The influence of the corridor of lunisolar eclipses on the signs of the zodiac. The “eclipse corridor” has started: what does astrology say Lunar eclipse corridor for the signs of the zodiac

How will the Eclipses affect our lives and what to do during the Eclipse Corridor? How to survive the period of the Corridor of Eclipses?

Impact of the 2018 Eclipse Corridor

Solar Eclipse July 2018

The Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 will take place at 06:02 Moscow time in the sign of Cancer. This Eclipse is meant to begin breaking down the old patterns of our lives so that new ones can take their place. The eclipse will bring changes to the following areas of our lives:

  • comfort zone and normal
  • values ​​and principles on which our thinking is based
  • foundation of life
  • our goals and long-term life projects
  • family relations, issues at home, place of residence.

Lunar Eclipse July 2018

The Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018 will occur at 23:21 Moscow time during the great opposition of Mars. This will be a very powerful and influential Eclipse in the sign of Leo. It will summarize and conclude the following questions:

  • transcending past barriers
  • principles of freedom and self-expression
  • the opportunity to realize their talents
  • the ability to remain part of society
  • the opportunity to use their potential at work

Solar Eclipse August 2018

The Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 will take place at 12:47 Moscow time in the sign of Leo. It will be more positive and lighter than the previous Eclipse. During this Eclipse, we will have great faith in ourselves and our abilities, a desire to realize our talents and ideas. The eclipse will bring changes in the areas of life:

  • self-realization and self-expression
  • freedom to be yourself in love relationships
  • creativity, hobbies
  • freedom from restrictions, the right to be yourself

Eclipse Corridor 2018 what to do:

The Eclipse Corridor is the period between Eclipses, during which the biggest events and changes take place in our lives. The Eclipse Corridor will last from July 13 to August 11, 2018. During this period, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not agree on anything, do not make deals, do not sign agreements
  • do not get into conflicts, do not sort things out, do not disagree
  • don't quit your job, don't rush into making decisions, don't do anything in a hurry
  • be flexible, accept the internal and external changes that Eclipses bring with them
  • engage in self-realization and go in the chosen direction
  • apply new non-standard creative approaches in everything
  • don't take risks, don't gamble
  • reflect on your life, realize the reasons for past failures
  • be careful on the roads, in the crowd, in dangerous places during the entire period of the Eclipse Corridor
  • avoid overstrain, save your nerves, think about the good
  • support loved ones and be more tolerant of others
  • engage in spiritual practices, meditation, pray, spend more time in nature

In 2018 there will be 5 eclipses - 3 solar and 2 lunar. We saw the first pair of eclipses in the winter period, and the remaining three will occur in the summer of 2018.

Solar eclipse July 13, 2018. Exact time: 06 hours 02 minutes Moscow time. It was possible to follow the phenomenon while being on the territory of Tasmania, Australia (southern part), Antarctica (eastern part). In addition to these points on the globe, those who were in the waters of the Indian Ocean (between Australia and Antarctica) could enjoy the beauty of the eclipse.

Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018. At 23:22 Moscow time, a total lunar eclipse will be observed in Africa (southern and eastern parts), the Urals, Russia (southern part), the Middle East, Asia (southern and central parts). At the same time, a penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible from all points of the Earth, except for North America, Kamchatka and Chukotka.

Solar eclipse on August 11, 2018. Another partial solar eclipse can be observed at 12:47 Moscow time. The phenomenon will be noticeable in Northeast China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia. People located in Russia (central part), Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada (northern part) will also be able to see the phenomenon.

Eclipse corridor, features

In general, the eclipse corridor will be characterized by the fact that it will “reveal reality”: situations will be created around us, as a result of which we will have to get rid of our illusions and look at how the situation (relationships, people or ourselves) looks like in reality. deed. Figuratively speaking, we will have to “go down to earth”, see reality as it is, and not as it was convenient for us to see it before. Many people will feel as if their eyes have been “opened” - past illusions will disappear, it will become clear what is really important and what is not, much will become clear, understanding will appear in old questions that seemed unsolvable before.

This "grounding" will give us the opportunity to see everything around us from a more practical point of view. At this time, it is recommended to review all your plans for the future and check them for realism - and then we can get rid of the superfluous, unnecessary, illusory and understand what is missing for the successful implementation of truly valuable and important tasks. We have the opportunity to really see what is happening in life, where we are, where we are striving and where we can go.

Changes during this eclipse will be very significant, will have a serious impact on the entire subsequent life of a person, moreover, these changes will be irreversible, they cannot be avoided or delayed, since they are long overdue and were just waiting for the moment to come into our lives and give us the opportunity for a better future.

But the eclipse period itself and the process of “implementing” changes (this is about 1 week before the eclipse, the next 2 weeks of the eclipse corridor and a week after it, that is, from about July 6 to August 18) will not be easy, and for many it will take place in a rather tough form.

But as they say, he who is forewarned is forearmed! Therefore, knowing all this, we can spend this time for the benefit of ourselves - get rid of everything unnecessary and move to a new level of spiritual development.

This period requires attentiveness to everything we say and do. The periods of the eclipse corridor have always been special, and the opportunities they provide are unique. This is the time when a person can really change and influence the next period of his life. It is important that at this time not only a person, his Family and his children, but also the World around can change.

An eclipse makes any human thought amplified several hundred times. Merits from practices at this time increase disproportionately to normal time. Therefore, spiritual and tribal practices are very favorable in the corridor of eclipses.

Eclipse Corridor Do's and Don'ts in Jyotish

In Jyotish Vedic astrology, it is believed that the day of the eclipse itself is not the right time to start material affairs. The days before the eclipse (about a week) and after it (another week) are also not suitable for these purposes, but their unfavorability is somewhat less. The closer to the peak of the eclipse, the greater the chance that material issues will not be resolved in the best way.

There is always about two weeks between two neighboring eclipses, so any eclipse corridor (whether short or long) is a bad period for actions related to objects and money, as well as agreements that ultimately should give material results.

But the adverse effect of eclipses extends not only to the time between eclipses, but also to the time before the first eclipse, as well as to the time after the last eclipse.

So it turns out that:

The eclipse corridor can be two weeks long, but its negative impact increases to four weeks (two weeks between eclipses and one week before and after the corridor),
The eclipse corridor can be a month long, but its negative impact increases to one and a half months (a month between eclipses and one week before and after the corridor).

However, there is no need to be afraid of either the eclipses themselves or their corridors! Negative consequences are possible only in material life, and in non-material, on the contrary, eclipses can bring good results.

If you have planned important negotiations that you have been waiting for several months and which should give you some monetary or material benefit, then it is better to spend them outside the eclipse corridor. The same goes for investing money and other activities from which you expect benefits.

But for self-development, education, spiritual practices, eclipse corridors are good. You just need to correctly make your plans for life, and then even the corridors of eclipses will bring pleasant results.

Remember that all the events that occurred during this period can have a fateful impact on the next 18 years of your life.

From July 13 to August 11 - "eclipse corridor" and a particularly busy time in July-August. The situation during this period is even more aggravated by the action of retrograde Mars (from June 27 to August 27) and retrograde Mercury (from July 26 to August 19).

Any eclipse has a huge impact on both man and the planet as a whole. The sun in our life is responsible for vital energy, will and fortitude, creativity and fiction. But the Moon - for the spiritual, intuition, subconscious.

If the lunar eclipse symbolizes a period of rethinking past events, then the solar eclipse indicates that it is time to wait for global changes and prepare for them.

The gap between two eclipses is called the "eclipse corridor". In our case, the interval will be between three eclipses: on July 13 - a solar eclipse, on July 27 - a lunar eclipse, and on August 11 - again a solar eclipse. In the "corridor of eclipses" the fatality factor increases, events can have a fateful impact on the next 18 years of life.

In the "corridor of eclipses" it is advisable to follow what is happening in your life and listen to your intuition - our attitude to what is happening will be of key importance. Everything that happens during this period cannot be changed. At this time, each person gets what he deserves and not everyone likes it.

Therefore, a negative attitude to what is happening will aggravate the situation, and the ability to draw lessons from what is happening provides new opportunities.

In the period from July 13 to August 11, 2018, caution should be exercised, it is advisable to reschedule important meetings. If you quit your job at this time, then you will have to look for a new place for a very long time. During the eclipse period, the number of legal disputes and open conflicts increases sharply, so it is not recommended to make fateful decisions at this time. In addition, this is also the period of Retrograde Mars and Mercury. It is important to note that this is especially important for those who have decided to move, change jobs, countries or are involved in the creation of enterprises, as well as for those who have decided to participate in elections.

In the "corridor of eclipses" the fatality factor increases, events can have a fateful impact on the next 18 years of life

It is necessary to be patient and try not to fall under the negative influence of the period when it will intensify: the desire to do everything in your own way, even to your own detriment; thirst for enrichment at any cost; the desire to take revenge, to destroy the enemy or competitor. If you decide to break off relations with someone forever - quarrel in the "eclipse corridor" and consider that everything between you is over forever. Subsequently, such relationships are almost impossible to restore.

Those who think outside the box, who oppose or disagree with established opinions, may experience an intolerant environment, and some even criminal prosecution. Negative tendencies in power structures will be especially brightly shown. For many people this is very important right now.

In the period between eclipses, it is better to refrain from investing in any projects, as well as in large purchases. It is desirable at this time to accumulate funds and repay debts. And you should be especially attentive to everything that happens to you and your loved ones.

Emotions during this period are unstable, and logic can manifest itself late. Therefore, if you are impulsive, prone to rash acts, aggressiveness, try to take care of yourself and your loved ones. It is better during this period to give up your habit of controlling and managing others.

Many will be able to look at the problematic situation in their lives soberly and realistically. However, some will understand how to move on, what to do and what to do, while others, on the contrary, will fall into a protracted depression and aggravate their situation.

The factor of the importance of events from July 13 to August 11 increases several times, so before you start anything, you need to think carefully - what will you attract into your life with your actions? How much do you and your loved ones need it at the moment? Follow your intuition. Do only what you are sure of. Remember that all the events that take place in the "eclipse corridor" will greatly affect your life.

Therefore, if you are impulsive, prone to rash acts, aggressiveness, try to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Remain calm and approach with full awareness to the solution of any problems and situations, constantly remembering that at this very time the foundation is being laid on which your new life will be built. It is very important to let go of old habits, behavior patterns, problematic relationships, and all sorts of prejudices that you do not want to take with you into the future. Be generous and tactful with those whose ways and views differ from yours. Better refrain from harsh judgments and accusations. Express love, respect, and gratitude for the shared experience. Forgive your friends, your enemies, and yourself.

In the "corridor of eclipses" the likelihood of intoxication and poisoning is increased, therefore, given that it is summer outside, carefully control your diet. In the medical aspect, the eyes, ears and head are adversely affected. Do not overstrain the organs of vision, try not to overcool and avoid drafts. There may be a deterioration in health status in people with chronic diseases, especially the cardiovascular system.

It is advisable in this period to get rid of everything that bothers you, including addictions and addictions. In this way, you will not only free yourself from what you are unwilling to lay as the foundation of your foundation for a new life, but also prepare to accept the new in the future.

In the period between eclipses, allow yourself a good rest and wellness procedures, try to be in a pleasant and familiar society. During the entire "corridor of eclipses" various rituals and practices are very relevant and important. Try to use proven and safe practices and rituals so as not to harm yourself and others.

Remember that all the events that took place in the "eclipse corridor" are fatal, and in the future will have a great impact on your life. Therefore, be wise and try to harmonize the environment. It is important to remember that the "eclipse corridor" falls within the period of Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde.

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This summer, another important astrological event awaits us - the eclipse corridor.

July 13 There will be a solar eclipse in 2018, peaking at 6:01 am. Then, July 27 2018 there will be a lunar eclipse at 23:21, and after it, 11th August 2018 will again have a solar eclipse, the climax of which will be at 12:46 (Moscow time).

The eclipse corridor is the period between eclipses, as well as the time before and after, which is at least a week. So it is worth considering the period from July 6 to August 18 as a special time this year.

The solar eclipse on July 13 will be visible in Australia and the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, it will be private and therefore will have little effect on the inhabitants of Russia. But the Lunar Eclipse on July 27th will be total, visible in parts of Russia and very affecting us. The solar eclipse on August 11 will also be visible to Russia and have an impact, but less, because. will again be incomplete.

What are the features of the eclipse corridor?

An eclipse is a kind of "distortion" or "reset" of the energy of the main luminaries - the Sun and the Moon, which in astrology are carriers of light, life and our path on Earth. Eclipses, on the other hand, create an unusual influence, distorting their energy, thereby making this period unfavorable for starting important things and making important decisions.

Eclipses occur due to the influence Rahu and Ketu- shadow planets, lunar nodes associated with illusion and karma. Thus, during an eclipse, people tend to "lose their heads" and make rash decisions, which are very often dictated by karma or subconscious tendencies.

Of course, eclipses affect everyone differently, and this influence depends on the date of your birth, that is, the individual horoscope. Eclipses affect you in a special way if:

  • your birthday falls on the eclipse corridor,
  • the sign of the zodiac in which the eclipse occurs is the key sign in your chart (the rising sign or the sign in which the natal planets are located),
  • in your horoscope there is a strong influence of Rahu and Ketu, which is exacerbated during the period of eclipses.
Moon eclipse

The lunar eclipse on July 27 will take place in the sign of Capricorn, in the nakshatra of Shravan and is total. It is also strongly influenced by Mars, which will be at a distance of less than 1 degree from the Moon.

Influence of Mars will be huge and special for this eclipse:

  • Mars is in the sign of exaltation, which means it clearly shows its qualities,
  • Mars is retrograde and on this day, July 27, he makes "great confrontation", that is, it is very close to the Earth and is visible from it as a bright red star. Such an event occurs every 15-17 years.
  • Themes of aggression, passion and anger: any suppressed emotions, violation of your boundaries will make themselves felt, events may come that clearly indicate these problems in your life when it becomes necessary to accept your righteous anger and your right to protect borders,
  • Mars is associated with masculine energy and physical passions, so the topic of personal relationships is also very relevant for this eclipse, it will primarily concern masculine energy - the manifestation of aggression or protection, the relationship of a man to a woman, as well as masculine energy in a woman,
  • Mars is associated with action and will, so if you felt "hands tied" or laziness, then this eclipse creates a strong impetus for the release of blocks and restrictions - be attentive to yourself, but at the same time "do not break wood",
  • And, of course, each person will manifest those topics of life for which his individual position of Mars in the horoscope is responsible.

Because the eclipse exacerbates the influence of karma and unforeseen, unexpected events, as well as "crazy" actions, then you should be attentive to this time:

  • Do not provoke quarrels and conflicts and, most importantly, do not make drastic decisions in case of conflicts. For example, if everything was fine and suddenly during the eclipse you had a strong conflict with a loved one and you easily react to this and “throw oil on the fire” or break off relations, then this will have strong karmic consequences and, perhaps, such a break will be impossible to "glue" back.
  • Accept any events openly and with minimal reaction, try to see the underlying causes and your negative attitudes in the mind that provoke these events,
  • The eclipse is the best time for spiritual practice, when it matters raise awareness, purify the body and mind in order to purify your karma and not create a new one. Therefore, it is very good to devote these days to meditation practices, gentle cleansing of the physical body and any spiritual practices. meditation There is
  • Due to the strong influence of Mars and the peculiarities of the energies of the eclipse, at this time it is very favorable get rid of bad habits, especially if you've been trying to do this for a long time. Mars is associated with the ability to show willpower and take a vow.
  • Keep in mind that the period of the lunar eclipse affects not only the day of July 27, which is the peak and especially important for practice, but also the period in the next 6 months, which can manifest important events in your life if the lunar eclipse falls on key points in your horoscope. Therefore, observe this time, keep a diary, analyze events in order to better understand yourself, which means you become more conscious and harmonious.
solar eclipses

Solar Eclipse July 13 will fall on the sign of Gemini, in which the Sun is located and will touch on the topics of communication, obtaining information and the realization of personal desires and hobbies.

During this eclipse, events may occur regarding your hobbies and interests, there may be an opportunity to start what you have wanted for so long, but not everyone did not dare or faced obstacles. Very often, a solar eclipse clears and creates movement in our lives.

Solar Eclipse August 11 will occur in the sign of Cancer and Mercury retrograde will be adjacent to the Sun. This eclipse is associated with the themes of emotions and feelings, as well as the ability to express one's desires and states. We can say that it is very "psychological" helping to understand oneself, in one's deepest traumas. Retrograde Mercury directs attention inward and forces you to go back, work through topics from the past.

  • Do not start important events, especially those related to the profession, finances and communications. However, if you started something earlier and had obstacles and now opportunities have opened up for you, then this is a good sign.
  • Use this time to work with your psyche - getting rid of negative attitudes and limiting beliefs. If the Sun in your horoscope is weakened, then you can use the practices on, which are very favorable for the period of eclipses.

(c) Valeria Zhelamskaya

An eclipse is when the Earth, Sun and Moon line up. The corridor opens with the first door - Private at 06:01 Moscow time. The second door is the Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27 at 23:21. However, according to the sensations, such a period is not limited to two weeks, but begins to unfold a week before the eclipses, and we receive its feedback for another week or two. What to expect, what to do and which signs of the zodiac will get results, and which ones - lessons and tests?

Remember what happened in the last eclipse corridor January 31 - February 16, 2018. Scroll through your diary, correspondence in instant messengers or posts on social networks. Maybe you changed jobs, launched a startup, a website, intensively wrote texts, formed desires and intentions, in a word, built the foundation of a future project? Or do many new people come into life instead of those with whom they parted at the end of winter? Then you did everything right, get real results now.

This corridor can be compared with the English miracle. High in the mountains near the English city of Burnley, you can see an unusual sight made of metal pipes (in the title photo). It is a singing tree that constantly sings when the wind blows. On the one hand, the Tree, the roots, the symbol of Cancer, on the other hand, the ingenious invention of Aquarius ...

Eclipse Corridor - Stage July 13-20, 2018