If there was a suicide in the family who was shot. Karma of sorts. How children pay for the sins of their parents. Depression and despair

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Hello. My grandfather is suicidal. Is it true that for this a curse is imposed on his entire family? If so, where can I read about it? How to remember such people correctly? Thanks Hello!

Indeed, according to church tradition, one cannot pray for suicides. The crime of this sin lies in the fact that the suicide rebels against the creative and providential order of the divine and his purpose in our world, arbitrarily ends his life, which belongs not only to him, but also to God, and also to his neighbors, and which was given to him for moral success, and not for abuse of it, renounces all the responsibilities that lie on him and appears in the afterlife uncalled. The life of every person is a precious gift of God; therefore, whoever arbitrarily takes his own life blasphemously rejects this gift. A Christian who commits suicide doubly insults God: both as Creator and as Redeemer. Such an act can only be the fruit of complete unbelief and despair in Divine Providence. And whoever is alien to faith in God and trust in Him is alien to the Church. She looks at a conscious suicide as a spiritual descendant of Judas the traitor, who, having renounced God and been rejected by God, “went and hanged himself” (Matthew 27:5). That is why a suicide is deprived of church burial and commemoration. But the descendants do not bear the curse for the sin of the suicide. And in general, children are not responsible for the sins of their parents. When they try to resolve the issue of the consequences for children and direct descendants of the sins of their parents, they quote: I am the Lord Your God is a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments (Ex. 20:5-6). It definitely says here that the Lord does not punish innocent children for the guilt of their fathers, but only those whose own criminality (those who hate Me) is successively connected with the sins of their fathers. This understanding is fully confirmed by the following passages:

- Fathers should not be punished with death for their children, and children should not be punished with death for their fathers; everyone must be punished with death for his crime (Deut. 24:16).

- In those days they will no longer say: “The fathers ate sour grapes, but the teeth of the children are set on edge,” but everyone will die for his own iniquity; whoever eats sour grapes will have his teeth set on edge (Jer. 31:29-30). Therefore, do not be afraid - there is no curse on your family! You can pray for your father, who committed suicide, only in your private prayers at home. You do not have the right to submit notes about his commemoration in the Church, since the Church does not pray for suicides. God bless you!

Those who are interested in the rules of karmic law often think about the reasons for the sudden death of people, especially at a young age.

Many of them are most concerned about the question: can suicide be karma or not, and can the decision to die be explained by the predetermination of fate? Let's look into this and find out what place suicide has in the law of cause and effect and whether such an act is a punishment for something.

Program laid down at birth

As you know, a specific life program is laid down in every person at the moment of his birth by the Determinant. This program is determined by his behavior in previous incarnations, the number and severity of existing karmic debts. These factors determine his fate in this incarnation.

In most cases, even the time and circumstances of a person’s death are known to the Higher Powers in advance; they are predetermined. We discussed this in detail in the article on the causes of accidents. Another factor also influences fate: a person comes into this world to complete a certain task, and failure to complete it threatens with serious troubles that can lead to an earlier death than originally planned.

Karmic suicide program or personal choice?

According to the karmic law, bad deeds cannot be included in a person’s life program; whether to commit them or not - he decides on his own, thereby improving or, conversely, worsening his karma. Every person comes into this world with a specific good purpose, but not everyone is able to realize their purpose and walk along a bright path, steadfastly enduring all adversity and fulfilling the tasks assigned to them.

The word “suicide” itself has its meaning – it is a person killing himself.

Murder in any case is the deprivation of life, and it is considered one of the most serious sins, leading to the most serious karmic debts.

At the same time, for karma it is not so important who exactly a person kills: another person, an animal or himself, since the essence does not change from this - he took someone’s life.

So it turns out that taking one’s own life is tantamount to killing another person. Suicide breaks all the plans of the Determinator, in an instant destroys the program he created and upsets the balance of the Universe. Therefore, a suicide always receives punishment, and he will have to work hard in subsequent incarnations to pay off serious karmic debts.

There is no such thing as a “karmic suicide program” - it is always a personal choice, the responsibility for which lies not with the Higher Powers, but with the person himself. And this needs to be remembered.

Punishment for suicide

The next incarnation of a person who committed suicide will certainly be filled with difficult trials, because if there were no punishment for such an offense, many people would choose suicide just to start life anew.

Imagine that you had the opportunity to commit suicide in order to immediately return to earth in a new incarnation and start living from the very beginning without the problems that haunted you through life?

If everything were exactly like this, then thousands and millions of people around the world would kill themselves for the most ridiculous reasons: if they did not like their own appearance, parents, home, city or country in which they live. But, unfortunately, human life is not a computer game in which you can start all over again at any moment.

Many suicides consider taking their own life as the only way out of a vicious circle of problems, but in fact, by committing suicide, they only make the situation even worse. In most cases, closing the karma of suicide may require not one, but a whole series of incarnations, in each of which the person will gradually work out each of his problems, the combination of which led him to suicide.

Could children's suicide be parents' karma?

When talking about suicide, it is impossible to ignore the issue of pain that those who commit suicide inflict on their family and friends. Why does a mother, for example, face such a difficult ordeal as the death of a daughter or son from suicide? Isn’t this tragic event a karmic blow of fate for someone in the family, for those who continue to live after the tragedy?

Everything here is pretty clear. The act of suicide itself has nothing to do with karma - it is always a person’s personal decision and nothing more. For any sins of previous incarnations, a person is not sent to commit suicide of his children, spouses or relatives. But in some cases, a person’s suicide teaches some kind of lesson to the people around him.

So, for example, a mother, after her son’s suicide, realizes that she was too strict with him or did not pay enough attention to his problems and subsequently changes her behavior for the better. And it’s good if she also has other children to whom she can transfer her new model of behavior in order to work off her own karmic debt in this incarnation before it’s too late.

Therefore, the suicide of a loved one cannot be considered as a karmic punishment for something, but at the same time it can become an impetus for him to realize something important and change his own behavior in accordance with his karmic destiny.

Failed suicide - what is it?

It is interesting to consider the topic of failed suicide within the framework of this article. If the decision to die is considered not karma, but an act of free will, then what can be said about the people who were saved at the last moment? But there are also suicides who, deep down in their souls, do not want to die at all, and suicide attempts for them are just a kind of cry for help.

Let's figure it out. We know for sure that suicide is a personal decision of a person, which breaks the program of his life laid down by the Determinant. A person who commits suicide evades his karmic destiny. But what if we assume that during an unsuccessful attempt, the Determinator simply manages to save his “ward”?

This is quite possible, because it is known that the Higher Powers observe a person’s life and sometimes deliberately force him to be at the right time and in the right place. But at the same time, they cannot monitor a person constantly, which means that not all people can be saved from suicide.

Will people who escape death be punished for attempting suicide? Of course, he does, because attempting suicide is tantamount to trying to take the life of a living creature!

The karmic debt for such an act is quite heavy, but slightly less than for a completed act of suicide.

What can be said about those who stage suicide in order to attract the attention of others? After all, there are known cases when a teenager took pills or cut his wrists at a pre-calculated time, knowing that in a few minutes his parents would return home and be able to save him. Was the Determinator next to him at that moment or not?

The suicide determinant in such cases may or may not intervene - it all depends on what he is doing at the moment and whether he is monitoring the person entrusted to him. It also happens that the outcome of a situation is decided by the Determinant of another person, for example, a mother or father, who sent them a special premonition and thereby forced them to leave work early in order to save their child.

In the latter case, much depends on the karma of these people, who may or may not have time to come to the rescue on time. So, for example, to a tough and despotic mother who never pays attention to the problems of her child, the Determinant may not send any premonition, just as only the successful suicide of her son can make her realize the wrongness of her behavior.

But at the same time, his own Determinant can rush to the aid of the child, having noticed in time what is happening, and then, despite the fact that the mother was late at work, the teenager is still able to be saved, because someone else from close to him accidentally comes home or some other events occur that change the predetermined course of things. As you can see, there can be very, very many options here, and it is worth examining each specific case in detail.

Without Determinant protection

And there is also a category of people whom the Higher Powers simply gave up on. Such people usually go too far from the trajectory given to them by fate, constantly make many mistakes and further aggravate their already heavy karma. At some point, it is simply impossible for them to return to the right path, since all opportunities have already been missed, and then the Determinant simply lets the lives of these people take their course.

The outcome of such a person’s life is determined by him independently, but, as a rule, nothing good happens to him: he takes the path of crime, falls into addictions, ends up in prison, gets mental problems and other serious troubles that can no longer be corrected past and return to normal life.

If such a person decides to commit suicide, his attempt always turns out to be successful, which even plays into the hands of his Determinant, since the sooner he leaves this life, the fewer bad things he will have time to do. As you can see, the question of whether suicide can be karma has an unequivocal answer - no, it cannot, however, such a death does not pass without a trace for the Universe and the person himself.


So, our paths diverged, but after a couple of years, his wife suddenly called and said that something strange began to happen to her husband, soon after the wedding: he seemed to have gone crazy, and a short time later he committed suicide , throwing himself under a train.

I had a hard time believing this story because he was one of the most positive and cheerful people I have ever known.

And now, having started working with the 13th lasso and closing my eyes, I, unexpectedly for myself, found myself on that village road to the cemetery, where the entire wedding procession had once walked...

Next there was a passage through the grave deep into the 13th lasso. And I feel that this guy is in front of me. The image was quite blurry. I can just understand his condition. The thought that came was "The painful waiting was repeated." Further: “The necrotic connection with his mother that formed at that moment (I saw a black silk noose that came out of the grave and wrapped around his neck), which dragged him after some time into the world of the dead.”

He was also pushed there by his young wife (a version of the black widow), who, as if specially sent to him from above.

I saw the image of Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns and felt the torment of a person who found himself in a similar situation. This image echoed the image of my friend.

Next, the idea came that the relatives of the deceased themselves could send a portion of high-frequency energy from themselves. This will help the soul to cleanse itself in a shorter period of time, but it must be bright and pure energy, not clouded by grievances, suffering and other negative conditions. Another question: how possible is this for an abandoned person, a relative. In addition, as you all probably know, it is not customary to commemorate suicides in church.

In my version, I saw one of the representatives of the Higher Powers. For me, they most often look like ancient Gods. I confess, I am not strong in this topic, so I just perceive what I see, but I understand how great their power is. I always feel like some kind of grain of sand in the universe.

So, there was a bright beam of white light coming from above. After which the guy’s image filled with purity and became clearer.

The information has arrived - this is already some kind of work for me. I can do something for the guy (here we need a certain level of person through whom this energy can pass - someone connecting these 2 worlds, an intermediary). I transferred (dropped) this drop to him.

After which there was an explanation: "She will give him purification and liberation." This will somehow help his soul in a future incarnation.

Then there was the following information: “This will be some kind of fulfillment and karmic detachment from a past life”. I did not immediately understand the meaning of these words until I saw the image of his mother (whom, by the way, I had never seen in my life). The image was quite bright, and I saw a smiling and rather young woman.

Those who work with family problems, karmic situations, etc. know this secret: with positive changes that occur along the lines of solving events, the appearance of the “participants” of that time is somehow transformed, which indicates positive changes have been achieved according to the situation being solved.

Next thought: "God is slow to anger and abounding in mercy(I specifically looked on the Internet to see if I had mixed up the words, it turned out that I didn’t) . Death helped him cleanse himself. Their lineage is closed and interrupted." I saw an empty place, like an even layer of black soil, where there is nothing, and just emptiness.

And now I had to separate these 2 once kindred souls from past lives: mother and son. This was also my help for them: "Give freedom to souls. Completion of karmic relationships and liberation."

There was a rather interesting picture of this work. Two pinkish light ribbons stuck out from the layer of black soil, which looked like balloons with photographs of the guy and his mother. Their faces were bright and smiling.

And when I separated them by clicking in the indicated place, where they were attached, they scattered in different directions. Everyone will now have their own path and their own new life. They will probably never meet again, of course, it’s a little sad, but everything in this world continues in one form or another.

P.S. While writing this article, something strange happened. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind arose from somewhere, and looking out the window at that moment, which, by the way, was closed, I felt this gust of wind through the window glass. And the tree, which seemed to me to be about 30 years old, suddenly cracked in half and fell with a grinding sound. I don’t know how symbolic this is, but the fact remains a fact!

At the seminars on “Health” and “Love-Wisdom” I already said that from the point of view of healing, our ancestors first divided diseases into mental and spiritual, and from both of them physical ones are born.

TO sincere included all negative emotions, and they were divided into categories:

nav earth(acquisitiveness, greed, bribery, lust, gluttony, etc.) - gives rise to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genital area;

nav water(touchiness, uncertainty about goals, freezing in development, problems, inability to control speech, inability to negotiate, etc.) - gives rise to diseases of the legs, arms, skin, kidneys;

nav fire(anger, masculinity, assault, grumpiness, sarcasm, intransigence, etc.) - gives rise to diseases of the liver, gall, skin, blood, settles tumors in the body.

nav air(dwelling in dreams, lack of goal-setting, structure of actions, contempt, stereotyping, stereotyped thinking, development in only one profession, etc.) - gives rise to diseases of the lungs, head, lymph.

And here's to Spiritual illnesses attributed:

  • suicide,
  • drug addiction
  • gambling addiction,
  • alcoholism,
  • smoking,
  • polygamy and polyandry,
  • inability to be a mentor for children and family,
  • not a continuation of generic skills and not an increase in the level of their skill.

Since until 2021, according to modern chronology, the development of new ancestral programs is underway, then we will have to face the spiritual diseases of the genus, and very soon - in this year, 2019. Therefore, in the coming articles, our team will try to pay more attention to this.

Suicide of relatives

So, if you find out that there were single or repeated cases of suicide in your family, then in your life this may manifest itself not only in such cravings, but also in complications with other spiritual illnesses.

And also, as one woman writes, that all men (in her case, and a man with such a disease in the family will meet women of this type) are attracted to the same inclinations: they cut veins, try to hang themselves, etc.

And this is not just the karma of the family - this is the feat that needs to be accomplished, an unpassed exam, in which there will be more and more tickets for each subsequent generation.

Therefore, the question is: “Why me?” - inappropriate, because repetition of such a disease in 9 generations of a family leads to its degeneration: the appearance of genetic mutations, infertility, mentally incurable diseases, childhood disabilities, etc. In order to prevent the family tree from fading and drying up, everyone must do their best!

Actions that can cleanse the karma of a family if there was suicide in the family

1. Dissuade suicides- let go of those people who died not by God’s will, but by their own stupidity (died a violent death).

For these people it is necessary to perform the Trizna ritual throughout the year (if there are several such people, then remember them all in each ritual). There are special memorial days for this: 30.03-1.04, 14-15.04, 7.05, 29.05, 14-15.07, 7-14.08, 30.08-1.09, 30.09-1.10, 31.10-1.11.

For the ceremony, it is necessary to prepare funeral food, set the table, light a candle, place a common dish (if you don’t know how many) or plates according to the number of relatives who died in this way (if you know the number). And also put out plates and food for the living, for those who are in your house.

Have a meal together, before starting the meal, invite, in your own words, looking into the candle the souls of these deceased ancestors, show them to their dish (plates) and say:

“Here is food for you, here is holy for you! Have a meal with us, accept our love. Fill yourself alive."

After finishing the meal, the plates of the living must be removed from the table, leaving only a clean tablecloth, and then opening a window or window, hanging a towel on the other side of the window: one end on the street, one end on the windowsill in the house. Wave this white towel out the window 9 times while saying (3 times):

« I wave my towel, but I wish you good travel. Veles God! Help my family: help us carry through the Kalinov bridge, across the Smorodina river, the soul (name the name, if you know, of the person who died a violent death) to the other side, to the Velesov meadows, to God’s gates! Let it be so!".

After this, the words of the funeral feast for the person are read: these could be appeals to God Veles, there could be special texts of lamentations (see ethnography). For example:

Appeal to Veles

Remember Veles in your meadows
The ancestor of my honest relative (it was called who).
And let from old to young
From every generation
My family will accept him.
Conduct him, Veles, into the light of Iria,
May you create eternal memory for him.
Remember him, in the age of the past
And all relatives in the flesh,
In the age of the departed and in the age of the dead
And give them the goodness of Iria,
Create for them an eternal memory.

After the words of the funeral feast, crying, you express to the Soul or Souls what you wish, thank her for the fact that he (she) was there, gave lessons for the family, knowledge. Leave the food until the morning. In the morning, take out this funeral food and feed it to street animals, birds, and bury it under open trees: aspen, willow, viburnum. You can't throw it away! This must be done for at least 9 memorial days.

2. After 9 funeral feasts must be done ritual for the reconciliation of living relatives, so that between them there would be no such foolishness as there was in your family. Moreover, you continue commemorating suicides for a year.

Ideally, you will do this ritual on April 19 on the holiday of the god Delight, who was responsible for the ability to enjoy life, or on February 16 and August 16 on the holidays of God Initiative (aka Prove among the Western Slavs), which unites the family.

Among those currently living in the house, each person's hair, a wax candle, and a red woolen thread are taken. It is necessary to weave something like a braid from thread and hair. And seal both ends with wax, while saying:

“Like hair to hair lies tightly and calmly, so you live, do not know grief and litter, do not scold each other, do not hold a grudge, value each other. Goy!

After this, it is good to cleanse the space of the house using any spell and available method.

3. Do a joint action with the whole family: On February 16, the day of God Beginning, who restores peace in the family, the whole family does a general cleaning of the house.

Next time, on May 16 and August 16, plant trees or flowers on any land in honor of those who died through self-violence, and on November 16, again the whole family will do a general cleaning. And the eldest woman in the family these days should prepare dinner in the morning, as if for a holiday, and as soon as she salts it, she should say:

“Start, Start! Let's fix life and harmony so that everyone is happy for each other, so that everyone is here until they eat a pound of salt. Goy!

4. In order for grace to return to the family, it is necessary make a charmed blanket. It should contain a piece of rags from the belongings of each relative living in this house. Or you can make such a family blanket or carpet by collecting a piece of rag from the clothes of all relatives who are currently alive in the family.

5. And it would be nice in honor of the unity of the family embroider a family banner with the image of the World Tree or, whoever has the strength, embroider the so-called self-assembled tablecloth, in honor of strengthening the union of the clan and delivering it from various misfortunes.

This is a large tablecloth embroidered, where one single image runs the entire length of the tablecloth, this is the World Tree with the image of many fruits, flowers, including various fantastic birds. For example:

All these drawings of historical warriors are associated with the adoption of Navi in ​​the family.

You will learn how to cleanse your family of mental illnesses from the material.

Today I want to touch on such a complex and painful topic as suicide. Is it possible to justify a person who took such a step? How many people - so many opinions. In assessing such an act, everyone will proceed from their own convictions, beliefs, knowledge about the life and motives of the suicide. What happens at the Soul level? How do the Higher Beings, members of his spiritual family, react to a suicide? Let's look at this from the point of view of reincarnation.

Why are we given life?

Before becoming a person, a spiritual entity draws up a contract in which it prescribes all the details of its life. It indicates the nature of relationships with other people, their impact on the life of a particular individual. The contract also stipulates the difficulties that a person must go through. They can be given for the purpose of developing the Soul or as a way to work off karma. The contract also implies the presence of windows of opportunity, by taking advantage of which a person will be able to quickly cope with problems, untie karmic knots and improve his life.

Each new life is given to gain experience. No matter what, from the point of view of the Supreme Beings there is nothing good or bad. There is simply the experience of living a specific role. We have all at one time been offenders and offended, murderers and victims, rich and poor, healthy and crippled.

If we come to Earth with a role, we are obliged to play it to the end. From a human point of view, this role may seem terrible, unbearable. But living such an experience is necessary for our Soul. The ultimate goal of each Essence is to achieve such development when there is no need to incarnate on Earth. When all the lessons are completed and learned.

What happens to a suicide on the other side of the veil?

Since ancient times, suicide has been considered a great crime. The Church calls this a great sin. Such a person was not given a funeral service; he was buried without a priest. In past centuries, it was forbidden to bury suicides next to other people; they were given a separate place in the cemetery. Only relatives mourned the suicides; others treated them with contempt. It was believed that they would automatically go to hell.

Although in those days they had their own religious beliefs, and hardly anyone thought about gaining earthly experience, the attitude towards suicides was terrible. Why is that? Perhaps the memory of one's true self is not completely erased. Intuitively, people feel what is good and what is bad. What is acceptable and what is not. It is possible that the hidden meaning of such a terrible attitude towards suicide is to scare people on the verge from doing the wrong thing.

Contrary to the beliefs of church ministers, suicides do not go to hell. Simply because there is no hell, people invented it. Most often, they go through the same path as others who died for one reason or another. No one condemns or punishes suicides. They punish themselves, because after getting rid of the biological shell they come to understand what they have done.

Life is a chance to gain new experiences as a result of passing a lesson. A suicide misses the chance, but the obligation to complete the lesson does not go away. That is, no matter how much you run, you will still have to pass the exam. Suicides make life difficult for themselves. Each premature departure increases karma. As a result, the lesson becomes more difficult. It's somewhat reminiscent of a game. You can complete it on an easy level, or on a medium level, or on a difficult level.

Most often, suicides do not incarnate immediately. They need time to realize their mistakes, calm down, and gain the courage to travel to Earth again. All this time, Mentors work with them. They surround you with attention, care, provide the necessary knowledge, and help create a new contract that the lost Soul would be able to fulfill.

Is there an excuse for suicide?

Each case is unique. You can’t just go ahead and make a strict list of when you can kill yourself and when you can’t. Remembering your past lives, some people also see suicide. Both they and the Angels have different reactions to such an action.

First example. A person commits suicide because he cannot get out of a depressive state; it seems to him that he is surrounded on all sides and there is no way out. After death, he sees a little disappointed Mentors, and he comes to understand what stupidity he has committed. There is no justification for such suicide, the person had to continue to flounder, as a result he would definitely have swum out, gained valuable experience and been greeted after death as a real hero.

Second example. The girl decides to drown herself because her older brother decides to marry her to a rich, but old and evil man. The parents died, there are no other relatives, there is no one to ask for protection. The brother intends to receive a reward for his beautiful sister from her future husband, so it is useless to beg him to come to his senses.

After death, the girl hears joyful laughter. It is her Mentors who welcome her decision. What's the matter? The point is that suicide was planned in the contract. This is to teach the greedy brother a lesson. In this case, the Soul will not be punished, and its suicide will not affect its karma.

Suicide is not considered a special crime if a person commits suicide due to health problems. For example, if he is physically unable to bear the pain any longer. Angels treat our suffering with understanding and compassion.

But in any case, you need to remember that no person is given more than he can endure. Remember, we draw up our own contract, which means that we plan all physical and psychological suffering for ourselves. There are no problems that cannot be overcome. Time will pass, and you will understand what the lesson of certain trials was.