Father Alexy Pluzhnikov committed his intellectual act of terrorism. The illusion of spiritual life, or "Father-op-la Priest alexiy pluzhnikov is forbidden in the ministry

The book about the Diveyevo priest "Easter Memory" by Vladimir Shikin is extremely popular in our diocese. It is read out to the holes, passed from hand to hand. She is admired and recommended to friends. What can you learn from reading this book?

First, starting from the title page, we are taught to cheat. The third edition of the book was published in Moscow by the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God "with the blessing of His Grace Benjamin, Bishop of Vladivostok and Primorsky." Although, it seems, it should be an axiom for everyone that publishing books in Moscow is only possible with the blessing of the ruling bishop of the Moscow diocese - His Holiness Patriarch Alexy. But someone thinks differently ...

Secondly, we are taught to believe dreams, our own and those of others, on the sole reason that there are many of them and they are "extraordinary". Dreams about Father Vladimir make up 80-90% of the information in the book. Thus, the teaching of the Church that one cannot believe in dreams is completely rejected, because one can fall into delusion.

Fourthly, a fantastic image of a “real” priest is created, possessing the main gracious qualities: Love, insight and healing.

The insidious thought is instilled in the reader that "there is not much gold in both nature and the human race." (1,322) That is, ordinary priests, not elders-seers, seem to have no right to exist ... “It's cold. It’s turn to the priests. The confession is formal. Do not replace! An irreplaceable person ”(about Fr. Vladimir). (1,322)

This idea has become very widespread: a careless, boorish attitude towards a priest has become the norm. The parishioners teach their pastor that, they say, my dear, love is not enough for you; why don't you pierce me with the light of your grace! Do not hold out, y-yes ...

Fifthly, a similar arrogant attitude is instilled in the bishops: "Father said:" You will live to see the second fulfillment of the prophecy of the Monk Seraphim, in which he tries to intercede before the Lord for the bishops. " (1.131) The time is now apostatic, the bishops are "red", venal, envious ...

Sixth, we are taught that the Church is led by elders, not bishops. The revelations of the elders, their visions, are elevated to the rank of the highest church authority. Even direct disobedience to the bishop is only welcomed: “Father Vladimir had the blessing of three elders to scold the sick. And the prohibition from Metropolitan Nicholas, to whom he repented that he had violated his bans. ”(1,174) The opposition between the elders and the hierarchy is a profound problem that requires a separate discussion.

Seventh, we are forbidden to take the TIN, since the elders and Fr. Vladimir had "revelations" in this regard. “When asked how to live for people who were left without the necessary, the answer was the story of priest I. in the house of the priest:“ Recently, I found my distant relative in a remote village. She is almost a hundred years old. She did not take the first Soviet passport. And all my life I lived in my dilapidated house without salaries and pensions. "How did you survive?" - I asked her. “I’ll nurse someone else’s children — they’ll feed them and give them milk and bread. I will read the Psalter for the deceased - I am full again. Yes, and the grass in the field is free. If you know herbs, you can live on herbs alone. The Monk Seraphim lived in one dream for three years. So not a single day, dear, did not starve. " - "How did you winter without firewood?" “And dry quinoa burns painfully hot,” Natalya answered, not suspecting that she was already remembering a miracle here. ”(1,135-136)

But who of the INNschikov is going to live like this ?!

By the way, elementary logic teaches that if the INN cannot be taken, you will not be saved, and the ROC, all dioceses and all parishes of the INN have taken, then, therefore, in order to be saved, you must leave the ROC and create your own, true, INNESS Church ... And although many INNs do not do that, but in reality they have been in a split for a long time. And they are actively preaching their schism in the parishes.

Eighth, the openly heretical idea of \u200b\u200bthe “King-Redeemer” is preached: “Whoever prays to the King correctly will be saved himself and will help others in this. We will worship Him as the Redeemer of the sins of the Russian people. They say that we have one Redeemer - Christ. We know this, of course. Our Sovereign Nicholas has His own Book. As the Lord's Book of Life, in which the names of all who are saved, are recorded, so the Tsar has His own Book, where His loyal subjects are recorded. (..) And these INNs will never be accepted - all loyal people are Russian, Orthodox. Ts and r - about b about b about zh and d, z and v and i and kon and ts and about ts and r i n e sn about. The exclusive ministry is given to Him by God on earth. Exceptional - cannot be compared with anything, His feat ... Only with the Calvary Sacrifice of Christ! " (1,290)

As our “Tsarebozhniki” say: “Before you do not always understand who is your own, who is a stranger. And now, at first glance, it is clear: those who do not praise the Tsar, categorically do not want to accept - everything is clear with those. " (1,287) Got it? ..

Thus, "true" Orthodoxy boils down to the veneration of Father Vladimir, the deification of Tsar Nicholas and the rejection of the INN. Dreams teach us this ...

Erofeeva's book is a medical card that records the diagnoses of those diseases that our church community suffers from. Only doctors should read medical records in order to know how to treat. Patients are supposed to read prescriptions for recovery, which are prescribed for them by doctors (and not other patients).

Human fall is always a tragedy, a tragedy of a universal scale. And even more so when a teacher, shepherd, mentor, leader perishes. It is all the more tragic when a talented, warm-hearted person with a living soul gets into this "meat grinder". It is difficult to observe this from the outside: after all, the soul does not die immediately (the observer has the opportunity to see how the soul dies in agony day after day, as if in parts it falls off non-viable particles), but if a person is familiar to you, personally familiar, he uses it in your family respect and love, the sight becomes very heartbreaking.

So it happened with Alexei Pluzhnikov. We met on LiveJournal, communicated with him, supported him, then his wife wrote and donated icons for the church where Priest Alexei served, met with him in Moscow, and talked for a long time. Of course, Alexei has become no stranger to us. By age, he is good enough for me as a son, therefore I looked at his neophyte enthusiasm, passionate imperatives, rather superficial literary activity condescendingly, from the height of my age, as "a real wise sensei." But in vain, it was necessary even then to "beat the bells", perhaps the Lord would have mercy and enlighten the bastard.

Apparently, the first to notice the obvious harm from the activities of the critic-priest was Father Alexander Avdyugin, a wise man with extensive pastor experience. I remember that I took the side of the "offended", quite sharply, which could not but bring me closer to Pluzhnikov. Further - more, I indulged his eccentricities, which seemed to me at that time to be harmless pranks of a teenager. His enthusiasm for the works of Schmemann, Kuraev, friendship with schismatics and traitors (former abbot Dushein), etc., did not seem to notice, although he had long known that this was a difficult prognostic sign. The state of mind of Pluzhnikov became more and more critical. Other brain movements have become completely impossible. Aggression appeared, gradually dissatisfaction with the Church and the hierarchy grew. His books and articles became completely meaningless, careless, superficial and empty. Apparently, former father Alexei never had an Orthodox dispensation, he came to Church to play, to amuse his beloved, and when he received a couple of small teeth from life, he was immediately blown away and hysterical, they say, they underestimated, they deceived, they say, all the bastards among the church ... The result, as always, is the path of Judas: the expectation of goods in monetary terms, a worthy place with the ruler, a murmur against the hierarchy (they did not give anything) and the Church, the rejection of Christ. How commonplace, simple and predictable, typical. Boring.

And the accompanying (quotes from the interview at the link):
"I was ordained in 2003, served in Volgograd, left the priest of my own free will in 2015 for personal reasons. Since I left my family and parish, I was automatically banned from ministry. I applied for the removal of the dignity, but further I don’t know the fate of this petition - perhaps, I am still banned. " (from)
“I left my family and parish” does not embarrass the person, which only testifies to the fact that his conscience is sleeping like a dead sleep. He doesn't even understand what he is talking about. Isn't this a tragedy? Or is it such a PR move? Is it now accepted that I have completely fallen out of reality?

And here the fruits of Judah arrived:
"Now I am not a parishioner, I do not participate in the sacraments, although I occasionally go to church. I have not lost my faith, but the relationship with God is now our personal affair with Him." (from)
Empty - "I have not lost my faith." Demons also believe and tremble, but you cannot even tremble, you are neither afraid of God, nor are you ashamed of people. ”What kind of faith is there?
You betrayed, destroyed everything - abandoned your family, abandoned your child, your wife, God-given, betrayed your flock, the Church, Christ! Judas.
You continue to destroy and betray, created the godless demonic site "Achilles", trample on the Church, confuse human souls, rise up against the Savior. Do you think there will be no reward for you? You are mistaken - the Lord cannot be mocked. There will be your reward, and very soon.

"left the priests of his own accord" (c)
Laughing, you are our independent.

ps Who can, pray for the lost Alexei. I dare not.

Znak Evgeny Senshin Why, along with the growth of the ROC's influence, are believers leaving it? Interview July 28 - another celebration of the baptism of Rus. More than thirty years have passed since the millennium of this event was celebrated in the USSR on a large scale. At that time, it seemed to many that Russia was returning to its origins, and along with the revival of Orthodoxy, life would improve in other spheres. However, today the Church has become more of a troublemaker and supplier.

Alexey Pluzhnikov
In recent days, there have been hundreds of re-posts on Facebook from the page of Alexandra Kuznetsova, where photographs from the Solovetsky Monastery from the exhibition "The Spiritual Shield of the Fatherland" have been published (see some photos here, the rest on the above link): Most of the comments from the liberal public, of course, are on the verge of obscene many people remember a fluffy northern animal named "arctic fox". But we must take into account that there is nothing surprising and new in this

Of course, this is not a confession and it is not clear whether it is a priest - but the speech is on behalf of a priest who has renounced faith in God, but continues to serve as a priest, hiding his true views, because he has no other profession. And, of course, the text raises serious doubts. The ministry of a priest, who constantly moves in a certain linguistic environment, imposes an inevitable stamp on the very manner of speaking - and the manner of the "anonymous priest" does not look ecclesiastical. Psychologically, it must be very difficult - and hardly possible - to imitate the ministry of a priest without having faith and experiencing nothing but an acute hatred and contempt for parishioners and colleagues.

Whether the personality of the lyrical hero of the story is real is unclear. But this hero informs about himself that he constantly lies to everyone around him - parishioners, fellow priests, the bishop, the God in whom he no longer believes. Moreover, he is lying not for some ideological reason - as a scout behind enemy lines - but in order not to lose a rather modest income.

This, of course, greatly undermines the credibility of his words. Why would a person who deeply despise and deceive his surroundings suddenly be respectful and honest with the readers of his work? He directly says "I have never said that my position is honest and decent." Of course, people who are thirsty for incriminating evidence against the Church will believe anyone who delivers the desired incriminating evidence. But here the lyrical hero of "confession" does not even try to pretend to be someone honest and trustworthy.

While it is not entirely clear whether we are dealing with a living person or a literary character, we can think about what they want to tell us, what role model to put in front of us.

What is this sample? We often see (including on the same resource) constant reproaches to the Church that she does not follow Christ. Well, behind these reproaches, it is natural to expect that we will be shown an example of following, of genuine Christianity, free from church shackles. A cheerful, joyful true Christian who broke with the suffocating veils of the Church and found a pure gospel faith. There would be nothing new in this - criticism of the Church on behalf of the Gospel, attempts at reformation and the creation of "clean" communities is a well-known thing. It is also well known that any "clean" and "regenerated" communities in the end turn out to be composed of the same weak, sinful and infirm people. But sincere faith in Christ and sincere enthusiasm may well be there.

But what we are being offered is not the Reformation. Not an enthusiastic (albeit erroneous) movement for "genuine" and "pure" faith. We are offered - simply and crudely - a denial of Christ.

As the hero of the narrative quite openly declares, "What you call religious faith, I did not lose. I deliberately gave up on it, as people refuse to use heroin. Because your faith is something that prevents a person from thinking realistically and critically, then, which makes him bow his head in front of phantoms and not see really existing things and problems "

Well, this is not the first time I have seen such a development of the process - at first people exhort you to follow them, declaring that the Church does not fulfill the covenants of Christ, does not live according to the Gospel - only to sarcastically ridicule faith in Christ as such at the next turn. They are not trying to take you out of the Church into some other community where the name of Christ would be called upon. The author of the text (whoever he is) is not satisfied with the "ROC". He is not satisfied with Christ and it is to renounce Him that he is trying to persuade.

And what are we being offered to buy at the price of such renunciation?

In Gothic novels, dark warlocks sell their souls to the unclean for some really bright bait - he invites them to renounce Christ, promising power, secret knowledge, love of inaccessible beauties, some unknown pleasures. What do they offer us? Endless bitterness, despondency and anger.

The only thing the lyrical hero is trying to seduce is hatred and contempt. However, this also affects someone.

Although we do not know the author of "Confessions of the Former" and the "Answer to the Disgusting Father" that followed, the creator of the site is known. This is the former priest Alexey Pluzhnikov. He left the priestly ministry, abandoned his wife and child, and entered into a second marriage.

Well, none of us is guaranteed against a hard fall. As Blessed Augustine said, "if you had not saved me, I would have done all my sins." It's not our business to judge a person; only God can judge. We constantly ask "not for your enemy to tell the secret, nor kiss you, like Judas" - realizing that we are quite capable of this, and we need the special grace of God to avoid this. As the Apostle says, “Therefore, whoever thinks that he is standing, beware lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10:12) We should not look at this with anger - we all walk on the edge. We must look at this with horror.

But we can - and should - have some prudence. If a person has fallen into financial dishonesty, for example, we should forgive him and feel sorry for him - but be careful in further relationships with him. If a person (as happened recently with one deputy) was accused of fraud, and then retired abroad and became a bold denouncer of the regime, it is not our business to judge him - but our business, assessing his accusations, to take into account his personal situation. If it is known for what reason Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich, this helps us to better understand the development of the plot and the content of the characters' speeches.

If a person came into conflict with the Church on the basis of his violation of marriage vows and priestly oaths, then this places his struggle with the Church in a certain context.

But there is also a broader context that affects many people, a political context. Surprisingly, the many denouncers of the Church overlap (if not overlap) with many people of certain political preferences. This is a rather strange phenomenon - if the Church annoyed people with her sins, we would observe a more even distribution along the political spectrum. But we can safely bet that a person who attacks the Church will, as a rule, also be a revolutionary in relation to the state, a tyrant and denouncer of the regime. Not 100% of the time - but at least 80%.

People are free to have those political views that they find consistent with the common good - but when we have a high degree of coincidence between a revolutionary political position and denunciations in relation to the Church, then the conclusion suggests itself. It is the political position that is primary, and moral reproaches are part of political propaganda. However, the most frequent reproach to the Church is that it supports the government, that is, it is of a political nature.

Politically, the Church can generate hostility for a variety of reasons. As a force, undoubtedly counter-revolutionary. As the core of Russian civilizational identity. Christianity in any form can greatly irritate some influential political forces in the world - because it advocates marriage and children, while they advocate homosexuality and abortion.

The fight against the influence of the Church in the world is supported and generously paid - I do not know if this is the case for the site in question, but in general it is.

In our country, for example, "Open Russia" by M. B. Khodorkovsky. As it is easy to understand, his goals are not spiritual and moral, but completely political.

To think that the waves of media attacks on the Church are something spontaneous, caused by the moral or even religious feelings of caring citizens, is as naive as thinking that the Maidan originated from the fact that a caring citizen Mustafa Nayem wrote his famous post on Facebook.

There is also an even broader, spiritual context. To recognize it, one must be a Christian and take the testimony of Scripture and Tradition seriously. There is a spiritual world, there is an enemy of our salvation, whose purpose is to induce us to sin, and, ideally, to apostasy. There is a choice between loyalty and betrayal - which has eternal consequences. When you read the Gospel, it is difficult to get away from the rather harsh and frightening things that the Lord says: "So everyone who confesses Me before people, I will also confess before My Father in Heaven; and whoever denies Me before people, I will also deny him before My Father in Heaven "(Matthew 10: 32,33)

Those who urge you to renounce seek to inflict on you the worst harm that can be done to a person; something much worse than ruin, injury or death. Something so unacceptable that Christian martyrs willingly endured torture and death, just not to renounce. In the final - and eternal - ultimately, it only matters whether you retained your faith in Christ or not. When you are dealing with a resource specially created to seduce these little ones, you should be aware of who and for what purpose acts through these unfortunate, seduced and ruined people. And such a test as swearing on the net is still very far from martyrdom. This is just a great opportunity to show faithfulness to the Lord and His Church.

But aren't there flaws in the Church? The church is made up of people, and there can be both obvious sinners and deep-rooted systemic problems. All of this may need conviction and correction. But this has nothing to do - not at all - to the current anti-church campaign.

It is a political campaign carried out by politicians for political purposes. These are not at all those people who would like to fix something in the Church. These are the people who need the Church not to exist. People who are hindered by the Church because of its very identity.

And - what is more important - on a spiritual level, the father of lies and the murderer from the beginning has perfectly clear intentions to tear you away from Christ and His Church.

And here naivety is not at all a virtue. Prudence and spiritual vigilance are virtues.

Father Alexy Pluzhnikov committed his intellectual terrorist attack

Father Alexy Pluzhnikov: "I want to become a victim of a terrorist attack ... A couple more terrorist attacks - and the Kingdom of God will shine in Holy Russia."

We must put the question openly: we have a name and an understanding who owns this resource - Mr. Durov. It is necessary to demand the initiation of a criminal case. This is extremism in its purest form and vandalism at the same time.- said Markelov during a plenary session in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Wednesday.

He noted that one of the VKontakte communities posted a post with a photograph of the terrorist attack in Volgograd, which was accompanied by a request to put "likes" under the post - in this way the post is distributed on social networks. According to Markelov, the post received more than 50 thousand "likes".

The city of Volgograd was shaken by a terrible terrorist attack- reminded the parliamentarian. - Without saying a word, people went to donor centers and donated blood.

At this moment, a poster appears on the notorious Vkontakte resource- Markelov continued, showing his colleagues the printout. On it, according to him, an obviously offensive, even blasphemous attitude to what happened in Volgograd is captured, and there is also an obscene signature.

Meanwhile, the press secretary of VKontakte, Georgy Lobushkin, on the air of the radio station Echo of Moscow, expressed doubt that the publication about the terrorist act in Volgograd, which United Russia member Mikhail Markelov considered extremist, is such, POLIT.ru reports.

According to him, if the content that raised questions from the deputy has not yet been removed from the site, then most likely it does not violate Russian laws. Lobushkin stressed that all illegal materials are promptly removed from the site, while the social network employees consult with lawyers.