What is the Solar Wind? Sunny wind. Facts and theory In which layer the solar wind is formed

sunny wind

Such recognition is worth a lot, because it revives to life the half-forgotten solar-plasmoid hypothesis of the origin and development of life on Earth, put forward by the Ulyanovsk scientist BA Solomin almost 30 years ago.

The solar-plasmoid hypothesis states that highly organized solar and terrestrial plasmoids have played and still play a key role in the origin and development of life and intelligence on Earth. This hypothesis is so interesting, especially in the light of the experimental data obtained by Novosibirsk scientists, that it is worth getting to know it in more detail.

First of all, what is a plasmoid? A plasmoid is a plasma system structured by its own magnetic field. Plasma, in turn, is a hot, ionized gas. The simplest example of plasma is fire. Plasma has the ability to dynamically interact with a magnetic field, to keep the field in itself. And the field, in turn, orders the chaotic motion of charged plasma particles. Under certain conditions, a stable but dynamic system is formed, consisting of a plasma and a magnetic field.

The source of plasmoids in the solar system is the sun. Around the Sun, as well as around the Earth, there is an atmosphere. The outer part of the solar atmosphere, made up of hot, ionized hydrogen plasma, is called the solar corona. And if the temperature on the surface of the Sun is about 10,000 K, then due to the flow of energy coming from its interior, the temperature of the corona already reaches 1.5-2 million K. Since the density of the corona is low, such heating is not balanced by the loss of energy due to radiation.

In 1957, Professor of the University of Chicago E. Parker published his hypothesis that the solar corona is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, but is continuously expanding. In this case, a significant part of the solar radiation is a more or less continuous outflow of plasma, the so-called sunny wind, which carries away excess energy. That is, the solar wind is an extension of the solar corona.

It took two years for this prediction to be confirmed experimentally using instruments installed on the Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 and Luna-3. Later it turned out that the solar wind carries away from the surface of our star, in addition to energy and information, about a million tons of matter per second. It contains mainly protons, electrons, a few helium nuclei, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, nickel, chromium and iron ions.

In 2001, the Americans launched the Genesis spacecraft, designed to study the solar wind, into orbit. Having flown more than one and a half million kilometers, the device approached the so-called Lagrange point, where the gravitational effect of the Earth is balanced by the gravitational forces of the Sun, and deployed its traps of solar wind particles there. In 2004, a capsule with collected particles crashed to the ground, contrary to a planned soft landing. The particles were “washed away” and photographed.

To date, observations made from Earth satellites and other spacecraft show that interplanetary space is filled with an active medium - the flow of the solar wind, which originates in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere.

When flares occur on the Sun, plasma flows and magnetic-plasma formations - plasmoids - scatter from it through sunspots (coronal holes) - regions in the Sun's atmosphere with a magnetic field open to interplanetary space. This stream moves from the Sun with significant acceleration, and if at the base of the corona the radial velocity of particles is several hundred m / s, then near the Earth it reaches 400–500 km / s.

Reaching the Earth, the solar wind causes changes in its ionosphere, magnetic storms, which significantly affects biological, geological, mental and even historical processes. The great Russian scientist A.L. Chizhevsky wrote about this at the beginning of the 20th century, who since 1918 in Kaluga for three years conducted experiments in the field of aeroionization and came to the conclusion: negatively charged plasma ions have a beneficial effect on living organisms, and positively charged act in the opposite way. In those distant times, 40 years remained before the discovery and study of the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere!

Plasmoids are present in the Earth's biosphere, including in the dense layers of the atmosphere and near its surface. In his book "Biosphere" V. I. Vernadsky was the first to describe the mechanism of the surface shell, finely coordinated in all its manifestations. Without the biosphere there would be no globe, for, according to Vernadsky, the Earth is "molded" by the Cosmos with the help of the biosphere. It "sculpts" thanks to the use of information, energy and substance. “In essence, the biosphere can be viewed as a region of the earth's crust, occupied by transformers(our italics .- Auth.), converting cosmic radiation into effective terrestrial energy - electrical, chemical, thermal, mechanical, etc. " (nine). It was the biosphere, or "the geological force of the planet," as Vernadsky called it, that began to change the structure of the cycle of matter in nature and "create new forms and organizations of inert and living matter." It is likely that when talking about transformers, Vernadsky was talking about plasmoids, about which at that time they did not know anything at all.

The solar-plasmoid hypothesis explains the role of plasmoids in the origin of life and intelligence on Earth. In the early stages of evolution, plasmoids could become a kind of active "crystallization centers" for the denser and colder molecular structures of the early Earth. “Dressing” in relatively cold and dense molecular clothes, becoming a kind of internal “energy cocoons” of emerging biochemical systems, they were simultaneously the control centers of a complex system, directing evolutionary processes towards the formation of living organisms (10). A similar conclusion was also reached by the scientists of MNIIKA, who were able to achieve materialization of uneven aetheric streams under experimental conditions.

The aura, which sensitive physical devices fix around biological objects, is, apparently, the outer part of the plasmoid "energy cocoon" of a living being. It can be assumed that energy channels and biologically hotspots oriental medicine is internal structures"Energy cocoon".

The Sun is the source of plasmoid life for the Earth, and the streams of the solar wind bring us this life principle.

And what is the source of plasmoid life for the Sun? To answer this question, it is necessary to assume that life at any level does not arise "by itself", but is brought in from a more global, highly organized, rarefied and energetic system. As for the Earth, the Sun is a "mother system", so for a luminary there must be a similar "mother system" (11).

According to the Ulyanovsk scientist BA Solomin, interstellar plasma, hot hydrogen clouds, nebulae containing magnetic fields, and also relativistic (that is, moving at a speed close to the speed of light) electrons could serve as the "mother system" for the Sun. A large amount of rarefied and very hot (millions of degrees) plasma and relativistic electrons, structured by magnetic fields, fill the galactic corona - a sphere that contains a flat stellar disk of our Galaxy. Global galactic plasmoid and relativistic-electron clouds, the level of organization of which is incommensurate with that of the sun, give rise to plasmoid life on the Sun and other stars. Thus, the galactic wind serves as the carrier of plasmoid life for the Sun.

And what is the "mother system" for galaxies? In the formation of the global structure of the Universe, scientists pay a large role to ultra-light elementary particles - neutrinos, literally penetrating space in all directions at speeds close to the speed of light. It is neutrino inhomogeneities, clumps, clouds that could serve as those "frameworks" or "crystallization centers" around which galaxies and their clusters were formed in the early Universe. Neutrino clouds are even more subtle and energetic level of matter than the stellar and galactic "mother systems" of cosmic life described above. They could well have been evolution constructors for the latter.

Let's rise, finally, to the highest level of consideration - to the level of our Universe as a whole, which arose about 20 billion years ago. Studying its global structure, scientists have established that galaxies and their clusters are located in space not chaotically or evenly, but in a quite definite way. They are concentrated along the walls of huge spatial "honeycombs", inside which, as it was believed until the recent past, giant "voids" - voids. However, today it is already known that "voids" in the Universe do not exist. It can be assumed that everything is filled with a "special substance", the carrier of which is the primary torsion fields. This "special substance", which represents the basis of all vital functions, may well be for our Universe that World Architect, Cosmic Consciousness, the Highest Mind, which gives meaning to its existence and the direction of evolution.

If this is so, then already at the moment of its birth, our Universe was alive and intelligent. Life and mind do not arise independently in any cold molecular oceans on the planets, they are inherent in the cosmos. The cosmos is saturated with various forms of life, sometimes strikingly different from the usual protein-nucleic acid systems and incomparable with them in their complexity and degree of intelligence, space-time scales, energy and mass.

It is the rarefied and hot matter that guides the evolution of the denser and colder matter. This seems to be a fundamental law of nature. Cosmic life hierarchically descends from the mysterious matter of voids to neutrino clouds, the intergalactic medium, and from them to the nuclei of galaxies and galactic corona in the form of relativistic-electronic and plasma-magnetic structures, then to interstellar space, to the stars and, finally, to the planets ... Cosmic intelligent life creates in its own image and likeness all local forms of life and controls their evolution (10).

Along with well-known conditions (temperature, pressure, chemical composition etc.) for the emergence of life, the planet must have a pronounced magnetic field, not only protecting living molecules from deadly radiation, but also creating a concentration of solar-galactic plasmoid life around it in the form of radiation belts. Of all the planets in the solar system (except for the Earth), only Jupiter has a strong magnetic field and large radiation belts. Therefore, there is some certainty about the presence of molecular intelligent life on Jupiter, although, possibly, of a non-protein nature.

With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that all processes on the young Earth did not proceed chaotically and independently, but were directed by highly organized plasmoid evolutionary constructors. The current hypothesis of the origin of life on Earth also recognizes the need for the presence of certain plasma factors, namely, powerful lightning discharges in the atmosphere of the early Earth.

Not only the birth, but also the further evolution of protein-nucleic acid systems proceeded in close interaction with plasmoid life, with the latter playing a guiding role. Over time, this interaction became more and more subtle, rose to the level of the psyche, soul, and then the spirit of increasingly complex living organisms. The spirit and soul of living and intelligent beings is a very thin plasma matter of solar and terrestrial origin.

It has been established that plasmoids living in the radiation belts of the Earth (mainly of solar and galactic origin) can descend along the lines of the Earth's magnetic field into the lower layers of the atmosphere, especially at those points where these lines most intensively cross the Earth's surface, namely in the regions of the magnetic poles (north and south).

In general, plasmoids are extremely widespread on Earth. They can have a high degree of organization, show some signs of life and intelligence. Soviet and American expeditions to the region of the South Magnetic Pole in the middle of the 20th century encountered unusual luminous objects floating in the air and behaving very aggressively towards the members of the expedition. They were named the plasmosaurs of Antarctica.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the registration of plasmoids not only on Earth, but also in nearby space has increased significantly. These are balls, stripes, circles, cylinders, little-formed glowing spots, ball lightning, etc. Scientists have managed to divide all objects into two large groups. These are primarily objects that have distinct signs of known physical processes, but in them these signs are presented in a completely unusual combination. Another group of objects, on the contrary, has no analogies with known physical phenomena, and therefore their properties are generally inexplicable on the basis of existing physics.

It is worth noting the existence of terrestrial plasmoids, which are born in fault zones where active geological processes are taking place. In this respect, Novosibirsk is interesting, standing on active faults and having, in connection with this, a special electromagnetic structure over the city. All glow and flashes registered over the city tend to these faults and are explained by vertical energy imbalance and activity of space.

The largest number of luminous objects is observed in the central area of ​​the city, located on the site where the thickening of technical energy sources and faults of the granite massif coincide.

For example, in March 1993 at the hostel of the Novosibirsk State pedagogical university a disc-shaped object about 18 meters in diameter and 4.5 meters thick was observed. A crowd of schoolchildren chased this object, which slowly drifted over the ground for 2.5 kilometers. Schoolchildren tried to throw stones at him, but they deviated, not reaching the object. Then the children began to run up under the object and amuse themselves with the fact that their hats were thrown off them, as their hair stood on end from the electric voltage. Finally, this object flew out onto the high-voltage transmission line, without deviating anywhere, flew along it, gained speed, luminosity, turned into a bright ball and went up (12).

It should be especially noted the appearance of luminous objects in experiments carried out by Novosibirsk scientists in Kozyrev's mirrors. Thanks to the creation of left-right-rotating torsion flows due to rotating light currents in the windings of the laser thread and cones, scientists were able to simulate the information space of the planet with the plasmoids that appeared in Kozyrev's mirror in the mirror. It was possible to study the influence of the emerging luminous objects on cells, and then on the person himself, as a result of which confidence in the correctness of the solar-plasmoid hypothesis was strengthened. The conviction appeared that not only the birth, but also the further evolution of protein-nucleic acid systems proceeded and proceeds in close interaction with plasmoid life with the guiding role of highly organized plasmoids.

This text is an introductory fragment.

It can be used not only as a propulsion device for space sailing ships, but also as a source of energy. The most famous use of the solar wind in this capacity was first proposed by Freeman Dyson, who suggested that a highly developed civilization could create a sphere around a star that would collect all the energy it emits. Proceeding from this, another method of searching for extraterrestrial civilizations was also proposed.

Meanwhile, a more practical concept for harnessing the energy of the solar wind - the Dyson-Harrop satellites - was proposed by a team of researchers at Washington State University led by Brooks Harrop. They are fairly simple power plants that collect electrons from the solar wind. A long metal rod aimed at the sun is energized to generate a magnetic field that will attract electrons. At the other end is an electron trap-receiver, consisting of a sail and a receiver.

According to Harrop's calculations, a satellite with a 300-meter rod, 1 cm thick and a 10-meter trap, in Earth orbit will be able to "collect" up to 1.7 MW. This is enough to power approximately 1,000 private houses. The same satellite, but with a kilometer-long rod and a sail of 8400 kilometers, will be able to “collect” already 1 billion billion gigawatts of energy (10 27 W). It remains only to transfer this energy to the Earth in order to abandon all its other types.

Harrop's team suggests transmitting energy using a laser beam. However, if the design of the satellite itself is quite simple and quite feasible at the modern level of technology, then the creation of a laser "cable" is still technically impossible. The fact is that for the effective collection of the solar wind, the Dyson-Harrop satellite must lie outside the plane of the ecliptic, which means it is located millions of kilometers from the Earth. At this distance, the laser beam will produce a spot thousands of kilometers in diameter. An adequate focusing system would require a lens 10 to 100 meters in diameter. In addition, many dangers cannot be excluded from possible system failures. On the other hand, energy is required in space itself, and the small Dyson-Harrop satellites may well become its main source, replacing solar panels and nuclear reactors.

In the late 1940s, the American astronomer S. Forbush discovered an incomprehensible phenomenon. Measuring the intensity of cosmic rays, Forbush noticed that it decreases significantly with increasing solar activity and falls very sharply during magnetic storms.

This seemed rather strange. Rather, the opposite might have been expected. After all, the Sun itself is the supplier of cosmic rays. Therefore, it would seem that the higher the activity of our daylight, the more particles it should throw into the surrounding space.

It remained to assume that the increase in solar activity affects the earth's magnetic field in such a way that it begins to deflect particles of cosmic rays - to throw them away. The path to Earth seems to be locked.

The explanation seemed logical. But, alas, as it turned out soon, it was clearly insufficient. Calculations made by physicists irrefutably testified that a change in physical conditions only in the immediate vicinity of the Earth cannot cause an effect of such a scale as is observed in reality. Obviously, there must be some other forces that prevent the penetration of cosmic rays into the solar system, and moreover those that increase with increasing solar activity.

It was then that the assumption arose that the perpetrators of the mysterious effect are streams of charged particles escaping from the surface of the Sun and penetrating the space of the solar system. This kind of "solar wind" also purifies the interplanetary medium, "sweeping" particles of cosmic rays out of it.

The phenomena observed in comets also spoke in favor of such a hypothesis. As you know, cometary tails are always directed away from the Sun. Initially, this circumstance was associated with the light pressure of the sun's rays. However, in the middle of this century, it was established that light pressure alone cannot cause all the phenomena that occur in comets. Calculations have shown that the formation and observed deflection of cometary tails requires the action of not only photons, but also particles of matter. By the way, such particles could excite the glow of ions occurring in cometary tails.

As a matter of fact, it was known before that the Sun throws out streams of charged particles - corpuscles. However, such flows were assumed to be sporadic. Astronomers associated their occurrence with the appearance of flares and spots. But cometary tails are always directed in the opposite direction from the Sun, and not only during periods of increased solar activity. This means that the corpuscular radiation filling the space of the solar system must exist constantly. It increases with increasing solar activity, but it always exists.

Thus, the space around the sun is continuously blown by the solar wind. What does this wind consist of and under what conditions does it arise?

Let's get acquainted with the outermost layer of the solar atmosphere - the "corona". This part of the atmosphere of our daylight is unusually rarefied. Even in the immediate vicinity of the Sun, its density is only about one hundred millionth of the density of the earth's atmosphere. This means that in every cubic centimeter of the near-solar space there are only a few hundred million corona particles. But the so-called "kinetic temperature" of the corona, determined by the speed of the particles, is very high. It reaches a million degrees. Therefore, coronal gas is completely ionized and is a mixture of protons, ions of various elements and free electrons.

Recently, it was reported that the presence of helium ions was detected in the composition of the solar wind. This circumstance sheds sung on the mechanism by which the release of charged

particles from the surface of the sun. If the solar wind consisted only of electrons and protons, then it would still be possible to assume that it is formed due to purely thermal processes and is something like steam formed above the surface of boiling water. However, the nuclei of helium atoms are four times heavier than protons and are therefore unlikely to be ejected by evaporation. Most likely, the formation of the solar wind is associated with the action of magnetic forces. Flying away from the Sun, the plasma clouds seem to carry away with them the magnetic fields. It is these fields that serve as a kind of "cement" that "holds" together particles with different masses and charges.

Observations and calculations carried out by astronomers have shown that, with distance from the Sun, the density of the corona gradually decreases. But it turns out that in the region of the Earth's orbit it is still noticeably different from zero. In this region of the solar system, there are from one hundred to a thousand coronal particles for every cubic centimeter of space. In other words, our planet is located inside the solar atmosphere and, if you like, we have the right to call ourselves not only the inhabitants of the Earth, but also the inhabitants of the Sun's atmosphere.

If the corona is more or less stable near the Sun, then as the distance increases, it tends to expand into space. And the farther from the Sun, the higher the rate of this expansion. According to the calculations of the American astronomer E. Parker, already at a distance of 10 million km coronal particles move at speeds exceeding the speed of sound. And but with further distance from the Sun and weakening of the force of solar attraction, these speeds increase several times.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the solar corona is the solar wind blowing over the space of our planetary system.

These theoretical conclusions were fully confirmed by measurements on space rockets and artificial earth satellites. It turned out that the solar wind always exists and "blows" near the Earth at a speed of about 400 km / sec. With an increase in solar activity, this speed increases.

How far does the solar wind blow? This question is of considerable interest; however, in order to obtain the corresponding experimental data, it is necessary to carry out sounding by spacecraft of the outer part of the solar system. Until this has been done, one has to be content with theoretical considerations.

However, it is not possible to get an unambiguous answer. Calculations lead to different results depending on the initial assumptions. In one case, it turns out that the solar wind subsides already in the region of the orbit of Saturn, in the other, that it exists at a very large distance beyond the orbit of the last planet Pluto. But these are only theoretically the extreme limits of the possible propagation of the solar wind. Only observations can indicate the exact boundary.

The most reliable would be, as we have already noted, the data of space probes. But in principle, some indirect observations are also possible. In particular, it was noted that after each successive decline in solar activity, the corresponding increase in the intensity of high-energy cosmic rays, i.e., rays coming into the solar system from the outside, occurs with a delay of about six months. Apparently, this is exactly the time required for the next change in the power of the solar wind to reach the boundary of its propagation. Since the average speed of propagation of the solar wind is about 2.5 astronomical units (1 astronomical unit = 150 million km - the average distance of the Earth from the Sun) per day, this gives a distance of about 40-45 astronomical units. In other words, the solar wind dries up somewhere around Pluto's orbit.

sunny wind

- a continuous flow of plasma of solar origin, spreading approximately radially from the Sun and filling the solar system up to heliocentric. distances ~ 100 AU. S.v. formed when gasdynamic. expansion into interplanetary space. At high temperatures, which exist in the solar corona (K), the pressure of the overlying layers cannot balance the gas pressure of the corona matter, and the corona expands.

The first evidence of the existence of a constant plasma flow from the Sun was obtained by L. Birman (Germany) in the 1950s. on the analysis of forces acting on plasma tails of comets. In 1957, Y. Parker (USA), analyzing the conditions of equilibrium of corona matter, showed that the corona cannot be under hydrostatic conditions. equilibrium, as previously assumed, but should expand, and this expansion under the existing boundary conditions should lead to the acceleration of coronal matter to supersonic speeds.

Average characteristics of S. are given in table. 1. For the first time, a plasma flow of solar origin was recorded on the second Soviet spacecraft. rocket "Luna-2" in 1959 The existence of a constant outflow of plasma from the Sun was proved in the result of many months of measurements at Amer. AMS "Mariner-2" in 1962

Table 1. Average characteristics of the solar wind in the Earth's orbit

Speed400 km / s
Density of protons6 cm -3
Proton temperatureTO
Electron temperatureTO
Magnetic field strengthNS
Proton flux densitycm -2 s -1
Kinetic energy flux density0.3 ergcm -2 s -1

S.v. flows can be divided into two classes: slow - with a speed of km / s and fast - with a speed of 600-700 km / s. Fast currents emanate from areas of the corona where the magnetic field is close to radial. Some of these areas yavl. ... Slow streams S.v. associated, apparently, with areas of the crown, where there is a means. tangential component of magn. fields.

In addition to the main components of S.V. - protons and electrons, in its composition also found -particles, highly ionized ions of oxygen, silicon, sulfur, iron (Fig. 1). When analyzing gases trapped in foils exposed on the Moon, Ne and Ar atoms were found. Average chem. composition of S.V. is given in table. 2.

Table 2. Relative chemical composition of the solar wind

3 He
4 He0,04

Ionization. state of matter C. corresponds to the level in the corona where the recombination time becomes short in comparison with the expansion time, i.e. on distance . Ionization measurements temperature of ions S.v. allow you to determine the electronic temperature of the solar corona.

S.v. carries with it into the interplanetary medium the coronal magn. field. The lines of force of this field frozen into the plasma form an interplanetary magn. field (MMP). Although the intensity of the IMF is low and its energy density is approx. 1% of kinetic. energy of SV, it plays an important role in the thermodynamics of SV. and in the dynamics of interactions of S.V. with bodies of the solar system and streams of S. between themselves. C.V. expansion combination with the rotation of the sun leads to the fact that magn. Power lyonias frozen in the northwest have a shape close to the spirals of Archimedes (Fig. 2). The radial and azimuthal component of magn. fields near the plane of the ecliptic change with distance:
where R- heliocentric. distance, - the angular velocity of rotation of the Sun, u R- the radial component of the SV velocity, index "0" corresponds to the initial level. At the distance of the Earth's orbit, the angle between the directions of magn. fields and direction to the Sun, at large heliocentric. IMF distances are almost perpendicular to the direction to the Sun.

SV, arising above the regions of the Sun with different orientations of the magnets. fields, forms flows in differently oriented IMF - the so-called. interplanetary magnetic field.

In S.V. different types of waves are observed: Langmuir, whistlers, ion-acoustic, magnetosonic, and others (see). Some of the waves are generated on the Sun, some are excited in the interplanetary medium. The generation of waves smooths out the deviations of the particle distribution function from the Maxwellian one and leads to the fact that S.V. behaves like a continuous medium. Waves of the Alfvén type play an important role in the acceleration of small SW components. and in the formation of the proton distribution function. In S.V. contact and rotational discontinuities are also observed, which are characteristic of magnetized plasma.

Stream S.v. yavl. supersonic in relation to the speed of those types of waves, to-rye ensure efficient transfer of energy to the S.V. (Alfvén, sound and magnetosonic waves), Alfvén and sound Mach numbers S.v. orbiting the Earth. When S.v. obstacles capable of effectively deflecting S.V. (the magnetic fields of Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Stourne or the conducting ionospheres of Venus and, apparently, Mars), a head detached shock wave is formed. S.v. decelerates and heats up at the front of the shock wave, which allows it to flow around the obstacle. Moreover, in S.V. a cavity is formed - a magnetosphere (intrinsic or induced), the shape and size of the cut is determined by the balance of the pressure of magn. fields of the planet and the pressure of the flowing plasma flow (see). A layer of heated plasma between the shock wave and the streamlined obstacle is called. transition area. The temperature of ions at the front of the shock wave can increase by a factor of 10–20, and of electrons, by a factor of 1.5–2. Shock wave , thermalization of the flow is provided by collective plasma processes. The shock front thickness is ~ 100 km and is determined by the rate of rise (magnetosonic and / or lower hybrid) during the interaction of the incident flow and a part of the ion flow reflected from the front. In the case of interaction S.V. with a nonconducting body (the Moon), a shock wave does not arise: the plasma flow is absorbed by the surface, and a surface gradually filled with plasma forms behind the body. cavity.

The stationary process of corona plasma outflow is superimposed on nonstationary processes associated with. With strong solar flares, matter is ejected from the lower regions of the corona into the interplanetary medium. In this case, a shock wave is also formed (Fig. 3), which gradually slows down as it moves through the plasma of the S. of. The arrival of the shock wave to the Earth leads to the compression of the magnetosphere, after which the development of magnes usually begins. storms.

The equation describing the expansion of the solar corona can be obtained from the system of equations for the conservation of mass and angular momentum. The solutions of this equation, describing the different nature of the change in speed with distance, are shown in Fig. 4. Solutions 1 and 2 correspond to low velocities at the base of the crown. The choice between these two solutions is determined by the conditions at infinity. Solution 1 corresponds to low rates of expansion of the corona ("solar breeze", according to J. Chamberlain, USA) and gives large values ​​of pressure at infinity, i.e. meets the same difficulties as the static model. crowns. Solution 2 corresponds to the transition of the expansion rate through the value of the speed of sound ( v K) on some critical. distance R K and subsequent expansion at supersonic speed. This solution gives a vanishingly small value of pressure at infinity, which makes it possible to match it with the low pressure of the interstellar medium. Parker called this type of current the solar wind. Critical the point is above the surface of the Sun if the temperature of the corona is less than a certain critical value. values ​​where m- proton mass, - adiabatic exponent. In fig. 5 shows the change in the expansion rate from heliocentric. distance depending on temperature isothermal. isotropic corona. Subsequent models of S.V. take into account variations in the coronal temperature with distance, the two-fluid nature of the medium (electron and proton gases), thermal conductivity, viscosity, and non-spherical expansion. Approach to the substance S.v. how to a continuous medium is justified by the presence of IMF and the collective nature of the interaction of the high-pressure plasma, caused by various types of instabilities. S.v. provides basic outflow of thermal energy from the corona, because heat transfer to the chromosphere, electromagnet. radiation of strongly ionized corona matter and electronic thermal conductivity of S.V. insufficient to establish thermal. balance of the crown. Electronic thermal conductivity provides a slow decrease in the temperature of S.H. with distance. S.v. does not play any significant role in the energy of the Sun as a whole, since the energy flux carried away by it is ~ 10 -8