Traditional dough for kurnik. Kurnik pancakes with chicken and mushrooms. What do we need

Many people, when asked: “What is Kurnik,” can answer that it is a Polish city in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. However, real housewives who know how to feed their family delicious dishes understand that chicken is a type of pie! A very tasty pie at the same time. The name of the pie comes from its filling – chicken. How to cook kurnik: this is a chicken pie made from unleavened or butter dough. In general, there are now many types of chicken, but initially it was made with chicken meat and the pie was decorated with different patterns made from dough (birds, people, animals, nature).

Nowadays kurnik is made not only with chicken, but also with potatoes, nuts and even porridge, as well as with duck, rooster, lamb or beef meat. Previously, kurnik was considered a wedding dish, which is why it was richly decorated with dough patterns. The first kurnik was presented by the groom's relatives to the bride's relatives on the first day of the wedding before the wedding, and the second kurnik was given by the parents of the newlywed to the newlyweds.

Dough patterns such as birds were very popular. This was a wish for fertility and a long healthy life. At one time it was obligatory to serve poultry at a wedding, most often chicken, but when the kurnik pie appeared, it gradually eliminated chicken on the table. Nowadays, you can more often find a simple loaf with dough patterns at weddings, and kurnik is a festive dish on the home table.

A quick and easy chicken pot.

Let's find out how to make kurnik pie quickly and easily. There is a recipe called “Quick Chicken”. You will spend about an hour and a half preparing it and can serve about 10 people. First, prepare the products necessary for the chicken chicken and these are:

  1. Raw chicken eggs 2 pcs.,
  2. Cream margarine (homemade) 180-200 gr. (pack of margarine),
  3. Sour cream and mayonnaise 2 tablespoons each (sour cream can be replaced with milk),
  4. Potatoes 5 medium size,
  5. Onion – 1 head,
  6. Flour (you will see for yourself how much is needed when it comes out, so add it last),
  7. Soda and salt, a pinch,
  8. Sugar 1 tablespoon,
  9. Chicken (you can fillet without bones, or you can have bones for more juiciness).

Now that you have everything ready, start preparing the chicken. Let's start with the test:

  1. Take a saucepan and melt the margarine over low heat, without letting it boil,
  2. Let the margarine cool slightly and add mayonnaise with sour cream, eggs, salt, soda and sugar,
  3. Beat the mixed ingredients with a mixer and gradually begin adding flour. It will be enough when the dough stops sticking to your hands (however, this does not mean that the dough is completely thick), but remains soft,
  4. Place the dough in the refrigerator for a while.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling for the chicken:

  1. Thaw the chicken, rinse and cut into small pieces,
  2. Grate the potatoes
  3. Chop the onion.

The filling is ready, all that remains is to make the chicken. To do this, take a good baking tray and sprinkle it lightly with flour so that after baking the cake can be easily removed. Divide the dough into 2 parts, where the first one makes up a third of the total dough. Roll out most of it and place it on a baking sheet, put most of the onions and potatoes on top, add some salt, put the chicken and add more salt, and put the remaining onions on top again. Next, cut 20 grams of margarine into thin slices (flat) and place on top of the filling over the entire surface of the pie. Roll out a smaller piece of dough on top and cover what you have already laid out with it, secure the pie around the edges with the dough and bake in the oven until cooked.

Chicken chicken.

If the previous recipe is more suitable for making a chicken pie with bones, now you will learn how to make a boneless chicken pie. This is especially important for those who do not like picking bones out of food. In addition, if you have children, they may accidentally choke on a bone, and you need to think about safety. So, the ingredients for boneless chicken:

  1. Chicken – 2 breasts (they are boneless, so they are ideal for you),
  2. Potatoes 4 pieces,
  3. Onions 1-2 pieces,
  4. Margarine 250 grams,
  5. Kefir 1 glass (200 gr.),
  6. A pinch of soda and salt,
  7. Ground black pepper to taste,
  8. Flour 3-4 cups.

To prepare boneless chicken chicken, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the dough. To do this, you need to sift the flour (2-3 glasses will be enough at first), add soda and salt to it. Margarine must be melted, cooled and added to the flour along with kefir. Knead the dough, adding flour if necessary, to obtain a soft dough that does not stick to your hands or the table,
  2. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes and prepare the filling during this time.
  3. For the filling, you need to wash and peel the potatoes and onions. Potatoes can be grated or cut into small pieces. Chop the onion finely, although some prefer half rings,
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into two unequal parts. Roll out one part and place it on a baking sheet (grease it in advance with vegetable oil), start laying the filling on top in layers: potatoes, onions, chicken,
  5. Salt and pepper the filling on each layer, and place the second rolled out piece of dough on top of the laid out filling, covering the kurnik with it, secure the layers of dough together and place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees until ready (40-60 minutes)

Kurnik puff pastry with potatoes.

If you haven’t tried it yet, you should cook chicken chicken with potatoes and rice. To do this, you will first need to prepare two types of dough:

  1. Take half a kilo of flour (maybe less, depending on the quality of the flour), one egg, a quarter glass of milk, a pinch of soda, a couple of spoons of sour cream and half a stick of butter or spread. Knead the dough from the ingredients and divide into three parts. One part will become the base, the second will be the “top” of the chicken pot, and the third can be used to make decorations for the pie,
  2. Take one egg, 1.5-2 glasses of milk, 5 large spoons of flour, a spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat the dough well and bake 5-8 pancakes.

Next you need to do the fillings. You will need one large chicken 1.5 kilograms, about 400 grams of potatoes, 2 boiled eggs, a couple of onions, herbs, salt, favorite spices and 200 grams of rice (the weight of ready-made porridge). Boil the rice until done. Chop the onion and sauté. Combine rice, onions and herbs together. Boil the chicken with seasonings and salt. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, grate them and mix with finely chopped eggs.

All that remains is to lay the puff chicken:

  1. Place one part of the first kurnik dough (already rolled out) on a greased baking sheet.
  2. Place the filling on the dough in layers: porridge, pancake, chicken, pancake, potato, pancake, etc. until the pancakes run out. So calculate in advance how much filling to put at one time,
  3. As soon as you place the last pancake, take the second rolled out part of the first kurnik dough and cover all the layers of the pie with it. Pinch the bottom layer of dough with the top one to make a whole pie,
  4. From the remaining dough, mold thin patterns or figures, maybe letters. Place patterns on the top of the pie,
  5. Make a hole in the dough on top of the pie so that steam can escape from the chicken when cooking,
  6. Beat the yolk and brush the kurnik with it, along with the pattern,
  7. Place the pie in the oven (200 degrees) for 30 minutes.

Chicken with meat.

If you don’t appreciate the taste of chicken, it’s worth learning how to cook chicken chicken for men. To make this pie you will need:

  1. Beef tenderloin 700-800 grams,
  2. Potatoes 3-4 pieces,
  3. Onions 1-2 pieces,
  4. Eggs 2-3 pieces,
  5. Ryazhenka – a small package (0.5 liters),
  6. Flour 1.3-1.5 kg,
  7. Margarine – 180-200 grams (one pack),
  8. Soda and vinegar, teaspoon and tablespoon respectively,
  9. Mayonnaise – 2 tablespoons,
  10. Salt and pepper.

The most important thing is to prepare the dough correctly. To do this, you need to cut the margarine and melt it, preferably in a water bath. Separate the whites and yolks of chicken eggs into separate containers. Sift the flour; for convenience, you can sift a third of the required flour first. Take a container with flour and form the flour into a small mound so that it is convenient to make a hole there (not to the bottom). Quench the soda with vinegar, add mayonnaise. Place the yolks in the well with flour and then add the mayonnaise mixture and mix. Add a little salt, add fermented baked milk and knead the dough until smooth. Now you can add a little more flour and slowly pour margarine into the dough while it is still hot. Next, you need to stir the dough with a spoon so as not to burn your hands. Gradually add more flour until the dough is soft and elastic so that it does not stick to surfaces.

The filling is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to peel the onion and cut it into small pieces; the meat is also cut into medium pieces. After this, the onions and meat undergo a grinding procedure using a meat grinder. As soon as the minced meat is cooked, it must be salt and pepper. Separately, cut the chicken potatoes into thin slices.

Next, take a convenient baking sheet and grease it with oil. Take the dough and divide it into 2 parts, where one is much larger. Place the larger part (larger than the diameter of the baking sheet) on the baking sheet so that the dough “hangs” from the edges of the mold. Then we put potatoes on the dough, and minced meat on it. Roll out the remaining dough and place on top of the pie, securing the two parts of the dough together. Beat the egg whites and brush the pie with them. Place the chicken in the oven for 40-60 minutes until cooked at 200 degrees.

Today I want to bring to your attention a simplified version of chicken in the oven. The very name “kurnik” means that the pie contains chicken filling. If earlier even cereal was used to fill the kurnik, now this pie is made from chicken, potatoes, onions and butter. This is a closed yeast cake, so its surface can be decorated with the same yeast dough. Yeast dough for kurnik can be prepared using a bread machine using the “Dough” mode. Yeast can be used either dry or fresh.


for test:

  • 2 glasses of water
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 500 g wheat flour (you may need more flour, it depends on the quality of the flour)
  • 20 g fresh yeast or 1.5 tsp. dry yeast

For filling:

  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 25-30 g butter

How to cook kurnik with chicken and potatoes:

If you have a bread machine, it is better to use it. The bread maker will mix all the ingredients perfectly. Place all the ingredients in the bread maker bucket according to the instructions for your model. And select the “dough” program.

If you use fresh yeast, it must be activated. To do this, take 100 ml of warm water (from the required two glasses), add yeast, add a little sugar, stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. Place the glass in a warm place and wait for activation, the water will begin to hiss and foam will appear on top.

Pour the diluted yeast along with water into the bread machine bucket and add the rest of the ingredients. Then the bread maker will do everything itself.

If you want to knead the dough by hand, then you need to activate dry or live yeast in the same way, add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough with your hands. Cover with cling film or a towel and place in a warm place to rise (about an hour).

For the filling, cut the chicken fillet into slices, potatoes into thin slices, and onions into neat half rings.

The risen dough must be divided into several parts. If you want to decorate the pie with dough products, then divide it into three parts. The smallest part of the dough remains for decoration, the largest for the top, and the middle for the bottom of the pie.

Decide what shape you will bake the kurnik; it can be round or rectangular. In my case there will be a second option.

The dough needs to be rolled out to the entire length of the baking sheet (don't forget to grease it with oil) and make sides.

The first layer should be chicken meat, it should be placed on the entire surface of the dough.

Then distribute the onions evenly. Salt and pepper everything.

Place potato slices on top of the onion. Salt and pepper again.

Place small pieces of butter evenly over the potatoes. This will allow the chicken to be juicy, the butter will melt and saturate the pie filling.

Cover the pie with the rolled out dough, pinch the edges, try not to have any holes, otherwise the pie will be dry due to the juice that spilled out when baking the pie in the oven.

To decorate, you need to roll out the yeast dough thinly, cut long strips and place them on the surface of the pie, one vertically, the other horizontally, alternating. Then you will get a beautiful cage. You can make roses and petals from the leftover dough.

Attach the roses and petals with chicken white. And brush the entire surface of the pie with beaten egg.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees, place the baking sheet with the chicken on a medium level. Set the time to 60 minutes. During this time and at this temperature, the kurnik made from yeast dough with the specified amount of filling ingredients will be completely baked.

Remove the finished chicken from the oven and cover with a towel for 10 minutes. After the specified time, the chicken can be served.

There is nothing tastier than hot yeast baked goods, and if the dough comes with a filling, then hardly anyone will refuse such a dish.

Bon appetit!!!

For the test:

  • 2 cups (260-300 g) plain white flour;
  • 2/3 cup (150 g) sour cream;
  • 2/3 pack (150 g) butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • several small cubes of butter;
  • 1 egg for brushing the pie;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking classic chicken

Mix together flour, a pinch of salt, soft butter, sour cream and egg in a bowl. Then knead the dough with your hands on a floured surface. Form a soft pliable ball of dough.

Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a towel. Meanwhile, wash the chicken breasts, pat them dry with a towel, and then cut into cubes. Peel the potatoes, grate them on a coarse grater, and peel the onion and cut into quarter circles.

Divide the dough into two parts, one should be smaller - it will be the lid (top part) for our pie. Place most of the dough on a lightly floured surface and roll it out into a flat circle slightly larger than the pie pan.

Place the dough circle in a greased pan, fold and straighten the sides of the pie so that they rise to the edges of the pan. Place the first layer of filling - grated raw potatoes - in an even layer, season it with salt and pepper.

Place the next layer of chicken and onions mixed together.

Season this layer with salt and ground black pepper too. I usually don’t skimp on pepper – it makes the filling very aromatic.

Then place small cubes of butter on top of the filling (this will add juiciness to the chicken).

Roll out the remaining dough into a circle to cover the pie. Pinch the edges of the top and bottom pie crust together.

There are all sorts of ways to make a “seam” by joining two edges of the dough. The simplest and strongest is the “pigtail” or “flagellum”, I always use it.

Make a small hole in the center of the top of the pie (I just poke it with my finger). If you have the desire and time, you can decorate the chicken pot with spikelets or flowers cut out of dough. Then brush the pie with beaten yolk.

Preheat the oven to 190-200 degrees C, place the pan on the middle rack and bake the chicken for 45-60 minutes - or until golden brown.

Remove the finished pie from the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes so that it can cool slightly. Then slice and serve with broth, soup, hot tea or cold milk.
Bon appetit!

Kurnik is a hearty chicken pie that can be served not only with tea. These baked goods can be a full dinner or a good snack. There are an incredible number of chicken recipes, but the result largely depends on the test.

A variety of options are collected here. How and from what to knead the dough for chicken?

Kurnik dough - general principles of preparation

The dough for kurnik is usually kneaded with white wheat flour. The higher its quality, the better the result will be. It is advisable to sift the dough before use. The procedure will get rid of random debris and lumps, and the flour will be easier to combine with the liquid. If the dough is yeast, it will require ripening in a warm place. All other types can be used after kneading. Puff pastry also takes a lot of time, but it can be used immediately after final rolling.

What is the dough for chicken kneaded from:

Milk, water, kefir and other liquids;

Butter, margarine, fat;

If the dough is not yeast, then baking powder can be added to it. It is often replaced with regular baking soda. You can extinguish it with acid or kefir, if it follows the recipe. Kurniks with different fillings are formed from the finished dough.

Yeast dough for chicken with milk

Recipe for a simple yeast dough for kurnik made with whole milk. The yeast used for this is fast-acting dry yeast; you need one small packet. Vegetable oil can be replaced with melted butter.


A glass of milk;

10 g yeast;

15 g sugar;

500 g flour;

Two tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp. salt.

Cooking method

1. Heat the milk. To knead yeast dough, always use a liquid slightly warmer than body temperature.

2. Add sugar and yeast, stir, add 5-6 tablespoons of flour. Leave for 15 minutes.

3. Add a level teaspoon of salt, stir, add flour and add oil. Mix everything together first with a spoon, then with your hands. Add flour until you get a thick, soft and non-sticky dough.

4. Put it in a warm place. Be sure to cover with a towel; the fabric should allow air to pass through, but protect the crust from drying out.

5. After an hour and a half, the dough will rise, you need to lower it. Then let it stand a little more, rise, and you can begin to form the chicken pot.

Puff pastry for chicken

Puff pastry is easy to buy in the store, it is inexpensive, but cannot be compared with its homemade counterpart. The cheapness of the product is explained by the composition, there is nothing supernatural in it, the products are the most primitive, cheap and there are few of them.


200 ml water;

0.3 kg margarine;

Four tbsp. flour;

0.5 tablespoons of vinegar;

A couple of eggs.

Cooking method

1. Puff pastry loves the cold. Therefore, there is no need to heat or melt anything for it. On the contrary, we cool the water. It is advisable to use ice liquid for kneading.

2. Pour vinegar into the water, add salt, stir. Beat the eggs separately with a fork.

3. Sift three glasses of flour onto the table, make a well, add eggs and water, knead the dough. If necessary, add a little more flour and check the consistency. Making tough dough. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour for the gluten to swell.

4. Cut the margarine into slices and lay out in one layer on a piece of parchment paper. Cover with a second sheet of the same sheet and roll it slightly with a rolling pin. It should be a square in one layer.

5. Roll out the dough into a piece twice the size of a square, that is, into a rectangle. Place margarine, cover with loose dough, pinch the edges together, roll out the margarine and dough.

6. Fold the prepared layer 3-4 times, put it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour, or in the freezer. We take it out, roll it out, but without unfolding it. Fold again 3-4 times. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

7. You can roll out and fold the dough in this way ad infinitum, there will be more layers, but for kurnik two or three times are enough. At the end we simply roll it out and form a pie.

Dough for kurnik with kefir

One of the classic recipes for kurnik dough with kefir or yogurt. Margarine and butter can replace each other. But this dough made with lard (melted lard) is especially successful. This fat does not contain water, gives good consistency, and allows you to prepare a tasty and crumbly pie.


A pair of eggs;

Half a kilo of flour;

0.25 liters of kefir;

Sugar 2 tsp;

A pinch of soda;

110 g butter;

1 tsp. salt.

Cooking method

1. Melt the butter and leave for a while to cool. If it has been kept warm, then you don’t have to do this; we will use a softened product.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl with kefir, add soda, salt and sugar to them. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until smooth, add softened or melted fat.

3. Add wheat flour. Mix the dough. When using liquid kefir (or yogurt, another fermented milk product), a little more flour may be needed.

4. Cover the dough with a napkin, put it in a bag or simply leave it on the roof, covering it with an inverted bowl. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour. After this, you can begin to form and subsequently bake the chicken.

Kurnik dough with sour cream and margarine (shortbread)

To prepare the dough according to this recipe you need only three ingredients, not counting salt. But you can cook without it if the margarine is salted. It is very important to use good sour cream with at least 20% fat content.


260 g flour;

220 g margarine;

110 g sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Pour flour into a bowl. It is advisable to sift it. We measure according to the norm; if necessary, you can add a few more spoons at the end.

2. Add chopped or grated margarine and rub everything together.

3. Add salt and sour cream. Mix the dough. Bring it until smooth, the mass will stick a little to your hands. Place the dough in the refrigerator.

4. After half an hour, the dough will become hard. We take it out of the freezer, divide it into two parts, and form a chicken pot stuffed with poultry and vegetables.

Dough for chicken with margarine

Very often the dough for kurnik is kneaded with margarine. This is one of the cheapest fats, although not very healthy. It is better to take fatty margarine. This is easy to check - you need to press on the product lying in the refrigerator. If it kneads easily, then the percentage of fat in it is small.


250 g margarine;

250 g sour cream;

5 tbsp. flour;

5 g baking powder.

Cooking method

1. Measure out three and a half cups of flour and place in a bowl. Add a couple of pinches of salt to it. Remember that margarine also contains it. Immediately add baking powder, half a standard sachet is enough. Mix.

2. Add all the margarine at once. Grind together with the flour mixture until smooth. If there is not enough margarine, you can partially replace it with butter. Fat rendered with wine (lard) will do. If the margarine is frozen, you can grate it first or simply chop it together with the flour with a knife.

3. As soon as the flour and margarine turn into crumbs, add sour cream to them, knead the dough, and add more flour if necessary. The amount depends on the consistency of sour cream. Let the prepared dough rest for half an hour in the refrigerator. Then we sculpt and bake a chicken chicken out of it.

Dough for kurnik with mayonnaise “Criable”

Mayonnaise contains a lot of fat and also contains eggs, so the sauce is ideal for kneading dough for kurnik. This recipe is egg-free. That is, the dough is made from those products that can easily be found in the refrigerator.


Three tablespoons of oil;

400 g flour;

0.3 tbsp. water;

Salt (about 0.5 tsp)

Cooking method

1. Add salt to the water and stir. Add mayonnaise and continue stirring. It's okay if it's a little flaky, that's normal for this type of sauce.

2. Add flour and knead. The amount will depend on the thickness of the mayonnaise. Make soft and elastic dough.

3. Let the lump lie in the refrigerator for half an hour. To prevent it from drying out, it is better to put it in a bag or cover it with cling film.

Kurnik dough with sour cream and milk

Recipe for tender dough for making kurnik with sour cream. Additionally, you will need regular whole milk, the fat content does not matter. This option is with eggs. If they are large, then two pieces are enough. The amount of flour indicated is average; it may vary slightly up or down.


0.6 kg flour;

Five spoons of sour cream;

140 ml milk;

Three eggs;

7 g soda;

Salt, sugar.

Cooking method

1. If the sour cream is sour, then you don’t have to extinguish the soda separately, just mix it with the sour cream and leave it for now.

2. Add a teaspoon without a tubercle of salt and twice as much granulated sugar to the milk. Dissolve and combine with sour cream.

3. Beat the eggs with a fork and pour into a bowl with sour cream and milk. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. We begin to introduce flour. If soda has not yet been added, then quench it with vinegar and pour it into the dough. Knead it until you obtain a plastic mass that will not stick to your hands. But you shouldn’t make the dough too hard either.

5. Can be used immediately. But it’s still better to let the dough sit for a little while, at least a quarter of an hour. You can simply place it on the table or place it in the refrigerator.

Yeast dough for kurnik on water

Another version of the dough with yeast. This recipe uses plain water, but if desired, mix it partially with milk. The recipe uses regular butter. We melt it in advance so as not to use boiling water; you can replace it with margarine.


300 ml water;

0.6-0.7 kg of flour (approximate amount);

70 g butter;

One and a half spoons of sugar;

1 tsp. salt;

One egg;

11 g yeast.

Cooking method

1. Mix sand with warm water, add dry yeast. Leave for a few minutes until everything dissolves.

2. Combine the egg with salt, stir and pour into warm water.

3. Add warm butter, stir and begin adding flour. Knead soft, but not liquid dough. We knead it until it becomes plastic.

4. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with a towel, leave until well risen, then release once.

5. Form a chicken pot, grease and bake.

Any dough will be easier to knead and will turn out to be of high quality if you use products of the same temperature. They never add sour cream or fat from the refrigerator to a warm liquid, just as they never try to pour boiling oil into flour.

Yeast dough cannot be stored; it must be used immediately as soon as the mixture has risen and soured. But other types of dough (with kefir, sour cream, fats) are great in the refrigerator, some can even be frozen. Therefore, if necessary, knead in advance.

Kurniks are usually prepared with a raw filling, so there is no need to add a lot of sugar. Otherwise, the crust will quickly burn and the inside of the pie will not be baked.

In the classic version, kurnik is a rich, dome-shaped wedding cake layered with pancakes stuffed with chicken and cereal. This festive pie appeared in Rus'. Like any Russian pastry, rooted in the distant past, the traditional kurnik has undergone many flavor “variations” over the years.

Puff pastries, shortbread pies, chicken pies, and kurniks made from kefir dough appeared. The filling for kurnik began to be prepared from meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables, and the more recipes for kurnik appeared, the more popular Russian pastries became.

I offer one of the cooking variations - mini-chickens with chicken and potatoes on yeast dough. Such chickens are prepared and sold in modern canteens, bakeries and delis. Baked goods are no less in demand than fish pies, shanezhki and simple potato pies. Dear girls, homemade baked goods are tastier than store-bought ones! This mini pies recipe is just for you. Our great-grandmothers knew how to bake pies from the age of 17, but why are we any worse?

STEP 1. Yeast dough for chicken.

How to knead yeast dough for mini chickens?

For the test, let's take products from the list. All ingredients must first be removed from the refrigerator.

Pour warm milk into a bowl. Dissolve salt in milk.

Add wheat flour with dry active yeast.

Let's start kneading the dough. During the process, add any vegetable oil.

Break a chicken egg into the dough.

Knead a soft bun and send it for fermentation. Our bowl is deep, which means the dough won’t run away. Cover the bowl with cling film and a towel. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours.

Our dough tripled in size - it turned out fluffy and tender.

STEP 2. Filling for chicken.

Let's prepare the products from the list. The vegetables must be cleaned first.

Cut the potatoes into cubes.

This also includes onions. Cut into any shape, but not too large.

Three carrots.

Add chicken. I cut the flesh from the chicken legs and lightly chopped them with a knife.

Salt and ground black pepper.

The filling turned out great. You can bake a big chicken pie. I decided to make several not very large chicken pots.

STEP 3. Modeling and baking.

Remove the dough from the container, and to prevent it from sticking, grease your hands with vegetable oil or dip your fingers in flour.

We form small balls from a large kolobok. I got 8 pieces.

Dip each ball in flour and roll it into a round cake.

Place 1 full tablespoon of filling in the middle.

We form the edges of the flatbreads into a triangular shaped kurnik. Form the dough well with your fingers, after dipping them in flour.

Line a baking tray with baking paper. Grease with a light layer of vegetable oil. Our chickens go on top.

The chicken caps must be greased with chicken yolk beaten with water. Place the chicken chicken in an oven preheated to 220°C for 45-60 minutes.

Mini-chickens with chicken and potatoes on yeast dough were baked.

Their aroma is incomparable, and the taste is like real Russian pies. Let it cool a little, and you can help yourself.