Sample application for table tennis. Regulations on holding table tennis competitions among employees of the NVGU. Dates and venue


Director of MOU secondary school No. 31

E.V. Kaydalova


On holding an open table tennis championship of Belgorod Secondary School No. 31 among students born in 2003-2004. Belgorod, Gubkin, Shebekino, Dubovoye settlement, Maysky settlement.


  • popularization of table tennis among children and adolescents;
  • improving the sportsmanship of the participants;
  • identification of the strongest athletes;
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles


Competitions are held in Belgorod on February 19, 2012. on the basis of MOU secondary school No. 31. Competition starts at 11 am.


The general management of the preparation and conduct of the competition is carried out by the panel of judges of the MOU secondary school No. 31. The direct management of the competition is carried out by the main panel of judges.


Students who have a doctor's permit are allowed to participate in competitions. Form - shorts, dark T-shirt. Competitors who do not have a uniform are not allowed to compete.


Competitions are held in the personal category according to the circular system. The draw of participants is held on February 19, 2012 in the MOU secondary school No. 31.


The winners of the competitions are determined in each age group of participants among boys and girls by the highest number of points scored. In case of equality of points for two participants, the winner is determined by a personal meeting.


among employees of NVGU

1.Goals and objectives

Involvement of teachers and university staff in systematic physical education and sports;

Promoting a healthy lifestyle as an important means of physical and spiritual health improvement of citizens of the Russian Federation;

Identification of the best athletes to participate in city competitions as part of the university team;

Improving sportsmanship.

2. Management of the competition

The organization and holding of competitions is entrusted to the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization of workers of the NVGU, sport Club NVGU.

To manage competitions are created:

Organizing Committee of the Competition (see Appendix 1);

3. Competitors

Participants are teachers and university staff who have passed a medical examination for admission to competitions. The dress code is sports, change of footwear is obligatory. All participants must have a compulsory health insurance policy.

4. Dates and venue

January 22 2016 in the table tennis hall and aerobics on the fourth floor (room 408) in the building of the FOC NVSU at address A, registration of participants at 14.00, beginning at 14.30.

5. Determining the winners

An unlimited number of athletes participate in the competition. Singles games are played from three games up to 11 points. The game is considered completed if one of the participants is the first to achieve 2 wins. The final games consist of 5 games and are held up to 3 wins. Competitions are held separately for women and men. The specific system of the competition is determined depending on the number of participants.

6. Application procedure

Applications for participation in table tennis competitions (see Appendix 3) are submitted by trade unions to the organizing committee before January 20th (e- email: profkom- nggu@ yandex. en or 311 cab. Ch. building of NVGU, or according to). The draw will take place on the day of the competition.

7. Rewarding

All participants of the competition are given souvenirs.

Participants who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places (men, women) are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.

Annex 1

Composition of the organizing committee of table tennis competitions

1. - chairman of the organizing committee;

Appendix 2

Composition of the panel of judges of table tennis competitions

1. - chief referee of the competition;

Annex 3

Application for participation in table tennis competition

Subdivision _______________________________________________



Proforgist ____________ Full name