Answer psychological tests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Passing a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Components of a polygram structure

How to answer psychological tests?

Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests... sometimes we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job... so why not understand the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological test No. 0 Answer bias(I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to correctly answer such questions, your psychological testing will be completely pointless:
Do you ever have a bad mood?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Sometimes you make mistakes?
Does it happen that you offend your loved ones?
Does it ever happen that you can't concentrate?
Sometimes you don't have time to do everything?

Do you have bad days?
If you answer no more than 1-2 times to such questions? This means that you have a tendency to not tell the truth about yourself - and this means that you may not even pass an interview with a psychologist when applying for a job... this means that you are not objective about yourself... this means that it is generally pointless for you to answer psychological tests ! You lie too often and your test results will often be biased.

Psychological test No. 1. Your favorite colors - test Luscher
You need to arrange cards of different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining the emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:
red color - need for action

yellow - the need to strive for a goal, hope

green - the need to assert oneself;
blue - the need for affection, constancy;
purple - escape from reality;
brown - need for protection;
black - depression.
The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.
Key for the test: the first four must be red, yellow, blue, green- in what order exactly is not so important. Arranging the cards in order close to the original one paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson
You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person. What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.
It is also important what is drawn first: house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, the tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; a house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).
Key: Your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), the fruit tree (practicality) ), pet (care).

Psychological test No. 3. Story
You are shown pictures depicting people in various life situations and asked to comment on: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words, “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if a picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.
Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way possible.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob
- Rorschach test
You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as an active, sociable, positive person; a negative interpretation (you saw a monster, a dangerous animal in the blot) indicates that you have a lot of unreasonable fears or deep stress.
Key: if you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly being questioned (if a person has low scores, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has unconventional thinking or is simply simply inattentive), the tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.
Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something.

If you are taking tests when applying for a job, be calm during the interview... but don’t be indifferent - your motivation should be present but it should not go off scale....

The most important! Don't focus on tests at all.
The more unconventional you are, the more original you think, the less the tests tell the truth about you.
High school teachers considered physicist Einstein and inventor Edison mentally retarded...
Who remembers these teachers now... and who turned out to be right in the end?

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you are required to undergo a psychologist examination.

She asks a question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw a few pictures (“I”, “Holiday”). I don’t remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with colors in front of you and says: “Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now.”

I (pashaadm2) did not pass the psychologist test, and therefore did not end up serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from one gun store told me: “You can’t be crazy, you have a hunting firearm in your hands.” + passed the trauma test. Moreover, I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB. I answered the psychologist’s question like this: “To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store.” In the pictures I drew: “Man at the Computer” and “Man with Flowers”. I don’t remember how I answered the color test because I think it’s stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of choosing. If she had asked what color was your favorite, I would have said “Green,” but she didn’t ask. He further said that I love children and do not feel uncomfortable in company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely how the psychologist was tested, and most importantly, how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has those same 500 questions from a psychologist for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they used to be in the commercial version of Consultant+) and/or a list of pictures that need to be drawn? Or maybe the correct order of the color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If so, you can send it to me by email [email protected]

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

Psychological test MMPI (there is a questionnaire on the Internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the test subject must answer whether this statement is true or false in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult - you need to know “the whole kitchen” from the inside. There is a “lie scale”, “correction scale” - if you exceed them, you will not pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of their own questions in the questionnaire, scattered throughout the test. I’m not even talking about the scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. It is very difficult to remember everything, how to answer “correctly”. Everything is intertwined there. More details are available on the internet.
One of my friends, when undergoing a medical examination in the army, memorized the “Rabkin Table” (a test for color perception to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct picture or numbers. He managed to deceive the doctor, but still an ophthalmologist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards - the Luscher color test, is known all over the world and has also been passed. It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.
We also took an IQ test. Then, if everything was fine, we had a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a crazy person asked me what to do with speculation in the country, jail speculators? (This was in the late 80s) - I answered, fill store shelves with goods.
In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.
If you say that you came to serve and protect! There will be questions; if you say that you need a career and living space, they will say that you’re good enough without any questions. I’m exaggerating, of course, but tests are a relative thing. They just haven’t come up with anything better yet. However, these tests coupled with a conversation with a professional psychiatrist, they provide a more or less accurate personal and psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with colored cards everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.
I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.
After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
Rewrote. Found fit.

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiters go beyond standard questions. What if HR uses psychological tests during hiring? How to react to them and behave correctly? The Land of Soviets will tell you about this.

Psychological tests for employment can be oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help in the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck test)
personality tests
qualifying tests
simple tests
When applying for a job, intelligence tests are used to determine the candidate’s general level of intelligence, his abilities for logical thinking and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled in relation to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests for job applications are usually supplemental and have no right or wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can discern the background of this or that question and answer “as it should,” but in the process of working in a team, the lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests for employment help assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of a candidate. Using a qualification test, you can determine, for example, your level of PC proficiency or knowledge of foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests that take into account their specific work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low-level positions and combine an intelligence test and a skills test. The tasks in them are usually simple; the skills of perception and processing of information, and the ability to perform simple operations are tested.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, cases (situational tasks) and a stress interview.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a certain set of colors in order: from the most to the least pleasant. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, it is possible to determine the potential performance of the candidate, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of “template” thinking of the candidate, analytical abilities and his ability to creatively approach solving problems. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important responsible positions that require the ability to quickly make effective decisions in any situation. Such employment tests are quite complex, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular stressful situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off, or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are communication in a raised voice, a large number of unrelated questions asked at a fast pace, talking on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the personal life of the applicant.

How to pass a job test? When it comes to placement and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests online and practice on them. Then such a test when applying for a job will not take you by surprise. Personality tests are a little more complicated. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions, which help to identify the lies of the applicant. These questions are in different parts of the test, worded differently, but their essence is the same. If the candidate answered them differently, then he was insincere.

When taking an oral test, answer quickly and without thinking too much. Don’t try to embellish reality too much, but don’t be crystal honest, exposing all your shortcomings. If the proposed position requires creativity and an unconventional approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Don't worry and don't try to find complex answers to basic questions: most often the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing; if you do this, you most likely will not be hired. When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests are important when applying for a job, but a good employer will not make conclusions about you based solely on test results. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not “wind up” yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand that this will be approximately.
quote: I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.

Please describe in approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post it here, send it by email. [email protected]
Unfortunately, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creativity in my work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not characterize the personality type at all, it rather characterizes your internal mood for a given, specific time.
The main test is a questionnaire. Then an intelligence test - “Roven's Progressive Test”, and the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics - a conversation with a psychiatrist. He, based on all the tests passed and a conversation with the subject, makes a decision.
For example, he may ask why you answered the test question this way and not another way? - You must justify it.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer to the point, a minimum of emotions. If you begin to defend your point of view, becoming more and more carried away by your rightness, then consider that the opinion of the psychiatrist (and it is the main one in the commission’s decision) will be this: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not for you.
In general, you could pass all the tests with “five points!” (if such an assessment is applicable) and according to them you are an “unshakable rock”, and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could discern something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that’s all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way, in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, practically no one does this, because it’s necessary, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
This also characterizes your personality type. This means that there is a certain nervousness and a lack of perception of other people’s opinions, an inability to enter into an open dialogue with an opponent—it’s easier to wipe it off—no person, no problem.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: This also characterizes your personality type.

I already wrote that I don’t want to discuss phrases, for example: “Do cops sell drugs.” This is my own business. Unregistered users also come here, for example, those who make requests in Yandex. I don't think they should read what's in the deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try for a different destination group?

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I'll delete Shooter001's answer. I don't want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.

Once, when I received a medical certificate for a weapon, I went through everything, and they asked me: “What kind of weapon do you need?” I said hunting smoothbore. Next they asked me: “Do you need gas?” After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is necessary to work as a system administrator. For example, when a computer with breaks down, the old program with estimates cannot be saved without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I don't want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no secret here.
Now even on Android and iOS for iPhones there are a fair amount of these tests describing the characteristics of a personality type. I counted about 6 Luscher color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, there’s already a lot of this stuff in its wilds. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)), if you think about the answer, it means you have poor orientation in time space. And they have a lot of similar “baubles” in stock.
I remember I went through the regular, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was 23 years old at the time. Even the psychiatrist was alarmed by this, saying that it was time, and it was so suspicious. However, I reassured him by saying that I had enough female attention and affection without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then they are also not comme il faut. They may ask you provocative questions, such as “how often do you masturbate” and look at the redness of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me that when he was interviewing riot police officers for officer rank, many of them were generally “unbreakable,” that is, the person’s lability was zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this soldier needs to knock down the door, and doesn’t bother him—what’s the point? He’s perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: Why does he need superintelligence?

When admitted to different services, the medical commission is slightly different. As a rule, those who do not pass the psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another; they just need a justified refusal. Nothing special emerges there. there are no such good specialists. the most that a psychiatrist can reveal is whether your psychotype matches the place where you are going to serve or matches the police service in general. Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to go through the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I answered questions there saying that I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green. In general, to pass the test you must answer truthfully without bothering yourself. lie only on pressing questions, take as many tests as possible. You won’t have time anyway. You can skip math and advanced tests. The point is not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you don’t bother with little things and can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

You're welcome.
This is not a matter of legal literacy.
Cop and ded2008 will be better at literacy than me.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say, in the PDN inspection or in the crime department. The laboratory needs choleric people. Or, say, in the riot police there are phlegmatic people.

Yes, and more. If you haven’t passed the first group of assignments, you can go through the second/third/fourth (although if you’ve been referred by a psychiatrist, it’s already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will hire you. Regardless of what position you will work in later. I myself passed the HVAC in the third, and worked in a position that required the first. This did not bother anyone, including the doctors from the 1st clinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie... I answered questions there like I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some famous Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I can’t say for sure). You can read about it on the Internet in sufficient detail.
There, the calculation of your answers is based on diagrams and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, has too little value, it means you have some deviations from the norm. In this case, the scale of “lies” was exceeded. More details here:
It is this test that is still used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: As a rule, those who do not pass a psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely earlier) there was an unspoken directive to screen out persons from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasus to work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of them, of course, but there was a limit - this is Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and Georgia, etc. Those who had passed through Afghanistan were also undesirable for employment, even if the applicant’s mental parameters were satisfactory.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you did not go through the first group of destination, you can go through the second/third/fourth

I did not pass through the fourth group of destination, I went to the CC IC at the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally took me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist refused. They don’t like my IT brother at all. The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass the fourth group of destination

This is the worst option.
If you didn’t pass the 4th, then they certainly won’t let you through the higher ones.
I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

On old passports, a mark was made with a pen near the fold on the first page. Like, he tried to pass. I had two birds like this, I passed both times. I don’t know which group, like the second one (UR), the first one was the riot police and the traffic police then.
They don’t do that now, so it’s possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to a friend from the personnel, now many people do not pass the polygraph. They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?
quote: The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

I don’t understand what the psychologist from PFL has to do with it. What difference does it make to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?

a reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For some reason no one has taken up this yet. Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary. secondly, polygraph readings are not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a disqualification for hiring. thirdly, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense, the same as crossing the street on a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary.

No problem. Recruitment to the police is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.
I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.

Do not consume before the service, they will start during the service. Business...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: will start on time. Business...

So I meant - necessarily during the service. That is, regularly ALL the time of service.

ZY I knew the opera, I left for seven years. Just for getting hooked. More precisely, they hooked him up for free, but during his withdrawal symptoms, in an attempt to get money, he did a lot of things there.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

Well, that’s possible, once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. After smoking weed, traces of use can be detected in the body within a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

Firstly, testing is ALREADY available at the police. Irregular, but there.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can’t carry a jar of someone else’s urine with you all the time. When you start a shift or on duty, during your shift, please pour it into a jar.

It is usually not difficult to squeeze out a hero during a search. Well, sometimes it is needed for operational expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that they will come and check at any moment, you can at least somehow hold on.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely, they hooked him up for free,

They offered me to try weed on the street, but I refused. A weak person needs this, but I am not that case. I’ll still try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job. I don't have anything to lose. Moreover, 2.5 years have already passed.

The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

I told you. That's the whole point. Don’t let the person think and answer automatically. The correctness of the mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, so that it’s completely clear to you, I’ll give you this example: a policeman doesn’t have to think about which hand to hit the hooligan with, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I’ll tell you a secret that you still won’t have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if you pass two thirds.
The test reveals personal qualities. the ability to build an associative series, the ability to think nonlinearly, the quality of mental development, literacy. Sometimes a person's handwriting tells more than the answers themselves. No one will grade you for mistakes.
By the way, here's an example. the security officers needed a translator from some kind of gibberish Asian language, like they were going to detain drug traffickers but couldn’t talk to them. They hired some scumbag as a full-time translator. He has a 4th grade education, a belly like my TV and the physical fitness of a 70-year-old grandfather. Now he’s walking around waving the black FSB. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with the psychologist for a box of chocolates.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: The main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic you wrote about a similar “Let him sit.”
quote: walks around now waving the black FSB

My friend who served in the FSB says that it should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you hand it in every day when you leave the service.
quote: They’ll negotiate with a psychologist for a box of chocolates.

Maybe in the FSB, but I want to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after an idiot named Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks closely during the selection process. A friend of mine served in the VTs ITs OVD. He says it very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI(aut) Average estimated time is normally 60 - 80 minutes
Raven's option lasts 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then. I won’t argue.
quote: Luscher's 8-card test DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit in the face of the diagnostician who shows it to you.

Well, I didn’t know anything about it and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

Last year they gave about 26 thousand reports on the psychological state of Moscow police officers. 11 polygraphs are used to test management personnel, and it is planned to purchase 17 more in the near future. Vladimir Kolokoltsev explained what measures are being taken to ensure that recertification takes place without abuse and gossip. Indeed, there are rumors that some department heads will take the opportunity to get rid of unwanted subordinates. Others claim that those wishing to successfully pass certification are required by their bosses to receive rewards in advance. They even quote astronomical amounts for a specific position. If an ordinary opera “costs” supposedly 200-300 thousand rubles, then a general’s chair is “valued” at a million dollars.

Passing a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Logical thinking test Logic test Emotional tests Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for hiring and subsequent re-certification - applicants and existing employees in positions where you need to work with people, in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...) Personality tests The main, widely used personality test when hiring is the SMIL test (Standardized Multifactor Method of Personality Research) - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Mult Intelligence tests Level , the intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

Psychological tests for employment with answers online for free

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations. Employment tests are carried out for accountants, and for managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants... On this page of the psychoanalytic site http://Psychoanalyst-Matveev.RF you You will be able to take psychological tests used for hiring in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.
However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

Denis 08.11.2016 21:49 What test do you need to pass to apply for the position of junior inspector of the department of security and escort of convicts? Valentina 08.11.2016 19:32 How to pass tests for a local police officer. Marat 10/18/2016 22:16 What test is needed to apply for the position of police officer (dog handler) in the department for protecting and escorting accused and suspects? Alexander 10/14/2016 19:10 Hello, Center for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexander 09/21/2016 08:12 Hello! Please tell me how to correctly pass the Luscher test (in what order should the colors be arranged for the device for the position of detective)? Thank you! Ivan 09.20.2016 15:34 Center for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs teaching staff.

Igor 09.15.2016 10:15 TsPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs teaching staff. Mongush 09/14/2016 07:47 I want to take the test to become an investigator at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Psychologist in uniform - about cunning operas and the selection of candidates for police service


Passage of a psychologist in the department Hello. I work in the police myself. A comrade whom I have known for many years, absolutely normal, adequate, tried to get a job in a traffic police regiment in our region. He joined the ranks and was assigned to see a local regimental psychologist.

I passed it, she told him directly - I don’t see any obstacles to employment, now I’m making a conclusion, come to the personnel in a day, get a referral to the VVK, etc. A day later I called, they fed him breakfast - call me in a week. As a result, Deputy the company commander told him that he had not passed the psychologist test. I repeat, he is an absolutely normal man, he served, he has two sons, God frankly did not harm him with his health, 25 years old.

Report a bribe

Moreover, the capabilities of psychologists have long been used not only at the stages of selection and placement of personnel, but also during the conduct of service and combat training of employees, in support of operational and operational and investigative activities. Testing is not a one-time act, but an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination conducted by police psychologists. For each candidate, and now also for employees and managers, psychological characteristics are compiled with a detailed description of individual personality characteristics that are directly related to the performance of official duties.
Everyone knows that for each profession there is a certain set of requirements for personal and psychophysiological characteristics, called a professionogram.
The event of an unusual format was held in the North-Eastern Line Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport. “One day in the transport police”, namely the opportunity to “immerse” in the work of a psychologist, was held as part of the “Choose Life” campaign. It was initiated by the Transport Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District. It was carried out in all regions of the district by structural units of the transport police.


Psychologist of the North-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport Olga Golovkova invited journalists to her office and offered to try themselves in the role of a police psychologist. As is known throughout the entire service, starting from the moment of initial selection for the police, all employees undergo a psychophysiological study. All these requirements have become more stringent as part of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Of course, recertification was not without the psychologist’s “stamp.”

How a candidate is tested by a staff psychologist in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Vyacheslav 06/24/2016 07:06 Hello! Please tell me, is the CPP test at the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016 identical to the test that is carried out at the VVK? Natalia 06/13/2016 17:17 Hello! Tell me, is the CPD test in the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016, it is identical to the one that is taken at the VVK Alexey 06/13/2016 07:08 I want to take the CPD test for the position of a district police officer Vitaly 06/12/2016 09:08 To enter the service as a detective officer Alexey 06/09/2016 19:36 I want pass the test for a detective Erdem 06/08/2016 14:34 I want to pass the test for the position of a district police officer. Vitaly 06.06.2016 13:19 I want to pass the CPD for a higher position, weapons inspector. Marina 06/05/2016 07:00 I want to pass the CPD for the position of Criminal Investigation Officer.

Maxim 06/01/2016 14:28 Hello! I want to pass the CPD for admission to the traffic police service. Nikolay 05/30/2016 16:26 I want to pass the training center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the position of district inspector.
Thus, psychologists observe law enforcement officers from their recruitment to their retirement. Olga Olegovna told reporters about the main stages of psychological research when selecting candidates for service, which is talked about a lot, but so little is known. They greet you by their clothes... Psychological research begins from the moment a person comes to a psychologist’s office, with his appearance. The psychologist notes neatness, manners, speech, and norms of behavior. After that, intellectual abilities are examined - oral and written speech, literacy, general awareness and erudition. Candidates demonstrate basic knowledge of mathematics, geography, history, and literature.

Motives for joining: high salary and social guarantees The motives for joining the service are also important.
Alexander 02/02/2018 09:57 Good afternoon. I’m applying for a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teaching staff, I want to pass the tests Alexey 01/22/2018 22:15 TsPD FOR THE INSPECTOR OF THE MIA HEADQUARTERS Yana 01/12/2018 09:13 Hello, I’m applying for a contract in the Russian Guard, tell me what tests will be and can you help me with them? Nikita 12/17/2017 18:04 Good afternoon, how can I get a polygraft from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Via email 12/06/2017 12:56 Hello, I’m getting a job in the riot police, please help me. Alexander 25.11.2017 22:38 Hello, what test do border guards take? They also have a math test there, isn't that a CAT test by any chance? Anzor 11/12/2017 10:12 Hello! Passed the online SMIL test. The result was 70.44 T-scores on the Passivity (Depression) scale. How can you correct the result? Thank you.

The article will reveal basic information regarding psychological tests. How to go through them during hiring, what they are intended for - more on that later.

During recruitment, many employers use tests. They help to identify the professional qualities of an employee.

Based on their results, a general picture about a person can be formed. How to pass the tests, what can they tell about a person?

General information

Finding an employee who will professionally perform his duties at work is not easy. This is a kind of problem, and it is not always possible to cope with it with one interview.

Therefore, experts came up with such a concept as “psychological tests for employment.”

What it is

There are several types of psychological tests - oral and written. At the initial stage, when applying for a position, the second option is used.

When there are several people, it is necessary to choose one – the most qualified one. Written tests are divided into:

  • intellectual;
  • personal;
  • qualifying;
  • the simplest ones.

The most common oral test is the color test (Lüscher). It will be discussed later. Intelligence tests measure thinking, alertness, and memory.

Personal ones help to identify a person’s temperament and its type, negative qualities. Professionals identify motivation and whether a person is capable of lying.

Interpersonal factors determine a person’s level of conflict and whether he can communicate in a team.

The testing is carried out by an employee of the organization with a medical or psychological education. If there is no such person, then the employer invites a psychologist.

For what purpose are they carried out?

Tests play a significant role when hiring people, but you should not be guided only by them when choosing a candidate for a position.

After passing the tests, employees are usually invited for an interview. Those who do not pass are not allowed to enter.

Testing helps the employer make a 30% choice. Test objectives:

With the help of tests, it is possible to identify such qualities as leadership, communication, ability to communicate in a team, creativity, resistance to stress, learning ability and other skills.

Psychological tests are the best opportunity to identify a suitable candidate for a position. During an interview, a person can smile, use his charm and positive qualities.

But tests will help identify hidden qualities and talents. For each position, tests help determine certain qualities.

For average workers:

  • ability to perform the same type of work;
  • perseverance;
  • attentiveness;
  • the ability to concentrate attention on one subject;
  • ability to listen and hear;
  • creative qualities;
  • ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

For managers:

  • activity;
  • ability to communicate in a large team;
  • skills of coordination and management of subordinates;
  • unbiased attitude towards employees;
  • tolerance;
  • justice;
  • leadership;
  • loyal attitude towards people.

For the military:

  • ability to adhere to a routine;
  • reliability;
  • speed of response;
  • respect for colleagues and superiors, senior in rank;
  • resistance to stress.

Legal grounds

The legislation does not prohibit conducting psychological tests during hiring, but there are also no clear instructions for conducting them. The government does not provide for them, as well as the procedure for conducting tests and storage.

The data that an employee is required to provide when applying for a job is contained in the Russian Federation. Test results are not included in their provisions.

There is no liability for failure to test. An employer does not have the right to demand information about a person’s personal life. Therefore, an employee cannot be forced to answer such questions in tests.

As soon as the employer makes a choice in favor of one person, the rest will have to be rejected. prohibits doing this without justifying the reason for the refusal.

If an employer refuses a person based only on test results, then such a choice is considered unreasonable.

When refusing, it is necessary to take into account the Law, for example, insufficient work experience, work experience in a given field, or inappropriate education.

This will happen if he cannot prove that he did not hire the person due to a lack of professionalism.

For some professions, understanding mental health is important. Therefore, such citizens are required to undergo a psychiatric examination.

Features of psychological testing when applying for a job

The tests are usually carried out on a computer. For each category of employees, certain tests are used, which have their own characteristics.

Psychological tests for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are divided into 2 categories - multi-factor and narrowly focused.

The first allow for the diagnosis of personal qualities, the second are aimed at characterizing certain qualities that are necessary in this area.

Psychological tests for employment with weapons contain questions regarding service, knowledge of Laws and rights. There is no official publication of such tests.

During testing, qualities such as character, ingenuity, and intelligence are determined. Very often, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB asks you to take an IQ test or a polygraph test.


The conditions for passing tests when applying for a job are as follows:

  • all candidates for the position are required to be notified of upcoming tests;
  • everyone has the right to request practice tests;
  • it is necessary to provide favorable conditions where the tests take place - premises, lighting, etc.;
  • candidates have the right to request advice on test results;
  • testing is free.

All candidates are required to provide question papers, writing materials or a computer.

At the beginning, be sure to provide instructions on how to perform tests. Also announce the time allotted for completing them.

How to pass a psychological test

  • it is necessary to remain calm and pay full attention to the issues;
  • give truthful answers;
  • If there are a lot of questions and there is not enough time, it is better to skip those that cause difficulties. When calculating, the number of correct answers is taken into account, and not the 100% result;
  • carefully read the instructions for passing;
  • if the question is not clear, it is better to skip it;
  • get a good night's sleep the night before.

Test examples

There are different tests, but their own are used to identify certain qualities. What tests will come depends on the psychologist. They are the ones who develop tasks, very often at the request of employers.

For example, the Luscher test is as follows: cards of different colors (8 pieces) are laid out in front of a person.

The candidate is asked to put them in sequence, starting with the one that is most pleasant for him.

The results are recorded and he is asked to repeat the same again. Using the sequence of laid out colors, the psychologist makes a conclusion about the qualities of a person.

The Rorschach test is a well-known technique. The essence is that a person is shown pictures that depict incomprehensible blots.

He must say what he sees there. Using the test, you can determine whether a person has disorders in the nervous system, mentality and thinking.

Personality questionnaires help a psychologist understand what is in a person’s soul. They help determine personal qualities, motivation, and opinion. There are also situational tasks.

They help to understand how quickly a person can react to a situation and analyze it, and whether he has a creative approach. Basically, such tasks are intended to select candidates for responsible positions.

Stress interviews are an equally popular type of test. With their help, they determine how a person will behave in a certain situation.

As a rule, tasks are aimed at pissing a person off and creating a conflict situation for which he may not be ready.

If with geometric shapes

Such tests are also often used when hiring. A person is asked to choose a specific figure that he likes. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn. Sometimes they are asked to put them in sequence.

In first place is the figure that can characterize the person. The figure in last place indicates the type of person with whom it will be difficult to find a common language.

Psychiatric examination

A person who gets a job has many requirements. If he wants approval from the employer, he will have to fulfill them completely.

One of the main points is a medical examination. The employee is sent for examination. In addition to general specialists, you will have to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist.

This will be useful for those who want to get a job, for example, in a bank, educational institutions, or military service. When talking with a psychiatrist, a person answers his questions, performs various tests and tasks.

What you need to know about psychiatric examination:

Must pass For those citizens who work in high-risk conditions
According to the Legislation of the Russian Federation The procedure can only be carried out on a voluntary basis - no one has the right to force a person
It is carried out with the purpose Find out whether a person is suitable for work and whether his psyche is impaired
Only a specialist can carry out the procedure Having a medical education
The employee must be examined by a psychiatrist Once every 5 years
It must be completed within 20 days. After contacting a specialist
In case of disagreement with the doctor’s conclusion His decision can be appealed

Before being tested, the employer must give the employee a referral. The commission makes a decision taking into account the opinions of all its members.

After this, within 3 days they familiarize the employee with the conclusion (under his signature). Next, they report this to the employer.

If a person is unfit for work, a certificate is issued indicating this (but for no more than 5 years).

Thus, psychological tests when hiring are an important element. They help identify certain qualities in an employee.

But when choosing a candidate, you should not rely only on the results of these tests. This is prohibited by law - the reason for refusal to work must be justified.

People who say this take an active position in life, they are already focused on success, they successfully interact with other employees. Therefore, it is easy to guess which candidates Children should give preference to. 3. What attracted you to work with us in this position? If a person is really interested in something, he will most likely answer not with common phrases like: “I am attracted by an interesting job and a reputable company.

Polygraph lie detector questions

FSKB polygraph examiners successfully conduct all types of studies using a polygraph. In addition, we will conduct inspections of suppliers, partners, contractors. Currently, this is the fastest + cheapest + reliable method of verifying information, allowing you to solve assigned tasks in the shortest possible time with minimal costs. Polygraph testing lasts 1.5 - 2 hours.

Frequently asked questions from a psychologist when entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Unlike the harmless ones - about education, work experience, place of residence - the insidious ones hide a catch. They are asked to look at the candidate’s reaction in an unexpected situation, to test for intelligence, resourcefulness, and fluency. Consider that these are test problems that you shouldn’t be offended by - they need to be solved. The most “inconvenient” question, according to visitors.

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

There are only 10 main scales, and many additional ones. The online SMIL test developed on our website, when answering each question, shows which scale it affects, the scales are displayed in red or green, the test taker immediately sees where he is gaining or not gaining points. Anyone who has a question about how to pass the CPD at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, go through it on our website and you will answer it. The Cat test online is a mathematical test that includes 50 questions that must be answered in 15 minutes.

Tips for those undergoing psychological testing

5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice. They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.” Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way. 6. Test results can be greatly affected by the environment. If you do not like the testing conditions (noisy or poor lighting, for example), ask for better conditions, especially if your abilities and intelligence are being tested.

Those registered with healthcare organizations in connection with a mental disorder (disease), alcohol dependence syndrome (alcoholism), narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (drug addiction), substance abuse (substance abuse), as well as those registered with the internal affairs bodies for preventive purposes in connection with with illegal behavior; having diseases or physical disabilities that prevent them from performing the duties of paramilitary security workers (according to the conclusion of the medical advisory commission of a healthcare organization, issued in the manner prescribed by law); I want to work in the Security Department.

Polygraph testing technique

Salient questions are expected to produce greater arousal in guilty suspects (because they are lying) than in innocent suspects (because they are telling the truth). Control questions relate to actions that are related to the crime under investigation, but do not directly indicate it. They are always general in nature, deliberately vague and cover a long period of time.

At the same time, citizens under 25 years of age and those who have reached 17 years of age as of December 31 of the year of admission are admitted to educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In accordance with the Standard Rules for Admission to Educational Organizations and the Rules for Admission to Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when holding a competition for enrollment as students and cadets in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in accordance with the scores of the UNT certificate and comprehensive testing, the following have priority rights: 1)

Center for Psychophysiological Diagnostics

Psychological examination includes group testing. Group testing is carried out in room No. 19 at 8 o’clock.

45 min. and at 12 o'clock. Late arrivals are not allowed to the examination. The procedure for a group psychological examination consists of performing a series of test tasks in order to determine your intellectual abilities, as well as leading personal qualities. Tests should be performed in accordance with the instructions given by the psychologist conducting the examination.

The most common job interview questions and answers to them

You just try to deal with your shortcomings. Note that all praise must be deserved and you will try with all your might to earn it from future management. Don't be scared, shy or overly impudent. Remember that job interview questions are primarily designed to bring out your personality. The interviewer is actually interested in how balanced and adequately you are able to evaluate yourself as an employee. Advice: before the interview, try to find out the approximate salary for the proposed job.

It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I am attracted by growth prospects, interesting work, reputable company...”. Must provide serious and specific arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals. This is the best question for a candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants.

1. Express advice. If you are not confident in yourself when undergoing psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics), then choose from your friends someone who, as you think, ideally matches the niche that you are trying to occupy or defend. Answer as he would answer.

2. If the instructions say that there are no right or wrong answers in the test, don’t trust it.

3. Avoid extremes, be closer to the “golden mean”, do not spit on yourself, but do not extol yourself either. To the question “Do you always pay for travel on public transport?” It’s better to answer “no”, because... That's what the majority do. Otherwise, you are more likely to be suspected of lack of frankness.

4. Many tests contain a “lie scale”, i.e. have a number of provocative questions as in the previous example. And even if you always pay for travel, then you will get a plus on this scale. If you get a lot of pluses, your results will be considered unreliable. And then, at best, you will be asked to take this test again (most likely in a different form, with different questions). At worst, they will write something like “prone to inauthenticity” in the conclusion, which can significantly reduce your rating. And in general, this can negatively affect the tone of the entire conclusion, because, believe me, psychologists really don’t like unreliable results.

5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice. They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.” Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way.

6. Test results can be greatly affected by the environment. If you do not like the testing conditions (noisy or poor lighting, for example), ask for better conditions, especially if your abilities and intelligence are being tested. Ask in the most correct form, intelligently, without annoying anyone. If they refuse you, then it is quite likely that this is such an idea, part of the plan. If a group is being examined, then asking only you to improve the situation, you will agree, is stupid.

7. Upon completion of the testing procedure, try to photocopy the examination protocol and forms with your answers. They can also be useful for a subsequent appeal (which, of course, is better not to go through), and will certainly help you avoid one or two negative judgments about you in conclusion. If you contact a psychologist you know, he will help you point out your mistakes.

8. Many tests are carried out with a time limit and recording. Find out from the psychologist the most complete information about the restrictions and how much time is allocated for answers. Be sure to come to the diagnostic with a watch: firstly, it can help you plan time for answers, and secondly, the absence of a watch can affect your image (as a non-business person). If a psychologist stands with a stopwatch, of course, do the task as quickly as possible. If not, use every chance to stretch out the time. For example, if a psychologist reads questions to a group, be sure to ask the psychologist to repeat an unclear or difficult question; at the end, you can even ask him to give you a list of all the questions personally. If you work individually with a list of questions or a test book, this is a big plus for you. In Cattell's test (questionnaire), for example, there are 16 personality scales. Among them is one for intelligence. There are no time restrictions. Sit and think for yourselves, don’t rush anywhere.

9. You have the right to ask the psychologist the name of the test that is being conducted with you. This may be useful to you.

10. If you are selected (for work or study), then most likely you need to be smart, sociable, healthy guy rather than a stupid, closed-off psycho. We will touch on this important topic in other sections.

11. Reduce your age if possible. This may be useful if you have to take an intelligence test, where younger people are often given a discount, and if you are under twenty (there is no difference for older people).

How to answer psychological tests?

Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests... sometimes we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job... so why not understand the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological test No. 0 Answer bias(I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to correctly answer such questions, your psychological testing will be completely pointless:
Do you ever have a bad mood?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Sometimes you make mistakes?
Does it happen that you offend your loved ones?
Does it ever happen that you can't concentrate?
Sometimes you don't have time to do everything?

Do you have bad days?
If you answer no more than 1-2 times to such questions? This means that you have a tendency to not tell the truth about yourself - and this means that you may not even pass an interview with a psychologist when applying for a job... this means that you are not objective about yourself... this means that it is generally pointless for you to answer psychological tests ! You lie too often and your test results will often be biased.

Psychological test No. 1. Your favorite colors - test Luscher
You need to arrange cards of different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining the emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:
red color - need for action

yellow - the need to strive for a goal, hope
green - the need to assert oneself;
blue - the need for affection, constancy;
purple - escape from reality;
brown - need for protection;
black - depression.
The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.
Key for the test: the first four must be red, yellow, blue, green- in what order exactly is not so important. Arranging the cards in order close to the original one paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson
You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person. What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.
It is also important what is drawn first: house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, a tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; a house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).
Key: Your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), the fruit tree (practicality) ), pet (care).

Psychological test No. 3. Story
You are shown pictures depicting people in various life situations and asked to comment on: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words - “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if a picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.
Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way possible.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob - Rorschach test
You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as an active, sociable, positive person, a negative one (you saw a monster, a dangerous animal in the blot) indicates that you have a lot of unreasonable fears or deep stress.
Key: if you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly being questioned (if a person has low scores, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has unconventional thinking or is simply simply inattentive), the tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.
Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something.

If you are taking tests when applying for a job, be calm during the interview... but don’t be indifferent - your motivation should be present but it should not go off scale....

The most important! Don't focus on tests at all.
The more unconventional you are, the more original you think, the less the tests tell the truth about you.
High school teachers considered physicist Einstein and inventor Edison mentally retarded...
Who remembers these teachers now... and who turned out to be right in the end?

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you are required to undergo a psychologist examination.

She asks a question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw a few pictures (“I”, “Holiday”). I don’t remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with colors in front of you and says: “Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now.”

I (pashaadm2) did not pass the psychologist test, and therefore did not end up serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from one gun store told me: “You can’t be crazy, you have a hunting firearm in your hands.” + passed the trauma test. Moreover, I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB. I answered the psychologist’s question like this: “To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store.” In the pictures I drew: “Man at the Computer” and “Man with Flowers”. I don’t remember how I answered the color test because I think it’s stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of choosing. If she had asked what color was your favorite, I would have said “Green,” but she didn’t ask. He further said that I love children and do not feel uncomfortable in company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely how the psychologist was tested, and most importantly, how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has those same 500 questions from a psychologist for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they used to be in the commercial version of Consultant+) and/or a list of pictures that need to be drawn? Or maybe the correct order of the color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If so, you can send it to me by email

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

Psychological test MMPI (there is a questionnaire on the Internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the test subject must answer whether this statement is true or false in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult - you need to know “the whole kitchen” from the inside. There is a “lie scale”, “correction scale” - if you exceed them, you will not pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of their own questions in the questionnaire, scattered throughout the test. I’m not even talking about the scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. It is very difficult to remember everything, how to answer “correctly”. Everything is intertwined there. More details are available on the internet.
One of my friends, when undergoing a medical examination in the army, memorized the “Rabkin Table” (a test for color perception to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct picture or numbers. He managed to deceive the doctor, but still an ophthalmologist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards - the Luscher color test, is known all over the world and has also been passed. It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.
We also took an IQ test. Then, if everything was fine, we had a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a crazy person asked me what to do with speculation in the country, jail speculators? (This was in the late 80s) - I answered, fill store shelves with goods.
In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.
If you say that you came to serve and protect! There will be questions; if you say that you need a career and living space, they will say that you’re good enough without any questions. I’m exaggerating, of course, but tests are a relative thing. They just haven’t come up with anything better yet. However, these tests coupled with a conversation with a professional psychiatrist, they provide a more or less accurate personal and psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with colored cards everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.
I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.
After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
Rewrote. Found fit.

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiters go beyond standard questions. What if HR uses psychological tests during hiring? How to react to them and behave correctly? The Land of Soviets will tell you about this.

Psychological tests for employment can be oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help in the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck test)
personality tests
qualifying tests
simple tests
When applying for a job, intelligence tests are used to determine the candidate’s general level of intelligence, his abilities for logical thinking and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled in relation to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests for job applications are usually supplemental and have no right or wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can discern the background of this or that question and answer “as it should,” but in the process of working in a team, the lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests for employment help assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of a candidate. Using a qualification test, you can determine, for example, your level of PC proficiency or knowledge of foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests that take into account their specific work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low-level positions and combine an intelligence test and a skills test. The tasks in them are usually simple; the skills of perception and processing of information, and the ability to perform simple operations are tested.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, cases (situational tasks) and a stress interview.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a certain set of colors in order: from the most to the least pleasant. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, it is possible to determine the potential performance of the candidate, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of “template” thinking of the candidate, analytical abilities and his ability to creatively approach solving problems. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important responsible positions that require the ability to quickly make effective decisions in any situation. Such employment tests are quite complex, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular stressful situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off, or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are communication in a raised voice, a large number of unrelated questions asked at a fast pace, talking on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the personal life of the applicant.

How to pass a job test? When it comes to placement and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests online and practice on them. Then such a test when applying for a job will not take you by surprise. Personality tests are a little more complicated. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions, which help to identify the lies of the applicant. These questions are in different parts of the test, worded differently, but their essence is the same. If the candidate answered them differently, then he was insincere.

When taking an oral test, answer quickly and without thinking too much. Don’t try to embellish reality too much, but don’t be crystal honest, exposing all your shortcomings. If the proposed position requires creativity and an unconventional approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Don't worry and don't try to find complex answers to basic questions: most often the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing; if you do this, you most likely will not be hired. When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests are important when applying for a job, but a good employer will not make conclusions about you based solely on test results. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not “wind up” yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand that this will be approximately.
quote: I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.

Please describe in approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post it here, send it by email.
Unfortunately, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creativity in my work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not characterize the personality type at all, it rather characterizes your internal mood for a given, specific time.
The main test is a questionnaire. Then an intelligence test - “Roven's Progressive Test”, and the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics - a conversation with a psychiatrist. He, based on all the tests passed and a conversation with the subject, makes a decision.
For example, he may ask why you answered the test question this way and not another way? - You must justify it.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer to the point, a minimum of emotions. If you begin to defend your point of view, becoming more and more carried away by your rightness, then consider that the opinion of the psychiatrist (and it is the main one in the commission’s decision) will be this: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not for you.
In general, you could pass all the tests with “five points!” (if such an assessment is applicable) and according to them you are an “unshakable rock”, and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could discern something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that’s all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way, in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, practically no one does this, because it’s necessary, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
This also characterizes your personality type. This means that there is a certain nervousness and a lack of perception of other people’s opinions, an inability to enter into an open dialogue with an opponent—it’s easier to wipe it off—no person, no problem.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: This also characterizes your personality type.

I already wrote that I don’t want to discuss phrases, for example: “Do cops sell drugs.” This is my own business. Unregistered users also come here, for example, those who make requests in Yandex. I don't think they should read what's in the deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try for a different destination group?

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I'll delete Shooter001's answer. I don't want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.

Once, when I received a medical certificate for a weapon, I went through everything, and they asked me: “What kind of weapon do you need?” I said hunting smoothbore. Next they asked me: “Do you need gas?” After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is necessary to work as a system administrator. For example, when a computer with breaks down, the old program with estimates cannot be saved without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I don't want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no secret here.
Now even on Android and iOS for iPhones there are a fair amount of these tests describing the characteristics of a personality type. I counted about 6 Luscher color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, there’s already a lot of this stuff in its wilds. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)), if you think about the answer, it means you have poor orientation in time space. And they have a lot of similar “baubles” in stock.
I remember I went through the regular, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was 23 years old at the time. Even the psychiatrist was alarmed by this, saying that it was time, and it was so suspicious. However, I reassured him by saying that I had enough female attention and affection without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then they are also not comme il faut. They may ask you provocative questions, such as “how often do you masturbate” and look at the redness of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me that when he was interviewing riot police officers for officer rank, many of them were generally “unbreakable,” that is, the person’s lability was zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this soldier needs to knock down the door, and doesn’t bother him—what’s the point? He’s perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: Why does he need superintelligence?

When admitted to different services, the medical commission is slightly different. As a rule, those who do not pass the psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another; they just need a justified refusal. Nothing special emerges there. there are no such good specialists. the most that a psychiatrist can reveal is whether your psychotype matches the place where you are going to serve or matches the police service in general. Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to go through the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I answered questions there saying that I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green. In general, to pass the test you must answer truthfully without bothering yourself. lie only on pressing questions, take as many tests as possible. You won’t have time anyway. You can skip math and advanced tests. The point is not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you don’t bother with little things and can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

You're welcome.
This is not a matter of legal literacy.
Cop and ded2008 will be better at literacy than me.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say, in the PDN inspection or in the crime department. The laboratory needs choleric people. Or, say, in the riot police there are phlegmatic people.

Yes, and more. If you haven’t passed the first group of assignments, you can go through the second/third/fourth (although if you’ve been referred by a psychiatrist, it’s already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will hire you. Regardless of what position you will work in later. I myself passed the HVAC in the third, and worked in a position that required the first. This did not bother anyone, including the doctors from the 1st clinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie... I answered questions there like I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some famous Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I can’t say for sure). You can read about it on the Internet in sufficient detail.
There, the calculation of your answers is based on diagrams and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, has too little value, it means you have some deviations from the norm. In this case, the scale of “lies” was exceeded. More details here:
It is this test that is still used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: As a rule, those who do not pass a psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely earlier) there was an unspoken directive to screen out persons from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasus to work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of them, of course, but there was a limit - this is Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and Georgia, etc. Those who had passed through Afghanistan were also undesirable for employment, even if the applicant’s mental parameters were satisfactory.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you did not go through the first group of destination, you can go through the second/third/fourth

I did not pass through the fourth group of destination, I went to the CC IC at the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally took me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist refused. They don’t like my IT brother at all. The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass the fourth group of destination

This is the worst option.
If you didn’t pass the 4th, then they certainly won’t let you through the higher ones.
I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

On old passports, a mark was made with a pen near the fold on the first page. Like, he tried to pass. I had two birds like this, I passed both times. I don’t know which group, like the second one (UR), the first one was the riot police and the traffic police then.
They don’t do that now, so it’s possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to a friend from the personnel, now many people do not pass the polygraph. They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?
quote: The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

I don’t understand what the psychologist from PFL has to do with it. What difference does it make to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?

a reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For some reason no one has taken up this yet. Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary. secondly, polygraph readings are not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a disqualification for hiring. thirdly, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense, the same as crossing the street on a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary.

No problem. Recruitment to the police is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.
I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.

Do not consume before the service, they will start during the service. Business...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: will start on time. Business...

So I meant - necessarily during the service. That is, regularly ALL the time of service.

ZY I knew the opera, I left for seven years. Just for getting hooked. More precisely, they hooked him up for free, but during his withdrawal symptoms, in an attempt to get money, he did a lot of things there.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

Well, that’s possible, once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. After smoking weed, traces of use can be detected in the body within a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

Firstly, testing is ALREADY available at the police. Irregular, but there.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can’t carry a jar of someone else’s urine with you all the time. When you start a shift or on duty, during your shift, please pour it into a jar.

It is usually not difficult to squeeze out a hero during a search. Well, sometimes it is needed for operational expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that they will come and check at any moment, you can at least somehow hold on.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely, they hooked him up for free,

They offered me to try weed on the street, but I refused. A weak person needs this, but I am not that case. I’ll still try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job. I don't have anything to lose. Moreover, 2.5 years have already passed.

The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

I told you. That's the whole point. Don’t let the person think and answer automatically. The correctness of the mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, so that it’s completely clear to you, I’ll give you this example: a policeman doesn’t have to think about which hand to hit the hooligan with, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I’ll tell you a secret that you still won’t have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if you pass two thirds.
The test reveals personal qualities. the ability to build an associative series, the ability to think nonlinearly, the quality of mental development, literacy. Sometimes a person's handwriting tells more than the answers themselves. No one will grade you for mistakes.
By the way, here's an example. the security officers needed a translator from some kind of gibberish Asian language, like they were going to detain drug traffickers but couldn’t talk to them. They hired some scumbag as a full-time translator. He has a 4th grade education, a belly like my TV and the physical fitness of a 70-year-old grandfather. Now he’s walking around waving the black FSB. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with the psychologist for a box of chocolates.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: The main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic you wrote about a similar “Let him sit.”
quote: walks around now waving the black FSB

My friend who served in the FSB says that it should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you hand it in every day when you leave the service.
quote: They’ll negotiate with a psychologist for a box of chocolates.

Maybe in the FSB, but I want to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after an idiot named Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks closely during the selection process. A friend of mine served in the VTs ITs OVD. He says it very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI(aut) Average estimated time is normally 60 - 80 minutes
Raven's option lasts 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then. I won’t argue.
quote: Luscher's 8-card test DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit in the face of the diagnostician who shows it to you.

Well, I didn’t know anything about it and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

Joining the police requires passing interviews, tests and meeting physical standards.

Among the many tests, passing a lie detector is mandatory. Let's look at what awaits the applicant during the tests and how to pass the polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs without problems.

What is the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Work in law enforcement agencies is a specific type of public service. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must meet all criteria established by the state.

Reception of suitable personnel from among a variety of candidates is carried out by the Center for Psychological Diagnostics (CPD).

The CPD conducts a comprehensive examination of candidates. Everyone who wants to get a job in law enforcement agencies is required to undergo psychological tests to determine their professional suitability.

This center conducts:

  • testing a person on a polygraph;
  • CAT test – to test an individual’s mental abilities;
  • SMIL test - establishing psychological characteristics.

In addition to tests, center staff conduct interviews with each applicant. Based on multilateral selection stages, suitable people for service are determined and those who are not recommended for police work are identified.

Questions on the polygraph of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The exact list of questions submitted for testing is not published in advance, but in general all tasks are aimed at identifying answers regarding:

  • previous violations of the law;
  • use of illegal drugs and alcohol abuse;
  • attitudes towards the service, superiors, and the team at work;
  • relationships within the family;
  • attitude towards weapons, resolving issues about their use;
  • reactions to difficult work situations, the procedure for resolving them;
  • identifying any negative dependencies in a person;
  • attitude towards people’s lives, a reaction to the need to take a person’s life within the framework of the law and official assignment is established.

It is worth noting: questions are formulated in such a way that a person answers yes or no; no detailed answers are provided.

In reality, the questions are asked like this:

  1. Have you ever used drugs?
  2. Have you ever committed theft?
  3. Do you like violence?
  4. Are you connected to the criminal world?
  5. Are you able to deceive your boss?

Answers to CPD tests when joining the police

To maintain normal indicators, answers must be given honestly, without any doubt.

An untruthful answer or a question that confuses the applicant will appear as an emotional outburst on the specialist’s screen.

The reaction to the answers is recorded:

  • breath sensor;
  • pressure;
  • temporal pressure;
  • sweating at the fingertips;
  • sciatic muscles;
  • reactions of the eye pupil.

What benefits does taking a polygraph give when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Law enforcement agencies intend to select suitable personnel who can serve and be useful to the police in the long term.

Due to the complexity of the service and its specific features, the police must recruit reliable and mentally stable people.

The lie detector helps:

  • ensure security in the ranks of law enforcement agencies;
  • predict an individual’s disposition to the corruption component;
  • with its help, elements associated with the criminal world are identified;
  • a person’s predisposition to cruelty and sadistic tendencies is determined.

How to take a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

The polygraph is considered the most controversial test for a candidate. For some, this procedure is the most calm and simple, while others cannot cope with a lie detector.

The reason for such polarities is the different psychological characteristics of people.

The main thing when taking a polygraph is to be calm and not let your internal emotions go off scale against the background of your normal state. How to achieve this ? There is no need to try to hide information in an attempt to appear better and more correct.

CPD's policy regarding candidates is that all individuals have flaws and may have previously committed illegal or immoral acts.

The main thing is that the candidate admits his mistakes, answers the questions asked frankly, and does not have any egregious acts in his life history that do not fit within the framework of normal understanding.

Before the interview at the detector itself, the psychologist conducts a conversation with the subject; at this stage, the questions that will be asked under the supervision of the device are discussed in detail. The conversation may contain conversations on topics that concern the candidate himself. If you do not discuss issues of concern to the mind, they can harm the polygraph and distort the test results.

Take note: There is an opinion that in order to bypass the sensors, you need to use sedatives before the procedure. An experienced instrument specialist will easily identify inhibited reactions and will not allow such a person to participate in testing.

You should not take sedatives! The simplest and most effective way to pass a polygraph is to relax with the help of the same psychologist, breathe evenly and answer questions without trying to hide information.

Didn't pass the polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs - what to do?

Anyone who fails to pass a lie detector is deprived of the right to further employment in the police.

All other results will not matter in this case.

However, in such a situation you should not despair; after 6 months there is an opportunity to undergo the procedure again.