Christmas Eve: Scary Ghost Stories. Photos of ghosts: real stories that shocked the whole world Scary stories from real life about ghosts

Ghosts is a series of mini horror stories. Don't trust anyone, even your closest relatives, because they may turn out to be ghosts.



May 25. My name is Nick. I am 5 years old. I have a mother, father, brother and sister. Ben is already big. He is 14 and goes to school. And Molly is 16, but she doesn’t study anywhere. Parents believe that she is not there. But she always plays with me and Ben, they must be joking.

May 28. Today is Sunday and Ben didn't go to school. We played with Molly all day. And when we were called to dinner, I asked for a piece of pie for her. Molly never eats with us. Dad said that there was no Molly, and Mom asked how I knew her. How can I not know my sister?

June 1st. Today my mother's brother's son came to visit us. We accidentally quarreled, and he said that we were not my mother’s relatives, she took us from an orphanage, and her child died 16 years ago. I cried. He made it up, didn't he?

June 5. Today Molly promised us that she would take us to stay with her. I was happy, but Ben was scared. Why? We're going to see our sister! For some reason my parents weren’t happy either.

the 9th of June. Everyone is sad today. Ben lies and does not open his eyes. The parents say that he died, and Molly says that he is just sleeping and that he needs this to go to her. IM not sad.

June 18. It's night now. Molly came to me and said she would pick me up. She allowed me to finish writing. Now Molly is standing behind me with a knife and waiting. I'm happy to live with her.

The diary was found next to the bloody body.


Now I tell everyone that my little sister Lisa died in an accident when she was four. I told everyone that she was hit by a car. But the time has come to find out the truth.

Lisa had blond hair, blue eyes, and was born beautiful, unlike me. She was loved and pampered by everyone, and I was no exception. I played ball with her, read books to her, stood up when Lisa was offended. Everyone considered me a loving brother.

Time passed and Lisa began to behave, to put it mildly, strangely. She talked about some Sema who comes to her at night. At first, my parents and I didn’t attach any importance to this; at Liza’s age, it’s normal to invent imaginary friends for yourself. But then Lisa stopped sleeping at night, she began to say that Sem was convincing her to kill herself.

They took her to a psychologist and calmed her down, but Sem continued to come. My mother believed in ghosts and convinced my father to move. We settled into the new house quite quickly. Sam didn't bother Lisa for a week. My sister was happy, she was back to the happy little girl she was before. But one day, when I was playing with dolls with her, I wanted to drink and went to the kitchen. Lisa followed me.

“Sem came to me yesterday,” she said. “Sem asked me to do this.”

With these words, Lisa took a knife from the table and plunged it into her throat. In horror, I told my parents what happened, they believed me, but they forbade me to disclose it.

I used to tell everyone that my little sister Lisa died in an accident, now you know the truth. But, stop.

This is not entirely true. You see, Lisa was too small, she wouldn’t have reached the table, but I’m taller than her, I could.

And also, it didn’t cost me anything to sneak into her room at night.


I'm Kate and I'm thirty years old. The usual start, isn't it?

When I was walking home yesterday, a girl who looked ten years younger than me met me. He has a very pleasant personality and knows how to carry on a conversation. I arrived in the city recently, and she agreed to help me navigate it. That was very nice of her!

The girl helped me find a cheaper apartment, advised me where I could find a job and where I could have fun on the weekend.

One day we were walking in the park with Ann (that was the girl’s name) and chatting peacefully. I noticed that a man in a white jacket and jeans was looking at us strangely. Maniac? As it turned out, no...

A man came up to me and asked, “Miss, are you okay?” ”

“Yes,” I answered, “why did you...

- I just saw you walking and talking to the void...

Later I learned that a girl named Ann was once killed in the city. I never saw my friend again.


Ned really disliked his younger brother Jack. It is unknown what was the reason for such fierce hatred. Not a single day goes by without brothers quarreling. They were scolded and punished, but this did not help.

One day Ned and Jack had a fight again and it ended in a fight.

- Idiot! – Ned yelled, throwing a book at his brother.

- Goat! – answered Jack, dodging the heavy volume.

This went on for an hour until Ned pinned his brother to the windowsill.

- You will answer me for everything! - he shouted and opened the window.

“Ned, you don’t want to...

- Shut up!

Ned nudged Jack. He just wanted to joke, to scare his brother, but it turned out differently...

Jack fell.

They lived on the ninth floor, and the boy fell to his death.

Ned told his parents that Jack slipped off the window sill on his own. “Bastard! Murderer! Liar!” he scolded himself, but it didn’t help.

Ned finished his homework and sat down at his tablet to play. A year has passed since Jack died. The death was ruled an accident. Ned's soul was simply terrible. Every night he had the same dream: here he was fighting with his brother, here Jack was flying out of the window. Everything is as it was then.

Someone entered the room, Ned raised his head and froze with surprise and horror. Jack stood in front of him. Exactly the same as that day. He had a knife in his hands. Jack slowly approached his brother with a strange grin.

- Jack, you don't...

- Shut up!

The knife stabbed into Food's throat. The ghost has disappeared.

When I lived with my parents, we had a cat whose name was Semka. At night he liked to come to me sleeping and play with my hand like a ribbon. He tumbled, grabbed her with his paws, sometimes scratching her until she bled. I got used to his games like this, and I got used to waking up with scratched palms.

When I woke up today there were bite and claw marks on my right arm. And only one thing bothered me: I grew up and moved. And I don’t have animals at home...


Bella was seven years old, she had parents and older brothers and sisters. In a word, an ordinary life, but one day...

- Dad! Our maid told me that there are ghosts in our house!” Bella said excitedly.

- We don't have a maid.

Bella got even more scared and ran to her mother.

- Mom, Dad said that we don’t have a maid, but I said snow in the morning!

- But, Bella, Dad died three years ago!

The girl, all nervous, runs to her sister’s room.

- Emma! Mom says dad died, but he talked to me this morning...

- How!? Mom and dad died five years ago!

Bella ran to her brother in tears.

- Dan, my sister said that my parents died, but I saw them!

- But our sister was born dead!

Bella cried. She was not sure that her brother was alive. But then my parents and sister came in.

- I bought it! - said Emma

- We played a joke on you!

Bella thought it was all over, when suddenly...

- But we really don’t have a maid...


They don't pay any attention to me at all. Why? Why am I being punished? What have I done? The only one who talks to me is my sister. Everyone laughs at her. I used to have many friends, why am I now an outcast? My parents don’t even give me food, but I don’t feel hungry. I decided to ask my sister about everything.

- Penny, why aren’t they paying attention to me?!

- But, Anne, you died...


I don't like Monday! I don't want to get up early in the morning, but I don't want to. I was always late on Monday. As a child, to school, then to work.

Today, as always, my mother woke me up.

- Get up, otherwise you'll be late!

I got up and only then realized that my parents died in a car accident yesterday...


My name is Grace, I'm 11 years old, and I have two older brothers, Lou and Jack. The three of us are often left at home to make friends, but this only makes our enmity stronger. I hate them and they hate me. I do dirty tricks on them, and they do dirty tricks on me. This style started from the moment I was born. Jack didn't want a sister, he wanted a brother, a playmate and playmate. At first I was little, and my parents protected me. But then Lou was born, they had more worries, and I grew up. They stopped paying attention to me, they stopped believing me.

Today Lou gave himself a black eye and scratched his hands, and told his parents that I beat him. They didn't believe me again. They scold me. This is too much! I have terrible brothers! There must be a way to get back at them without even them knowing it was me.

They make fun of me, especially Lou. After all, he knows that his older brother will not let him be offended, and his parents will not believe me. In addition, it seems to him that they pay more attention to me, but this is not so. I want revenge! Everyone. Parents for not believing, brothers for bullying.

Perhaps They think I'm strange. For what, you ask. Because I see ghosts. They say that this is nonsense, but a girl of about 14 actually moved into my room. Nobody sees her, but I see her. We play together with her. She's my friend. And I know she's not imaginary. A classmate told me it was the spirit of a witch. And that I should drive her away. But I won't do that. I won't chase my only friend! Her name, by the way, is Agnes.

When I came home from school today, Agnes was sitting on my bed. She asked:

- Do you want to take revenge on your parents and brothers?

- I... Yes... I want to.

- Here, take this, it will help, just pierce it with a pin.

Agnes handed me four dolls. One looked like Lou, the second looked like Jack, and the third and fourth looked like Mom and Dad.

Agnes disappeared into thin air.

Jack and Lou came into my room.

- Oooh! What do we have here! Dolls! – Jack grabbed the doll-Lu and began to tear it. There was a scream and Lou fell to the floor, bleeding. He had a wound in his chest, exactly the same as the hole on the doll.

Jack screamed and threw the toy on the floor. I was scared, but the thirst for revenge prevailed.

- Your turn, Jack! Ahahahaha!!!

I slowly began to twist the doll's neck. I didn't understand what I was doing. Jack suffered, and it gave me pleasure. Both my brothers are dead. It's time to stop! But I have no control over myself. I tore up my parents' dolls.

- This is because they didn’t believe! - I shouted and only then realized what I had done...

- I want to return them...

“They can’t be returned, Grace... We can send you to them!”

Agnes had a voodoo doll with my image in her hands. She took the pins and pierced my hands. Blood was gushing from my palms. Agnes killed me and laughed... And I called this friendship?

The question of whether ghosts exist disappears as soon as you carefully examine these photos. Many people do not believe in the existence of parallel worlds, ghosts and ghosts. However, the line between our world and the worlds of the dead has become so thin that you can see the soul of a deceased person using a camera or camera. But the ghosts are in no hurry to show themselves to us. They probably appear only when there is some specific meaning to it.

All provided photographs were carefully checked by experts who confirmed their authenticity and the absence of editing. Does this mean that ghosts really exist and can be caught on camera?

Photo of a ghost in a cemetery

This photo was taken in the middle of the last century. The woman wanted to photograph the grave of her deceased relative, but when the photo was developed, everyone was horrified by what they saw: a little boy was sitting on the grave. Apparently, he clearly saw the woman photographing the grave, as he looked straight into the lens.

Hellraiser photo

This Wild West-style posed photo shows a man in the background. In the photo it appears that he either has no legs or is rising from the ground.

Photo of the ghost soldier

This is a real photo of a ghost, in which a dead pilot stands among living soldiers. This photo was taken in 1919, the man standing behind is a pilot named Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this group photo appeared.

Scary photo of a ghost on the railway

This photo of a ghost was taken on the railroad in San Antonio, Texas. Local residents associate the origin of this ghost with a sad story that happened to several schoolchildren. An accident occurred at this place, as a result of which children died under the wheels of a train.

Photo of a ghost in a car

This scariest photo of a ghost was taken by a woman, Mabel Chinnery, in 1959. On this day, she and her husband went to her mother’s grave. She took the photo while returning from the cemetery. In the foreground is Mabel's husband, and behind is her late mother.

Photo of a ghost behind your back

This photograph of an old lady was taken by her granddaughter in 1997. The photo is shocking because in the background is the grandmother’s late husband.

Granny ghost photo

This photo was taken quite recently. The woman posted it online in the hope that someone could tell her what was hiding behind her child. As she herself suggests, there is the ghost of her dead grandmother.

Photo of the human soul

This photo captures the last seconds of a person's life. Here you can clearly see how with the last breaths of a dying man his soul leaves.

All these real photos of ghosts indicate that another world exists and it is not as far from ours as we think. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

17.09.2014 09:03

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible...

Maybe there was a similar article, but I still decided to write about ghosts and ghosts.
A stream of unspeakable horrors rushed along the narrow corridor in a terrible light coming from nowhere. They danced madly, muttering something to themselves - they had been dead for more than forty years.

Ralph A. Kram, "At Krofsberg Fortress"

Ghosts and ghosts - who are they?
Who are they really, these secret “apparitional” figures of unearthly substances?! The thing is that the world around us is inhabited by multiple unknown and mysterious entities, regardless of whether we like it or not. But not everyone can see and feel them, so their presence in our lives is still the subject of ongoing debate between scientists and parapsychologists. Energy beings - ghosts and ghosts - are shown only to clairvoyant people with special abilities to sense the subtle worlds.

Habitats of ghosts and ghosts
Most often, ghostly spirits are tied to a specific place, room, the energy of which feeds the energy clot. It all depends on how great their strength is. Low-power entities receive energy from the native walls of an ancient house, the terrain, and the presence of easily absorbed energy from the residents. Some energy systems can only move a few meters, while more powerful ones move kilometers and can “travel” distances from cities to countries. Such guests of the other world are visible clearly and clearly, have a bright glow, can make loud sounds and give off a “chilling cold”.

The most striking manifestations of ghosts:

- extraneous noises: blows, tapping, loud sounds of falling objects;
- slamming cabinet doors, chests of drawers, closing and opening entrance doors, moving furniture;
- sudden switching on and spontaneous switching off of lights, radio, TV, etc.;
- the disappearance of any objects in the house and their reappearance in the same place;
- unusual behavior and inadequate reaction of animals to a non-existent object;
- spontaneous combustion of objects and the appearance of streams of water that appear out of nowhere;
- an unpleasant feeling that you are being constantly watched, “the feeling of being looked at in the back.”

How are ghosts different?!

Ghosts have different manifestation characteristics than ghosts. Unlike ghosts, they are indifferent to the physical world, do not demand anything from living people, and often simply replay the most emotional scenes from their past lives. These are not very powerful transparent substances that produce repetitive actions that were important to them during life. For example, the deceased leads to the site of the tragedy, the one who hid the treasure - to the place where the treasures are buried, the thief - to the hiding place with looted things.

What do ghosts and ghosts do among us, the living?
Our planet is a kind of purgatory for those who have already left this world. According to legends, all sinners have a chance to correct their mistakes and have time to do good deeds. Thus, mysterious stories are born about ghosts who send signals of danger to the living, try to save and play the role of a Guardian Angel. The soul is not able to go home while they grieve too much about it, grieve greatly. Or when a person suffers from a terrible shock during death, stories arise about ghosts - tortured, innocently killed, rattling with their chains, frightening with heartbreaking screams and often avenging their torment on the living.

Transparent creatures remain with us if they were cursed by someone or summoned by an unprofessional self-taught medium and do not want to come back.

edited news SHADOW IN THE CORNER - 10-03-2013, 20:42

Many people love scary stories, from an early age. It’s so exciting: listening to a story, especially if it’s based on real events, especially closer to night. Now times are a little different, we no longer “tell stories around the fire,” but real stories about ghosts are still in vogue.

The otherworldly world is interesting, mysterious and attractive. It is filled with a lot of strange phenomena. For example, what or who a poltergeist is is still unclear. And how many ghosts have we encountered in the Tula region alone! All this attracts those who like to tickle their nerves.

Documentaries about ghosts

In this article we have collected the best (in our humble opinion) documentaries about ghosts. Not even just films, but entire series of programs. To believe in all this or not is a personal matter for everyone. But some episodes are definitely breathtaking. We didn’t include boring films about the Amityville Mansion in the list, because we’re already tired of them! We made a different kind of selection, you can even watch movies online.

The Haunted

Perhaps one of the best television series. This is a Discovery Channel project. That's where there are a lot of real stories about ghosts, demons and other evil spirits, it's in him. There are some really creepy ones.

It describes incidents from the lives of Americans, people share their nightmare stories. The series is atmospheric and perfectly immerses you in the terrible world of murders, suicides and other tragedies. When watching, you really get the impression that the world of ghosts and apparitions is real.

“Obsession” has been translated into Russian and is freely available on YouTube. There are several seasons and dozens of scary episodes.

Ghostly Encounters

Another series exactly like The Haunted. It also describes cases from the lives of ordinary people, on whose doors the unknown knocked. The plots are mostly simple: families move to a new place, but it turns out to be occupied by ghosts. And not always friendly.

How do new residents find a way out of the situation? Can it negotiate with guests from the other world? Or do they have to look for a new home? It's all in this documentary series.

Meetings with ghosts has also been translated into Russian and is available on YouTube.

Series “Haunted Castles”

A very good Discovery Channel project, telling about the most famous haunted castles. There are several films, each country is a new exciting series. This series will tell about terrible legends, tragic events, and some historical facts related to castles:

  • Scotland;


    Ireland and other countries of the Old World.

All stories are real, most are supported by eyewitness accounts: tourists, castle workers and other people who were lucky enough to meet a ghost in the stone walls of ancient buildings. Which keep many secrets and evidence of insidious murders, blood feuds and other tragic events.

I want to tell you the most terrible stories about ghosts, not fictional ones, but those that happened to people in real life. Persons with a weakened psyche - leave our site.

I myself don’t believe in all this devilry.

Ghouls, demons, astral plane.

But Anna doesn't think so.

She clearly saw the ghost, which she is in a hurry to tell about.

Ghost of a Drowned Boy

The most annoying thing is that no one believes me.

They call her an inventor and advise her to meet a guy.

Six months ago, under unclear circumstances, a boy living on the outskirts disappeared.

The guys said that the last time he was seen was in swimming trunks by the river.

They walked by, said hello, and smiled.

No one else met him.

The boy was an excellent swimmer, and, sorry, he could not drown in the Don River, which is not that deep in our area.

At that moment I was friends with Vaska, returning home after midnight.

Damp, nasty, rainy.

As I approached the bridge across the river, I almost lost the power of speech.

I clearly see the ghost of Maksimka, who is calling me to follow him.

He beckons and threatens with his finger.

I stood rooted to the spot, unable to move on.

I closed my eyes, rubbed my cheeks, I suddenly opened them, and he was standing in front of me.

So cold and lifeless. With dead eyes and some kind of pungent sulfur smell.

I lost consciousness.

I was discovered only in the morning. An ambulance was called.

I’m telling it like it is, they say, I saw the ghost of a drowned boy.

And they prick me, they calm me down, they say, I’ve heard enough scary stories, so my head is spinning.

The boys laugh and twist at their temples.

And I'm telling you the truth.

It was a ghost that is still being sought today.

And the choked one is here, next to us, but he doesn’t appear to anyone else except me.

Ghost in a studio apartment

My name is Inna.

I bought a secondary home, a cozy little room in a residential area of ​​Moscow.

There are no heirs, the grandmother who lived died of a heart attack.

She moved in, made repairs, and furnished her mansions. Without glamor, but with taste.

I haven’t seen any ghosts, although I believe that they really exist.

One day, I swore loudly in the kitchen while cutting fillet into strips.

Literally at that moment it seemed to me that someone was standing behind me.

I turned around sharply and felt as if some entity had slapped me in the face.

Not by hand, but by a strong wind.

She bandaged her finger, somehow prepared some stew, and went to bed.

The story about the breathing ghost was slowly letting me go.

Another time, when I was sewing and accidentally hurt my finger, a swear word came out of my mouth.

This time I didn’t get a slap in the face, but saw a real ghost of my grandmother, who was looking at me with angry eyes.

I cannot give an explanation for this phenomenon.

A story about a scary ghost

He comes to me at night. As if he wants to talk about himself.

But nothing works.

Makes rustling noises, creaks, and penetrates dreams.

I know him. He fell out of the window of our house.

Guy, looks 20 years old.

A terrible story. There were many inconsistencies in the case.

Some residents spoke well of him, and did not believe that the young and cheerful young man left this life of his own free will.

Accident. His mother couldn't stand it and left after him.

We didn't have time to pump it out. The ambulance arrived too late.

I don’t know who lives in the empty apartment now.

But I can't get rid of the ghost who is trying his best to tell me something.

In my dream I see a fight, tall guys, threats and his terrible fall.

I have already gone to Church more than once; I lit candles for the repose of the souls of Zhenya and Anna.

Only the ghost becomes more and more scary, and I completely stopped sleeping at night.

How I can get rid of the vision remains a mystery.

Real stories about ghosts were edited by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.