
  • Valeria is proud and narcissistic, so male fans really encourage her.
  • As a wife, the girl is wonderful. She is faithful to her husband in any situation and always stands by him. She doesn't like parties, clubs, or gatherings with her friends in cafes. He prefers an evening with his family, for example, by the fireplace, where the wood is crackling, sitting in a rocking chair, discussing the affairs of the past day, hearing the laughter of the children and the roar of the wind coming from the half-open window.
  • In bed, Valeria is untied, crazy and extraordinary. He wants to experience maximum pleasure, loves sex both day and night, at home, in an elevator, on the roof, and on a tree. This adds a thrill to her that makes her glow with happiness. Her role-playing games and erotic costumes amuse her.

  • Lera has a well-developed intuition, which helps her in difficult situations to act according to the right plan.
  • A girl would be suited to work in a leadership position. She will keep the team under a tight rein. Subordinates will work harmoniously, like clockwork. Her dedication will help achieve amazing results.

The fate of a girl named Valeria.

Valeria's fate is quite unpredictable, like the girl herself. As a child, her parents pamper her and try to fulfill all the requirements and whims for the girl. The girl grows up and gets used to getting everything at once. As an adult, she understands that she is independent and can achieve everything on her own. This is where her sense of purpose kicks in at full strength.

  • She studies well, tries to be the best, to achieve the highest results.
  • He enters a university, which must certainly be famous and be on everyone’s lips.
  • When choosing a job, he will look only for a stable and profitable organization.
  • He is in no hurry to start a family; he is building a career in order to be a financially independent person in the future. Before having a child, he strives to have everything necessary for life: housing, a car, a country house, etc.

  • When a suitable candidate for the role of husband appears on the horizon, Valeria does not rush headlong into the pool, but calmly and carefully considers her every step.
  • Lera adores children, she will educate, play, go to parks, run around the shops, choosing the next dress for her daughter, or jeans for her son.
  • He will prefer to spend his days off in harmony with nature. For example, in a suburban area or in the forest, lying in a clearing, reading a book.

Names suitable for Valeria

We all know that names play an important role in the life of every person. They lay the foundation of our destiny. Since we already have the foundation - this is Valeria, let's look at the compatible names with which the stars recommend connecting their lives:

  • Anatoly
  • Arkhip
  • Artem
  • Bogdan
  • Valery
  • Vyacheslav
  • Maksim
  • Sergey

There are also names that are not compatible:

  • Albert
  • Andrey
  • Eugene
  • Svyatoslav

After reading the article, it immediately becomes clear that the owners of the beautiful name Valeria are sympathetic, friendly, cheerful people. Their temper and unpredictability will not let anyone who meets them get bored. They can cheer and console, support and understand, and help in difficult times. Such people make the world more beautiful and interesting.

Video: “The meaning of the name Valeria”


The meaning and characteristics of the name Valeria

This name comes from the Latin language, from which it is translated as “strong” or “strong.” In ancient Rome, this was the name given to girls from the Valeri family.

Modern Valeria has been prone to sudden mood swings since childhood. It is very difficult for the people around her to get used to this girl’s behavior, which is why Lera usually does not have many friends.

The girl is doing well at school, and exact sciences are especially easy for her. However, studying does not cause much interest in her, especially as she grows older and begins to notice enthusiastic male gazes on herself.

Usually during her life the owner of this name manages to get married several times and give birth to two or three children. Moreover, it is quite possible that they will all have different fathers.

Valeria is temperamental, has a bright appearance and has a certain “zest”, thanks to which she is never alone.

In relations with representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the girl takes a “consumer” position, using men as much as possible.

Congratulations to Valeria on her name day in verse

Valeria, Lera, Lera! – how gentle and beautiful it sounds!
Let your eyes be bright, and let your heart not hurt!
May Lerochka, Lera, Lerusya always be smiling,
Let the road become bright, let fate be happy!

We congratulate Valeria, hurray!
Happy name day, my dear!
Good luck, joy, luck, goodness!
This whole world is for you today!

Valeria, it’s not difficult for you
Walk through life with ease,
You know a lot is possible
You just have to wish it hard!

SMS congratulations to Diana on her name day

Your wisdom and great faith are amazing!
You are unbreakable by fate, dear Lera!
The guardian will protect you from trouble and bad weather,
Angel of your bright life and guardian soul!

If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t believe that there was such a thing on earth!
I glorify the name Valeria, and wish you happiness!

Dear Lera! I congratulate you on Angel Day and want to wish that all your dreams come true! Stay as beautiful and charming as you are, continue to drive men crazy and enjoy every new day of your long happy life!

Valeria is a feminine name, derived from the masculine Valery. Valery is a Roman family name, derived from Lat. “valeo” – “to be strong, sound, healthy.” This root also has other interpretations: sometimes it is translated as “to have superiority”, “to be influential”, “to have meaning, significance”.

What date is Valery's day?

Name day or Angel Valeria's day is celebrated twice a year on the following dates: June 6 and June 20. On May 6 (23 Old Style) they remember the martyr Queen Valeria, and on June 20 (7) the martyr Valeria, also known as Kaleria, who was killed for her faith in the 4th century AD. On their name day, it is usually customary to give girls various attributes of faith, which speak of the triumph of the spirit. For example, personalized icons, vessels for holy water, rings with the inscription “Save and Preserve,” as well as a variety of beautiful candles would be a good gift. A good gift would also be a book of spiritual content (for example, with the lives of saints) or a disc with recordings of sacred music.

The meaning of the name Valeria

Girls named by this name are often impetuous and impulsive in childhood. Their mood changes from gloomy to cheerful and cheerful and vice versa. Valeria, growing up, remains just as impetuous and often unpredictable. In their relationships with the opposite sex, this frivolity also manifests itself very clearly. Having many fans, they cannot choose one for a long time; they are always looking for the best options. At work, Valeria loves the team and communication, although she rarely goes to visits or noisy parties. They are good housewives, they love comfort and order and try to make their home as comfortable as possible. Valeria is wary and distrustful of strangers, however, if you managed to gradually win her favor, she will trust you, protect you and see only the good.

Valeria - Russian from the name Valery - strong, healthy.

Valeria's name day according to the church calendar:

  • the 6th of May:Valeria, mts., queen
  • June 20:Kaleria (Valeria) Caesarea (Palestinian), mts.

Characteristics of the name Valery

As a child, Valeria is capricious and stubborn, requiring increased care and attention. She gets so used to her mother that it becomes very difficult for her to free herself from her care. Valeria doesn't like to clean things up; her room is full of toys and books. True, if you take up cleaning, then everything around will shine with cleanliness. From an early age, Valeria is a fashionista, loves to twirl in front of the mirror, and chooses her own outfits.

Valeria takes her studies seriously and responsibly. She completes all assignments and reads a lot of additional literature. Valeria strives for leadership, she has a commanding tone, and she knows how to gain authority. Valeria is amazingly artistic, takes part in all school events, sings, dances, attends a modeling school or plays sports. She is active and is often elected class leader. But Valeria has a habit of reporting everything truthfully to teachers, which is why her peers shun her.

Valeria's character is extremely changeable. It is difficult for her to set goals for herself and limit herself to boundaries. Her intentions change quickly, she often moves from one job to another. Valeria is capable of working very hard and painstakingly if she herself needs it. She is selfish, but skillfully hides this flaw. Valeria is sensitive to outside opinions, cannot stand criticism at all, and does not know how to lose. She is irritable, and in anger she can say harsh, offensive things. It is difficult for Valeria to admit that she is wrong; she apologizes in a very unique way, trying to pretend that nothing happened. Valeria will become a great designer, fashion designer (or model!), and graphic designer. She has a natural gift for languages, which allows her to be a good translator, tour guide, and literary critic. Valeria is able to take the post of manager, engage in banking, and organize her own business.

Valeria has few friends. She does not know how to make friends, is not sincere enough with people, does not trust anyone completely, and is wary of everything. Valeria is surprisingly vulnerable, she carefully hides it, and therefore behaves with others deliberately and casually. For those who get to know her better and gain her trust, Valeria will become a devoted friend.

With men, Valeria is a real flirt. She always looks amazing, dresses elegantly and revealingly, and has excellent makeup and manicure. Men go crazy about her, but Valeria doesn’t let anyone get close to her. She distrustfully perceives love confessions, she herself is restrained in her feelings, even cold. Valeria is looking for an ideal, the qualities of which she herself cannot fully determine. In the end, she may make the wrong choice. Valeria often marries for convenience. She will be attentive to her husband’s problems, arrange the apartment tastefully, and take care of the children. But her soul will remain closed to her family. Perhaps she will decide to cheat in search of new sensations.

Valeria is an ancient name that has its origins in the Roman Empire. It is a female version of the male name Valery. In Rome, boys were often called Valerius, and the female version of the name appeared much later. From Latin “valeo” is translated as “power” and “health”. The owners of this name are very active and unpredictable, curious and inquisitive. Even in the most difficult situations, they have a positive outlook on life.

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    Meaning of the name

    The name Valeria is of Latin origin. The meaning of the name Valeria is strong, healthy, strong, powerful, rich. This is a literal transcription of the letters "valeo". In Russian-speaking culture, there are related names - Valentin and Valentina. More often, girls are affectionately called Leroy, although this is a separate name. The sound of the name is interpreted depending on the country:

      • England - Valerie, Valerie.
      • France - Valera, Valere, Valeriana.
      • Spain, Greece, Italy - Valerian.

      Shortened form of the name Valery: Lera, Lerusya, Lerunya, Valera, Vava, Valusya. According to the church calendar, the name Valery is unchanged. When baptized, a girl does not have to choose anything else. Name days are celebrated once a year - June 20.

      Astrological symbolism:

      • Patron planet - Mercury.
      • Gemini.
      • Color - purple.
      • Favorable plants are figs, lilies, chestnuts, and cherries.
      • The patron of the name is monitor lizard, horse.
      • Talisman stone - garnet and emerald.
      • Element - water.
      • Symbolic metals are silver.
      • The best time of the year is spring.
      • The year is a snake.

      How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage

      Childhood and youth

      At an early age, a girl named Lera is very mobile and active. It’s a pleasure to watch such a cheerful and cheerful child. She does not sit in one place for a long time, constantly finds entertainment for herself, and quickly involves the neighboring children in gambling, although she does not have the makings of a leader. Quiet and measured activities that require diligence and patience are not suitable for Lera. She loves to help her mother with housework and willingly carries out all the tasks around the house, which is usually not typical for small children.

      Valeria learns everything quickly and with interest if the process is organized in a spirited and lively manner. Boring school days make them despondent. Despite this, they always have a solid B in academic performance. They are capable of more, but do not understand why they try so hard.

      This is not only an outwardly active child. Ideas just pour out of her, which is due to her wild imagination. She is characterized by resourcefulness, quick wit, daydreaming, increased activity and anxiety. Many parents of her classmates complain about her unbridled temper. He easily drags others into any adventure. At the initial stage of her life, Valeria completely lacks a sense of responsibility; she acts on instinct. Characterized by consistently bad behavior, which entails frequent punishment. But at the same time, the girl’s character is dominated by kindness and responsiveness, she quickly responds to requests for help.

      Teenager Valeria remains the same spoiled child, unable to live a calm life. Constantly looking for adventure, does not sit idle, does everything in defiance. Relationships in the team are always good due to her cheerful and restless nature. He never loses heart, thereby charging those around him with positivity. But there are also negative aspects of character: restlessness, unreliability, irresponsibility. Rarely achieves great achievements in studies. Unable to follow standard rules of behavior. She barely manages to keep herself within limits and fulfill all the demands of her teachers. The older Valeria becomes, the less impact the name has on her character. Other factors begin to show their influence: the patron planet, the talisman.

      Character of an adult woman

      At the adult stage, closer to maturity, women with this name are endowed with complacency, patience, kindness, justice, tranquility, attentiveness, and eloquence. What plays a role here is not the name, but the zodiac sign under which Valeria was born.

      The good qualities inherent in the above signs reduce the manifestation of negative aspects, reduce eccentricity and unpredictability of character. Aries is able to direct irrepressible energy in the right direction, for the benefit of business, thanks to which the woman ultimately achieves certain successes in her work and climbs the career ladder. Pisces are distinguished by calmness, which is what Valeria lacks. Women born under this sign are endowed with sensitivity and intuition. The ideal option is Gemini: great potential is revealed for the full manifestation of liveliness and wit.

      Valeria's character is complex and unpredictable - from early childhood and throughout her life. Spontaneously, for no apparent reason, changes plans and opinions. In the judgments one can notice contradictions. Characterized by increased nervousness and capriciousness. In most cases, this leads to the breakdown of a marriage that is outwardly quite prosperous.

      In life he is a devoted friend, but before the first betrayal by friends. Then the situation changes dramatically for the worse for the offender: the friend suddenly transforms into his worst enemy. Valeria will not openly attack, but will develop a certain style of revenge. He makes all decisions with a cool head, plans everything step by step and will definitely take revenge.

      It is sometimes difficult for others to communicate with the owner of the name. She is prone to sudden mood swings for no apparent reason. People cannot catch the thread of her behavior and feel guilty. But such unpredictability simultaneously attracts, arouses interest and attracts. This often interferes with career growth: managers are afraid to give her complex and responsible assignments. In fact, she can do a good job.