“Summary of a lesson-reflection on literature on the topic “N. Rylenkov “I remember the hands of my mother…. Protecting the golden spring...

N. I. Rylenkov was born on February 2 (February 15), 1909 in the village of Alekseevka (now Roslavl district, Smolensk region) into a peasant family. In 1926 he graduated from school in Roslavl, at the same time his first poems were published. He worked as a rural teacher. He graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Language of the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute (1933), in the same year the first collection of poems was published. Participant of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1945. Member of the board of the RSFSR SP since 1958, the secretariat of the RSFSR SP since 1965. N. I. Rylenkov died on June 23, 1969. He was buried in Smolensk at the Fraternal Cemetery.


Published since 1926. First book of poems -"My Heroes" (1933). Author of collections “Birch Forest” (1940), “Blue Wine” (1943), “Book of Fields” (1950), “Rowan Light” (1962)and others, several poems. Author of the poetic retelling "Tales about Igor's Campaign" (completed in 1962, published in 1963 in the newspaper Literary Russia, published as a separate book in 1966 and then reprinted several times). Author of songs, stories, essays, autobiographical and historical stories. Published a collection of articles"Tradition and Innovation" (1962).


The order of Lenin

Order of the Red Banner of Labor



My heroes, 1933

Breathing, 1938

Green workshop, 1949

Poems and poems, 1956, the same, in 2 vols., 1959

Roots and Leaves, 1960

On Lake Sapsho. Stories, 1966

Book of Time, 1969

Koktebel Elegy // “Zvezda”, 1976, No. 6

Poems and Poems, 1981

Editions[edit | edit source text]

Selected works. In 2 vols., 1974

Collected works. In 3 vols., 1985

Poems by Nikolai Rylenkov


Everything is in a melting haze:

Hills, copses.

The colors are not bright here

And the sounds are not harsh.

The rivers are slow here

Foggy lakes,

And everything slips away

From a quick glance.

There's not much to see here

Here you need to take a closer look,

So that with clear love

My heart was full.

It's not enough to hear here

Here you need to listen

So that there is harmony in the soul

They poured in together.

So that they suddenly reflect

Clear waters

All the beauty of shy

Russian nature.

Let me fall to your hand, Russia

The day disappeared into dewy mists,

The edges of the clouds have flared away.

My eternal caretaker.

Let me kiss your calluses

So that, like in childhood, I smell like hay,

So that the taste of salt remains forever

On my parched lips.

Let every rustle enter my soul,

Every breath in my native land.

I've been studying in your spaces all my life

Live like your plowman - in the coming day.

I have seen other distances more than once,

But I dreamed of only one thing, loving, -

So that friends and enemies say,

That I’m all like you in character.

I don't need to hide in front of you,

Where I cried, where I gave flowers.

Everything that is hidden from prying eyes

You feel it with your mother's heart.

Will refresh my gray whiskey

Only your melodious stream.

Let me fall to your hand, Russia,

My eternal caretaker!

* * *

I remember my duty to you, Russia,

I will never forget about him.

Everything I asked for and didn't ask for,

You gave me plenty in my native land.

Not everything is as it should be, having seen it at first,

Now I thank my fate -

For teaching me so hard

Walking barefoot on hard stubble.

Let me understand how the ears prick,

Protecting the golden spring...

After all, if I managed to do something,

That’s because I’m used to stubble.

That the skin was tanned just right by summer

And imbued with the spirit of thyme.

How will I pay you for this?

If not a line that is true to the end!

* * *

Russian land

From the Caucasus ranges to the Urals,

Long roads of dust,

You have called your sons to fight more than once,

Russian land!

Added strength to them in days of sadness

The streams of your full-flowing rivers,

And the enemies were not forgiven

Your sons.

And always, safe and sound,

Granting immortality to my sons,

You rose from fire and smoke,

Russian land!

Songs about you have been loud for centuries,

All of you are like a melodious string!

And the legacy of our ancestors, we, the descendants,

Fully accepted!

Here again the feather grass is smoking brown,

Moving my brushes lightly,

Here again you send us into battle under a storm,

Russian land!

Well! Or we are not Russian soldiers,

Or has the war cry of the fathers been forgotten?

We will not forgive the damned rapists

We are your grievances!

Wherever we go, we are protected by your fate,

I promise death for death to your enemies, -

We are strengthened by your courage,

Russian land.

We call our friends by name,

Under the fire of tried soldiers,

And above them are Russian banners

There's noise in the wind!

Remember the heroes who fell in battles,

Autumn banners of the Kremlin

The cradle of our fathers and grandfathers,

Russian land!

Curse now and forever

Trembling in the face of the enemy, -

In the days when the flames of the river rolled,

Abandoning the shores.

And again safe and sound,

Endowing sons with immortality,

You will rise from the flames and smoke,

Russian land!

Kutuzov on the way

What does the glory of a commander mean?

Long ago he was fed up with fame,

But again at every well

Again at the steep pass

The enemies are celebrating...

It was not the king, but the motherland who called

In a difficult time!

Whatever happens, whatever happens -

He is ready to fulfill his duty...

And now he hurries, forgetting about old age,

To the shelves in the mail carriage.

Milestones flash by,

The bells sing and cry...

Oh, who is dear to you, Russia,

Will find beginnings and ends!

Who can calculate on the map,

How great is the spirit of your sons?

Bonaparte will also see

Your angry, your stern face!

...Warmed by the flowing heat of the day,

The roads are crawling with dust.

And he looks out the carriage window

To the copses and fields.

The carriage's heavy body rattles.

There is no end to the fields...

“...Kutuzov is in a hurry to beat the French!” -

The bearded men shout after him.

Village, bridge... At the well

The crane is creaky and tight

And the heart beats, the heart beats,

Like a bell near Luga.

To the oathbreakers

Russia! We repeat your name everywhere,

Sacred are your gray hairs and wrinkles,

Celebrations and sorrows of your anniversary

In your great and harsh fate.

And, meeting maturity, by the right of a man

We swore an oath of allegiance to you:

To be faithful to your green copses,

To be faithful to your crimson dawns,

To be faithful to the nightingales, sleepless nights,

To be faithful to the bottomless gaze of girls,

To be faithful to the hopes that we have harbored since childhood.

Let the oathbreaker on the Russian Plain

He will forget about his mother, friend and son, -

He has no friends, no relatives.

Let his bread become stone from now on,

The spring will not let him quench his thirst.

He will fall in fear when he hears your name,

Consonant with the name of that woman,

That she swaddled us with her hands,

That she nourished us with her breasts,

That it warmed us with its warmth.



We will mature and appreciate more truly

Simple colors, precise words.

Here it is again shining in gold in autumn

Blue slightly touched by the sun.

And if you are an artist, if you are sharp-sighted

Your keen eye and your hearing are sharpened, -

Go out onto the hill along a foggy path,

Listen and look around.

Before you, like bare pages,

Summer memories are melting,

Birches wander to distant lands,

And the wind confuses the slanting shadows,

The rooks are making noise. So here it is, Russia,


Death is not scary. Idleness is worse than death.

It cannot be separated from melancholy.

The window is open. And on the easel

Tight fabric reinforced.

The day is transparent. Take a closer look and wipe your brushes.

You are master. Be prudent, strict and simple.

There is silence, there are colors on the palette,

To transfer the sound of leaves to the canvas.

Hang golden cobwebs,

Let twisted paths across the field,

Use a prickly brush to level the stubble

And, looking around the deserted housing,

Forget about everything. Before you, Russia

Your love, your immortality.


Wherever you are - the soul of Russian nature

I was with you. You couldn't forget

Not a forgotten pond with a rusting mill,

Not a dilapidated courtyard, not a foggy haystack.

Overcoming everyday worries,

Have you seen: the sons of my land

Along the convict Vladimir road

We walked into the open future.

Thinking about their fate for the first time,

You remembered all the field paths

And the reflection of dawn on the bank of the stream.

You understand: people's dreams and aspirations

Russia will make the same reality,

Your love, your insomnia.

* * *

Wherever you look - relatives

Edges open to the heart.

I am all before you, Russia,

My destiny, my conscience.

Isn't it you who surrounded me

The expanse of meadows and fields,

Aren't you the one who made me friends?

With my thoughtful muse!

Aren't you a full-fledged word

She opened all the closets for me...

I know it’s harsh for this

You can ask me yourself!

More than once to your roadside

I will come from the song rivers,

So that even an accidental lie

You will never be humiliated.

So ask more strictly - I will answer

For everything: for girlfriends and friends,

For the shortest meeting

With my thoughtful muse.

For songs for which for the first time

The native lands are listening...

I am all before you, Russia,

My destiny. My conscience!

* * *

A son who has matured into tenderness is ashamed,

The mother does not assure of her love,

But nothing is hidden in front of her

And I’m ready to give it to the court.

And my temples are already gray

My thoughts are an endless thread,

And I want, without further ado, Russia,

How to talk to your mother.

* * *

Snowdrifts of mica glitter,

Frosty skies are magic,

But how warm, my Russia,

To me from your breath.

The winds fall silent behind your shoulders,

When on my father's side

With your prophetic eyes

You look straight into my soul.

You look, without wondering about happiness,

Creating my own destiny,

Like willows in frost, gray-haired

And young as the dawn.

What secrets do you know?

You, rising above fate,

That you get younger every year

And everything becomes younger with you.

But you don't need to hide secrets,

All your secrets are in plain sight.

After all, you are happy to have any dream

Light up like a new star.

* * *

The wind of battle will twist the bushes,

A furious column of fire will flare up,

And, like the hot sting of death,

The enemy's bullet will stab me.

Dry lips will turn white,

But, with my eyes fixed on the dawn,

Three times your name, Russia.

Like a prayer, I will repeat it.

And then - I know in advance -

You will open all the paths for me,

So that I can, forgetting about the wound,

Go through the death field.

* * *

Golden cloud of heat

The smell of herbs is honey, intoxicating.

Russian painted sky

It opened up in front of me.

And I ask, as in the days of yore,

In the unfading light of day:

The sun of my life, Russia,

Strengthen me for battle.

Seregina Yulia

The work reflects the main stages of the poet’s work and life



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Agibalovskaya secondary school"

Literary research

on the topic of:

“All life is in poetry”

(Based on the work of N.I. Rylenkov).

Completed by: Julia Seregina, 10th grade

Head: Seregina Olga Egorovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



I did a lot of things wrong

What would I do now?

But he only did what

What could I do in good conscience?

N. Rylenkov

This work is devoted to the study of the life and work of one of the founders of the Smolensk poetic school, Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov.

The reasons that prompted me to turn to this topic are as follows:

  • Relevance of the topic;
  • Lack of knowledge;
  • Interest in the poet's work

Object of study- lyrics by N.I. Rylenkov

Goal of the work : studying the poet’s work, identifying how fully Rylenkov’s biography is reflected in his work.


The question guiding my work will be fundamental: “How can the heart express itself, and how can the other understand you?” I can recite poetry well and try to write it, but I have always admired those who can masterfully wield the “golden pen.” This is precisely the issue that is problematic for me, so I want to try to express myself through poetry.

Achieving the goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. Explore the lyrics of N.I. Rylenkov

2. Study literature about the poet.

3. Develop the ability to analyze a lyrical work.

4. Realize your creative potential.

Research methods:

  • literature study;
  • teacher consultation;
  • data processing;

In his poetic works, Rylenkov glorifies the beauty and, as it seems to me, modesty of the nature of his native land. A number of poems are dedicated to historical figures, composers, poets, and writers. These works create a unique image of the history and culture of our country. In the poet's creative workshop there are poems about war and love.

I will try to reflect some facts of the poet’s biography, tell how they influenced his work and how they were reflected in his poems.

Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov died in 1969(Appendix No. 1,2),but his poems and his books continue to live an active life. Rylenkov's lines are heard in literature lessons in schools and at meetings of writers.

Why does interest in the poet’s work still not cease?

I think it's all about his poetry. Let's look at his works.

II. Main part

Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov was born on February 2 (15), 1909 in the village of Alekseevka (popular name Lomnya), Tyuninsky volost, Roslavl district, Smolensk province. This is what the poet says about his small homeland: “Our village stood on the gentle bank of the Korchevka River, but a little further away, right in the place where the water did not reach during the spring flood. All the streets were lined with trees - oaks, maples, but mainly linden trees, on which rooks always nested..." . The lines glorifying native places seem deeply poetic(Appendix 3).

The main genre in N. Rylenkov’s work is landscape poetry. Some critics even reproached him for such bias. But it was in poems about nature that he was able to express the subtlest shades of feelings, experiences, moods: delight, sadness, surprise, love, reflection. The poet discovered a quality in the landscape of the middle zone that had not been noticed by anyone before, which was expressed in the poetic formula “the beauty of shy Russian nature”(Appendix 4).

Russian nature in its different states became a wonderful fairy tale of his childhood, youth, and maturity.

The Great Patriotic War became a dramatic page in the history of our country and the region in particular.

In poems dedicated to these events, N. Rylenkov compares the Smolensk region to a willow tree scorched by a thunderstorm(Appendix 5) . He himself found himself burned by the threat of war. The poet N. Gribachev recalled how he, Rylenkov and another Smolensk writer, Dmitry Osin, left Smolensk at the last minute, when the city was already burning.

The war separated Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov from his family, but the poet constantly remembered close people: his daughters, Natasha and Ira, his wife, Evgenia Antonovna Rylenkova. Letters remain the only, albeit unreliable, way to communicate with family.(Appendix 6).

At the end of the 30s, without giving up work on lyrics, the poet turned to the heroic past of Smolensk, under whose walls the fate of Russia was decided more than once.

“A passion for history, the study of ancient chronicles and chronicles, legends and tales associated with places well known to me, revealed to me the deepest sources of Slavic speech, sharpened my sense of words, and helped me overcome timidity before the canons of conventionally poetic language. But all this not only refreshed the language of my lyrics, but also expanded its horizons, made the connection of times tangible for me,” Rylenkov wrote in his autobiography .

The poet believed that in poetry, including lyric poetry, there cannot be a deep sense of time without a sense of history(Appendix 7).

He realized early on that his native land had a difficult and glorious history behind it. The hills, towers, walls, cathedrals of Smolensk are covered with legends about the patriotic past.

The poet's talent was revealed with particular force in his love lyrics.

“The Fifth Season” is the name of Rylenkov’s collection from the sixties. What is this fifth season of the year? Does this happen? The fifth season of the year is the life of a person’s soul, and it does not always obey the calendar: it’s cold outside, but it’s spring in your soul; It's sunny outside, but cloudy inside. Or a hundred times in the soul: it’s funny, and bitter, and anxious, and joyful at the same time. The fifth season is love in the human soul. N. Rylenkov has many poems about love, although he does not often use this word, as if he is ashamed of it. But the depiction of the human condition is such that from short lines we understand a mental wound, a thunderstorm that has passed or is expected, and delight, and confusion, and the first kiss, and a timid confession(Appendix 8).

It is noteworthy that love and tenderness for the beloved is conveyed in poems in such a way that it is inseparable from love for one’s native side. The lyrical hero has the right to say:

And about how close you are to me, how dear,

You will read about your homeland in poetry.


The poetry of Nikolai Rylenkov gives us beautiful poems about love, revealing the secret of this feeling.

The poetry of Nikolai Rylenkov in its best examples brings us the aroma of fields and meadows, the ringing of a forest stream and the rustle of a roadside tartar, the crane cry of autumn copses and the busy muttering of a spring river.

The poetry of Nikolai Rylenkov brings us the image of the Motherland. It helps the soul to wake up from unconsciousness, opens the ears to the voices of living life, and gives the eyes a native space.

The poetry of Nikolai Rylenkov contributes to the preservation of the fatherland in us and therefore has the right to count on our attention and our love.


All life is carried forward by the cycle of times,
In winter you wait for spring, in spring you ask for summer.
And you always say when you hear the clock ringing,
That your best song has not yet been sung.
Nikolay Rylenkov

I don’t even think about what place Rylenkov occupies in poetry - he is my fellow countryman, and that says it all.

Completing the circle of his development, Nikolai Rylenkov turns his thoughts to the same distances and the same people with whom the beginning of his poetic destiny was connected. The address of his poetry remained unchanged. His word did not change his registration. “I will always remember with gratitude the hours and days of festive meetings with friends on the shores of Lake Baikal or at the foot of the snowy peaks of the Caucasus, but to reflect on my experience I will come to the bank of some nameless river in the depths of the Smolensk region. To test myself, to collect my thoughts, I always needed to wander through the birch edges overgrown with fireweed, sit with the mowers by the dying fire, listen to girlish songs coming from afar,” the poet wrote .

Poetry is a bright moment and an inexhaustible source, which, like in a fairy tale, will give “living water” to everyone who touches it. It gives us pleasure, fosters bright feelings, teaches us to love and understand life. Yes, to the question that worries me: “How can the heart express itself, and how can another understand you?” - I really found the answer. People, give everyone a bright moment of poetry - your favorite lines from your favorite authors. I give you my favorite lines that Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov once gave to everyone ( Appendix 9).


1. The Great Patriotic War in the works of A. T. Tvardovsky, M. V. Isakovsky, N. I. Tvardovsky. Smolensk, 1989

2. Zvezdaeva V.I. Nikolay Rylenkov. Publishing house "Sovremennik", Moscow, 1987

3. Merkin G.S. Lyrics by N. Rylenkov. Smolensk 1971

4. Rylenkov N.I. Selected Lyrics (1926-1964). M., Moscow worker, 1965.
5. Rylenkov N.I. A fairy tale from my childhood. Stories. Poetry. Second edition. Rice. Yu. Ignatieva. M., “Det. lit.”, 1976.

6. Rylenkov N.I.. Poems and poems. Publishing house "Soviet Writer", 1981.

7. Rylenkov N. I. Poems (1924-1969). M., Soviet Russia, 1988

8. Smolensk. Concise encyclopedia. Smolensk, 1994

9. The works of M. V. Isakovsky, A. T. Tvardovsky, N. I. Rylenkov in a summary of Russian and world culture - SSPU publishing house, Smolensk - 2000.

Annex 1


Born into a peasant family.

In 1926 he graduated from school in Roslavl, at the same time his first poems were published. He worked as a rural teacher.

He graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Language of the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute (1933), in the same year the first collection of poems was published.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Member of the CPSU since 1945.

Member of the board of the RSFSR SP since 1958, member of the RSFSR SP secretariat since 1965.


Published since 1926.

The first book of poems is “My Heroes” (1933). Author of the collections “Birch Forest” (1940), “Blue Wine” (1943), “Book of Fields” (1950), “Rowan Light” (1962), etc., and several poems.

N.I. died Rylenkov June 23, 1969, buried in Smolensk at the Fraternal Cemetery. The grave is on the central alley.


He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and medals.

Appendix 2

Everything is in a melting haze -
Hills, copses...
The colors are not bright here
And the sounds are not harsh.
The rivers are slow here
Foggy lakes,
And everything slips away
From a quick glance.
There's not much to see here
Here you need to take a closer look,
So that with clear love
My heart was full.
It's not enough to hear here
Here you need to listen
So that there is harmony in the soul
They poured in together.
So that they suddenly reflect
Bottomless waters
All the beauty of shy
Russian nature.

At the edge of the forest the heat is thick,

Hares have hare cabbage,

Blackberries are ripening among hedgehogs.

Waited for the robins, raspberries,

Cranes roam in the crane...

Appendix 3

...Call childhood here from the meadow,

And it will respond in the distance!

Wherever you look - relatives,
Edges open to the heart.
I am all before you, Russia,
My destiny, my conscience.
Isn't it you who surrounded me
The expanse of meadows and fields,
Aren't you the one who made me friends?
With my thoughtful muse!
Aren't you a full-fledged word
She opened all the closets for me...
I know it's harsh for this
You can ask me yourself!
More than once to your roadside
I will come from the song rivers,
So that even an accidental lie
You will never be humiliated.
So ask more strictly - I will answer
For everything: for girlfriends and friends,
For the shortest meeting
With my thoughtful muse.
For songs for the first time
The native lands are listening...
I am all before you, Russia,
My destiny, my conscience!

Appendix 4

I grew up face to face with my native nature,

Befriended her almost from birth.

A mossy stump, like a graybeard grandfather,

He told me there were days long ago.

In the thicket, not letting you get lost,

Among the dense forest divination

Birds led me to the berries,

And squirrels are like nuts and mushrooms.

But where every rustle means something,

Be able to hear and solve everything.

Nature does not hide its secrets from us,

But it teaches you to be more attentive to her!

Our winters have a special charm:
The snowstorm will calm down in the evening
And the light will pour out, as if they were on fire
Snow set on fire at sunset.
A crow sits on an oak tree like a firebird,
The towers and forests stand as a fence,
And it seems that things are about to start happening,
As in a wise fairy tale, miracles.

Always thoughtful, modest,
Like a willow by a stream,
My home side
My Smolensk region.

Burnt like a willow
There have been thunderstorms more than once.
It seemed like there wasn’t a single leaf,
And look - she came to life!

Noisy as before, green,
Yesterday's sigh melts,
My home side
My Smolensk region.

I grew up in your open spaces,
Cherished all my dreams
Oh, give me strength so that after thunderstorms
I came to life like you!

Wherever you look - relatives,
Edges open to the heart.
I am all before you, Russia,
My destiny, my conscience.

Appendix 5

Isn't it you who surrounded me
The expanse of meadows and fields,
Aren't you the one who made me friends?
With my thoughtful muse!

Aren't you a full-fledged word
She opened all the closets for me...
I know it's harsh for this
You can ask me yourself!

More than once to your roadside
I will come from the song rivers,
So that even an accidental lie
You will never be humiliated.

So ask more strictly - I will answer
For everything: for girlfriends and friends,
For the shortest meeting
With my thoughtful muse.

For songs for the first time
The native lands are listening...
I am all before you, Russia,
My destiny, my conscience!

Appendix 6

Write a letter all night. Write without knowing yet

Will you be able to send? And still write.

For myself. Will you understand, dear,

What did I want to say?.. No, I got confused again!

Write a letter all night. Write without expecting

That your answer will come. And still write.

So I could always call you when we were apart

And I believe that now you will appear again.


Appendix 7

I am a harsh strand of legends

I'm used to taking it apart thread by thread.

I got it from my grandfathers and great-grandfathers

The key to their secrets is my Russian language.

With him in the weather and in severe bad weather,

Meeting the dawn at work,

What was confused - I will unravel it,

What the fog covered - I will illuminate.

Appendix 8

Love has a silver throat

I see you stretched out your hands to me

And you call... Don’t, don’t call.

Let me forget at least for a single moment,

Don't disturb my cherished dreams.

Is it something for a swan?

Can't you feel the smoke

Am I smelling the doom?

What's with such a harsh, unsociable

Will you do it, my dear?

But again I'm in a rumble and howl

You have become twice as dear to me as this,

That's what I call you.

Forget you? You think it's so simple

To forget you, to separate hearts,

As in early childhood, counting to one hundred,

Fall asleep, breaking the thread of the day's events?

How naive you are! Which

You're funny! Yes in my ears

Your light step knocks on my heart.

At night, you command dreams,

You come to me, you warm my blood

And everything that we have experienced together,

You unfold it again in front of me.

And everything is dear to me now. I even

I don’t call our disagreements a grief!

Waking up, I'm looking for you: when will I

Will I see you again in reality?..

I'll be better than then. Isn't it here

Have I been saving up tenderness, hiding it from everyone?

Well, how can I forget you if

You are me? You are my youth!

But time ordered: experience everything!

Let the blood appear in the letters from the lines.

We are conditioned by victory in war

And the period of separation and meeting is a period.

Goals:develop verbal drawing skills; develop attention to figurative means of language; teach the ability to express your feelings in relation to what you read.

Equipment:paintings about native Russian nature.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Expressive readingstudents write poems on the topic “Native Nature” (optional).

III. Preparation for perception.

The teacher reads the lines written on the board:

Words burn like heat

Or they freeze like stones -


What did you give them?

How to approach them at the right time

Touched by hands

And how much did I give them?

Warmth of soul.

We choose words depending on how we feel about the subject being described.

Today we will try to give our warmth to Russian nature, our native side. Please open your textbooks on page 6, read the title of the work, the poet’s surname.

IV. Reading and analysis of N. Rylenkov’s poem “To the Motherland” (p. 6-7).

1. Independent reading poems by students.

2. Expressive reading teacher.

3. Conversation on content (p. 7).

1) What features of the native nature does the poet talk about?

2) How do you understand the line “and everything eludes a quick glance”?

3) Does the poet himself explain this? (Explains, open 7 of the textbook.)

4) What is the difference between the actions: looking and peering, listening and listening? (Look- means directing your gaze to what immediately opens up to your gaze. to peer- means to overcome some obstacle with your eyes, that is, the eye does not immediately see what it is looking at. The same can be said for the couple listen - listen attentively.)

5) Why do you need to peer and listen to understand the beauty of Russian nature? (Such beauty slowly penetrates the soul; it does not capture a person with a rush of quick feeling, but gradually fills his heart.)

6) What does a person need to be able to do and have in order to understand the beauty of Russian nature? (A person needs to have a “well-mannered” eye and heart, be able to peer into the world around him, have a sensitive soul, be able to notice beauty in its subtle signs.)

V. Working with the “Picture Gallery”.

1. Preliminary conversation.

What does the concept of “small homeland” mean? (This is the specific place (city, village, house) where a person was born and lived a significant period of his life, where he spent his childhood and (or) school years, where his parents and (or) grandparents live.)

2. Reading a comment in the textbook (p. 8).

3. Work with M. Chagall’s painting “Window at the Cottage” (room 7).

Is it possible to have tender feelings for a dacha corner?

Consider Marc Chagall's painting "Window in the Country House."

How much space does the window image take up in the picture? (Almost the entire place.)

Do you like the summer landscape outside your window?

When (at what time of summer, at what time of day and in what weather) does the greenery become so dazzlingly emerald? (Obviously, this is early summer or late spring, perhaps after a short rain nature seems bright and as if washed clean; it is possible that this is early morning.)

Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the artist paints such a wonderful summer landscape through the sash of a window frame, because the landscape seems to be crossed out by the vertical line of the window, first with one stripe, and then even with a double stripe, lined with the horizontals of the window sash and curtains? Why does the artist complicate the perception of the landscape so much for himself and for us? (If the children find it difficult to answer, you should ask them to pay attention to the title of the painting again. The artist’s goal is to depict not a corner of the forest, but a window in a country house. A window is like a transparent wall, a boundary separating a cramped country room from the wonders that unfold behind it , by nature of extraordinary, piercing beauty.)

Can you see that the room is cramped? (Of course. The artist creates a feeling of cramped room due to the fact that the objects on the windowsill are located very close and in one row, and also due to the fact that the male and female heads seem to be placed on top of one another.)

Did you know that in the right corner there is a self-portrait of the artist and a portrait of his wife?

Why does the artist depict himself and his wife as looking like theatrical masks? (People seemed frozen, peering in fascination at the beautiful landscape outside the window, so their faces resemble masks.)

Remember which poet perceives the beauty of the forest at the dacha in the same way as the performance that nature plays in front of man? (Dmitry Kedrin “Invitation to the Dacha” - from the first part of the textbook.)

4. Work with the painting “My Village” by M. Chagall (room 7).

Look at the picture.

Why does the artist call the city of Vitebsk, where he spent his childhood and youth, “My Village”? (This is an expression of affection for one’s hometown, as for something infinitely close and beloved.)

Is it clear, if you carefully examine the picture, that the artist loves his small hometown of Vitebsk?

By what signs can this be judged?

How do you perceive the horse and sleigh, where is it located? Outside the city, in a field, or walking across the sky itself? (For an artist, the boundaries between the real world and the world of the wonderful, fantastic are blurred. For Chagall, there is nothing special in the fact that a peasant and a horse are plowing the sky.)

Is this picture a hymn to the big homeland or a declaration of love to your small homeland? (This is a declaration of love to your small homeland.)

VI. Lesson summary.

What particularly interested you in the lesson?


Think about how the “small homeland” is connected to the big homeland, to the Fatherland.

State government educational institution

"Volzhskaya boarding school"

Prepared and conducted:

Russian language and reading teacher

Parfenova E.A.



Topic: N.I. Rylenkov “Spring without the prophetic cuckoo...

Lesson type: combined.

Target: introduce students to N. I. Rylenkov’s poem “Spring without the prophetic cuckoo...


Educational: develop the skills of expressive reading of a poem; answer questions about the text of the poem; reason; reason develop students' creative abilities;

Develop visual, auditory perception and attention; thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization); intonation expressiveness of the voice; oral coherent speech of students, replenish vocabulary; communication skills and behavior in the classroom.

Educational: to cultivate a love of nature and broaden the horizons of students.

Corrective :

the formation of a holistic perception of a literary work and the development of the ability to emotionally express one’s own attitude towards it.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, video material, MP3 material, reading book edited by Aksenova A.K., “Enlightenment”, 2006.

During the classes.

I .Organizing time.

Psychological mood for the lesson.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you and really want to start working with you! Today guests came to our lesson, our respected and beloved teachers. Let's turn to them and exchange smiles with them.

What's your mood? I suggest you express your mood with the help of chips of different colors that lie on your desk. The red chip is in a great mood, the green chip is good, the blue chip is so-so. Dear guests, can also show us their mood.

Guys, I see that not everyone is in a great mood at the beginning of the lesson, but let’s conduct our lesson in such a way that it will bring us all the joy of communication, and your helpers will be: attention, resourcefulness, and diligence.

II . Checking homework.

1. Answers to questions.

- What work did you study in your last reading lesson?

Poem "Trees"

Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov.

- Look at the paintings of children. What pictures fit this poem and why?

3 picture. It depicts a sad boy sitting in the forest. Nikolai Rylenkov was left without parents very early and lived with his brother in his uncle’s family. There they were superfluous, unnecessary to anyone. In order to spend less time in front of his relatives, Nikolai hired out to herd cows and drive horses at night. Going into the forest, he talked with the birches and maples, they became family for him.

2. Expressive reading in a chain.

(Rylenkov I. N. “Trees”)

III .Speech warm-up.

-In order for our speech to be clear and intelligible, we need to regularly train our speech apparatus .(reading a tongue twister: quietly - slowly, louder - faster)

Cuckoo bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo's hood.

How funny he is in the hood!

IV . Lesson topic message. Setting goals and objectives. Motivation for students' learning activities.

1. Riddle.

- To move on to the topic of our lesson, guess the riddle.

The Artist lives in the forest.
Famous soloist.
Perched on a bitch
And sings: “ku-ku, ku-ku”
V. Struchkov

- How did you guess that it was a cuckoo?

2. Determining the topic of the lesson.

- What time of year is it?

-Imagine that we live in a distant ancient world where there are no calendars. How do we know about the arrival of spring?

Listen to an excerpt from Afanasy Fet’s poem “Cuckoo”

Lush tops bend,
Mleya in spring juice;
Somewhere, far from the edge,
It's as if you can hear: cuckoo.

Afanasy Fet.

- Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov.

- Maybe some of you have already guessed who and what the poem will be about.

The poem will be about the cuckoo and spring.

- Spring is the most awaited time of the year. Nature is rapidly awakening from its winter sleep, birds are singing about the coming of spring. Poets often write about spring.

3. Setting goals:

What goals should we set for ourselves:

1. Get acquainted with the poem by Nikolai Rylenkov.

3. Analyze the poem.

IV . Updating knowledge.

1. Forecasting by title.

Open your textbooks to page 232

Read the first line in the poem and answer what Nikolai Rylenkov’s poem might be about.

"Spring without the prophetic cuckoo"

Can we guess who the main character of the story will be?

We have listened to all the assumptions, do you want to check who is right?

V . Primary perception of the text.

1. Vocabulary work

- In the first line of the poem, the poet calls the cuckoo a prophet. What do you think this word means?

Soothsayer - harbinger, predictor.

2. Reading of a poem by the teacher accompanied by music.

V I . Checking the initial perception of the text.

1. Conversation:

- What genre does this work belong to?

LYRICALPOEM - a type of fiction that emotionally and poetically expresses the feelings of the author.

- Did we make the correct prediction based on the first line of the poem?

- Did you like the work?

-What mood did the poet want to convey to us?

Anxiety, fear and at the same time joy, confidence.

- What folk sign did you learn about from this poem?

The cuckoo announces that spring has come and there will be no more cold weather.

2. Cuckoo's forecasts

There are a lot of predictions and omens among people related to the cuckoo.

At the height of spring, at the same time as swallows, or even a little earlier, cuckoos return to our forests. By this time, the fields and forests are covered with the first greenery, and many different insects appear.

The cuckoo immediately notifies the forest population of its arrival with its voice. The first cuckoo is heard on average on May 2. Over half a century of observations, cuckoos most often flew to our area between April 28 and May 5.

For rural residents, the arrival of the cuckoo is another reason to tell fortunes about the future weather and the future harvest.

Here are just a few of the many signs associated with this bird: “The cuckoo crows - it’s time to sow flax”, “The cuckoo crows on a dry tree - to frost”, “An early cuckoo, before the leaf on the tree - to hunger, crop failure.” Not all signs always come true, but the authority of the cuckoo as a soothsayer and prophetess is still great.

VI I .Physical minute

Gymnastics for the eyes and spine.

1. Close your eyes tightly and open them wide 4-6 times in a row with an interval of 15 seconds.

2. Look up, down, right, left without turning your head (for 1 minute).

5. Blink quickly for 1-2 minutes.

6. Sitting: arms up, to the sides, hug yourself with your arms, bend back. (repeat several times) place your hands in front of you

VIII . Secondary perception and analysis of the text.

1. Reading the poem in quatrains.

A) Buzzing Reading

B) Answers to questions about content

IN) reading a passage aloud.

1-3 quatrains

-Who does the poet compare birch trees with?

Birch trees

- What don’t birch trees dare to do?

Put on your green outfit.

- How do plants and birds behave before the cuckoo arrives?

Flowers are afraid to bloom. Birds do not fly far from their nests.

-Why are they afraid of what surprises the weather brings?

Frost, snow.

4-5 quatrains

- Read the last two columns of the poem.

-What does the arrival of the cuckoo mean?

The cold and frost are over. It's warm.

- What feelings do you experience when reading these lines?

-When reading, convey joy and triumph when spring has fully come into its own

IX . Creative work.

1.Independent exercise in the expressiveness of reading a poem.

Don't forget to pause while readingobserve intonation. Read expressively, conveying the wariness, fear of nature at the beginning of spring, joy and triumph when spring fully came into its own.

2. Reading a poem to music.

X . Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it.

Page 232, expressive reading of a poem

Question No. 3 p. 233

XI . Lesson summary.

-Which poem did you come across?

Today in class we will get acquainted with N.I. Rylenkov’s poem “Spring without the prophetic cuckoo”...

- What mood did you feel after reading the poem?

-Did you manage to achieve the objectives of the lesson?

XII . Reflection. Grading.

There are birch leaves on your tables. If you liked the lesson and it was interesting, I ask you and our guests to take a piece of paper and help dress the birch tree in a green outfit.

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

- Cuckoo's forecasts

Videos cuckoo

Pictures for presentation design

Lesson - reflection in 7th grade on the topic
N.I. Rylenkov “I remember my mother’s hands”\Linguistic analysis of the text
The main goal of the lesson. Acquaintance with the work of N.I. Rylenkov and his work
"I remember my mother's hands..."
Educational: introduce students to the work of N.I. Rylenkov and his work “I remember...”; teach students to work on an artistic image, repeat and generalize students’ practical skills in defining literary terms, and generalize the various knowledge students have in sections of the Russian language.
To repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills necessary for students’ independent work, to teach students to apply knowledge in a similar situation, to attract attention and arouse interest in studying a new topic. Connect the topic with the current life problem of love for your mother.
Developmental: develop students’ skills and abilities to analyze text, improve expressive reading of poetic text; develop spelling vigilance, memory, thinking, increase motivation for educational and cognitive activities.
Educational: to cultivate in children organizational work skills, cognitive interest in the subject, love and caring attitude towards their mother
Correctional: continue work on RSV and FP learning, development of oral and written speech skills; clarify and replenish, as well as activate students’ vocabulary.
Lesson methods Verbal (story, conversation);
Visual (illustrations, demonstrations);
Practical (selective reading, partial search and creative work);
Methods of educational work under the guidance of a teacher;
Methods of independent work;
Oral control, written control.
Lesson equipment
Textbook, presentation, sound recording. notebooks, didactic handouts
New concepts
Holy - sacred \Literary terms: epithets, metonymy, synonyms, lexical repetitions, comparison, appeal.
During the classes
1. ORGANIZATIONAL POINT (Speech exercises based on routine phrases)
Preparing students for work in the lesson (mutual greetings, checking hearing aids, students’ psychological mood for work, organizing attention)
Study section "Folklore and literature of the 20th century"
What unites these people? (poetry)
Poets of the 19th century, poets of the 20th century
Poet-poetry; Lyric-lyrics
Nikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov (1909 - 1969) - poet. singer of Russian nature
Determine the topic of the lesson.
Who, what are we going to talk about? Determining the theme, genre of the work
The image of the mother in Russian literature
the word holy is sacred
Here it is not enough to hear, here you need to listen so that consonances flow into your soul. N. RylenkovNikolai Ivanovich Rylenkov “I remember the hands of my mother...”
What time will the author describe? (past, remember - memory, memory)
What will the poet remember? (hands)
Whose hands? (mother)
Initial form? (mother)
How should I pronounce the word mine?
What are we going to learn? (Reading lesson objectives)
read quickly, expressively and consciously,
analyze the poem, thinking,
pay attention to the word
cultivate a sense of sensitive and caring attitude towards a woman - mother,
strive to understand and love the spiritual beauty of a loved one
The answer to the problematic question...
In handfuls - in palms
Rare moments - little time to communicate
Touch - touching the body
Rough, hard, calloused, worn out
Come closer - touch your lips
Bottomless - without a bottom
Harsh - difficult time
A) Initial perception of the text, after reading literary analysis.
-Describe your feelings.
-What colors can convey the author’s feelings?
B) Group work
1.QUESTION - ANSWER \ Choose the correct answer from the right column
1. What type of literature does this work belong to?
2.What is the theme of a work of art?
3. What is the theme of this poem?
4.What is the idea of ​​a work of art?
5. Read the poem carefully and tell me in what words its main thought, idea is expressed?
6. How can you title this poem?
This poem is about a mother.
This is the main, main idea of ​​the work.
"Weary hands of mothers!
There is nothing holier in the world than you."
"Mother's Hands"
What is this work about?

To the lyrics.
1. Which section of the Russian language studies vocabulary?
2. In the lines expressing the idea of ​​the poem, there is the word “holier.”
Read the dictionary entry for the word “saint” in the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.
1. In religious concepts: possessing divine grace.
Holy water.
2. Imbued with high feelings, sublime, ideal.
Holy love for the homeland.
3. True, majestic and exceptional in importance.
Holy cause.
4. A saint is a person who dedicated his life to the church and religion.
Canonized as a saint.
3. Is this word (“holy”) unambiguous or polysemantic?
4. In which of the four meanings is this word used in N. Rylenkov’s poem?
5. Name synonyms for the word “saint”.
Why did the author choose this word "holy hands"?
Because it reflects the poet’s feeling of love and gratitude for his mother.
C) Secondary reading of the text (selective)
(Pick up lines from the poem. Search work)
10 frames
Remember! About mom's love
MUSIC\ Conversation with mom
7. REFLECTION based on the text
Why does the poet remember his mother's hands? (warm childhood memories are the most vivid memories)
Why childhood years? (once upon a time)
What kind of hands does the mother have? (Rough, hard, calloused, worn out)
(more tender and kind - the most gentle and the kindest)\excellent st adj. Does N. Rylenkov regret the death of his mother? Why? (yes, one can feel the bitterness of his experiences)
Is the author grateful to his mother? For what?
(he became better and stronger......)
What does the author call a bottomless source? (mother’s hands, why? - a source of warmth, peace, love)
What is he comparing them to? (ladle, water)
Why is the weasel harsh? (harsh - difficult time)

Artistic media. \Partial search method
-How do poets and writers create artistic images in their works?
-What artistic means does N. Rylenkov use in this poem?
- Let's find the adjectives in this poem and underline them in the text.
In the native land, stern caresses, rare moments.
- What literary device are adjectives in a literary text?
- What other artistic means are found in this poem?
Metonymy: mother's hands were wiped, brought.
- What is metonymy?
Artistic substitution.
9. CONSOLIDATING KNOWLEDGE \Independent work using cards.
TASK No. 1.

2. Explain the use of parentheses in the last quatrain.
TASK No. 2.
1. Place accents and pauses. Read it expressively.

2. Find a sentence with direct speech. Draw a diagram of this proposal.
With. 163, by heart; ass 1.2.
-What did we learn in class today?
-What new did you learn in the lesson?
- What advice does the author of the poem give to children?
- What feelings does he express towards his mother? \Love, deep respect, gratitude.
-What are mom’s hands like? What kind of heart?