Formula to put the dates in order. Create a list of consecutive dates.

You can quickly create a list of dates in sequence with Fill marker or command fill.

    Select the cell in the worksheet where you want to start the list consecutive dates, and enter the first day or date.

    For example, enter Monday or 6/15/08 .

    To create a list of dates, follow the steps below.

    Once again it is written that England will appear in the chamber, press "Enter" to accept the entrance, the same as with Spain or Italy. Once we enter information about a cell, it can be edited. Either in the formula bar or directly in the cell. Click the cell where we want to change the information.

    Press the "Enter" button on the formula bar or press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to accept your changes. Quickly find and select misspelled words from a spreadsheet. To perform a spell check, you will see the following steps. To accept the suggestion and correct the misspelled word, click Edit, or click Edit All to correct the word wherever it appears in the text.

Advice: Like any other data, dates can be sorted. By default, dates are sorted from earliest to latest.

additional information

You can always ask the Excel Tech Community a question, ask for help in the Answers community, or suggest a new feature or improvement on the Excel User Voice website.

If the suggestion in the "Change to" field is incorrect, the user can do the following. When no misspelled words are found, a message will appear telling the user that the spell check is complete, click OK to confirm. Fixed also words starting with two capitals.

We can also point out mistakes that we often correct when we write. The Tools and AutoCorrect menu opens, and the AutoCorrect dialog box appears on the screen. Write the wrong shape in the "Replace" text box. Click "Add" to add the entry to the AutoCorrect list.


  • Machine Translation Disclaimer. This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. Microsoft offers these machine translations to help users who don't know in English, learn about Microsoft products, services, and technologies. Since the article has been translated using machine translation, it may contain lexical, syntactical and grammatical errors.

    If we want to remove an entry from the AutoCorrect list, select it from the list and click the Remove button. Also the user can undo almost any operation when. To cancel the change, click the "Cancel" button on the standard toolbar. To cancel the undo option, click the Retry button.

    On the standard toolbar. Copy, move or delete multiple data at once. Cells must select cells first. After that, you can execute the desired option. To select one cell, click it. To select adjacent cells, click the first cell on the left.

If you are working with time-based data, you may need to insert a number of dates into the table. For example, in a sales tracking application, you can enter a series of dates for a quarter, making sure to skip dates that fall on weekends, of course.

Using autocomplete

Most effective method enter multiple dates, which does not require any formulas - use the auto-complete function. Enter the first date, and then drag the cell fill handle while pressing the right mouse button. Release the mouse button and select the context menu command Fill in by month(Fig. 108.1).

And drag your mouse to the bottom right cell to select all cells. What to click on individual cells. To select an entire row or column of cells, click. To select adjacent rows or columns, click the first row and drag the mouse over the others.

The user may also copy the data elsewhere in the spreadsheet or in other spreadsheets or computational registers. When the original data is copied, it remains in its place, and a copy of it is placed in the location specified by the user. To copy the data, the following steps will be taken.

In some situations, you must enter two dates before using the autocomplete feature. For example, if you need to enter dates that are consecutive Mondays, you must enter the first two dates in the series. Then select both dates, right-click and select Fill by Days from the context menu.

Click the cell or cells we want to copy. Click "Copy" on the standard toolbar, the selected cell or cells will be copied to the clipboard. Select the first cell in the area where we want to place a copy, copy the data to another spreadsheet or spreadsheet, you first need to enter a sheet or register.

When the mouse button is released, the content will be copied to the new position. Moving data is much the same as copying, except that the data is taken from where it is located and placed in a new location. Select the cells we want to move.

Using formulas

Another way to enter a series of dates is based on the use of formulas. The advantage of the formula (rather than the autocomplete function) is that you can change the first date and all the others will be updated automatically. Enter start date into a cell, and then use formulas (copying down the column) to create additional dates. In the following examples, suppose you enter the first date in the series in cell A1 and the formula in cell A2. You can then copy this formula down the column as many times as needed.

Select the first cell of the area where we want to put the data, move the data to another table, open it in a spreadsheet. To quickly move data, use the pull and place feature. Select the data to move, then drag the selected cell border to a new position.

The data is moved in much the same way as a copy, except that the data is taken from where it is located and placed in a new location. The following steps will be taken to move data. The cells we want to move will be selected.

To generate a series of dates separated by seven days, use this formula: =A1+7 .

To create a series of dates separated by one month, use the following formula: =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,DAY(A1))

To create a series of dates separated by one year, use this formula: =DATE(YEAR(A1)+1;MONTH(A1);DAY(A1)

To create a series that includes only weekdays (all days except Saturday and Sunday), use the following formula. It assumes that the date in cell A1 is not a holiday: =IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=6,A1+3,A1+1) . This formula returns the serial number of the date, so you need to format the cells to display dates.

Click the "Cut" button. Select the first cell of the area where we want to enter data to move the data to another spreadsheet, that spreadsheet opens. The drag and drop feature will be used to quickly move data. Select the data to move, and then drag the selected cell border to a new position. The sheet will be displayed, where the selected range of cells will be set to the desired position. Using the Edit, Clear command, we can only remove the cell's formatting attributes, not the content.