Recipes for pickling lightly salted cucumbers with sweet brine. Classic Russian recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in brine. Spicy lightly salted cucumbers in a pan

Lightly salted cucumbers are a great addition to any dish. They will decorate the holiday table and delight the eye. Great for strong drinks.

And most importantly, the recipe for making them is very simple. We will try to answer the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers in as much detail as possible.

Quick cooking

Lightly salted cucumbers are a product that appears on the table during the period when the main cucumber harvest is being harvested (late summer, early autumn). Salted, pickled, and canned cucumbers are more suitable for winter. Lightly salted cucumbers are a summer product that is an excellent addition to potatoes and other dishes. They can be prepared quickly, but they are eaten just as quickly. This product is usually prepared in small quantities so that it can be eaten in one or two times. After the next portion is finished, they begin to prepare the next one, fortunately this is done very simply. Even a person who is far from cooking will cope with this cooking task without any problems, since the recipe is very simple.

Before we describe the entire cooking process and tell you how to properly make lightly salted cucumbers, we will outline some recommendations and reveal secrets. The suggested tips will help housewives and become their secret to successful cucumbers.

Revealing secrets

One of the secrets is that lightly salted cucumbers can be prepared in three different ways:

  • when preparing, use hot or cold brine;
  • vegetables are cooked in their own juice;
  • Lightly salted cucumbers are prepared using the dry method (without brine).

To make the pickling process really fast, use small, bright green vegetables with “pimples.” A smooth cucumber will not work - it is a salad variety. But the “pimples” indicate that the vegetables are suitable for pickling. Firm ones with thin skin are best.

And one more thing - you need to choose cucumbers of the same size. This fact contributes to the distribution of salt evenly and the salting is excellent.

What does crunch depend on?

Many people ask the question, how to make lightly salted cucumbers crispy? Everything is very simple. Before starting the pickling process, it is better to leave the vegetables in cold water for 2-3 hours, then they will crisp up and become dense. This is the answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers crispy.

The ends of the cucumbers must be cut off first. This will speed up the pickling process and allow you to get rid of nitrates, since the tip of the vegetable is the place where nitrates accumulate the most.

Uniform salting is facilitated by the vertical arrangement of cucumbers in the vessel.

You should not pack them too tightly, as they will lose everyone’s favorite property - crunchiness.

The vessel with cucumbers is not clogged, but covered with a napkin on top, which allows the process to proceed smoothly. Fermentation requires air.

Oak, tarragon, anise umbrellas will give the product special properties and taste. But we should not forget about the traditional dill, horseradish, parsley, black currants and cherry leaves.

The use of cloves, bay leaves, and hot peppers is a “classic”; no pickling can be done without these ingredients.

Coarse salt works best.

Lightly salted cucumbers can become “highly salted” if they are not kept refrigerated.

These seemingly insignificant nuances will help in deciding how to properly make lightly salted cucumbers.

Well, the secrets are revealed, now we can move on to the main thing. How to make lightly salted cucumbers? The recipe is presented below.

Required Products

First you need to decide what products you will need. So, the most important product is cucumbers, no pickling is complete without herbs and dill, you also need garlic, horseradish, you will need fresh currant leaves, you definitely need to prepare allspice and black pepper and, of course, salt.

Cucumbers in brine

Let's begin to reveal the secret of how to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly.

The traditional and fastest recipe for pickling a product is as follows: you need to fill the cucumbers placed in a vessel (jar, pan) with previously prepared brine. That's all. Cold brine will allow you to enjoy lightly salted vegetables after 2-3 days, hot brine makes it possible to do this after 8-10 hours.

You don’t have to prepare the brine solution in advance, but proceed as follows: pour salt (2-3 tbsp), sugar to taste into jars with vegetables and fill with cold or hot water. Then close the jar with a lid and shake until the salt and sugar dissolve. Remove the lid, cover with gauze or a napkin and leave it like that until the salting process is completed. You can add apple slices to all the spices and herbs placed in the jar. This will give the cucumbers a special taste and sourness. Here it is, the first answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.

Bag as a vessel for pickling

Answering the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly, here is another recipe. It is perfect if there are no basic conditions for cooking, for example, at the dacha or at a picnic. The process of boiling water becomes unnecessary. For this recipe, use a plastic bag. Washed vegetables should be dried and placed in a bag. Each cucumber must first be pierced to make the pickling process faster and better. Salt and spices are added.

Cucumbers in their own juice

Here is another way that will help you understand the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers at home. This recipe uses the juice from the vegetables themselves. Any cucumbers are suitable for this, both the ugliest and the largest. They are grated or crushed using a blender or juicer.

Separately, you need to prepare vegetables for pickling, and separately for juice. You will also need garlic, horseradish, chili pepper, dill umbrellas, and salt. For one three-liter jar we observe the following proportions:

  • cucumbers for pickling - approximately 10 pcs.;
  • cucumbers for juice - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • horseradish - 3 leaves;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • dill with an umbrella - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Vegetables intended for juice are chopped. You should get about 1.5 liters of thick puree. Place horseradish leaves, 1 clove of garlic (it needs to be cut into two parts), 1 dill umbrella on the bottom. Sprinkle everything on top with salt (1 tbsp). Then add cucumber puree to a third of the volume in the jar and place the vegetables vertically, but not all of them. Add horseradish, garlic, dill and pepper again. Sprinkle with salt, pour in cucumber puree and add vegetables. The last spoonful of salt is added at the end. Close the jar tightly with a lid. Leave for 2 days. Within two days, the cucumbers are pickled, and then they can be consumed.

The process can be simplified by dissolving salt in cucumber juice. Celery will add a special taste to cucumbers, so it can also be used when pickling.

Cucumbers with apples

How to make delicious lightly salted cucumbers? Here is another recipe that answers this question. Cucumbers with apples are also prepared very quickly and simply, but at the same time you get an excellent taste. For preparation you will need:

All vegetables and herbs need to be washed. The ends of the cucumbers must be cut off, this will get rid of nitrates and allow the product to be better salted. The apples are divided into 4 parts, the core remains. The garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Vegetables along with apples are placed in a vessel (jar, pan) and garlic, herbs, and black pepper are placed between them. Salt is added to boiled water and stirred until dissolved. For 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. The resulting brine is poured over the cucumbers. Leave for 10-12 hours. During this time, the cucumbers should be salted. Here is another answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.

Cucumbers and lime juice

Grind sugar, salt and pepper. The lime is washed, wiped and the zest is removed using a fine grater. It is mixed with pepper and salt. The lime, the zest of which has been used, is squeezed out. Mint and dill are chopped. The cucumbers are peeled from the ends and cut. Large cucumbers are divided into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Then they are placed in a deep bowl.

Pour crushed pepper with salt, sugar and lime zest into a bowl, pour juice over everything, then mix. The remaining salt and herbs are poured onto the cucumbers and mixed again. This recipe will allow you to decorate the table with the finished product, even if you have very little time.

Vegetables are salted for 30 minutes. Before serving, the product is washed to remove salt and herbs.

For preparation you will need:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • dill with umbrella - 1 bunch;
  • black pepper - 6-7 peas;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • mint - 4-5 sprigs;
  • lime - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 3.5 tbsp. spoons.

This was the last and most extravagant recipe, which once again answered the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.

The rules of healthy eating include offering cold appetizers before serving main courses, which increase appetite and speed up metabolism. One of these snacks can rightfully be called quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers, the recipe for which every cook should have in their arsenal. Fresh vegetables can be found in the retail chain all year round, and if you don’t have your own homemade preparations for the winter, you can also use imported fresh fruits.

Ingredients for pickling

Quick pickling of cucumbers can be done in several ways, which we will be happy to list and briefly outline each technology. All you have to do is choose a quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers that suits you.

Before studying the technology, it should be said that the same ingredients are used for the brine, which you can vary based on your own taste preferences.


The salt used is rock salt, not iodized.

For brine, the proportion is as follows: 1 table is required for 1 liter of water. a spoonful of salt, although some home cooks recommend 2 spoons.

It is worth noting that everything is determined by one’s own experience. For dry pickling of vegetables, take about 1 table for 1 kg of cucumbers. spoon of rock salt.

Greens and herbs

How to quickly pickle vegetables without using special herbs? No way! The standard set is seeds, umbrellas and dill leaves in combination with garlic.

But most recipes also contain additional spicy and aromatic herbs, such as tarragon, savory, cilantro, basil and others. It turns out that greens and parsley stems should not be added to cucumbers, because then they soften and lose their crispness.

In addition to herbs, real pickling specialists use plants rich in tannins, such as oak leaves and bark, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish leaves and root.

Such additives prevent lightly salted vegetables from becoming too salty and acidic, and the pickles become pleasantly crispy.

Herbs and spices

The most popular spice is garlic. It is cleaned, cut into several pieces and placed with vegetables. As they say, “you can never have too much garlic” - it gives strength and flavor to lightly salted cucumbers, and not only them!

Among the spices added to pickled cucumbers are bitter and allspice peas, red hot pepper in a pod, bay leaf and cloves. The quantity depends on taste preferences.

But remember that too many strong spices destroy the flesh of the fruit and they become soft and over-salty.


Sugar speeds up fermentation, but how can you quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers if you don’t speed up the fermentation process?

We take a little less sugar and salt: for 1 liter of water - about 1-2 teaspoons. spoons or per 1 kg of fruit - approximately 1 dessert spoon. But it’s also worth saying that you can do without sugar. It's a matter of taste!

*Scullion's Advice
Choose medium and small cucumbers, keeping the fruits approximately the same size so that they are evenly salted. Be sure to cut off the “butts” of the fruits to allow them to quickly “salt.”

How to quickly pickle cucumbers


  • — 1.5 l + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. with top + -
  • how much will go into a 3 liter jar? + -
  • — 2-3 umbrellas + -
  • - 4 cloves + -


  1. This quick method consists of placing prepared cucumbers, spices and herbs in a 3-liter glass jar and pouring brine.
  2. In order for the recipe to quickly allow you to get a fragrant, crispy snack to the table, cucumbers in a jar, the bottom of which is covered with greens, need to be laid vertically, sprinkled with sugar and salt on top and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave the glass container at room temperature for active fermentation.

In a day the snack is ready!

Scullion's Advice
If you pour plain purified but cold water, this increases the time for salting vegetables to 2-3 days, but in this case, lightly salted cucumbers will become crispier and more flavorful. Choose!

Dry salting method “in a bag”

This is a very popular method that will please you with its ease of preparation and excellent results.

  • We put the prepared fruits of the same size in a thick plastic bag, add herbs and spices well rubbed between the palms, sprinkle with salt and sugar and tie the bag tightly.
  • For 1 kg of cucumbers we take approximately 1.5 table. spoons of rock salt and 1 tsp. Sahara.

  • We carefully rub its contents in our hands to evenly distribute salt, sugar and aromatic herbs.
  • Leave in a warm place (but not in the sun) for a couple of hours, stirring the contents of the bag periodically, and then transfer to the refrigerator.

After 6-10 hours, lightly salted cucumbers can be served.

How to cook cucumbers in 2 hours

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in an hour or 2 hours? Are there such options? Of course have! And they are so easy to prepare that you can treat your family to freshly prepared lightly salted vegetables almost all year round.

It is enough to cut each cucumber into four parts along the fruit and salt it dry (1 tablespoon of salt is required for 1 liter of water).

While you're preparing lunch or dinner, a healthy snack will do the trick. Set the table, serve the main courses and surprise everyone with a quick pickled cucumber recipe!

Pickling cucumbers in 15 minutes

How to make lightly salted cucumbers in 15 minutes? Is this possible? Yes! Even a “five-minute” is possible - for the most impatient! Let's reveal secrets!

  • Wash the vegetables, trim the ends, and cut each fruit into 4 slices and put them in a tight food-grade polyethylene bag. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of cucumbers.
  • Mix herbs, finely chopped garlic (6-7 cloves), salt (1.5 tbsp) and ground black pepper (pinch), break a few bay leaves and add cucumbers.
  • We tie the bag and carefully rub its contents in our hands. Leave in a warm place.

We'll taste it in 15 minutes!

Five-minute cucumbers

The whole secret of such quick pickling is in finely chopping the fruit! This method can be called winter, since a greenhouse harvest is also suitable for the recipe.

In addition to all the standard spices and herbs (and in winter they can be dried), we use:

  • 700 g cucumbers;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • A glass jar suitable for mixing ingredients.

How to cook cucumbers in 5 minutes

  1. We cut the cucumbers into rings approximately 4 cm wide, and then cut the resulting pieces into strips 1 cm thick.
  2. Place all the cuttings in a jar, cover it tightly with a lid and begin to shake vigorously for 3-5 minutes.

Ready! In just 5 minutes we get a wonderful snack that leaves no one indifferent. Swept off the plate in the same 5 minutes!

Lightly salted cucumbers in their own juice

This method is not as popular as the more familiar ones, but men are crazy about it! Instead of water for brine, use strained cucumber juice (without pulp).

Excellent lightly salted cucumbers are obtained, and the brine can be used further “for its intended purpose”! Is it possible to pour out such a delicious thing?

We hope that by studying and testing our recipes for quick preparation of lightly salted cucumbers, you will add your own twist to each one. After all, everything that we cook with passion and imagination cannot be tasteless. Go for it!

Summer is in full swing and it's time to think about creating delicious homemade preparations for the winter. Pickled cucumbers are one of our favorite winter treats. Today I will tell you how you can make delicious homemade instant pickles.

A clear and easy step-by-step recipe suitable even for beginners in canning. You can prepare quick pickles in just a few hours.


  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kilogram;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2 pieces;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • black peppercorns - to taste;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • greens for marinade (blackcurrant leaves, horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, etc.) - to taste.

Use the herbs and leaves you like as aromatic spices for the marinade. If you have never rolled cucumbers before, I recommend starting with a mixture: dill, black peppercorns, horseradish leaves and black currant leaves.

How to pickle cucumbers quickly and tasty

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the tails or simply carefully peel the skin off the “butts” and cover with cold water.

Let the cucumbers steep in water for 3-4 hours at room temperature. The more the cucumbers are infused, the faster the brine will “take” them.

Place the soaked cucumbers and herbs for the marinade in layers in a three-liter jar. You can arrange the cucumbers and herbs for the marinade randomly, not in layers - at your discretion. The main thing is to distribute all the ingredients evenly so that homemade quick pickles have the same even taste.

Add a few pickles to the jar. This is done so that fresh cucumbers “set” faster.

Boil water in a separate saucepan. Add salt and sugar to it, mix thoroughly. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers and cover with a lid.

You can try homemade instant pickles just a few hours after you pour boiling water over everything. I recommend rolling them in the morning, then by evening they will be ready. If you want to cook lightly salted cucumbers, then simply pour the marinade directly into the pan with soaked fresh cucumbers and do not add salted ones. Bon appetit!

Our recipe without seaming. We store the beauties under a regular nylon lid in the refrigerator or cellar.

If you love lightly salted cucumbers, take a walk in the section “Easy recipes” - “Homemade preparations”. The fastest recipes await you. - from 15 minutes to 2 hours. And extra-crispy in mineral water - in just 12 hours.

Quick navigation through the article:

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar/pan

For a 3 liter jar or pan:

  • Cucumbers -1.5 kg (about the same size)
  • Spice leaves - 4-5 pcs. each:
  1. Currants or cherries
  2. Horseradish, preferably with petioles, which contain all the power
  3. Dill umbrellas, optional with sticks and green paws
  • Garlic - 4-6 cloves (adjust to taste)
  • Black peppercorns - to taste

For the brine:

  • Water - about 1.5 l (preferably NOT chlorinated: from the pump room, spring water, settled tap water)
  • Salt per 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
  • You can add sugar: per 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. spoon without slide

*That is, in our recipe for 1.5 liters of water we add 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt and to taste 1.5. Art. spoons of sugar.

The choice of salt for such recipes has nuances: see photo below.

You can easily find the necessary greens in markets and large supermarkets. This is what the set is usually called “bouquet for pickling cucumbers.”

How to prepare vegetables for pickling

Wash the cucumbers, fill them with cold water and let them stand for 1-2 hours. Wash all the leaves, measure out the salt and sugar. Peel the garlic cloves and cut them in half.

Trim the ends of each vegetable. This will allow them to salt faster. You can prick it with a fork in several places - not deeply, in order to damage the skin.

How to properly place vegetables in a container.

  • Place in a jar (wash clean with baking soda): It is advisable to make the first layer vertical and dense. Next - according to the size, as it turns out.
  • Placement in a pan (enamel or stainless steel): also tight, but horizontally flat.

Horseradish can only be placed on top. Divide the rest of the spicy leaves and garlic into 2 parts. One part - to the bottom of the jar/pan. And we put the second part of the aromatic additives along with horseradish - on top of the cucumbers.

We use all the parts in the dill and do not cut the stems from the horseradish leaves. They contain the most substances important for a crispy result.

How much brine do we need? Usually 1.5 liters of brine is enough for a 3 liter jar. If there is not enough for the selected container, prepare more according to the proportion indicated above.

Please note that rock salt may leave a dirty residue. We filter it through cheesecloth. Or simply carefully drain the salty liquid so that the cloudy sediment remains at the very bottom.

Option #1. How to cold pickle (24-36 hours)

The result is the most colorful and crunchy.

For cucumbers about 10 cm, it will take 1-1.5 days to achieve the classic lightly salted taste. It is this recipe that gives natural fermentation and probiotic value to the fermented product.

Prepare cold brine:

  • Heat half the water and dissolve salt and sugar in it. Combine the warm salty part and the second half of the water, let it cool completely.

What we do with prepared vegetables:

  • Pour cold brine over the vegetables and leaves. We leave for 8-10 hours at room temperature- under the towel. Then we put it in the refrigerator.
  • After 24 hours, the excellent snack is ready to eat.

We store vegetables in the refrigerator. If you keep it in brine, the cucumbers will continue to pickle. If you get it, they will remain perfectly lightly salted. You can add fresh vegetables to the brine as space becomes available. The brine is quite suitable for up to 7-10 days.

Option #2. How to pickle hot (8-12 hours)

The fastest option.

Such cucumbers lose a little color and crunch, but the pickling itself happens faster. After 8-12 hours, vegetables delight with pleasant saltiness.

Prepare and pour hot brine in the proportions from the recipe above:

  • Add salt and sugar to boiling water and stir quickly.
  • Let the solution cool before pouring into the cucumbers - 3-5 minutes.
  • Pour the vegetables until they are covered and leave the pickling mixture to cool at room temperature for 6-8 hours.
  • Convenient to do at night. You can try the cucumbers in the morning.

Surely, they will appeal to those who like the lightest salted options. Overnight (8-10 hours) we will definitely get a worthy example of a traditional snack. Another 2 hours in the refrigerator so that the vegetables are well cooled and ready to be served for lunch.

All the secrets for classic lightly salted cucumbers

Which cucumbers to choose for pickling?

We love to visit large bazaars, where it is easier to find pickling varieties. With them, our efforts are doomed to success. Distinctive features: thin skin with numerous pimples, hard flesh, usually small or medium in size (the cucumber fits in the palm of an adult).

The most popular varieties are Nezhinsky and Rodnichok. Many others are also suitable: Far Eastern, Phoenix, Zasolochny, Altai, Voronezh, Beregovoy, Impreso and Magnificent.

How to prepare vegetables?

It is advisable to soak in cold water for at least 1-2 hours. You can immediately trim the ends.

How to put cucumbers in jars?

We sort by size and try to put approximately the same vegetables in the jar. Bookmark - vertical, upright. The first layer always turns out like this, then the next layer will be as it goes in.

Which water is better?

Better NOT chlorinated. This nuance for 200% success has been tested more than once. We are lucky to live next to the pump room.

If you use tap water, let the chlorine disappear: leave for 6-8 hours.

What container should I use?

If it is convenient for you to salt in a spacious container, then choose an enameled or stainless steel pan. Volume 3+ liters.

If you want it traditionally in a jar, then a 3 liter glass one and the most common lids are nylon. This recipe is without rolling. Our cucumbers will be kept refrigerated.

How to prepare jars and lids?

We wash the jars and nylon lids with a brush and soda and rinse thoroughly in running water. We do not use any detergents. They are more difficult to wash off, and cooked vegetables can develop a harmful chemical taste.

What spices and leaves are required and why?

The standard, time-tested selection of spicy additives is horseradish, oak, cherry and/or currant leaves, dill, garlic. Sometimes - black peppercorns. The rest of the experiments - how things will turn out with the purchase and mood.

Leaves of oak, currant, cherry and horseradish are responsible for the crunch. At least 2 types must be in the recipe.

For aroma, dill umbrellas (inflorescences) are the strongest option. We sometimes do without them (ordinary twigs).

What else is added to lightly salted cucumbers?

Almost everything that people deal with in their breadth of residence. Grape leaves, basil, mint, cumin, oregano, hot red pepper.

An interesting alternative is made with an apple. You need a sour or sweet and sour hard variety like Antonovka. For 1.5 kg of vegetables, a small fruit of 100-150 g.

How to deliciously use the results of our labors?

Any cold soups, salads and appetizers. To alcohol and just like that. And everyone who is losing weight will appreciate the dish with “Hurray!” Few calories, many benefits and a safe richness of taste during dietary restrictions.

We will be glad to know that lightly salted cucumbers according to the classic recipe with step-by-step photos are now clearer to you than ever. Which means you'll soon be making a flawless example of naturally fermented pickles. Choose a cold brine.

Health is delicious!

Thank you for the article (1)

The use of cucumbers as food is mentioned back in biblical times, when they were considered Egyptian, although they first appeared in India.

Today, the world's population enthusiastically prepares lightly salted instant cucumbers, loving their delicate salty-sweet taste and spicy aroma.

We will also learn how to accelerate the pickling of cucumbers, which are served to the table just a few hours after salting.

To successfully prepare lightly salted cucumbers, we adhere to a number of recommendations from experienced housewives:

  • Salt the cucumbers with coarse salt: it preserves the elasticity of the fruit.
  • We choose small or medium-sized fruits for pickles: yellow, soft and stale fruits are discarded.

Ideally, we pick cucumbers in the morning, soak them after trimming the ends for a couple of hours and immediately add salt.

  • Select seasonings for pickling from the following list:
    • Currant leaf (disinfects, gives fresh taste)
    • Horseradish leaf and root (prevents mold, maintains elasticity and enriches flavor)
    • Dill (enriches taste)
    • Garlic (disinfects, makes cucumbers spicy)
    • Black pepper powder (for spicy taste)

We add other seasonings according to our own taste, the main thing is that they do not interrupt the cucumber smell.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill

What do they want from lightly salted cucumbers? So that they are ready as soon as possible. To do this, there are several quick salting recipes, thanks to which you can enjoy freshly salted cucumbers on the same day!

What is needed to pickle a three-liter jar of cucumbers:

  • Cucumbers - as much as fits in the jar;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • Several sprigs of dill with umbrellas (if they are not there, dill greens and dry achenes will do);
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse salt with a small slide;
  • Boiling water.

How to quickly salt cucumbers

Before salting the cucumbers, let’s decide that in this recipe you cannot replace dill with parsley if you want them to remain crunchy and hard. We prepare delicious lightly salted cucumbers that can be eaten the same day, according to the following recipe:

  • We wash the fruits and cut off the ends.
  • Place dill branches, chopped garlic cloves and cucumbers in a clean jar, and a couple of dill branches on top.
  • Add salt, add boiling water and seal with a tight plastic lid. Holding it by the neck, turn the jar back and forth to dissolve the salt.

After cooling, put the lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator. We conduct a tasting the same evening. Thanks to a quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, you can pickle them at any time of the year.

Lightly salted cucumbers in an hour

Ingredients for quick pickling of cucumbers:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • Black pepper - 10 peas;
  • Allspice – 5 peas;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Coarse salt;
  • Dill branches;
  • Lemon - a couple of pieces.

How to quickly salt lightly salted cucumbers according to the recipe

It turns out that there is a salting method in which you can enjoy crisp, lightly salted cucumbers in just a couple of hours!

To please your family with these cucumbers, soak them for an hour in cold water and salt them as follows:

  • Crush sugar, peppers and salt (2 tbsp). Add lemon zest, removing it from the lemons.
  • Squeeze lemon juice and chop dill branches.
  • Cut off the ends of the cucumber and gently hit them with something heavy so that they crack but do not break. Cut them into thin circles.
  • Place the cucumbers in a wide bowl, sprinkle with the pepper mixture, pour over the juice and stir. Add a spoonful of salt, add the herbs, mix again and wait an hour, during which we carry out a few more stirs.

We blot the finished cucumbers with paper towels and serve with tender mashed potatoes or young boiled potatoes.

Instant lightly salted cucumbers with apples

To pickle cucumbers you will need the following components:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Green apples - a couple of pieces;
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • Cherry leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • Dill and parsley - a bunch each;
  • Blackcurrant leaf – 9 pcs.;
  • 0.5 heads of garlic;
  • Salt.

How to pickle cucumbers with apples

It turns out that lightly salted cucumbers go well with sour apples, which have a refreshing taste and help them pickle faster.

To try a new taste of your favorite cucumbers, salt them according to this recipe:

  • We wash the fruits and herbs and cut off the ends of the cucumbers.
  • Cut the apples into quarters, leaving the centers.
  • Peel the garlic cloves.
  • Mix the fruits and herbs into a jar, add black peppercorns.
  • Boil water with salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. for 1 liter, and pour the fruits into the jar.

We close the jar with a plastic lid, leave it in the room for 10 hours and taste it. Store leftover pickles in the refrigerator.

As you can see, quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten on the same day. Try all the recipes to diversify your diet with a new amazingly tasty cucumber dish and show what a skillful housewife you are!