Report: Sunflower. Maslenitsa crops. Research work “Sunny flower” Research work sunflower sunny flower

The sunflower is the younger brother of the heavenly sun, but lives on earth. On a warm, clear day, the sunflower always raises its beautiful head up. His smiling dark face is surrounded by a dense wreath of bright yellow petals, smooth and soft to the touch. But the trunk and leaves of the sunflower are covered with small, small spines, which can seriously scratch you. When a sunflower matures, its petals lose color and become hard and dry. But the seeds ripen in it, which we happily eat or make oil from.

Description of a sunflower in an artistic style

Sunflower is a tall plant with a rigid stem. Large dark green leaves are attached to it. The plant blooms in summer. There are inflorescences on one stem. In the center there is a round center of tubular flowers. They are dark brown in color. On both sides of the basket there are large reed flowers. They are the ones that resemble the orange sun. Even the name of the flower is consonant with this similarity.
In summer you often see a golden carpet of blooming sunflowers in endless fields. This is an amazingly beautiful picture.

Description of sunflower for children

The king of fields in summer is sunflower. This is the messenger of the sun. You will find it everywhere: in the field, in the garden, in the yard.

The sunflower is perhaps the only flower that combines beauty and benefits. Smooth, tall, with a bright yellow head sadly tilted to the side. And if you look under the petals, you can see black cells. It is these small cells that bring so many benefits to humans.

Sunflowers have risen above the ground, with their gentle flames they warm you, inspire you, and lift you up.

Description of a sunflower in a scientific style

Sunflower is an annual plant 2-4 m high, with a well-developed taproot and rootlets that penetrate the soil to a depth of 2-3 m. The stems are covered with hard hairs, rough, filled with a spongy core. Leaves with jagged edges, on long petioles, densely pubescent with stiff hairs. The stems end in inflorescences (baskets) with a diameter of 15 to 45 cm. Numerous flowers are placed in circles on the receptacle.

Sunflower pollination occurs with the help of insects.
The fruit is a seed with a woody fruit shell. The achene is filled with a core that does not fuse with the shell. The top shell of the fruit is covered with epidermis, colored white, gray, black, black-violet, brown or other colors.
Sunflower plants are cold- and drought-resistant. The annual sunflower is native to North America.

Annual sunflower is grown almost all over the world. First of all, for the production of sunflower oil from seeds, which is then used for cooking and for technical needs.

Description of the painting “Vase with twelve sunflowers” ​​by V. Gogh

The painting “Sunflowers” ​​is the hallmark of the work of Vincent van Gogh, an outstanding Dutch painter of the post-impressionist era. The artist idolized this flower and considered it a symbol of appreciation and gratitude. He associated the color yellow with friendship and hope.

A somewhat rough-looking peasant vase containing sunflowers gives the impression of being disproportionately small and fragile in comparison with the huge flowers. The sunflowers themselves are not only small in the vase - they lack the space of the entire canvas. The inflorescences and leaves of sunflowers rest against the edges of the picture, as if “recoiling” from the frame with displeasure. The artist applies paint in a very thick layer (impasto technique), squeezing it directly from the tube onto the canvas. Traces of the touch of a brush and a special knife are clearly visible on the canvas. The relief rough surface of the painting seems to be a cast of the frantic feelings that possessed the artist at the moment of creativity. Painted with energetic, moving strokes, sunflowers give the impression of being alive - heavy inflorescences filled with inner strength and elastic, flexible stems are in constant motion, pulsating, swelling, growing, ripening and withering before the viewer's eyes.

Still lifes with sunflowers shine with all shades of yellow - the color of the sun. The artist’s idea is clear: to achieve the effect of sunshine, a yellow glow.

Van Gogh was gifted with the ability to feel color with extraordinary acuteness. He associated each color shade with a whole set of images and concepts, thoughts and feelings. Every stroke on the canvas had the power of a spoken word. Van Gogh's favorite yellow color was the embodiment of joy, kindness, benevolence, energy, fertility of the earth and life-giving warmth of the sun. And the sunflowers shine brighter than the sun itself, as if they have absorbed the light of its hot rays and radiated it into the surrounding space.

Many see in the painting with sunflowers a reflection of the mental disorder from which the artist is known to have suffered. From the canvas, sunflowers look at the viewer, literally drawing him into their magical world, in which chaos and confusion reign. It is no coincidence that there is a desire to correct their position in the vase in order to introduce some kind of orderliness. Due to the abundance of bright yellow color, an image that is simple in concept literally eats into the consciousness, striking with its overwhelming emotionality...

“Sunflowers” ​​by Vincent Van Gogh are a symbol of our beautiful and at the same time tragic existence, its quintessence. Flowers that bloom and fade; living beings that are born, mature and grow old; stars that light up, glow and go out; - all this is an image of the Universe, which is in a state of ceaseless circulation.

Sunflowers smell
Sunny freshness.
Also, definitely
Morning tenderness.
And they always smell
Despite the weather.
Take a look at them
And forget the troubles.
(Author: Alexey Antonov)
The history of the sunflower goes back to the third millennium
BC. Research shows that already at that time,
even before the “domestication” of cereals, the flower was cultivated
North American Indians. Its seeds were eaten and used in
dyes were produced as medicine. The Incas worshiped the sunflower
like a sacred flower.
The “Sunny Flower” came to Europe in 1510, it was brought as a “savage”
Spaniards from North America. At first, sunflowers were used to decorate flower beds and front gardens. Later, from wild species, breeders obtained large-fruited
variety. Almost 200 years have passed, when in 1716 in England, there was
A patent has been registered for the production of sunflower oil.
And the first mention of industrial cultivation of sunflower dates back to

The flower was brought to Russia from Holland in the 18th century. However, here
It's worth making a reservation. During excavations of ancient settlements on the territory
Moscow region, dating back to the 7th-5th centuries BC, seeds were found
sunflower. And on the walls of the vessels where food supplies were kept,
preserved remains of oil, very similar in composition to
sunflower. Probably our ancestors knew and even cultivated
this is a plant, but for some reason the flower was forgotten over time.
One way or another, the sunflower counts its years in Rus' from
the times of Peter the Great. During the first hundred years of "life" in
In Russia, the flower was planted to have a “little sun” on
in his garden, and the “husk of seeds on the heap” was the most
favorite holiday of peasants and merchants. The nobles spared no expense
for the arrangement of flower beds with overseas flowers. In Moscow he is like nothing seen before,
They were even grown near the Kremlin wall.
Sunflower oil is widely used as a base for cooking
oil solutions, patches and ointments, used as a laxative
and a choleretic agent in the treatment of inflammatory diseases
intestines and cholelithiasis and for the prevention of atherosclerosis
. Prescribe it 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. Local
Boiled sunflower oil is recommended as a healing
remedies for fresh wounds and burns in the form of oil dressings.

The name of the plant Helianthus comes from the Greek language. "Helios" means "sun" and "anthos" translates to flower. Greek
mythology tells about the appearance of this flower
one day a water nymph named Clytia was thrown out of the cool
depths to the shore of a sandy island. Fascinated by the bright light, she
rested on the shore and watched in surprise at the hitherto invisible
a golden solar ball that moved across the sky. It's a sight to behold
It captivated her so much that she wanted to always admire the sunlight.
Clytia's prayers were heard. Her mermaid tail went into the sand,
chaining her to the spot, her silver hair curled into petals
around her face, and green leaves grew from her fingers. Nymph
turned into a sunflower - a flower of the sun, whose color reflects
gold of the solar disk and every day follows its movement.

Another legend about the appearance of a sunflower came to us from
far, far away country of the Aztecs.
They say that this happened a very long time ago. Then in
in the land of the Aztecs there lived a little charming girl with a beautiful
name - Xochitl. In the Aztec language it meant "flower".
The girl adored the sun and admired it from dawn to dusk.
When the sun set in the evening, she walked home sadly, living
the dream that tomorrow she would see him again.
It so happened that for a whole year the sun appeared every day,
and not once, not for a moment did the clouds cover it. For Xochitl it is
it was incredible happiness.
However, what was a joy for her turned out to be terrible.
disaster for maize crops: the stalks stopped stretching upward,
the cobs were not heavy. In addition, beans and peppers stopped growing.
Without rain, all the plants suffered; from thirst they drooped to the very ground.
The drought left the fields barren.
People began to die from hunger. The Aztecs prayed to the gods every day,
asking for rain. Seeing all this, Xochitl understood why people endure
suffering and hunger. To make it rain, she went to the temple
Tonatiuh - the god of the Sun and turned to him with a prayer. She asked
him to hide behind the clouds and save her people.
The little girl's prayer reached the sun god Tonatiuh.
And now the whole sky was covered with a carpet of clouds. The long-awaited rain came.
So much water poured out that the completely bent corn began to cheerfully
rise and all its cobs are swollen with large, full-bodied grains.
Everyone around was filled with joy. Only poor Xochitl was sad:
she suffered without the sun she loved so much. Without him she slowly faded away
but then a bright ray broke through the clouds and ordered Xochitl to go to the sacred village, where the sun never disappears, where flowers always bloom.
There she will be called not Xochitl, but Xochitl-Tonatiu (which in Aztec means “flower of the sun”).
So the lovely girl turned into a beautiful flower
sunny color, with a dark core - just like her hair and eyes.
Every day this flower opens towards the sun on
dawn and turns behind him on his daily journey along
sky until sunset...
Since that time, at the beginning of autumn, in all fields, and especially maize,
These golden flowers begin to bloom. The Indians affectionately call them
Xochitl-tonatiu, which means sunflower.

The Russian fairy tale has a similar plot:

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved the Sun. Every morning she
ran out of the house, climbed onto the roof and stretched out her hands
towards the rising luminary.
- Hello, my beautiful lover! - she shouted,
and when the first rays touched her face, she laughed happily,
like a bride who felt the groom's kiss.
All day she looked at the Sun, smiling at him, and when it was shining
went into the sunset, the girl felt so unhappy,
that the night seemed endless to her.
And then one day it happened that the sky was overcast with clouds for a long time and
a dank dampness reigned over the entire land.
Not seeing the bright face of her lover, the girl was out of breath
from melancholy and grief and wasted away, as if from a serious illness. Finally she
couldn’t stand it and went to those lands from where the Sun rises,
because I couldn't live without him anymore.
How long or how short did she walk, but then she came to the ends of the earth,
to the shore of the Sea-Ocean, just where the Sun lives.
As if hearing her pleas, the wind scattered the heavy rays and light
clouds, and the blue sky awaited the appearance of the luminary.
And then a golden glow appeared, which with every moment
it became brighter and brighter.
The girl realized that her lover was about to appear and pressed him
hands to heart.
Finally she saw a light-winged boat drawn by golden swans.
And in it stood an unprecedented handsome man, and his face sparkled so much,
that the last remnants of the fog around had disappeared, like snow in spring.
Seeing her beloved face, the girl cried out joyfully - and immediately
her heart broke, unable to bear the happiness.
She fell to the ground, and the Sun held its light on her for one moment.
shining gaze. It recognized the same girl who always
welcomed his arrival and called out words of passionate love.
“Will I never see her again? - the Sun thought sadly.
“No, I always want to see her face facing me!”
And at that very moment the girl turned into a flower, which
always lovingly turns after the sun.
That's what it's called - sunflower, sunny flower.

It is believed that the sunflower was the herb of frankness. Many in
ancient times believed that if you put a sunflower under your pillow
at night, it will cause prophetic dreams, especially if you
robbed, then the face of the one who stole will appear. Also sunflower, what's it like
also called, used in incense to fight evil spirits
by force. And in order to expose a cheating wife to clean water, it’s worth
bring a bag of sunflower grass to church and then the infidels
spouses will not be able to leave the building. The flower helped a person to manifest
their best qualities, to protect themselves from enemies, many believed
to the good power of the sunflower and maintained this tradition for several
centuries in a row.
According to one of the ancient legends, the gods gave people a sunflower in order to
so that the sun never leaves them. After all, sunflower flowers
always facing the sun, in any weather, even in the most foggy
and a rainy day. It is no coincidence that the sunflower has become a symbol of joy and optimism,
and also loyalty...

Topic of design and research work
"Sunflower is the flower of the sun."

Author: Efremov Ivan,
2 "b" class,
Municipal educational institution Kudinovskaya secondary school
Kudinovo village 2015
Choosing a theme
Why did I choose a sunflower for my work?
I spend the whole summer with my grandmother at the dacha. This summer I saw a whole clearing of beautiful yellow flowers at our neighbors' place. Looking at this flower lifts your spirits.
I asked my grandmother what kind of flowers these were. She told me about this amazing sunny flower. I became interested and began to read about him, find out and ask questions. And now I decided to write everything that I learned about this wonderful plant with a “little sun” that turns after the big sun. The sun, tracing its entire path from sunrise to sunset. It is believed that sunflowers are the most cheerful and sun-loving flowers, symbolizing joy, happiness and fun.
I defined the purpose of the work.
Goal of the work:
– study the sunflower plant.
- determine why the plant was named that way,
- find out why the sunflower looks at the sun,
- find out where this plant came from in Russia,
- learn how sunflower oil is obtained,
- what beneficial properties does the plant have?
Hypothesis: Let's say that the sunflower was called sunflower because it loves sunlight and grows only under the sun.
- study of literature,
- observation,
- experiments,
- analysis.
Object of study:
- oil sunflower.
Results of studying the issue
Where did the sunflower plant come from in Russia?
"Sunflower" or "sun grass" or "Peruvian sun flower" was brought to Europe by a Spanish expedition from North America in the 16th century.
For the first time in Europe, a sunflower bloomed in a flowerbed in the botanical garden of Madrid. Then the sunflower went “for a walk” across the countries and began to decorate the front gardens of the poor.
In Scotland, Peter I saw the flower, and his journey began across Russia, where he was loved. It was grown as an exotic even near the walls of the Kremlin.
The sunflower is native to North America. Archaeologists confirm the fact that the Indians more than two thousand years ago. This plant appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, when the Spaniards brought the sunflower and began to grow it in botanical gardens.
Why was the plant called that?
The name "sunflower" comes from a combination of two Greek words - "sun" and "flower". This name was not given to it by chance. Huge sunflower inflorescences, bordered by bright radiant petals, really resemble the sun.
Description of the plant
Sunflower is a herbaceous, annual plant. The stem grows up to 3 m high. The flowers are up to 30-50 cm, turning towards the sun during the day. Sunflowers bloom in July - August for 30 days. Fruits - achenes

Why does the sunflower look at the sun?
The sunflower's cap always turns towards the sun, whether it is a clear day or a cloudy one.
The mysterious connection of the plant with the luminary of the day was also seen in the fact that the inflorescences turn towards the sun all day long, catching its hot rays. The sun is in the east - and they are looking east. The sun is in the south - and they turned to the south. The sun is in the west - and they are looking the same way. Well, isn't this a miracle?!
Why does a sunflower turn towards the sun? There is a scientific basis for this.
The sunflower stem contains the phytohormone auxin, which is responsible for growth. The part of the stem that does not receive enough light accumulates auxin; a side effect is the movement of the sunflower behind the sun. When the growth of a sunflower is completed, the cap no longer moves with the sun and remains turned to the east all the time.
Auxin, a plant growth hormone that stimulates cell elongation, accumulates on the side of the plant that is in the shade (if the light is unevenly distributed).
As a result of this accumulation, the dark side of the plant grows faster than the side exposed to the sun. Thus, the stem leans towards the sun.
Sunflowers grow well not only in the sun. He reaches for the sun. My observations showed this.

Sunflower is truly a "solstice".
How is sunflower oil obtained?
Everyone knows that sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. To do this, I conducted a simple experiment.
Experience 1.
Purpose: Do sunflower seeds contain oil?
Description: I took a sunflower seed and a pumpkin seed, ground them on paper, it turned out that the sunflower seeds left a greasy mark. I left the paper and the crushed seed, after a while the oil stain became larger.
Conclusion: Sunflower seeds are rich in oils.
In Russia, in the Voronezh province, peasant Daniil Bokarev thought of making a small press, on which he began to squeeze oil out of sunflower seeds. This was in 1829. Only then did the peasants realize the enormous benefits of sunflowers and began to plant them in their fields.
Soon the first plant for the extraction of sunflower oil was built.
Modern production of sunflower oil
An environmentally friendly way to obtain oil is by pressing.
1. The seeds are kneaded and heated to 100 and slightly higher degrees in a roasting pan.
2. Moisturize.
3. Do press presses.
4. They defend.
5. Filter.

Sunflower oil production waste (cake and meal) is used as pet food.
I was surprised that when making sunflower oil, they use unpeeled seeds.
Conclusion and conclusions:
Thus, after studying books, conducting experiments and observations, I learned a lot of interesting things about sunflowers. Previously, I could not even imagine what a “traveler” the sunflower turned out to be. I was also pleased that it was in Russia that the main use for sunflowers was found.
Now people decorate their plots with cultivated sunflowers. Decorative sunflowers decorate summer cottages.

Decorative sunflower: Papa Bears
1. My hypothesis was partially confirmed. It has been suggested that the sunflower was named sunflower because it loves sunlight and grows only under the sun. Sunflower loves sunlight, but can grow in the shade. He reaches for the sun.
2. Both the real name “sunflower” and the ancient one - “solstice”, turn out to be very true - the plant actually turns its head behind the sun, as if afraid of losing every ray of it.
3. I found out who was the first to obtain sunflower oil, and how it is obtained in modern life.
4. My future plans: to grow cultivated and decorative sunflowers in my dacha.
5. More precisely, study all the processes of making oil and try to obtain vegetable oil from sunflower yourself.
1. Great Soviet Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov / 3rd edition: M., “Council. Encyclopedia", 1975.
2. Life of plants (in six volumes) / Ch. ed. Academician A.L. Takhtadzhyan / M.: Publishing house. “Enlightenment”, 1981. Volume 5, part 2. Flowering plants.
3. Internet materials.
4. Personal photos.

Attached files

Olga Fomicheva
Research project “What do I know about sunflowers”

Research project.

"What am I know about sunflower»

SP GBOU OOSH village. Mukhanovo

Municipal district

Kinel – Cherkassky

Samara region

Kindergarten "Cheburashka"


Fomicheva Olga Anatolyevna


Plants are living nature. How pleasant it is to be in the world of plants; you can admire the blossoming buds of flowers; you can touch them; you can smell them; they have a pleasant smell. Plants grow everywhere, are always accessible and adapt to heat and cold.


How the friendly rays of the gentle sun delight the heart! No wonder that sunflower which is called "flower of the sun", also makes people happy, no matter where they live. You see him smiling in the garden sunflower, and you involuntarily begin to smile. And what joy fills your heart when you admire a whole sea of ​​bright yellow sunny flowers! Everyone has been familiar with this plant since childhood. There is probably no person who has never seen sunflower and those Those who have seen it will forever remain fans of this amazing plant. Sunflower– a symbol of vital energy and strength, a symbol of summer and sun. It’s as if it blooms its petals and fills the soul with its warmth.

In the summer, my mother and I were riding bicycles along the road and I saw a whole field of beautiful yellow flowers. Looking at this flower lifts your spirits. I asked my mother what kind of flowers these were. She told me about this amazing sunny flower. I was interested in this plant.

And I set myself target:

– study the plant sunflower, find out the history of its origin and where it is used.

At the same time, I decided to do some tasks:

Find out where this plant came from in Russia,

Determine why the plant was named so

Find out how and where people use seeds sunflower,

What beneficial properties does the plant have?

And prove the hypothesis: That sunflower- not only a beautiful sunny flower, but also useful for both humans and animals.

My working methods:

Literature study,


In kindergarten, my teacher Olga Anatolyevna helped me choose books, she also told me a lot of interesting things.

And now I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned about this wonderful plant. "little sun".

Name sunflower comes from a combination of two Greek words "Sun" And "flower", which translated means sunny flower. It is not by chance that this name was given to it because of its huge inflorescences. sunflower surrounded by bright radiant petals that resemble the sun. Ancient times the sunflower was called"solstice", because his hat constantly turns towards the sun, following its path from sunrise to sunset. I learned that my homeland sunflower is North America. It was brought to Russia from Holland by Peter I. The plant was first grown as a decoration. Sunflower is a herbaceous plant, an annual plant grows up to 3 m in height. It blooms from July to August for a whole month. Its fruits are called achenes.

I learned that from seeds sunflower produce sunflower oil. An environmentally friendly way to obtain oil is by pressing. Seeds sunflower pressed using special machines. Waste from oil production (cake, meal) used as pet food. I was surprised that the seeds are taken unpeeled to make oil. I also learned that seeds are a very healthy product, they contain a lot of vitamins and other useful substances. People eat the seeds both raw and roasted. And also from seeds sunflower make sweets halva and kozinaki. Sunflower An important honey plant, bees collect pollen from the yellow flower, which then produces delicious honey.

I wanted to know if the seeds contain sunflower oil?

Took the seeds sunflower, ground them in a mortar and put them on paper. It turned out that the seeds sunflower left a greasy mark. I left the paper and crushed seeds, after a while the oil stain became larger

Conclusion: seeds sunflower seeds are rich in oils.

I decided to determine which was easier: oil or water.

To do this, I took flasks of water and colored it green and blue. Next, I took containers of oil and pipettes. I took the oil into a pipette and dropped it into a flask with colored water. I saw that the oil remained on the surface of the water.

Conclusion: Sunflower oil is lighter than water, it does not sink in water.

I also wanted to determine whether the oil was clear?

He poured water into one glass, oil into another. He took the coins and threw them into the oil. At the bottom of the container with oil, I saw the coins I had thrown. This means that the oil is transparent, the coins are heavy and that is why they ended up at the bottom.

Conclusion: sunflower oil transparent.


Thus, after listening to the stories of adults, conducting experiments and observations, I learned about sunflower has a lot of interesting things. Previously, I could not even imagine how widely it is used to make oil for cooking. Delicious halva and kozinaki are made from the seeds. The waste is used to feed animals.

Seeds are a very healthy product, as they contain many vitamins and other beneficial substances. Honey collected from sunflowers are also very useful.

So I proved my hypothesis that sunflower- not only a beautiful sunny flower, but it also brings many benefits for both humans and animals.

Publications on the topic:

Conversation “What do I know about football? Types of football" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city. Saransk “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 46” Conversation in the preparatory room.

Summary of educational and research activities “What do we know about water” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 162 of the city of Tyumen CONSPECT educational and research.

Summary of playful entertaining activities in the first junior group “What do I know about you, water?” Summary of gaming and entertaining activities in the first junior group. Leading educational field “Cognitive development” Topic: “What.

Summary of cognitive and research activities of children of preparatory age for school “What do we know about water?” Abstract of an integrated educational activity for cognitive and research activities of children of preparatory age for school “What do we know about water?”

Educational project “What do I know about myself” for middle school children Problem As a result of targeted and systematic work with preschool children on the topic “What do I know about myself? My body." - perhaps.

Sunflower- an annual plant, a representative of the Astrov family. The plant is a straight stem with green leaves and flowers collected in a basket (see photo). Scientists consider North America to be the birthplace of the plant. It was first domesticated by a tribe of North American Indians. They cultivated this herbaceous plant more than 2000 years ago (this fact has been confirmed by historians). According to archaeological evidence, the sunflower was domesticated even before wheat. Indian tribes used ground seeds: they were considered a delicious dish. The plant was brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the 16th century, and it began to be grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. Much later, sunflower began to be considered as a medicinal plant. The sunflower appeared in Russia thanks to the efforts of Peter I, who wished to receive the seeds of this plant from Holland.

The Latin name for the sunflower is Helianthus, which means “sunny flower.” As for the field of botany, everything is simple: the leaves and flowers of this plant are considered heliotropic, that is, they bend towards the sun. The fact is that the plant contains the phytohormone auxin, which regulates growth. That part of the plant that is not illuminated by the sun accumulates this phytohormone, which forces the plant to reach for the sun. An ornamental type of sunflower called helianthus is grown as a potted plant and can often be found in flower beds.

Our ancestors saw the sunflower not only as a plant, but also as a good sign for all humanity. The plant symbolizes prosperity, unity, sunlight. In some countries, the sunflower is a symbol of peace. All legends about this plant are somehow connected with the celestial body. One day the nymph Clytia fell in love with Apollo, the sun god. She watched her lover all the time, unable to take her eyes off the sun, but Apollo did not pay her any attention. The Olympian gods took pity on Clytia and turned her into a sunflower. Now, even as a plant, the nymph looks at her lover, always turning to follow the sun.

Sunflower is an excellent honey plant; bees collect an average of 25 kg of honey per hectare, in some areas they collect up to 50 kg per hectare. This honey has a golden color. Sunflower honey has healing properties, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention of diseases. The product has a delicate aroma and pleasant taste. This type of honey is a real record holder for glucose content; it also contains vitamins PP and E. American scientists have concluded that this honey contains amino acids necessary for protein synthesis. Glucose is completely absorbed by the body, quickly passes into the blood, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, and helps the heart function. Honey strengthens vascular walls, effectively removes toxins, helps the liver, relieves swelling, and has diuretic properties. Sunflower honey is recommended for use for heart diseases, atherosclerosis, and neuralgia. In countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China, sunflower honey is mandatory for children in educational institutions. Scientists from Australia and Japan have proven that bee honey, especially sunflower honey, in combination with cinnamon, effectively fights early stage cancer, as well as arthritis. As a treatment, you need to take a mixture of 3 tsp daily. cinnamon and 3 tbsp. l. honey

Sunflower varieties

There are many varieties of the main oilseed crop of our region. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, early ripening varieties were developed, which should ensure the expansion of sunflower growing areas.

  • Gourmand is a confectionery variety that is a tall plant. The growing season is 130 days. This variety is resistant to drought, lodging, and shedding.
  • Master - resistant to shedding, lodging, drought, slightly affected by diseases. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the forest-steppe zone.
  • President is a tall plant with a medium-sized basket. The growing season is 128 days. The variety is resistant to lodging, drought, and shedding, and is recommended for cultivation in the steppe zone.
  • Vranac is a confectionery hybrid, a tall plant with a medium-sized basket. The growing season is 137 days. The hybrid is resistant to lodging, shedding, and diseases. Experts recommend growing this hybrid in the forest-steppe zone.

Growing: planting and care

Sunflower is an unpretentious drought-resistant plant that tolerates spring frosts well. The plant prefers fertile soil; it is not recommended to plant sunflowers in acidic or saline soil. The plant should not be planted in the place where legumes, beets, or tomatoes grew. Sunflower grows well after corn and grain crops. It is not recommended to plant it in the same place; it is better to take a break of 3-4 years. This is due to the fact that the plant consumes a lot of nutrients, depleting the soil.

Before planting sunflowers, you should treat the seeds. For this purpose, special substances are used. The prepared seeds are sown, leaving 2-3 seeds in each nest. It is very important to maintain the distance between planted sunflowers depending on the variety. Plant care consists of regular watering and periodic feeding. It will be enough to water the sunflower once a day, and use potassium fertilizers as top dressing.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the plant are determined by its chemical composition. Sunflower is rich in flavonoids, glycosides, carotenoids, anthocyanins, scopolines, and phenolcarboxylic acids. The aerial part contains betaine, choline, carotene, sterol. The seeds of the plant are used to obtain vegetable oil rich in linoleic and oleic acid. Sunflower oil is used to treat biliary dyskinesia and cholecystitis.

Sunflower decoction has long been used for loss of appetite: 1 tbsp. l. flowers are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Take the infusion one third of a glass up to 4 times a day before meals. For colds, prepare an infusion of 3 tbsp. l. flowers drenched in boiling water. The decoction is infused for 15 minutes and drunk at night. You can use sunflower stems to prepare the infusion. The crushed stems are poured with boiling water, infused, then taken 0.5 cups 3 times a day. Europeans learned to use tea from this plant already in the 18th century; it calmed fevers.

The seeds contain 6 times more magnesium than rye bread. The benefits of seeds are invaluable for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Their use is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. They contain zinc, calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine. In cosmetology, the plant is used as an additive to various skin care products. Sunflower oil is added in the production of lipstick, shampoos, and children's hygiene products. Sunflower oil contains a large amount of vitamin F. It has a positive effect on facial skin, hair, nails, and has moisturizing properties. In terms of vitamin E content, a well-known antioxidant, sunflower oil is 12 times higher than olive oil.. The oil takes excellent care of the skin. It is best used for dry and aging skin.

Use in cooking

In cooking, this plant is used in baking bread. To do this, the seeds are roasted and ground, they are used as a filler for dough from which cookies are baked. In England, it is customary to prepare vitamin-rich salads from young sunflower baskets.

Sunflower seeds are used to make dessert cream. Approximately 100 grams of seeds are fried in a frying pan, then peeled. The peeled seeds are ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with 20 grams of cream, 10 grams of cocoa, 15 grams of sugar. The recipe for another dessert is similar to the previous one. Roasted seeds are ground in a coffee grinder along with hazelnut kernels. Season the mixture with cream.

Sunflower benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known in folk medicine. Sunflower root is used for medicinal purposes. This part of the plant is most effective against salt deposits, stone formation, and osteochondrosis. Modern medicine solves problems with stones through surgery or ultrasound. Today, few people know about the properties of the root of this plant, although it was widely used several hundred years ago. It contains alkaline alkaloids, which allow the dissolution of stones formed in an acidic environment, that is, oxalate and urate. Unfortunately, sunflower cannot dissolve stones that have formed in an alkaline environment. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be effective, you must first accurately determine the nature of the stones that have formed in the organs.

Sunflower has also shown itself well in the treatment of joint diseases caused by salt deposition. It is recommended to take the decoction as a preventive measure, but not when the joint cartilage is already damaged. The root cannot restore cartilage tissue. For treatment, a decoction or tea is prepared from the roots of the plant. To do this, the roots are harvested in the fall after collecting sunflower caps. One glass of the resulting raw material is poured with 3 glasses of water and boiled for 5 minutes. The tea should be drunk within two days. Then the roots are again filled with water (3 l) and boiled for another 5 minutes. The roots are boiled for the third time for 15 minutes. The drink is consumed in large doses. Salts will begin to come out after about 2-3 weeks, and the urine will change color and become rusty. Drink the decoction until the urine clears. During treatment, it is recommended to adhere to a dietary diet.

The plant has a positive effect on the human condition when diabetes mellitus. Tea has diuretic, astringent and expectorant properties. Poultices are prepared from the leaves of the plant. They are effective in treating tumors, wounds, spider bites, snake bites. The seeds are effective against allergic reactions; they are used for colds and coughs as an expectorant. For nervous diseases, prepare a tincture of 100 grams of flowers and 2 glasses of vodka. The tincture is placed in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Take 40 drops of tincture 3 times a day before meals.

Sunflower harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. A decoction of the roots is contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women and children. You should not use this treatment method if you have insoluble stones. Sunflower oil, for all its usefulness, like any other oil, cannot be consumed in large quantities, as this is fraught with gastrointestinal disorders.