Love horoscope for New Year's Eve. Astro forecast for New Year's Eve. Where to celebrate the New Year

There is very little time left until the night that we, without exaggeration, are waiting for the whole year. The smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, the rustling of gift wrappers, splashes of champagne, the chiming clock - all this awaits us on New Year's Eve 2017. And what it should be like - the stars will tell.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for Gemini

Gemini should stay at home with their family this year, otherwise unpleasant surprises may await you. If you still decide to celebrate the holiday in some institution, then carefully look after your things - you risk being left without a wallet or phone. In general, any exit from the house on New Year's Eve is unfavorable for Gemini.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for Taurus

Taurus stars are advised to celebrate the New Year 2017 in the company of friends. And certainly not at home, but somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. In this case, you will have maximum fun and a night that you will remember for a very long time. Free Taurus will get acquainted with a person with whom a romantic relationship will begin. It is possible that you will have intimacy with a stranger whom you will meet on New Year's Eve. Taurus, who are in a relationship, expect a pleasant surprise from the second half.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for ARIES

Aries this year will have a lot of suggestions where and with whom to spend the New Year. You will be a welcome guest at any party. The stars are advised to give preference to noisy and cheerful company and not to stay at home. If you still exchange a disco for gatherings with your family, you will most likely regret it - you will be bored.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for LIBRA

Libra this New Year's Eve expects news from the past. Perhaps a former lover or lover will call you, congratulate you on the holiday and offer to meet. This meeting can take place on the night of December 31 to January 1. Libra, who are in a relationship, expects a calm, cozy night with the family. Those celebrating out will be a little disappointed as they didn't get the fun they expected.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for SCORPIO

Scorpios will be the masters of New Year's Eve this year. Wherever you celebrate the holiday, there will always be passion, gossip and intrigue around you. Lonely Scorpios have every chance to meet their other half on a festive night. This will be a person from a sphere completely alien and unknown to you, perhaps much older. Family Scorpions will receive a gift from the second half, it will be something very expensive and long-awaited.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for CANCER

Cancers this year will be a little upset due to the lack of interesting proposals for the New Year. The stars advise you to take the furrows of government into your own hands and organize a party on your own, inviting friends. At the same time, it is not necessary to celebrate at home, you can rush to another city or go to a water park - your friends will support any of your ideas. It is also possible that a few days before the New Year you yourself will receive an interesting offer from a person with whom you do not communicate very closely.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for AQUARIUS

Aquarius will receive an interesting offer to celebrate the New Year. Do not hesitate and immediately agree. Whatever it is, you will have a great time in the company of old and new friends. Family Aquarius this night will have pleasant acquaintances, which in the future will develop into friendly relations and even friendship. You should not count on gifts from loved ones this year, at most some souvenirs and trinkets await you.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for VIRGO

Virgo stars are advised to focus on gifts for loved ones and organizing a holiday at home. This year, many of your friends will want to celebrate New Year's Eve with you, so be prepared to provide them with everything they need, including food and entertainment. Despite the fact that you will spend a lot of energy and effort, in general, you will be satisfied with the holiday.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for CAPRICORN

The stars recommend that Capricorns, who are in despair, fly away to celebrate the New Year in warmer climes. Don't be afraid to travel alone, you will meet interesting people with whom you will have a great time. Also, Capricorns this year may find themselves in the company of old acquaintances with whom they used to be at odds. New Year's Eve can be the beginning of the restoration of friendly relations.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius this New Year's Eve will receive maximum attention from the opposite sex. Your energy will attract you like a magnet. Fateful acquaintances are possible. Those who celebrate the holiday at home will unexpectedly have a great time in a warm friendly atmosphere and receive good gifts.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for LIONS

Leo stars this year are advised to visit their parents or relatives. New Year's Eve is best spent with family. If you decide to celebrate the holiday outside the home, you can have a big fight with your friends. On New Year's Eve, pleasant news or a gift from a loved one awaits you. In return, he will demand your maximum attention.

New Year's Eve Horoscope 2018 for PISCES

Despite their self-confidence, Pisces can stay at home alone this year. Going through offers from friends and acquaintances, you run the risk of staying on New Year's Eve with nothing. The stars advise Pisces this year to be the organizers of the party, invite friends and acquaintances to visit, arrange a magnificent feast, and prepare small gifts.

born during:
21.05 - 21.06

The beginning of the sultry period is opened by Gemini. They bring the shortest night of the year closer. This hints to those who like to sleep that June is the time of larks, but not of owls. The rat, the most adaptable of the twelve, the animal, fully agrees with this.

On my feet since four in the morning

In the wild, rats eat up to seven kilograms of food a day to survive. The coming year will be a period of maximum consumption. Poor legs! How many miles will they have to run to satisfy their unbearable appetite?

Good for Gemini! And the night is short and two pairs of legs for two! The favorable position of the sign will allow it to become the leader in the consumption race in 2020. Therefore, whatever their house is, then a full bowl, and whatever happiness, then handfuls.

There is another point that determines the luck of Gemini - this is their natural temperament. They are willing to take on any task! It's safe to say that Gemini is an enterprising workaholic.

The productive activity of this sign falls on periods: from mid-February to the end of April, from June to August, and also in November. Fruitful alliances with Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio. A special appetite among the representatives of the sign is manifested in the company of Scorpions. Starting at a competitive pace, both signs come to the conclusion of cooperation. As a result, the end of 2020 will be a successful start next year.

Thunderstorms do not portend the next three years after the leap, if Gemini subjugates Pisces. A good period for establishing relationships is March. It is characterized by the fact that Pisces cease to be vigilant and easily fall for the bait.

Mutual benefit from the rapprochement of Gemini and Taurus.

Venus-fed scoundrels

Such a path, such a lot for the signs of Air - to always wish to be loved and dream of loving yourself. They are more than others in favor of the purity of relations. When it comes to the degree of diligence in the love sphere, others seem to be careless sloths against their background.

And the Gemini, in addition to all this, are also distinguished by generosity. Their desire to please their couple with a pleasant gift sometimes rolls over.

They see the twins as their desired half of the stepson of fate and build far-reaching "Napoleonic" plans. But it is worth weighing everything well before rushing into the pool of insidious or prudent love. Empty valleys are destined from above. In most cases, whoever was born a "stepson" remains the same until the end of his days. Only a rare case can help change karma. He, like a winning lottery, falls out very rarely. It is worth trying your luck on days with numbers 2 and 0 if they fall within the periods indicated above.

Venus knows that the wise men also lie, assuring that "everything in the world is vanity." Many will be captivated by external beauty. Before her magic, even reason recedes, sending mind, honor and conscience to the background. It is difficult not to succumb to the charms of Venus.

Gemini are maximalists. And this is their weakest and, at the same time, their strongest point. They often lose not one, but two heads at once at the sight of beauty. They are the slaves of Venus.

The horoscope warns: "Dizziness, palpitations are dangerous!". But Gemini has two heads, two hearts. They are not sorry to lose one heart and one head.

The Year of the Rat will certainly take advantage of the love of Gemini and they risk losing something important.

Advice for 2020 - be vigilant!

Career is ok

If there are “seven-point earthquakes” on the love front, then in work the year of the Rat will bring peace and joy to Gemini! Downcast, the arrogant and proud will stand on the sidelines when the planets “drink to brotherhood” for the success of Gemini.

The position of Mars in Gemini in the middle of June and the end of December will be successful. Incredible rewards in the work will open November after the twentieth. The Year of the Rat will take into account all the troubles of the Year of the Pig and radically change the career vector. He does not promise to multiply a hundred times, but he can even impress the Gemini themselves with their own successes. Looking at themselves with “two pairs of eyes”, the Gemini at the end of the leap year will say: “Oh yes, we!”.

Consider the hierarchy of luck for this sign in two thousand and twenty.

When the boss is Leo or Sagittarius, then Gemini will be lucky in the first decade and the last. And when, the top leadership of Sagittarius and Libra, then the second and third. It is comfortable for Gemini if ​​Lions and Libra are in fellow friends. The planetary friendship of these signs intensifies in the second half of the year, when Saturn covers all these signs with its rings.

The warlike hand of Mars, trying to seem like an executioner's hand to many, and brandishing a striking sword in the year of the Rat, will turn out to be a ridiculous twig for Gemini. They will easily pass all the obstacles in the service.

Mars period for the sign: in the first half of April and August, mid-September and late December.

In two thousand and twenty, the signs of the Air will look with excitement at the career path. But the stars promise them success throughout the year, with the exception of minor troubles.

All strength in health

Which is better for Gemini: fruit juice or fruits themselves? It seemed such a banal question and what does health have to do with it? We're talking about the stars!

Ah, no! Physical strength directly depends on food! It turns out that fructose without fiber is harmful. It can even cause diabetes. Thus, a health forecast can be made not only according to the lunar calendar, the intersections of the planetary shelves, but also according to nutrition. Born in June, nature itself is doomed to receive vitamins "straight from the branches or from the beds."

Gemini's temperament affects energy expenditure. If it is impossible to appease him, then it is advisable to find sources of replenishment of energy. In this case, the stars help! In the year of the White Metal Rat, it is possible to restore the calories spent on emotions to air signs using information about positive contacts.

The life of Gemini will give joy to the union with the signs of the air: Aquarius and Libra. Favorable time - meeting with them in their spare time. It can be weekends, holidays, vacations or just an evening. The energy replenished from spiritual closeness will smooth out the “ozone holes” of a person better than any doctor. Spiritual warmth will warm both morally and physically.

All the best to Gemini in the new year of the White Rat!

In contact with


There is very little time left until the night that we, without exaggeration, are waiting for the whole year. The smell of tangerines, the rustle of gift wrappers, splashes of champagne, the chimes - all this awaits us on New Year's Eve 2017. And what it should be like - the stars will tell.


Gemini should stay at home with their family this year, otherwise unpleasant surprises may await you. If you still decide to celebrate the holiday in some institution, then carefully look after your things - you risk being left without a wallet or phone. In general, any exit from the house on New Year's Eve is unfavorable for Gemini.


Taurus stars are advised to celebrate the New Year 2017 in the company of friends. And certainly not at home, but somewhere in a cafe or restaurant. In this case, you will have maximum fun and a night that you will remember for a very long time. Free Taurus will get acquainted with a person with whom a romantic relationship will begin. It is possible that you will have intimacy with a stranger whom you will meet on New Year's Eve. Taurus, who are in a relationship, expect a pleasant surprise from the second half.


Aries this year will have a lot of suggestions where and with whom to spend the New Year. You will be a welcome guest at any party. The stars are advised to give preference to noisy and cheerful company and not to stay at home. If you still exchange a disco for gatherings with your family, you will most likely regret it - you will be bored.


Libra this New Year's Eve expects news from the past. Perhaps a former lover or lover will call you, congratulate you on the holiday and offer to meet. This meeting can take place on the night of December 31 to January 1. Libra, who are in a relationship, expects a calm, cozy night with the family. Those celebrating out will be a little disappointed as they didn't get the fun they expected.


Scorpios will be the masters of New Year's Eve this year. Wherever you celebrate the holiday, there will always be passion, gossip and intrigue around you. Lonely Scorpios have every chance to meet their other half on a festive night. This will be a person from a sphere completely alien and unknown to you, perhaps much older. Family Scorpions will receive a gift from the second half, it will be something very expensive and long-awaited.


Cancers this year will be a little upset due to the lack of interesting proposals for the New Year. The stars advise you to take the furrows of government into your own hands and organize a party on your own, inviting friends. At the same time, it is not necessary to celebrate at home, you can rush to another city or go to a water park - your friends will support any of your ideas. It is also possible that a few days before the New Year you yourself will receive an interesting offer from a person with whom you do not communicate very closely.


Aquarius will receive an interesting offer to celebrate the New Year. Do not hesitate and immediately agree. Whatever it is, you will have a great time in the company of old and new friends. Family Aquarius this night will have pleasant acquaintances, which in the future will develop into friendly relations and even friendship. You should not count on gifts from loved ones this year, at most some souvenirs and trinkets await you.


Virgo stars are advised to focus on gifts for loved ones and organizing a holiday at home. This year, many of your friends will want to celebrate New Year's Eve with you, so be prepared to provide them with everything they need, including food and entertainment. Despite the fact that you will spend a lot of energy and effort, in general, you will be satisfied with the holiday.


The stars recommend that Capricorns, who are in despair, fly away to celebrate the New Year in warmer climes. Don't be afraid to travel alone, you will meet interesting people with whom you will have a great time. Also, Capricorns this year may find themselves in the company of old acquaintances with whom they used to be at odds. New Year's Eve can be the beginning of the restoration of friendly relations.


Sagittarius this New Year's Eve will receive maximum attention from the opposite sex. Your energy will attract you like a magnet. Fateful acquaintances are possible. Those who celebrate the holiday at home will unexpectedly have a great time in a warm friendly atmosphere and receive good gifts.

For lions

Leo stars this year are advised to visit their parents or relatives. New Year's Eve is best spent with family. If you decide to celebrate the holiday outside the home, you can have a big fight with your friends. On New Year's Eve, pleasant news or a gift from a loved one awaits you. In return, he will demand your maximum attention.


Despite their self-confidence, Pisces can stay at home alone this year. Going through offers from friends and acquaintances, you run the risk of staying on New Year's Eve with nothing. The stars advise Pisces this year to be the organizers of the party, invite friends and acquaintances to visit, arrange a magnificent feast, and prepare small gifts.

The coming year is serious and will require a serious attitude. Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio are "cool" teachers! But if we are diligent and diligent students, purposeful, determined and patient, then this Year will be a glorious milestone on our Life Path, it will bring us Personal Achievements that will strengthen us.

And I think - Great Knowledge that will make us better.

The influence of astrological aspects has already been mentioned in the forecast for the Year of the Yellow Dog.

Now I want to wish everyone who reads these lines - a positive attitude on New Year's Eve! Self-confidence and the coming victory! Personal happiness and Great Love, with the inspiration and inspiration that she gives to everyone who touches her.

And may this inspiration carry us light throughout the year!

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And now wishes - to each of the signs of the Zodiac.

to the brave OVNU on this night - to celebrate the New Year at a party, or to wait for friends dear to the heart to visit. Surprise your loved ones and prepare a small and pleasant surprise for everyone who comes to your house! It's in your best interest to stay sober and keep an eye on your pockets and purses, keeping an eye on the safety of your invitees.

TAURUS on New Year's Eve, you need more than anyone else to tune in to a peaceful mood, control your emotions and not succumb to aggressive provocations of overly cheerful guests. The support of friends or the native team will be very helpful, although it will cost a pretty penny. Be more confident and easier to climb.

TWINS will become the soul in any company, however, you don’t need to set yourself the goal of knowing all the “truths in wine”. Your task is not only to cheer up the company, but also to ensure the diplomacy of any contact. Toasts and sketches at the festive table will be greeted with a "Hurrah!". Choose the right menu and healthy food.

caring and impressionable RACU New Year's Eve can bring turmoil in romantic relationships and the dangerous prospect of getting bogged down in finding out the truth. Tune in to positive, peaceful resolution of conflicts, mobilize intuition and diplomatic skills. Entering the new world - discard fears and doubts!

noble and brilliant lion you have to show yourself again in all its glory, put everything in its place at home: determine the right tactics of behavior in order to maintain the hot fire of love in the family hearth, mutual understanding, peace and harmony in the family. Think over a clear plan of events in order to relax and go to bed on time.

Neat and attentive DEVAM, you may have to go on a trip, take part in a sharp intellectual game, or take a decisive action to protect the business. The holiday needs to be well planned, thought out and provided with everything necessary in advance. It will be pleasant to fully understand with a partner.

To maintain a good mood and inner harmony WEIGHTS fidelity to clear rules of intra-family relations will be required. Do not go to extremes or focus on your "I". Gather a group of friends and neighbors and engage them in mind games or discussions. Be original and sober!

Passionate SCORPIO we wish to meet the realization of our dreams. You are waiting for communication, travel and visiting guests. A positive attitude is also necessary as restraint in feelings. Use the available financial opportunities not only for personal purposes, but also for the benefit of your partner. Realize your creative ideas.

talkativeness SAGITTARIUS after this New Year's Eve, as well as cunning, will become proverbial. You will be able to be in two places at the same time and, perhaps, make a large-scale forced march with gifts on your shoulders. Plan ahead and properly distribute your expenses. And personal safety measures for yourself, loved ones!

TO CAPRICORN I would like to wish more looseness and sincerity in communication at the festive table. Be active in organizing your friends or team. Use inspiration, listen to intuition, trust spiritual impulses and ... take care of the nerves of your business partners and spouse. Have fun!

Reckless AQUARIUS can plunge into a whirlpool of secret hobbies, romantic adventures of an acute nature are likely, personal security measures must be thought out and activated in advance - a must! Financial luck awaits you if you listen to inner impulses or the call of friends and patrons.

Mysterious and dreamy FISH can expect a long voyage that will allow them to conquer and expand their spheres of influence, as well as to know the truth. Or, you might want to hang out with friends, take part in a noisy party and “light up” at a charity ball. Having worked up, you will appreciate the comfort of your home for real!


DATE OF BIRTH: 21.03 --- 20.04 If you are married...
On New Year's Eve, an exciting secular life awaits you, in which you are assigned the role of a sophisticated seductress. Oh, your spouse will have to be nervous! Nothing, it is useful for the stronger sex - it awakens hunting instincts, makes you remember that a wife is not a read book, but a box with secrets that cannot be fully revealed. Remember the operetta "Die Fledermaus" and show your spouse that he still needs to be ready to win your attention. Until that cute Santa Claus over there won him.

If you are free...
On this New Year's holiday, you are free, like a cat walking by itself. But not a single cat, having played with Christmas tree tinsel, will break as many toys as you will break men's hearts! Flirting and playfulness are your weapons. Just don't forget to glue the halves of the heart that belongs to the person you like. The recommendations of the stars are: first break this heart like a Christmas decoration, and then heal the wounds with love.


DATE OF BIRTH: 21.04 --- 21.05 If you are married...
How you want to feel like Cinderella, even if you are already married! But how to turn your beloved spouse into a prince or, alternatively, into a sheikh, sultan or king? You have to rely only on the magic of New Year's Eve! And a little - for skillful diplomacy. Subtly hint to your loved one how nice it is to receive signs of attention like diamonds or, say, sapphires. Put a novel about the Sultan's concubine in front of him, opening it on the right page and underlining the lines about how the ruler gives his beloved wife something beautiful and multi-carat. The main thing is not to make your husband think about the harem ... Perhaps it is better to put a catalog of jewelry in front of him and circle the things you like with a marker! And men are so stupid...

If you are free...
This night you will fully feel like a magnet that attracts the attention of the opposite sex. You don't even need champagne to intoxicate the man you like. Just immediately think over further tactics of actions: if a man is too intoxicated with you, what to do with him - to drag him on himself, like a legitimate prey, or to throw him under the tree? Until morning. And pick it up in the morning as a legitimate New Year's gift.


DATE OF BIRTH: 22.05 --- 21.06

If you are married...
For the New Year, the stars recommend a little shake up. Celebrate this holiday in an unusual way! For example, if you traditionally go to celebrate the New Year under palm trees, for a change, spend this New Year's Eve leading a round dance under the tree. If you see a Christmas tree every year, on the contrary, go where other plants are considered evergreen: for example, Canada pine, fern, coconut palm, or, for example, a cactus. Break stereotypes - meet this New Year in a new way!

If you are free...
Plan a New Year's Eve meeting with a handsome prince. Not necessarily on a white horse - a white limousine is enough. Try to put all the requirements for this crowned person in a concise list while making a wish under the chiming clock: in order to have time to read it mentally while the clock strikes midnight. Rehearse ahead of time. Select the most important requirements for your personal prince, be concise: a villa, a yacht, a diamond set ... Even if during New Year's Eve a prince who exactly matches the list of requirements does not appear in sight, you will definitely meet him in the new year.


DATE OF BIRTH: 22.06 --- 22.07 If you are married...
Can a new honeymoon start on New Year's Eve? Undoubtedly, and you will see for yourself! The magic of the New Year's holiday will awaken dormant feelings, and sparks of passion will flare up in the eyes of your spouse. Very little is required of you: support this little magic, throw firewood into your home fireplace. And then your feelings will melt the surrounding snowdrifts, make the icicles rattle like a spring drop! The weather forecasters will be surprised ...

If you are free...
The miracles that await you on New Year's Eve are absolutely fantastic, magical and unimaginable. You will be swirled by a kaleidoscope of pleasures, pleasant surprises and meetings. You will feel like a heroine in The Nutcracker, and there is sure to be a prince to keep you company during your stunning fouettes. By the way, it is possible that you will really knock him down and bring him to his knees. It is desirable, of course, to do this as gracefully as possible and not pour champagne during the knocking down process. Although the second option is also well suited for unobtrusive acquaintance ...


DATE OF BIRTH: 23.07 --- 22.08 If you are married...
New Year's fireworks are a colorful spectacle that is best observed in the company of the dearest and closest people. Try this holiday to gather around you all those you love. Invite only those who are dear and close to you, and spend the holiday in an atmosphere of family and friendly warmth. If there is a lot of heat, you can safely celebrate the New Year on the street, in the yard or even in the forest! Well, in order not to give frost a single chance, be sure to watch the fireworks in the arms of a loved one. And if at this moment you are trembling, if goosebumps run through your skin - rest assured, the frost has nothing to do with it!

If you are free...
What gift would you like to receive this New Year? Perhaps a tremulously beating heart in a silk box? Well, modestly and tastefully. Usually jewelry is given in such boxes, but your version is probably better: it would be a heart that loves you tenderly, and diamonds will follow. Make a wish and it will surely come true. Indeed, on a magical New Year's Eve, sincere dreams always come true! At least in the main. Perhaps Santa Claus will hold the box, but someone's loving heart will definitely be yours.


DATE OF BIRTH: 23.08 --- 22.09 If you are married...
If you think that New Year's Eve will be completely predictable, then you are greatly, but pleasantly mistaken. The closer to the chiming clock, the more interesting the festive events will develop. You will find yourself in the spotlight of snowmen, Santa Clauses, nutcrackers and other males, and your spouse is excitedly looking for reasons not to let you go to the next dance. Tease your other half a little, but do not forget by the end of the holiday - with whom exactly did you come to visit! If you are celebrating a tete-a-tete holiday, make your loved one be jealous at least of Santa Claus under the tree. Don't let him relax! At least until the gift is given.

If you are free...
Splashes of champagne and the glow of Christmas decorations will spin you in an intoxicating round dance. Everything will flash and spin before your eyes, even if you limit yourself to a few glasses of wine. The most important thing in this round dance of emotions and impressions is not to miss the shining eyes of the one who looks at you in admiration and dreams of picking you up in his arms. As soon as you notice this object, immediately fall into its arms. It is not a fact that the dizziness will stop - but it will at least change into a new form: the head will be filled with a love mist from love, and not only for you, but also for your admirer.


DATE OF BIRTH: 23.09 --- 22.10 If you are married...
When planning how to send off the old year, try to get rid of traditional household tasks like planing Greek salad ingredients into a bowl or choosing a decent tie for your spouse. Let yourself break away from reality and be transported into a fairy tale. Plan some crazy stuff for New Year's Eve. Invite your husband to celebrate the holiday in an unusual way: for example, if you traditionally celebrate the New Year at home, go to visit or to a restaurant, if you are used to noisy parties, retire the three of you: you, your spouse and the Christmas tree. In general, do everything differently than usual! Start the New Year with surprises!

If you are free...
This New Year's Eve is the perfect time to make your wildest wishes. The main thing is to formulate them correctly. If you mentally demand from the Universe under the chiming clock: “I want to see Brad Pitt”, there is a risk that you will definitely see him - at least in the new film. Therefore - more specifics in dreams! Maybe you should be a little more down to earth. For example, imagine how you wake up under the tree over there with that handsome handsome man who does not take his eyes off you in love. Too bold? Well, wish to wake up with him under the tree next year!


DATE OF BIRTH: 10/23 --- 11/22

If you are married...
New Year's Eve is the time when you can change something in your life. Think about what you would like to change, what would you like to become in the New Year? Perhaps you are tired of home life and dream of self-realization, career, success? Or, on the contrary, do you dream of changing a business woman's suit for slippers, and instead of a folder with documents, hug a baby to your chest? Do you want to become sexier and more attractive, evoke new feelings in your loved one? Or ... It is quite possible that you have your own version, your own secret dream. In general, the stars are ready to meet you halfway. Meet the New Year in a new way, and it will bring you new happiness!

If you are free...
Astrologers say that the chances are very high that this New Year's Eve is the last opportunity for you to be free and alone. In the new year, the stars promise you a meeting with a man who will become your destiny. So, enjoy your freedom tonight! Drive crazy, flirt, break hearts. Let yourself become the center of the holiday, a magnet that attracts men's eyes! Otherwise, the next New Year will have to moderate their coquetry - otherwise the beloved will become jealous. So this New Year's Eve, flirt to your heart's content. By the way, it is possible that one of the objects of flirting is the same person who will encroach on your freedom.


DATE OF BIRTH: 11/23 --- 12/21

If you are married...
When deciding how to spend this New Year's holiday - at a party, at a resort, in a restaurant or face-to-face with your soulmate - do not forget that New Year's Eve programs the whole next year. Remember the saying: "How will you spend the New Year ...". So if you want to travel next year, have fun with interesting people, go to restaurants often and enjoy love, it’s best to spend New Year’s Eve like this: go to a resort, start a holiday in a noisy company at a hotel restaurant, and then go to the room with your loved one. However, you will certainly be able to plan another version of the New Year meeting that matches your plans for the year!

If you are free...
Are you free on this New Year's holiday, but would you like to celebrate the next New Year with your loved one? New Year's Eve is a great time to find your soul mate, so don't sit at home, go somewhere noisy and fun. Surely in this fun someone misses you! The predictions of the stars are very optimistic: by finding this person, you will make him happy. And he will make you happy. And it is possible that next year you will already read the horoscope for yourself for December 31 - January 1 in the next block - for married people!


DATE OF BIRTH: 22.12 --- 20.01

If you are married...
This New Year's holiday will make you feel like a socialite. Your image will cause general delight, and admiring glances will make your spouse seriously worry. Is this what you are striving for? That's right, a man must be kept in good shape! Let him see that his half is tearing the hearts of others into small rags. Choose a smarter outfit. Practice in front of the mirror the eyes of the Snow Queen, who went hunting for Kai. Or the look of a fiery goddess melting snowmen. Just do not forget that your hunt has already been successful, and at the end of the festive night, convince your companion that he is your only one.

If you are free...
The dazzling brilliance of your person on New Year's Eve will not leave indifferent any member of the stronger sex. You will outshine all New Year's decorations with your radiance, and your eyes will shine brighter than the lights of Christmas tree garlands. The harvest of hearts that fell at your feet will allow you to meticulously choose the most juicy fruit of love. And it will not be so easy to do - all gentlemen, as a selection, will be worthy of your attention!


DATE OF BIRTH: 21.01 --- 18.02

If you are married...
Meeting the New Year promises you updates in your personal life. Don't be scared: they will be nice! Just this New Year's Eve, your spouse will look at you in a new way, see your virtues that eluded his gaze. And you, in turn, will find that you are married to an amazing person! Perhaps it is worth spending this night together, away from the festive bustle, in order to better see in each other what will enliven your feelings. Although, you may prefer to plunge into the festive whirlwind so that your man sees how dazzling you are and how everyone envy him - after all, it is worth a lot to have such a woman!

If you are free...
An amazing gift of fate awaits you this night. And it will be handed over, as in a fairy tale, by a handsome prince - however, it is likely that he will be this very gift. Remember how in Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker" the heroine was presented with a toy that turned out to be the real heir to the fairy throne? So the stars promise you a meeting with a man who will become an obedient toy in your hands. The main thing is to see your prince in the New Year's crowd, because he may well disguise himself as a modest Nutcracker!


DATE OF BIRTH: 19.02 --- 20.03 If you are married...
The stars promise that on this New Year's Eve the scales of your destiny will swing towards good luck and success. Saying goodbye to the old year, you will say goodbye to those problems that have long required sending to the attic, or better, to the dump of your life history. The New Year promises a new life, and it must begin right on the festive night! Behave as if joyful events have already arrived, smile more, laugh carelessly, be cheerful and charming! And, of course, do not forget to give attention to your beloved: so that your relationship in the new year is stirred up by a romantic storm.

If you are free...
How about decisively abandoning the feeling of absolute freedom in favor of the limitations that a constant, stable relationship with a loved one imposes? If you like this idea - it's time to find a suitable candidate who will save you some of your freedom. And, perhaps, even require you to back up your commitment to fidelity with some kind of symbolic act - for example, the exchange of wedding rings. It is not necessary to do this right on New Year's Eve - in the end, a man needs to be given time to choose a larger diamond ring.

New Year's feast: selected recipes