Dream interpretation green bird. Beautiful birds. What does it mean to see Birds in a dream in the Newest dream book

Miller's dream book

Birds - a favorable dream if you see birds with excellent plumage. If a woman sees this dream - she should expect a quick and happy marriage or new love.

See a wounded bird - deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring.

See birds flying - this is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the stream of the coming good.

Catch the bird - this is a good dream.

Hear the birds "talking" - a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires tremendous clarity of perception.

Kill a bird with a gun - a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.

Seeing tame poultry in a dream - a sign that wasteful habits will significantly reduce your financial support.

Bird hunting - symbolizes your aggressiveness, most often directed against children.

If you have killed many birds - this symbolizes that you have a pronounced inferiority complex.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If a woman has a dream in which she sees a beautiful bird with rich plumage - this portends her marriage with a good man.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Birds in a dream - these are your emotions beyond the control of reason.

See birds nearby or hear their voices - portends unexpected events that may take you by surprise.

Small, nimble birds - portend bustle and bustle.

Big birds - talk about significant events that can absorb your attention and confuse plans.

Big bird soaring high in the sky - speaks of your ambitious plans, foreshadowing good luck for them.

At the same time, if many birds soar high in the sky at the same time - such a dream indicates that you lack integrity and focus to bring your ambitious plans to reality.

A flying bird gets in your bosom - portends happiness.

Catch a bird on the fly - portends a letter from afar.

A swallow arrives - a guest will arrive from afar.

Bird chasing snake - get a recommendation from some person.

Vedic dream book by Sri Swami Sivananda

The dream in which birds fly - is unhappy. It means that circumstances will throw you back in some actions. However, for poor people - this can be a harbinger of improving financial condition, especially if birds sing in a dream.

Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

Birds - joy.

Predator birds - mockery.

Dream interpretation Veles

Pink bird flying in the sky - hope for the best, joy, good news.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Birds - imagination: "flights of fantasy" or thoughts, ideas.

Birds in a cage - imagination distorted by circumstances, hard work. Clipped wings.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey - may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or a serious illness (if they are still carried away and pecked).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

In the explanations of what the bird is dreaming of, the dream book reveals the true desires of the sleeper, the facets of the personality, which have not yet had a chance to express themselves. Images in a dream characterize the situation in personal life, suggest how to balance material and spiritual needs.

What do dream interpreters say

Interpreting what birds dream about, dream books unanimously assert: the more the flock flocked in a dream, the stronger the mystical influence on the spheres of love and business. In the night dreams of a couple in love, two swans, a flamingo or a dove symbolize a passionate, long-lasting romance.

Interpreters consider it an alarming signal when a whole school of cranes or geese appears in a dream. This is an indicator of uncertainty, degradation, idle talk. Chicks in the nest, on the other hand, indicate correct prioritization.

Dream interpretation Enigma

Explanations of the Enigma dream book, why birds dream, characterize the emotional state. A gathering of all sizes and colors indicates imbalance, hidden symptoms of the disease, vulnerability.

A defenseless bird on the shoulder indicates a need for support. If a proud predator is perched on, beware of two-faced individuals in close surroundings.

Miller's interpretations

If a lonely person in a dream is lucky enough to admire winged creatures, Miller's dream book promises favorable changes in his personal life. If you managed to catch at least one of them, the positive value is confirmed once again.

A successful game hunt foreshadows a catastrophe caused by natural disaster or your own recklessness. Miller interprets the escaped duck as a good sign: circumstances will change for the better.

Wanga's predictions

The interpreter Vanga considers any birds, except black ones, to be the predecessors of favorable events. Rooks and crows bring sadness, bad news, upsetting events.

If you happen to eat poultry meat, Vanga promises a profit. Cooking dishes from eggs, rubbing the yolk happens on the eve of a conflict.

Freud's ambitions

In Freud's interpretation of what birds dream of, a special place is occupied by species in which the plumage of males is much brighter than that of females. This is the personification of male ambition, ambition, desire to dominate.

The corolla of a male hoopoe or a painted peacock's tail reflect loyalty to high goals or ardent selfishness - the hidden meaning depends on the dreamer's personal qualities.

Be alert

Stingy with promises The Muslim dream book calls to be more attentive to the signs of fate. According to Islamic beliefs, bright birds bring news from the other world. A dark feather warns of encroachment.

From Tsvetkov's point of view, the symbol is preceded by news about acquaintances, contact with whom has long been lost. The beak foreshadows a period of joy and well-being. If the tail dreamed, past mistakes will make themselves felt.

What birds had to be seen

Dream Interpretations clarify why I had to see this or that breed:

  • Overflights emphasize flexibility, craving for novelty;
  • An exotic parrot promises a cruel joke;
  • We saw kiwi - it's time to return to reality;
  • Chickens laying eggs - short-sightedness will fail;
  • Peacock - the head will go round from impressions;
  • Turkey - plunge into luxury for a while;
  • Penguin - break wood because of clumsiness;
  • Sparrow - your strong point is friendliness;
  • The woodpecker is a symbol of intransigence and double standards;
  • The ostrich reflects a laissez-faire policy;
  • The Pelican reminds you that real success doesn't require sacrifice.

Large predators

Explanations of why a large bird is dreaming emphasize a sense of superiority, the ability to stand up for oneself. The keen eyesight of large predators speaks of developed intuition, foresight, and rich imagination.

Eagles and hawks precede the test. The reward is high: acquaintance with previously unknown facets of one's own personality, a start for new achievements. A vulture soaring in the sky means that the enemy does not sleep while your thoughts are in the clouds.

Hand pets

Agricultural breeds Medieval dream book considers a harbinger of problems and ailments. A canary in a cage indicates a great chance that is about to slip away unnoticed.

The tame raven calls for attention to internal contradictions. Constant emotional discomfort can lead to stress.

Fabulous plot

It is curious to know why you dream of seeing yourself as a bird. The fabulous transformation promises an easy victory. If a pregnant woman turns into a bird in a dream, a daughter will be born.

If you are lucky enough to be a songbird, there is a pleasant conversation ahead. A flock of their own kind promises empty chatter, the likelihood of becoming an object of gossip.

Harbingers of happiness

Mythical birds of happiness appear in a dream shortly before significant positive events. The Firebird foreshadows "dreams come true", the symbol of rebirth, the phoenix - an extraordinary surge of strength. Blue plumage portends the disclosure of a gift, extraordinary abilities.

Feathered with a human face, familiar ones eloquently let them know what kind of bird this person is. An unfamiliar appearance warns of the appearance of a strong personality on the horizon.

Colored dreams

If the dream was colored, pay attention to the dominant range in the color of the feathers:

  • Whites promise great joy or mourning;
  • Black calls to mobilize resources for confrontation;
  • Red symbolizes sensual pleasure, passion;
  • Greens call for taking care of well-being;
  • Blue represents self-sufficiency;
  • Orange betrays out-of-the-box thinking;
  • Yellow - an unexpected turn in financial affairs;
  • Colored plumage reflects confusion, windy disposition;
  • Colorful birds dream of creative people.

On a tree, on a window, above houses

Dream Interpretation Grishina offers an out of the ordinary interpretation of what birds dream about in freedom. The dreamer's energy circulates freely between the physical and spiritual principles. In other words, it is a sign of harmony, striving for the absolute.

A turtle dove on a tree indicates the makings of a strategist. The bird on the branch speaks of undisclosed talents. Free flight indicates the dependence of happiness on money. A school of cranes over the city promises a natural cataclysm. The appearance on the windowsill portends birth or death. The bird flies into the houses of those who like to waste money.

Feathered and animals

Some dream books explain an interesting plot: why do animals dream with birds. Diversity promises profits, and not only material ones. Interesting acquaintances, the birth of children, fresh ideas are possible.

If a cat catches a bird, the execution of the plan is postponed, when a hunting dog brings a duck, an insight will visit. If a kite has caught a snake, there is a chance to become someone's protege. True, patronage will have a downside. An owl and a wolf met - stay away from bad companies.

Human-bird interaction

Dream Interpretations will tell you why the bird is dreaming in various situations:

  • Salvation precedes renewal of the relationship;
  • Rescuing a bird happens on the eve of epiphany, discovery;
  • Rescue the poor fellow is managed by purposeful and confident;
  • Bird blood indicates an excess of non-conformism;
  • Managed to cure - you will be glad for the successes of your loved ones;
  • If in a dream a beautiful bird sits on your palm, in reality you will be lucky;
  • Letting yourself be stroked - tame your luck for a long time;
  • Not given in hand - you have to fight for your interests;
  • Perched on the crown - a different point of view will open.

Edible interpretations

In the interpretations of what the symbol is dreaming of, food for birds is mentioned. In the 21st Century Dream Book, bird feeding reflects a state of active search.

If the bird pecked the grains from its hands, the period of loneliness is nearing its end. When in a dream a flock gathers at the feeder, the interpretation promises a party.

Why is litter dreaming

Bird droppings are presented in the spring birthday dream book as a harbinger of an increase in prosperity. If in a dream a crow was bitten, a less optimistic Esoteric predictor suspects a curvature of energy flows.

If the bird has nailed on clothes, it is possible that the connection with the spiritual principle is broken. If a pigeon crumpled, the healer Akulina calls to monitor the state of the endocrine system and control weight gain.

Conversations in a dream

Dream Interpretations will help you find out why you dream of talking to birds. In their words, warnings about the danger emanating from third parties are encrypted. Unusual dialogues are seen by those who ignore their needs.

The bird's cry symbolizes gossip, frivolous business and interpersonal relationships. When they sing beautifully at dawn, a dream will come true or the gift of eloquence will open.

Attacked and pecked

Aggressive birds in a dream reflect moral decline and warn of unpleasant incidents:

  • A jay pecked - enemies are activated;
  • Bitten by a parrot - ridiculed
  • A goose or duck bites - to a loss and stagnation in business;
  • They attacked in a flock - relations with the team do not add up;
  • I had to fight back - show condescension;
  • Reflected the attack - the dispute will be resolved in your favor;
  • Fight among themselves - a woman will make a scandal.

We saw how it flies away

Birds are very different: chirping swallows pleasing to the eye, and nightingales with their flooded singing, and dangerous wild eagles, which can drag a ram or even a child in their claws, and parrots speaking in a human voice. And what to expect and what to prepare for if we met a representative of the feathered kingdom in our own dream? For the answer, let's turn to the most famous dream books.

Why do birds dream: dream book by Gustav Miller

If the bird in your dream is predatory (eagle, falcon, hawk, etc.), then you run the risk of being deceived. If you dream of a very beautiful bird with magnificent plumage, then such a dream is very auspicious. If he dreamed of a young woman, then in the near future she will have a successful marriage. A wounded bird is a symbol of deep sadness arising from the behavior of a close young relative. Flying birds are a good sign that prophesies a successful solution to all problems. But the killing of a bird with a shot from a gun predicts big troubles: crop failure, natural disasters and catastrophes.

Why do birds dream: old English dream book

If the birds dream of a wealthy and wealthy person, then this dream has an unfavorable meaning: the dreamer will fail in business that can lead to ruin. For the poor, such a dream, on the contrary, predicts the acquisition of all kinds of benefits, especially if in a dream you also hear birdsong. If the birds in a dream look very beautiful and are not at all afraid of you, then expect to move up the career ladder soon. If a dreamer in a dream hears a flooded singing and cheerful bird chirping, then good luck will accompany all people close to him. The dead bird portends that all your problems will sooner or later be resolved, you just need not to give up and not despair.

Why do birds dream: Lynn's dream book

Birds fluttering in a dream symbolize the overcoming of all barriers and obstacles, as well as "takeoff" to new heights. In general, dreaming birds are a kind and happy omen. The singing bird symbolizes good and joyful news.

Why do birds dream: self-instruction manual interpretation of dreams

According to information from this source, the dreaming birds personify the creative potential of man and the flight of his imagination. Sometimes such a dream serves as a warning that the dreamer has moved too far from reality and real life. A bird in a cage symbolizes the limitations and incompleteness of feelings. The flight of birds in a dream predicts great love and success in creative activity.

To see a bird in a dream: Slavic dream book

If you dream that you are chasing birds trying to catch them, in real life you will make a significant profit. If you are just watching birds, then empty talk awaits you.

To see birds in a dream: dream book from A to Z

The dreamed birds of prey symbolize a good chance that helped you avoid problems and troubles. Poultry promises profits and increases your well-being. The dream in which you see birds in a cage warns that in order to achieve your goal you will have to resort to cunning, slyness, or flirtation.

Dream interpretation bird in hands

A bird seen in a dream is considered an auspicious sign. The birds symbolize freedom, our aspirations and desires. If you managed to catch a bird in the kingdom of Morpheus, then in reality you will be lucky enough to touch your dream. To understand why the bird is dreaming in its hands, we will be helped by the views of the oracles and a detailed recreation of what is happening during a nap.

Who exactly had a dream

Holding a bird in your hands means, in reality, to receive good news, have a whirlwind romance, or suddenly become rich.

The dream interpretation interprets this dream depending on who has dreamed it. In any case, luck will favor the dreamer, and tremendous success awaits him in all areas of life.

Female dream

Feed the birds in a dream

For the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, feeding a bird while dozing means actually spending a pleasant evening in a noisy company. Organize a party and invite friends and acquaintances to your home. This evening will charge you with positive for a long period of time and leave only fond memories in your soul.

A bird in the hands of a free girl

The dream interpretation claims that keeping a bird for an unmarried lady is a symbol of an imminent wedding. You are lucky enough to meet the man of your dreams and create a strong couple with him. Love will be sincere and mutual.

For young careerists, this dream promises a promotion, promotion, reliable partners, the conclusion of lucrative contracts and successful deals.

Catching a bird on your own means suddenly finding happiness. The dream interpretation indicates the achievement of the set goals and the implementation of the plan in life.Even the most daring and original dreams will come true.

Dream for a married woman

For ladies who are married and dream of replenishment, the dream book predicts pregnancy. Did you dream of a small bird or chick? Wait for the birth of your daughter.

In addition, catching a birdie in a dream can mean a long-awaited meeting in real life. Perhaps a person whom you have not seen for a very long time will suddenly let you know about themselves.

If the white bird itself has sat down in the hand, then unprecedented opportunities will open before you. The work will be arguing, and the projects started will be successfully completed.

Hold white in your hand in a dream

Interpretation for men

For young people, feeding a birdie while dozing is considered a great symbol. They are expected to meet a very interesting girl, who in the future may become a faithful companion and business partner.

The dream book claims that catching a bird and holding it tightly in his hands promises a man sudden success and wealth. Luck in the lottery or casino, as well as the opportunity to win a prize, is no longer a fantasy. Dare and fear nothing: higher powers favor you!

Dreamed of a white bird that sat on your hand? Prepare for unexpected surprises and creativity. Your skills are much higher and better than you used to think. The dream book advises you to stop underestimating your own strengths and become more persistent. Only in this case can your fantasies become reality.

Interaction with the bird

In real life, only a few managed to hold a fluttering, live bird in their hand. During a nap, you can not only hold it, but also feed it, catch it and just stroke it. Why do such plots dream?

Catch a representative of the world of birds

Trying to catch on the fly in a dream

Are you lucky enough to catch a bird on the fly? Then you can safely start any, even the most risky business. Good luck will be waiting for you at every corner. Perhaps the expansion of the business, the signing of an important contract, receiving a large cash bonus.

Catching a bird is also considered a symbol of receiving news from afar. You have a touching meeting with a childhood friend who has not been in sight for many years.

Feed the bird

If you are currently alone and depressed, then you can rejoice! The dream book predicts that you will meet a pleasant, close-minded person.

To feed the birds - to find true friends who will never leave in a difficult situation and will not betray. They will be your reliable support. You will overcome all the problems that arise with joint efforts.

In addition, feeding many small birds is a symbol of meeting old acquaintances. You will spend time in a friendly, sincere society.

Fend off an attack

If a bird suddenly bites you and generally behaves aggressively, then competitors and envious people have become more active.... Failures will haunt you, and gossip, intrigue and squabbles will surround you from all sides.

The bird bites, but still retreats - which means that you will emerge victorious from a conflict situation. The disputes will end in your favor and everyone around you will understand that your opportunities were underestimated.

The bird herself sat down in your arms

Luck is on the doorstep of your home! If the bird did not just sit in the hand, but the dreamer still managed to stroke it, then fortune will completely obey his will. Luck will be long lasting, success will be overwhelming, health will be strong, partner will be faithful and loving.

Handle or iron

The point of view of various interpreters

For a correct and correct understanding of sleep, it is imperative to seek help from reputable dream books. Their opinion should certainly be taken into account.

Sigmund Freud's opinion

As you know, the psychoanalyst considered dreams to be a reflection of a person's sexual life. The dream interpretation claims that catching a bird is a dream of a passionate romance. Feelings and desires will capture you, and love games will bring great pleasure.

Holding two birds in your hands at once - to a varied, rich intimate life, one - to an explosion of emotions.

The multi-colored feathered representatives of the fauna symbolize the excessive emotionality and inconstancy of the sleeping person.

View of Nostradamus

This dream book interprets the bird in the hands as an ambiguous symbol. It all depends on the color of its plumage.

The color of the bird and the interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • black is a sign of depression and severe emotional stress. You should rest and even, perhaps, seek help from a psychologist.
  • white is a symbol of goodness and joy. A white bird in reality will bring you happiness from a large purchase, good news or a promotion.
  • blue - promises an incredible development of intuition. You will develop superpowers, with the help of which you can achieve unprecedented success in life.
  • yellow or green - a creative breakthrough, generating amazing ideas, heightened perception of the surrounding reality. You are on the verge of a genius discovery or creation of a masterpiece.
  • red - sudden passion.

A short dream book by DeniseLinn

To keep the birdie is to fly to new heights and soar over adversity. You will be able to move to a new spiritual level and cope with all everyday problems that have prevented you from enjoying life for so long.

To feed the bird while sleeping is in reality to be inspired by your dreams.If you work diligently and do not give yourself a descent, then your plan will definitely come true. The main thing is not to be afraid of problems, to go only forward.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

game - to see cooked - good luck; there are - small benefits;

Why is the bird dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

guest or message (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); proposal for a woman; to kill or injure a bird - to great failure; bird's tail - consequences; bright plumage - good luck in love; flying - to wealth; predatory for hunting - honors; life changes; a lot of birds - a lawsuit; flies - the higher, the better the sleep; to catch - acquisition, marriage; swamp - danger; night - loss of loved ones or money; pecks seeds - small joys; the plan will come true a little later (it is not for nothing that they say: the bird pecks by the grain); patience will be rewarded.

Why is the owl dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

loneliness; night birds - warning of danger; shouts - to the newborn, incredible news.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Foreshadows illness, poverty, shame and grief. A person who sees an owl in a dream should not dream of further prosperity.

Owl in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet with a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of many owls, then such a dream indicates that the times will come when the Earth will be ruled by dark forces. Killing an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person. Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news, which will give you a lot of grief.

Dreamed of an owl

according to Miller's dream book

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl heard in a dream warns the one who sees this dream that sorrows are sneaking up on him. After such a dream, you must observe precautions, protecting your life and your loved ones. Bad news may inevitably follow this dream. Seeing a dead owl means that you will happily escape a very serious illness. Seeing an owl - portends that you will be secretly slandered or in danger of attack.

See an owl in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The owl is the archetype of wisdom in many cultures. Often the owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases refers to predicting the future, as well as solving the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge, or receive a prediction hinting that you may have such knowledge. Is the owl in your dream mysterious or sociable? Does she speak to you? What does she say?

Why do wings dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - well-being.

Dreamed of wings

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream that you have wings means that you will experience mortal fear for the safety of a person who has left you on a long journey. Seeing the wings of birds or chickens means that you will eventually overcome all troubles and misfortunes and rise to honor and wealth.

See an eagle in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The solar symbol of all the sun gods, the midday sun, the spiritual principle, ascension, inspiration, liberation from bonds, victory, pride, contemplation, apotheosis, royal origin, power, strength, height, the element of air. It was believed that the eagle is able to fly to the Sun and, without blinking, look at it and connect with it. In this regard, the eagle personified the spiritual principle in man, which is able to soar to Heaven. Double-headed eagles are attributes of the twin gods and can mean omniscience and double power. The rivalry between an eagle and a bull, or an eagle and a lion, in which the eagle always wins, personifies the triumph of spirit and intellect over carnal nature. A conflict between an eagle and a serpent, or an eagle with a snake in its claws, reflects the victory of the spirit. In this battle, the eagle personifies the forces of good, and the snakes - the forces of chthonic and evil. In addition, the eagle means unmanifest light, while the serpent means unmanifest darkness. Together they make up a cosmic whole, a totality, a combination of spirit and matter. The eagle crowning the column is the emblem of all the sun gods in their guise of sol invictus, conquerors of darkness. In alchemy, an eagle soaring upwards means the liberated spiritual part of the first-matter, prima materia. The double eagle represents androgynous mercury. The crowned eagle and lion are wind and earth, mercury and sulfur, volatile and frozen beginnings. Among the American Indians, the eagle feather headdress represents the Thunderbird, the world spirit. The eagle is a revelation and mediator between Heaven and Earth and, in addition, a symbol of the day. In some cases, a white eagle symbolizes a man and a brown one - a woman. The Australian aborigines equate an eagle or a falcon with deities. For the Aztecs, the eagle is the power of heaven, the shining Heavens, the rising Sun, devouring the snake of darkness. In Buddhism, the eagle is the bird on which the Buddha flies. Amoghasiddhi Attribute. The Celts associate the eagle with healing waters. In China, the eagle means the sun, yang, power, warrior, courage, perseverance, keen eyesight, fearlessness. The eagle and the raven are associated with the gods of war. In Christianity, the eagle is a spirit, ascension, inspiration, spiritual effort, the Last Judgment when it throws the damned out of the nest, renewal of youth Psalms 103: 5. Looking, without blinking, at the Sun, he personifies Christ, who gazed at the Glory of God, bringing his chicks to the Sun, he is Christ, raising souls to the Lord, falling stone after fish into the sea, Christ saving souls from the ocean of sins. It was believed that the eagle renews its plumage, flying up to the Sun and then throwing itself into the sea, so it personifies the resurrection and new life after baptism, a soul renewed by grace. He also means the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, and therefore his image is depicted on a lectern. An eagle holding a snake in its claws represents victory over sin. One of the four beasts of the Apocalypse. In the tetramorph, it represents the Holy Evangelist John. For the Egyptians, the eagle is a solar symbol, the son of Horus. The Greeks mean the Sun, spiritual strength, royalty, victory and good luck. Zeus' attribute and as the bearer of his lightning is sometimes depicted with lightning in his claws. It was originally the emblem of Pan, who ceded it to Zeus. Burial emblem of Ganymede. Ganymede watering the eagle symbolizes the overcoming of death. According to Homer, an eagle with a snake in its claws is a symbol of victory. For the Jews, it symbolizes renewal, the east. In Hinduism, the eagle is the solar bird of Garuda, on which Vishnu flies; Indra's emblem. Among the Aryans, this is a petrel bird. In Mithraism, the eagle and the falcon are attributes of the solar Mithra. In Roman tradition, the eagle is the solar storm bird that carries the lightning of Jupiter. It personifies the emperor, dignity, victory, goodwill, speed of reaction. Holds Jupiter's lightning in its claws. The symbol and character of deification after death. In Scandinavian mythology, the eagle is the emblem of Odin Wodan. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the symbol of the midday sun, an attribute of Ninurta or Ningvisu, the blessed sun god of Canaan and Babylon; the emblem of the Assyrian god Ashur, the god of storm, lightning and fertility. The two-headed eagle symbolizes Nirgal, the incinerating heat of the midday sun and Summer. In essence, the Hitts have a similar meaning, meaning solar power and omniscience; holds in its claws either a moon hare or a snake. Marduk is often depicted as an eagle.

The meaning of the dream about the eagle

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of an eagle soaring high in the sky, this indicates that at the moment you are concerned about the situation. You cannot decide who to give preference to - your current partner or your ex. Do not forget that in this situation you begin to idealize your old partner and imagine a possible future with him in pink colors. In your current partner, you are looking for some flaws, and that is why he does not seem good enough to you.

Dreamed of an eagle

according to Miller's dream book

To see an eagle hovering above you in a dream - portends you a desperate struggle to realize your lofty goals; however, the struggle will end with your victory and the achievement of what you want. If in a dream you observe an eagle circling high in the skies, the dream promises you the acquisition of all the benefits that are possible. Seeing a nest with eagle chicks is a harbinger of your strong business friendship with influential people and good luck in business. In a dream, killing an eagle is a sign of your extraordinary determination to overcome all the obstacles that prevent you on your way up. There is eagle meat - testifies to the enormous strength of your character, which will help you withstand any trial and not retreat before the threat of death. To see an eagle killed by someone is a harbinger of a fatal event that will take away everything you won. Sitting on the back of an eagle is an interesting journey to distant, little-studied lands, where you will learn and gain a lot.

See an eagle in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The eagle is an important symbol of the American Indians. It also occupies an important place in the literature of the ancient Greeks and Jews. This image has not changed its symbolic meaning to this day. The eagle is a symbol of wisdom and insight in the worldview of the Navajo and Crow Ravens. Therefore, the eagle is often associated with a sacred emblem, signifying that the Great Spirit has chosen a person for a special purpose. In the literature of the Greeks and Jews, the eagle symbolizes power. Endowed with extraordinary size and strength, eagles could steal small livestock, personifying greatness, power and fear. To see an eagle in a dream is to establish yourself as a wise person endowed with intuition both in relation to the local world and in relation to the spiritual realities of the other world.

Why is the eagle dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - success in business; carries away - a dangerous disease, misfortune; dead - (rich) - to fall; (to the poor) - profit.

The meaning of the peacock dream

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about a peacock, this suggests that in real life you tend to exaggerate the capabilities of your own body. Your overconfidence often becomes a trap for unknowing people, and they feel frustrated after having sex with you. It is possible that they expect more from you than you can offer them.

Why is the peacock dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

patronage and nobility; foreigner.

Dreamed of a parrot

according to Miller's dream book

The parrot chatting in your dreams promises you empty activities and idle gossip among your friends. To see a parrot in a calm state portends long periods of peaceful silence in family disagreements. For a young woman who dreams that she has a parrot, a dream portends that her lover will assume that she has a bad temper. Teaching a parrot to speak means that you will have trouble in personal matters. A dead parrot portends the loss of friends.

Dreamed jackdaws

according to Miller's dream book

To see a jackdaw means illness and strife. To catch her is to outsmart your enemies. To kill her is to enter into inheritance of the disputed property.

Why is the crow dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - loss, misfortune; procrastination or delay in business; croaking - bad news; many flying - to the funeral.

Dreamed of a crow

according to Miller's dream book

A crow in a dream - usually to sad events. Hearing their croaking means an adverse effect on you and, as a result, erroneous actions. This dream warns young men of the tricks and intrigues against them of the fair sex.

Why do parrots dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

flies - to lead from abroad; in the cage - false gossip.

The meaning of a dream about a crow

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a raven or a raven, this indicates that your existing relationship is at a stage when the outside obscures the inner essence. You feel good in bed, but yourself


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Heralds a sad funeral ceremony.

Why is there a dream about a crow

according to Vanga's dream book

The raven is a sad messenger, announcing with his cry and even by his very appearance about misfortunes and troubles. If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, then soon there will be a military conflict, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for crows and sorrow, mourning for people. Seeing a screaming crow is a sure sign that death is hanging over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come. A dream in which crows build nests in trees portends a disease that will affect people and livestock, so that animal meat will stop eating. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy. If crows completely cover the land of the field with their flock, then such a dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and the birds will not find grains, they will die in great numbers, if they do not escape, flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest. To kill a crow in a dream - in reality you will be powerless in front of a fatal illness of someone close to you, medicines will not help, no matter how much you hope for them and for doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will make his last days in this world bright. In a dream, you kill a black bird - a fatal disease, considering it the source of suffering, in fact, death is a relief for the patient, and he knows it, and you need to come to terms with it.

I dreamed of forty

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a magpie means that you will find great disappointment and quarrels. The one who saw such a dream should think carefully about his actions and statements, so as not to involuntarily harm others.

Why is forty dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

clause; chirps - to guests or news of the road; rides at the patient's house, to recovery.

Dreamed of a seagull

according to Miller's dream book

Seagulls in your dream is an omen that you will start business relationships with stingy and not very noble partners. Dead seagulls in a dream - portend a long separation from friends.

The meaning of the dream about flamingos

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing flamingos in a dream - you are dreaming about something that, in general, seems almost unreal to you. You should go down, as they say, from heaven to earth and try to see the dream in what surrounds you. And you shouldn't be upset if at first glance the reality seems somewhat "uncouth". A flock of flamingos is a sign that you shouldn't worry about your loved ones at all - they can be trusted in absolutely everything, they will never let you down.

What is the dream of a starling

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

rich gift.

Why is the nest dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

betrothal, marriage; with chicks - big profit; with eggs - family happiness; to shoot from a tree is a short-lived joy; devastate, break - to trouble.

Dreamed of a nest

according to Miller's dream book

Looking at a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in successful entrepreneurship. For a young woman, this dream portends a change of home. Seeing an empty nest is a sign that separation from a friend will sadden you. Seeing a female incubating eggs in the nest means that you will have good family relationships, and your children will be cheerful and obedient. Seeing broken eggs in the nest portends disappointment and failure. An empty nest in a dream can also portend failure in business life. But a nest full of white bird eggs promises you a good start to many things, successful trips. Abandoned chicks in the nest are a sign of future sorrows, the fault of which will be your rash behavior.

The meaning of the woodpecker dream

according to Freud's dream book

A woodpecker in a dream means that your real partner sometimes shows eerie persistence and perseverance in the implementation of their ideas. Even if you fundamentally disagree with them and do not want to implement them, he will still convince you that it is necessary, or will do it in his own way. Why are you always hostile to your partner's sexual ideas? Do you think that your conservatism can cause a break in relations? Sluggish relationships quickly become boring. Therefore, you need to learn to adapt to the desires of your partner and find in them special pleasure and new sensations.

See a woodpecker in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Prophetic bird, symbol of magical power, guardian of kings and trees. In Greco-Roman mythology, the woodpecker is dedicated to Zeus Jupiter, Ares Mars, Sylvanus, Tyora and Triptolemus. Guarded Romulus and Remus. The woodpecker is an Aryan bird of thunderclouds. In Christian symbolism, this is the devil and heresy that undermine faith and human nature. For the protohistoric Indians of America - the bird of war.

The meaning of a dream about a turkey

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a turkey, then we can conclude that in reality you are distinguished by bombast and exorbitant pride. These two traits often become the reason for the breakdown of relations, since there are few people in the world who really could withstand your unfounded ambitions.

To dream of a turkey

according to the dream book of animals

The sacred bird of the Toltecs. "Precious Bird". Food for ritual ceremonies, thanksgiving and other holidays. The turkey, peacock, and pheasant are associated with thunder and rain as they become restless before the storm.

Why is the turkey dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of a turkey

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing turkeys in a dream means a rich profit in business, and a big harvest for peasants. Seeing them ready for sale means an improvement in your business. Seeing turkeys sick or dead predicts that constrained circumstances will make your pride suffer. If in a dream you eat turkeys, this promises you some kind of joyful event. Seeing them flying - portends you success and fame, which will happen in a very short time. Killing turkeys is a sign that later you will not always get your wealth in an honest way.

Why is the stork dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

present; the nest is a consolation; two storks - a wedding; storks and cranes in the air - the arrival of envious relatives or ill-wishers.

The meaning of a dream about a stork

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed of a stork, this is for pregnancy. And if so far you do not notice any signs, know that very soon they will appear. If a man dreamed of a stork, it means that in this way his instinct of fatherhood and procreation makes itself felt.

See a stork in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Along with the eagle and the ibis, the stork destroys sinister reptiles and is therefore a solar bird. But, as a being associated with water and fish, he is associated with the waters of creation. Babies brought by the stork in the form of embryos are in the womb of Mother Earth and in the waters of creation, where they are found when storks catch fish. The stork also symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, and therefore is a bird of the Annunciation. For the Chinese it means longevity, a happy and peaceful old age, filial piety of a worthy, alien to temptation, living in solitude hermit. For Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, reverence, discretion and vigilance. As a harbinger of spring, it is considered a symbol of new life. Among the Egyptians, he personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork fed its parents in old age. In the Greek Mysteries, the goddess of storks was portrayed as a woman - giver of life, a nurse and was an attribute of Hera. Among the Romans, the stork symbolized piety, filial affection and was considered an attribute of Juno.

See a pheasant in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

In China, it means light, yang, virtue, prosperity, luck, beauty. Emperor Yu's emblem. Japan: protection, motherly love.

See an albatross in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

A typical image of a long, incessant flight and distant oceans. Albatross portends bad weather and strong winds. It can become the seat of the soul of a deceased sailor, therefore it is extremely dangerous to kill him, as this can bring misfortune.

Dreamed of a sparrow

according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about sparrows, it means that a life full of love and peace awaits you, which will make you a benevolent and grateful listener to various sad confessions, and your benevolence, in turn, will earn you good fame. If you dreamed of lined or sad, ruffled sparrows, then this dream will serve as a harbinger of sadness.

The meaning of a dream about a sparrow

according to Freud's dream book

The sparrow in a dream symbolizes the ease with which you enter into intimate relationships even with people unfamiliar to you. And this happens not only because you are frivolous, but simply because you constantly want to experience a sense of novelty and dissimilarity. You are afraid to experience a feeling of satiety and disgust for a "painfully" acquaintance. Actually, it is in your power to make sure that the satiety in your intimate life from communicating with one partner does not occur for a long time.

Why is the jackdaw dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to a quarrel; to nasty meetings.

Why is the wood grouse dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

tokets - surveillance; shoot him - you will help the enemy.

The meaning of the lark dream

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about a lark, your subconscious mind thus tells you that you have in vain deprived yourself of the charm of morning lovemaking. Morning is not in vain considered the optimal time for lovemaking - during the night, the body regains lost strength, and, accordingly, your sexual desire is stronger.

I dreamed of a lark

according to Miller's dream book

To see flying larks means high goals, having achieved which you will get rid of selfishness and develop good, attractive qualities of the mind. Hearing them singing from heaven is a sign that you will be very happy to change your home, and your business will flourish. To dream of larks singing and falling to the ground means that, longing for happiness, but not being able to find ways to it, you will fall into melancholy. A wounded or dead lark portends sadness. Kill a lark - portends that you offend an innocent. If a lark, flying around, accidentally falls on you - this means that luck will turn to face you. Catching a lark in a cage means that you can easily achieve love, honor and respect. To see pecking larks in a dream means a bountiful harvest.

Why is turkey dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

streak of luck; is - disappointment.

Dreamed of rooks

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of rooks - this means that while you still have real friends who bring you the much-desired joy and satisfaction, although your way of thinking and feeling, your tastes surpass their modest outlook on life. A dead rook in a dream means illness and death in the very near future.

Dreamed of a wagtail

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a wagtail in a dream portends that you will become a victim of unpleasant gossip. Your business will develop with undoubted losses.

To dream of a blackbird

according to the dream book of animals

In Christianity, the lure of the flesh means sweet singing and black plumage. In the temptations of Saint Benedict, the devil appears in the form of a blackbird.

Why do sparrows dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

chirping - to fame or small income; fight - offers to the Sleeper; fly - false promises.

See a robin in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

In Christianity it means death and resurrection. The ancient Germans dedicated the robin to Thor, it was also a bird of thunderclouds.

Why is the partridge dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

bad woman.

See a partridge in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Represents fertility. In Christianity - an ambivalent symbol meaning the truth of Christ and deception, theft and cunning Jeremiah, 17:11. May also represent the devil. Dedicated to Aphrodite, Zeus of Crete and the sun god Talos.

The meaning of a dream about a dove

according to Freud's dream book

A dreaming pigeon suggests that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. Platonically, the relationship with you suits her, and she is content with them. You look at her exclusively as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you do not want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

See a dove in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

It symbolizes the spirit of life, the soul, the transition from one state to another, the spirit of light, purity, but in some traditions it is a symbol of voluptuousness, innocence, tenderness and peace. The dove is dedicated to the Great Mothers and Queens of Heaven. Then it means femininity and motherhood. Two doves often accompany the Mother Goddess - the Dove with an olive branch - a symbol of peace and renewal of life. In addition, it is the emblem of Athena. Doves drinking from a goblet means the Spirit drinking the waters of life. Sacred pigeons are associated with funeral cults. Among the Chinese, the dove symbolizes longevity, loyalty, orderliness, filial and filial reverence, spring, voluptuousness, and is also associated with Mother Earth. In Christianity, it is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, purity, inspired thought, peace, Baptism, the Good News, the water of creation. Seven doves symbolize the seven gifts of the Spirit, a flock of doves - believers, a dove with an olive branch - peace, forgiveness and deliverance. Just as the dove from Noah's Ark brought an olive branch as a sign of peace between God and man and found no place anywhere but the ark, so the Christian finds no salvation anywhere but the church. A dove with a palm branch means victory over death. The white dove is a symbol of a saved soul that has undergone purification, as an antithesis to the black crow of sin. The doves on the vine symbolize believers who have found refuge in Christ. A pair of pigeons represents family happiness and love. The dove on Joseph's staff means the husband of a pure virgin. The dove is the emblem of the Grail Knights and Saints Benedict, Gregory and Scolastika. The Egyptians symbolize innocence. A dove appears on the branches of the Tree of Life with its fruit and vessel filled with the waters of life. In Greco-Roman culture, it symbolizes love and renewal of life and is an attribute of Zeus, who was fed by pigeons. The dove with an olive branch is the emblem of Athena, as a symbol of the renewal of life; dedicated to Adonis and Bacchus, as the firstborn of love, and Venus, as a symbol of voluptuousness. A dove with a star is the emblem of Venus of Miletus. Among the Jews, white doves, as a symbol of purity, were sacrificed when performing the ritual of purification in the temple. The dove is the symbol of Israel. In the Old Testament, a dove means simplicity, harmlessness, innocence, meekness, ingenuity, incubation and personifies the soul of the deceased. In Hinduism, the god of the dead Yama owls and doves play the role of messengers. In Islam, the Three Holy Virgins are designated by three columns on which doves sit. In Japanese culture, the dove symbolizes longevity and reverence, is dedicated to the god of war Hachiman, but the dove carrying the sword heralds the end of the war. In Manichean iconography, the third personage of the Trinity is sometimes depicted as a white dove. In Minoan culture, pigeons are associated with the Great Mother and, along with snakes, are her attributes, denoting air and earth. In Parsi culture, the dove personifies the Supreme Being. In the Sumerian-Semitic culture, it symbolizes divine power, is dedicated to Astarte and is an attribute of Ishtar, as the Great Mother. On the seventh day after the flood, a dove was sent from the Babylonian Ark.

Dreamed of a dove

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage. A dream in which pigeons are someone's prey or you yourself hunt them is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, a dream will warn you against low and base pleasures. Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend. Hearing the voice of a lonely pigeon - portends misfortune, the same is promised by the vision of a dead dove.

Hawk in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The hawk is a symbol of cruelty, impetuosity, danger. To see a soaring hawk in a dream - in reality, become an object of universal respect, recognition, and glory. If in a dream you saw a hawk falling down and grabbing its victim, then in reality you will become a witness of an ugly act. A dream in which a hawk attacked you means that your enemies will try to stab you from around the corner. To see a wounded hawk in a dream means that friends will prevent you from carrying out the deceit conceived by your enemies. To dream about how you kill a hawk - in reality to get rid of a strong and cunning enemy. The huge black hawk is a symbol of disaster and destruction.

See a hawk in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The hawk is a very interesting symbol. It is not an eagle, but it is not a raven either. Like eagles, hawks have a place in the cultures of many peoples. The Indians revere the hawk and the eagle in the same way that the Greeks worshiped Zeus and Hermes, and the hawk is rather associated with the image of a warrior, while the eagle is a symbol of wisdom and power. Hawks dream of people who are superior to their opponents in intelligence, because they are endowed with the ability to assess the situation more deeply. The hawk is also a reflection of the ability to take care of oneself or others through skillful calculation or successful maneuver. In real life, do you soar with hawks in the skies or peck grains from the ground along with pigeons? You may be preoccupied with the turn your life is taking.

See a heron in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

A solar bird that has much in common with the crane and the stork. In addition, it symbolizes alertness and calmness. It is a bird of waters. In Buddhism and Taoism, it adopts the symbolism of the crane. In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the white heron, associated with the black crow, forms the opposition of yin-yang, solar and moon, light and darkness, a serious and silent thinker, and another, malicious and talkative. The heron embodies tact and delicacy as it takes off without muddying the water. In art, she is associated with willow. Among the Egyptians, the heron is the first creature that transforms the soul after death. It is believed that Bennu is one of the species of heron, and possibly a phoenix, because it also symbolizes the rising Sun, rebirth, the return of Osiris, and as a bird of the flood of the Nile - the renewal of life. When the Nile overflows, the heron leaves the river and flies over the fields.

Dreamed of a nightingale

according to Miller's dream book

Listening to the melodious singing of a nightingale in a dream - portends the prosperity, pleasant existence and health of your loved ones. This is a very auspicious dream for lovers and parents. To see a silent nightingale means an easy quarrel among friends.

See a phoenix in a dream

A universal symbol of resurrection and immortality, death and rebirth in fire. This is a fabulous bird that dies as a result of self-sacrifice. She remains dead for three days on a new moon and then rises from the ashes. This symbolism is lunar, but the phoenix is \u200b\u200buniversally understood as a solar symbol. As a "fiery bird," he signifies the divinity of kingship, nobility and oneness. It also symbolizes meekness, since it never breaks what it lands on, and does not feed on anything living, but only dew. In all variants of the Garden of Eden, the phoenix is \u200b\u200bassociated with a rose. Alchemy: completion of the "Great Work", rebirth. Aztecs, Maya, Toltecs: solar symbol, blessing, happiness. In Quetzal - Quetzalcoatl's satellite. China: Feng-huang, "cinnabar bird", "substance of flame", one of the four spiritually gifted or sacred beings, embodying, like the dragon and qilin, with which it is always associated, both yin and yang. If this is a male "feng", then it is yang, the solar principle, a fiery bird. If "huang", then this is the feminine, yin, lunar beginning. Depicted together with the dragon as a symbol of the emperor, the phoenix becomes a purely feminine symbol and signifies the empress, and together they are both aspects of the imperial power. In the female hypostasis "huan" phoenix means beauty, subtlety of feelings and peace. It is also a wedding symbol, meaning "inseparable fellowship" - not only for the married couple, but for the universal yin-yang interdependence in the world of duality. In addition, like a dragon and a cilin, the phoenix consists of several different elements that represent the entire cosmos: it has a rooster's head, the Sun, the back of a swallow is a symbol of the rising moon, its wings are the wind, its tail symbolizes trees and flowers, its legs are earth, it is five-colored, which symbolizes the five virtues: "His color is pleasing to the eye, his comb expresses righteousness, his tongue is sincere, his voice plays melody, his ear enjoys music, his heart obeys the rules, treasures of literature are in his chest, his spurs have power against violators of the law." , - from an ancient ritual. His appearance was considered in all cases to be a highly auspicious sign, signifying peace and beneficent rule or foretelling the appearance of a great sage. A pair of phoenixes meant an emperor and a sage. Christianity: resurrection, Christ being destroyed by the fire of passions and rising again on the third day, victory over death, faith, constancy. Egypt: identified with Bennu, the solar bird, as a symbol of the solar principle, resurrection and immortality; associated with Ra. It has been argued that the phoenix also symbolized the spiral ascent of Sirius, which in ancient times was a sign of the flooding of the Nile. Japan: Sun, directness, fidelity, justice, obedience. Rome: rebirth and eternal existence of the Roman Empire, the divine origin of the empire.

To dream of a griffin

according to the dream book of mythical animals

A fabulous animal with the head and claws of an eagle, the body of a lion, but no wings. Used in heraldry. It symbolizes the sun, sky, golden light of dawn, as well as the union of the properties of an eagle and a lion. As a treasure keeper, he signifies vigilance and retribution. In the East, the griffin shares with the dragon the symbolism of wisdom and enlightenment. In ancient Greece, as a solar animal, he was dedicated to Apollo; as the personification of wisdom - Athena; as a symbol of retribution - to Nemesis. In Christianity, the griffin means evil that takes away the souls of the devil, as well as those who persecuted Christians. Later, according to Dante, he began to symbolize the two natures of Christ and the role of the Pope as a spiritual and secular ruler.

Dreamed of a falcon

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a falcon in a dream - portends the wrath of envious people, whose irritation will be caused by your wealth and a decent lifestyle. For a woman, this dream portends the emergence of slander around her name.

See a vulture in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

It is a bird that feeds mainly on carrion. If you dream of a vulture, then this may be because you feel like picking up scraps from the table or that others are gnawing at your bones. Such a dream is rarely comforting and does not bode well for the future. The appearance of a vulture in your dream can also symbolize loneliness. Was the vulture busy eating or hovering high above other animals? What did he eat?