Online teaching of German for beginners. Learn German from scratch on your own. Practical German in a short time: learning online

To broaden your horizons, you need to learn foreign languages. They will help you better understand a foreign culture, touch the great works of the classics of world literature in the original, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. When choosing a language, you need to be based on your preferences.

People interested in Germany ask the question: is it possible to learn German on their own? Those who have achieved success in this important task confidently say yes. You just need to try a little and spend some of your free time.

What is needed for this?

For a positive result, you need to have motivation and set a deadline for achieving the goal. It is equally important to organize the learning process in an interesting way, otherwise the desire to master a rather complex language can quickly evaporate. Determine why you want to start practicing. Perhaps you are going to travel to Germany, work in a German company, or communicate with native speakers. There can be many reasons. After all, Germany is the leading country of the European Union, and its language is very widespread and popular.

To learn German from scratch on your own, it is important to choose the right teaching material.

  • A good option is audio lessons. It’s convenient to listen to them on public transport, making good use of the time needed on the road and during your lunch break.
  • Along with an audio course, it is often necessary to use diagrams, special cards, textbooks or other didactic material to help you quickly master knowledge.
  • Along with audio lessons, it is useful to study the German language tutorial. Try using “German for Beginners”, compiled by V. Bukharova and T. Kessler. With its help, you will quickly remember basic phrases.
  • Be sure to purchase a comprehensive German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary. Set a goal for yourself to memorize 10 new words every day, and you will not notice how your vocabulary will be enriched.
  • Visual information is perceived more quickly by many people. Therefore, to learn the language and improve pronunciation, video lessons are needed.

If you can’t remember articles and irregular verbs at home without outside help, sign up for courses and study as part of a group. There you will receive regular tasks to complete on your own, communicate with like-minded people and, perhaps, achieve success faster.

Alphabet and umlaut

You need to start studying from the beginning. The first step for a language learner is to understand the alphabet. For those who attended English classes at school, this will not be difficult. The languages ​​belong to the general group - Germanic, and their alphabet is of Latin origin.

  • If you set yourself a serious goal, you can master a language quickly. In it, words are written in the same way as they are pronounced, you just need to know the consonant and vowel sound combinations well and remember when an umlaut is placed above the letters Ä ä, Ö ö and Ü ü - two dots on top.
  • You need to figure this out and learn how to pronounce the umlaut at the very beginning, otherwise your speech will be difficult to understand correctly.
  • Most often, two dots appear in words used in the plural, but sometimes they change phrases completely. It is convenient to learn how to pronounce them by listening to educational audio or video material.

Some people mistakenly compare umlaut with a feature of the Russian alphabet - the letter E. In fact, there is absolutely nothing similar between them. These points have different meanings.

Start of classes

The main difficulty in the German language is articles. With their help, the gender of nouns is determined. German grammar differs from Russian, so at first students have to memorize nouns along with articles in order to speak correctly.

If you don’t give up on learning, articles will gradually cease to be a problem, and language acquisition will begin much faster.

Learn new words systematically. These should be not only nouns, but also other parts of speech. To successfully memorize prepositions and verbs, it is advisable to find educational poems or songs. In this form, they are stored in memory faster.

Remember learning a foreign language at school. At first, children learned to describe pictures, memorized basic expressions, names of days of the week, months, and kitchen utensils. Don't neglect this moment. Simple words are essential for communication.

A little later, it is important to understand how Germans construct sentences. They do it differently than the Russians, so it’s difficult for beginning students to understand.

  • The Russian language has its own rules, and it is easy to arrange words in a sentence in a wide variety of orders. In German this is strictly prohibited. There, each word has its place, and their order is strictly fixed.
  • To understand, you need to learn conjunctions and remember that in German grammar the subject always comes first, and the predicate comes second.
  • In addition, it is important to learn the forms of verbs, which can also be difficult. You need to learn how to manage them, decline them by case, use them in the plural and singular.

If you need to know how to learn German on your own and quickly, after mastering the basics, start watching films released in Germany. It is useful to include a film that you have seen many times in Russian dubbing, so you are well familiar with the plot and dialogues of the main characters. A simple way of studying will bring a lot of impressions and significantly increase your vocabulary.

Search the Internet for the series in German “Extra Deutsch”. It is designed specifically for learning. The characters in the film pronounce phrases slowly and clearly, so you can calmly repeat the expressions after them. Each episode comes with German subtitles so you can learn the pronunciation and spelling of the words at the same time.

What to do next?

To quickly learn a language, it is useful to use it in different areas of life. Find a German news site on the Internet and read the notes published there every day. Right away you will need a dictionary and a lot of time for this, but gradually you will notice that you instantly understand what is written.

Read a fiction book in German. It is advisable to choose a familiar work, then you will have to look less into the dictionary, because you will understand some words intuitively.

Change the language in your mobile phone settings and try to figure out the controls.

It is useful to study information about the origin of a language. This is an interesting topic that is intertwined with the history of countries such as Sweden and Denmark.

The final stage

When learning a language at home brings positive results, think about communicating with the residents of Germany. Thanks to modern technologies, this is easy to do without leaving your apartment.

  • Communities of like-minded people dedicated to the study of German culture, history and language have been specially created on popular social networks. There it is easy to find friends who are fluent in the foreign language you need, enter into correspondence with them and subsequently start communicating via Skype.
  • This practice is incredibly useful because mastering spoken language is the most important step in learning any language. It will help you perceive words by ear, recognize slang expressions and abbreviations.

At first, certain difficulties may arise. To reduce them to a minimum, arm yourself with the necessary notes during a conversation, open a phrase book and be sure to turn on the online translator on your computer. It will help you translate unfamiliar phrases of your interlocutor. By talking regularly, you will no longer need helpers and will understand everything on your own.

According to the observations of people who are interested in how long it takes to learn spoken German, it takes about 2 months. During this period, a huge vocabulary is developed and an understanding of how to correctly construct sentences comes.

To learn German from scratch, it is important to immerse yourself in the language environment, read more, listen to songs, and study the culture of Germany. If possible, it is advisable to visit this country, admire the beautiful castles, museums, nature and communicate with people. Having set a goal for yourself, feel free to do everything to achieve it. Of course, at first it will be difficult, but gradually you will get involved and the process will become easier. The main condition for success is regular study, perseverance, and then you will quickly be able to speak German and understand native speakers of this beautiful language.

Have you decided to start learning German, but for some reason do not want to visit a tutor? This is not a problem at all! You can completely take on this on your own and achieve really good results.

Where to start learning German

Mastering any business begins with interest in it. It doesn't matter what is the basis of your interest in the German language. Perhaps you want to improve your professional skills, dream of traveling to Germany, or have simply found a new hobby - all these are sufficient reasons to start studying. If you have a real desire to study German, learn new things, and achieve a different level, then you will succeed!

Of course, there are some conditions, and one of them is regularity of classes. Try to set aside at least an hour every day to master the material. In order for new learned words to gradually move from passive to active, the language must be practiced regularly.

How difficult is it to learn German?

This language belongs to the Germanic group of Indo-European languages. Note that this group also includes Swedish, English and others. In general, more than 170 million people speak German in the world. Approximately 95 million people speak this language as their native language.

There is an assumption that German is difficult to learn, but in fact this is just a myth. The only thing that is difficult in this matter is the grammar: tenses, regular and irregular verbs that are conjugated differently, the definite and indefinite article, etc. And yet, in order to communicate with a German, you do not necessarily need to know all the nuances of grammar. Surely, not all native speakers of the Russian language know every rule of its spelling and grammar.

As a rule, those who want to learn the German language are faced with the notorious frame construction, in which a negation, a verb, or the second part of a compound predicate ends up at the end of a sentence and can change the entire meaning of the phrase. In fact, this construction is often used in Russian, but we are not always aware of it.

In general, German and Russian have many similarities - both in the logic of constructing phrases and in vocabulary. There are many phraseological expressions that exist in almost identical form in both of these languages. That is why many phrases can be translated almost literally, and without fear that you will remain misunderstood.

By the way, English is much more difficult to learn! Often, translating from it turns into serious creative pains, because the syntactic structure of phrases in English and Russian does not coincide at all.

Meanwhile, you can trace the structure of the sentence quite clearly, because German words, unlike, for example, English ones, are less ambiguous. We can also say that learning German is much easier than Spanish or Chinese - we are talking not only about pronunciation, but also about reading rules.

Learn German from scratch on your own

Master the alphabet and the basics of hour shapes

Before you start learning the German language, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its alphabet - it includes 26 letters and is based on the Greco-Roman alphabet. Also, do not forget that there are umlauts - specific German letters that are not in the standard Latin alphabet: ä, ö, ü, ß.

It is also important to note that tense forms in German make it possible to determine at what time any of the mentioned actions occurs. There are six tense forms of the verb: Präteritum, Pefekt, Plusquamperfekt, Präsens, Futurum I, Futurum II.

Special training courses

If you are not sure that you can master a foreign language on your own, then it is certainly worth enrolling in special courses. If you work during the day or are busy with some other activities, then it is quite possible to find groups in which classes take place in the evenings. Individual training with a tutor is also possible, which will take place at a time convenient for you.

Download free audio or video lessons

It is possible that you do not have the desire or opportunity to learn the language in special groups or personally with a teacher. In this case, it is worth paying attention to various video tutorials, which are easy to find in abundance on the Internet. Also, don’t ignore audio lessons, which can be even more convenient, because you can listen to them through headphones, for example, on the road or while doing some household chores.

Chat online with Germans on the Internet

You will begin to pay more attention to all the intricacies of the German language if you start communicating online with native speakers. There are various forums, social networks, dating sites that will help you find many interlocutors from Germany.

Watch films in a foreign language and translate words

Once you start learning German, it will be very important for you to learn how to identify foreign words by ear and translate them on the go. Various films shot in Germany can help you with this. When you hear an unfamiliar word, pause and try to find its meaning. Over time, such words will come across less and less! Of course, the perception of phrases and their correct pronunciation are not always at the same level, but if you begin to at least fully understand German speech, then we can say that you have very little time left until you fully master it.

Online learning sites

You can find many sites on the Internet that will help you with your learning.

Here are some examples of such resources

  • German info. This is a multilingual site that will help you learn German. Here you will find everything you need to master a new path. We are talking about different courses, grammar rules, videos and texts. In addition, the site contains a lot of useful information about life in Germany.
  • Study German. Here you will find a wonderful selection of online lessons, a phrase book, and a grammar reference. In addition, you will have access to various texts, jokes and tongue twisters in German.
  • Deutscher Club. The site will appeal to lovers of Germanic culture and those who want to study their speech. A lot of materials are presented for people who have just begun to master the language, as well as for those who are improving it. There are also unique sections with extraordinary phrases in German.
  • Deutsche Welt. With the help of this portal you will not only learn German, but also gain more motivation! In addition, the site offers interesting educational materials and texts.
  • Start Deutsch. The resource contains many games, lessons, videos and other things. Helps enrich vocabulary and learn grammar. Also on the site you can watch TV series in German, as well as with Russian subtitles.
  • Lingvister. If you still cannot master the material on your own, then you can use the help of highly qualified specialists without leaving the walls of your home. Representatives of the speech school will conduct lessons with you online or via Skype.

How long does it really take to learn a foreign language from scratch, studying for an hour a day?

Of course, each teacher has his own pace of receiving information - some get it faster, while others may spend a little more of their time on it. In general, this can take several months or two years - it depends on how intensive the chosen course is and how many hours a day you are willing to spend on it.

Nowadays, in accordance with international standards, training includes six levels - A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2. It is believed that 96 academic hours are required to master each level. This is an average number. You can complete the levels faster, but this requires adjusting the training program.

The first lessons will lay the foundation of your future knowledge - the basics of grammar.

Learning Germanic by reading texts and studying poetry

If you are trying to learn a foreign language, then poems and texts will help you with this. Study quatrains and more complex rhyming works in German, read stories, and so on.

When starting to learn a foreign language, many beginners often ask themselves the question: “How many new words do you need to know in order to understand what a native speaker is saying and be able to communicate with him yourself? It all depends on what you are guided by when taking up the German language. If you need it in order to simply explain your wishes during a tour of Germany, then 500-600 correctly chosen words will be enough for you. If your goals are more ambitious, then the work ahead will be more painstaking.

Be that as it may, you shouldn’t chase too much vocabulary at first - you simply won’t be able to master such a layer of information. In this case, it is better to learn less, but it is better so that when you hear a word, you immediately understand what it is about, and do not think about where you could hear it. The same should happen in the use of these words, their application in one’s own speech.

Once you start reading texts in German, write down unknown words with translations. Subsequently, these words must be learned and learned to be used in sentences. Undoubtedly, this way you will significantly expand your vocabulary.

By following these basic tips, you will achieve a significant breakthrough in your task!

Regularity of classes

Start spending at least one hour a day studying. It is impossible not to note the importance of regular exercise. Discipline is a determining factor that can resist any excuses on the way to achieving a goal. Of course, you must understand that it is very difficult to achieve success by looking at the textbook only once every few days. Already after a day, the brain begins to gradually forget what and in what order it was studied last time, so if you do not study regularly, you will spend a lot of time simply repeating the stage you have already completed.

Move from simple to complex

There is no need to immediately try to memorize as many words as possible, or try to thoroughly understand all the prepositions and tenses. Assimilation of the material should occur gradually, in small steps. Increase the load little by little, gradually taking on more difficult levels.

Working with a dictionary

Once you start learning the German language, you will conclude that you cannot do this without a dictionary. There are many services on the Internet that make it possible to translate any word from one language to another for free, and this chance should not be neglected. When you are at higher stages of learning, it is advisable to use more monolingual dictionaries, and not try to translate every word into your native speech and stop there - try to explain unfamiliar words using synonyms, phrases, antonyms. Thus, the words will be better recorded in memory.

Combination of words

Try not to memorize words individually. Some do this in random order, others in an alphabetical list, but a completely different technique is most effective. Remember words in context - the way they are used in speech. Try to apply each new word in several sentences at once - this significantly increases the likelihood that you will remember it perfectly.

Don't forget about grammar

Even if this seems boring and difficult to you, you probably realize that without studying and understanding grammar it is impossible to freely compose correct sentences in any language! Of course, you can try to memorize phrases, but this does not change the fact that grammar is necessary to understand what you plan to say. You shouldn’t be afraid of grammatical errors in a sentence, because even indigenous people express themselves with errors. Sooner or later, a stage comes when, without grammatical knowledge, subsequent progress in learning will be simply impossible. Often grammatical inaccuracies interfere with understanding. If you do not have the skills to correctly use verbs and articles in the required form, this will turn out to be a serious obstacle in communication and your interlocutors will simply get tired of speculating about what exactly you mean.

Combination of techniques

Be attentive to different aspects of speech: it is important not only to listen to the text, but also to remember its content, and also not only to read, but also to speak correctly. There is no single universal method that will be ideal for any student. We are talking about a very individual process - the speed of learning depends on the age of the student, communication abilities in their language, hard work and other things. Once you decide on your own method that best suits you, you will achieve success. Perhaps watching films in the original or reading books in German will suit you. You can also communicate with foreigners on the Internet.

"Deep dive"

There is a fairly effective “deep immersion” technique - surround yourself with German! How does this apply in practice? You can paste up pieces of paper in your apartment with the names of certain objects in the language you are learning - the label can be hung on a drawer, bed, table, TV, lamp, and so on. It would also be a good idea to hang tables of irregular verbs in a visible place. For example, there might be three forms of verbs hanging by your bed, adverbs and prepositions by the dining table, and a table of articles in the bathroom. Periodically change the pieces of paper for others - otherwise, over time, you will simply stop noticing them. You can also translate your social network page into German, periodically turn on audiobooks, or listen to some German radio station. Start simple - choose materials for beginners.


Without regular practice, words will be quickly forgotten. Write messages more often, communicate on the Internet, browse German forums - this is a great way to learn new expressions. For example, if you plan to learn several irregular verbs in a day, try to come up with a coherent sentence story that will contain these words.

Don't lose interest

It is unlikely that you will give up learning the language if you maintain an interest in it, get acquainted with the culture of the country, the latest news, and study the biographies of famous personalities. Plan trips to German cities, hang motivational posters in your room, and so on.

Repeat what you've learned

Repetition in learning German, like other languages, is very important. Periodically return to the material you have covered, especially if there are pauses in your training. Try from time to time to review the rules you have already mastered and do exercises for them.

An effective method for learning German from scratch for beginners

When starting to learn German, you need to ask yourself why you decided to do it. A clearly formed answer will be your goal and motivation. It is important to clearly formulate this task and decide how long you plan to achieve the goal - these deadlines must be realistic.

Don't forget to make a training plan and also determine how long you will spend on it. Don’t set yourself a super task - periodically you should rest, gain strength, so that your interest in the language does not fade away and classes are not a burden.

Also, be sure to encourage yourself by going through new stages in your training - this will maintain your motivation. Periodically make notes about your achievements to monitor your own progress and be inspired to new achievements.


Some beginning students wonder: “Will memorizing a large number of words help in learning a language?” Often this information is of interest to people who hope to expand their vocabulary in a short period of time. This can only be done using mnemonics. And yet it is worth recognizing that there is not much benefit from this.

What is mnemonics? We are talking about the process of regularly repeating memorized phrases and words. In order for words to remain in the subcortex of consciousness for a long period of time, they require regular repetition. For example, if you learn 50 new words a day, then by the end of the week you will need to repeat as many as 350. As a result, the result will most likely not be achieved.

In addition, you may not need words memorized using mnemonics in everyday life. It is advisable to choose a different method that will have a more significant effect. For example, as we have already mentioned, it is better to learn words using various cards.

25th frame

Some students show interest in the “25th frame” method of memorizing words. You will be able to remember all the words learned in this way only by plunging into a trance, because the process is not carried out in active memory, and the student does not have a clear awareness of what he has remembered. Conclusion: it is better to discard this technique.

How not to forget what you have learned

If you want the acquired knowledge to remain in your memory, you should practice regularly. The German language should, one way or another, be present in your life. There are many methods by which you can learn German on your own and improve your level.

Perhaps the best way is to read newspapers and books in the original language. Naturally, at first you should give preference to light literature, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Note that good results can be achieved by listening to audiobooks that have not only text appearing on the screen, but also voice accompaniment. With the help of such books, you can not only perceive the text, but also remember the spelling and pronunciation of individual words. In addition, do not forget about watching films with Russian subtitles.

German is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. It ranks third among the top ten most used languages. Every year, German-speaking countries become tourist destinations, and if you look at language learning from a business point of view, it is enough to remember that partners from Germany are considered one of the most respected and promising.

Get Germanized

Creative, fun and unusual about Germany, the German language and local customs. The author of the channel is an ambitious and positive presenter, ready to help his visitors learn more about their beloved country.

On the channel you can find many interesting videos that examine national traditions, cultural characteristics of Germany and the life of the local population. The videos are made with attention to the topic and mild humor, which makes the learning process easier.

The channel will be useful to those who have a good command of English. At the same time, the page is updated frequently: new issues appear three times a week.

Lessons with Irina SHI

According to the author of the channel, you can learn another language quickly, and all that is required is the “holy trinity”: desire, training and a little patience. An experienced teacher will tell you about the features of the language, help you overcome the language barrier, and not only teach you to understand speech, but also to speak German. On Irina Shi’s channel you can find many capacious, useful video lessons that talk about various areas of the German language, with an emphasis on grammar: tenses, conjunctions, cases, prepositions, declensions, pronouns.

German lessons with Elena Shipilova

On the channel you can find a basic German course, consisting of only 7 lessons. Elena will tell you how to behave in various everyday situations, introduce you to the basic rules of pronunciation and composing sentences. The author of the channel claims that the series of lessons will be useful to those who “need to speak German, and not learn it.”

In addition to materials on learning German, on the channel you can find the same concise and succinct lessons on other languages, as well as tips on how to memorize words, learn phrases and many other useful educational materials.

German lessons with Sonya

Positive German teacher and Viennese resident Sonya, with a delightful accent, talks about German in Russian. It will teach you the basics of grammar, help you expand your vocabulary, and also introduce everyone to the main attractions and interesting corners of Vienna. Thus, with Sonya you will not only have fun, but also expand your knowledge of German. Classes are designed for entry-level users.

German in 16 hours

Professional polyglot and translator Dmitry Petrov offers a unique technique that will help you master general communication skills in German as quickly as possible - in 16 lessons. All classes take place in parallel with students in the studio, which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the classes.

In addition to German lessons, on Dmitry’s channel you can also find materials for learning other languages, which he offers to learn using the same method: English, French, Spanish, Hindi and Chinese. You can also find tips for learning languages ​​faster. This technique receives positive reviews. All videos necessary for training are available for free.

Lessons with Oksana Vasilyeva

On the channel you can find lessons for beginners to learn German. Its author Oksana Vasilyeva will informatively and concisely talk about the grammar and rules of the language. The narration is conducted in Russian. Oksana will teach you how to learn the language using any German language tutorial. You will get explanations of grammatical basics, rules for establishing word order in a sentence, verb conjugation and other important things. Channel users will also be able to travel around Berlin and feel the atmosphere of the capital.

In addition, in her videos, Oksana gives advice on how to improve memory, overcome the fear of speaking a foreign language, and also help your own children learn the language.

German from Germany

The author of the channel is a professional teacher and native speaker of German. Charismatic and friendly Julia Schneider with her wonderful accent will teach everyone new words and help them master the grammatical rules of the German language, as well as introduce them to the customs and customs of Germany.

Deutsch für Euch

A cheerful red-haired presenter in a red cap will talk about German in English. The channel was created for those who are tired of standard textbooks with monotonous exercises and want lively explanations and an extraordinary teacher. Here they will help you learn and remember the most difficult material. True, it will be understandable and useful only to those who speak English.

The author of the channel focuses on learning German grammar. A huge number of videos are available for free access, covering many of the points necessary for learning the language.


This channel contains a lot of materials on preparing for exams and directly exam videos for testing various levels of knowledge of the German language. You can also find exercises and interesting reports about the country. It is important that the lessons are taught by native speakers, which will help not only to learn grammar, but also to develop your own correct pronunciation, based on the lessons.

In addition, on the channel you can find a section with audiobooks, which will help in training the skill of understanding German speech by ear. The materials will be useful to those who already speak German and want to consolidate their knowledge.

Learning the German language is an order of magnitude complex process. To study it, in principle, without any help - experts are clearly sure - will not be easy, but if you try, it is possible. To facilitate this hobby, video sources of information will be invaluable. The collection of techniques is equipped with basic logical lessons, a clear example of its final result, which is essentially an ideal method, especially for beginners. Mainly you need to know the correct interaction of the language itself, with the same language group, individual general subtleties, a common alphabet and the similarity of sound reproductions.

German for beginners

What this training pursues is the acquisition of the latest knowledge and step-by-step implementation of instructions. Taking into account exactly all the given conventions and instructions, rest assured that no time will be lost, and the language itself will be easy to learn at a fast pace. German for beginners for free - one of the easy ways for those who are seriously aimed at learning a well-known foreign language.