Thurisaz is reversed in relationships. Interpretation of runes. Rune Thurisaz meaning of the rune. Philosophy of the Teyvaz rune, genesis and semantics of the image

Rune Thurisaz (Thurs) is the third rune of the ancient Germanic runic series. By the way, it is still preserved in the Icelandic alphabet and corresponds to the sound “th”. From the ancient Germanic language the word “thurs” is translated as “giant” or “giant”.

Photo of the Thurisaz rune

You can see what the Thurisaz rune looks like in the photo. It is very similar to another Futhark rune - Vunyo. In some cases, it can be quite difficult to distinguish them from each other.

The deity that corresponds to this rune is the thunder god Thor. This mythical character with a fiery red thick beard directly controls thunderstorms and lightning. Thunder is essentially the roar of his giant goat-drawn chariot. God Thor symbolizes the force that opposes Chaos.

The main meaning of the Thurisaz rune

Thurisaz is an ambiguous rune. On the one hand, it is a symbol of powerful and reliable protection. But the rune can also hint to a person that his “white streak” in life will very soon be replaced by a black one. Which particular interpretation of the rune should be chosen depends on the specific alignment and on the proximity of the sign to other runes.

The inverted rune Thurisaz symbolizes the lack of will in a person. In other words, he often deceives himself and tries to close his eyes to the true order of things in his life.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in magic and fortune telling

Rune Thurisaz - rune of Thor

The rune of the god Thor is intended to release the dormant forces of human nature. It is often used to cause negativity. To do this, only three Thurisaz runes are enough. Among other things, Thurisaz is also a rune of reflection. It helps you concentrate, think about the situation and make the right decision. The Thurisaz rune protects against deception by ill-wishers.

In general, the main magical function of this rune is the ordering and structuring of chaos. It helps in self-education and self-discipline, teaches you to maintain control over yourself in any situation.

In magical fortune telling, the Thurisaz rune can promise a person:

  • quick and thorough changes in life;
  • changes in views on certain things;
  • conflicts, primarily on ideological grounds;
  • forced relocation.

The key image of the Thurisaz rune is a man standing on the top of a high mountain and preparing to jump (flight).

Our life is a complete rush, rush and bustle. We have absolutely no time to stop, calm down and reflect. We are becoming more and more like certain mechanisms working according to a given program. When a person slows down, many situations that previously seemed difficult and insoluble begin to become clearer. With the Thurisaz rune, a person begins to understand that sometimes it is useful to slow down in order to start acting in the right direction.

The Thurisaz rune is greatly influenced by the runic environment

During fortune telling, the proximity of a symbol to other runes can tell a lot. Let's look at the meanings of the Thurisaz rune in combination with other signs:

  • Thurisaz +: sympathy and empathy;
  • Turisaz +: stability in business;
  • Turisaz +: important news;
  • Turisaz +: successful trip;
  • Turisaz +: success and universal recognition;
  • Turisaz +: luck, fortune, luck, unexpected help;
  • Turisaz +: restoration of strength and energy;
  • Turisaz +: natural disaster, catastrophe;
  • Thurisaz +: collapse, loss;
  • Thurisaz +: major loss, serious illness;
  • Turisaz +: prolonged hardships;
  • Thurisaz + : electrical hazard;
  • Thurisaz +: fertilization, conception of a child;
  • Turisaz +: protection and preservation of one’s positions (in society, politics);
  • Thurisaz +: injuries;
  • Thurisaz +: rapid victory;
  • Turisaz +: crop failure, natural disasters;
  • Turisaz +: a successful start to a new business;
  • Turisaz +: unusual events;
  • Turisaz +: innovation, change;
  • Turisaz +: successful completion of affairs;
  • Turisaz +: dramatic changes;
  • Turisaz +: profit, financial success;
  • Thurisaz + Wyrd (empty rune, Odin's rune): damage, evil eye, major failures.

Rune Thurisaz in divination of the situation

If the Thurisaz rune falls in an upright position, it means that fate gives a person time. And it should be spent stopping, thinking carefully and making the right decision. It is important to think carefully and take the right step towards something new, throwing off the heavy burden of past years’ experience from your shoulders. You only need to extract from it what is absolutely necessary.

The inverted Thurisaz rune focuses a person’s attention on the fact that he is moving in the wrong direction. However, the situation is not at all hopeless! Yes, the decision you once made may have been wrong, but you can still manage to change it for the better. And the Thurisaz rune gives a person this happy chance.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in love relationships

Straight rune

In a love reading, the Thurisaz rune is a good sign

In love scenarios, the direct Thurisaz rune hints to a person that he will soon meet his soul mate. Another interpretation of the rune is this: a person should calm down his excessive self-confidence and assume that in a relationship with a partner he is not always right. Runa Thurisaz encourages partners to listen to each other, showing respect for their “other half.”

Reversed rune

Reversed Thurisaz in a love reading means “respite”

If you see an inverted Thurisaz rune in the layout, then know that you need to act extremely carefully and accurately. You can definitely guess what exactly we are talking about. If the rune appears paired with the Nautiz rune, then this is a clear sign: you need to wait! Any thoughtless and rash act or caustic word addressed to your partner can have fatal consequences for your relationship.

Rune Thurisaz and career

Straight rune

The appearance of such a rune in a career scenario indicates that a person has a reliable rear and cover. This could be an influential patron or some kind of immunity. However, the Thurisaz rune warns: you should not abuse this preference, otherwise you will be left with nothing.

Another interpretation of the runes in career scenarios is the need to thoroughly approach any problem, not to jump too quickly and not to put off solving them. The combination with the Isa rune suggests that at this moment in time, it is unlikely that anything will be changed for the better. Therefore, it is better not to do anything at all and wait for a more opportune moment.

Reversed rune

The inverted Thurisaz rune offers a look at the life of a fortuneteller from a different angle

The inverted Thurisaz rune is similar to a stubborn animal that stubbornly moves forward, not paying any attention to sensible and completely adequate comments addressed to it. Having seen such a rune in the layout, a person must learn to recognize obvious signs and clues of fate, take off his “rose-colored glasses” and see what he could not or did not want to notice before.

The inverted Thurisaz rune forces the fortuneteller to put aside his ego and be more careful

Rune Thurisaz in an upright position tears off all masks, revealing the true face of each person. All quarrels, resentments and other negative feelings and emotions will immediately surface. The rune gives you a unique chance to really appreciate the people from your immediate circle. The inverted Thurisaz rune warns a person against excessive self-confidence, arrogance and unjustified, stupid stubbornness. Misunderstanding of the situation, haste and fuss - all this will lead to failure.

Rune Thurisaz in an upright position advises gaining wisdom, learning to listen carefully to others and benefiting from this. In an inverted position, the Thurisaz rune encourages a person to realize his strengths and weaknesses.

The main advice of the rune can be formulated as follows: success and luck will depend solely on how capable you are of correctly assessing the situation and making a sound and only correct decision. Key assistants in this process are cool reason and the ability to pause.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

He protects people from the forces of Chaos. Turisazrune military dedication, strength, power. Helps you concentrate in any task where control and self-control are needed. The power of Thurisaz can be destructive if it is necessary to destroy something outdated that prevents the emergence of something new and the achievement of results.

Thurisaz is the head rune of the Volshba or Troll rune. This is a very complex one, which is associated with sorcery, predictions and communication with other worlds.

Helps clear the way in a difficult situation, contains energy for both defense and attack. Makes it possible to realize what is in the subconscious.

Spell: from possible or obvious attack. The main thing is not to destroy the enemy, but to attract him to your side.

And I know the third word

Capable of taming the enemy

Deprive the enemy of power:

His sword will become dull;

His spear and dagger

They won't harm me.

Turisaz– this is the energy that cleared the way among the random forces of Chaos before the appearance of the Cosmos. It can be compared to a thunderclap arising from the collision of opposites. Just as thunder foretells rain, so the energy of Thurisaz makes a new beginning possible.

Thurisaz has the potential to clear the way and create order where there was disorder. It’s like clearing an abandoned garden of debris and weeds, like spring waters pouring out, preparing the ground for new life. The statutory outline of the rune resembles an ax, used both for cutting down everything harmful and unnecessary, and for protection from external influences.

Thurisaz means

giant or strongman, indicating brute, focused strength aimed at removing obstacles.

Turisaz– a powerful force holding back the forces of Chaos. The destructive energy contained in this rune is directed only against that which is hostile to order and threatens the laws of nature.

Thurisaz is the bearer of the potential of male creative energy. The thorn shape of the rune also implies the potential to overcome fear. The potential energy of Thurisaz can be compared to a hedge of rose bushes, not only marking the boundaries between ordinary and non-ordinary reality, but also guarding access to knowledge that must be used with caution and respect. This rune signifies protection from unwanted or hostile influences. Surrounding private property with a ring of Thurisaz - runes pointing outwards - served as a way of protecting against uninvited intrusion.

TURISAZ or Inspiration

The sun disappeared behind the horizon, and the world slowly plunged into darkness. Orsana and Wulf still could not find a place to stay for the night.

The young man began to worry that he would have to spend the night in the open air. Finally he stopped, put his hand into the bag and, silently, took out one rune. He looked at it, threw it up and carefully watched as the runic sign fell. Orsana froze in silence. She was afraid to disrupt the ritual with a careless movement.

- Let's go. Runa showed us the way! - said Wolf.

And indeed, just a few minutes later the travelers found themselves in front of the entrance to the cave. As soon as they settled down, lit a fire and took out supplies for dinner, the girl dared to ask a question:

-What rune were you guided by? What did you do with her?
The young man pulled out a circle with a rune from his pocket and showed it to Orsana.

- This rune Thurizas. She helped us find the way to the cave that the trolls tried to hide from us. The fallen rune meant that we needed inspiration and help in finding the road. I asked the rune to help us. As you can see, she did it!

- You are a powerful wizard! - exclaimed the amazed girl.

- “It’s not magic, it’s knowledge,” Wulf replied.

- If so, then tell me about this rune.

- It was born out of thin air when the thunderer Thor threw lightning bolts onto the Earth, grabbing them with his hand in an iron glove. Thor moved across the sky in a chariot drawn by goats. We hear the sounds that the wheels of this chariot make during a thunderstorm. You know, it was Thor who, with the help of his magic hammer Mjollnir, defeated the evil Giants and began the fight against the chaos that reigned on Earth.

This rune belongs to the element of Air, and its main task is to inspire and encourage reflection. It also helps to solve all sorts of riddles that require thought.

- Is that why you enlisted her help in finding the cave?

- Not really. First of all, I didn't know why we couldn't findcave. And to find out the reason, I decided to ask the runes about it, and when I saw that it was Thurizas, everything immediately became clear.

- Please explain!

- The Thurizas rune is sometimes called the troll rune, especially if it is upside down. After all, it was in this position that I got her. You know how mischievous and evil trolls can be. For their own entertainment, they will take and hide what a person is looking for. So I cast a spell over the rune, turning it back to its normal position, and asked for help,

- I am so glad! I already thought that I would have to sleep in the forest.

- This time we succeeded, but remember, Orsana, that our road is long, and spending the night in the open air is not excluded. Now let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we need to get up early to continue our journey.


turizas, turisaz, durisaz, turisar, thorn, tours


Giant Thor, tower, gate, thorn, thorn


Helps against all diseases that arise suddenly and occur rapidly. Treats disorders of the reproductive organs in men, as well as rheumatism and stone formation.

Rune potential:

Protection of the natural order, release of inspiring forces.

Basic properties:

Stimulating strength and initiative, directed force, protection from hostile actions, inspiration.

Message of the rune:

Get rid of what bothers you, but keep the lasting values. Don't jump to conclusions because you may create more problems than you can solve.

Predictive value:

Overcoming unkind or even hostile influences, determination, achieving results, achieving power and its wise use, willpower, overcoming obstacles, love and goodwill, inspiration and encouragement for people of art, success, protection from the Higher Powers.

Magical uses:

Helps to remove obstacles and “clear” the road in a difficult situation. Strengthens the state of meditation, inspires reflection and a realistic assessment of the situation. She is the patroness of natural magic and promotes concentration. Protects against lies and fraud, clears the mind, avoids hasty, erroneous decisions, facilitates contact with the subconscious and positively stimulates it.

Rune Thurizas can help you:

Overcome negative influences;

Defeat apathy and awaken to activity;

Positively stimulate the subconscious;

Remove obstacles;

Inspire to new beginnings;

Increase sexual potential (for men);

Protect yourself from enemy attacks.

The Thurizas rune should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

Am I good at making decisions?

How does my subconscious mind work?

Do I have enemies?

Am I able to realistically assess the situation?

In what areas of my work do I need inspiration?

What is my attitude towards power?

What is my value system?

The Thurisaz rune is sometimes called the Turs rune, both names are absolutely equivalent, since they are modern reconstructions and are not original. The variant Thurisaz is of Germanic origin, the variant Turs (Þurs) is Old Norse. We do not know what this rune, used in the common Germanic 24-rune Uthark and a number of later runic systems, was originally called. However, many researchers believe that the Thurisaz rune over time was transformed into the letter “thorn” () of the modern Icelandic alphabet, which corresponds to the English digram “th”. This is where the Old Norse reconstruction "Þurs" came from, which literally translates as "thurs", that is, "giant".

The Thurisaz rune, the meaning of which is multifaceted and in fortune-telling practice strongly depends on the alignment, in the most general terms can be reduced to the image of a powerful, irresistible force. Rune Tours is the rune of a critical situation that requires the exertion of all forces. This is not a negative rune; on the contrary, it often carries an obvious creative meaning. Even graphically, it resembles an ax, a weapon with which you can destroy a barrier or build a fortification.

  • Semantics of the rune: blow (prick), door in the meaning of “opportunity”
  • Rune transliteration: D (th, )
  • Old Norse rune name: Thurse (þurisar)
  • Norwegian rune name: Thurs
  • Icelandic name for the rune: þurs
  • Anglo-Saxon rune name: Thorn
  • Germanic name of the rune: Thyth (Thurisaz)

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune, regardless of the context, suggests that we are talking about some changes, often drastic ones. However, it is rather the likelihood of change, the opportunity or need to change something, but not the action itself. That is why in some cases the interpretation of the Tours rune, the photo of which is presented above, can be extremely individual.

The meaning of the Turs rune in the upright position

Turisaz in an upright position indicates active protection, some action, a successful combination of circumstances, overcoming difficulties. Most often, the point is that the difficulties that arise in front of you should be perceived as a kind of test. Getting through the difficulties is entirely up to you. In this sense, the situation requires maximum concentration, composure, deep reflection, and in most cases, self-restraint. Until your position is analyzed, until you understand the situation and determine a clear strategy of behavior, you should not take any action.

Turisaz in a relationship indicates that what happened to you is not a blow of fate at all, it is just a “small injection” comparable to a vaccination. In order to easily handle more complex situations of this kind in the future, you should first practice on something less significant. The Thurisaz rune hints that you need to “slow down”, otherwise you may simply “skip” past a real opportunity. Whether it’s in the area of ​​relationships or business issues, your main enemy is haste, the desire to do everything as quickly as possible.

Do not rush under any circumstances, as they say - measure seven times and cut only once. At this stage, there is no need to run forward headlong, such behavior will only lead to even bigger problems. You just need to pull yourself together and look at the situation with an open mind. Runa Terse advises: assess all the risks, deal with “unfinished business,” take your past experience into account, and only then boldly move forward. A new evolutionary round awaits you.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in an inverted position

Inverted Thurisaz speaks of lethargy, weakness (most likely spiritual, but possibly physical), inactivity, and inability to make an important decision. Reversed Thurisaz in a relationship can indicate insincerity, prejudice, and self-deception. You've probably faced the consequences of making rash decisions, having to travel with someone you don't want to be around. The Tours rune in love (if it is in an inverted position) indicates that you are afraid to look at the situation unbiasedly, without “rose-colored glasses.” You only act when you are “pressured” and that is a problem.

The rune gives a direct indication that any efforts you make to fix everything will only make everything worse. You don’t sit, your hands are complicated, but you act, but to no avail. However, it is important to correctly interpret the inverted Thurisaz. After all, the rune not only describes the situation, it also indicates that there is a way out! Under no circumstances should you give up, but you need to act more confidently and measuredly. In other words, you need to think very carefully before taking a step forward. This is not difficult, but you need to find the strength to discard everything unnecessary and understand where the root of the problem lies. The inverted rune Turs in love often suggests that the main difficulty is in yourself. You are biased, acting according to the will of feelings, not reason. You should definitely change your strategy.

Don't exaggerate your own importance. The world does not revolve around you and it is likely that you actually pay much less attention to others than you think. Catch yourself, don't suffer from delusions of grandeur. But even if you are right in everything, realize that there is no point in breaking into a closed door. The best thing you can do now is to clearly understand everything and perceive the experience for the future. Thurisaz reversed in a relationship can indicate that you may need to rest. There is no need to break off the relationship, you need to let the situation “settle”, do not rush to conclusions.

Using the Thurisaz rune in rituals

The magical uses of the Thurisaz rune are quite extensive. It can be used in active, dynamic, moderate-aggressive rituals to focus all your energy. The Tours rune allows you to clear the way, build something new, it does not give strength, but teaches you to use the resources and opportunities that you already have. It will help you win in a truly difficult situation. The rune allows you to concentrate, concentrate all your mental resources on a specific issue. Also, the Thurisaz rune (photos of its variations are presented above) can act as a talisman against deception, including self-deception.

Using the Thurisaz rune in runescripts

The meaning of the Turs rune in runescripts can vary significantly not only depending on the nearby runes, but also on its position. Actually, a similar pattern is typical for all runes, but in the case of Thurisaz there are some nuances. Most often it is used for protection, but in a targeted manner, unlike Algiz, which provides “general” protection. Terse is great for attracting success in any endeavor.

Terse is popular in magical practices related to love and relationships, as it helps to overcome misunderstandings and destroy obstacles caused by coincidence. Often, a well-composed runescript with the Turs rune makes it possible to take circumstances into your own hands and completely “immobilize” the enemy. Here are just some (the most popular) runescript combinations using Thurisaz:

  • "Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz." This is a powerful, targeted protective principle that can be focused on a specific person or area. “Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz” suppresses directed negativity and opens up opportunities. Also, “Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz” can be used to get rid of “outdated” and to combat bad habits.
  • "Turisaz Gebo Turisaz." This combination allows you to get what you want. But this is not at all a notorious “freebie”; “Turisaz Gebo Turisaz” works if you have enough of your own resources, but circumstances interfere with you or you are missing some minor detail. “Turisaz Gebo Turisaz” in relationships can be used to stabilize and break the “vicious circle”.
  • "Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz." Although this formula is extremely effective, it should only be used in the most critical cases because it has a powerful kickback. “Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz” is total destruction, and again, purposeful. Theoretically, "Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz" in love can be used to break off someone's relationship. Of course, the consequences of such actions for you will be terrifying.
  • "Uruz Turisaz". This is a fairly simple combination, which, however, is distinguished by impeccable functionality. “Uruz Turisaz” is used to “attract” something. This could be good luck in general or a specific blessing. Moreover, it is always better to specify the goal for Uruz Turisaz.
  • "Isa Turisaz Isa." In general, the principle of operation of this runescript is identical to the scheme with Hagalaz. Only in this case we are not talking about destruction, but about introducing something (or someone) into a state of “non-movement”. For example, in love magic, “Isa Turisaz Isa” is used to suppress a man’s attraction to a specific woman.
  • "Eyvaz Turisaz." A simple and fairly universal combination that allows you to protect yourself from a problem using, let’s say, active defense. The Eyvaz Turisaz runescript focuses all your aspirations on protection, your reflexes are sharpened, you act intuitively but correctly.
  • "Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz." This combination allows you not only to block, but to completely “cut off” negativity that did not appear yesterday or even the day before. Often, “Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz” is used to get rid of curses, both personal and family. In addition, “Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz” protects against rash actions in critical situations.
  • "Turisaz Algiz Turisaz." This runescript is characterized by increased efficiency and complexity. That is, to combine “Turisaz Algiz Turisaz” you don’t even need a specific goal, such a talisman will protect you “from everything.” But there is one nuance: “Turisaz Algiz Turisaz” is very energy-intensive and requires a constant supply of energy.
  • “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz.” This is a rather interesting runescript that has a permanent effect. “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz” allows you to find a way out of a situation, solve a problem and instantly counterattack, that is, immediately start a new round (of a relationship or business). “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz” is a strong combination, but to use it, you need to have a clear understanding of what is happening and a well-thought-out plan of action.
  • "Thurisaz Raido." The meaning of this runescript is obvious. "Thurisaz Raido" protects on the way. This could be travel or “climbing the career ladder.” That is, semantically, any phenomenon or event can be linked to the “Thurisaz Raido” runescript, but one must not forget that the Raido rune still denotes forward (explicit) movement.
  • "Nautiz Turisaz". This runescript can be used in two cases: either to remove an obstacle and get what you want, or to erect an obstacle and block someone’s path to their goal. “Nautiz Thurisaz” is a simple but very powerful combination that can also be used in love magic. “Nautiz Turisaz” in a relationship can easily return warmth and sincerity to your home, but only if it is really necessary for both.

Of course, the Turs rune can be used in hundreds of combinations with other runes. With its help, you can create not only runescripts, but also powerful gang runes. Here it is important to understand one simple principle: for an ax to cut down a tree, you need a hand that will hold this ax. And the hand must be strong enough, otherwise the weapon will slip out and the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Philosophy of the Teyvaz rune, genesis and semantics of the image

Rune Turs refers to the first attu (ettir), embodying the first phase of creation, the framework of the human personality and the Universe. After the emergence of creative potential (Uruz, the first atta rune), there is a need to “clear the path”, destroying everything old, unnecessary, unprincipled. This nihilistic principle is embodied by “thurs”, “giant”, and the Thurisaz rune. The meaning of the image in this sense is purely creative - it is a thunderclap, a flash of creation, it is the force that once fenced off the Cosmos from Chaos.

According to Eddic texts, thurs are the first living beings in the Universe. The giants began to create order among chaos, such is the potential and meaning of the Thurs rune - the possibility of a new beginning, the guardian of the highest legality. This is Themis, who holds a sword in her hands for a reason; she is ready to use it if the need arises. As already noted, the statutory outline of the Thurisaz rune (photo presented above) looks like a stylized ax, on the one hand - a weapon, on the other - a household tool. In the context of the obvious semantics of the image, many researchers interpret the Terisaz rune from a purely negative point of view. However, we should not forget that destruction is the destiny of the Hagalaz rune.

On the other hand, it is important to note that early Scandinavian scholars translated the word “ters” (“thurs”) not as “giant” (“giant”), but as “demon”. Of course, this is a deliberate but unsuccessful attempt by Christian missionaries to denigrate the original faith of the Scandinavians. After all, their giant is, first of all, the embodiment of the forces of nature, it is an element, an integral attribute of existence. And all the destructive power of the Thurisaz rune is directed only against that which violates the order of the Cosmos (again, in contrast to the semantics of the Hagalaz rune). Continuing the consideration of the “Christian” approach to the interpretation of runes (and their early researchers were Christians), we can recall that the Turs rune is sometimes called a “thorn”; it appears in the aspect of phallic symbolism along with the Teyvaz (Tyre) rune. Obviously, any symbols with sexual overtones were perceived by Christians as “unclean.”

However, a comparison with a spike is appropriate. After all, the thorn protects the rose from external negativity. Also, the purely masculine, military potential of the Thurisaz rune serves to protect those who need this protection. In this regard, the meaning of the Turisaz rune is not identical to the meaning of the Teyvaz rune, but these images are certainly close. Let's remember traditional European fairy tales, where the hero makes his way through thickets of thorny plants to reveal the truth. In such a context, Thurisaz can act as a defender of ancient truths, and if the researcher is relentless, he overcomes this difficulty and achieves enlightenment. In fact, such an interpretation of the meaning of the Ters rune, first expressed by K. Meadows, is really close to the shamanic tradition of Ancient Scandinavia.

That is, the Thurisaz rune in the form of a thorn rather than an ax can act as a kind of allegory for overcoming fear, detachment from illusions and self-deception. K. Meadows provides evidence that the Thurisaz and Odal runes were often used to mark property boundaries. Moreover, if Odal acted as a symbol of control (power), drawing the line between “mine” and “strangers,” then Thurisaz was used to protect against attacks from the outside.

  • Potential of the Thurisaz rune: releasing power, protecting what is, clearing the way for a new beginning
  • Basic esoteric qualities: accentuated protection, power (physical and spiritual), awakening, initiative
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: a universal source of strength for defense or attack, clearing space of unnecessary “junk”, overcoming external difficulties
  • Calling the Thurisaz rune: don’t rush things, think first and only then act, focus and get rid of what you don’t need

Of course, despite the amazing versatility of these runes, you need to work with Thurisaz very carefully. After all, as we remember, an ordinary ax for chopping wood can, if necessary, turn into a formidable weapon. In addition, the Terse rune will not give you what you do not have. It will allow your own resources to focus on the goal. But sometimes this is exactly what we lack to win - concentration.

Straight position

Thurisaz is a rune whose power and meaning are not uniquely positive. First of all, it is a symbol of very powerful protection. But it can also be interpreted as the need to understand that the streak of luck, which is still in full effect, will certainly end. Which of these interpretations corresponds to the truth is determined from the general mood of the layout. If favorable runes dominate in it, then, accordingly, Thurisaz will be interpreted positively, otherwise – negatively.

Other positive meanings of the rune are luck, a gift of fate (usually unexpected). The person to whom it fell was or will still be in the right place at the right time.

If Thurisaz predicts bad things, then it should be taken as advice not to be too self-confident, because there is a high probability of error. It is more correct, the rune states, to impartially assess the current situation and only after that, if the confidence in one’s own rightness is one hundred percent, rush forward.

Together with the Isa rune, Thurisaz says that it is best to postpone matters until more favorable times, and with the Ansuz rune, that it would be nice to consult with someone more wise or experienced.

Inverted position

The inverted meaning of Thurisaz is not much different from its negative interpretation in the upright position. But here it is aggravated by the fact that the person most likely will not follow the advice that the rune gives. He will still prefer to act in his own way, since this advice will seem to him completely inconsistent with either his mood or life experience. The result of this, of course, is quite predictable from a logical point of view.

Among other things, the inverted Thurisaz rune may indicate that positive dynamics in business and luck will fade away much faster than one might expect.

Another interpretation of such a rune is weakness of will, attempts to deceive oneself, turning a blind eye to some clearly unpleasant moments. In combination with Raido, it should be perceived as a meaningless journey (trip, a way of entertainment), because of which later the person may even feel ashamed or embarrassed. Paired with the inverted Vunyo rune, it means that there is no turning back and nothing can be corrected.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In relationship plans, Turisaz suggests that a person should be lucky, that is, unexpectedly he will suddenly meet his fate.

Another interpretation of it: it is advisable for a person to avoid demonstrating his self-confidence and not to think that he is good and right in everything and always. By the way, with the Hagall Thurisaz rune it means that the one who is being told fortunes may encounter great resistance from his partner if he insists on his own no matter what. Thus, this rune in a certain context should be perceived as a recommendation to listen to your partner, thereby showing well-deserved respect for him.

The combination of Turisaz and Gebo is not without interest for love scenarios. She says that the current relationship with the partner who is being guessed at will certainly have a happy outcome.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, Thurisaz symbolizes the need to act with great caution and caution. Together with Nautiz, she directly insists: you need to be patient. Because any rash, hasty act or statement can have fatal consequences for a relationship. On the other hand, such a rune suggests that there is no need to especially persuade the fortuneteller to act carefully, because his weakness will not allow him to act decisively. That is, here we are talking about the other extreme - when you need to do at least something, but a person gives up.

The pair “inverted Thurisaz – inverted Kenaz” takes on even more depressing meaning. This combination indicates persistent attempts by a partner who is weak and does not have absolute authority in the eyes of the fortuneteller to subjugate him.


Straight position

The general interpretation in this case is this: a person has excellent protection, which can be expressed in parliamentary immunity, the presence of a very influential patron, etc. But in no case should you abuse all this, because one day you can suddenly lose all your benefits and the consequences of this can be any.

In addition, Turisaz in career scenarios means the need to carefully approach any decisions, not to make them rashly, or just to brush aside the problem as quickly as possible. If the Isa rune also appears immediately, this means that at the moment (or during the planned period of time) it will still not be possible to change anything, so it is better not to do anything; at least this way you won't ruin anything.

Turisaz can also symbolize a certain ill-wisher, who has many opportunities to annoy the one who is being guessed at, because he is either financially or politically stronger. However, we can also talk about moral superiority here. Other runes can tell you how likely it is that this ill-wisher will do something against the fortuneteller. For example, together with Inguz the rune says that soon, quite unexpectedly, it will be possible to get rid of him, and with Mannaz - that the outcome of the situation will depend on the sanity of the fortuneteller.

Inverted position

The inverted rune Thurisaz personifies a stubborn person who goes to the goal regardless of any arguments of reason and even without paying attention to obvious omens and signs. Or someone who looks at the situation through rose-colored glasses, seeing only what he himself wants to see.

Another interpretation of such a rune is that soon someone completely insignificant will eclipse, get ahead of the fortuneteller or take his place. When Odin appears along with the inverted Turisaz, this means that the person himself is to blame for this and fully deserves his failure.

You are lucky. But how long will this continue? It depends only on you, more precisely, on your cold and common sense, on your ability to say or do everything that is necessary, in a timely and professional manner. In this case, it will be possible not only to ward off problems and troubles, but also to achieve great heights.

Rune Turisaz (Turs, Thurisaz, Turisas, Tyr) is the personification of Thor, the thunder god. Therefore, it is a symbol of power, both destructive and protective. A very powerful rune symbol that is used in magical rituals. Let's talk about the meaning of the Thurisaz rune in more detail.

Photo of the Thurisaz rune:

What does Turisaz, who fell in the upright position, say:

  • A turning point has come in the fortuneteller’s life: the time has come to choose - to move on, freed from the past, or to remain “treading water”, burying oneself in disappointments, grievances and losses
  • In the near future, you will need to make the only right decision in some very difficult situation. Its outcome will depend only on you, so think it over carefully
  • Currently, a person will have the opportunity to radically change his life for the better - Fate itself will give such a chance. It is important not to pass by your happiness, but also not to rush, not to commit rash actions
  • You have enormous potential for success, but it is up to you how to use this potential - for your benefit or harm.

Advice when the Thurisaz rune falls in an upright position: Now is not the best time in your life to rush. Stop, look back, reflect. It's time to think about your values, goals, choice of destination

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in an inverted position

If Thurisaz falls upside down, it can mean the following:

  • You will experience a state similar to lethargic sleep - you will feel that your strength is running out. There will be a reluctance to do something, to move forward. "Lying in the direction of your dreams" is all you want
  • You will be traveling in company with unpleasant people. The decision to travel will not be voluntary, but you will have to do it
  • There will be negative consequences from decisions you have made in the past. The time will come to pay for the mistakes made
  • There will be some danger or threat in life that will greatly disturb and upset you

Advice for the Thurisaz rune falling upside down: stop considering yourself to be too important a person, remove delusions of grandeur, do not think that the outcome of common affairs with other people depends only on you. You cannot influence the current situation - let events develop on their own, without your participation. If you are required to make a decision, think it through carefully so as not to get into trouble.

Magical use of the Thurisaz rune

Runes are often used in magical rituals. Also for making amulets, amulets and talismans. Thurisaz in magic allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Protect a person from the active actions of enemies and ill-wishers
  • Destroy (not physically) rivals and competitors
  • Develop willpower, strengthen the spirit, help a person become more decisive
  • Attract the love of a specific person into your life
  • Know yourself and the world around you from a spiritual point of view
  • Prepare the ground for creating something new

In fortune telling and rituals for love, Turisaz is used to provide a person with protection and patronage, destroy rivals, and teach him to control his emotions. Turisaz teaches not to engage in self-deception, but to clearly understand where the relationship is heading and what to expect from them.

In ancient times, the image of the Thurisaz rune was applied to the military uniforms and weapons of men going to war. It provided powerful protection and protected from enemies. In the modern world, Thurisaz helps protect against black magic: love spells, evil eye, damage and other things.

Thurisaz works very powerfully when a person has a specific goal, but lacks the opportunity and strength to realize it. In this case, the rune creates all the conditions to realize the plan, and very successfully, with a good result.

With the help of a rune, you can do enormous harm to another person - plunge him into a depressive state, cause loss of strength and apathy. It provokes problems with potency in men and frigidity in women.

It is better for a person just starting to use runes to refrain from using Thurisaz. Without knowing all its subtleties and features, you can greatly harm yourself. Because this symbol carries a colossal charge of power and destructive energy, which can get out of the control of a novice magician.