Even and odd function examples. Odd and even functions. Basic properties of functions

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  • formulate the concept of even and odd functions, teach the ability to determine and use these properties when studying functions and constructing graphs;
  • develop students’ creative activity, logical thinking, ability to compare and generalize;
  • cultivate hard work and mathematical culture; develop communication skills .

Equipment: multimedia installation, interactive whiteboard, handouts.

Forms of work: frontal and group with elements of search and research activities.

Information sources:

1. Algebra 9th class A.G. Mordkovich. Textbook.
2. Algebra 9th grade A.G. Mordkovich. Problem book.
3. Algebra 9th grade. Tasks for student learning and development. Belenkova E.Yu. Lebedintseva E.A.


1. Organizational moment

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

2. Checking homework

No. 10.17 (9th grade problem book. A.G. Mordkovich).

A) at = f(X), f(X) =

b) f (–2) = –3; f (0) = –1; f(5) = 69;

c) 1. D( f) = [– 2; + ∞)
2. E( f) = [– 3; + ∞)
3. f(X) = 0 at X ~ 0,4
4. f(X) >0 at X > 0,4 ; f(X) < 0 при – 2 < X < 0,4.
5. The function increases with X € [– 2; + ∞)
6. The function is limited from below.
7. at naim = – 3, at naib doesn't exist
8. The function is continuous.

(Have you used a function exploration algorithm?) Slide.

2. Let’s check the table you were asked from the slide.

Fill the table


Function zeros

Intervals of sign constancy

Coordinates of the points of intersection of the graph with Oy

x = –5,
x = 2

x € (–5;3) U

x € (–∞;–5) U
U (–3;2)

x ∞ –5,
x ≠ 2

x € (–5;3) U

x € (–∞;–5) U
U (–3;2)

x ≠ –5,
x ≠ 2

x € (–∞; –5) U

x € (–5; 2)

3. Updating knowledge

– Functions are given.
– Specify the scope of definition for each function.
– Compare the value of each function for each pair of argument values: 1 and – 1; 2 and – 2.
– For which of these functions in the domain of definition the equalities hold f(– X) = f(X), f(– X) = – f(X)? (enter the obtained data into the table) Slide

f(1) and f(– 1) f(2) and f(– 2) graphics f(– X) = –f(X) f(– X) = f(X)
1. f(X) =
2. f(X) = X 3
3. f(X) = | X |
4.f(X) = 2X – 3
5. f(X) =

X ≠ 0

6. f(X)= X > –1

and not defined

4. New material

– While doing this work, guys, we identified another property of the function, unfamiliar to you, but no less important than the others - this is the evenness and oddness of the function. Write down the topic of the lesson: “Even and odd functions”, our task is to learn to determine the evenness and oddness of a function, to find out the significance of this property in the study of functions and plotting graphs.
So, let's find the definitions in the textbook and read (p. 110) . Slide

Def. 1 Function at = f (X), defined on the set X is called even, if for any value XЄ X is executed equality f(–x)= f(x). Give examples.

Def. 2 Function y = f(x), defined on the set X is called odd, if for any value XЄ X the equality f(–х)= –f(х) holds. Give examples.

Where did we meet the terms “even” and “odd”?
Which of these functions will be even, do you think? Why? Which ones are odd? Why?
For any function of the form at= x n, Where n– an integer, it can be argued that the function is odd when n– odd and the function is even when n– even.
– View functions at= and at = 2X– 3 are neither even nor odd, because equalities are not satisfied f(– X) = – f(X), f(– X) = f(X)

The study of whether a function is even or odd is called the study of a function's parity. Slide

In definitions 1 and 2 we were talking about the values ​​of the function at x and – x, thereby it is assumed that the function is also defined at the value X, and at – X.

Def 3. If a numerical set, together with each of its elements x, also contains the opposite element –x, then the set X called a symmetric set.


(–2;2), [–5;5]; (∞;∞) are symmetric sets, and , [–5;4] are asymmetric.

– Do even functions have a domain of definition that is a symmetric set? The odd ones?
– If D( f) is an asymmetric set, then what is the function?
– Thus, if the function at = f(X) – even or odd, then its domain of definition is D( f) is a symmetric set. Is the converse statement true: if the domain of definition of a function is a symmetric set, then is it even or odd?
– This means that the presence of a symmetric set of the domain of definition is a necessary condition, but not sufficient.
– So how do you examine a function for parity? Let's try to create an algorithm.


Algorithm for studying a function for parity

1. Determine whether the domain of definition of the function is symmetrical. If not, then the function is neither even nor odd. If yes, then go to step 2 of the algorithm.

2. Write an expression for f(–X).

3. Compare f(–X).And f(X):

  • If f(–X).= f(X), then the function is even;
  • If f(–X).= – f(X), then the function is odd;
  • If f(–X) ≠ f(X) And f(–X) ≠ –f(X), then the function is neither even nor odd.


Examine function a) for parity at= x 5 +; b) at= ; V) at= .


a) h(x) = x 5 +,

1) D(h) = (–∞; 0) U (0; +∞), symmetric set.

2) h (– x) = (–x) 5 + – x5 –= – (x 5 +),

3) h(– x) = – h (x) => function h(x)= x 5 + odd.

b) y =,

at = f(X), D(f) = (–∞; –9)? (–9; +∞), an asymmetric set, which means the function is neither even nor odd.

V) f(X) = , y = f (x),

1) D( f) = (–∞; 3] ≠ ; b) (∞; –2), (–4; 4]?

Option 2

1. Is the given set symmetric: a) [–2;2]; b) (∞; 0], (0; 7) ?

A); b) y = x (5 – x 2). 2. Examine the function for parity:

a) y = x 2 (2x – x 3), b) y =

3. In Fig. a graph has been built at = f(X), for all X, satisfying the condition X? 0.
Graph the Function at = f(X), If at = f(X) is an even function.

3. In Fig. a graph has been built at = f(X), for all x satisfying the condition x? 0.
Graph the Function at = f(X), If at = f(X) is an odd function.

Mutual check on slide.

6. Homework: №11.11, 11.21,11.22;

Proof of the geometric meaning of the parity property.

***(Assignment of the Unified State Examination option).

1. The odd function y = f(x) is defined on the entire number line. For any non-negative value of the variable x, the value of this function coincides with the value of the function g( X) = X(X + 1)(X + 3)(X– 7). Find the value of the function h( X) = at X = 3.

7. Summing up

Definition 1. The function is called even (odd ), if together with each variable value
meaning - X also belongs
and the equality holds

Thus, a function can be even or odd only if its domain of definition is symmetrical about the origin of coordinates on the number line (number X And - X belong at the same time
). For example, the function
is neither even nor odd, since its domain of definition
not symmetrical about the origin.

even, because
symmetrical about the origin and.

odd, because

is not even and odd, since although
and is symmetrical with respect to the origin, equalities (11.1) are not satisfied. For example,.

The graph of an even function is symmetrical about the axis OU, because if the point

also belongs to the schedule. The graph of an odd function is symmetrical about the origin, since if
belongs to the graph, then the point
also belongs to the schedule.

When proving whether a function is even or odd, the following statements are useful.

Theorem 1. a) The sum of two even (odd) functions is an even (odd) function.

b) The product of two even (odd) functions is an even function.

c) The product of an even and odd function is an odd function.

d) If f– even function on the set X, and the function g defined on the set
, then the function
– even.

d) If f– odd function on the set X, and the function g defined on the set
and even (odd), then the function
– even (odd).

Proof. Let us prove, for example, b) and d).

b) Let
– even functions. Then, therefore. The case of odd functions is treated similarly

d) Let f is an even function. Then.

The remaining statements of the theorem can be proved in a similar way. The theorem has been proven.

Theorem 2. Any function
, defined on the set X, symmetrical about the origin, can be represented as a sum of even and odd functions.

Proof. Function
can be written in the form


– even, because
, and the function
– odd, because. Thus,
, Where
– even, and
– odd functions. The theorem has been proven.

Definition 2. Function
called periodic , if there is a number
, such that for any
also belong to the domain of definition
and the equalities are satisfied

Such a number T called period functions

From Definition 1 it follows that if T– period of the function
, then the number – T Same is the period of the function
(since when replacing T on - T equality is maintained). Using the method of mathematical induction it can be shown that if T– period of the function f, then
, is also a period. It follows that if a function has a period, then it has infinitely many periods.

Definition 3. The smallest of the positive periods of a function is called its main period.

Theorem 3. If T– main period of the function f, then the remaining periods are multiples of it.

Proof. Let us assume the opposite, that is, that there is a period functions f (>0), not multiple T. Then, dividing on T with the remainder, we get
, Where
. That's why

that is – period of the function f, and
, and this contradicts the fact that T– main period of the function f. The statement of the theorem follows from the resulting contradiction. The theorem has been proven.

It is well known that trigonometric functions are periodic. Main period
. Let's find the period of the function
. Let
- the period of this function. Then



Meaning T, determined from the first equality, cannot be a period, since it depends on X, i.e. is a function of X, and not a constant number. The period is determined from the second equality:
. There are infinitely many periods, with
the smallest positive period is obtained at
. This is the main period of the function

An example of a more complex periodic function is the Dirichlet function

Note that if T is a rational number, then
are rational numbers for rational X and irrational when irrational X. That's why

for any rational number T. Therefore, any rational number T is the period of the Dirichlet function. It is clear that this function does not have a main period, since there are positive rational numbers that are arbitrarily close to zero (for example, a rational number can be made by choosing n arbitrarily close to zero).

Theorem 4. If the function f defined on the set X and has a period T, and the function g defined on the set
, then a complex function
also has a period T.

Proof. We have, therefore

that is, the statement of the theorem is proven.

For example, since cos x has a period
, then the functions
have a period

Definition 4. Functions that are not periodic are called non-periodic .

even, if for all \(x\) from its domain of definition the following is true: \(f(-x)=f(x)\) .

The graph of an even function is symmetrical about the \(y\) axis:

Example: the function \(f(x)=x^2+\cos x\) is even, because \(f(-x)=(-x)^2+\cos((-x))=x^2+\cos x=f(x)\).

\(\blacktriangleright\) The function \(f(x)\) is called odd, if for all \(x\) from its domain of definition the following is true: \(f(-x)=-f(x)\) .

The graph of an odd function is symmetrical about the origin:

Example: the function \(f(x)=x^3+x\) is odd because \(f(-x)=(-x)^3+(-x)=-x^3-x=-(x^3+x)=-f(x)\).

\(\blacktriangleright\) Functions that are neither even nor odd are called functions of general form. Such a function can always be uniquely represented as the sum of an even and an odd function.

For example, the function \(f(x)=x^2-x\) is the sum of the even function \(f_1=x^2\) and the odd \(f_2=-x\) .

\(\blacktriangleright\) Some properties:

1) The product and quotient of two functions of the same parity is an even function.

2) The product and quotient of two functions of different parities is an odd function.

3) Sum and difference of even functions - even function.

4) Sum and difference of odd functions - odd function.

5) If \(f(x)\) is an even function, then the equation \(f(x)=c \ (c\in \mathbb(R)\) ) has a unique root if and only when \(x =0\) .

6) If \(f(x)\) is an even or odd function, and the equation \(f(x)=0\) has a root \(x=b\), then this equation will necessarily have a second root \(x =-b\) .

\(\blacktriangleright\) The function \(f(x)\) is called periodic on \(X\) if for some number \(T\ne 0\) the following holds: \(f(x)=f(x+T) \) , where \(x, x+T\in X\) . The smallest \(T\) for which this equality is satisfied is called the main (main) period of the function.

A periodic function has any number of the form \(nT\) , where \(n\in \mathbb(Z)\) will also be a period.

Example: any trigonometric function is periodic;
for the functions \(f(x)=\sin x\) and \(f(x)=\cos x\) the main period is equal to \(2\pi\), for the functions \(f(x)=\mathrm( tg)\,x\) and \(f(x)=\mathrm(ctg)\,x\) the main period is equal to \(\pi\) .

In order to construct a graph of a periodic function, you can plot its graph on any segment of length \(T\) (main period); then the graph of the entire function is completed by shifting the constructed part by an integer number of periods to the right and left:

\(\blacktriangleright\) The domain \(D(f)\) of the function \(f(x)\) is a set consisting of all values ​​of the argument \(x\) for which the function makes sense (is defined).

Example: the function \(f(x)=\sqrt x+1\) has a domain of definition: \(x\in

Task 1 #6364

Task level: Equal to the Unified State Exam

At what values ​​of the parameter \(a\) does the equation

has a single solution?

Note that since \(x^2\) and \(\cos x\) are even functions, if the equation has a root \(x_0\) , it will also have a root \(-x_0\) .
Indeed, let \(x_0\) be a root, that is, the equality \(2x_0^2+a\mathrm(tg)\,(\cos x_0)+a^2=0\) right. Let's substitute \(-x_0\) : \(2 (-x_0)^2+a\mathrm(tg)\,(\cos(-x_0))+a^2=2x_0^2+a\mathrm(tg)\,(\cos x_0)+a ^2=0\).

Thus, if \(x_0\ne 0\) , then the equation will already have at least two roots. Therefore, \(x_0=0\) . Then:

We received two values ​​for the parameter \(a\) . Note that we used the fact that \(x=0\) is exactly the root of the original equation. But we never used the fact that he is the only one. Therefore, you need to substitute the resulting values ​​of the parameter \(a\) into the original equation and check for which specific \(a\) the root \(x=0\) will really be unique.

1) If \(a=0\) , then the equation will take the form \(2x^2=0\) . Obviously, this equation has only one root \(x=0\) . Therefore, the value \(a=0\) suits us.

2) If \(a=-\mathrm(tg)\,1\) , then the equation will take the form \ Let's rewrite the equation in the form \ Because \(-1\leqslant \cos x\leqslant 1\), That \(-\mathrm(tg)\,1\leqslant \mathrm(tg)\,(\cos x)\leqslant \mathrm(tg)\,1\). Consequently, the values ​​of the right side of the equation (*) belong to the segment \([-\mathrm(tg)^2\,1; \mathrm(tg)^2\,1]\).

Since \(x^2\geqslant 0\) , then the left side of the equation (*) is greater than or equal to \(0+ \mathrm(tg)^2\,1\) .

Thus, equality (*) can only be true when both sides of the equation are equal to \(\mathrm(tg)^2\,1\) . And this means that \[\begin(cases) 2x^2+\mathrm(tg)^2\,1=\mathrm(tg)^2\,1 \\ \mathrm(tg)\,1\cdot \mathrm(tg)\ ,(\cos x)=\mathrm(tg)^2\,1 \end(cases) \quad\Leftrightarrow\quad \begin(cases) x=0\\ \mathrm(tg)\,(\cos x) =\mathrm(tg)\,1 \end(cases)\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad x=0\] Therefore, the value \(a=-\mathrm(tg)\,1\) suits us.


\(a\in \(-\mathrm(tg)\,1;0\)\)

Task 2 #3923

Task level: Equal to the Unified State Exam

Find all values ​​of the parameter \(a\) , for each of which the graph of the function \

symmetrical about the origin.

If the graph of a function is symmetrical with respect to the origin, then such a function is odd, that is, \(f(-x)=-f(x)\) holds for any \(x\) from the domain of definition of the function. Thus, it is required to find those parameter values ​​for which \(f(-x)=-f(x).\)

\[\begin(aligned) &3\mathrm(tg)\,\left(-\dfrac(ax)5\right)+2\sin \dfrac(8\pi a+3x)4= -\left(3\ mathrm(tg)\,\left(\dfrac(ax)5\right)+2\sin \dfrac(8\pi a-3x)4\right)\quad \Rightarrow\quad -3\mathrm(tg)\ ,\dfrac(ax)5+2\sin \dfrac(8\pi a+3x)4= -\left(3\mathrm(tg)\,\left(\dfrac(ax)5\right)+2\ sin \dfrac(8\pi a-3x)4\right) \quad \Rightarrow\\ \Rightarrow\quad &\sin \dfrac(8\pi a+3x)4+\sin \dfrac(8\pi a- 3x)4=0 \quad \Rightarrow \quad2\sin \dfrac12\left(\dfrac(8\pi a+3x)4+\dfrac(8\pi a-3x)4\right)\cdot \cos \dfrac12 \left(\dfrac(8\pi a+3x)4-\dfrac(8\pi a-3x)4\right)=0 \quad \Rightarrow\quad \sin (2\pi a)\cdot \cos \ frac34 x=0 \end(aligned)\]

The last equation must be satisfied for all \(x\) from the domain of \(f(x)\), therefore, \(\sin(2\pi a)=0 \Rightarrow a=\dfrac n2, n\in\mathbb(Z)\).


\(\dfrac n2, n\in\mathbb(Z)\)

Task 3 #3069

Task level: Equal to the Unified State Exam

Find all values ​​of the parameter \(a\) , for each of which the equation \ has 4 solutions, where \(f\) is an even periodic function with period \(T=\dfrac(16)3\) defined on the entire number line , and \(f(x)=ax^2\) for \(0\leqslant x\leqslant \dfrac83.\)

(Task from subscribers)

Task 4 #3072

Task level: Equal to the Unified State Exam

Find all values ​​of \(a\) , for each of which the equation \

has at least one root.

(Task from subscribers)

Let's rewrite the equation in the form \ and consider two functions: \(g(x)=7\sqrt(2x^2+49)\) and \(f(x)=3|x-7a|-6|x|-a^2+7a\ ) .
The function \(g(x)\) is even and has a minimum point \(x=0\) (and \(g(0)=49\) ).
The function \(f(x)\) for \(x>0\) is decreasing, and for \(x<0\) – возрастающей, следовательно, \(x=0\) – точка максимума.
Indeed, when \(x>0\) the second module will open positively (\(|x|=x\) ), therefore, regardless of how the first module will open, \(f(x)\) will be equal to \( kx+A\) , where \(A\) is the expression of \(a\) and \(k\) is equal to either \(-9\) or \(-3\) . When \(x<0\) наоборот: второй модуль раскроется отрицательно и \(f(x)=kx+A\) , где \(k\) равно либо \(3\) , либо \(9\) .
Let's find the value of \(f\) at the maximum point: \

In order for the equation to have at least one solution, it is necessary that the graphs of the functions \(f\) and \(g\) have at least one intersection point. Therefore, you need: \ Solving this set of systems, we get the answer: \\]


\(a\in \(-7\)\cup\)

Task 5 #3912

Task level: Equal to the Unified State Exam

Find all values ​​of the parameter \(a\) , for each of which the equation \

has six different solutions.

Let's make the replacement \((\sqrt2)^(x^3-3x^2+4)=t\) , \(t>0\) . Then the equation will take the form \ We will gradually write out the conditions under which the original equation will have six solutions.
Note that the quadratic equation \((*)\) can have a maximum of two solutions. Any cubic equation \(Ax^3+Bx^2+Cx+D=0\) can have no more than three solutions. Therefore, if the equation \((*)\) has two different solutions (positive!, since \(t\) must be greater than zero) \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) , then, by making the reverse substitution, we we get: \[\left[\begin(gathered)\begin(aligned) &(\sqrt2)^(x^3-3x^2+4)=t_1\\ &(\sqrt2)^(x^3-3x^2 +4)=t_2\end(aligned)\end(gathered)\right.\] Since any positive number can be represented as \(\sqrt2\) to some extent, for example, \(t_1=(\sqrt2)^(\log_(\sqrt2) t_1)\), then the first equation of the set will be rewritten in the form \ As we have already said, any cubic equation has no more than three solutions, therefore, each equation in the set will have no more than three solutions. This means that the entire set will have no more than six solutions.
This means that for the original equation to have six solutions, the quadratic equation \((*)\) must have two different solutions, and each resulting cubic equation (from the set) must have three different solutions (and not a single solution of one equation should coincide with any -by the decision of the second!)
Obviously, if the quadratic equation \((*)\) has one solution, then we will not get six solutions to the original equation.

Thus, the solution plan becomes clear. Let's write down the conditions that must be met point by point.

1) For the equation \((*)\) to have two different solutions, its discriminant must be positive: \

2) It is also necessary that both roots be positive (since \(t>0\) ). If the product of two roots is positive and their sum is positive, then the roots themselves will be positive. Therefore, you need: \[\begin(cases) 12-a>0\\-(a-10)>0\end(cases)\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad a<10\]

Thus, we have already provided ourselves with two different positive roots \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) .

3) Let's look at this equation \ For what \(t\) will it have three different solutions?
Consider the function \(f(x)=x^3-3x^2+4\) .
Can be factorized: \ Therefore, its zeros are: \(x=-1;2\) .
If we find the derivative \(f"(x)=3x^2-6x\) , then we get two extremum points \(x_(max)=0, x_(min)=2\) .
Therefore, the graph looks like this:

We see that any horizontal line \(y=k\) , where \(0 \(x^3-3x^2+4=\log_(\sqrt2) t\) had three different solutions, it is necessary that \(0<\log_ {\sqrt2}t<4\) .
Thus, you need: \[\begin(cases) 0<\log_{\sqrt2}t_1<4\\ 0<\log_{\sqrt2}t_2<4\end{cases}\qquad (**)\] Let's also immediately note that if the numbers \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are different, then the numbers \(\log_(\sqrt2)t_1\) and \(\log_(\sqrt2)t_2\) will be different, which means the equations \(x^3-3x^2+4=\log_(\sqrt2) t_1\) And \(x^3-3x^2+4=\log_(\sqrt2) t_2\) will have different roots.
The system \((**)\) can be rewritten as follows: \[\begin(cases) 1

Thus, we have determined that both roots of the equation \((*)\) must lie in the interval \((1;4)\) . How to write this condition?
We will not write down the roots explicitly.
Consider the function \(g(t)=t^2+(a-10)t+12-a\) . Its graph is a parabola with upward branches, which has two points of intersection with the x-axis (we wrote down this condition in paragraph 1)). What should its graph look like so that the points of intersection with the x-axis are in the interval \((1;4)\)? So:

Firstly, the values ​​\(g(1)\) and \(g(4)\) of the function at points \(1\) and \(4\) must be positive, and secondly, the vertex of the parabola \(t_0\ ) must also be in the interval \((1;4)\) . Therefore, we can write the system: \[\begin(cases) 1+a-10+12-a>0\\ 4^2+(a-10)\cdot 4+12-a>0\\ 1<\dfrac{-(a-10)}2<4\end{cases}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad 4

Thus, we need to intersect the values ​​of the parameter \(a\) found in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd points, and we will get the answer: \[\begin(cases) a\in (-\infty;8-2\sqrt3)\cup(8+2\sqrt3;+\infty)\\ a<10\\ 4

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Methods for specifying a function

Let the function be given by the formula: y=2x^(2)-3. By assigning any values ​​to the independent variable x, you can calculate, using this formula, the corresponding values ​​of the dependent variable y. For example, if x=-0.5, then, using the formula, we find that the corresponding value of y is y=2 \cdot (-0.5)^(2)-3=-2.5.

Taking any value taken by the argument x in the formula y=2x^(2)-3, you can calculate only one value of the function that corresponds to it. The function can be represented as a table:

x−2 −1 0 1 2 3
y−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1

Using this table, you can see that for the argument value −1 the function value −3 will correspond; and the value x=2 will correspond to y=0, etc. It is also important to know that each argument value in the table corresponds to only one function value.

More functions can be specified using graphs. Using a graph, it is established which value of the function correlates with a certain value x. Most often, this will be an approximate value of the function.

Even and odd function

The function is even function, when f(-x)=f(x) for any x from the domain of definition. Such a function will be symmetrical about the Oy axis.

The function is odd function, when f(-x)=-f(x) for any x from the domain of definition. Such a function will be symmetric about the origin O (0;0) .

The function is not even, neither odd and is called general function, when it does not have symmetry about the axis or origin.

Let us examine the following function for parity:


D(f)=(-\infty ; +\infty) with a symmetric domain of definition relative to the origin. f(-x)= 3 \cdot (-x)^(3)-7 \cdot (-x)^(7)= -3x^(3)+7x^(7)= -(3x^(3)-7x^(7))= -f(x).

This means that the function f(x)=3x^(3)-7x^(7) is odd.

Periodic function

The function y=f(x) , in the domain of which the equality f(x+T)=f(x-T)=f(x) holds for any x, is called periodic function with period T \neq 0 .

Repeating the graph of a function on any segment of the x-axis that has length T.

The intervals where the function is positive, that is, f(x) > 0, are segments of the abscissa axis that correspond to the points of the function graph lying above the abscissa axis.

f(x) > 0 on (x_(1); x_(2)) \cup (x_(3); +\infty)

Intervals where the function is negative, that is, f(x)< 0 - отрезки оси абсцисс, которые отвечают точкам графика функции, лежащих ниже оси абсцисс.

f(x)< 0 на (-\infty; x_(1)) \cup (x_(2); x_(3))

Limited function

Bounded from below It is customary to call a function y=f(x), x \in X when there is a number A for which the inequality f(x) \geq A holds for any x \in X .

An example of a function bounded from below: y=\sqrt(1+x^(2)) since y=\sqrt(1+x^(2)) \geq 1 for any x .

Bounded from above a function y=f(x), x \in X is called when there is a number B for which the inequality f(x) \neq B holds for any x \in X .

An example of a function bounded below: y=\sqrt(1-x^(2)), x \in [-1;1] since y=\sqrt(1+x^(2)) \neq 1 for any x \in [-1;1] .

Limited It is customary to call a function y=f(x), x \in X when there is a number K > 0 for which the inequality \left | f(x)\right | \neq K for any x \in X .

An example of a limited function: y=\sin x is limited on the entire number axis, since \left | \sin x \right | \neq 1.

Increasing and decreasing function

It is customary to speak of a function that increases on the interval under consideration as increasing function then, when a larger value of x corresponds to a larger value of the function y=f(x) . It follows that taking two arbitrary values ​​of the argument x_(1) and x_(2) from the interval under consideration, with x_(1) > x_(2) , the result will be y(x_(1)) > y(x_(2)).

A function that decreases on the interval under consideration is called decreasing function when a larger value of x corresponds to a smaller value of the function y(x) . It follows that, taking from the interval under consideration two arbitrary values ​​of the argument x_(1) and x_(2) , and x_(1) > x_(2) , the result will be y(x_(1))< y(x_{2}) .

Function Roots It is customary to call the points at which the function F=y(x) intersects the abscissa axis (they are obtained by solving the equation y(x)=0).

a) If for x > 0 an even function increases, then it decreases for x< 0

b) When an even function decreases at x > 0, then it increases at x< 0

c) When an odd function increases at x > 0, then it also increases at x< 0

d) When an odd function decreases for x > 0, then it will also decrease for x< 0

Extrema of the function

Minimum point of the function y=f(x) is usually called a point x=x_(0) whose neighborhood will have other points (except for the point x=x_(0)), and for them the inequality f(x) > f will then be satisfied (x_(0)) . y_(min) - designation of the function at the min point.

Maximum point of the function y=f(x) is usually called a point x=x_(0) whose neighborhood will have other points (except for the point x=x_(0)), and for them the inequality f(x) will then be satisfied< f(x^{0}) . y_{max} - обозначение функции в точке max.


According to Fermat’s theorem: f"(x)=0 when the function f(x) that is differentiable at the point x_(0) will have an extremum at this point.

Sufficient condition

  1. When the derivative changes sign from plus to minus, then x_(0) will be the minimum point;
  2. x_(0) - will be a maximum point only when the derivative changes sign from minus to plus when passing through the stationary point x_(0) .

The largest and smallest value of a function on an interval

Calculation steps:

  1. The derivative f"(x) is sought;
  2. Stationary and critical points of the function are found and those belonging to the segment are selected;
  3. The values ​​of the function f(x) are found at stationary and critical points and ends of the segment. The smaller of the results obtained will be the smallest value of the function, and more - the largest.