What do the signs of cervicitis mean? Cervicitis in women - signs and features of treatment. Endocervicitis - causes

Chronic cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. The disease can develop against the background of prolapse of the uterus or the walls of the vagina, while the inflammatory process is dangerous with the possibility of complications, therefore, when its symptoms appear, a woman should consult a gynecologist.

The causes of chronic cervicitis

The cervical canal of the cervix becomes inflamed under the influence of the following reasons:

The main symptoms

Chronic cervicitis of an inactive form has no pronounced symptoms. Signs appear that are not considered typical for this disease. Scars form on the cervix, its tissues grow, and scanty mucous discharge from the vagina appears. Benign neoplasms and erosion in the cervical canal are often found.

The clinical picture of chronic active cervicitis includes the following symptoms:

Diagnosis of the disease

Chronic cervicitis is diagnosed by:

Treatment features

The chronic form of the disease can be cured in various ways. The most commonly prescribed:


In the absence of treatment or its improper implementation, the chronic form of cervicitis can be complicated by:

The chronic course of the inflammatory process is dangerous by an increase in the risk of oncological diseases. Changes in the composition of mucus present in the cervical canal can contribute to the development of infertility.


Regular gynecological examinations, timely elimination of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, and competent surgical interventions help prevent chronic cervicitis.

It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, exclude casual sexual contacts, use barrier contraception, and refuse sexual intercourse during menstruation. Prevention of exacerbations includes strengthening the immune system, protecting against hypothermia, organizing an optimal regime of work and rest.

Cervicitis: causes, signs, treatment methods

Chronic cervicitis, an inflammatory process of the cervix, which in medical language is called the cervix, or rather its vaginal segment, is a fairly common gynecological female disease.

What can cause cervicitis?

There are several causes of chronic cervicitis, and they are not always associated with infections, although they can be put in the first place.

  • So, of the most known pathogens to a wide masses of pathogens, the cause can be staphylo - and streptococci, fungi, E. coli, as well as Trichomonas, gonococci, herpes viruses and papilloma.
  • If a chronic focus of infection is already dormant in a woman's body in the form of vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), vulvitis (inflammation of the external genital organs), as well as bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin gland, which is located in the vaginal vestibule), then one can expect manifestations of chronic cervicitis.
  • In addition, this disease can be caused by mechanical causes in the form of damage during various diagnostic procedures, birth trauma, as well as abortion and cause inflammation of the cervix.
  • The use of contraceptives can work in a similar way. If hormonal contraceptives are incorrectly selected or they contain substances that irritate the cervix, if an intrauterine device is used as a contraceptive, all this can provoke the occurrence of cervicitis.
  • Sometimes in women, for various reasons, there is such a phenomenon as prolapse of the vagina, which in turn can cause cervicitis of the cervix.
  • An infectious process can occur as a result of neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Another reason for this inflammation is the presence of a benign neoplasm at this point in the female body.

How does chronic cervicitis manifest?

The symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways - depending on the reasons that caused it, and on how the woman's body reacts to it.

As a rule, the inflammatory process in the cervix begins with an exacerbation, and a woman simply cannot fail to notice it.

  • The patient has a pulling dull pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Mucous or purulent vaginal discharge appears in large quantities. After intercourse, the discharge is bloody.
  • Pain appears during urination and intimate contact.
  • Itching and burning in the vagina is characteristic.

Chronic cervicitis, the symptoms of which in a state of remission represent a kind of "lightened" variant, is able to lull a woman's vigilance: everything seems to be tolerable - the discharge is not particularly disturbing, and there seems to be no pain. But this is the insidiousness of the disease.

What can the neglected cervicitis threaten with?

With a blurred clinical picture, the easiest way is to calm down and not take any decisive steps. But this will be the biggest mistake, because chronic cervicitis is fraught with serious complications.

  • Vaginal discharge is a pathological phenomenon, and in whatever quantities they appear, they constantly irritate the mucous membrane of the cervix, contributing to the formation of erosions and ulcers on it.
  • Cervix may increase in volume. This phenomenon is called hypertrophy.
  • Both polyps and real tumors can form on the neck.
  • Among the complications is chronic endocervicitis, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal (this is the name of the cervical canal, which connects the vagina with the uterine cavity).
  • An infection from this area can easily penetrate the ovaries and the body of the uterus, causing inflammatory processes in them.
  • In addition, cervicitis threatens with dysplasia - this is a phenomenon in which the presence of atypical cells is observed on the cervix, which are capable, without causing any painful sensations, to degenerate into a malignant formation over time.
  • And finally, the most important complication is infertility.

What did the doctor order?

Before starting the treatment of chronic cervicitis, the doctor will conduct some diagnostic examinations, in particular ultrasound of the pelvic organs, several smears for the vaginal flora and genital infections, as well as urine and blood tests (conventional and biochemical). When, based on the results of bacteriological cultures, the causative agent of the disease is identified, a treatment strategy will emerge, it will become clear which cause to eliminate. Depending on this, the necessary therapeutic agents will be prescribed - suppositories and creams for vaginal use, antibiotics or antiviral, antifungal and other drugs.

As a method for local exposure, douching with decoctions of medicinal plants, in particular, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, as well as baths with silver and hydrogen peroxide, can be prescribed. Radiowave therapy with the use of special devices on an outpatient basis is quite effective. Electrophoresis is effective, during which the electrode is placed inside the vagina with the use of drugs.

This disease, by eliminating the infectious factor, can be treated surgically - using cryo - and laser therapy, diathermocoagulation.

It is important to remember that cervicitis and chronic endocervicitis are capable of secondary development, therefore, during treatment, sexual partners should avoid intimate contact.

How about traditional medicine?

For the sake of fairness, I must say that only traditional medicine recipes will not give a special effect - the disease may seem to recede for a while, but then it will return again. Therefore, it is best to combine traditional and traditional medicine: internal medication and douching with herbal decoctions will give a better and faster effect.

One of the recipes for a folk medicine for oral administration involves the following composition:

one by one:

  • eucalyptus (leaf)
  • alder cones
  • yarrow (herb)

in two parts:

  • tansy (flowers)
  • juniper berries
  • birch buds
  • sage (leaf).

All ingredients should be mixed. The resulting mixture in the amount of two tablespoons, pouring boiling water in the volume of a glass, soak for eight minutes in a water bath. After that, leave for half an hour, drain. The norm for a single dose is 70 g three times a day. It is worthwhile to tune in advance that this process is quite long - the course of treatment can last from a month to three.

Chronic cervicitis is a chronic inflammatory process localized in the cervix. The cervix has two parts: the vaginal part (inflammation of which is called exocervicitis) and the cervical canal
uterus (with the localization of the pathological process in it, the disease is called endocervicitis). Due to the anatomical proximity of the vagina and cervix, this inflammatory process is rarely isolated and is often combined with vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa). Most often, chronic cervicitis occurs in women of fertile age. However, this disease can also develop during menopause, which is associated with a decrease in the level of estrogen in the woman's blood.

The causes of chronic cervicitis

There are a wide variety of causes that can contribute to chronic cervicitis. The most significant are the following:

  • Frequent change of sexual partners, especially with an irrational selection of the method of contraception. In the absence of a permanent sexual partner, it is recommended to use barrier methods of contraception, rather than hormonal ones (a combination of these methods is possible). Also, the development of cervicitis is facilitated by the use of methods such as douching with acid solutions after intercourse.
  • Venereal diseases. Most often, cervicitis develops with gonorrhea and.
  • The prolapse of the pelvic organs (most often develops in women during menopause).
  • Also, the cause of development can be a reduced estrogen saturation in menopause, which leads to a thinning of the mucous membrane of the cervix, which makes it very sensitive to various microbes.
  • Non-specific flora. The inflammatory process can be caused by such microorganisms as staphylococci, E. coli, etc.
  • Deterioration of the state of the immune system (regardless of the cause).
  • Various inflammatory diseases of other organs of the reproductive or urinary systems (colpitis, adnexitis, etc.).
  • Cervical trauma (for example, during childbirth) or surgery (such as abortion, diagnostic curettage).

Complicated course of cervicitis

The very transition of cervicitis from an acute to a chronic form can be considered as a complicated course of the disease. However, chronic cervicitis, if left untreated, can lead to various dangerous complications.

  • Ascending infection with the development of adnexitis, involvement in the inflammatory process of the pelvic peritoneum.
  • Inflammation of the Bartholin glands (paired glands at the entrance to the vagina).
  • If cervicitis is caused, then the possibility of formation is not excluded, which can subsequently cause infertility.
  • If a woman is infected with oncogenic types of human papillomavirus, then chronic cervicitis can provoke.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease when viewed in mirrors, as a rule, does not cause difficulties . However, given the low severity of symptoms in chronic cervicitis, you must remember the importance of regular check-ups with a gynecologist (even if nothing bothers you). The main signs of cervicitis on examination are:

  • Swelling and congestion of the cervix.
  • The presence of areas of erosion on the cervix.
  • Cloudy mucous membranes (and with advanced forms, purulent) discharge of varying intensity.

Of course, all these signs in chronic cervicitis are much less pronounced than in acute.

If chronic cervicitis is suspected, the doctor performs the following diagnostic measures:

  1. A smear to determine the flora of the vagina.
  2. Sowing flora with determination of antibiotic sensitivity.
  3. Analysis for sexually transmitted diseases (including latent infections). As a rule, pathogens are detected by PCR.
  4. A blood test for the presence of antigens of parenteral viral hepatitis and HIV, the Wasserman test (to exclude syphilis).
  5. Scraping of the cervical canal and the vaginal part of the cervix with subsequent cytological examination (to exclude the presence of atypical cells).
  6. Urine analysis (especially important if there are complaints of increased frequency or pain in urination). It is necessary to exclude the inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system.
  7. Colposcopy (usually extended, that is, using acetic acid). Used to detect areas of erosion or pseudo-erosion on the cervix.
  8. Ultrasound of the internal genital organs. In addition to information about the condition of the genitals, this procedure is necessary to exclude the adhesions in the small pelvis.
  9. A mandatory study in chronic cervicitis is a biopsy of the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe cervix (this procedure must be carried out in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle).

Chronic cervicitis and pregnancy

Chronic cervicitis and pregnancy are incompatible concepts. With cervicitis, there is a source of infection in the small pelvis, which negatively affects both the development of the baby and the function of the cervix, and even directly on the contractility of the uterus. As a result, in chronic cervicitis, premature opening of the cervix and an increase in the contractile activity of the uterine body are quite often observed, which can cause termination of pregnancy or premature birth. Therefore, cervicitis during pregnancy must be treated without fail. Of course, it is wiser to prepare for pregnancy in advance and eliminate all chronic foci before conception.

Chronic cervicitis treatment

Of course, acute cervicitis is treated much easier and faster than chronic cervicitis. But the chronic form also lends itself to therapy. There are two approaches to the treatment of chronic cervicitis - medical and surgical.

A particularly important step in the treatment of chronic cervicitis is etiotropic therapy (i.e., treatment that is aimed at eliminating the factor causing the disease). The choice of the drug depends on the pathological agents that cause the inflammatory process:

  • If the inflammatory process is caused, then the basis of treatment should be cytotoxic drugs.
  • Viral cervicitis is most commonly caused by the herpes virus. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct a course of therapy with drugs such as Acyclovir, Valtrex.
  • If the process is caused by microbes or fungi, then antibacterial drugs are prescribed after determining the sensitivity. It is important to remember that it is important to complete the course of antibiotic therapy until the end, and not interrupt after you feel better. After completing the course, it is necessary to use preparations containing lactobacilli to restore the normal flora of the vagina.
  • For cervicitis during menopause, hormone replacement therapy (for example, ovestin) is prescribed.

After eliminating the cause that caused the pathological process, surgical intervention is required for a complete cure. There are the following methods of surgical treatment of cervicitis:

  • "Freezing" with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy).
  • Impact on the pathological area with a laser beam (laser therapy).
  • Surgitron apparatus (electrosurgical method of treatment).

After surgery, it is advisable to prescribe anti-inflammatory suppositories, physiotherapy procedures.

Inflammation of the cervix, or chronic cervicitis, is a serious disease of the female genital organs that can be complicated by erosion, dysplasia or cancer of the cervix and lead to impaired female fertility or its complete destruction.

The cause of cervical inflammation is the presence of an infection in the cervix, which can occur through unprotected intercourse or poor personal hygiene. Cervicitis is always accompanied by another inflammatory disease - colpitis, that is, inflammation of the vagina. The causative agents can be bacteria, viruses or fungi and protozoa (chlamydia). Inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200boften one of the manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases.

Promiscuous sex life, neglect of personal hygiene, hypothermia of the groin area, colds, the presence of chronic diseases and foci of infection in the body contribute to the occurrence of colpitis and cervicitis.

Along the course, cervicitis is classified into acute and chronic. Acute cervicitis often occurs after unprotected intercourse with a partner suffering from sexually transmitted diseases or, less often, when an infection is brought in from another focus with blood flow. If acute cervicitis is not cured in time, then the disease can turn into chronic, with a constant alternation of exacerbations and remissions and a very high risk of complications from the reproductive system. So it is imperative to treat acute cervicitis.

Endo- and exocervicitis is isolated on the affected area. Endocervicitis affects only the mucous membrane of the cervix (endocervix), and exocervicitis also affects the deeper layers, which significantly increases the risk of complications.

Symptomatic manifestations

Chronic cervicitis is a disease that can be asymptomatic for a long time, and a woman will consider herself perfectly healthy. Its first symptoms may appear several months or years after infection. As a rule, cervicitis is manifested by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, soreness during intercourse, and after it - smearing discharge of a dark color or bloody.

Yellowish mucous or yellowish-green purulent discharge from the vagina appears, they can be scanty or profuse, usually do not depend on the menstrual cycle. Since the symptoms are not pronounced, a woman may consider them a normal feature of her body and not take any measures to treat them. Cervicitis can be accompanied by cystitis, with it there are violations of urination, which usually makes a woman see a doctor. Chronic cervicitis and colpitis are usually identified on examination due to cystitis.

Effects on pregnancy

During pregnancy, the cervix acts as a barrier - it is tightly closed and does not allow infections to enter the uterus. But with inflammation, its barrier function is disrupted, in addition, it can itself become a source of infection. The opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200balso a signal for the onset of labor, but if, due to inflammation, it cannot close tightly, this also leads to a disruption in the course of pregnancy.

With untreated chronic cervicitis during pregnancy, there is a high risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus with various infections, congenital fetal abnormalities, early and late miscarriages, premature birth and recurrent miscarriage. Therefore, a woman planning a pregnancy must be examined for the presence of cervicitis, and if it is detected, cure it before she becomes pregnant.

Possible complications

In chronic cervicitis, especially if it proceeds in the form of exocervicitis, there is always a risk of ascending infection, with damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus) disrupts the cyclical processes in the endometrium that underlie the menstrual cycle. At the same time, the amount and nature of discharge during menstruation may change, and soreness may appear before and during menstruation. More dangerous signs of endometritis appear only during pregnancy - this is a violation of the formation of the placenta and, as a consequence, the inability to get pregnant, the threat of termination of pregnancy and early miscarriages, habitual miscarriage. Endometritis can lead to congenital diseases and malformations in the fetus due to the malformed placenta.

Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes that can lead to the formation of adhesions in them. Adhesions prevent the passage of the egg, both fertilized and unfertilized, from the ovary into the uterus. If adhesions are formed in the initial section of the tube, then the egg cannot meet with the sperm, and adhesive obstruction of the fallopian tubes becomes the cause of infertility, and if fertilization still occurs, but due to adhesions of the zygote cannot enter the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy is formed, which threatens death for a woman.

More rare diseases to which an ascending infection of the female genital tract can occur are oophoritis and peritonitis. Oophoritis - inflammation of the ovary, accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, coarsening of the voice, the appearance of excessive hair growth, decreased sex drive, infertility. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum with a high probability of death. Due to the structural features of the female body, the peritoneal cavity communicates with the fallopian tubes, so infections of the female genital organs can have quite serious consequences not only for a woman's reproductive health, but also for her life.

Diagnostic measures

Since the symptoms of the disease are rather blurred, an accurate diagnosis can be made clinically, i.e. based on the patient's complaints, it is impossible and necessary laboratory and instrumental research methods (after all, perhaps this is acute cervicitis).

The very first of these is a gynecological examination, which every woman must undergo annually. With a digital examination, soreness will be felt, when examined in the mirrors, the cervix is \u200b\u200bswollen, possibly redness. When pulling on the mucous probe, pain occurs, depending on the severity of the process - sharp or pulling. If the doctor notices signs of inflammation, vaginal and cervical swabs should be taken to determine the causative agent of the infection, and a biopsy should be taken to look for possible signs of dysplasia or cervical cancer.

Colposcopy is an examination of the vagina and cervix using a special magnifying device. This allows you to see micro-erosion and other signs of inflammation that are invisible to the naked eye. It is carried out if, when examined in the mirrors, no clear signs of inflammation of the cervix are found, but there are symptoms and signs of colpitis or endometritis.

The bacteriological analysis of the smear determines the presence in the cervix of any of the types of microorganisms that could cause the disease. If necessary, an antibiotic susceptibility test is performed to decide which drug will be more effective for the treatment of chronic cervicitis. In addition, vaginal and urethral discharge is cultured.

PCR is performed if there is a suspicion of the viral nature of the disease. This analysis allows you to determine the type and number of pathogens in the tissues of the cervix and to suggest which of them is most likely the causative agent of the disease. Another method that allows you to identify some sexually transmitted diseases is RIF (immunofluorescence reaction).

A biopsy of the cervical tissue is necessary in order to timely identify signs of cervical dysplasia (precancerous condition), which can lead to a prolonged course of the inflammatory process.

An ultrasound of the pelvic organs is prescribed in order to detect signs of inflammation in neighboring organs, as well as to see adhesions if they have formed.

All patients who are examined for chronic cervicitis are tested for HIV and hepatitis B and C, as these diseases can be sexually transmitted and turn out to be an extremely unpleasant “attachment” to cervicitis.

Curative tactics

Possible drug and surgical treatment of chronic cervicitis. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the inflammation, that is, its causative agent. After its type and sensitivity to drugs is determined, a course of treatment is prescribed. If antibiotics are needed, then it is worth remembering to take them for at least five days. If necessary, a longer intake is possible, but in no case should the course of treatment be shortened - this will lead to the fact that the microflora will lose sensitivity to the prescribed drug. If the patient's condition is very serious, there is purulent discharge from the vagina, suggesting the bacterial nature of the inflammation, and the test results are not yet ready, then empirical antibiotic therapy is prescribed - drugs of the widest spectrum of action are used. After receiving the result of bacteriological analysis, it is possible to replace the drug.

With viral cervicitis, Acyclovir, Podofilin and other antiviral drugs are prescribed. Also, in this case, immunomodulatory and immunostimulating drugs are required, because the activity of the virus is often associated with insufficient function of the immune system.

Antifungal drugs for fungal infections of the cervix in no case can be combined with antibiotics or hormonal drugs - this will cause an even greater increase in the growth of the fungus.

Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at eliminating inflammation and involves the appointment of non-steroidal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories, and in severe cases, intravenous injections. Vaginal suppositories with drugs that allow restoring the normal microflora of the vagina also occupy a very important place, because the normal microflora displaces the disease-causing one and does not allow it to develop. Immunomodulators and immunostimulants are especially important for viral and fungal infections of the cervix - they restore the activity of the immune system so that it can effectively fight the pathogen.

For severe pain, pain relievers are prescribed, douching with solutions of various antiseptic and soothing herbs. They allow you to remove the manifestations of the disease and restore good health.

Surgical treatment is the use of liquid nitrogen and a surgical laser to remove cervical erosion. After its application, the endocervix recovers on its own in a few days. There is no pain or other discomfort. After such an operation, it is advisable to abstain from sexual activity for a week in order to avoid damage to the tissues of the cervix.

Necessary prevention

First of all, the prevention of infection - the use of a condom during sex, loyalty to your sexual partner, personal hygiene, timely treatment of foci of infection and gynecological diseases.

In addition, it is important to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist, and if unpleasant symptoms appear during and after intercourse, consult a doctor. It is necessary to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis, on time, and it is not necessary to use folk remedies, but be sure to be treated with antibiotics in order to eliminate the focus of infection.

The penetration of infection is also possible during abortion, since during this manipulation and for some time after it, the cervical canal gapes and becomes an entrance gate for infection. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully choose effective methods of contraception so that pregnancy is only desired and not accompanied by diseases.

Cervicitis -this is an inflammation of the tissues of the vaginal part of the cervix.

The main function of the mucous membrane of the cervix is \u200b\u200bto protect the uterine cavity from pathogenic microorganisms. Cervical mucus consists of immunoglobulins, enzymes and various substances that have antibacterial effects. The cervix and cervical mucus are a natural filter that protects a woman from adverse environmental conditions. The main reasons for the development of cervicitis include:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • various injuries of the cervical canal, for example, during childbirth, installation of uterine contraceptives, artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • chemical burns of the cervix during douching;
  • hormonal disorders.

Predisposing factors of the disease include earlier onset of sexual activity, promiscuous sexual relations, early childbirth (up to 18 years of age), allergic reactions to latex or condom components, the use of hormonal drugs, and smoking.

Cervicitis rarely occurs in isolation, most often it is accompanied by other diseases of the genital organs, for example, vulvitis, bartholinitis, vaginitis, ectropion, etc.

There are 2 forms of cervicitis:

  • specific, which is caused by pathogenic microflora (gonococcus, mycoplasma, Trichomonas, chlamydia);
  • nonspecific - caused by a conditionally pathogenic microflora, which, under certain conditions, leads to the development of cervicitis (streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, enterococci, fungi of the genus Candida and others).

Depending on the localization of inflammation, exocervicitis and endocervicitis are isolated. Exocervicitis means inflammation of the vaginal segment of the cervix, while endocervicitis means inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix.

By the nature of the course, cervicitis is divided into:

  • acute. In this case, the inflammatory process lasts less than 6 weeks;
  • chronic, which proceeds with periodic exacerbations of the process.

With timely referral to a specialist, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. In case of late seeking help from a doctor or insufficient treatment, acute cervicitis can become chronic, which has certain consequences. In addition, cervicitis may result in polyps and erosion of the cervix, inflammation of the upper genital tract. That is why it is recommended to immediately contact a medical institution when the first symptoms of the disease appear, and also to undergo preventive gynecological examinations annually.


Acute cervicitis is manifested by the appearance of abundant discharge from the genital tract of a mucous or mucopurulent nature. In addition, pain syndrome may be present in the clinic of the disease. However, dull pain in the lower abdomen is not a permanent sign of the disease, that is, acute cervicitis can occur without pain.

Chronic cervicitis is characterized by an erased clinical picture. In the chronic form of the disease, there are periodic pains in the lower abdomen, mainly of an aching nature, as well as cloudy mucous discharge from the genital tract.

Depending on the type of causative agent of cervicitis, the clinical picture of the disease may vary slightly. So, for example, cervicitis, caused by a gonorrheal infection, proceeds acutely and rapidly, the symptoms are pronounced, often with pain syndrome. With chlamydial infection, the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced, which is why the patients do not seek help from a specialist for a long time.


A gynecologist can diagnose cervicitis not only when a patient comes with characteristic complaints, but also during a routine examination, when the patient was not bothered by anything.

The examination begins with an examination of the cervix using a gynecological speculum. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, the cervix looks like this:

  • with cervicitis of gonorrheal etiology, the vaginal part of the cervix has a bright red color, it is edematous, loose, with areas of ulceration (a symptom of "continuous erosion");
  • with cervicitis caused by Trichomonas, the cervix is \u200b\u200bhyperemic, edematous, loose, small hemorrhages are revealed ("strawberry cervix");
  • with chlamydial infection, which can also cause the development of cervicitis, the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix is \u200b\u200bslightly hyperemic, edematous.

Next, colposcopy is performed - a diagnostic method that allows you to assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix using a special optical device (colposcope). In the course of this study, the nature of the pathological changes in the cervix is \u200b\u200bclarified. In addition, colposcopy allows you to determine the location of the pathological focus, which is necessary for targeted biopsy of the cervix. There are 2 types of colposcopy:

  1. Simple colposcopy, during which the cervix is \u200b\u200bexamined with a colposcope, without any medical tests.
  2. Extended colposcopy, in which the mucous membrane of the cervix is \u200b\u200bpretreated with a 3% solution of acetic acid (or 0.5% salicylic acid) and an aqueous solution of Lugol (the so-called Schiller test), after which the cervix is \u200b\u200bexamined using a colposcope ...

The procedure is absolutely painless and does not require preliminary preparation on the part of the patient. It is believed that colposcopy must be performed only if any changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix are detected during examination using a gynecological mirror. However, at present, it is recommended to perform this study for women who are sexually active at least once a year for prophylactic purposes.

Next, a smear is taken from the cervical canal, which is sent for microscopic and bacteriological examination. Microscopic examination allows us to determine the number and ratio of normal, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, as well as cellular elements, which allows us to conclude about the presence of an inflammatory process, the degree of its severity and the nature of the microflora that populates the vaginal part of the cervix. In acute cervicitis, a large number of leukocytes (30 or more), lymphocytes and pathogenic microorganisms are found. Bacteriological research allows you to identify the type of pathogen that caused the development of cervicitis, as well as to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism to the spectrum of antibiotics, which will help in choosing a specific antibiotic for treatment. It is far from always possible to identify the causative agent of the disease with the help of bacteriological examination of a smear; in such cases, PCR diagnostics is performed. This is, of course, a fairly powerful and effective modern diagnostic method that allows you to quickly and accurately determine the causative agent of an infectious disease. It is also worth noting that PCR diagnostics has high specificity and sensitivity. Due to the numerous advantages of this diagnostic method, an existing human disease can be detected even at the stage of the incubation period, when there are no clinical and laboratory signs of the disease.


Treatment of cervicitis is aimed at eliminating the cause and predisposing factors for the onset of the disease. For this, antibacterial, antiviral or pro-fungal drugs are prescribed, depending on the causative agent of the disease.

Local treatment is carried out only after the acute process of the disease subsides. It includes douching, the introduction of vaginal creams, suppositories, treatment of the cervix with a 3% solution of dimethyl sulfoxide, a solution of silver nitrate. It is important to emphasize that the use of local therapy in the acute period of cervicitis is strictly prohibited due to the risk of developing an ascending infection.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is also used, which is prescribed after stopping the acute period of the disease. For example, vaginal laser therapy, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization, and the like can be used.

Chronic cervicitis responds poorly to drug treatment. Therefore, the following surgical options are used:

  • diathermocoagulation is a method of treatment, the effect of which is to burn tissues with high-frequency current;
  • cryotherapy is a method of treatment based on exposure to cold tissue;
  • laser therapy is a method of treatment based on exposure of tissues to a concentrated beam of light.

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of cervicitis include following the rules of personal hygiene, avoiding sexually transmitted infections, their timely treatment, and treatment of endocrine disorders. An important condition for preventing cervicitis is the timely treatment of thrush.


The appointment of antibacterial drugs is necessary for the bacterial etiology of cervicitis. The following groups of antibiotics are used:

  1. Tetracyclines. One of the representatives of this group of antibacterial agents is doxycycline, which is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Contraindicated in children under 8 years old, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with hepatic insufficiency, as well as with myasthenia gravis (in the case of intravenous administration of the drug).
  2. Macrolides. The most common macrolide is azithromycin. This antibiotic has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, which makes it possible to use it in case of damage to various gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. The mechanism of action of the drug is to slow down the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Azithromycin is well tolerated, side effects rarely occur while taking the drug, it is contraindicated only if the patient has an allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age.
  3. Fluoroquinolones:
    • moxifloxacin. Possesses bactericidal action, spreading to a wide range of microorganisms. The drug is well tolerated among representatives of different ages. If necessary, it is allowed to prescribe to pregnant women, since during the study on animals, no teratogenic effect was detected, which means the occurrence of malformations due to the use of the drug. It is worth refraining from using children under 18 years of age, since clinical trials of the drug have not been carried out, indicating the safety of using moxifloxacin in childhood;
    • levofloxacin. The drug has a bactericidal effect, is active against both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Levofloxacin is well tolerated, the following side reactions rarely occur: nausea, diarrhea, discomfort in the epigastric region (upper abdomen), muscle weakness.

Antiviral drugs are used, for example, for herpes infections. In this case, acyclovir is often prescribed. The dosage of the drug and the frequency of administration is determined by the attending physician, based on the severity of the process and the severity of clinical manifestations. Adverse reactions while taking the drug are rare. Most often, you can face abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache. Detection of an allergic reaction is an indication for discontinuation of the drug. While taking acyclovir, it is recommended to monitor kidney function, that is, to monitor changes in the biochemical blood test of such indicators as creatinine and urea.

In case of detection of candidal cervicitis, antifungal drugs are prescribed. The most common drug in this group is fluconazole. The tolerance of this drug is very good, side effects are extremely rare. Of the side reactions, the most common are abdominal pain, nausea, flatulence, dryness of the oral mucosa, upset stool in the form of constipation.

Folk remedies

Cervicitis should be treated by a specialist in the field of medicine. Self-medication at home is not encouraged, since the lack of timely qualified treatment of acute cervicitis can lead to a chronic course of the process.

As you know, in some cases, cervicitis has an erased clinical picture, which is why a woman does not seek timely help from a specialist. To avoid such situations, it is recommended not to forget about preventive examinations by a gynecologist, which should be carried out at least 2 times a year. In addition, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene in order to eliminate the appearance of favorable conditions for the addition of infection. The number of sexual partners in a woman plays an important role in the possibility of developing cervicitis. Therefore, you should limit the number of sexual partners, as well as exclude casual sex. To prevent the occurrence of a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to use a barrier method of contraception (condom) during intercourse. In case of neglect of this method of protection, it is strongly recommended to be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if there is no regular sexual partner. In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, as well as prevent oneself from provoking factors leading to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. To do this, you should avoid hypothermia, various injuries, psycho-emotional stress. It is also important to take care of your diet, special attention should be paid to the use of vegetables and fruits that are rich in various vitamins and minerals, dairy products, cereals. Particular attention is paid to the regime of sleep and rest, the observance of which helps to strengthen the general condition of the body.

The information is for reference only and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, see your doctor.