Alexander Nikonov - spiritual bonds from the Ryaba chicken. “Spiritual bonds from Hen Ryaba” Alexander Nikonov Preface to the book “Spiritual bonds from Hen Ryaba”

Ordinary citizens are very fond of morality. Don't feed them bread - give them morality! They criticize immoral television, but they watch it. They are angry at the immoral tabloid press, but they consume it. They vilify modern morals, but do not want to live like in the Middle Ages. They highly respect the Bible as the “foundation of morality,” but they do not want to read it.

But ordinary citizens simply adore morality itself in its pure form and demand its forcible implementation from the government and other authorities. What kind of authorities? It's not a secret. Who is the monopolist in the field of morality in our country? Who gives it to the suffering at low prices, like groceries in a store? I bet you survey a hundred Russians and the absolute majority will automatically answer:

- Church!

This word in the minds of citizens lies next to the words “morality”, “religion”, “Bible”, “Orthodoxy”, “God”, “Christianity”... At the same time, most people who sincerely call themselves believers have a very superficial idea of ​​Christianity, they go to church only on excursions, don’t communicate with priests, and never read the Holy Scriptures. But the Bible is a basic thing for believers, just like Das Kapital is for a Marxist!

This is a common thing: under the USSR, communist bosses had in their offices a complete collection of Lenin’s works with uncut pages. Reading ideological works is boring! And the Bible in this sense does not differ for the better from the books of grandfather Lenin. Apart from specialists, there is hardly a normal person who could overcome this incredible burden. Here is a short excerpt from the biblical text for illustration. Don’t be lazy, at least run your eyes diagonally:

17 And Moses and Aaron took those men who were named,

18 And they gathered the whole congregation together on the first [day] of the second month. And they declared their genealogies, according to their generations, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, without exception,

19 As the Lord commanded Moses. And he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

20 And the children of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, were by their families, by their clans, by their families, by the number of names, all the males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

21 And the number of the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.

22 The sons of Simeon, according to their generations, according to their tribes, according to their families, according to the number of names, all males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

23 The number of the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

24 The sons of Gad, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

25 The number of the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

26 The sons of Judah, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

27 And the number of the tribe of Judah was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

28 The sons of Issachar, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

29 The number of the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

30 The sons of Zebulun, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

31 The number of the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

32 The sons of Joseph, the children of Ephraim, by their families, by their families, by their families, by the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

33 The number of the tribe of Ephraim was forty thousand and five hundred.

34 The sons of Manasseh, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

35 The number of the tribe of Manasseh was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

36 The sons of Benjamin, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

37 And the number of the tribe of Benjamin was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

38 The sons of Dan, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

39 And the number of the tribe of Dan was threescore and two thousand seven hundred.

40 The sons of Asher, by their families, by their tribes, by their families, by the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all fit for war,

41 And the number of the tribe of Asher was forty-one thousand and five hundred.

42 The children of Naphtali, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

43 The number of the tribe of Naphtali was fifty-three thousand four hundred.

So how? Is it possible to read such rubbish on a voluntary basis?.. Of course, not the whole Bible is so boring, but as soon as a citizen stumbles upon one or two such pieces, he either falls asleep or simply throws this nonsense to hell. Even if he is a believer. People prefer to judge the Bible from other people's words.

Nevertheless, even without reading the main book, the average person loves, rolling his eyes to the sky, thoughtfully blurting out some banal nonsense, such as:

– The Bible is a collection of divine wisdom! It's all about allegory...

According to the principle “I haven’t read Pasternak, but...”

My book is for those who do not want to spend the time needed to earn money on reading ancient drudgery, but at the same time want to easily and naturally have an idea of ​​​​what the Bible, Christianity and biblical morality are and what they are eaten with.

It's time to finally tell people about this without embellishment. Reveal the truth to the masses. Myths need to be debunked...

Dont kill!


Kill every one his brother, every one his friend, every one his neighbor.


I am the Lord, a jealous God, punishing the children for the iniquity of the fathers...


Last name of god

§ 1. What is the Bible and how is it organized?

The Bible is a collection of folklore of ancient pastoral tribes that lived in Palestine. Many peoples left behind volumes of folklore: the Finns - “Kalevala”, the Hindus - “Mahabharata”, the Kirghiz - “Manas”, the Kalmyks - “Dzhangar”, the Indians - “Popol Vuh”... However, it was the Hebrew legends that were destined to play a huge role in history civilization. Why? Maybe because the Jewish epic was unique in its kind, radically different from any other folk epic? No. Jewish myths and tales are secondary, and in many ways simply borrowed (not to say stolen) from the more developed peoples of the world of that time... Perhaps the Bible stood out among other texts with some special morality and wisdom? No, it was no less, but rather even more cruel and illogical than the mythologies of other peoples. So what's the deal? Why was this particular pimple lucky enough to grow into a boil? The pagans helped. The pagans who created a great empire...

The Bible is composed of several dozen unrelated works of various genres. There are purely historical pieces in it, telling about the origin and adventures of tribes of wild cattle breeders, there are theological pieces, telling about the primitive worldview of the latter, and there are purely erotic lyrics of the Ancient East, which have nothing to do with religion at all.

Current page: 1 (21 pages total) [available reading passage: 14 pages]

Alexander Nikonov
Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba

© Nikonov A. P, text

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

From the author
Preface to the first edition. Still relevant

Ordinary citizens are very fond of morality. Don't feed them bread - give them morality! They criticize immoral television, but they watch it. They are angry at the immoral tabloid press, but they consume it. They vilify modern morals, but do not want to live like in the Middle Ages. They highly respect the Bible as the “foundation of morality,” but they do not want to read it.

But ordinary citizens simply adore morality itself in its pure form and demand its forcible implementation from the government and other authorities. What kind of authorities? It's not a secret. Who is the monopolist in the field of morality in our country? Who gives it to the suffering at low prices, like groceries in a store? I bet you survey a hundred Russians and the absolute majority will automatically answer:

- Church!

This word in the minds of citizens lies next to the words “morality”, “religion”, “Bible”, “Orthodoxy”, “God”, “Christianity”... At the same time, most people who sincerely call themselves believers have a very superficial idea of ​​Christianity, they go to church only on excursions, don’t communicate with priests, and never read the Holy Scriptures. But the Bible is a basic thing for believers, just like Das Kapital is for a Marxist!

This is a common thing: under the USSR, communist bosses had in their offices a complete collection of Lenin’s works with uncut pages. Reading ideological works is boring! And the Bible in this sense does not differ for the better from the books of grandfather Lenin. Apart from specialists, there is hardly a normal person who could overcome this incredible burden. Here is a short excerpt from the biblical text for illustration. Don’t be lazy, at least run your eyes diagonally:

17 And Moses and Aaron took those men who were named,

18 And they gathered the whole congregation together on the first [day] of the second month. And they declared their genealogies, according to their generations, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, without exception,

19 As the Lord commanded Moses. And he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

20 And the children of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, were by their families, by their clans, by their families, by the number of names, all the males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

21 And the number of the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.

22 The sons of Simeon, according to their generations, according to their tribes, according to their families, according to the number of names, all males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

23 The number of the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

24 The sons of Gad, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

25 The number of the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

26 The sons of Judah, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

27 And the number of the tribe of Judah was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

28 The sons of Issachar, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

29 The number of the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

30 The sons of Zebulun, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

31 The number of the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

32 The sons of Joseph, the children of Ephraim, by their families, by their families, by their families, by the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

33 The number of the tribe of Ephraim was forty thousand and five hundred.

34 The sons of Manasseh, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

35 The number of the tribe of Manasseh was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

36 The sons of Benjamin, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

37 And the number of the tribe of Benjamin was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

38 The sons of Dan, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

39 And the number of the tribe of Dan was threescore and two thousand seven hundred.

40 The sons of Asher, by their families, by their tribes, by their families, by the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all fit for war,

41 And the number of the tribe of Asher was forty-one thousand and five hundred.

42 The children of Naphtali, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

43 The number of the tribe of Naphtali was fifty-three thousand four hundred.

So how? Is it possible to read such rubbish on a voluntary basis?.. Of course, not the whole Bible is so boring, but as soon as a citizen stumbles upon one or two such pieces, he either falls asleep or simply throws this nonsense to hell. Even if he is a believer. People prefer to judge the Bible from other people's words.

Nevertheless, even without reading the main book, the average person loves, rolling his eyes to the sky, thoughtfully blurting out some banal nonsense, such as:

– The Bible is a collection of divine wisdom! It's all about allegory...

According to the principle “I haven’t read Pasternak, but...”

My book is for those who do not want to spend the time needed to earn money on reading ancient drudgery, but at the same time want to easily and naturally have an idea of ​​​​what the Bible, Christianity and biblical morality are and what they are eaten with.

It's time to finally tell people about this without embellishment. Reveal the truth to the masses. Myths need to be debunked...

* * *

Dont kill!


Kill every one his brother, every one his friend, every one his neighbor.


I am the Lord, a jealous God, punishing the children for the iniquity of the fathers...


Part I
Last name of god

§ 1. What is the Bible and how is it organized?

The Bible is a collection of folklore of ancient pastoral tribes that lived in Palestine. Many peoples left behind volumes of folklore: the Finns - “Kalevala”, the Hindus - “Mahabharata”, the Kirghiz - “Manas”, the Kalmyks - “Dzhangar”, the Indians - “Popol Vuh”... However, it was the Hebrew legends that were destined to play a huge role in history civilization. Why? Maybe because the Jewish epic was unique in its kind, radically different from any other folk epic? No. Jewish myths and tales are secondary, and in many ways simply borrowed (not to say stolen) from the more developed peoples of the world of that time... Perhaps the Bible stood out among other texts with some special morality and wisdom? No, it was no less, but rather even more cruel and illogical than the mythologies of other peoples. So what's the deal? Why was this particular pimple lucky enough to grow into a boil? The pagans helped. The pagans who created a great empire...

The Bible is composed of several dozen unrelated works of various genres. There are purely historical pieces in it, telling about the origin and adventures of tribes of wild cattle breeders, there are theological pieces, telling about the primitive worldview of the latter, and there are purely erotic lyrics of the Ancient East, which have nothing to do with religion at all.

All together, these disparate works are combined into one thick volume of decent weight. Moreover, biblical stories are presented in the form of so-called “verses” under numbers. Why under numbers and in the form of “poems”? Oh, this is a funny story!.. The oldest versions of the Bible had neither chapters nor verses. And where did primitive pastoralists get the concept of chapters?.. For the first time, the Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Cardinal Stephen Langton. A little later, another cardinal, Hugh of Saint-Chér, divided individual chapters into so-called “verses.” And already in the 16th century, the publisher Etienne, for the convenience of users, put numbers next to the verses - so that it would be easier for pious citizens to look for appropriate quotes for the occasion (in those days they liked to show off quotes from the Bible, just as in the 18th century - quotes from enlighteners.) Please note that When quoting the Bible, I will almost always omit these numbers so as not to litter the test.

Just as a sandwich consists of at least two components – bread and sausage, so the Bible is “joined together” from two parts – the Old Testament and the New. A “covenant” is a “contract.” That is, an agreement between the Jews and their tribal god. There are two of them.

The Old Testament is what happened before Jesus Christ, the New Testament is what after... Today's priests try not to focus the attention of parishioners on the Old Testament, realizing that all these strange stories that are described there sound too wild for a modern person. The priests understand that reading the Old Testament will make a depressing impression on modern man. And for many it can serve as the first step towards disappointment in faith. Therefore, clergy often say: “Oh, this is the Old Testament! Don't read it. Read the New Testament!” Even such a word appeared - “Old Testament”, that is, hopelessly outdated. But at the same time, in the most paradoxical way, no one has officially canceled the Old Testament, it is still considered sacred, just referring to it... well, it’s kind of politically incorrect. Civilized people will not understand. Only wild Americans like to flaunt their knowledge of some Old Testament quote or story. And even then, references to the Old Testament are the lot of conservatives from the southern states, and the modern intelligentsia of huge megacities has not indulged in such things for a long time. Somehow indecent.

The first book included in the Old Testament is Genesis. She is best known to the public...

§ 2. Being determines consciousness...

In order to adequately perceive the stories of the Old Testament in general and its first book in particular, one must clearly imagine the mental and moral state of the native public who roamed the Arabian Peninsula.

What is the primitive consciousness of a savage? How is it characterized? It is characterized by superstitiousness, primitiveness, illogicality, vindictiveness, sentimentality, cruelty, emotional lability (mood swings). And also an extremely low level of intelligence. Which is fully reflected in the picture of the world generated by such consciousness.

Ethnographers and psychologists have studied the consciousness of representatives of backward peoples quite fully. In one of my books, I talked about the research of the Soviet scientist Luria, who devoted a considerable part of his life to the study of just such a primitive type of consciousness. Luria was lucky in this sense: for his research he did not have to go to the Amazon jungle or land in New Guinea. His Soviet homeland provided him with abundant material for study. Luria went to Uzbekistan and began to explore farmers there from the most distant villages with the most undeveloped consciousness.

Of course, I won’t repeat the entire episode from my last book, but forcing you to put this book down to read another one would also be too cruel. Therefore, here I will give only a small piece in abbreviation so that you can get a complete impression of the evolution of consciousness.

...Ethnographer and historian Edward Tylor believed that the thinking of a primitive savage was essentially no different from the thinking of modern man, and Stone Age man was as logical as we are. The French psychologist Lucien Lévy-Bruhl had a different opinion on this matter. He believed that in primitive societies people have pre-logical thinking (which I would call natural, synthetic or animal). And it is dominated by “collectivist” rather than “individualistic” ideas about the world. That is, primitive man did not distinguish himself too much from his environment, his abstract thinking was not very developed. The savages even talk about themselves in the third person: “Mumba went hunting.”

Anyone who often watches small children will be familiar with this. The kids behave similarly, they also talk about themselves in the third person: “Petya craps himself.” This “not distinguishing oneself” is typical for very young children. In other words, adult Papuans in terms of development level correspond to three- to five-year-old civilized children. (When we talk about the religions of the Pacific natives, you will see this for yourself.)

Lévy-Bruhl called the characteristic features of savage thinking its chaotic organization, infantilism, concreteness (as the antonym of abstractness), as well as a tendency to logical contradictions, which the brain “does not see point-blank.” Well, and immanent mysticism. In addition, supporters of this point of view assumed that, in addition to savages and children, mentally disabled adults also possess primitive thinking. This is all that our Soviet eagle from psychology Luria and his team decided to check.

The results surprised scientists. Let's say, any civilized person will see the geometric similarity between a circle and an unfinished circle with a “bitten” piece of an arc - because both of these pictures are united by the abstract geometric concept of “circle”. The natives did not see this. “What do they have in common, if this is a coin, and this is an incomplete moon?” - they were perplexed, poking their callused fingers at the pictures.

The peasant is shown four drawings: a hammer, a saw, an ax and a log. Which item is missing? This is how a certain Rakhmat reasoned:

“Nothing is superfluous, they are all needed,” said this child of nature. - Look, if you need to chop something, like a log, you need an axe. So we need them all!

They tried to explain to him the principle of solving this elementary logical problem using another example. Look, Rakhmat, there are three adults and one child. Who is the odd one out in the group? Of course, a child, because the rest are adults!

- No! – The Uzbek did not agree. - You can’t remove the boy! He must stay with others! Everyone will start working and if they have to run for different things, they will never finish the work, and the boy can run for them. The boy will learn, and it will be better - they will be able to work well together.

“Well, okay,” Luria tried to come in from the other end. - Look, let’s say you have three wheels and pliers. Of course, pliers and wheels are not at all alike, right? Is it possible to group similar items and exclude dissimilar ones?

The savage's answer is brilliant in its primitive simplicity:

- No, they all fit together! I know pliers are not like wheels, but you will need them if you need to secure something in the wheel! You need to have both wheels and pliers. You can use pliers to work with iron, but this is difficult!

Then Luria moves on to another problem. He shows the collective farmers drawings with images of a bullet, a dagger, a gun and a bird. With the same request - to remove unnecessary things. The peasant refuses. In his synthetic world there is nothing superfluous, everything in the household will come in handy!

- It seems like there’s an extra swallow? Although... No! Not superfluous! The gun is loaded with a bullet and kills the swallow. And if you need to cut a bird, then you can do it with a dagger, but there is no other way - you can’t cut it with a gun! Therefore, what I first said about the swallow is incorrect. All these things fit together!..

Earlier, psychologist Vygotsky established that this type of thinking is inherent in small children: the child compares objects according to any of their random characteristics - color, shape, size. However, in the process of reasoning, a “jump” occurs in his little brain - he forgets what criterion he adopted for the primary classification and begins to pile objects on the basis of some other criterion. Luria described this experience of Vygotsky as follows: “As a result, he (the child. - A. N.) often collects a group of objects that do not have only one common characteristic. The logical basis of such groupings often represents a whole complex of characteristics united by a common situation. Objects are united by a common situation in which each of them participates individually. An example of such a grouping would be the “food” category, where the child includes a chair to sit at the table, a tablecloth to cover the table, a knife to cut bread, a plate to put the bread on, etc.”

Vygotsky determined that this method of classification is typical only for preschoolers and children who have recently entered school. This is precisely the intelligence of illiterate peasants. These are eternal children...

The tireless Luria offers the dark people the following task. The picture shows a glass, a bottle, a frying pan and glasses. What's extra? As you already understand, there is nothing superfluous. Everything on the farm will come in handy!

“These three are suitable,” says another peasant, “but I don’t know why you put the glasses here.” No, they probably fit too! If a person sees poorly, he has to put on glasses to eat lunch.

“But one person told me that one of these things does not fit the group,” Luria tries to guide the villager on the right path. What does the villager answer?

“Maybe it’s in his family to think this way.” And I will say that they all fit. You cannot cook food in a glass - you can pour something into it. To cook you need a frying pan, and to see better you need glasses. We need all four of these things - that's why they were put together.

Can you feel how their brains work? Once you put it in, it means it’s necessary. They won't put it in vain. The owner said to do it, so it needs to be done without reasoning. The boss won’t say anything in vain. It is enough to drive one nail of dogma into such a child’s brain, and the entire structure of blind faith will rest on it. It is easiest to manage ordinary people. Because those who are smarter will ask a hundred times why it is not possible, under what conditions it is not possible and who benefits from it. And if the answer does not satisfy them, they will break the ban more readily, and most importantly, with minimal mental remorse... Let us return, however, to the unsuccessful attempts of the children of nature to at least correctly classify something.

Any attempts at successful categorization were made only by those natives who received primary school education. But these are not the people who wrote the Bible!..

With the help of Luria's experiments, adherents of the Würzburg psychological school, who stubbornly insisted on the innate logical sensations inherent in human consciousness, were put to shame. But even before Luria, one of the leading psychologists in the world, the Swiss Jean Piaget, corrected the adherents of Wurzburg: he studied the psychology of “unfinished adults” - children - and discovered the same phenomenon that Luria found among primitive peasants. Piaget concluded that there are no innate “logical sensations.”

The Bible was written by mere children... The entire above excursion into the psychology of undeveloped consciousness was made only and exclusively to illustrate this statement. Remember the most popular children's fairy tale, “Ryaba Hen”. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother, and they had a chicken, Ryaba. She laid them a golden egg. Grandfather beat and beat - he didn’t break it, grandma beat and beat - she didn’t break it. A mouse ran past, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. Grandfather is crying, grandmother is crying. And the chicken tells them: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, grandmother, I’ll lay you a new egg - a simple one, not a golden one.” All.

Children don't ask all these questions. Children do not see illogicalities. This is their internal structure: the task of the cubs is to blindly, without reasoning, copy adults in order to learn to survive in this world. Repeat and you will be saved - this is the principle of animal learning. And logic and, accordingly, alogisms are the product of a developed mind and education.

Much of the Old Testament consists of tales of this kind. It is full of alogisms and contradictions, sometimes so blatant that it is completely incomprehensible to modern people how they could have gone unnoticed for centuries. In the future, we will come across them with surprise more than once, but here I will give only one example.

For a long time it was believed that the first five books of the Old Testament were written by Moses himself - the man who, according to legend, talked to God on the mountain and brought the Jews from him guidelines on stone tiles. The amazing paradox lies not only in the fact that the books write about Moses himself in the third person, and not in the fact that the Pentateuch contains the following lines about him: “Moses was the meekest man of all people on earth.” In the end, Moses could write about himself in the third person, like Nikolai Ostrovsky about Pavel Korchagin, and at the same time praise himself in the most shameless way. But in the books whose authorship was attributed to Moses, the death and funeral of Moses himself are described!.. And this is, perhaps, worse than “Ryaba the Hen”! However, it is completely unnoticed by the primitive consciousness... For the first time this blatant nonsense was noted by the Persian scientist of Jewish origin Khivi Gabalki only in the 9th century.

...Let us return, however, to the essence of the book that opens the Bible, forgetting for a moment about its authorship. “Genesis,” as already mentioned, is perhaps the most well-known thing to the general public. Almost everyone can reproduce it, and some American Christians from remote provinces even seriously believe what is written there - that God created the world in six days, made a man from clay, and a woman from his rib... that he forbade Adam and Eve to eat apples in his garden, and when they were tempted by a snake and they finally ate the apples, God cursed them, made them mortal, kicked them out of his garden, and for some reason (out of pure vindictiveness, probably) included pain for the woman during childbirth.

For hundreds of years, Christians considered this “Rock Hen” to be an amazing divine revelation, which the Almighty gave to the Jews as his favorite pets. And only in the 19th century did one unpleasant story happen that put an end to the revelation. It turned out that the main Christian myth is stolen.

Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba Alexander Nikonov

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Title: Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba

About the book “Spiritual Bonds from Chicken Ryaba” Alexander Nikonov

No matter how fast modern society develops, and no matter what innovations it brings into our lives, for a very long time, or maybe always, a person will also be in dire need of a spiritual component. And it makes no difference whether he considers himself a hardened atheist or is absolutely neutral on this issue, in the life of any of us, and without a doubt, there comes a moment when we, beaming with happiness, or wiping away bitter tears, consciously or not, but still convert to God, the Higher Powers, it doesn’t matter what you call the concept itself, the result will be the same. We reach out and thank you from the bottom of our hearts or desperately ask for help. Whether to consider this stupidity, a relic of the past, or very reasonable behavior is everyone’s personal choice. The conclusion from such behavior is that the spiritual principle in a person is quite strong. A person definitely needs to believe in something. This is his nature.

Alexander Nikonov, the famous author of a number of shocking works, including those called “anti-Christian”. He does not stop there and offers fans of his work a new work under the provocative title “Spiritual Bonds from the Ryaba Hen.” At its core, this book is the most complete list of what in the text of the Bible sharply contradicts modern concepts of humanism, morality and civilization. In a rather bold, sarcastic manner, Nikonov shares with readers his, at first glance, cynical point of view about religions, God and all components of this topic.

It is worth immediately warning readers that this book was not written to mock the feelings of believers, it is not intended to agitate anyone for any action. This is not a manifesto or a guide to action. This is the author’s personal opinion, his purely individual vision of the problem. Nikonov simply shares with his readers the observations, conclusions and logical conclusions that he was able to make while studying this topic.

The book “Spiritual Bonds from Chicken Ryaba” shares with readers the idea that any religions that people profess today are hopelessly outdated and do not reflect the realities of modern reality. It’s hard to disagree with the author on this, but so far no one can suggest ways to solve this issue.

Read the unique, bold, original book by Alexander Nikonov “Spiritual Bonds from the Ryaba Hen,” evaluate the author’s position, study the topic and form your own opinion. Enjoy reading.

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Alexander Nikonov

Spiritual bonds from the Ryaba chicken

Ordinary citizens are very fond of morality. Don't feed them bread - give them morality! They criticize immoral television, but they watch it. They are angry at the immoral tabloid press, but they consume it. They vilify modern morals, but do not want to live like in the Middle Ages. They highly respect the Bible as the “foundation of morality,” but they do not want to read it.

But ordinary citizens simply adore morality itself in its pure form and demand its forcible implementation from the government and other authorities. What kind of authorities? It's not a secret. Who is the monopolist in the field of morality in our country? Who donates it to the suffering without the price of groceries in a store? I bet you survey a hundred Russians and the absolute majority will automatically answer:


This word in the minds of citizens lies next to the words “morality”, “religion”, “Bible”, “Orthodoxy”, “God”, “Christianity”... At the same time, most people who sincerely call themselves believers have a very superficial idea of ​​Christianity, they go to church only on excursions, don’t communicate with priests, and never read the Holy Scriptures. But the Bible is a basic thing for believers, just like “Capital” is for a Marxist!

This is a common thing: under the USSR, communist bosses had in their offices a complete collection of Lenin’s works with uncut pages. Reading ideological works is boring! And the Bible in this sense does not differ for the better from the books of grandfather Lenin. Apart from specialists, there is hardly a normal person who could overcome this incredible burden. Here is a short excerpt from the biblical text for illustration. Don’t be lazy, at least run your eyes diagonally:

17 And Moses and Aaron took those men who were named,

18 And they gathered the whole congregation together on the first [day] of the second month. And they declared their genealogies, according to their generations, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, without exception,

19 As the Lord commanded Moses. And he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

20 And the children of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, were by their families, by their families, by their families, by the number of their names, all males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

21 And the number of the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.

22 The sons of Simeon, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, all males, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

23 The number of the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

24 The sons of Gad, by their generations, by their families, by their families, by the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

25 The number of the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

26 The sons of Judah, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

27 And the number of the tribe of Judah was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

28 The sons of Issachar, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

29 The number of the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

30 The sons of Zebulun, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

31 The number of the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

32 The sons of Joseph, the sons of Ephraim, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

33 The number of the tribe of Ephraim was forty thousand and five hundred.

34 The sons of Manasseh, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

35 The number of the tribe of Manasseh was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

36 The sons of Benjamin, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

37 And the number of the tribe of Benjamin was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

38 The sons of Dan, according to their generations, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

39 And the number of the tribe of Dan was threescore and two thousand seven hundred.

40 The sons of Asher, according to their families, according to their tribes, according to their families, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all fit for war,

41 And the number of the tribe of Asher was forty-one thousand and five hundred.

42 The sons of Nephtapim, according to their families, according to their families, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upward, all able to go to war,

43 The number of the tribe of Naphtali was fifty-three thousand four hundred.

So how? Is it possible to read such rubbish on a voluntary basis?.. Of course, not the whole Bible is so boring, but as soon as a citizen stumbles upon one or two such pieces, he either falls asleep or simply throws this nonsense to hell. Even if he is a believer. People prefer to judge the Bible from other people's words.

Nevertheless, even without reading the main book, the average person loves, rolling his eyes to the sky, thoughtfully blurting out some banal nonsense, such as:

The Bible is a collection of divine wisdom! It's all about allegory...

According to the principle “I haven’t read Pasternak, but...”

My book is for those who do not want to spend the time needed to earn money on reading ancient drudgery, but at the same time want to easily and naturally have an idea of ​​​​what the Bible, Christianity and biblical morality are and what they are eaten with.

It's time to finally tell people about this without embellishment. Reveal the truth to the masses. Myths need to be debunked...

* * *

Dont kill!


Kill every one his brother, every one his friend, every one his neighbor.


I am the Lord, a jealous God, punishing the children for the iniquity of the fathers...


Part I. Last name of God

§ 1. What is the Bible and how is it organized?

The Bible is a collection of folklore of ancient pastoral tribes living in Palestine. Many peoples left behind volumes of folklore: the Finns - “Kalevala”, the Hindus - “Mahabharata”, the Kirghiz - “Manas”, the Kalmyks - “Dzhangar”, the Indians - “Popol Vuh”... However, it was the Hebrew legends that were destined to play a huge role in history civilization. Why? Maybe because the Jewish epic was unique in its kind, radically different from any other folk epic? No. Jewish myths and tales are secondary, and in many ways simply borrowed (not to say stolen) from the more developed peoples of the world of that time... Perhaps the Bible stood out among other texts with some special morality and wisdom? No, it was no less, but rather even more cruel and illogical than the mythologies of other peoples. So what's the deal? Why was this particular pimple lucky enough to grow into a boil? The pagans helped. The pagans who created a great empire...

The Bible is composed of several dozen unrelated works of various genres. There are purely historical pieces in it, telling about the origin and adventures of tribes of wild cattle breeders, there are theological pieces, telling about the primitive worldview of the latter, and there are purely erotic lyrics of the Ancient East, which have nothing to do with religion at all.

All together, these disparate works are combined into one thick volume of decent weight. Moreover, biblical stories are presented in the form of so-called “verses” under numbers. Why under numbers and in the form of “poems”? Oh, this is a funny story!.. The oldest versions of the Bible had neither chapters nor verses. And where did primitive pastoralists get the concept of chapters?.. For the first time, the Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Cardinal Stephen Langton. A little later, another cardinal, Hugh of Saint-Cher, divided individual chapters into so-called “verses.” And already in the 16th century, the publisher Etienne, for the convenience of users, put numbers next to the verses - so that it would be easier for pious citizens to look for appropriate quotes for the occasion (in those days they liked to show off quotes from the Bible, just as in the 18th century - quotes from enlighteners.) Please note that When quoting the Bible, I will almost always omit these numbers so as not to litter the test.

Just as a sandwich consists of at least two components - bread and sausage, so the Bible is “screwed together” from two parts - the Old Testament and the New. A "covenant" is a "contract". That is, an agreement between the Jews and their tribal god. There are two of them.

The Old Testament is what happened before Jesus Christ, the New Testament is what after... Today's priests try not to focus the attention of parishioners on the Old Testament, realizing that all these strange stories that are described there sound too wild for a modern person. The priests understand that reading the Old Testament will make a depressing impression on modern people. And for many it can serve as the first step towards disappointment in faith. Therefore, clergy often say: “Oh, this is the Old Testament! Don't read it. Read the New Testament!” Even such a word appeared - “Old Testament”, that is, hopelessly outdated. But at the same time, in the most paradoxical way, no one has officially canceled the Old Testament, it is still considered sacred, just referring to it... well, it’s kind of politically incorrect. Civilized people will not understand. Only wild Americans like to flaunt their knowledge of some Old Testament quote or story. And even then, references to the Old Testament are the lot of conservatives from the southern states, and the modern intelligentsia of huge megacities has not indulged in such things for a long time. Somehow indecent.

About the terrible with humor - that’s what could be said about this book, which in the author’s unique manner separates the discourse of the spiritual guidelines of humanity - from ancestral forms, through the embryonic stage of development, rapid growth to gradual painful degradation. "Incredibly funny thing!" - some people say about “Chicken Ryaba”. And others spit in anger, calling the author a fierce atheist, which he, however, is not at all.

The author simply manages to notice the unexpected and paradoxical in the familiar. And this look, based on the richest texture, turns everything upside down in the reader’s eyes! But he turns it in the right direction - he suddenly realizes: damn it, everything has finally fallen into place! Previous ambiguities became clear, painful questions disappeared, dissolving into an ironic smile of understanding, and the darkness of mystery dissipated.

Characteristics of the book

Date written: 2014

Volume: 350 pages.
ISBN: 978-5-17-085874-3
Copyright holder: AST

Preface to the book “Spiritual Bonds from Chicken Ryaba”

Ordinary citizens are very fond of morality. Don't feed them bread - give them morality! They criticize immoral television, but they watch it. They are angry at the immoral tabloid press, but they consume it. They vilify modern morals, but do not want to live like in the Middle Ages. They highly respect the Bible as the “foundation of morality,” but they do not want to read it.

But ordinary citizens simply adore morality itself in its pure form and demand its forcible implementation from the government and other authorities. What kind of authorities? It's not a secret. Who is the monopolist in the field of morality in our country? Who gives it to the suffering at low prices, like groceries in a store? I bet you survey a hundred Russians and the absolute majority will automatically answer:


This word in the minds of citizens lies next to the words “morality”, “religion”, “Bible”, “Orthodoxy”, “God”, “Christianity”... At the same time, most people who sincerely call themselves believers have a very superficial idea of ​​Christianity, they go to church only on excursions, don’t communicate with priests, and never read the Holy Scriptures. But the Bible is a basic thing for believers, just like “Capital” is for a Marxist!

This is a common thing: under the USSR, communist bosses had in their offices a complete collection of Lenin’s works with uncut pages. Reading ideological works is boring! And the Bible in this sense does not differ for the better from the books of grandfather Lenin. Apart from specialists, there is hardly a normal person who could overcome this incredible burden. Here is a short excerpt from the biblical text for illustration.

Part I. Last name of God

§ 1. What is the Bible and how is it organized?

The Bible is a collection of folklore of ancient pastoral tribes living in Palestine. Many peoples left behind volumes of folklore: the Finns - “Kalevala”, the Hindus - “Mahabharata”, the Kirghiz - “Manas”, the Kalmyks - “Dzhangar”, the Indians - “Popol Vuh”... However, it was the Hebrew legends that were destined to play a huge role in history civilization. Why? Maybe because the Jewish epic was unique in its kind, radically different from any other folk epic? No. Jewish myths and tales are secondary, and in many ways simply borrowed (not to say stolen) from the more developed peoples of the world of that time... Perhaps the Bible stood out among other texts with some special morality and wisdom? No, it was no less, but rather even more cruel and illogical than the mythologies of other peoples. So what's the deal? Why was this particular pimple lucky enough to grow into a boil? The pagans helped. The pagans who created a great empire...

The Bible is composed of several dozen unrelated works of various genres. There are purely historical pieces in it, telling about the origin and adventures of tribes of wild cattle breeders, there are theological pieces, telling about the primitive worldview of the latter, and there are purely erotic lyrics of the Ancient East, which have nothing to do with religion at all.

All together, these disparate works are combined into one thick volume of decent weight. Moreover, biblical stories are presented in the form of so-called “verses” under numbers. Why under numbers and in the form of “poems”? Oh, this is a funny story!.. The oldest versions of the Bible had neither chapters nor verses. And where did primitive pastoralists get the concept of chapters?.. For the first time, the Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Cardinal Stephen Langton. A little later, another cardinal, Hugh of Saint-Cher, divided individual chapters into so-called “verses.” And already in the 16th century, the publisher Etienne, for the convenience of users, put numbers next to the verses - so that it would be easier for pious citizens to look for appropriate quotes for the occasion (in those days they liked to show off quotes from the Bible, just as in the 18th century - quotes from enlighteners.) Please note that When quoting the Bible, I will almost always omit these numbers so as not to litter the test.

Just as a sandwich consists of at least two components - bread and sausage, so the Bible is “screwed together” from two parts - the Old Testament and the New. A "covenant" is a "contract". That is, an agreement between the Jews and their tribal god. There are two of them.

The Old Testament is what happened before Jesus Christ, the New Testament is what after... Today's priests try not to focus the attention of parishioners on the Old Testament, realizing that all these strange stories that are described there sound too wild for a modern person. The priests understand that reading the Old Testament will make a depressing impression on modern man. And for many it can serve as the first step towards disappointment in faith. Therefore, clergy often say: “Oh, this is the Old Testament! Don't read it. Read the New Testament!” Even such a word appeared - “Old Testament”, that is, hopelessly outdated. But at the same time, in the most paradoxical way, no one has officially canceled the Old Testament, it is still considered sacred, just referring to it... well, it’s kind of politically incorrect. Civilized people will not understand. Only wild Americans like to flaunt their knowledge of some Old Testament quote or story. And even then, references to the Old Testament are the lot of conservatives from the southern states, and the modern intelligentsia of huge megacities has not indulged in such things for a long time. Somehow indecent.

The first book included in the Old Testament is Genesis. She is best known to the public...

§ 2. Being determines consciousness...

In order to adequately perceive the stories of the Old Testament in general and its first book in particular, one must clearly imagine the mental and moral state of the native public who roamed the Arabian Peninsula.

What is the primitive consciousness of a savage? How is it characterized? It is characterized by superstitiousness, primitiveness, illogicality, vindictiveness, sentimentality, cruelty, emotional lability (mood swings). And also an extremely low level of intelligence. Which is fully reflected in the picture of the world generated by such consciousness.

Ethnographers and psychologists have studied the consciousness of representatives of backward peoples quite fully. In one of my books, I talked about the research of the Soviet scientist Luria, who devoted a considerable part of his life to the study of just such a primitive type of consciousness. Luria was lucky in this sense: for his research he did not have to go to the Amazon jungle or land in New Guinea. His Soviet homeland provided him with abundant material for study. Luria went to Uzbekistan and began to explore farmers there from the most distant villages with the most undeveloped consciousness.

Spiritual bonds from Chicken Ryaba - Alexander Nikonov (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)