The complex of cadastral works includes: What is cadastral work: what does it include, types, methods and features. Cadastral works – set of documents

What types of services include cadastral work? How are cadastral works carried out in relation to land plots? How to choose a reliable company for complex cadastral works?

Hello, readers of HeatherBeaver magazine! With you is Alena Orlovskaya, an expert in cadastral work. In the new article we will understand what cadastral work is.

Speaking about cadastral work, it is worth saying a few words about the State Real Estate Cadastre or, in short, about the State Property Committee. State Property Committee information is used for the effective use of land, organization, accounting and registration of real estate. The State Property Committee also includes carrying out cadastral work.

Let's find out what these events are.

1. What is cadastral work and when might it be needed?

Objects of cadastral work include buildings, structures, land plots that are organized, reorganized, changed, accounted for and registered. All real estate objects in the Russian Federation are considered objects of cadastral work, as enshrined in Federal Law No. 122.

First, let's give the official definition of the term.

This is a set of engineering services that consist of collecting information about real estate, analyzing the data obtained and registering it.

In other words, these activities prepare documentation containing all the necessary information about real estate, which is used for accounting and registration in the register of information.

The purpose of cadastral work is to obtain reliable information about real estate, which allows for cadastral registration and legal registration of ownership.

What are these works needed for? These procedures are necessary for any form of land relations: inheritance, donation, privatization, sale. They include storing, issuing and updating information that is used for taxation, control and accounting.

Let's look at an example that will help you understand this issue.

When registering any plot (with or without a building), cadastral work is required.

These land management activities are aimed at collecting data on property in the form of an allotment of land, establishing the basic parameters of the site, and performing land surveying work.

After professional cadastral engineers and surveyors perform activities in relation to land plots, data on real estate is transferred to the State Register, and the owner can receive a certificate confirming ownership rights.

Documents drawn up by specialists during their work will be required for any transaction on the site (its sale, exchange, lease). Cadastral work is carried out in relation to land plots at the request of the owner, he pays for the service.

Land owners who intend to conduct a transaction on their property or want to properly register ownership should know about the features of cadastral work, the legal grounds for execution, what a cadastral passport is, a plan.

Basic Concepts

ATTENTION! All cadastral services are performed only by qualified engineers.

Cadastral work is the performance by specialists of various measurements and calculations, which are carried out both in the field and in office conditions. These calculations form the basis of the cadastral documentation necessary for the customer to further manipulate his property.

After comprehensive cadastral work has been carried out on the land plot, it will be registered, and the area will also be assigned a cadastral number. You can also use such a definition of cadastral work as a list of activities using geodetic instruments and a special permit for this type of activity.

At the first stage of the service, the engineer inspects the object, determines its features, and collects information. He will need all the collected data to draw up land management documentation.

Cadastral works

There are various types and categories of cadastral work, and most of them are necessary for registering an allotment of property and registering it. The list of works includes land surveying, provision of a cadastral number, and preparation of a cadastral passport.

ATTENTION! All data in the cadastral passport and boundary plan must be accurate and reliable.

Cadastral passports of real estate objects contain a large amount of important information:

  • Cadastral number assigned to the site upon registration.
  • Drawing of the site, it is created in the form of a drawing.
  • The area has been put on. It must be determined with great accuracy.
  • Location of the allotment on the ground. But it is better if a specific address is indicated. If there is no address, you should describe the location of the property as accurately as possible so that it can be distinguished from others.
  • The price of the allotment is indicated according to the cadastre.
  • Date of registration with the cadastral service.

The design and content of the passport are an important factor Accurate information will be needed for any transactions - sale, merger of plots, inheritance.

If the documents drawn up during the cadastre work are drawn up incorrectly, containing unreliable and incomplete information, the owner may not receive a certificate of title to the property.

In case of sale or transfer of land free of charge, division of a land plot, for example, the transaction will not be registered.

One of the main characteristics of a piece of land is its category and types of permitted use (VUR).

Issued to the owner, along with the cadastral passport, is an extract containing data on the presence of encumbrances on individual pieces of the plot, on the coordinate points on the site (these are turning points on the boundary line).

The purpose of the work is to provide all necessary real estate data for registration in the State Register.


This activity can be performed for several purposes:

  1. The formation of new plots during the division and redistribution of existing ones.
  2. Privatization of land that was previously municipal or state property.
  3. The establishment of an easement, private or public, that restricts the use of another's land.
  4. Isolation of a share (several shares).

Inaccurate information

A complex of cadastral works is carried out by specialists who have a diploma of appropriate education and are proficient in special tools, devices, and technologies. And this is completely justified.

  • Land surveying during the creation of cadastral registration, drawing up a passport, a boundary plan - important processes on which the fate of the customer’s real estate depends.
  • Incomplete data in the cadastral passport will become an obstacle when registering the sale of a plot or exchange. Not only the completeness of the data matters, but also its relevance.
  • Even after information about land is entered into the State Cadastre, it can be eliminated if inaccuracies or errors are discovered. There will be a need to repeat cadastral work, which will now make it possible to clarify the necessary data about the object.

If the boundaries are determined incorrectly or there are other violations according to the data on the plot, the owner will have problems when operating his plot and when conducting transactions with it.

Cadastral services are necessary in order to legally fix the boundaries of the site and fix them on the ground. Therefore, the scope of work carried out by a geodetic organization is so important, and the responsibility for competent, accurate collection of information about the object is so great.


Geodetic work, land surveying, and preparation of cadastral documents can be carried out by several organizations. But it is more practical to contact a public or private company that will undertake the entire complex of cadastral work. What will the cadastral engineer do on the application?

  1. The first stage is to identify the owners of the plot. There may even be several of them; it is important to identify each one and obtain data about them.
  2. A scheme is being developed for a site within the compulsory medical insurance structure.
  3. Several types of territorial survey are carried out, it can be cadastral, contour.
  4. If there are buildings on the site, their outline is described.
  5. The specialist must carry out all actions according to the boundary plan. If the site has not been formalized before this time and does not have precisely established boundaries, land surveying is mandatory.

The list of responsible work is large and may take some time. If various transactions on a plot of land are envisaged, for example its sale, you need to order all the services of a cadastral engineer in advance.

IMPORTANT! The plot must be registered with the regional cadastral service. After completing the entire list of geodetic and cadastral services, the plot receives its number. Now the cadastral service can begin to create a plot passport.


Cadastral services are a complex set of activities. To complete all work efficiently and professionally, engineers act in stages, in a certain order. There are several stages - organizational, planning, there is also a field and desk stage.

  • Organizational activities - preparation for land management work, collecting information, visiting the site and agreeing on the project with the client.
  • The planning stage involves the formulation of the task and its approval by the client.
  • The field stage involves topographical and geodetic activities. Professional equipment must be used to establish the points of objects and the boundaries of the allotment.

What is the desk stage of cadastre work? This is the processing of data obtained earlier, drawing up a boundary plan reflecting the result obtained during geodetic work.

Call a specialist

To carry out a complex of cadastral works, a specialist with the appropriate education is invited; he must also have a license to perform services.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a specialist, which specifies the list of works and the conditions for their implementation, payment. A cadastral engineer can work as an individual entrepreneur.

Legal entities (organizations) also perform all geodetic and cadastral services. Legal entities, based on the results of their research, draw up documentation and transfer it to their customer. It is the client’s responsibility to accept the documents (if drawn up in accordance with the law) and pay for the services.

Land survey plan

A survey plan is drawn up at the end of all cadastral work. The planning justification for such a document is a territorial cadastral plan; it presents a block diagram within the boundaries of the thematic area.

The boundary plan consists of two parts - a graphical and test structure. The graphic structure contains information from the territorial plan, which indicates the boundaries of the site and the availability of access to it (this can be a driveway, passage).

The test part contains information about the land that will be needed for the State Cadastre. This information characterizes the area.

The preparation of the plan is regulated by a special Order of the Ministry of Economic Development dated November 24, 2008, number 412 “On approval of the form of the boundary plan.”

Both the owners and the state are interested in clarifying or establishing the exact boundaries of land plots. The owner cannot conduct any transactions with a plot that is unregistered and does not have a cadastral passport. And it is difficult for the state to profitably manage the land fund without data on individual plots.

It is also possible that taxes may not be received due to incorrect determination of the area and boundaries of land areas. Cadastral works are aimed at eliminating this problem.

Cadastral work is the collection, processing and systematization of data on land boundaries. As well as assistance in surveying, drawing up technical and boundary plans, determining the exact location of real estate using special geodetic equipment. The service includes the preparation of accounting documents and other assistance to individuals and legal entities.

Cadastral work in relation to land plots is carried out under a contract for real estate, to which the law includes any buildings, parking spaces, premises, structures, land and objects of unfinished and capital construction, including their parts and complexes inextricably linked with the land.

What are they for?

Based on the information received, documents necessary for further operations and transactions with verified objects are prepared. Any construction, formation of a new property, its modification or demolition requires a whole range of cadastral measures.

Legislative regulation

The provision of services within the Russian Federation is regulated by federal laws under the numbers:

  1. 221 (2007) “On cadastral activities”;
  2. 218 (2015) “On state registration of real estate.”

Who conducts it?

Cadastral work is carried out by cadastral engineers. By law, they can conduct their activities as part of a legal entity and as an individually registered entrepreneur.

At the same time, the law imposes quite strict requirements on cadastral engineers, who must be current members of the SRO, have at least two years of experience, skills, special education and equipment, and have a qualification certificate.

What is included in the service?

Carrying out cadastral work is relevant when it is necessary:

  • Accurately mark the boundaries of the land;
  • Record changes that have occurred to the object;
  • Agree on boundaries or changes with neighbors;
  • Consolidate, divide or otherwise redistribute land holdings;
  • Dispute the cost;
  • Receive an extract or passport for further real estate transactions;
  • Remove or register real estate.

An engineer conducts a visual inspection, survey of a land plot or real estate property. Determines their location, border and contour points, GPS coordinates on the ground. This data is subsequently processed, resulting in the determination of the size, boundaries and exact location of the object.

Results of the work

In accordance with Art. 37 of Law No. 221-FZ, as a result of work carried out by an engineering specialist, the following is prepared:

  • inspection report - documented electronically and, if necessary, in paper form according to the form of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (approved by Order No. 861, 2015) the disappearance or end of existence of a property due to its total loss or complete destruction for deregistration in Rosreestr;
  • boundary plan - a text and graphic document with technical data about a land plot based on an extract from the Unified State Register or cadastral plan;
  • technical plan - similar to the boundary plan in graphic and text format with data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on other immovable objects (except land).

We continue the topic of professional real estate valuation. Today you will learn about what cadastral work is. According to Federal Law No. 122, these works can be carried out for any real estate in the Russian Federation. All work is carried out only by experts who have received the appropriate license.

Cadastral work is understood as a set of engineering services, which consist of collecting information about real estate, analyzing the data obtained and registering it. Documents are being prepared that include all information about the object for recording and registration in the data register.

The main objective of the work is to collect verified data about real estate objects for accounting and registration of property rights.

For example:

The land plot was purchased at a time when it was impossible to register ownership of it. Subsequently, construction was carried out on this site. Formally, the owner owns this land plot, but according to the laws of the Russian Federation, its registration is required. Without registration of ownership rights, it is prohibited to participate in transactions of purchase/sale of real estate and land. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive cadastral work.

Types of jobs

Cadastral registration

This service involves receiving a full package of documents. This procedure applies to absolutely all real estate. In order to fill out all the necessary documents, accounting information is used.

Land marking

In order to recognize a site as legally created, its status must be formalized. If this was not done, or there were changes in its parameters, then cadastral work must be carried out.

Drawing up a work plan

Cadastral works, what they include:

  1. Obtaining all data about an object;
  2. Measuring site characteristics;
  3. Information processing;
  4. Calculation of the required indicators;
  5. Preparation of documentation;
  6. Registration of the site.

Section division

After this procedure, the property is divided into several objects with the same and different statuses according to the documents. The execution procedure depends on the form of ownership. Article 7.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation discusses this procedure in detail.

Creating a boundary plan

This is necessary to delimit the land plot. All its characteristics are recorded in this document. To obtain a boundary plan, it is necessary to measure the site and agree on its boundaries.

Issuance of a cadastral passport

In order for you to officially own real estate, you must have a cadastral passport. It contains all the information about the object. With its help you can take part in real estate transactions.

Development of a cadastral extract

If you need any part of the passport, you can request a cadastral extract.

When an extract may be needed:

  • There have been changes to the object;
  • The object no longer exists;
  • Legal restrictions have appeared on the object.

The owner of the property has remodeled it. Since the object has been changed, it is necessary to obtain a new cadastral passport. How can this be avoided? The owner orders a technical passport, a cadastral extract and receives a new cadastral passport.

Now you can order cadastral works via the Internet. For example, the company "EGRP 365" provides a full range of services in this area.

On January 1, 2017, Federal Law 218 came into force, according to which, instead of extracts from the Unified State Register, from now on a single extract from the Unified State Register will be issued.


All work is carried out by a cadastral specialist. Each facility has a different approach, however, there are still common features.

Full document verification

All work is carried out officially, so the parties sign an agreement for cadastral work.

The expert checks:

  • Basic data about the object;
  • Cartographic documents;
  • Information about neighboring land users;
  • Information about technical communications.

Photography of the object and surrounding area

This procedure includes:

  • Inspection and assessment of the surrounding area;
  • Measurements and shooting of the object;
  • Fixing all turns;
  • Approval of site boundaries.

Studying satellite data

If it is impossible to carry out the necessary survey at the site due to terrain imperfections, satellite imagery is used.

At this stage, the technical characteristics of the object are calculated.

Collection of missing data

The specialist analyzes the information based on all the data received. You may also need additional documents that the expert requests from other organizations.

Creating a boundary plan

The boundary plan includes text and graphic parts; it is drawn up on the basis of the cadastral plan and contains all the basic information about the site.

Registration of all documents

Based on the results of the work, the engineer develops a boundary plan and technical details. site plan. A cadastral plan, extract, etc. is also formed.

Approval and signing of the work completion certificate

The report on the work performed records:

  • Cadastral number;
  • Borders and area of ​​the object;
  • His address and details.

This act is approved by all neighboring land users and signed by the parties.

A cadastral passport was issued for the plot. However, new residential structures were built there. At the same time, there was no change in the marking of the site. A new organization of cadastral work is needed. When preparing documentation, the engineer will need to obtain an extract about the land plot. After this, the specialist will make all the necessary measurements and survey of the object, analyze the data, create a technical plan and issue a new cadastral passport.

Where to order work?

Conclude a contract for cadastral work only with reliable companies.

We have prepared for you an overview of the best companies providing this service.

Zeus Real Estate Center

The company has been successfully operating for 12 years. It is possible to place an order by phone or online. The company provides a full range of services: cadastral and geodetic work, preparation of real estate documents.

Russian Real Estate Cadastre

You have the opportunity to place an order for any type of cadastral work. The cost of work varies depending on the specifics of the work. Since the company employs specialists with extensive experience and qualifications, you can be confident in the quality of the work.

Almatex GEO LLC

In addition to cadastral work, the company is engaged in legal, geodetic and land management work. The company has a large number of reviews from satisfied clients.

What to look for when choosing a company?

We have prepared tips for you on choosing a reliable company.

The company must have the latest generation equipment

To carry out fast and high-quality work, the company must have the most modern equipment for measuring, filming and analyzing object data.

Ask the question: who are your clients and what are the results of the work?

Having a portfolio and positive reviews is a big plus for a company.

Excessive saving does not lead to good

As you understand, cadastral work is not done for free. Therefore, you should not try to save money by choosing the cheapest option. This can have a very negative impact on the quality of work.

Approximate cost of cadastral work in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • Development of a Land Survey Plan - from 20,000 rubles;
  • Development of a Technical Plan - from 15,000 rubles;
  • Issuance of a cadastral extract - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Issuance of a cadastral plan - from 20,000 rubles;
  • Registration of a Cadastral passport - from 5,000 rubles;
  • Registration - from 20,000 rubles.

Availability of a license

Each company must have the appropriate permit for this type of activity (license). Be sure to check its availability.

To obtain a license for cadastral work, an engineer must:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • have appropriate education;
  • not to be judged.

You can always verify that a specific specialist has a license on the official website of Rosreestr.


Cadastral work consists of preparation, classification, analytics and registration of information about real estate. These processes are necessary for both individuals and legal entities. The result of cadastral work is completed documents for real estate, a land survey document and a site plan