The meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot card on relationships. Importance in health matters. Other meanings of the reversed Knight of Cups tarot

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

  1. ability to suggest;
  2. hidden intention;
  3. new offer;
  4. strong imaginative thinking;
  5. good friendly atmosphere;
  6. harmony, meditation;
  7. romantic dreams, willingness to fall in love;
  8. follow your feelings;
  9. the beginning of a partnership, affection and comfort;
  10. vacation with friends;
  11. new opportunities;
  12. pink glasses;
  13. change of mood;
  14. narcissism;
  15. dreams of the impossible;
  16. do what gives you pleasure;
  17. softness, sensitivity, idealism.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

  1. suggestibility (dependence on other people's intentions);
  2. perhaps an insincere offer;
  3. beware of half-truths;
  4. illusions;
  5. irresponsibility;
  6. fiction, deception;
  7. manipulation;
  8. infantilism;
  9. insolvency;
  10. passivity, spinelessness;
  11. broken heart.

Otherwise Rider or Warrior of Cups.

In fortune telling - the ability to suggest to others what a person needs to fulfill his intentions, or the presence of some hidden intention.

Inverted - suggestibility, that is, in some way dependence on other people's intentions.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: This card is called "Lord of Waves and Waters" and also "King of the Host of the Sea." Before us is a beautiful knight in armor, riding a horse and holding a cup in his hand. It looks like he's going on a hike. In some Tarot decks, this Knight is accompanied by a crab and a peacock, which represent the active, vibrant qualities of the element Water. Elements: Fire-Water.

EXPLANATION: Pulling this card means that you are about to go on a new mission or receive some new offer. Perhaps you will fall in love. You feel confident enough emotionally to enter into a new relationship, but try to make sure that the relationship is sincere. A knight's helmet with wings indicates strong imaginative thinking, so perhaps your new partner has skills in the creative arts.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: If you have recently received an offer, check all the surrounding circumstances because the offer may not be sincere. You tend to let your imagination run high with you. Beware of half-truths.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Measure seven times and cut once! Don't let appearances deceive you! Don't concentrate so much on the outside of the sentence that you miss the content.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)




Knight in Tarot

A logical continuation of the situation awaits you. New people and new experiences will appear in your life. The approach of some events. Restlessness. Energy. Force. Constructive strength. Courage. Tendency to change. Movement. Rapid movement. Action. Rush. Ready for battle. Energetic young people. Sedate teenagers. Young people from 18 to 25 years old. Active men. Champions. Seekers. Knight in shining armor. Thirsty for knowledge. The situation at school, college or university.

Figure (character) cards can mean the following.

  • A specific person in your life.
  • Traits of your character or features of your personality.
  • Your sense of self-determination or depth of self-knowledge.
  • The roles you play on the stage of life.
  • Events or situations in the future.
  • Seasons.
  • The qualities you need to develop to successfully deal with different situations.
  • In an inverted position, figure (character) cards can mean the dark sides of your personality or people who act against you.

Figure cards have a double interpretation. On the one hand, they represent those aspects of your personality that are worth paying attention to in a given situation. On the other hand, face cards represent other people. They talk about your relationship with them. When many figure cards appear in a layout, this indicates that many people are involved as participants in a particular situation.

Knight of Cups upright

Key words and phrases: An important event related to relationships or emotions. New impressions. Invitation to visit. Vacation with friends. Offer. Business offer. New opportunities. New love. Temptation. Imagination. Sensitivity. Art. Music. Dancing. Dreams. Intuition. Kindness. Sympathy. Sympathy. The path to the dream. Pink glasses. Caring for those less fortunate. Frequent changes of mood. Narcissism. A tempting offer. Utopian idealism. An offer of marriage. Dreams of the impossible. Do what gives you pleasure.

Situation and advice: You will meet a person with whom you will fall in love and communication with whom will give you new emotional sensations. Someone will make you an offer that will be difficult to refuse. Perhaps you will relax in the company of your friends. In the near future, you will receive an invitation to visit, and perhaps a new acquaintance. Pay attention to your feelings, this will help you not to be led by others. Your obvious strengths now are gentleness, sensitivity and idealism.

People: Romantic young people. Idealists. Dreamers. The best of the worst. Lovers. Refined, artistic people with well-developed intuition. Dancers. Musicians. Artists. People with paranormal abilities. Psychologists. Therapists. Consultants. Sellers. Passive people, easily influenced. Emotional people. Romantics who bring love into your life. Seducers. Tempters. Lovers. The man or woman of your dreams. Good-natured, intelligent young people who have many new ideas and proposals. Romeo and Juliet.

Knight of Cups reversed

Key words and phrases: Inability to trust. Illusions. Escapism. Lie. Half-truth. Fraud. Irresponsibility. Fiction. Fantasies. Deception. Manipulation. Temptation. Scam. Weakness. Embezzlement. Infantility. Insincerity. Flattery. Servility. Uncertainty. Impermanence. Fear of getting carried away. Insolvency. Passivity. Spinelessness. Excessive narcissism. Passive-aggressive behavior. Instability. Hiding the truth. Lack of realism. Everything is not at all what it seems at first.

Situation and advice: You may receive an offer that seems too good to be true. Perhaps someone is lying to you. Check all the details carefully, read all the fine print, otherwise you will regret some of your decisions. Don't be too passive, don't be influenced by others. There is a danger that you may be misled. Consult an impartial person. Make sure you are not deceived or fooled. During this period, disagreements with your loved one are likely to arise.

People: Weaklings. Flatterers and sycophants. A loved one who is deceiving you. Fraudsters. Those who mislead you by using veiled expressions or hiding part of the truth. Habitual liars. Infantile and lazy people. Hopeless romantics. Passive-aggressive individuals with narcissistic tendencies. Those who have a poor sense of self-determination are the so-called “people without a roof.” Obsequious people. This card symbolizes "fugitives" - people who are hiding from reality or responsibility, especially in emotional matters.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Knight of Cups lasso

Direct interpretation:

  • Arrival, Arrival, Approach, Landing, Reception, Access, Approach.
  • Conformity (coordination).
  • Advent, Proximity.
  • Introduction, Influx, Comparison.

Other meanings of the Knight of Cups in the upright position:

  • a sensual, romantic man, the card may also indicate some new opportunities
  • an honest and reasonable young man, friendly towards the Questioner
  • brother, friend or lover, messenger, invitation
  • good advice, news, guest or invitation, creativity
  • true love, mutual love, marriage proposal
  • emotionality, dreaminess, kindness

The Knight of Cups of the Tarot is a sensitive young man, an idealist and a romantic. He is characterized by originality and ingenuity, but his passive nature makes it possible for people around him or strange fantasies to distract him from his goals. Another interpretation of the Knight of Cups indicates new initiatives involving the Client. They probably affect his personal life and are somehow connected with the person represented by the card, or relate to artistic and creative pursuits.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Fraud, Infamy, Deception, Cunning, Trickster tricks.
  • Dexterity, Subtlety, Flexibility, Cunning.
  • Subtle deceit, Incorrectness, Black baseness.

Other meanings of the reversed Knight of Cups tarot:

  • a capricious and lazy person who does not keep his word, prone to deception
  • treacherous and deceptive young man, deception, insincerity
  • tricks, deception, fraud, lies, betrayed trust
  • broken heart, emotional damage to the Questioner
  • duplicity, emotional immaturity, avoidance of reality, bad decision

Deception is the main aspect of the reversed card. The Knight of Cups of the Tarot, so attractive at first glance, may have a bad character. The client should be careful in personal affairs and in business due to hidden problems due to possible betrayal.

Inner meaning

A young man who has the same qualities as his symbolic parents. If the Knight of Cups tarot card represents a certain person, then a person who shows a brotherly interest in the Questioner. He is reasonable, honest, ready to help you with all his might - a true and reliable friend or even lover.

If the cards indicate that he is a lover, then you can safely trust his love; even if the relationship breaks down in the future, he will make every effort not to offend you.

If he is not a lover, then he is a person who will give you advice about the true nature of the person you are interested in.

Like the Queen, the Knight of Cups Tarot can be a dreamer. In this case, he is not a soothsayer, but a person with imagination, and this allows him to understand people's feelings as his own.

If the Knight of Cups does not represent a specific person, then expect news or an invitation; both will be positive and the situation can be trusted.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"

Minor Arcana Tarot card Knight (Prince, Horseman) of Cups (Chalices)

Description of the Knight of Cups Tarot card

General meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or upright reading, the Knight of Cups Tarot card signifies a kind, friendly atmosphere, good humor and a wise smile. This is a time of feeling harmony, romantic dreams and readiness to fall in love. Where strife and conflict reigned, this card foreshadows reconciliation and peace. These are simply hours of relaxation, a time when we give free rein to our imagination, enjoy the beauty of life, and enjoy art, especially music.

Reversed card position

The reversed Horseman of Cups communicates the fortuneteller’s insincerity or own bias, which is expressed in having his head in the clouds and a willingness to take everything at his word. If such an Arcanum falls on a certain proposal in a reading, then it suggests that the prospects for this proposal will ultimately turn out to be not at all rosy.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

The Horseman of Cups in an upright position indicates a good climate in the team, calm work without rush jobs. When changing jobs, the Prince of Cups shows that the fortuneteller intends to give preference to the creative, artistic side, i.e. the card indicates precisely the attitude towards the work, but says nothing about its content.

Reversed card position

The inverted Knight of Cups is an inattention to detail, an unwillingness or unwillingness to delve into all the intricacies of a matter, a desire to catch “pie in the sky”, despite the hopelessness of such attempts.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Good health. In case of illness, complete recovery of the patient.

Reversed card position

Possible abuse. An imbalance in the body can lead to anemia or flatulence, colds, fatigue, and nausea.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

It is in the sphere of love and relationships that the main meaning of the Knight of Cups Tarot card in the upright position relates. Here the card means a period of joy, love, affection, comfort, in a word, “spring of love,” the beginning of a romantic union. In existing relationships, Arkan speaks of reconciliation, when partners begin to understand each other better, when they no longer need words. At the level of events, the Horseman of Cups is interpreted as the love of a young man for a woman, perhaps even somewhat younger than her. If the card fell to a man, then this indicates the need to find that balance in a relationship that will allow you to love and be loved without harming yourself and the danger of being branded as an egoist.

Reversed card position

The Knight of Cups reversed usually indicates significant problems in a relationship. This could be playing on the feelings of another person for the purpose of some personal gain, as well as selfishness and insincerity of the partner. When fortune telling for the future of an existing relationship, the card speaks of disappointment that will occur due to the fact that everything is not working out at all as originally expected. If we are talking about a new acquaintance, then this Arcanum should be taken as a warning that a person clearly wants to seem better than he really is.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

As a direct court card, the Knight of Cups denotes a man no older than 40 years of age. But this could be a very young person, however, who already has a very definite system of values. It is very likely that this person was born under the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. He is a loyal friend and a gentle lover, a diplomat by nature. This is a calm, soft, poetic and artistically gifted person; a person who deeply believes in something and may be religious.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Cups, acting as a court card, indicates the cunning and cunning of the person who came to the fortuneteller’s house, or this is a person who is at a distance, but close enough to the questioner and often supplies him with various information. You can expect lies, deceit, ambiguity, and theft from this person. This is an intriguer and a deceiver, or a hypersensitive esthete, always hunting for illusions.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card as a card of the day

Today you will feel like you have grown wings. And it’s not just about a good mood and well-being: perhaps you will receive news that will take you to seventh heaven. Use this opportunity to organize your affairs, especially those that require not only clarity of mind, but also rich imagination. And, if you have had problems in your relationship with another person, today is the best time to resolve them.

Knight of Cups card advice in fortune telling and readings

Express your feelings, allow yourself to dream about something. Don't burden your mind and heart with unnecessary problems. With a light soul it is much easier and simpler to cope with life's difficulties.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Cups

Online Tarot readings

Knight of Cups (Rider White Tarot)

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Venus/Moon as a symbol of sincerity and good mood.

Straight position:

The Knight of Cups symbolizes the culmination of feelings, the embodiment of plans. A new opportunity, invitation, or lucrative offer may be associated with it. It embodies attractiveness and progressiveness.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: vague anticipation, an incomprehensible feeling, the need for clarification. A person prone to fraud and showing off, capable of betraying and deceiving.

Knight of Cups

Characteristics: Air Water. Fish.

Blonde-haired handsome young man. Very charming, affectionate, caring. He helps and sympathizes

Events: arrival of a pleasant person, courtship, marriage proposal, social entertainment, very pleasant but not very reliable company

Meeting with the Knight of Cups.

Business: well established, money – average

Occupation: show business, modeling, psychology, music, dancing, philosophy

Health: quick recovery

Relationships: love, a lot of romance, fantasies, feelings, beauty

Advice: accept the offer

Warning: Don't make noble gestures if they don't lead to anything.

And then". A new acquaintance will appear, a tempting offer

Flipped over.

Characteristics: Cynical, flattering. You can't trust him. He feels people very subtly. Very strong magical charm (for him in + for opponents in -). Tendency to sexual perversion.

Events: false sentences, general incorrect decision, judgment. Emotional dependence. Sometimes there are delays in arrival

Meeting with the inverted Knight of Cups.

Business: not bad, empty promises, deceptions, refusal to cooperate

Occupation: -

Health: danger of sexually transmitted diseases

Relationships: difficult, emotional dependence

Advice: either refuse the offer or use your charm yourself

Warning: You may find yourself in a situation that is difficult to free yourself from.

Bottom line: “No.” Dubious offers, experienced seducer/

General value:

The Knight of Cups signifies a kind, friendly atmosphere, good mood and a wise smile. This is a time of meditation, a sense of harmony, romantic dreams and the readiness to fall in love. Where strife and conflict reigned, this card heralds reconciliation and peace. These are simply hours of relaxation, a time when we give free rein to our imagination, enjoy the beauty of life, and enjoy art, especially music.


There is a good climate in the team, the work is calm, without any pressure, which is why we are in a good mood and things are going smoothly. When changing jobs, the Knight of Cups shows that we intend to give preference to the creative, artistic side of our nature. Whether we really decide to make such a job change can only be judged by the overall situation. The Knight of Cups indicates mainly our attitude towards work, but says practically nothing about its content.


Here this card indicates that we are led by our feelings, creating for ourselves an illusory picture of the world. Having experienced a number of pleasant sensations, we are filled with delight and now look at the world through rose-colored glasses. The card can also mean an interest in the world of images, in fairy tales, myths and dreams. However, in any case, our view remains superficial. Only the cards of the Priestess or the Moon lead into the depths.

Personal relationships:

The main meaning of the Knight of Cups lies precisely in this area. Here it means a period of joy, falling in love, affection, comfort, in a word - “spring”, the beginning of a partnership. Or reconciliation, when partners begin to understand each other better, when they no longer need words.

Knight of Cups in combination with other Tarot cards

With the Jester card, offer something with an open heart.

With the “Magic” card - a job offer.

With the “High Priestess” card - offer information.

With the Empress card - offer something worthwhile.

With the “Emperor” card - a proposal to create a family or project.

With the “Hierophant” card - a proposal for a merger.

With the “Lovers” card - a marriage proposal.

With the Chariot card - an offer to move.

With the “Strength” card there is a desire to make peace.

With the Hermit card - a rejected offer.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - bring change.

With the “Justice” card, throw out the white flag.

With the Hanged Man card, intentions will remain just intentions.

With the “Death” card - bring comfort.

With the “Moderation” card - understanding.

With the “Devil” card - a dubious offer.

With the “Tower” card - a proposal for divorce; dismissal.

With the “Star” card there is hope for reconciliation.

With the Moon card - a dark proposal.

With the “Sun” card - agreement to the proposal.

With the “Judgment” card - ask for help from the Angel.

With the “Peace” card it’s a gift from fate.


With the Ace of Wands card - love.

With the “Two of Wands” card - moving.

With the Three of Wands card - fruitful cooperation.

With the Four of Wands card - a marriage proposal.

With the Five of Wands card - criticism; discontent.

With the Six of Wands card - successful promotion of the offer; acceptance of the terms.

With the Seven of Wands card - obstacles; obstacles.

With the Eight of Wands card - good news; the arrival of a loved one.

With the Nine of Wands card - a dubious proposal.

With the Ten of Wands card, attempts at reconciliation are doomed to failure.

With the “Page of Wands” card - a love message.

With the Knight of Wands card - an impulsive, but short-lived impulse.

With the Queen of Wands card - an offer of hand; declaration of love.

With the “King of Wands” card - creative inspiration; petition.

Knight of Cups - Intuitive-ethical extrovert (Huxley)

Other names for the card: intuitive-ethical extrovert (IEE), Huxley, Journalist, Advisor, Communicator.


Direct card:

height from average to tall, thin, “bony” (asthenic). At first glance, his face is not attractive in any way, but when he smiles, he lights up and becomes charming.

Reversed card:

not just tall, but rather big, large. Round face, round eyes. The fullness is soft, somewhat loose.

And regardless of the inversion of the card, it is an interesting gait, especially for men. They walk without straightening their knees to the end, as if half-bent.

The Knight of Cups is a true “clairvoyant” when it comes to human abilities and capabilities. One gets the impression that seeing their talents in people, revealing their own capabilities to them, is the main mission of the Knight of Cups on this planet. Moreover, for this he has a wide range of methods, from compliments and praise to outright blackmail.

The Knight of Cups has a superbly developed imagination. From early childhood, he comes up with exciting stories, describing them so realistically that sometimes even he begins to believe himself, not to mention his listeners. Cheerful himself, he knows how to light up others, although, unlike the Knight of Staffs, his emotions are by no means tragic. And both men and women have a wonderful gift for creating an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness, which is especially valuable because it is created intimately. Not for everyone around you, but for you personally. The Knight of Cups, perfectly understanding and feeling people, easily establishes the necessary relationships with any person, provided that he is interesting to the Knight. He is attracted by the mystery of personality, the unknown, intrigue, a promise postponed for later. And at the same time, afraid of losing his independence (or rather, acquiring responsibility?), the Knight of Cups does not like attachments, much less the obligations associated with them.

By nature, he is easy-going, changeable and cannot stand rigid boundaries and structures. A kind of darling of fate. It seems that he does not have to put in as much effort as necessary to get a good grade, work, and overall results. Yes, in many ways the Knight of Cups comes out thanks to his charm, cheerful disposition, and well-spoken tongue. But! This significantly cools him down. Accustomed to the fact that you can get a lot for free, the Knight of Cups does not strive to make any effort. And then, as if by order, he comes across those people (or that system) where charm does not work, and completely different values ​​are in use. And here there is a noticeable discrepancy between the subtypes. The upright card is looking for other ways, rightly believing that in this case the light has not converged like a wedge, and the inverted card is looking for ways to solve this problem. At the same time, he either agrees that someone will work with him to obtain the necessary information, qualities, etc. Or he agrees that someone will do this for him.

Some believe that the Knight of Cups is a soft and weak-willed type, others - that he is aggressive and unrestrained. But here the matter is rather different. Black sensory, including as willpower, manifests itself sporadically in the Knight of Cups. He can seriously resist pressure from outside, but he is unlikely to put pressure on himself.

More likely, he will create a scandal or throw a tantrum. This, of course, is also pressure, but not force.

Yes, he can mobilize in an extreme situation and act firmly and decisively, but it is not typical for him to constantly remain in such a state. He doesn't like anything permanent at all. Monotony and repetition, no matter how attractive it may seem at first, cause boredom in him, languor of spirit, and then minor tricks. Often afraid of ruining the relationship, he does not refuse directly, but behaves in such a provocative way that after some time the other party itself refuses his services. And having made a dejected face, befitting the seriousness of the situation, the Knight of Cups leaves the boring place with a light heart.

This is a resident of big cities, a lover of parties, looking for how to see others and show himself off, what kind of pleasure to get. A connoisseur of beauty, a professional in subtle flirting and compliments, he is very grateful to those who can help (or even create it themselves - a freebie, sir!?) to organize a comfortable environment. Possessing a refined taste himself, he welcomes and helps others develop the taste. And he very generously shares himself, his optimism and ease in perceiving life, in exchange for comfort, care and unobtrusiveness.

The Knight of Cups tends to remain a child for a long time, shifting responsibility for his future to others. Being quite stubborn, he can be content with little, but not “harness” and not push himself.

He strives to dress according to fashion; he often chooses a youth-sports style. He does not like formal suits, preferring a sweater and jeans, but any clothes look appropriate on him. Young ladies happily wear both trousers and skirts, often having a myriad of them in their wardrobe. Cosmetics are used sparingly, skillfully emphasizing their attractiveness.

This sweet word is freebie!

Sharovik - entertainer

And pleasures must be expensive.

What a pity that it's finally over!


1. “Bitter Moon” - Angel

2. “Cruel Intentions” – Sebastian

3. “Me and My Shadow” - the father of one of the twins

4. “Taxi” – taxi driver’s girlfriend – racer (direct map)

5. “History of a Crime” - Monsieur Ingel

6. “Young Catherine” – Count Orlov

7. “Lolita” – Lolita’s mother

8. "City of Angels" - Dr. Maggie Rice (direct card)

9. “Romeo and Juliet” – Romeo

10. Titanic - DiCaprio

11. “Face” - the main character (D. Kharatyan) (straight card)

12. “Fifth Element” – priest (upright card)

13. “Skeletons” – Sadie

14. “Commando” - flight attendant (straight card)

15. “Water World” – a woman and a girl on board with the main character

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Another name is Prince of Cups (of Cups) or Horseman of Cups (of Cups)

Key meanings of the Knight of Cups in the upright position:

  • arrival, promotion, creativity;
  • romance, love, noble "knight in shining armor", admirer, courtship;
  • offer, gift;
  • tact, sympathy, diplomat, mediator.

Key meanings of Tarot cards in reverse position:

  • seducer, womanizer, lust;
  • cunning, pretense;
  • canceled event or offer;
  • unrequited feeling, emotional instability, indecision.

The card depicts a young knight riding a white horse. He holds the cup in his outstretched hand. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, the Knight of Cups does not attack. His horse walks slowly, creating an impression of calm and peace.

The Knight of Cups is the softest of all the knights in the Tarot deck. However, this does not make him weaker. He doesn't need to show his masculinity in battle. On the contrary, he does not like battles, open combat, preferring diplomacy or behind-the-scenes agreements.

He doesn't use weapons, but his powers of persuasion. This is a professional diplomat and mediator who can be trusted. He intuitively knows how to calm others and what to say at the right time. The positive aspect of this knight is a peacemaker, a sympathetic friend, a strong ally. However, sometimes I tend to simply run away from a problem rather than solve it.

He feels and understands people well, has good intuition, and is a born actor. Therefore, he can easily manipulate or deceive. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether he is being sincerely warm and kind to you or whether he is using flattery to get what he wants.

Therefore, the appearance of an upright or inverted Knight of Cups in a reading requires additional verification of his identity. Especially when surrounded by negative cards (for example, Moon, Magician, Seven of Swords).

Knight of Cups (Chalices) - personality characteristics

Our Knight is a romantic, poetic and creative young man. A lover of music and the arts with a sense of beauty. Sensitive and sentimental. Gallant and courteous.

He is closely connected with his family and loves to be with his family. He looks forward to the day when he will also have his own family.

He likes to spend his free time with friends and being creative. Prefers peace and quiet, reading, walks by the sea. Is a supporter of etiquette, good manners and politeness.

However, it also has a downside. He is a dreamer and tends to idealize life and love. Tends to think about unrealistic goals or ideas, and make grandiose plans that ultimately lead nowhere.

Avoids conflicts and troubles at all costs. He prefers to remain unnoticed when important decisions are made, as this causes him extreme anxiety.

Has a tendency to run away from problems. Often this is done under a plausible pretext. But in fact, this is cowardice and cowardice, fear of taking responsibility.

Knight of Cups (Chalices) - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The Knight of Cups often appears as a messenger, an interesting invitation, a visit, a reconciliation. The appearance of someone or something pleasant that will cause an emotional uplift. Encouraging news. Profitable proposition. Receive money soon.

However, the energy of knights is sometimes excessive. Therefore, they become unpredictable and unpleasant in their actions. In this case, the negative aspect of the direct card may appear. And all the friendliness, care and attention will turn out to be a deception, a game.

This is especially likely if an inverted card falls out. The beautiful knight turns out to be a manipulator and a two-faced person.

Falling in love, romantic mood, romance novels, relationships, euphoria. If you are in a stable, long-term relationship, you can add a little romance into it. Has your relationship become boring and insipid? The knight talks about the need to revive them, to become interesting to the partner again, to rekindle passion. Reconciliation if you are in a quarrel.

If you are still single, the card foreshadows the appearance of a boyfriend, a period of romance and love. This lasso also suggests an active search for a partner. But here it is important not to go to extremes. Don't be too assertive to make an impression. Attend events and meetings to have a good time, and not just to have the opportunity to meet the man or woman of your dreams there.

The presence of the Knight of Cups in fortune telling can mean strong emotions in connection with some situation. Even if emotions are positive, they bring chaos into your life, interfere, and make it impossible to concentrate.

Recreation, entertainment. Pleasant offers, opportunities that bring joy and pleasure. It is worth making sure from the surrounding cards that they do not have hidden meanings. But, as a rule, such offers are sincere and not aimed at deception.

The period of creativity. Non-standard ideas and original solutions. If you have a confusing situation in your life or are faced with a difficult problem, the Knight speaks of the need to use your imagination and think creatively rather than logically to find the best solution. Go beyond the obvious options.

Developed intuition, subconscious, extrasensory abilities, spirituality, religiosity.

This Tarot card can give advice - be friendly and welcoming. Offer your selfless support to someone who needs it. This could be an acquaintance or work colleague who needs help.

If you are a witness to a conflict situation, you can act as a peacemaker, negotiator or mediator for the conflicting parties. Your diplomacy and understanding will help you find common ground for further reconciliation.

Also, if you have an argument with a family member or friend, be the one who takes the first step towards mending the relationship. Apologize or forgive when necessary. The longer this situation lasts, the more difficult it will be to fix everything later.

Party, celebration, meeting, family reunion, wedding. Some emotional event. You are the organizer of this event or have received an invitation to it.

Such meetings usually bring together people with common interests, connections or kinship. Often this is family and friends. The Knight of Cups speaks of a warm and sincere meeting. The pleasure of spending time with family and friends. However, there is a risk of overdoing it with food and alcohol.

Love of fashion, following styles and trends, good taste. Pay a lot of attention to your appearance. The desire to look better. In this regard, a wardrobe update or cosmetic procedures and rejuvenation may follow.

The Knight of the Suit of Cups likes to stand out from the crowd, so his outfit may be slightly eccentric or whimsical. He likes to wear clothes that no one else has.

Surrounded by inverted Pentacles, it can indicate excessive spending on clothing and appearance.

The negative aspect of this card is idealization. You see the situation or your partner through rose-colored glasses. They tend to attribute to others positive qualities that they do not possess.

Knight of Cups (of Cups) - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

The Knight of Cups reversed becomes unbalanced and unpredictable. His behavior can range from weak will to cold calculation and cruelty.

In situational terms, the card speaks of a negative event or situation that will lead to emotional suffering or distress. A more positive interpretation is that this event is becoming a thing of the past.

This Tarot lasso can indicate that the questioner is in confusion and is experiencing a whole range of emotions. In such a state, he is inclined to commit rash actions and incorrectly assess the situation. Although the situation in connection with which a person experiences such strong feelings may not be as terrible as it seems. It is quite possible that it is exaggerated and thought out by the person himself.

Lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem due to dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, one’s wardrobe. As a result, timidity and embarrassment.

However, the map can indicate not only fictitious problems with appearance, but also very real ones. In this case, it can be taken as advice to pay more attention to your appearance. For example, change your style, update your wardrobe or undergo cosmetic procedures.

Selfishness, narcissism, vanity. Such a Knight is in love with himself. He likes to be the center of attention. He believes that the whole world revolves around him. He will be very critical of everyone else, especially their appearance, since no one meets his standards. It often happens that he imagines himself to be someone who he really is not.

The appearance of the Knight of Cups reversed may mean that your offer of help or support will be rejected. Another interpretation is that you yourself will not receive the help, support or offer you were counting on.

Broken promises. Canceled events, failed meetings. Misconceptions Creative crisis.

Manipulating emotions to achieve what you want, “putting pressure on pity.” An arcana in the reverse position can speak of a two-faced person in your environment. Gossiper, envious.

A con artist, a deceiver who uses his charm and subtle ways to manipulate situations and especially people. He seems sincere, but this impression is deceiving. You have something he wants.

In matters of feelings, it can mean the end of love or romance. The first violent emotions or passion have passed and the person understands that there is nothing more behind them, it was not love. In such a situation, he prefers to quickly retreat, often without explanation eye to eye. Or he begins to manipulate the situation, leading to creating a reason for leaving.

The negative aspect of this Tarot card, such as annoying courtship, which occurs in the upright position, can manifest itself in its entirety in the inverted lasso. This is an unwanted suitor, annoying with his excessive attentiveness.

Addiction, lack of control, alcohol or drug abuse. Escape from reality.

As for work, the Knight of Cups in the reverse position can be interpreted as insincerity of colleagues, lack of help. Dismissal from work or resignation of one's own free will. If a question is asked about hiring or enrolling in an educational institution, the appearance of this lasso means a negative answer.

Knight of Cups (Chalices) – relationships and love

In fortune telling by feelings, the Knight of Cups speaks of the emergence of new relationships, strong feelings, and the appearance of a fan. The onset of a romantic period, flirting, the emergence of attraction, courtship. An offer of marriage. In scenarios for men, it is a rival.

A fan who openly shows interest. If you reject his proposal, he may play on emotions, saying that he cannot live without you. Will persistently appear again and again, seeking a positive response.

If you reciprocate such a person, you will be surrounded by his attention. Get ready for bright romantic gestures. He is caring, gallant, loves harmony, and is attentive to the needs of his partner. However, his all-encompassing care can become tiresome and excessive. He literally suffocates with his attention.

At the event level, a card may indicate a proposal. This could be an invitation to a date, a meeting, a festive event, to live together, to get married.

At the same time, the Knight of Cups in a love scenario can be deceptive. His charming appearance and mannerisms can be misleading. The surrounding cards will help determine whether his intentions are pure.

In a negative environment, and especially in an inverted position, he becomes a seducer. He knows women well and knows how to charm them. A skilled manipulator. This Knight will “evaporate” from your life as soon as he gets what he wants.

Reluctance or unpreparedness for relationships, preferring sexual intercourse without commitment. In addition, it may indicate a situation where in every city there is a wife and each thinks that she is the only one. Womanizer. Marriage swindler.

In addition, an inverted card may indicate that the feelings have passed. A failed wedding or other event, an unmade proposal, broken promises. Unrequited love, deception.

One of the interpretations of the card in the reverse position is that there is no time for relationships and love. A person devotes all his strength to work, career, and achieving other goals. If at the same time he is in a relationship, there is a risk that the partners will begin to move away from each other.

Work and career

In a professional situation, it means an unexpected job offer, promotion, or receiving a good opportunity.

A job that's a pleasure to go to. It provides the opportunity for creative expression and the implementation of one’s ideas. Comfortable work environment, friendly colleagues, good working conditions. A job that does not require much effort, however, it may not be very well paid.

Overcoming obstacles will require creativity. More often this concerns business and ways to promote it. Your business may need an image update to make it more visible to customers.

Offer of cooperation or creation of a joint business.

Professions related to creativity - singing, dancing, theater, cinema or television, design, cooking. The Suit of Cups speaks of compassion and care, so the card also symbolizes professions related to helping the sick, elderly, and those in need. Religion, extrasensory perception. Diplomacy, negotiations.

The reversed Knight of Cups in matters of work indicates that you will not be accepted for the position for which you applied. The work does not provide the opportunity to realize one’s potential and does not satisfy. Unfriendly environment. Possible loss or change of job.

In business – deception, involvement in a fraudulent scheme. In this case, the card may indicate the questioner himself as the organizer of fraudulent actions.

Happiness is a state of mind
If you want to be happy, be.

This card is thoroughly saturated with romance, the emergence of wonderful feelings, as if spring is coming in the soul. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Knight of Cups clearly indicates the emergence and revelation of love emotions and feelings, shrouded in mystical mystery. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Knight of Cups card describes feelings as a sincere and bright impulse, directed from the depths of the soul.

Description of the map

The Knight of Cups has a special connection with the sign of Pisces, which personifies emotionality, carelessness, inspiration, creativity, and all this with an admixture of love feelings. The Knight's helmet features wings, which emphasizes the image of airiness. The shade of blue on the cloak, the red image of Pisces, the stream - all this indicates the astrological sign of Pisces. Having a white horse symbolizes nobility.

General meaning of the Knight of Cups card

Tarot experts associate the appearance of the Figured Arcana in the reading directly with the personality of the questioner himself or with someone from his environment. But in any case, the Knight of Cups Tarot describes the imminent appearance of interesting news, a tempting offer, the receipt of romantic messages, love letters.

The appearance of the Knight of Cups in the reading directly indicates the imminent acceptance of courtship, perhaps an invitation to a romantic meeting. And if the adjacent card turns out to be the Knight of Wands, the date will be even more seductive, to which you will rush at full speed. But compared to the Knight of Wands, as a figure who is constantly on the move, the Knight of Cups has a completely opposite description - this is the approach of something significant, the arrival of some person dear to you.

The appearance of this card is a good sign, foreshadowing soon mutual love, a successful union, news, and a successful resolution of all difficult and controversial situations. There is a feeling of decency, good nature and sincerity around him. You can confidently count on the successful resolution of any complex relationships, finding profitable compromises in the most difficult conflict situations.

With unfavorable cards nearby, the Knight of Cups Tarot takes on a completely different meaning; it indicates an insidious seducer, a liar, a mischievous reveler, or an ordinary guy who is unlucky in love (usually the questioner himself or his friend who needs help).

In the absence of negative neighbors, the Knight of Cups says that in the near future a romantic time will come, surrounded by an atmosphere of lightness and a pleasant pastime. Perhaps a quick vacation or vacation in an attractive place, pleasant entertainment for the heart and soul, looms on the horizon. Successful shopping, the acquisition of small things pleasing to the eye, romantic dates in a movie or cafe, walks along the cobbled streets of France or meetings on the seashore under the setting sun - all this will warm the soul of the dreamy and romantic nature of this Knight.

It is French culture that is completely suitable for describing the feelings of the Knight of Cups; it is there, in the city of love, that he comes to life and reveals all of himself, finds echoes of his soul in every dark corner of Paris...

Personal Description

The Knight of Cups shows sincere, bright feelings that completely take over the soul and body, penetrate deep into the heart, turning a person into a dreamer, a poet, a creative person who is ready to realize himself in art all night long.

Feelings of love elevate you above routine and separate you from reality. Perhaps if you have suffered from failed love in the past, this card will heal your heart.

The creative nature of a person is especially strongly connected with the Knight of Cups. On an emotional high, complex tasks and work problems will be resolved very easily. This is associated with the internal state when the heart and mind are in union.

Positive features

The Knight of Cups card can indicate a specific person from your environment: it could be a brother, a best friend or girlfriend, or a person for whom you feel a sense of love. The hero of the card appears before us as a very charming guy: he can say nothing, do nothing and be poorly dressed - no one will pay attention to this, because his image is that of an ideal lover.

Usually they attribute to him actions that he did not commit, words that he did not say, trying in every possible way and not specifically to idealize him. The image of the Knight of Cups is shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery. But this is rather due to his infinitely creatively gifted nature and dreamy way that his abilities and talents themselves remain a mystery. He completely lacks confidence in his actions and words, since he himself does not really know what he can be capable of, and he is capable of amazing things that neither he nor those around him even suspect.

The Knight of Cups is traditionally interpreted as a very bright, benevolent person. He is ready to rush to the rescue at the first word and will definitely do everything in his power, so people themselves strive to repay him with kindness. And he is very upset that not everyone understands his actions correctly. All actions, compliments to women, helping old women, promises - this is not a way to curry favor and show how good he is. He does this because he is like that in himself, a real knight with honor and dignity.

The Knight of Cups is the ideal lover. Next to him, the partner opens up completely, surrenders to feelings. He is not only beautiful in an intimate way, but also a skilled gentleman: his courtship is unusual and imbued with affection and tenderness, he is able to melt the iciest heart. A woman usually perceives it as a cure for mental torment, a gift for healing her soul.

That is why it is perceived with great irritation and jealousy by representatives of other suits (Swords, Wands and Pentacles). Since they put a lot of effort and shed blood to conquer cities and kingdoms, including their lady, and the Knight of Cups only needs to say a few words and everyone is fascinated by him! The lady is head over heels in love with him, but he only “gave” her compliments. But what can you do, like the King of Cups, the Knight’s feelings are his battlefield. He is not prone to mercantile actions and prudent actions.

Negative traits

The Knight of Cups is a romantic and sensual nature. He symbolizes a ladies' man, a sort of Casanova. Historically, such guys did not go to war, since they were of no use on the battlefield, however, at court they always found adventures, and their lives were full of various novels. His lies are so beautiful and skillfully chosen that they are perceived as truth even by him.

Such a person, as a rule, spends a very long time searching for a suitable profession and life partner. He does not experience anger or aggression, but due to his emotional nature he is susceptible to stress, often gets offended and is afraid of difficulties in relationships. This type of people suffers from addictions (for example, they often go on binges).

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The appearance of the Knight of Cups in a reading signifies the onset of a wonderful period when creative fervor is at its peak and fueled by romantic feelings. The connection between feelings and dreams is a solid foundation on which self-knowledge occurs. Thanks to them, a person can plunge into his inner world and at the same time creatively embody himself in the external environment.

The Knight of Cups is completely immersed in his emotions, dreams, desires, and gives himself over to them without reserve. As a representative of the element of Water, he is able to develop imaginative thinking. His talent can be realized in practical matters, but the most significant role he will play is in spiritual development.

The Knight of Cups is archetypally linked to the Knight of legend who seeks the Holy Grail.

The card symbolizes an adventurer in search of the “Holy Grail”, and at the same time a dreamy person. He can be compared to Lohengrin, a beautiful and brave knight who left his bride soon after the wedding because she had the imprudence to say his name. The knights guarding the secret of the Holy Grail perform feats without saying their names, this is the whole essence of knightly nature, and they will help until their secret is revealed.

The Knight of Cups represents the image of a man - an ideal protector and lover who remains noble in all situations, good and bad. On a deeper psychological level, it combines both masculine and feminine principles. Since he has not completely gotten used to his inherent femininity, getting used to it takes place on a creative upswing, making him a delightful poet and artist.

The meaning of the Knight of Cups card in various layouts

For career and work

Occupations are chosen related to art - this could be the realization of an artist, poet, writer, musician, theater or film figure. This card gravitates toward actors performing in theaters or talented musicians. With the presence of the Knight of Cups archetype, their talents are fully developed.

This card is also associated with representatives of other professions: these can be organizers of special events, presenters and showmen, dance and music teachers, specialists working in the field of tourism and entertainment.

Creativity ensures success in the work environment. Only in the harmony of the internal state of soul and body, as well as with inspiration, will productivity increase. However, the Knight of Cups certainly needs an assistant in administrative matters, since he is more of a creative person than a business person. All business meetings will take place in a favorable atmosphere, contracts and cooperation will be easily concluded, eliminating conflict situations and problems.

In addition, the work of the Knight of Cups may be related to social assistance and counseling on psychological issues. This could be a small business focused on tourism, entertainment and recreation, perhaps an office of a psychologist or consultant, or a beauty salon.

For finances and property

In the near future, a significant monetary reward is possible, or you will receive a tempting and profitable offer that you should not refuse. You will receive an advance or salary. However, the presence of the inverted Knight of Cups in the scenario aggravates the financial situation and speaks of quick spending, sometimes unnecessary and completely unnecessary.

For love and relationships

Knight of Cups Tarot, meaning in relationships, speaks of wonderful, sweet, like newlyweds, feelings filled with romance. Partners idealize each other's images and deify them. The Knight of Cups describes a setting where lovers exchange mutual confessions and write romantic messages and poems to each other. An atmosphere of calm, love, coziness and comfort reigns around.

Traditionally, this card is interpreted as a sign of a marriage proposal from a beloved. And if the adjacent card is the Ace of Pentacles, a surprise awaits you in the form of a ring topped with a noble stone for the next holiday.

We can say that this is a honeymoon card: the partners are head over heels in love with each other, it is not possible for them to live apart, they spend every free minute together. Since the Knight of Cups is a figurative Arcana of the element of Water, such a situation becomes too ideal and, at times, displaces real events with those that only seem to occur. People are completely immersed in relationships.

Courtship takes place openly and very beautifully - a sea of ​​flowers, all kinds of gifts and surprises, colorful and amazing dates. Gifts also turn out to be symbolic. Each donated item, it could be a ring, a wallet, a scarf, or a piece of clothing, can play a significant role in the further development of the relationship.

At the same time, the partner may not even realize that externally and internally he resembles a person who was once close to the Knight of Cups, with whom a romantic relationship did not work out. Sometimes the hero is in a relationship against his will, because he could not give it up in time. He feels sorry, helps his companion, and without experiencing real feelings, he can become a partner.

But if the Knight of Cups actually experiences feelings, his courtship is beautiful and tender. He will talk about high ideals, and not carnal passions, he will give himself completely to his partner, idealizing him, his words will be full of care, tenderness and affection, and he will never refuse help.

As a lover, the Knight of Cups may not feel very confident. He is afraid of being influenced by tough and powerful people, but that is why he attracts such people to himself. Thus, this is a person with sincere feelings who will carry his relationship proudly, overcoming any obstacles along the way.

For health status

Frequent mood swings, as a result, emotional disorders, fueled by the appearance of complexes, self-doubt, and tightness. This can provoke addiction to alcoholic beverages, drugs and other addictions to soothe the torment.

Don't worry and enjoy! The card speaks of the need to close your eyes to possible difficulties and completely surrender to the work process, enjoy it to the fullest, giving free rein to your feelings in conjunction with creativity.

But do not idealize feelings, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. You should not attribute far-fetched qualities and actions to a person. Sometimes you need to listen to what your head tells you, not your heart.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Knight of Cups inverted symbolizes that you perceive some part of your life inadequately, and you need to figure it out. There may be problems related to establishing contacts. Perhaps some actions and deeds, as well as desires and aspirations, turned out to be illusory and shattered into reality. Events occur that ruin all plans: a long-awaited trip is postponed, an important meeting is postponed due to some strange and incomprehensible problems.

Feeling unsure of your actions and words, you refuse tempting offers and great opportunities. More and more often you withdraw into yourself, into your imaginary world, so as not to see reality.

Also, the inverted card of the Knight of Cups can speak of some unpleasant secrets: alcohol addiction, drug use, betrayal of a spouse or unworthy behavior, any financial debts are possible. There is only one reason for this behavior - fear, fear of real problems and avoidance of them.

This card is a liar, a deceiver who only knows how to talk, and when it comes to action, he washes his hands. All his actions and deeds are just an illusion and window dressing. This is a cowardly person who will fool you at the first opportunity.

His love is either unrequited or completely wrong, built on lies. The card can also speak of extinguished feelings among partners. In some cases, the Knight of Cups indicates a person who plays with the feelings of another, resulting in only broken hopes and dreams.

Straight position

The general interpretations of this Arcana are as follows: enthusiasm, romanticism, warmth, tenderness. When the Knight of Cups appears in a reading as a description of a person’s character, it denotes a loyal, chivalrous nature, believing in high ideals. As a rule, such an Arcanum indicates that this is a diplomat in the best sense of the word, that is, a tactful and pleasant person.

Additionally, as a court card, the Knight of Cups denotes a man no older than 40 years of age. This may even be a young man, but he has a very specific value system. It is very likely that this man was born under one of the “water” zodiac constellations. However, on the other hand, we are talking here simply about a creative person who knows how to indulge in his favorite work passionately and unselfishly.

In combination with other cards, the Knight of Cups sometimes gives quite specific interpretations. For example, with the Wheel of Fortune he speaks of significant changes in life, with the World - that what was planned is a true gift of fate, with the Court - that it is time to turn to higher powers for help.

Inverted position

In the case of the Knight of Cups reversed, you are dealing with insincerity or your own bias, which is expressed in having your head in the clouds and being ready to take everything at your word. If such a Knight falls on a certain proposal in the scenario, then he suggests that his prospects will not be rosy. Well, what the essence of the problem is, the neighboring cards should tell you. So, in a pair with the Devil, such a card warns of ambiguity, with the Moon - that someone is holding back important information, with the Hanged Man - that things will not go beyond intentions at all.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Knight of Cups means charm, strong attraction to a partner, rapprochement and willingness to give oneself to loved ones. This Arcana is a card of halftones; it describes situations similar to the one when, for example, a person learns about someone’s love from hints and actions, but not from direct confession.

At the event level, the Knight of Cups is interpreted as the love of a young man for a woman, perhaps even somewhat younger than her. If the Arcana falls to a man, then this indicates the need to determine for oneself in a relationship the balance that will allow one to love and be loved without harming oneself and the danger of being branded an egoist in the eyes of one’s partner.

Indicative in the layouts for the relationship of the couple are “Knight of Cups - Strength”, as well as “Knight of Cups - Death”. The first of them indicates the partner’s readiness for reconciliation, the second - the great consolation that a relationship with a partner about whom they are guessing will bring a person.

Inverted position

When reversed, the Knight of Cups usually indicates significant problems in relationships. This can be playing on the feelings of another person for the purpose of some personal gain, as well as narcissism or a tendency towards polygamy. When fortune telling for the future of an already established relationship, the card speaks of disappointment that will occur due to the fact that everything is turning out completely differently than initially thought. If we are talking about a new acquaintance or acquaintance, then this Arcanum should be taken as a warning that the person clearly wants to seem better than he really is.

Together with the Tower, the inverted Knight of Cups clearly warns of divorce, and with the Jester - of the frivolity of intentions.


Straight position

In terms of career, the Knight of Cups speaks of love for his work, a willingness to help colleagues and a desire to have a job that is useful to society, and not just profitable in a material sense. A person who has received such an Arcanum in the professional sphere is ready to constantly improve his skills, learn and expand his field of knowledge. Often the card indicates people in creative professions.

If a person is looking for a new job, then the combination of the Knight of Cups with the Magician will most definitely indicate a successful outcome of his search. The combination of this Arcanum with the Empress indicates that the offer made to the fortuneteller is definitely worthwhile, promising, and there is no need to doubt it.

Inverted position

The Knight of Cups inverted represents inattention to detail, unwillingness or unwillingness to delve into all the intricacies of a matter, the desire to certainly grasp the “pie in the sky”, despite the hopelessness of such attempts.

If such an Arcanum falls to a person holding a leadership position, then it denotes the insincerity of his colleagues towards him. When they are guessing about a new project, this card warns of the likelihood of fraud. And when asked whether to hire this or that applicant, the inverted Knight of Cups answers categorically “no.”

Always pay attention to the Arcana adjacent to the inverted Knight of Cups. This could be very important. So, if a Priestess appears nearby, it means that a person is unlikely to be able to fully understand the circumstances and nuances of what was planned. And together with the Tower, such a Knight almost certainly indicates dismissal.

Don't burden your mind and heart with unnecessary problems. With a light soul it is much easier to cope with life's difficulties. In your case, this condition is especially important. And don't try to keep yourself too constrained by conventions. If you want to speak out - do it, if you have a desire to please yourself - don’t give up on it...

Knight of Cups – Minor Arcana

According to astrology, the Knight of Cups corresponds to Venus in a harmonious aspect to the Moon, which symbolizes good mood and sincerity.

Other names for the Knight of Cups: Knight of Cups.

Brief description of the Knight of Cups: Peace, New possibilities, Romantic dreams, Sensuality, Imagination, Willingness to fall in love, Creativity.

Description of the Knight of Cups

The classic image on the Arcana is a beautiful, luxuriously dressed knight sitting on a horse. His horse is in motion, but it is not a gallop, a calm step. He drives slowly, allowing the Knight to carry the filled cup in his hands. The knight is quite confident in himself and in his horse.

In some decks he is accompanied by a faithful dog. In the background you can see the calm surface of the sea.

In the Age of Aquarius deck, a Knight in armor, covered with a cloak, carries a shining gold cup in his hands. The sea elements are raging behind him, but the Knight looks forward: he has goals, and the elements are not able to prevent them from achieving them.

The sacred meaning of the Knight of Cups

As in all images of Knights, on this Arcana the condition of the horse on which the knight rides is of great importance. Here we see a horse moving slowly. He is in motion, not at rest, but this movement does not prevent the knight from carrying a cup filled to the brim in front of him. The liquid from the cup does not splash, therefore the horse moves very slowly and carefully. That is why the card symbolizes peace, but peace is not static, but dynamic.

The cup containing the liquid shows the person's emotions. Since here this liquid is actually at rest, we can say that the knight’s emotions are controlled. If in the Page of Cups we see the expectation of the fulfillment of desires, then in the Knight we see action, movement towards what is desired, and this movement is thorough, thoughtful, calm and confident.

If the Page of Cups is characterized by emotionality, then the Knight has more mature, balanced emotions. Here we no longer see a child, but a man. He solves his problems consciously, in a businesslike manner and from the position of reasonable relationships, including love ones.

The Knight of Cups is not defenseless. He is wearing armor. Therefore, his peace and serenity is not weakness. If someone allows themselves to disturb his peace, the knight will immediately defend himself. Moreover, even a sharp word can serve as a weapon for him. His apparent defenselessness is only a hidden strength within. It is not so easy to unseat the Knight of Cups.

In the classic deck, wings are depicted on the Knight’s helmet. They denote a flight of thoughts, a search for information. The knight moves very slowly, which allows him to capture all the details and nuances. He accumulates information, analyzes it and uses it.

The landscape also suggests that the Knight’s movement is quite conscious and deliberate: mountains and a river are visible ahead. The knight sees these obstacles and calmly moves towards them, understanding in advance how he will overcome them. The river will serve him by giving strength to his horse, and he will definitely overcome the mountains, they do not frighten him or stop him.

Mythological correspondence of the Knight of Cups

In mythology, Arkan best describes the myth of Zephyr, the soft western wind, somewhat jealous and decisive. With the help of his power, he lifted Psyche and took her to the kingdom of Cupid.

The meaning of the straight Knight of Cups in the reading

In the upright position, the Knight of Cups has many meanings in readings. For example, if the Arcana is located next to picture cards (Kings, Queens), it will talk about the state of these people, their mood, attitude to the situation. This means that a person, as a rule, is friendly, experiences equal emotions, and is benevolent.

Interactions with such a person will always be based on mutual understanding and trust. Very often Arkan says that a person is engaged in some kind of creativity. This can be either a person of art or simply a creative person.

If the Knight of Cups falls next to the Magician (I Arcanum) or the High Priestess (II Arcanum), then this means the emergence of new love relationships in a person’s life.

If the Arcana falls alone without picture cards or is far from them, it can mean a young girl from 16 to 25 years old, since the Cups themselves belong to the Element of Water - a female sign. He can also talk about the readiness of the person for whom the alignment is being made to flirt, fall in love, and open up to new relationships.

Like the Page of Cups, the Knight symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. Moreover, it shows that a person is already approaching this moment. If the question is how to achieve what you want, then you should understand that the Knight of Cups’ main trump card is charm. It is by relying on it that you can achieve any results.

Any situation in which the Knight of Cups falls will have its logical continuation, but at the same time the person is slowly and confidently moving towards its completion.

The meaning of the reversed Knight of Cups in a reading

The inverted Knight of Cups indicates that a person is overwhelmed by emotions, but most often this is jealousy. Of course, jealousy manifests itself more in love affairs, but in business relationships it transforms into hidden rivalry and jealousy towards the victories of others. In this regard, any proposals that come under the inverted Knight of Cups require double-checking, since they may carry information distorted by emotions or even lies.

Under the influence of the reversed Knight of Cups, a person can make two mistakes. One of them is to stop and simply succumb to the cycle of your emotions, which, of course, does not contribute to the development of the situation. The second mistake is to rush off the bat, spilling your emotions on others, hurting with a harsh word, breaking relationships. Sometimes such a card threatens with changes in these states - first it will do something wrong, and then it will withdraw into itself.

Quite often, Arkan shows that either fraud has been committed against a person, or the person himself is a fraudster.

In addition, the Knight of Cups in an inverted meaning warns that a person’s drunkenness can negatively affect the situation. Especially if the Three of Cups appears in the scenario.

Direction of self-development

Arkan says that in order to move along the path of self-development, a person needs to learn to calmly carry his cup without spilling the liquid from it. Simply put, a person has to learn to curb his emotions, to make them his ally, not his enemy.

The difficulty is that at the moment a person is experiencing positive emotions, he is lucky in life, but there is always the threat of falling into euphoria and putting on rose-colored glasses. To do this, he must use a position of calm movement, namely, learn to notice details, evaluate them, smooth out roughness and use the information received.

If this does not happen, then the person will go into dreams, into dreams, into castles in the air. This threatens to reverse the Arcanum.

The reversed Knight of Cups indicates that a person is dominated by emotions. A person leads an incorrect lifestyle. He is immersed in some of his own images that are far from reality. He dreams, but does nothing to achieve his goal. In this state, he does not move along the path of self-development, but only marks time.

Everything is aggravated by the fact that a person lies not only to others, but also to himself. And this is most often unconscious. Most often these lies are inexplicable. A person needs to give up such behavior and try to control his thoughts and emotions. Understand that he lives in a fictitious world.

If this is not done, a person may even end up in a state of inverted Moon (XVIII Arcana) and even get mental problems.


In a work scenario, the direct Knight of Cups shows that work processes take place calmly, without tension. He notices details that are important well and applies them in his activities.

Such a person has everything taken into account, his affairs are in complete order. The work flows as usual, without requiring any special attention. You achieve your goals with ease.

When it comes to choosing a job, the Knight of Cups says that you need to pay attention to whether it is more focused on art or on the manifestation of creative abilities. Arkan also says that even a technical specialty will require a creative approach.

The Knight of Cups describes only the attitude towards work and the situation in the work team, but does not give an understanding of the content of the work, except that only for people of art it gives a direct indication of creativity.

There is a distinctly friendly atmosphere in the team; everyone approaches their work creatively. Employees feel each other very subtly. They love spending time together.

An inverted Arcana shows nervous tension at work, and this is associated with excessive emotionality, the desire to take leading positions and jealousy towards other employees. In most cases, with such a map, you have to finish what someone else didn’t do. This happens because someone did not notice the details, was inattentive, or was simply negligent in their duties.

There is no room for creativity here. The main motivator is projectism, and rash decisions predominate.

The team has constant scandals and quarrels, rivalry, an unhealthy environment, fraud and deception. This is accompanied by strong emotional outbursts.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, the Knight of Cups manifests itself best, since it speaks of love in its purest form. This Arcana most vividly describes the rainbow and happy candy-bouquet period, when people are passionate about each other, try to please and sometimes see their partner through rose-colored glasses.

The card indicates flirting, courtship, affection, falling in love, comfort, spiritual mood and attraction. The lasso always marks only the beginning of a partnership. Such relationships very easily develop into marriage, but the Knight of Cups does not say whether it will take place or not.

In essence, the Knight of Cups characterizes a true hero-lover who charms and captivates with his charm.

For a lonely person, Arkan promises a new meeting that will bring a lot of pleasure and make the person happy at least at first.

The reversed Knight of Cups speaks of an immature relationship, when one of the partners has charmed the other and twists them as they please. Such relationships can be called dependent - one person takes advantage of another, and for this, everything is used: lies, charm, pretense, game, skillful manipulation.

The lasso also appears if someone else is involved in a love union, and this is not necessarily a relationship that has formed into a love triangle, but only a way of manipulating a partner from a position of jealousy.

If the Arcan falls on one of the partners, then we can talk about jealousy, even indicative. This person may be Alphonse, who manipulates his patroness by playing on feelings.

For a lonely person, the Knight of Cups appears as a warning. The meeting definitely promises, but at the same time the person will most likely be insincere. They can look after you beautifully, charm you, create the illusion of a fairy tale, but they themselves will pursue some of their own goals.

Personality characteristics

The Knight of Cups gives insight into a person who can be called a heroic lover. He is pleasant externally and internally. Most often, he is very affectionate, caring, and exudes charm. Knows how to look after beautifully.

These are young people from 16 to 25 years old, both girls and boys. Their appearance is distinguished by the following characteristics: light brown hair, blue or gray eyes.

As a rule, these are very talented people and can express themselves in any field of art - music, dancing, painting. Such people have very pronounced acting abilities.

The character of the Knight of Cups is dominated by romance, sensuality, but at the same time rationality. He is honest and open, friendly and knows how to love. He always takes care of the object of his love, as well as those around him. You can trust him with your secrets or cry into your vest.

An inverted Arcana indicates a person as charming as an upright one, but here, rather, he can be called an evil genius. He seduces with lies, is treacherous, insincere, and seeks to manipulate. Often such a person is capricious, lazy, and does not keep his word.

At the same time, he is emotionally immature. He is characterized by outbursts of emotions, the most characteristic of which is jealousy. He gets drunk quite often.

This person prefers to take rather than give. Very often he gets what he wants by cunning. Among such people there are often gigolos who happily “hang on the neck” of their beloved, playing along with her with all their might.

If the goal of such a person is real, then he achieves it by any means, not shying away from even prohibited methods. But quite often their goals are unrealistic, since they tend to build castles in the air and engage in project planning.


A direct card indicates good physical and mental health. Inverted indicates diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature, alcoholism, and susceptibility to mood swings.

Layout for the situation

In situations, this card describes the person’s state at the moment, but does not reveal the very essence of what is happening. Although often the method of solving the problem and the way out of the situation depends on the condition.

As for the situation itself, according to the direct Arcanum we can say that the person is halfway to resolution. He is moving in the right direction, he has enough strength to achieve the desired result. The card suggests that you need to pay close attention to details and signs for further progress.

It is very important to maintain a balance of emotions in the situation. A person should be guided by the information received, and not by his own feelings that may accompany what is happening.

When the Knight of Cups appears in the layout, we can say that a person can easily find a patron or assistant in this matter. And if a King or Queen appears nearby, this means that such a patron already exists. The Emperor (IV Arcanum) or the Hierophant (V Arcanum) lying nearby will also say the same.

The inverted Knight of Cups will indicate that the situation is influenced by excessive emotions, and the person is more inclined to indulge these emotions than to solve the main problem. In this case, he may make hasty decisions or even abandon the search for a way out. This all leads to a worsening situation.

Arkan says that there is deception or fraud in the situation, and it is not necessary that the person himself is deceiving. If the King or Queen is nearby, then the Knight of Cups will indicate fraud aimed at a person from the outside.

The greatest danger is posed by the inverted Knight of Cups next to the card of the Moon (XVIII Arcana) or the Devil (XV Arcana). These combinations indicate that a person is hopelessly stuck in a situation because of his own or someone else’s lies. These are critical situations that bring losses, problems with the law, emotional or even mental breakdowns leading to alcoholism. Such situations can only be resolved by destruction.

Card of the day

The day ahead is very favorable: pleasant meetings, friendly company, love affairs, flirting, courtship, dating. On this day, a person will have peace of mind, he will be in a good mood.

An inverted Arcanum promises a very difficult day, primarily due to a restless emotional state and bad mood. On this day, jealousy and resentment can cover. A person may encounter deception, fraud, or frame-up.

Card of the Year

A year of favorable situations and good opportunities. It promises a romantic meeting with far-reaching plans. During the year you will communicate with interesting creative people and you may even discover your talents.

The inverted Arcanum says that within a year a person will have to get carried away with some implausible activity and end up in a company that will impose unrealistic goals on him.

Arcana Council

The card says that the time has come to reveal your talents and give free rein to your creativity.

Cups in layouts. The second name for Cups in the Tarot deck is Cups. This is the suit of the water element. She is a symbol of peace, silence, tenderness, sensuality, variability, intuition, creativity, and subtle perception of the world.

The Arcana of Cups can combine contradictory meanings, because water is not constant, it takes the form of a vessel. To correctly interpret the card, it is not enough to know one meaning; it is important to pay attention to the neighboring arcana.

Description of the lasso. Another name for the card is Lord of the Waters. The card depicts a handsome, young Warrior. Unlike other warriors, his face expresses confidence and calm.

He is holding in his hands not a sword, but a cup. Depending on the author of the image, she is replaced by a crab and a peacock. These animals personify beauty and creative energy.

Inner meaning

If the Knight of Cups lasso appears in a reading, it means that the fortuneteller is facing a new stage of life. Perhaps a new love will meet, or a person will have the strength to end a relationship that has prevented him from living. Receipt of a business proposal, an interesting project that opens up new prospects.

Arcana of personality

The Knight of Cups in an upright position indicates a faithful companion, friend, husband, with a strong sense of tact and diplomacy. He can be called religious. He is a real knight, he believes in ideals.

Reversed position

The inverted lasso of the Knight of Cups speaks of weakness of character, of a person who achieves goals through flattery and toadying to those who are useful.

Arcana of scammers and people who deliberately mislead by telling only part of the correct information. The person described by the Knight of Cups reversed is lazy, irresponsible. Runs away from problems. Not responsible for emotional problems.

In fortune telling about a situation, the inverted Warrior of Cups is a sign of deception and insincerity. Rely on facts, do not give in to feelings, imagination sometimes takes you too far from reality, but you still have to return to it and this return can be painful.

Direction of self-development

The Knight of Cups warns: do not cut from the shoulder, do not make sudden movements. You may regret what you did. Weigh the pros and cons, double-check the information. Behind a beautiful appearance there may be an insincere, evil person who will deceive. Pay more attention to the inner than the outer, both in love and in business cooperation.

Conscious level

At the level of consciousness, the lasso speaks of self-deception. The fortuneteller does not see the real picture of the world, lives in illusion, guided not by facts, but by feelings. The card symbolizes an interest in magic, esotericism, dreams and the unknown, but it cannot be called deep, as is the case with the Priestess or the Moon.

Straight position

In addition to the described meanings for the individual, the direct Knight of Cups shows the desire to move forward, the joy of life, and a good mood. Reconciliation after conflict, harmony, cozy atmosphere.

Reversed position

The inverted lasso of the Warrior of Cups is a symbol of suggestibility and excessive dependence on the opinions of other people. The fortuneteller may be involved in someone else's game, so all proposals must be carefully checked for accuracy.

Card in layouts for love, relationships, marriage

It is in love and relationships that the essence of the Knight of Cups lasso lies. This is a card of love, inspiration, joy, blossoming and adoration. The period of meeting after a long separation. The two made peace and were able to look at each other differently. Sensual attraction. These are hints of sympathy, without open declaration of feelings. Recommendation for men - build a relationship so that your beloved does not consider you selfish. For a woman, the lasso is interpreted as a union with a younger man.

Inverted position

The inverted Knight of Cups in love scenarios speaks of insincerity and reticence. There is a play on feelings on the part of one partner. The other trusts him blindly. Treason, relationships based on calculation.

At the event level, the lasso shows the disappointment that will follow due to the collapse of plans. The situation will develop differently from how it was originally intended. The combination with the Jester is a symbol of the frivolity of the relationship.

Finance and career

The meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot card in the upright position is interpreted as love for work. Vocation. A person takes up space not only for material gain. He is ready to improve his skills, learn and develop in his profession.

Symbolizes people with a creative streak. For job search layouts in combination with the Magician card, the Knight answers in the affirmative. Together with the Empress, he advises - do not doubt the prospects and honesty of the project. It will turn out to be profitable.


In an inverted position, the Warrior of Cups shows a disorganized person, inattentive to detail. An employee works for show, without delving into the essence of his work. Disinterest and dreams of something better, even if this better does not exist in nature.

When it comes to the meaning of appointment, or the acceptance of a new person into the company, the lasso is categorical and expresses denial. When concluding contracts, it warns of dishonesty and fraud; be careful what you sign and check your sources of information.

Health direct position

In health readings, the Knight of Cups card in an upright position shows good physical condition, or recovery after a period of illness.


An inverted card indicates alcohol abuse. Poor health can intensify, causing nausea, colds, fatigue, tightness, and complexes.

Arcana combinations

Let's look at how the meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot card changes, along with other cards in the deck:

Arcana Interpretation
Hierophant An association. In love readings it means a marriage proposal. In business – cooperation, merger of companies.
With Lovers Marriage.
With Tower Break of contract, end of relationship, divorce.
With the Sun Advises the fortuneteller to accept the proposal for cooperation and approval of the project.
With Wheel of Fortune Symbol of life changes.
With peace The planned business or project will give the fortuneteller new life and opportunities.
With a map of the Court You need to seek help from the power in which you believe (God, Gods, Universe).
With Strength Reconciliation after a quarrel.
With Death The person has the ability to heal.
With Ace of Staffs State of being in love
With Five of Staves Criticism
With the Queen of Staves Marriage proposal.
With the Seven of Coins Advantageous meeting
With Ten Coins Trip home.

Card of the day

The fallen Knight of Cups advises not to worry about trifles and calm down. Enjoy what is happening, things, work, but do not idealize the situation.

The advice of the Knight of Cups card is to free the mind and heart from everyday problems and conventions. Don't live within limits to cope with the problems that arise. This is the key to success.

Thoth Tarot

The Knight of Cups Arcana in the Thoth deck is different from the classic Rider White representation. It has large white wings and a white horse. The armor is painted green. The warrior holds a crab in his hands instead of a sword. A peacock is visible at the bottom of the image. In interpretation, the meanings of the arcana are similar, but a lot of attention is paid to the symbols.

Interpretation of the image

Let's look at what the pictures in the Thoth deck mean for the Knight of Cups:

Interpretation of Thoth

The Knight of the Suit of Cups indicates the desire to start a family, the search for a second half. The fortuneteller, characterized by this lasso, is looking for a comfortable social circle. The thirst for communication and the search for friends is justified - this is what you lack for a fulfilling life.