Is it possible to use a dimmer on the LED tape. How to connect a dimmer to LED lamps. Features of control of LED ribbons

Relatively recently, the only possibility of adjusting the brightness of the lighting devices was to install the instrument called the Rakeostat. At the same time, the power of such retakes was approximately at the same level with the load. Of course, it would be possible to close the eyes, but with a decrease in the brightness of the illumination, the consumption of electricity did not decrease in any way - excessive power simply dissipated. Therefore, the rewards were used to regulate the brightness only where there was a need for example, for example, in theaters.

However, the situation has changed dramatically with the advent of semiconductors, known as Simistor and Distor. It is based on them and constructed modern, allowing quickly and conveniently adjust the brightness of the lighting.

Standard dimmer is connected like ordinary, i.e. In the rupture of the power circuit of the lighting device. The dimensions of the regulator under consideration and fasteners for its installation in niche also coincide with similar parameters of the simple switch. Consequently, any person who has ideas about connecting traditional lighting switches can cope with the Dimmer installation. The only important point: conclusions to the load and phase must be connected strictly in accordance with the scheme shown by the manufacturer.

All dimmers presented for today can be divided into 2 large classes: rotary (they are swivel) and push-button (electronic).

Table. Some types of dimmers

Types of dimmersExplanations
Dimmer for incandescent lamps and for halogen lamps with voltage level of 220 VIn this case, it is the magnitude of the supplied voltage that determines the intensity of the luminescence of the lamp thread.
Dimmer, designed for low-voltage halogen diet lamps through a transformerResponsible for converting the output voltage of the light to the desired value. If the lamps are calculated on a voltage of 12-24 V, then an electronic transformer is required, providing soft control of the current source.
LED dimmer (Dimmer LED) and dimmer for luminescent lamps.The dimmer problem for LEDs - to promptly issue the specified results and smoothly adjust the power of the supply of light streams.
Touch DimmerThe main difference between the sensor device (dimmer Viko) is the ability to regulate the light flux by hardly noticeable touch to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe button. It can be equipped with an infrared receiver for remote control.
Implies a slight rotation of the rotary element.
Pressing dimmerPresupposes multiple keystroke
Singard dimmerYou can use both for a single lamp and a number of light sources, combined into a common group.
Group DimmerTo regulate several light sources at once.

Rotary regulators received the greatest distribution. Control in the lighting intensity by such devices is performed by simply rotating the handle in the desired direction. The button dimmers are more convenient and flexible in terms of light brightness control. Additionally, electronic dimmers allow you to perform the parallel connection of the buttons and control the lighting from several different places. In practice, the number of such places is limited to 3-5. In this case, the length of the wire should not exceed 10 m.

Also on the market is a group of devices that allow control of the lighting brightness remotely with the remote control. However, such dimmers are worth an order of magnitude more expensive above the analogues.

Rotary type dimmers are most popular as already noted. It is them that we will consider in the manual presented.

Video - Simple LED Lamp and Dimmer

Features of the Dimmer device and its connection scheme

Rotary dimmers of different manufacturers have the same device - only their quality differs. Also, certain differences may be present in the internal equipment of the regulators: the design of some of these includes additional elements, which positively affect the stability of the dimmer and improving the smoothness of the lighting brightness control.

Dimmers are working on the following principle. In order for the lighting lamp to be turned on, the current should pass through the dimmer symistor. For this, there should be some voltage between the electrodes of the semiconductor. It appears as follows.

In the event of a positive half-wave, a capacitor is charging through a potentiometer. At the same time, the speed of the capacitor charge directly depends on the characteristics of the potentiometer. The key potentiometer function is the change in the phase angle. When increasing the voltage on the condenser to a value sufficient to open the dimmer semiconductors, the simistor opens. At this stage there is a decrease in its resistance, which allows the lighting facility to burn until the end of the half-wave. Negative half-wave behaves similarly to positive, because Distortor and Simistor are symmetrical, so the current direction for them is not important.

As a result, the voltage coming to the load is "echoes" of half feet, following each other at a frequency of about 100 Hz. It is because of this, when the lighting device is turned on, flicker may appear on the minimum brightness.

The parameters of the design elements of the regulator may vary in different manufacturers companies, but the principle of operation of devices from this is practically not changed. The properties of resistors and capacitors affect only the characteristics of the ignition points, as well as the stability of the lighting device. So, the smallest brightness of the light is provided with a minimal value of the resistance of the resistor, and the highest, respectively, with the maximum.

The practical scheme is allowed to include any simistors, taking into account the load capacity. However, the allowable voltage of devices should not be less than 400V, because The instant voltage value in domestic power grids can "jump" up to 350V.

Video - how to choose a dimmer

Connection and operation of the Dimer: What should everyone know?

Before buying a dimmer and install it instead of an ordinary switch, read the important facts about the device under consideration.

Many users are mistaken, believing that the installation of the dimmer will significantly reduce the cost of lighting. In reality, with the minimum brightness of the lamps, the savings are hardly exceeded 10-15%. The remaining "excess" energy light-resistant is simply scattered.

Connection and operation of dimmers should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • the regulator cannot overheat. The maximum allowable air temperature indoors is +27 degrees;
  • the magnitude of the load connected to the regulator must be at least 40 W. With lower values, there is a significant reduction in service life of both lighting devices and the regulator itself;
  • dimmer can only be used in a complex with lighting devices listed in a technical passport.

The regulators under consideration are designed to work with certain types of load. Thus, most models of dimmers can only be used to regulate the brightness of the glow of halogen lamps and incandescent bulbs. Use them in a complex with, LED lamps and most energy-saving lighting devices are impossible, because This will lead to their very fast breakdown.

If you need to connect a dimmer to, buy a specially designed model of the regulator.

Before you definitely check with an employee of the store, whether the acquired dimmer is designed to work in a complex with sources of lighting your home. Also make sure the power of the regulator corresponds to the total power installed in your house lamps.

Instructions for installing dimmer instead of a conventional switch

Replacing the traditional switch to the rotary regulator will not cause any difficulty, because They are set by a similar principle. You only need to carefully examine the technology and stick to the installed sequence.

First step. Turn off the supply of electricity and additionally we are convinced of its absence using a special indicator screwdriver.

The second step.Remove the button of the installed switch.

Third step.We unscrew screws that ensure the fastening of the decorative frame of the switch, and remove it.

Fourth step.We unscrew the fastening screws and get the mechanism from the mounting box. Dimmer We can install in the same box.

Fifth step.We unscrew the electrical drive from the switch.

Sixth step.We see two free wires.

One of them (feeding phase) is connected to the switch, the second to the chandelier. Carefully study the scheme given in the instructions for dimmer or on the lid of its housing.

In the case of dimmers, as noted, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the order of the connection recommended by the manufacturer. Phase cable (on the diagram it is red) connect to the dimmer terminal signed as L-IN. The next cable (on the scheme it is orange) connect with the terminal of the regulator signed by L-OUT.

Seventh step. Insert the dimmer into the mounting box. To do this, carefully bend the wires, enter the regulator to the conversion, tighten the spacer screws, apply the decorative frame, fix it with screws and install the control wheel.

Connect the wires and insert the dimmer to the box

Eighth Step. Check the operation of the installed dimmer, pre-enabled the supply of electricity. To check, turn the dimmer knob until it clicks in the direction of the movement of the clockwise - the lamps will not be labored. Smoothly rotate the regulator for the movement of the clockwise - after a similar click on the lamps, it will start smoothly increase the voltage, which will indicate the smooth increase in the brightness of the light.

Dimmer is connected and operates normally. We can take it into continuous operation.

Good job!

Video - Dimmer Connection Scheme

Video - Connecting LED tape to mini dimmer

LED ribbons are a convenient source of lighting, which has found its application in design not only home interiors, but also in the design of other premises, such as trade. Such devices not only work as light sources, but also attract the attention of buyers.

Sometimes it is necessary not easy to turn on and off light, sometimes you need to change its brightness, change the tone or color of the glow, use various visual effects. For this purpose are used.

LED tape is a lighting deviceMade based on a flexible board on which semiconductor LEDs are mounted through the same distance.

The peculiarity of semiconductor diodes is the nonlinearity of their volt-ampere characteristics. This means that after some value even a small change in voltage can cause a sharp rise in currentflowing through the diode and lead to its failure.

Therefore, sources of stable current must be used to manage such devices.

Considering these features, to ensure stability it is impossible to use the usual large nominal value and a voltage source with a large EDC, as this will lead to a significantly high power on the resistor than need to turn on the LED.

Sources that have sufficiently low voltage and capable of maintaining a stable current should be used. For tapes such sources have the form of a separate power supply. with voltage at 12/24 V and limited current, And the restrictive mounted on the strip itself.

Main species

The main task of the dimmer consists in managing the brightness and regulation of the power of the device. Types of regulators for LED tapes can be classified by several features.

They may also differ in other features: the use of wireless technologies, the type of these technologies (infrared or radio frequency), according to the protocol used by the number of channels.

Device Connection Scheme

The connection method depends on the type of tape and the goals and tasks. Depending on this, the type of controller is selected. See Dimer Connection Scheme.

Connection diagram of the sensor dimmer for the LED tape with their own hands in order to adjust the illumination of the room presented in the photo:


On one-color - standing LEDs only one color, for example, white. You can only adjust the brightness of their glow. Dimmers with one channel are used to control the brightness, they are connected immediately after the power supply.

Video instructions, how to connect a dimmer for a single-color LED tape by 12 volts with your own hands:


RGB ribbon is three-color LED devicesThat use three main colors - red, blue and green to transfer different shades. With the simultaneous turn on all three colors it turns out white color. To control, you need to use controllers with three channels.

Thus, you can not only include each color separately, but also mix them by adjusting the brightness of each. In addition to color, you can also adjust the speed of colors. The RGB controller is also connected after the power supply.

Advantages and disadvantages


Disadvantages of regulators with a controlled current source:

  • The power dissipated on the LED is strongly changing depending on the current passing through it. It affects the heating of the diode and entails other consequences.
  • Due to heating, the characteristics of the LED change strongly, even such as the spectrum of its radiation.
  • Heating the element badly affects the durability of its work.

Disadvantages of regulators with PWM-regulation:

  • Flicker. Shim-regulators, especially inexpensive, flicker slightly enough. It is well noticeable with a small brightness that adversely affects eye health, and can also cause fatigue and headache.

The most advanced models of regulators combine diagrams of both analog control and latitude and pulse modulation, which makes it possible to use the benefits of both methods, allowing you to exclude the disadvantages of each of them.

LED ribbons are not only an energy-saving lighting device, this is a means of decor and attract attention.

Modern dimmers allow you to control the brightness and color of the LEDs. A wide selection makes it possible to optimally choose a device for any purpose.

Video on the use and connection of the dimmer for LED tape with a touch remote control:

The ability to adjust the brightness of the lighting devices is convenient, and sometimes just an indispensable function in organizing lighting and illumination by LED ribbons. But to get the desired result, it is necessary to clearly imagine what dimmers are (lights cutters), how they work and what happens. The article will answer all these questions, will help you choose a suitable dimmer for LED tape (Sl), and if necessary, and collect this useful device with your own hands.

What is dimming

Dimming (from English Dim - Darkness) is a change in light brightness. Accordingly, the dimmer is a light regulator, that is, an electronic device that allows you to smoothly change the brightness of the luminescence of the lighting device. Examples of simple dimmers can serve as a row and autotransformer that change the voltage value at the load.

Using a row (left) and autotransformer to change the brightness of the glow of incandescent lamp

Today there are many species of highly efficient and compact electronic dimmers working according to various principles. But the task of all is alone: \u200b\u200bchange the power allocated on the load (in our case on the LED tape) the power and strength of the light flow (brightness) created by it. Since we are interested in dimmers for LED ribbons, let's stop at their species.

Opinion expert

Alexey Bartosh

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Strictly speaking, Dimmer - the concept is wider than the light regulator. The device can be used to adjust the power released not only by lamps, but also by other electrical devices: engines, heaters, etc.

Types of light cutters

Ribbons, as you know, are monochrome and multicolored. The most common variants of multicolor tapes - RGB (red, green blue) and RGB + W (red, green blue, white). The difference between the usual RGB from RGB + W is that in the first case, separate LEDs of different colors are used in the tape, located singularly or groups, but alternately: R-G-B-R-G ...

RGB tape collected from LEDs of different colors

RGB + W tape uses four-color LEDs consisting of several crystals located in one instrument. Activating those or other crystals, you can achieve the appearance of a set of additional colors, including white. It is also possible to distinguish the tricolous trichery RGB 5050 LEDs, which also operate on the principle of mixing colors.

Three-color LED 5050 and tape collected on it

For multicolor belts, naturally, special types of dimmers are needed, which can independently control the three channels.

Opinion expert

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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In principle, you can control a tricolor ribbon with a conventional single-channel dimmer, connecting all channels in parallel. But in this case, the brightness adjustment of all colors will be performed synchronously, which reduces the entire effect, for which the three-color illuminator was created.

Additionally, dimmers for LED tapes are distinguished by:

  • management method;
  • method of installation and location;
  • additional features.

Management method

According to the method of controlling the LED ribbon, dimmers can be divided into the following four groups:

  • swearing. Adjusting the brightness of the tape in such dimmers is performed using a conventional rotary handle. In this case, the switching on / off can be done both by turning the handle and by pressing it;

Embedded and overhead dimmers with a rotary handle
  • pushbons. In such devices, adjustment of the brightness of the lighting is performed using conventional keys, as on the switch, or mechanical buttons;

Wall and mini dimmers with mechanical buttons control

  • touch. The instrument is controlled by touch buttons. They do not need to press, just touch them to touch them;

Sensory control dimmer
  • remote controlled. Installation of the required level of illumination in this category of regulators is remotely performed using a wireless IR or radio effect. Some similar devices have a built-in Wi-Fi or microphone module. The first can be managed from a mobile device, second - voice.

Monochrome and RGB light remote control

Method of installation and location

Today, dimmers for ribbons have different design execution. Depending on the tasks and designer ideas, you can choose the most appropriate design to you.

For mounting on the wall

Usually (but optionally) such devices have the form and sizes of a conventional switch. They accumulate into the wall or have an overhead design. Very convenient option when organizing lighting or illumination of residential rooms.

Built-in and overhead luminagulators for mounting on the wall

For hidden installation near the ribbon

Sometimes the wall design is uncomfortable or establish it problematic (for example, I do not want to repaired). In this case, the dimmer can be placed near the tape or in any convenient location. For example, hide behind the elements of the interior or in the interporal space. The device for hidden editing is perfectly suitable. Driving such a device will have to be remotely: using a wired or wireless console.

This dimmer has remote control, so it can be placed in any convenient location.

Additional functions

Modern dimmers, besides their main task for adjusting brightness, can perform a huge number of additional functions. With the advent of microcontrollers, it ceased to be dear pleasure. Typically, such dimmers are called LED tape controllers, since they are already difficult to call them light.

The most interesting of the functions performed by controllers:

  1. Turning on the timer (imitation of the host presence).
  2. Creating light effects (running light, periodic attenuation, color change, etc.).
  3. Light music mode (used built-in microphone).
  4. Integration into a smart home or connection to a PC via the wired interface.
  5. Inputs for connecting external sensors (alarming, light, etc.).
  6. The ability to independently programming.

This controller for LED ribbons will no longer call a dimmer: it performs several dozen additional functions, can be programmed and integrated into smart home

Criterias of choice

Did you decide to make lighting with the help of LED tape and even bought it with the power supply? Great, it remains to choose and purchase a dimmer. We will choose the following criteria:

  1. Supply voltage and power. The operating voltage of the light regulator should be the same as the tape - 12 or 24 volts. As for power, it must be 15-20% higher than the power of the tape. If the tapes are several, then their power is folded, and 15-20% is the necessary supply of reliability. Dimmer, working at the limit of its capabilities, will not last long.
  2. Number of channels. This characteristic depends on the type of tape that you are going to use. For monochrome tape, a fairly ordinary single-channel regulator. RGB or RGB + W? Dimmer needs multichannel, and not all effects that can be implemented using a second tape type are available to RGB dimmer and vice versa.
  3. Design and management. Embedded, invoice or for hidden installation. It all depends on the ideas and convenience of use. The same with the management method. Buttons, sensors, swivel handle, Du - what is more like and most convenient to you. But some sensors and especially do it cost more.
  4. Functional. The scheme "The more, the better" does not work here. For each additional feature, sometimes a lot of money will have to pay. If, for example, you are not going to manage the chandelier from the smartphone or embed it into the Smart Home system, then you do not need to take the device with such interfaces - money will be launched.

Opinion expert

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair, maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Among other things, you should not save on quality - the miser pays twice. Having bought a Chinese fake, you can go to the store again. If you take, only devices are quite well-known manufacturers. For example, Osram, Gauss, Philips, etc.

Connection scheme

Connecting the dimmer to the LED tape is easy and does not require special tools. If you know the foundations of electricians, then all the work can do yourself without the involvement of a specialist. To enter the dimmer, it is enough to enable it between the source of the constant voltage (power supply) and the LED tape. In this case, of course, the polarity must be observed and not to confuse the input and output of the device.

Typical scheme for connecting a single-channel dimmer to monochrome LED tape

How to connect a dimmer to rgb ribbon? Without problems, there are no problems without connecting a lightweight tape. The principle is the same as for monochrome, only wires are more. You will cope with it.

Connecting the 12 volt light to multicolor tape

Dimmer do it yourself

With dimmers for LED tape, we more or less figured out. It's time to find out how to make a dimmer with your own hands, and in general, is it possible. Since I do not know your training level, I will stop at a fairly simple scheme. It is made on an affordable element database, but it perfectly performs the functions of the light and enters the standard switch housing.

Simple dimmer scheme for LED ribbon using PWM adjustment method

On the transistors VT1, VT3, a classic multivibrator with a variable duty is assembled, and the right-hand of the multivibrator shoulder is reinforced by the VT2 transistor that generates from the VT3 two-stroke key. The capacitances of C2 and C3 capacitors are chosen so that at any duty, the generator frequency was 14 kHz. This will exclude the flickering tape and its "ringing" at low brightness. The diversity varies with the AC resistor R3.

The multivibrator is loaded into a powerful key, made on the field (MOSFET) transistors VT4, VT5, included in parallel. VD1 diode protects transistors from feed induction voltage, which may occur in the feeds of the wires, if they are sufficiently long.

The scheme uses field transistors with a N-type channel. What if you found similar to the P-type channel? Nothing wrong. The dimmer itself is not to change the diagram, it is enough to change the extreme conclusions of the R3 variable resistor and change the inclusion scheme VT4, VT5.

Option of the light transistor on the field transistors with a P-type channel

This device provides tape brightness adjustment from 10 to 90%, which is quite good for such a simple scheme.

Now in detail. CT315 and CT361 are the most common transistors from radio amateurs, and they can be found in almost any household apparatus of domestic production of the 90s. Even now in the store "Catshka" they cost a couple of rubles.

Field transistors can be dropped from any motherboard faulty PC. If the power cl does not exceed 35 watts, then the VT4 transistors, VT5 can work without a radiator. If the power is higher, then the radiator, of course, will be needed.

Answers to popular questions

Almost everyone who thought about the acquisition of a light cutter, many questions arise. I will try to answer the most popular.

Does it make sense to install a dimmer?

After reading this article, you probably thought about whether to install a dimmer? Will there be such a project any significant minuses? Like any device, the dimmer has advantages and disadvantages. We minimize them in the sign:



The ability to quickly create a comfortable level of illumination using the same lighting device. This is especially convenient when using a wireless remote controlAdditional costs (a qualitative multifunctional controller may be more expensive than the lighting system)
The ability to program and create various light effects in automatic mode. Actually not only at home, but also for entertainment centers, shopping centers, for use in decorative illuminationWhen using low-frequency of PWM adjustment low-frequency, the flicker and "ringing" sl is observed. Especially the effect is manifested when installing low brightness levels.
Exceptionally simple installation and connection that can be carried out independently

So, the main disadvantage of the controller installation for LED tape is its high cost. But here we are talking only about full-fledged multifunctional controllers. Of the functions you just need to select the necessary, and the usual dimmer without additional functional even from the most famous brand is quite inexpensive. In addition, a simple connection of the light-controller allows you to abandon the services of a qualified installer, which are also not free.

As for the flicker, it is characteristic only for extremely budgetary products and devices of the company "Maid In Nownime". If you purchase a device from a normal (optionally known) manufacturer, there will be no problems with the flicker.

Putting a light regulator, as a result you get comfort and convenience. Therefore, to the question whether it is worth installing it, I personally would answer: it is worth it.

Is it suitable for any ribbon or not?

If the light regulator has sufficient power and supports the desired number of channels (I said about the channels above), then it will suit anyone with the same number of channels calculated on the same voltage as a dimmer. All LED tapes are dimmable, if they do not have a built-in power supply. The only dimmer, they need a special, calculated on the joint, and not the one that is installed in the switches to control the bulbs in the chandelier.

Now you know, about dimmers for LED ribbons almost everything you need to know for the right choice and independent installation. And those who love to keep a soldering iron in their hands after reading this article, I hope, it is easily gathering a simple, but quite workable light-controller yourself.

When creating the interior, the designer will pay a special role to lighting. By changing it, you can radically change the perception of the room and the situation in it.

The comfort of the premises can be achieved not only with warm light, but also a muted luminescence of lighting equipment.

Currently, Ilyich's light bulbs are used, perhaps, only in locations distant from civilization. After all, LED lamps and ribbons are much more durable and more economical in terms of energy consumption.

The name of the Dimmer occurred from the English word "Dimmer", literally denoting - "darcking". With this device, it is possible to change the intensity of light quickly and easily.

By and large, create a dimmer for LED tape can also be independently if you have experience in electrical engineering. The diagram of the device is driven below:

However, it is unlikely that the game in this case "will cost a candle." Dimmers for LED tape are presented in a wide range in almost any chandelier and household equipment store.

Dimmer for incandescent bulbs does not suit LED lighting!

In the first case, the lighting intensity management occurs due to the control of the supply voltage. If you put such a dimmer on the LED tape, it will not change the intensity of the light, and its color!

For LEDs requires pulse current adjustment. It should be immediately noted that the pulse frequency will be equal to 300 kHz. The human eye is not capable of throwing the flicker of the light of such frequency.

Mesed Lighting Controls today are provided in several options:

  • built into the lighting equipment;
  • separately mounted in the wall (by analogy with the switch);
  • with different ways of management.

Dimmers with remote control are particularly popular. In most cases, the remote controls the dimmer according to the infrared channel.

If you want to control the device even from another room, then your choice should stay on a dimmer with radio control.

Pluses of LED lighting are obvious - it requires meager energy consumption. In other words, you can use the car battery to feed the entire home lighting, which is enough for at least 12 hours of continuous operation.

Useful video will tell about various options for connecting LED tapes:

Create a unique and unique backlight today with a wide variety of lamps. One of the most frequently used lighting devices is the LED tape.

They are indispensable in the decorative illumination of the most diverse elements of the interior, furniture and ceiling suspended structures. Thanks to the extensive list of opportunities for such lighting products, it has widespread and very often occurs both in home lighting and in highlighting various offices and public premises. A new level of use of such LED ribbons is their dimming. We will talk about it in more detail.

Improving lighting devices

LED ribbons at the moment are very popular lighting products. Such popularity is explained by their unique lighting capabilities and the availability of creating a wide variety of light effects with their help.
But, unlike LED lamps, ribbons must be connected to the power supply through additional drivers adapters.

Note! Unlike tapes, LED lamps are often equipped with a control circuit.

The following products can be attributed to additional adapters:

  • dimmer;
  • power Supply;
  • control block

Advanced adapters

Working diagram when you need a power supply, it creates certain difficulties during the operation of the LED ribbons. But on the other hand, by connecting the dimmer to the diagram, you can achieve a specific version of the control of the light stream created by the already dimmable ribbon. Thus, the dimmed tape is the tape, in the connection scheme of which the dimmer is also available along with the power supply.

Features of the dimmed LED products

LED tape in its design has a semi-powered LED. To dimming LED ribbons, you need to understand how it works and how it should be connected to the power supply.

Note! Such a semiconductor has a nonlinear volt-ampere characteristic or fl. This means that current through it the current starts only from a certain threshold value. At the same time, the current is growing very strongly, which can lead to the brave of LEDs.


To avoid such a negative development of events, it is necessary to connect the LED tapes to the power supply only through the transformer (that is, the power supply).

Note! The transformer or power supply in this situation will reduce the network voltage from 220 volts to the desired value, for the adequate operation of the LED tape (up to 12 or 24 volts). Such devices can be called "stable current sources.

Power supply for LED tape

In the simplest situations, a regular resistor can be used for these purposes. But remember that its resistance for stable work LED tapes should be large. The high voltage source of the voltage should be high. Despite the seeming simplicity, it is not easy to create such a scheme. In this situation, the loss of electrical power will occur. Therefore, to compensate for such losses, LED tapes must be connected to a low-voltage source, which simultaneously can stabilize the output current. The role of such a low-voltage source is the power supply or transformer.
The LED lamps have a power supply already built into the design, but the tapes it has a view of a separate module.

At the output, such a transformer has an output voltage of 24 or 12 volts (depending on the type of LED tape). At the same time, restrictive resistors for it will be placed on the tape itself.

Note! If you are dealing with a dimmer or control unit, they must also be selected by the power of the purchased tape.

Proper dimming implies the correct connection of all components, including the power supply (it is also transformer), a control unit or dimmer, as well as the lighting products itself.

LED Tape Connection Scheme

Only in that situation when the connection scheme is observed, the glow ribbons will be bright and full. If something is connected incorrectly, the backlight simply will not work until the inaccuracies of the installation.

Ways to regulate brightness

Dimmer for LED Ribbons

One of the main reasons why today the LED tape has become so popular, it is that it can easily connect a special device - Dimmer to it. It allows you to change the lighting intensity in the room.

If there is such an element in the ribbon scheme, the "dimmable" will be called.
Note! Use such a dimmer suitable for LED tapes is only there. It is not suitable for interacting with conventional energy-saving light bulbs. Otherwise, you risk disabling the entire system.
For LED ribbons there are two main types of dimmers:

    • passive. In their roles are variable resistors (potentiometers and risostats). This is the simplest way to adjust, but it is characterized by loss of power, which negatively affects its energy efficiency (it decreases);

Note! Here, due to the high nonlinearity of the LED, the situation arises, which was described above (there are big energy flows). It fails to level it even when applying potentiometers with a logarithmic characteristic to change the resistance.

  • active regulating dimmer schemes based on semiconductor devices.

The last type of dimmers in turn is divided into two subgroups:

Analog dimmer

  • analog. They make it possible to maintain the output current at a stable level and in the required range with a small voltage drop. As a result, there is a small loss of capacities on the LED tape;

Note! The disadvantages of such products are monitored to attribute the fact that when the operating current parameter is changed flowing through the LED in the range of 20 ~ 100 MA, a change in power dissipated is often observed. This, in turn, leads to a change in the temperature of the device. But with a strong heating of the LED, significant changes in its technical characteristics occur.

  • pulse. They are more modern models deprived of many shortcomings of analog dimmers. Most often today, pulse modulators (PWM) are used to regulate the luminous luminous ribbon. For LED products, these are the most effective dimmers.

As we see, a pulse dimmer will become the optimal choice for brightness to regulate the brightness. It, with proper connection, will allow you to effectively and conveniently control the level of the light flux emitted by LEDs.

Principle of action of latitude and pulse modulators

Since the latitude-pulse modulators today are used to regulate LED ribbons most often, consider their principle of action in more detail.

Pulse modulator

The principle of their action consists in changing the duration of the working share of the period for a rectangular pulse current, as well as the duration of its feed on the product. These parameters are determined relative to the zero level. It is understood by the proportion of the period when the maximum voltage is observed. This parameter is called breadth. Its changes occur in the range from 0 to 100%, causing characteristic changes in the meaning of the existing voltage of the light source.

Note! In this situation, the output current retains its stability, and at the most optimal level.

In this case, the spectral composition of the light flux is not subject to change, and the dispel power will be kept in the area of \u200b\u200bnominal values.
It is worth noting that the loss of dimmer itself during operation in a pulse mode remains minimal. It is also necessary to know that such regulators are best suited for connecting a computer and digital light level control method.
The disadvantages of such models include increased flicker. It is typical for cheap devices. Such a phenomenon may occur even with insignificant levels of brightness and it is harmful to the eye. Long-term monitoring of such a light effect can lead to different negative consequences:

  • the emergence of unpleasant visual sensations;
  • development of headaches;
  • increasing fatigue;
  • fallen attention and visual acuity.

To avoid such a negative impact on your body, it is necessary to give preference to better and expensive models.

How to connect dimmer

To address the LED tape, it is necessary to properly connect not only the transformer (power supply), but also dimmer itself. It should be remembered here that there are various types of LED emitters installed on LED ribbons:

  • RGB - tricolor. When mixing their glow, white light is obtained. And if you include separately, you can get a wide variety of color effects;

Color glow ribbon

  • luminophores. They are used as the radiation of the secondary plan for a special yellow linophore layer, which is illuminated by the LEDs of the blue color of the powerful type. To pick them, you should use special drivers (power supply and transformer), as well as dimmers.

Therefore, the selection of the connection scheme, as well as the type of dimmer, must be made based on the parameters of the purchased LED tape. For example, for white single-crystal tapes you need to use single-channel dimmers that are connected in the diagram after a transformer was installed.

Connection scheme option

If you correctly choose a dimmer, then your LED backlight will be adjusted in the best possible way.

Adjustment options

Dimmer control using the console

In addition to the above options for regulators, widely used to date, in order to change the characteristics of the level of the light flux, may differ among themselves and dimmers themselves depending on the control method. So, the dimmer can be controlled:

  • using the potentiometer. In this situation, it is embedded in a wall standard switch;
  • through connecting to a computer network using the Ethernet, Bluetooth or Wi Fi interface;
  • with the use of the radio frequency and infrared remote control.

Separately, it is worth noting that dimmers modules can be produced both separately and as part of combined devices. In the latter case, in one case it will be combined with the driver.

Another way to control brightness

Thyristor dimmer

In addition to the most dimmers, special dimmable power supply units are used to obtain a light flux of LED tapes today. They represent a special type of voltage source, which has the ability to control the brightness of that instrument to which they were connected. Most often in tandem with LED ribbons, a thyristor dimmer is used. It is best suited for the dimmed power supply.

Such products can be shared with incandescent lamps.
The dimmable power supply can significantly increase the life of LED products, just correctly stabilizing the voltage. It will save LED from sharp voltage drops, which often serve the main cause of breakdowns of various electrical appliances. In addition, such a product has aesthetic appearance and does not differ in difficulties in the installation.


There are several options to make the LED ribbon dimmed. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. But they all allow you to create a comfortable and efficient system for high-quality control of the brightness of light sources. In favor of which method, it is a way to make a choice (a dimmable power supply or installation of the dimmer) depends on some criteria described in the article. Remember that the key to success will be not only the correct choice of dimmer, but also the correct installation.