Connecting a saba to a two-channel amplifier. How to connect an amplifier and subwoofer to the car radio: Master himself. How the amplifier works

Arithmetic for amplifiers

The options for combined connecting acoustic systems to amplifiers were considered repeatedly, and although in modern installations such decisions are used more and less, these questions should be illuminated again.
Building the automotive audio system begins with the acquisition of the amplifier. The best option, of course, "one channel is one speaker," but it is not always suitable for the budget installation. Since the sound quality of the built-in heap amplifiers in recent years has improved markedly, many are limited only to the addition of subwoofer. In this situation, the choice goes between an active subwoofer, a single-channel or two-channel amplifier.

Active subwoofer - The thing is comfortable, all "in one bottle." Installation and connection will require a professional approach only in the event of a special desire of the client. Another advantage is small energy consumption. For several years now in active subwoofers use economical impulse amplifiers class D.. However, such subwoofers are designed in the calculation on a certain "average" salon and sound in a particular car will be different. Therefore, with higher requirements for "quantity and quality" bass, it is better to use a subwoofer and a separate amplifier (monoblock).

The fate of the single-channel amplifier is unequivocal - the subwoofer to him at the exit, "forward and with the song". Since the signal for the subwoofer is needed monophonic, left and right signals before serving to the amplifier must be summarized. Typically, the addition of signals and filtering the resulting signal for the subwoofer are performed by one device that is part of the built-in or external crossover. However, the "narrow specialization" of such an amplifier cannot not affect its price, and the choice of models is small. Therefore, the choice is usually done in favor of a two-channel amplifier.

There are many options for its use of a two-channel amplifier, but before switching to them, it is necessary to find out whether the "candidate" can work with the inclusion pavement scheme (bridge).

By the way, the presence or absence of such a possibility cannot be considered as dignity or as a deficiency. Amplifiers with the possibility of working in the bridge inclusion (such among automotive - the overwhelming majority) have greater flexibility of the application, which facilitate the life of the installer (or the owner). However, the reverse side of this flexibility causes anger of audiophiles. The fact is that the inverting and non-screwing channels of the bridge amplifier are made in one diagram, but on the signal path in one channel there is an optional cascade that inverting the signal. Therefore, when using such an amplifier, the number of cascades for the left and right channel signal will be different in the bridge. Miscellane will be the time of passing the signal through the amplifying path. However, it is almost impossible to measure this difference, although experiment lovers can try to change the amplifier channels - suddenly the desired scene will turn there, where necessary, without excess costs ...

If the amplifier cannot work in a bridge inclusion, it does not mean that it can only be used in the traditional way (as two-channel). Summing output signals, you can make two amplifier channels work on a total load. Most often, this inclusion is used when working on a subwoofer having a dual sound coil. In this case, each of the windings is connected to the output of a separate channel (must be compliance with the phasing!). If the subwoofer has only one winding, you will have to use the adder. Its device is considered at the end of the article.
Since each of the channels of the amplifier works with "its" signal, and the total (monophonic) signal is obtained by simply mixing the signals of two channels, such a mode of operation is called mixed Mono. (mixed mono). The power of the total channel is equal to double the power of one source channel (minus losses on the adder). But the most interesting option to turn on the two-channel amplifier - tri-Mode.. Two amplifier channels work each to their speaker system ("left-right"), and both together - on the total channel.
In order not to overload the output cascades of amplifiers, the operating frequency bands of the left-right and total channels should not be intersecting. Channels are used as broadband, built-in crossovers can not use the use of passive filters at the output of the amplifier inevitably. This is one disadvantage of this method of inclusion, not so significant. Since multi-band acoustics when working with a two-channel amplifier already uses a passive crossover, adding another link to little, except for the calculation order
Another, more serious disadvantage - the full inability to adjust the ratio of channel power ratio. Therefore, when choosing speakers to work in Tri-Mode, it is necessary to take into account their sensitivity and losses in the adder. The above is illustrated here such a scheme (for simplicity, the speaker systems of the left and right channels are shown broadband):

The amplifier with the ability to work "Bridge" when inclusive in two-channel mode has a feature.
The inversion of the signal in one of the channels is taken into account in the reverse phasing of the speakers of one channel. This is marked on the output terminals of the amplifier, so there is no need to look into the scheme, but when the amplifier is turned on, you need to use the terminals specified for this to connect - on another pair of sound will not be completely ...
When working in a bridge mode, the power of the total channel is equal to the hardening power of one source channel. However, when inclusive in Tri-Mode, it will not be possible to avoid the use of crossovers. All disadvantages of this mode are exactly the same as in the previous case. Plus, only in the fact that the calculation of crossovers is standard and can be performed according to any known technique.

The use of Tri-Mode and Mixed Mono is not limited to subwoofers. In the same way, you can organize the total midbasy channel in "over the budget" installation or central channel. In this case, you can use the built-in heap amplifiers.

In cases where the possibilities of the head apparatus are exhausted, an amplifier is needed with the number of channels in large than two. The most "sold" amplifiers in the model range of any company are four-channel. They have even greater flexibility. Due to the presence of four channels, they can be used both apart and together in a bridge or conventional inclusion scheme (or combinations thereof). It is difficult to give any specific recommendations here - it all depends on the model. All of the above applies to four-channel amplifiers, the regime is particularly popular. "2+1" . Two channels are included with the bridge on the subwoofer, and the two remaining - as usual, on the left and right acoustic systems. Since the amplifier channels are completely independent with this turn on, you can use the built-in amplifier crossovers. If you wish, you can organize TRI-MODE and in this case, and even two can be the total channels!

And now, as promised - the schemes of adders.

All options are based on a summing transformer, although two separate coils of the same inductance can be applied instead (with worst results). When calculating the frequency of crossover cuts, equivalent inductance is used L.. In the case of using individual coils, their calculated inductance is taken equal to equivalent. The calculated inductance of each winding of the summing transformer is taken equal to 2L. Constructive data is calculated according to any known technique. When winding the summing transformer, the winding must be wound in one direction. It is best to wind up at the same time in two wires.


Connect the amplifiers among themselves according to the sequential connection scheme. So, the output negative connector of the first amplifier is connected with a negative terminal of the second amplifier. Connect the plus output connector of the first amplifier with a positive output of the second. With the help of such an easy operation, you can ensure the coordinated operation of two amplifiers at once and increase the power of the audio system as a whole. However, it is worth paying attention to the current readings at the output so that its value does not exceed the permissible limits.

Before adjusting the amplifier, make sure that the resulting output connector completely coincides with. In addition, take care of the connection of amplifiers by connecting with an acceptable length with wires. It is best to choose the wires of the highest as possible. The smaller the sorting, the greater the wire diameter, and this is not always convenient. Typically take the 14th sorting, but it is possible and smaller, but with a sufficient length of the wire and in the presence of an acoustic system of good power.

Spend a test evaluation of the work of amplifiers. It is necessary to determine the quality of the work performed and eliminate possible shortcomings and interference. Pay attention not only to sound quality and functionality (although it is the main indicators of successful work), but also on an external aesthetic appearance.

When connected to the subwoofer to amplifiers, it is necessary to remember the presence of active and passive subwoofers. Active SAB has a built-in power amplifier that allows you to remove the load at low frequencies from amplifiers. Passive does not have its own amplifier, so its connection should be performed successively together with columns. The circuit for its connection should be attached to any user manual.

One of the topical issues for those who decided to establish a new audio system in the car: "Where to put an amplifier?" It is necessary to come to this question seriously to save a place that in budget small cars is constantly lacking, as well as to have free access to the amplifier settings.


On sedans, the amplifiers are often fixed on the rear shelf below. This method is sufficient to sufficiently affect the adjustment of the amplifier, normal cooling is provided, and the place in the trunk does not occupy a lot, which makes this method of installing the most common. True, such installation of the amplifier is beautiful, you can not call, can still interfere with the torsions, holding the trunk in the open state, but still this method is most popular.

On cars with a body hatchback, amplifiers are most often fixed on the backs of the rear seats. The way fast enough, however, during the operation of the car, there is a risk of damage to the amplifier transported in the cargo and during the layout of the chair. So that they do not cling to the cargo, the wires should be fixed and hide (if possible).

The next way to install the amplifier is an installation under front seats. Most modern cars under the seats are enough space to install medium-sized amplifiers. In addition, many car manufacturers today place the elements of the audio system just under the front seats.

This installation has its advantages: saving space in the trunk, cooling the amplifier, which is also not striking. There is, however, one minus - the place under the automobile chair may not be enough to set the amplifier of non-standard shapes and large sizes.

Many modern cars are equipped with additional niches for small things under the trunk floor. In principle, it is possible to establish an amplifier into such a niche, but the main problem in this case will be its insufficient cooling. To solve this problem, you will need to install special fans, as well as computer coolers.

Powerful carcassing lovers are often asked to equip the car with a powerful subwoofer, but such tuning is associated with a number of controversial issues. One of them is the connection and location of the amplifier.


Place installation. In order not to break the interior of the car's interior, the amplifiers are installed hidden, it also concerns and wiring. Low power reinforcement can be installed under front or rear passenger seats. Such devices are not very hot, so they are not as critical of the presence of permanent air access. Power amplifiers Over 1.5 kW should be placed in the trunk, on the back of the rear seats, on the rear window shelf in the sedans.

Music always want to take with you. Not exception is the car. However, I want not just to take, but also so that it was nice to listen. Standard acoustic systems installed in machines are not issued in most cases. In order to swaying your car in the acoustic plan, an additional system is installed, which includes an amplifier and an extended different-frequency speaker circuit.

Varieties of automotive amplifiers

  1. Two-channel amplifier. This device is designed to provide the sound of two speakers (front or rear) and subwoofer. Very rarely canals are divided into four dynamics.
  2. Four-channel amplifier. It can provide a sound four dynamics or two speakers and a subwoofer.

Important! When connecting two speakers to the channel and subwoofer to another channel, it is very difficult to achieve a clean sound.

  1. Puzzle amplifier. You can connect four speakers and subwoofer to it. Each item connects to your channel. Minus such a device: Care of most of the power of the amplifier on the subwoofer, as a result of this, the sound will not be even. Low frequencies will be used in the shortage of high frequencies.
  2. The monoblock is a device designed to enhance the sound that goes only on the subwoofer.

Factors affecting the installation of the amplifier

- the device should not interfere with the driver and passengers, should not spoil the interior and do not occupy a lot of functional space;

- the amplifier must be screwed to the body of the machine, and not moving parts;

- The device must cool well, i.e. It should be located in a large space, and not in a small box;

- Laying of wires should be simple. The wiring of the speaker system should go a separate harness from the main wires of the machine.

Interesting! If you connect all the wires into one harness (basic and musical), then there will be no interference with the car in the speakers.

Installation places amplifier

  1. Under one of the front seats. Pros: close to the power source, radio; Does not occupy a functional space. Cons: overheats, it is inconvenient to make a wiring of acoustic wires.
  2. Under the rear seat. Pros: Does not take useful space, does not overheat. Cons: as a rule, little space, and, therefore, a small power of the device; Far to the radio tape recorder and power supply.
  3. Under the lid of the trunk. Pros: plenty of place to accommodate (you can install any power machine), excellent ventilation, does not occupy a useful space, does not interfere. Cons: If the trunk shelf is very thin or flippy, then the amplifier can create outside sounds, break the shelf, and the connectors can be separated; If the amplifier is designed to be sized not only a subwoofer, and also columns, it is extremely inconvenient to make wire wiring.
  4. Place one of the sides of the trunk. Pros: Convenient installation, does not occupy a lot of functional space, a convenient connection, you can set several amplifiers, good cooling of the device. Cons: far from all devices.
  5. On the lid of the trunk. Do not occupy space, good ventilation, convenient connection, beautifully. Cons: It is possible to break down the device and the lid itself, it is possible to circulate wires in the locations of the beggars, far from all devices.
  6. On the back of the rear seats. Pros: plenty of place to install, good cooling, convenient installation, the ability to dilute the wiring in detail along different sides of the machine, the powerful mount does not occupy the functional space. Cons: Possible wire fractures with frequency folding frequency, far from sources.
  7. On the wall of the subwoofer. Pros: close to acoustics, does not take excess space, installation and disassembly are performed simply, powerful cooling. Cons: Strong vibration of the sound source can output amplifier.

Select the wires to connect the amplifier

Now consider how to connect the amplifier in the car. Now on sale there are immediately whole sets for connecting acoustics. However, the wires in the sets are quite dubious. The best option is to buy special acoustic wires.

Important! Household wires for connecting the speaker system are not suitable.

For the rear and front speakers, the cable with a cross section of 2x2.5 mm will go, the wire with a cross section 2x1.5 mm is suitable for high-frequency (sophisticated), for a subwoofer 2x4 mm.

Important! Rule: the longer the conductor, the time it should be thicker.

The amplifier is powered by akb wires of the KG-25 or 35.

Connectors in amplifier

Connector + 12V - It is powered by a battery. Between the battery and the amplifier, the fuse must be installed.

REM - control plug, designed to create a connection with a radio. The equipment through this wire will be turned on, and turn off with the radio.

GBD - mass connector. The wire must be as short as possible and thick.

Linear connectors - designed to connect columns and subwoofers. Subwoofer can be connected by a bridge in two line connector: minus subwoofer is connected to minus one connector, and plus a subwoofer in a plus of the second connector. The remaining "+" and "-" in the connectors connect each other (you need to read the instruction, since this operation is not required for all devices).

RCA (Tulips) - to connect a head unit.

Installing the amplifier in the car with your own hands

And now about how to install an amplifier in the car.

  1. Fresh self-stakes or bolts amplifier in the selected place.
  2. The next step is to connect the amplifier to the radio. If the device is four-channel, then two inter-block wires will be required if two-channel, then you need one wire.
  3. After that, the amplifier connects to the power source. Mass can be found on the machine body.
  4. Connect the control wire.
  5. On the battery, the battery amplifier is recommended to install a capacitor. It will prevent the battery discharge, as well as the failure of the equipment.
  6. Then connect all columns and subwoofers to the device. When connected, observe the polarity, and also ensure reliable fixing of the wires, since they depart and contact is lost from vibrations.

Customize amplifier

Traditionally, a few settings are used.

The sensitivity on the amplifier is indicated as LEVEL, possibly Gain.

LOWFREQUENCY (LPF) - low frequency filter. This adjustment allows you to cut a maximum of low subwoofer frequencies.

HighFrequency (HPF) - cuts down high frequencies. Designed to adjust high and mid-frequency speakers.

Crossover or X-OVER - switch between high and low frequency filters.

Settings option:

  1. Sensitivity twist at a minimum.
  2. On the radio set the maximum volume or almost maximum. Until the moment the distortion appears in the sound until the sound. Now we start to rotate the sensitivity regulator on the amplifier until significant sound distortions are heard. We turn into a slightly lower level and leave.
  3. Reduce the volume on the radio.

These are not difficult theoretical knowledge help choose a good amplifier and competently place it in the cabin.

Video on how to connect the amplifier into the car

The desire to improve what you have, and the chase for a non-existent ideal is a characteristic feature of a person. It was these qualities that made it possible to take the leading position in the evolutionary process to take the leading position in the evolutionary process, having longly intercepting the yellow T-shirt of the leader at primates and other mammals.


About car audio, good and different, connoisseurs can speak for days, and the quarrel will also get. At the same time, not always speaking really understand what the forums argues with such heat. The development of modern technologies allows you to collect in your car anywhere in the quality of the acoustic system - there would be a desire, and the main opportunity.

At the same time it happens absolutely optionally to spend long thousands to achieve quite acceptable sound - the quality of modern devices allows you to connect the amplifier without a radio tape recorder using the phone as a head unit.

Autocustic owners are conventionally divided into four categories:

  1. "Plays and okay." This is a very large category of users. They do not chase "bass" and "vertices" and other frills. The acoustic system in their auto usually consists of a car radio, most often, a regular, and standard set of speakers.
  2. Melomanany. With music lovers, everything is clear - people with mania are made to treat, sometimes radical methods, or leave alone if their mania is harmless to others. Fans of "good sound" understand the difference not only between high and low frequencies, but also for rumor can distinguish (or they say that they can) a numerical difference in the coefficient of harmonic distortion.
Approximate scheme

You can safely drag on this topic, because it is hardly a real connoisseur of sound with this article. Those who understand, communicate in a narrow circle of their own, and do not clog the Internet requests with the desire to see how to connect the amplifier to the standard magnetol on the video.

  1. Real steep boys. A good sound in the car may be a sign of Mulomanian connoisseur or demonstration of the "coolness" level. The competitiveness on this field is actively supported by manufacturers of acoustic components and service with centers offering services for the installation of all these audios, supplemented by LED backlights. It turns out very cool and expensive. True, often in order to evaluate the "quality" of the sound of the level "Butz, Butz, Butz", do not even be distantly understanding in this matter.
  2. Just people who know the price of high-quality things. These are those who understand that to obtain the right high-quality sound, it is not enough to purchase a quick "head" and hang in the car of the dynamics girly.

In order to get the desired, you need to first determine this desired, and then appoint a financial bar.

Ways to achieve the goal

It seems that it is difficult ...

The best way to upgrade sound in the car is to find those who are dealing with virtue of professional skills. Then the question will be only in the stress resistance of the owner and the degree of tenderness of a haberdashery called "Wallet". If the world was arranged so simple, it would be boring. The world would never know how to connect a four-channel amplifier to the radio, if she has only one way out. This is a very common phenomenon in standard systems installed by the manufacturer in cars.

Installation process

Depending on the model of the radio and amplifier, different connection schemes are possible. One possible options is to increase the output rules. The fact is that often there are these outputs on the board of the radio, but the manufacturer did not display the connectors on the device panel.

What and where

Another way to solve the problem is the use of adapters. There are splitters on sale (Y connectors), allowing to divide one linear output from the radio. Some models of modern amplifiers have a built-in ability to connect inputs in parallel. In this case, additional purchases of splitters will not be required.

Options under the driver's seat

In a more started case, if there are no linear outputs in general, the diagram that allows you to connect the 4-channel amplifier to the radio, it will be as follows: you can use the high level signal by taking it directly from the outputs on the speakers. In the amplifier, connect to the input having the "Hi Level Input" label using conventional acoustic cables.

One of the most common options for automotive acoustics is to connect a two-channel amplifier to the radio. This set is already different from the scheme "plays, and okay" implemented by the standard radio without an amplifier, but still far from "bells," and really high-quality sound.

If you connect a 2-channel amplifier to the radio, then you can connect twitters and midbasi through the gu, and the rear through the amplifier. True, there are restrictions on the implementation of this option: the radio must have filters or the system will need a passive crossover for HF speakers. Plus such a system is that subsequently it can be expanded by changing the GU (head unit) and acquiring another amplifier. Therefore, if the plans are the development of the automotive speaker system, it is better to buy a separate 2-channel amplifier than a monoblock.


Before trying to connect to a low-level radio tape recorder, think, and whether the device will cope with the duties assigned to it? Of course, I want a good sound, but there is a golden rule: all the components of the speaker system must match each other in the quality of the sound output. What is the sense in expensive rear loudspeakers, if the "head" gives little sound. They will reproduce the fact that they will reach them, and the lack of range to complement various "pigs".

Hello everyone!

In the last article, I told you about how to connect the 4-channel amplifier who do not know.

In this article, I want to tell you all about connecting a 2-channel amplifier on the example of DLS CA-22.

So, within the framework of this article, we will consider:

1) What is a 2-channel amplifier, for which it is needed.

2) Classification.

3) Application options.

4) Connection schemes.

5) Setting.

Well, everyone went in order :)

1) What is a 2-channel amplifier. The 2-channel car amplifier is an amplifier with a 2nd identical / identical gain channels. It is used to enhance the volume of music in the machine. Connects to the radio and as a load, various acoustic systems or subwoofer can be connected to it, but everything in order)).

2) Classification. There are 2 channel amplifiers operating in the class AV and D class on the market.

In short, the class predominantly has a lower output rated power and a small nonlinear distortion coefficient THD, as a result, the use of such amplifiers is rationally into the SQ system - that is, sound-oriented sound. Of the minuses of the AV class of work - increased power consumption and increased heat dissipation on the amplifier radiator in view of low efficiency.

Now about D - class. These amplifiers are characterized by significantly smaller dimensions they are easier by weight, have a high high nominal output power, but also have a very serious minus - these are higher non-linear distortion, as a result of the lower sound quality. But science does not stand still naturally develop more successful circuit solutions and it's all of course worth not at low money to justify the less decent sound quality.

CPD amplifiers d class higher and can reach over 90%in comparison with AB class 50-60%.

2-channel amplifiers are produced by small, medium and high power. Select the 2-channel amplifier must be selected depending on the specific / required task or target. So what you need to connect the 2nd columns in the end? Or maybe all 4? Or subwoofer? And maybe something else? Let's clearly understand what we can connect as a load to a 2-channel amplifier, and which is categorically impossible. This is our next point.

3) Application options. So, several acoustic systems or speakers can be connected to the 2-channel amplifier. The power of acoustics / speakers need to be chosen based on the power and the amplifier model, because of them and those and others there are a huge set.

3.1) To the 2-channel amplifier, you can connect the 2nd speakers for example for the front working in a wide band or using the Active HPF crossover.

3.2) You can only connect the 2-channel amplifier to the 2nd, but also the 4th columns in parallel inclusion. As it looks like in action, just below can be seen visually on possible connection schemes.

3.3) To the 2-channel amplifier, you can connect 2 or more of the HF twitters as with an external condenser, and without the use of an external capacitor, but at the same time before You need to turn on the HPF filter to work and customize the correct frequency of the cut, otherwise you risk burning "sakes".

3.4) To the 2-channel amplifier, you can connect the 1-H 4 ohm subwoofer on the inclusion pavement scheme or 2-ohm subwoofer maybe even such automotive sabs and does not exist :), this is me to the fact that for example you want to use the speakers from The old USSR acoustics, then you can easily relent and connect the bridge and everything will work cool. You connect "+" from one channel of the amplifier, such as left and "-" from another channel, such as right as the scheme below. Sometimes the amplifier needs to be switched to the pavement or mono mode by a separate switch. Please note that in bridge mode 99% of amplifiers do not work on the load below 4 ohms! This is very important, not compliance with this requirement will lead to the output of the amplifier.

3.5) Previously, we looked at what and how to connect to the 2-channel amplifier. At this point I will explain how NOT NECESSARY Connect and in which combinations. Here for example, you connected the subwoofer on the inclusion pavement scheme on it! About connecting columns to the same amplifier forget! Why? Because - in the first the amplifier will be overloaded by power, in the second subwoofers operate at low frequencies (with the LPF filter included) which the columns simply do not know how to play. In the third, the rated power of the subwoofers is much higher than the nominal power of the acoustics, and how you know the adjustment in the amplifier are united for 2 channels, that is, adjustable everything simultaneously for 2 channels!

Output: You use the 2nd columns in the full band + Additionally, you can connect the 2nd "sakes" through the separator capacitor, and the presence of a condenser's condenser in a chain with a "solemn" is required!

If you have already connected the subwoofer Connecting columns is not possible! Or columns or subwoofer something one of the listed! I hope so everything is clear, moving on. Go to the next item directly to the connection schemes. All that was before that in words maybe it was not very clear in the schemes below will be more clearly and sure everyone will understand what yes as.

4) Connection schemes. In this section, consider the 5 main options for connecting a two-channel amplifier.

4.1) Connection diagram of 2 columns to a 2-channel amplifier:

4.2) Connection diagram of the 4-speakers to the 2-channel amplifier:

4.3) Connection diagram Subwoofer to 2 channel amplifier:

4.4) Connection diagram of 2 columns and 2 RF tweeters through film non-polar capacitors to a 2-channel amplifier:

4.5) Connection diagram of 2 RF tweeters to a 2-channel amplifier:

5) Setting. So we approached the final stage after the connection you need to configure the 2-channel amplifier by adjustment by the controls.

A pen Gain & Level. It serves to match the levels of the sensitivity of the amplifier and the linear output of the radio.

A pen HPF. - This high frequency filter is used in the scheme using acoustic systems, which would cut off low frequencies. The filter works as follows - it skips the frequency above the adjustment frequency, everything below compresses! Depending on the type of columns used, this setting may be about 100 Hz +/-.

A pen Lpf. This is a low frequency filter. The operation of this filter is based on passing the frequencies below the setting frequency, how to understand? That is, if for example, the setup frequency is set at 50Hz means the amplifier will be the frequency below 50Hz everything is cut down above. This filter must be turned on the amplifier forschemes where subwoofer is used. Once again, with simple words, leaves bass on Sabe, and voice / speech and all that is higher in frequencies is cut off! This setting is recommended to be installed not higher than 50 Hz maximum 100Hz, but it is clearly busting, although do not forget it all depends on the type of subwoofer used and its design. It is necessary to customize not only on numbers but for rumor so that you yourself liked the sound.

Switch or knob Bassboost. - serves to increase the lifting of low frequencies at a certain frequency for example 30Hz. It is recommended to set minimum to avoid clipping (avoiding distortion) of the amplifier at high volume. To configure the HF twitters, the HPF filter can be installed on the slope of the cut from 2 kHz and above. In different amplifiers, different range of filter control ranges.

On this on a two-channel amplifier I have everything.