Mhat training. How to enter the Moscow Art Theater School for the acting department? About school-studio mhat

Moscow Art Theater School: admission rules, admission requirements, required documents, program, list of compulsory literature, tuition fees, contacts

About the Moscow Art Theater School, School-studio named after V.I. Nemirovich Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. It was opened in 1943 at the initiative of V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. In the summer of 1943, the first competition for the Moscow Art Theater School was held in the theater. The examiners were Moskvin, Kachalov, Knipper-Chekhova. The official opening of the school took place October 20, 1943.

The basis of teaching was the Stanislavsky system, designed to instill in the actor a sense of organic truth, spiritualized creativity in order to instill in him a keen sense of living life on stage.

IN 1956 students and graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200b"live theater", formed the Sovremennik Theater. His first performances were rehearsed in the auditoriums of the Studio School.

IN 2008 Kirill Serebrennikov formed an experimental acting and directing course within the framework of the Moscow Art Theater School. By 2012, from this course, the Seventh Studio was formed, which then became a resident of the Gogol Center.

Moscow Art Theater School, faculties: acting, scenography and theatrical technology, production.

Moscow Art Theater School-Acting Department... The acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School prepares students in the specialty "acting" and specialization "Artist of Drama Theater and Cinema". The term of study at the acting department is 4 years with full-time education.

Training at the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School can take place on a budgetary and on a commercial basis, depending on the results of the entrance tests.

Moscow Art Theater School, international connections:international exchange is supported, students from the USA, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan study at the institute.

Famous actors who graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School: Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Daniil Strakhov, Sergey Bezrukov, Andrey Myagkov, Oleg Basilashvili, Maxim Matveev, Igor Vernik, Tatyana Lavrova, Galina Volchek, Igor Kvasha, Lev Durov, Leonid Bronevoy, Valentin Gaft, Mikhail Efremov, Andrey Panin , Vladimir Mashkov,

Rules for admission to the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School:

Requirements of the Moscow Art Theater School for applicants: completed secondary education, age up to 20-22 years.

Admission to the Moscow Art Theater School is taking place in 4 steps: qualifying round, practical exam in artist's skills, oral colloquium and provision of USE results in Russian and literature

  1. Selection consultations (rounds) and creative competition.Qualifying rounds take place in May and June. The Moscow Art Theater School must pass 3 rounds of qualifying auditions. Listening involves reading the program by heart: 3 excerpts from prose, 3-4 poems and 3-4 fables. The creative competition takes place after the qualifying rounds and involves checking the plastic, musical and speech data (the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech defects, the clarity of diction is established).

Applicants who pass the qualifying round are admitted to the stage of entrance exams:

2. Itour. Mastery (practical exam). Evaluated on a 100-point scale .. Assumes reciting poems, fables (necessarily by I.A. Krylov),

Consists of two sections:

  • performance of the reading program from literary works: poems, fables, prose excerpts. It is necessary to prepare several works of each genre.
  • test of voice and speech. The check is carried out by teachers on stage speech with the participation of a speech therapist and a phoniatrist, the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech deficiencies, and the clarity of diction are established.

Additional entrance test Singing and Dancing. Rated on a 100-point scale. Consists of two sections:

  • checking musical data. It involves the performance of a song by the applicant of his choice, exercises to check the musical rhythm, playing musical instruments is allowed
  • verification of plastic data. It involves the performance by the applicant of his choice of dance, participation in the performance of special exercises to check plasticity, coordination of movements.

3. USE results in Russian and USE results in literature for 2013-2014 students

In the case of higher education, graduation from a secondary educational institution (school) before 2009, availability of secondary vocational education in the specialty of admission or citizenship of the countries of the Near Abroad, the applicant does not need the results of the USE. In this case, in addition to clauses 2 and 3, he takes general education exams at the Moscow Art Theater School: Russian Language and Literature.

List of documents to the Admissions Office of the Moscow Art Theater School for applicants of the full-time department of the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School:

  1. Application addressed to the rector (in a uniform form);
  2. Certificates of USE results in Russian language and literature or their copies, certified in accordance with the established procedure (before enrollment, they must be replaced with originals). Persons who have successfully passed the entrance exams, but for objective reasons did not have the opportunity to participate in the USE during the period of the final certification, can take the USE after the end of the entrance exams in the direction of the University, in July of this year. They will be credited upon presentation of the certificate;
  3. Certificate or diploma (original);
  4. 6 photographs 3x4 cm (pictures without a headdress);
  5. Medical certificate (form 086 / y) dated the current year;
  6. Passport and its photocopy (presented in person);
  7. Young men show a military ID or a certificate of registration and hand over copies of these documents.

Applicants who did not pass the competition, by the decision of the Examination Commission, may be offered paid tuition. If the applicant has a diploma of higher education, according to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", it is possible to study only on a commercial basis.

languageThere is no data

scheduleWorking hours:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri from 11:00 to 16:00

Gallery School-studio Moscow Art Theater

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "School-Studio (Institute) named after Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov "


No. 01984 valid Indefinitely from 04.03.2016


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Moscow Art Theater School

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 6 points)4 4 6 5 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study72.27 70.53 70.62 67.74 66.66
Average USE score enrolled in the budget74.91 71.52 70.92 69.74 67.4
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis67.48 69.21 69.98 63.83 63.45
The average for all specialties the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department57 53.5 55.12 54.50 59.67
Number of students247 249 285 314 311
Full-time department247 249 261 267 266
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural0 0 24 47 45
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About the Moscow Art Theater School

History of the School-Studio creation

In 1943, a new acting institution of higher education was opened - the Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The Institute was founded on the basis of the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. The first admission of students took place during the Great Patriotic War, but this did not prevent the collection of the first course in full. The teaching at the university was based on the world-famous Stanislavsky system. Famous graduates of the theater institute of past years are such domestic stars as Oleg Efremov, Alexei Batalov, Lilia Tolmacheva. Graduated from the Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and cult modern stars: Irina Apeksimova, Vladimir Mashkov.

Areas of educational activity of the School - Studio

The institute implements educational programs in the following areas:

  • Acting art. At the end of the course, a specialist diploma is awarded, the term of full-time study is 4 years. Admission is possible both on a paid and on a budgetary basis;
  • The decoration of the performance. Students of this direction receive a bachelor's degree;
  • Scenography. Graduates who have completed a 5-year course of study receive a specialist diploma;
  • Producer (qualification - performing arts producer). This direction implies 5-year training for a specialist.

For each faculty, a set of general humanitarian and special disciplines is provided, including history, philosophy, foreign languages, acting, stage speech and plastic, drawing and painting, make-up.

student life

Students of the Studio School, based on the results of intermediate tests, can expect to receive a regular or increased scholarship, subject to their excellent passage. In addition, monthly financial support is assigned for certain categories of students. Students of the acting department are provided with a place in a hostel.

Student life takes place in touring performances. Young actors and actresses got the opportunity to perform on the best stages of the country, to spend most of their time in the spotlight.

Main directions of international activity

School-studio named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko is also characterized by significant international activities carried out in the following areas:

  • Teaching foreign students according to special programs;
  • Cooperation with foreign universities;
  • Organization of internships for students of the institute.

Over the years, hundreds of students from near and far abroad have come to study at the legendary higher educational institution. Foreign students study intensively together with Russian students, and also get the opportunity to complete language immersion. More than 10 years ago, on the basis of the Studio School, a magistracy was opened, training in which is conducted for all students, regardless of nationality. The master's program has a partnership program with the theater department of Harvard University. The institute has fruitful friendly relations with the National Theater Institute (Connecticut), Northern Illinois College, the Central School of Speech and Drama (USA), and the Academy for International Arts (Bonn, Germany).

Since 1990, the Stanislavsky Summer School, which is quite famous abroad, has been opened on the basis of Cambridge. Her listeners study Russian culture, art and theater.

Information for applicants

Admission to the Studio School is based on the results of the unified state examination in Russian language and literature, as well as on the basis of a creative interview. Each direction has its own requirements for entrance examinations. So, for admission to the faculty of acting, you need to recite an excerpt from a poem, fable or prose. The direction of scenography involves the creation of a drawing or graphic composition. All additional tests are evaluated on a 100 point scale.

Additional facts about education at the Studio School

Students of a creative university have the opportunity to continue their higher education by enrolling in a magistracy. This direction is available for directing direction.

An important part of the educational process is the participation of students in staging performances on the stage of the educational theater. It is in this place that graduation performances of future specialists in the creative field take place. Stage performances of this nature are organized not only with the participation of the teaching staff, but also with a full hall of real spectators. Internships for students of the School-Studio. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko are in the form of a tour. Students of the institute can try their hand not only in classical performances, but also in modern performances in the modern style.

The standard term of study is 4 years.
The form of study is full-time.
The check figures for admission (budget places): main places - 14, the quota for admission of persons with special rights - 2.
Under contracts with payment of tuition fees (paid places) - 16.
Artistic director of the course - Ryzhakov Viktor Anatolyevich, professor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Before the start of entrance examinations, applicants qualifying auditions in three rounds are mandatory... For qualifying auditions, you must prepare a program: 3 excerpts from prose, 3-4 poems, 3 fables.
The first rounds of qualifying auditions are held:
- in April - on Sundays - 5, 12, 19, 26 April 2020;
- in May - on Sundays - 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2020;
- in June - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the month.
Registration for selection auditions is carried out in the form of electronic registration from March 15, 2020. Registration procedure for applicants. Applicants who received a negative result as a result of qualifying auditions in the first, second or third rounds, to re-audition not allowed.
Second and third rounds selection auditions are held in June, according to the schedule approved by the Admissions Committee. The schedule will be posted on the website of the Moscow Art Theater School in April 2020.
Applicants who have passed three rounds of qualifying auditions, are admitted to the entrance tests. Before the entrance examinations, applicants submit the following documents to the Admissions Committee:
a) statement (in the application it is necessary to accurately indicate the obtained USE points in the Russian language and literature);
b) a document proving identity and citizenship (passport);
c) certificate of education or education and qualifications;
d) six photographs (3x4).
USE results are valid for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 biennium
Reception of documents from June 17 to July 7, 2020 from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00 (on July 7, documents will be accepted from 10.00 to 16.00) at the address: Moscow, Kamergersky pereulok, building 1, 3rd floor, office 3-4.
Entrance tests are held from July 01, 2020 as groups are formed from among the persons who have submitted the necessary documents.

List of entrance examinations:

1. Creative test:
- performance of literary works: reciting poems, fables, excerpts from prose (prepare several works of different genres).

2. Professional test:
- test of voice and speech: the presence of a healthy voice, the absence of organic speech defects, the clarity of diction is established;
- checking musical data: performing exercises as instructed by the examiner to check the musical rhythm, performing a song of your choice;
- verification of plastic data: performing exercises on the test of plasticity, coordination of movements, performing a dance of your choice on the instructions of the examiner
The exam results are evaluated on a 100-point scale.
The minimum score for budget seats is 50.
The minimum score for paid seats is 50.
3. Russian language - Unified State Exam
The minimum score is 56.
4. Literature - Unified State Exam
The minimum score is 45.

The entrance test programs, criteria and grading scale are published in the Admissions test programs section

Nonresident students are provided with a hostel during their studies.
The hostel is not available at the time of admission.

Is a prestigious theatrical educational institution that recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. During this time, several thousand first-class specialists have emerged from its walls - talented actors, directors, producers. What are such names as Leonid Bronevoy, Alexey Batalov, Galina Volchek, Oleg Tabakov, Tatyana Doronina, Nikolai Karachentsov, Yevgeny Mironov ...

was created on the initiative of V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and still bears his name. Training here is carried out in four specialties: acting, scenography, technology for the decoration of the performance and production. Graduates school of the Moscow Art Theater work in the best theaters in Russia.

For those who cannot imagine their life without theater and dream of dedicating themselves to the stage, moscow Art Theater School can become the very starting point from which a person's life in art begins.

Of course, the number of applicants is many times higher than the target numbers for admission to all faculties. The number of students includes only the most talented and worthy guys from among those who not only want to be an actor, but are eager to develop and improve themselves, comprehend the secrets of art, hone their skills and abilities.

To enroll in school studio Moscow Art Theaterit's not enough just to come to the audition and read your program. The entrance tests should be preceded by a long preparation and work on oneself. The applicant must be relaxed, expressive, erudite, must know the basic acting terminology, be familiar with the history of the theater, have an idea of \u200b\u200bbooks about the profession of an actor. Anyone who is going to enter the acting department must be able to control his voice and body well, be flexible, strong and plastic, have good coordination of movements, have clear diction, correct pronunciation. The applicant's voice must be well-trained, deep and pleasant, and most importantly, it must express emotions.

All of the above requirements are not excessive or unattainable. Compliance with them can be achieved by devoting enough time and effort to work on yourself. If you can get acquainted with the work of great actors and directors yourself, then for everything else you will need a teacher who will supervise your classes.

Now there are many theater studios that prepare children for. Each of the studios has its own leader, and accordingly its own teaching staff and working methods. The theater studio has a great advantage over classes with a private teacher. Group activities promote liberation and develop a sense of partnership. In addition, in theater studios, classes are held in several disciplines at once, which allows children to work in several directions at once.

Theater Studio Kvadrat - a place with more than forty years of history. This acting school aims at pre-professional training of boys and girls for acting. Here the guys are trained acting, stage speech, stage movement and choreography, they develop comprehensively, take their first steps on the stage, participate in staging performances of all genres - from New Year's fairy tales to Shakespeare's tragedies. After completing training in theater studio Kvadrat, the most motivated students, easily enter the theatrical universities, including the Moscow Art Theater School.