Why do you dream about a sheet? “Dream Interpretation I dreamed of a sheet, why I dreamed of a sheet in a dream I dreamed of a stain on the sheet after a guy

A sheet seen in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as not a very significant symbol. However, most often it is evidence of the dreamer’s hidden feelings, his secret thoughts. Why such a sign is dreamed of, the state of a person’s inner world will be indicated by how the sheet looked. Appearance will also tell you what to pay attention to.

General value

Did you dream of a white, clean sheet? This testifies to the clear conscience of the sleeper, who does everything for his loved ones without any ulterior motives. Crumpled, dirty, torn, warns of debauchery, illness, and unseemly thoughts. The dream book warns against committing immoral, unworthy acts.

Buying it in a dream means family happiness awaits. Seeing a new beautiful sheet of any color will in reality be a reason for joy. Lying on it means wealth, well-being and prosperity.

Why do you dream of a dirty sheet? The white stripe of the dreamer's life may be replaced by a black one. The dream book warns: we must prepare for trials. When it is torn in a dream, the dream signals: stagnation in career growth is possible, which will eventually end.


Did you dream of putting a fresh sheet on your bed? You will be able to get out of difficult circumstances safely. The dream book tells us: no matter how difficult the situation may seem, we must not give up, because sometimes the life-saving solution is not at all where we expect.

Why do you dream that she is dirty? The sleeping person will be the envy of his colleagues. Moreover, this envy will not always be associated with work or career. Therefore, we need to brag less about successful acquisitions or a happy family life to them. Washing a sheet in a dream means you can regain your shaky authority in the team.

The dream of a wet sheet has several explanations. If a person wets himself in a dream, this means that solving some difficult problem is not yet possible. The dream book recommends resting for a while, putting all matters aside. When the sleeper erased it, grief, resentment, and unpleasant consequences of previously committed mistakes and sins lie ahead.

Love, relationships

Why does a girl dream of laying out a white sheet? Soon there will be a joyful meeting with loved ones whom I have seen too long ago. A beautiful, possibly colored sheet in a dream is a lucky sign. Interpretation of the vision: pleasant personal events are coming, a romantic acquaintance that can have a serious impact, as well as sensual pleasures.

Dirty, torn bed linen or its absence at all on a dismantled bed in a dream signals deception. Moreover, a loved one can deceive, which is the most offensive thing.

Did you dream of making your bed with sheets? According to the dream book, in reality the sleeper seeks to hide a certain action from others. If it is crumpled, attempts will most likely be unsuccessful. To straighten the folds - the dreamer will take any measures so that a certain person does not find out about his action.

A clean, new sheet in a dream is a symbol of family harmony, the absence of worries and worries. If troubles and worries bother you, they will end happily.


Sometimes such bedding acts as a harbinger of illness. The dream book advises paying attention to its appearance: fresh, ironed - the malaise will be mild; contaminated or with blood - a serious or long-term illness is ahead.

Why dream of lying on dirty bed linen? Possible illness. Pay more attention to your health. If you had a vision during seasonal worsening weather, it’s time to take preventative measures.

Do you see fresh blood stains on it in a dream? A painful operation awaits. When the spots are dried, it means that you have just recently experienced an operation or some kind of shock, the consequences of which you continue to feel. The dream book emphasizes: you should move forward, leaving past problems behind.

Dreaming of a sheet is a symbol of illness, hospitalization, negative fantasizing. Linen hanging in the dream reflects your state of mind; illness and apathy are possible. Being naked in a sheet means you are vulnerable, idle conversations tarnish your reputation.


What color sheet did you dream about?

I dreamed about a colored sheet▼

Why do you dream of a colored sheet? Happy omen. There are only pleasant personal events ahead. A new romantic relationship is possible, which could develop into a more serious relationship.

Dreaming of a red sheet▼

A dream about a red sheet, says the dream book, is interpreted as in intimate life. Troubles began to occur due to your frivolous attitude towards your own health.

Seeing a yellow sheet in a dream▼

Dreaming of a yellow sheet - promiscuity, promiscuous sexual relations with the opposite sex will lead to the onset of a sexually transmitted disease. Think about your own frivolity and take preventive measures.

What did you do with the sheet in your dream?

Washing a sheet in a dream▼

I dreamed of a beautiful sheet ▼

A dream about a beautiful sheet foreshadows a joyful event in reality. It is possible to receive good news from relatives; you will be directly involved in the emerging business.

If you dream of a cut sheet ▼

Why do you dream of a cut sheet? On the part of colleagues and colleagues, a strong feeling may appear. Moreover, these feelings will not always relate to work or career achievements.

Seeing a wet sheet in a dream▼

A sheet, says the dream book, means the impossibility of solving a difficult problem. Better spend your time putting things aside. Washing wet clothes means disappointments are expected; previous mistakes will have negative consequences.

Terry sheet in a dream▼

Dreaming of a terry sheet means the appearance of a person with whom a relationship will give you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning. Don't destroy this idyll.

Did you dream about a dirty sheet?

I dreamed of a dirty sheet ▼

Seeing a dirty sheet in a dream means dark times will soon come. Get ready for life to start throwing up more and more difficulties. A torn, smeared one symbolizes career growth. , it won't be very long.

Dreaming of a sheet covered in shit▼

Dreaming of a sheet covered in shit means being in a depressed, difficult psychological state. Due to the heaviness in your soul and uncertainty in life, you experience mental anguish.

Stained sheet in a dream ▼

A dream about a sheet has a negative interpretation. It portends promiscuity, and in some cases, deterioration in health.

I dreamed of a clean sheet▼

Why do you dream of a clean sheet? This dream indicates feelings that you are carefully trying to achieve, or a certain secret plan. Understand that not everyone needs to hide information about themselves.

Was the sheet torn in your sleep?

Dreaming of a torn sheet▼

The Felomena dream book considers a torn sheet as a symbol of debauchery, illness or evil intent. One way or another, the dream has a negative connotation and indicates immoral behavior.

Seeing a sheet with holes in a dream▼

A sheet with holes in a dream means poor health. Do not make an appointment with a doctor; perhaps the illness will affect someone else, but, nevertheless, a person dear and close to you.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

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Did you dream about a Sheet, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a sheet in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I picked out warm sheets from a second-hand store, but they were all washed out and stained. Then I saw a large beautiful sheet with a pattern of red poppies. I looked at her and left because the store was closing.

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend forgot a marsh-colored sheet and a knife in my car, I took them, went up to my room and washed them, after a while he returned and diligently searched for the sheet in the car and demanded the return of another sheet of exactly the same color. Please tell me what this is for.

    in life, this man and I are friends. But in a dream I dreamed that we were 8 years old and we met on the bus that was going to the camp. in the camp two women come up to us and ask “which of you is the bravest?” I took my friend by the hand and walked up to these women and said “we are the bravest.” then the woman invited us into the car and I asked “will there be ice cream” (in my life I don’t eat ice cream), she answered that there would be, put us in the car and we drove off. the road was straight and nothing was visible besides it, as if there was no weight and just a straight road leading to some goal. we arrived at the house, it looked abandoned, some man came out to him, one of the women who brought us there. and told him that we needed money to clothe us. he takes out a wad of money and gives it to this woman and says take them somewhere to have fun. Next to the house there was a lake with clear, very clean water. the woman tells us that we need to cross this lake by boat to go shopping. I said that I won’t go on a boat, that I can swim very well, I dive and swim, my friend sits and cries that she won’t go anywhere without me, and in the middle I emerge and ask, “Are you swimming or not?” my friend says that she won’t go anywhere without me. I turn around and swim towards her. but she doesn’t know how to swim, I reassure her that I won’t let her drown and, diving, I grab her leg, she falls into the water and realizes that she can breathe under it. and the woman who was with them walks along the lake and is constantly up to her waist, although the water level is falling. we swam across the lake. on the other side we go into a large store, there were two dresses: a black evening dress, my friend chose it, and a white wedding dress, shortened in the front and slightly longer in the back. I look at him and say that I will get married in this dress, then this woman comes up to me and tells me that I will get married in this dress and allows me to try it on, and she allowed my friend to try on a black dress. We leave this store and go in another, an elderly man walks in front of us with forgiveness and says, “finally, the sisters have found each other,” I tell him, “I mean, sisters? We just met on the bus.” and he said that in the future we will understand everything and left. I grab my friend’s hand and we try to catch up with him, but we can’t. then we returned to that woman, we walked past the jewelry store, we went into it and the woman tried on the ring, I asked why she needed the ring, she said that in the future we will find out. on the display case there was a ring with a large blue stone that my friend really liked; she said she wanted it, but she was told no rings. and we left the store and went back to the house, and then we went by car. The man who gave the money was lying on the ground near the house, the woman came into the house and told us to wait for her near the house. but she didn’t come out and I took my friend by the hand and led her into the house (we looked like we were over 20 at the time), in it we walked constantly straight and on the wall there was a picture covered with a black sheet, I took this picture and told my friend to stand still and left. At first my friend stood there crying, then she went to look for me but couldn’t find me.

    I dreamed of a sheet, it turned out that I was laying it out as if after washing with three women I knew (work colleagues), but the sheet was torn (I also noted (in the dream) that my dog ​​had an old sheet for drying that was cleaner than the one I I add up) and at the same time everything happened on the street between two houses among the trees and on the ground. What also haunted me in my dream was that how come I don’t communicate with these women and now they help me. (I used to work with them in the same department, but now I’ve moved to another and I don’t maintain any relationship)

    I’m laying out a sheet right on the road in some field, people are working in the distance, it’s getting dark and I need to spend the night here…. I sprinkle the edges of the sheet with earth, people pass along the road, I let them pass (removing the sheet so as not to trample and dirty it) and continue to lay it. It suddenly gets dark, I go to bed, I’m worried, because... I know that somewhere out there, strangers in the field, I hear their voices. ...

    Good afternoon Please tell me, today (from Wednesday to Thursday) I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend. We broke up with him two years ago. He went into one room, and I went into another, and in a dream I made a bed for us, as it were. He had to come. More precisely, I only remember spreading out a clean sheet. The ex never came. And two unfamiliar men stand near the bed and one helps straighten the sheet.

    This is no longer a dream. Now I have another guy, with whom we had a serious fight a couple of days ago and he left. Maybe this dream is connected with this other guy? Please tell me! Thank you in advance!

    I’m riding on a train with a border on the shelf and I cover us with a sheet, then an old man climbs over us and behind him an old woman and when I go to bed with us, I tell my husband to make a kind of wall out of the sheet so as not to touch them.

    Hello! I went to a second-hand store with three friends. Everyone started going through things, and my friend and I went further to the bags and found good bedding in them - flowered sheets, good curtains. We were very happy that we bought so much and so well.

    hello, I dreamed that I was sleeping and when I woke up I got up and saw a large stain of blood on the sheet, and my mother called me and said that I had not given birth yet, that’s the dream I had, and I dreamed that I was pregnant

    When I went to the store, there were some elastic bands for the sheets, they offered me a couple of colored sheets, they said there were three sheets left, one of them with a hole, they asked me to go and look, it was with a hole, it turned out to be normal with a patch, almost imperceptibly, I seemed to look, but didn’t buy anything

    Hello Tatiana! In a dream, a dog was brought to me by an old acquaintance dressed in a white veil and an airborne vest, and the dog was wrapped in a folded sheet, on this sheet I sleep, it is white with red and black and yellow stripes…. then I take a dog, she is kind and it’s as if she turns into a cat and she becomes like a thimble, small and black!!! What could this mean?

    I dreamed that I was in my ex-husband’s apartment, there were a lot of indoor flowers everywhere. He tries to kiss me, I walk away and suddenly I see him in bed with a woman, both covered with a white sheet with their heads invisible. I had a dream with a white sheet 8 years ago, it’s still coming true .

    a relative of my future husband tore the sheet in half and I put on one half. But at the same time, the deceased mother of her future husband says that she needs this sheet (not knowing that it is torn). I worry in a dream, but there are witnesses that it was not me who tore the sheet. I calmed down. Then the future husband takes out certificates of his deceased children (although he had only one daughter and she died, and he did not have a boy) and says that he forgot to create some documents. I promise to do everything myself...

    Hello! I had a dream as if I was sitting at an exam or even lying at the table in a supine state. I’m trying to write something on a piece of paper in a box, but I don’t know anything. I constantly try to sit in a normal position but it doesn’t work. On top of me lies a snow-white sheet or blanket, rather a sheet because... She was thin and light, I try to remove her from myself, but I see that she is getting dirty from my touch. I feel like I’m dirty and I start wiping my neck, chest and arms on the sheet, while simultaneously trying to write something on the exam, but I don’t know anything. There are very few people sitting nearby who I don’t know what they look like, and a teacher walks nearby and keeps an eye on everyone.

    I saw my sheet covered in sweat, and the sweat was not ordinary, but all slippery and thick, the whole sheet glistened with it. I give it to my mother, and she says that only washing will help and takes it away. the sheet was crystal clean

    My mother had this dream. The late father came home and walked to the sewing machine. He sat down at it and began to stitch a white sheet. Mom asked what he was doing, he replied, “I’m finally separating from you, I’m going to get some sheets for myself.” Mom noticed that the seam was even. All.

    Hello. I dreamed of a clean sheet, as if it had just been washed. and I kind of lie on it. on the bed. and a girl I knew next to me brought a lot more sheets. pure beautiful colors. and spreads it out. kind of like myself. and with something like that - look how fresh my sheets are. I smelled them and was like, well, I’d like those, with humor. what is it for?

    Hello Tatiana!
    In the dream, I was present at a trial, my friend called me there (the judge was the woman whose husband and I are currently debating), but in the dream it was some kind of make-believe trial))) the hall was large, the floor was dirty and there were a lot of empty chairs, besides my friend and I there were several other men (I don’t know them). At the end of the process, my friend and I ended up in a cafe in the same building, there were a lot of different men, we didn’t wait for our order and decided to leave, we went outside, I invited my friend to give her a ride in my car (at the moment this car is in dispute between me and husband, he wants to take it for himself and not pay me anything for it) we approached the car, it was already dark, the car was illuminated by a street lamp, the car was covered with a white sheet with a discreet pattern, when I approached the car, I opened the driver’s door and noticed a flock of homeless people around us dogs, two or three dogs attacked the sheet on the car and began to tear it, we hurried to get into the car, I couldn’t open the door completely; a snowdrift was in the way, but I still got into the car and through the windshield I saw a huge head in the pack dog, she turned her muzzle at me - I was scared and, so as not to scream and look into her eyes, I covered my face with my hands, the dog did not notice me. And we quickly left.
    What happens in real life is described in brackets!!! thanks if you help!!!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was sitting in a car with my ex-boyfriend, naked, wrapped in a white sheet and in my hands I had my clothes: a pink sweater and a light skirt. We want to have sex, we come to me (I’m walking in a white sheet) and when we came up to me, we changed our minds, the guy left, that’s actually the whole dream

    large bright room, many beds perpendicular to the walls.
    I’m alone in such a room, laying down the sheets: first white with pink small polka dots, then unfolding a rich, colorful, dark, beautiful pattern. the pillowcase is pure white, on which there is a red rose (drawn) in the middle. and I also have a folded light green sheet in my hands.
    That’s the whole dream, I will be very grateful if you help me decipher it. Thank you

    a tall black metal fence with sharp ends like spears. behind the fence there is some kind of wooden canopy, like dried grapes. under the canopy there is a long table and along it there are chairs, or rather armchairs. and the table and chairs are covered with white silk sheets. in general, the situation resembles a cemetery, but I don’t see any crosses or graves, I don’t see anything further than this table. I saw the dream three times. I remember earlier that the wind was blowing and there were dry leaves everywhere. and today I dreamed that it was raining. Moreover, the wind does not tear the sheets off the objects, and they do not get wet from the rain. the day before, as a dream for the third time, a crow crashed into me on the street. I would really like to know what this all means. Thank you!

    For several days I have been dreaming about my dead mother-in-law. And today, besides her, I dreamed that my husband and I arrived at some hotel, were checking in, then for some reason we got lost, I caught a glimpse of him on the floor above and barely caught up with him, going up some kind of escalator that seemed not intended for passengers. We go into the room, which turns out to have a row of single beds, probably about 20 of them, we take a long time to choose, finally we throw back the blanket, and under it is a completely worn, torn sheet, on the other bed there is a whole sheet. All linen is clean.

A sheet is usually associated with a hospital or illness. If the sheet is clean, then the disease will be mild, but if there are any stains on it, this indicates a severe course of the disease.

Many, upon waking up, ask the question: “Why do you dream about a sheet? " And the answer to it is ambiguous. For example, making the bed with a crumpled sheet - no matter how the sleeper tries to hide something from others, they will still find out the truth someday.

If a person tries to smooth out wrinkles on a sheet in a dream, then this truth will bring sad consequences. If a woman had a dream in which a man pulls the sheet off her, then at work someone will harass her. You should be patient so as not to tarnish your reputation. If in a dream the sheet was stained with dirt, this may mean that the dreamer has enemies.

If you see a sheet that is too dirty, this indicates that the dreamer may soon have health problems. This threatens him with hospitalization.

If you dream of a sheet that a person accidentally tore, then such a dream indicates that, due to the fault of the sleeper, loved ones may experience nervous disorders. You need to treat them with understanding, show care and patience, then stress will bypass them.

If you dreamed about how someone peed on a sheet, then there is a chance that this person will soon get sick. But you dream of feces on the sheet as a sign of money, so you shouldn’t talk about what you saw. Then the arrival will not be far off. If in a dream a girl saw fresh bloody spots on the sheet, this means an operation, most likely gynecological.

If you dreamed of dried blood stains, then after the operation shock and anxiety will still persist. We need to quickly forget about what happened and move on. You should also pay attention to the size of the spot. If they are small, then the illness will be short-lived and well tolerated by the girl. Large blood stains indicate serious problems, and the greater the number of stains on the sheet, the longer the course of the disease will be.

Why do you dream about a white sheet? If a young lady had a dream where she laid a white sheet on the bed, then in reality she will meet close people who will bring joy.

Also, seeing a snow-white sheet in a dream indicates the clear, unsullied conscience of the sleeper. A person does not hide anything and is honest with others; he does all his actions from the heart and is not capable of meanness.

If the dreamer woke up in an unfamiliar bed on a white sheet, then in reality he will be visited by guests, after meeting whom he will be left with a sea of ​​positive emotions. If a child soils a white sheet in a dream, then in reality the sleeper will face problems that will disrupt his usual life.

The article told not only about why white sheets are dreamed of, but also told about the meaning of the stains on them. This plays a huge role in the interpretation of dreams. You should always pay attention to the external attractiveness of the things you dream about.

Why does a woman dream about a sheet:

Usually seeing a sheet in a dream is not a very good sign, especially if we are talking about a dirty or wrinkled sheet. If you dreamed of a sheet with which you cover your bed, then in real life you will want to hide some of your actions from others.

At the same time, if in a dream you saw a crumpled sheet, then your attempt to hide some of your unseemly actions from others will most likely end in failure. And if in a dream you are trying to straighten out various folds on the sheet, then in reality you are very worried about the possibility that a specific person will find out about this act, and you are ready to take any action to prevent publicity.

Sheet - If a girl had a dream in which she lays snow-white sheets on the bed, then soon in real life she will meet people close to her whom she has not seen for a long time, and this meeting will bring her great joy.

Dirty sheets, as a rule, portend illness, both your own and the illnesses of people close to you.

In general, we can say that you dream of sheets in a dream not only if you are afraid of divulging your secrets, but also if any anxiety can be noticed in your behavior. Try to calm down, otherwise you may make a lot of mistakes that will make your life very difficult in the future.

1 Bed sheet Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing a sheet in a dream means:

1 Bed sheet Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

A dream with a sheet in the dream book is interpreted as:

An image associated with negative aspects of life - hospital, illness. the dream speaks of an excessive tendency to laziness, degradation and lack of development. This doesn't necessarily apply to your entire life. You need to pay attention to the context in which you see the sheet, what other people appear in the dream, and then you will understand in which area of ​​your life there is stagnation and lack of development. If you dream of a sheet in connection with a relationship with a loved one, this may indicate that this relationship is unpromising and exhausted for you.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Bed sheet Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Sleeping with a sheet means:

An image associated with negative aspects, such as hospital, embalming, negative fantasy, illness. Sometimes associated with “lazy behavior” of the “bed status” type and a predisposition to severe regression.

1 Bed sheet according to the Online dream book

Meaning of sleep sheet:

If you saw a sheet in a dream, you will soon get sick.

The sheet was clean - you can overcome the disease.

Dirty - coping with the disease will not be so easy.

Seeing a white sheet in a dream means that thanks to your kindness and selflessness, you will easily cope with the difficulties that arise, you will feel joy and serene peace.

1 Bed sheet according to Hasse's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a sheet:

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Bed sheet Dream Interpretation of Health

What a sheet might mean in a dream:

Symbol of illness; A clean, ironed sheet means the illness will be mild; A dirty or bloody sheet means the illness will be severe.

1 Bed sheet Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

A sheet in a dream means:

Associated with such negative aspects of life as the hospital, embalming, ghosts, negative fantasies, illness, and sometimes with laziness, stagnation of personality, expressed in lying on the sofa, with a predisposition to strong regression.

Dream interpretation sheet

Any dream book divides the symbols that we see in a dream into two categories: significant and insignificant. If a person dreams of a sheet, the dream is considered insignificant. But, despite this, it also takes place and deserves attention.

If you dream about a sheet

The sheet is more likely to tell you about the dreamer’s inner world and his experiences than about what is going to happen in the future.

What kind of sheet did you dream about?

What kind of sheet was it?

The appearance of the bed linen is important. Try to remember what kind of sheet you dreamed of - white, dirty, torn. Not least important is the color of the fabric.

Why do you dream of a white sheet?

  • If the dreamer dreams of white sheets, this means that his conscience is clear. He does not hide anything from his loved ones and acts in accordance with their interests.
  • The sheet is white, new, smells nice - love and mutual understanding reign in your family. Your family ship skillfully maneuvers through troubles, obstacles and everyday trifles.

Why do you see a dirty sheet?

If you dreamed about a dirty, torn or crumpled sheet, your thoughts are not always pure, perhaps you are hiding a terrible secret from your loved ones. In addition, such a vision speaks of your promiscuity, infidelity to your partner, and sexually transmitted diseases.

To be more precise, a torn sheet is responsible for your work area. After such a vision, you should not hope for a salary increase or career growth.

Dirty bed linen generally means that you are starting to experience a bad streak of bad luck. All you can do is mentally prepare for the upcoming trials.

Dirty linen, or its complete absence on the bed where you are resting - expect deception. At the same time, anyone can deceive you, even a relative or a very close friend.

Your actions with bedding

Lying on new bedding means you will live in abundance, without any worries or adversity.

If you dream that you are buying bed linen, you will find happiness in a quiet family circle.

What kind of sheet did you dream about?

Just admiring a brand new sheet, be it white or colored, will soon give you a reason to rejoice.

Why put new bedding on the bed? You will be able to get out of a difficult, rather unpleasant situation with dignity.

Wash it in a dream - your sins that you committed in the distant past will remind you of themselves and you will have to pay for them.

If a girl dreams that she will lay fresh, white cloth on the bed, then she will soon meet with acquaintances whom she has not seen for a long time, leading to a pleasant pastime.

Cover the sheet if it is colored - the meeting will be romantic, perhaps even meeting a pleasant young man.

Sometimes the dream book perceives putting a sheet on the bed as an attempt to hide one’s feelings or actions. If you try to smooth it out and it still looks wrinkled, your efforts will be in vain and your carefully guarded secret will be exposed.

If you dream that there is blood on the sheet

  • It is not uncommon for a dream book to compare a sheet and the state of health of a sleeping person. In general, bed and bedding are associated with our physical and moral state.
  • If you happen to see blood on your bed linen, you are in for a long-term illness, possibly with various complications.
  • The dream book advises remembering one moment, how fresh the blood was. Stains of dried blood indicate that you have suffered a complex illness, possibly surgery, and you still feel the echoes today.
  • Fresh blood - you just have to undergo surgery or serious treatment.

What does it mean to dream in which you stained your bed with menstruation?

  • Realizing in a dream that your period has stained your bed linen is a sign of serious trouble.
  • If a woman dreams of menstruation at a time when in reality they are not, you will commit a great offense.
  • For a man, seeing a woman’s period on a sheet is a sign of illness, which will be directly related to internal bleeding.
  • Absolutely all dream books believe that if a woman dreams about menstruation while she is actually going through her period, then such a dream has absolutely no message.