Alien Autopsy. The most famous fake in the history of ufology. The mystery of downed UFOs or the autopsy of an alien Loot defeats UFOs

Ufological topics are closely related to sensations; they are almost entirely built on them. Without loud statements, “revelations” and “discoveries”, the topic of unidentified flying objects, aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence simply will not attract any attention. Therefore, people involved in ufology , excellent specialists in sensations. However, even among them, the autopsy of an alien captured on film turned out to be a real information bomb...

Explosive sensation

The story of the most famous ufological film began in January 1995, when on one of the American morning television programs, rock singer and amateur ufologist Reg Presley said that he knew a person who owned a film with an autopsy of an alien. . Within a few days, journalists found out that this person was Ray Santilli and contacted him. He confirmed that some time ago he purchased film from a certain retired military cameraman for a substantial sum. It depicts the autopsy of an alien who died in a UFO crash that allegedly occurred during the famous Roswell incident in July 1947. In May 1995, the film was publicly shown to journalists during a special screening at the British Museum in London.

The main film shows the process of dissection of a humanoid approximately one and a half meters tall with a swollen belly, a disproportionately large head and fairly developed muscles, taking place in a certain room. The autopsy is carried out by two people in special protective suits. The entire operation takes, judging by the wall clock, more than two hours (the film contains a lot of editing splices, so the actual duration is unknown). The alien is completely devoid of hair on his body, and lacerations are visible on his legs. The doctor first opens the abdominal cavity and takes out strange-looking internal organs, then removes a certain film from the alien’s huge eyes, and finally performs a craniotomy and removes the brain from it. On another, much shorter film, an unknown person shows several objects allegedly found at the UFO crash site near Roswell.

The deception failed

Initially, the film was naturally declared by enthusiasts to be indisputable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life and the visits of its representatives to Earth. However, quite soon, detailed and well-founded statements by skeptics appeared, arguing that the presented film was nothing more than a modern fake and could not be a genuine film document of 1947. Here are the main arguments in favor of the hoax:

  • historical mistakes of Ray Santilli - the owner of the sensational film, in his first contacts with journalists, claimed that US President Harry Truman was present on the recording. However, historians have reviewed Truman's July-August 1947 schedule and have shown that the president did not have the physical ability to be in Texas or New Mexico at that time;
  • the presence on the film during the first viewings of a mark at the bottom of the screen, according to which the shooting was carried out on July 30, 1947. However, the Roswell incident occurred on July 3, 1947, and on July 8 it had already received publicity in the press. It seems impossible that the autopsy of such an important object would be carried out a month after it fell into the hands of military doctors. On later screenings of the film, the corresponding mark was no longer present;
  • discrepancy between the shooting style and technical characteristics of the film and the activities of military cameramen of the US Army in the late 1940s. First of all, the film was clearly shot with a more modern camera, since films of that time during editing, that is, changing “reels,” contained bright light flashes. They weren't on the film. In addition, the autopsy was regulated by a strict filming procedure - the autopsy was filmed from at least two statically fixed cameras: from above the operating table and from the side of the table. Here, shooting is carried out by one operator “hand-held”. Finally, Santilli never provided the original film not only to journalists for review, but also to specialists for examination;
  • the obvious unprofessionalism of the captured pathologists - professional doctors drew attention to obvious mistakes in conducting the autopsy, which characterize the people conducting it as completely unfamiliar with this procedure (roughness of the cuts, incorrect “grip” of the scalpel, lack of steps to weigh and study the internal organs, and so on);
  • the obviously artificial nature of the alien’s body - on the film, experts can clearly see that the alien’s body is a mannequin made from a cast of a human body. This can be seen, in particular, by sagging fatty tissues and tense muscles - this is typical for a body in an upright position, but not for one lying on a horizontal surface.

This evidence was so convincing that in 2006, Ray Santilli admitted to the hoax and to the fact that the film was shot by him and his friends in London. That same year, Santilli produced a comedy feature film about the circumstances surrounding the creation of the fake alien autopsy record.

On Saturday, July 5, 1947, Johnny McBoyle, a reporter and co-owner of a radio station in Roswell, New Mexico, broadcast a report of a UFO crash. “The object looks like a dented dishwasher...” he commented in a broken voice. “The military is already here and they are going to take her away.” The entire area is cordoned off. They say something about some kind of humanoid creatures that were on board.”

In six hours, all the debris was collected. According to rumors, five alien bodies were found at the crash site of an unknown object; the military packed them in airtight bags. The Roswell incident was shrouded in the strictest secrecy for many years.

In July 1991, US Air Force Captain Kevin Randle and his co-author Donald Schmit published a book in which they provided numerous evidence confirming the extraterrestrial nature of the disaster.

The American government initiated an official investigation into the Roswell incident. In September 1994, it was reported that a disaster had indeed occurred in Roswell, but it was not an alien ship that had crashed, but a secret Mogul spy balloon launched by the US Air Force.

And a few months later, a new sensation broke out: British producer of Italian origin Ray Santilli announced that he had in his possession film footage of an autopsy, that is, an autopsy of aliens from Roswell.

Questions immediately arose. How did the classified tape get to Santilli? The producer told the following story. In the summer of 1993, he traveled to the United States in search of rare footage from the fifties. In Cleveland, Ohio, he met an elderly cameraman whose archives contained recordings of Elvis Presley's performances. It unexpectedly turned out that eighty-year-old Jack Barnett (name and surname are fictitious) once served under contract in the American army. In the summer of 1947, he was called to a military base in Roswell to photograph highly classified sites. Barnett thought that they were talking about fragments of a Soviet spy plane, but it turned out that they would have to film UFO debris, as well as the process of autopsy of alien corpses.

Jack shot about a hundred reels. He immediately sent most of the material to Washington, but several films required additional processing. Having finished working on them, the operator contacted his superiors, but no one came to pick up the films.

Barnett knew how to keep secrets, he was a true patriot of America, and only extreme need forced him to sell unique film material. Moreover, he charged such a price that Santilli paid him only in November 1994. The operator asked to keep his real name secret. Later, journalists tried to meet with the mysterious Barnett, but these attempts were unsuccessful.

The producer had at his disposal twenty-one three-minute films, one eight-minute film, and other fragments not related to the plot. Much of the material was in very poor condition. The first seven-minute video was restored only at the beginning of 1995. Santilli translated two episodes onto videotape: “Alien Autopsy” and “Detritus.”

On May 5, a preview screening of the film took place at the British Museum in London. Upon entering the hall, everyone was searched to ensure that no one brought a camera or video camera.

And now the long-awaited session begins. On the operating table is the body of a creature resembling a human, about 140–150 centimeters tall, with a swollen belly and a huge head. The mouth is slightly open, but no teeth are visible. The creature has six fingers and toes. And, very strangely, there is no navel. There is a huge wound on the right thigh, possibly a burn. A creature without hair on its head and body was probably female, although nothing other than characteristic features indicated this circumstance.

In the room were an operator and two “pathologists” in white protective coats with transparent windows. The autopsy was carried out by one specialist. He approached the body with a scalpel and made an incision from the throat down. There was blood. The “pathologist”, without making any noticeable effort, removed the internal organs from the body.

Many people noticed that the operator seemed to have the gift of foresight. When the "pathologist" made the cut, the camera did not follow the scalpel to the abdomen, but deliberately lingered on the neck until blood came out.

Apparently, the autopsy was carried out by a general specialist, at least he knew a lot about ophthalmology. He removed the dark film from the creature's eye and placed it in the solution. A similar procedure was done with the alien's other eye.

The video ended with a craniotomy. The “pathologist” used a handsaw to remove the top of the skull and extract the brain. As with any autopsy, a “list” of removed organs was compiled. The entire autopsy procedure took 2.5 hours (judging by the clock on the wall).

In the second story, a military man showed the wreckage of a crashed UFO. There were few objects: two panels (control devices?) with imprints of six-fingered hands and a large I-beam with some kind of hieroglyphs.

Jacques Pradel, producer of the TF-1 TV channel, who attended the screening, recalls: “When the lights flashed in the hall, silence reigned. Absolute silence, and there were more than three hundred people in the room. Then a whisper. Then silence and whispers alternate. I'm in some kind of tetanus. Something beyond my strength. Then there is a commotion and an exchange of opinions begins. From turmoil to discussion. I want to know and inform others.”

Someone suggested that this was the corpse of a person exposed to very strong radiation. But not a single pathologist has encountered such anomalies. And the internal organs are completely different from human organs. Surgeon Patrick Brown noticed "cadaverous blue discolorations" that usually appeared in the lower part of the body. And if it is a fake, it will be a very skillful one, because you need to be highly skilled in order to place the blue marks in the right place.

In August 1995, the film was shown at the Sheffield Congress of UFOlogists and on Channel 4 of British television. Later it was shown by the largest television companies in the world - the American Fox TV, the German ZDF, the Italian RAI-1, the French TF-1 and more than twenty other companies. The sale of the film rights brought Santilli millions of dollars. He received $125,000 from Fox alone. VHS tapes of "Autopsy" and "Wreckage" were selling for $70!

Immediately there were people ready to swear on the Bible that they had seen Santilli's film before. Staff Sergeant Robert Allen, once in charge of security at a secret training site near Tonopah, Nevada, claimed that during briefing they were shown a whole program of such films. “I observed three autopsies,” said the sergeant. “During one of them, President Harry Truman stood behind the glass of the operating room. His face was hidden by a surgical mask, but I could not be mistaken: it was Truman.”

Mike Maloney, the Mirror's leading photographer, said that in the seventies he met "a man" in California who invited him to watch some "very unusual films." At this session, a documentary about UFOs was shown to a select few, as well as footage of the autopsy of an alien.

Viewers were divided into two hostile camps - some considered Santilli's film to be genuine, others - a skillful fake. For example, a telephone with a twisted cord caused a lot of controversy. They said that such devices did not exist at that time, but then it turned out that this model began to be produced back in 1946, and the twisted cord was supplied to order.

Then the surgical instruments used by the “pathologist” in the film came under suspicion. But here, too, the skeptics were defeated: these are exactly the tools that the Americans used fifty years ago.

Santilli insisted that the film was shot in 1947 and cited the results of a film examination as evidence. Indeed, he submitted several frames for analysis to laboratories in the USA, England and Denmark, and they confirmed that the film was produced in 1947. However, the frames transmitted to Santilli were without images. Kodak invited Santilli to conduct an independent examination of the entire film. The producer refused, citing the fact that it had already been sold to some mysterious collector for a lot of money.

The operator's work received mixed reviews. He did not choose the best angles, and during close-ups his focus was lost. Opponents of the film insisted that the cameraman did this on purpose, otherwise everyone would have understood that the pathologist was working not on a corpse, but on a doll.

By the way, most Hollywood special effects specialists had no doubt that the “alien” was made of latex. Stan Winston, known for Aliens and Jurassic Park, said: “Am I sure this is a hoax? Absolutely!" Colleague Gordon Smith from Toronto supported: “We have no doubt that the film was made in England at a second-rate studio.”

When Santilli was asked directly who was being dissected in the film, he replied: “I think there are only two options. The first is that this creature actually flew to us from another world on a spaceship. The second was a biological experiment carried out by the Americans after the war, and the film shows a mutant created for the purpose of testing some secret weapon. In my opinion, only these two options are possible.”

But it turned out that there was also a third option, which Santilli modestly kept silent about at the time.

On April 4, 2006, the British television channel Sky aired the story “Eamon Investigation: “Alien Autopsy.” Santilli was forced to admit that his film was not authentic. During the interview, the show's host, Eamon Holmes, constantly called the film a "fake", and each time the guest corrected him - "reconstruction". According to Santilli, he was forced to take this step because the real films were destroyed by moisture and heat. Using the remaining remains, Ray and his friend producer Gary Shufield reconstructed the film. Santilli later assured that the video version contains several frames (5 percent of the footage) from the original. True, which ones exactly, he did not specify.

The "reconstruction" took place in a residential apartment in Rochester Square, London. John Humphreys, an artist and sculptor, made two “aliens” in three weeks. Everything needed to create the aliens - sheep brains, chicken giblets, legs of lamb and other “material” - was brought from the meat market. Humphreys also used aluminum (skeleton) and latex (skin). Then he made the control panel for the alien ship. It was Humphreys who played the role of the main “pathologist”. Despite the fact that the film crew only had two takes, the team did their job brilliantly. After filming, the “aliens” were cut into small pieces and scattered in London garbage containers. On April 6, 2006, the English comedy film Autopsy of an Alien premiered, in which all the events described above are told in a humorous manner. Moreover, Ray Santilli and Gary Shufield acted as producers in it.

Since the spring of 1995, the world of ufologists has been agitated by rumors about show businessman Ray Santilli receiving films depicting the autopsy of an alien who allegedly died in Roswell (USA, New Mexico) in 1947. The first public viewings took place in the same year. On October 22, 1996, this film was shown on the Russian Television Channel.
Although we know about the origin of the film only from Santilli’s words, supporters of the alien hypothesis were quick to call it genuine. Indeed, at first glance the film seems very impressive. Moreover, a number of “experts” stated that the film on which the film was shot corresponds to 1947, the actions of the pathologists are professional and justified, and the filmed body cannot be anything other than a dead alien. Some doctors and Hollywood experts on the “living effect” signed these conclusions...
...But it’s not for nothing that they say: “two doctors, three opinions.”

Further analysis of the film showed that the professional skills of pathologists are far from perfect. American surgeon Joseph A. Bauer noticed something that other experts missed - surgical scissors are never held with the index finger and thumb, as the doctors in the film do. Professionals hold the instrument with the thumb and ring (or middle) fingers, using the index finger for stabilization and guidance. And the approach to conducting the autopsy itself was more like cutting up a carcass for a roast than examining unique biological material - the whole operation took about two hours.
Joseph A. Bauer, M.D. “A Surgeon"s View: Alien Autopsy"s Overwhelming Lack of Credibility" on the website
The word "autopsy" means "to see with one's own eyes" in Greek. Typically, this procedure consists of three stages: a thorough external examination of the corpse is carried out, then an autopsy and examination of the main organs, and, finally, examination of the tissues of these organs under a microscope.
Organs are usually removed using one of two methods developed in the 19th century. German scientists Rudolf Virchow and Friedrich Albert Zenker. According to the Virchow method, organs are removed from the corpse one at a time, then each organ is opened and examined separately. Zenker's method, which is based on a technique developed by his contemporary, Austrian pathologist Karl Rokitansky, consists of removing all organs in one complex and then dividing them into organ systems.
The Zenker method is more convenient for studying and preserving connections - normal and abnormal - between organs and organ systems. After extraction, the chest organs are separated from the abdominal and pelvic organs. The heart and the large vessels associated with it are examined together with the respiratory organs, and then separated. Having studied the organs of the abdominal cavity as a whole, examine the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts, paying attention to their position relative to each other and the connections between them, as well as their connection with the stomach, small intestine, spleen and the blood vessels that feed them, Only after this the organs are separated from each other and opened. Stephen A. Geller. Autopsy. In the world of science (Scientific American. Edition in Russian). No. 5 for 1983
Obviously, for conducting research on an extraterrestrial biological being, the Zenker method would be much more suitable than an autopsy using the Virchow method, the like of which we see in the film.

The final point in the study of Santilli’s film was made by film experts.

The website of The Truly Dangerous Company (professional imitators of living things) provides not only a detailed method for making dummies of this type, but also draws attention to the signs that make it possible to recognize that the body of the dissected “humanoid” is not a very high-quality fake. When creating film effects, the greatest difficulty is the need to simulate real joint mobility. Please note that throughout the entire film the body of the “alien” remains almost completely motionless. Trey Stokes and Maija Beeton (who have worked in a number of Hollywood films) believe that the reason is the insufficient mobility of the mannequin. This drawback of the dummy could have become especially obvious during the opening of the chest, but these very frames are missing on the film.
Another difficult moment is opening the skull. To make this operation easier, pathologists usually turn their heads in different directions, and, again, we did not see this in the film.

The buttocks and thigh muscles of the “alien” look tense. The fat deposits on the thighs are shifted not towards the table (as you would expect from a lying dead body), but towards the legs (as happens in dummies made by casting the body of a standing person). And the cut on the skin behaves completely inhumanely.

Of course, it can be assumed that these discrepancies are caused by differences in the biological structure of earthlings and alien creatures. But, for what reason do the features of the anatomy of aliens repeat the features of dummies for film effects?

In the press, ufologists have repeatedly stated that currently filmmakers cannot recreate Santilli’s film.

This message is not true. Specialists at the “dream factory” have repeatedly filmed “alien” autopsies, both for films and television, and in response to a challenge posed by the unknown creator of “Alien Autopsy.”

Responding to the demands of ufologists, an almost exact copy of Santilli’s autopsy was made by Twins F/X Group (Erik & Karl Gosselin) from Longueuil (Quebec, Canada). The film's budget was only 2 thousand dollars.
Another copy was made by the German Effects group. Despite the very low cost, the film is notable for showing the entire autopsy of the “creature.” Brazilian Television also showed its version of "Alien Autopsy" in 1995.

There are films that are much more impressive than Santilli's films. And, if in the case of "Alien Autopsy" the nervous trembling is caused by the proximity of the solution to the mystery of the "flying saucers", then the work that special effects artists Trey Stokes and Steve Johnson did for ABC's 20/20 show is striking in its professionalism.
At present, there is not a single specialist in the field of imitation of life known who would advocate for the reality of the film "Alien Autopsy". Stan Winston (the creator of effects in such films as “Aliens” and “Jurassic Park”), whose opinion ufologists are so fond of referring to, said: “Do I think it”s a hoax? Absolutely." ("Am I sure this is a hoax? Absolutely!")
TIME Magazine, November 27, 1995 Volume 146, No. 22,

When was the film about the “alien” autopsy made? It turns out that a full analysis of the film was never carried out. Despite numerous claims, the film has never been verified by Kodak or any other reputable organization.

Representatives of Kodak in England and the USA claim that if they were given a piece of film, they could tell a lot about it. For example, they would conduct a detailed analysis and determine when the film was shot. But to do this, they need film samples several feet long. Over time, the film shrinks, and the year of filming can be calculated from the distance between the edge perforations. Additional data could be provided by chemical analysis, especially since the chemical composition of the film changed dramatically just in 1947. In addition, research required at least one frame of the alien. This would give specialists confidence that it was the autopsy film that was analyzed. However, Santilli does not want to "cut the goose that lays the golden eggs" and prefers to keep the film away from Kodak.

Only a few frames fell into the hands of researchers. Kodak received a small fragment of film for analysis. Experts said the markings, square and triangle, correspond to 1947. The trouble is that Kodak's markings are repeated periodically. Films in 1927 and 1967 were also marked with a square and a triangle. Additionally, since the marking footage did not contain any images, it could have been cut from anywhere other than the autopsy film.

A small piece of film was obtained by the head of the investigation group of the British UFO Association “BUFORA”, Philip Mantle. The doorway is captured on film, but there are no frames indicating that it belongs to the autopsy episode. Such a fragment could have been borrowed from any other film filmed at the right time. A piece of film also fell into the hands of a Fox producer, but it was even shorter and more faceless.

Photography expert Bob Shell also received a small piece of film. At first he suggested that the footage could show the open door of the room where the autopsy took place and part of the table. However, after a detailed study, this version had to be abandoned. In addition, it was discovered that the film received by the expert was not the original, but only a copy of some film.

So, let us repeat once again, no footage depicting the bodies, objects or people appearing in the film fell into the hands of experts. The question of dating the film remains open.

Kent Jeffrey from MUFON magazine tried to contact military cameramen who could clarify something about the story with the film. He writes: "During the investigation of this film, I became acquainted with three military cameramen who served during the Second World War and are still actively engaged in professional photography to this day." And this is what the cameramen told Kent Jeffrey: “In 1947, the army practiced shooting on three types of film: 16 mm color, 35 mm black and white and 16 mm black and white. For shooting particularly important military projects, 16 mm color film was used. More In addition, one of the cameramen who had to film several autopsies claims that all medical filming was done on color film. Typically, the filming of critical medical operations was carried out from two cameras mounted permanently. The first camera was mounted on a tripod using a “lift” ", so that it was located higher, and placed close to the surgical table. And the second chamber was suspended from the ceiling."
Mr. Jeffrey continues: "All three experts, all highly trained cameramen, say the filming was unprofessional and did not meet the standards of military cameramen." Randle K. Flying saucers - truth or fiction / Transl. from English O. Kutumina. - M: KRON-PRESS, 1998. - 208 pp. - Series "Mysterious World".
Thus, there is no reason to believe that "Alien Autopsy" is an autopsy of a real alien.
Maybe the main ufological sensation of the twentieth century is just a clever fake?

There are many stories of crashed ships, alien autopsies and alien contact, but how much of it is true and what is not? Before the Roswell incident, all contact with visitors was recorded in the mind, so the records in the Vedas, the Bible and ancient mythology are true, reflecting what humanity saw and experienced at the time of contact.

Anticipating the rapid development of awareness of the alien presence, the Council of Worlds in the middle of the last century decided that contact should be registered only in the subconscious. This was to allow humanity to gradually accept the concept while preventing contactees from being attacked. Before the new rules were introduced, the Service-to-Self aliens who had contact with the US military decided to make conscious contact with them. So the result was Roswell, MJ12, and the Area 51 stories, which are mostly true. To provide balance, Service-to-Other aliens caused the Roswell disaster in 1947 and a similar disaster in Brazil in 1996. These are true stories recorded in the minds of eyewitnesses.


In the United States, Roswell is on everyone's lips. This is the main flag in the parade of those who are eager to know the truth. The facts are quite well known, and those facts that are known are almost entirely true. This story is true. What is not so well known is that Roswell was not an accident. Several beings from alien groups attempting to make contact with the US government volunteered. They were expected to die. The plan was to let the ships crash, in full view of the people. This gave people the maximum sense of control that people wanted to have, especially since any contact, unfortunately, was through the military. Once they felt they could harm the aliens, they wanted to negotiate.

Among the rumors surrounding the Roswell incident are stories of an EBE, an "extraterrestrial biological entity" that survived the crash and lived to converse, in a sense "talking," with the government. These rumors also claim that the movie "ET" was based on this situation, where a young boy, the son of one of the government officials involved, came into telepathic contact with VBS. Is there any truth to this? There is some. VBS was returned to his group, alive, after contact was made several years later. Rumors that VBS had died were spread in order to eliminate any pressure from those who wanted to see him and talk to him.

VBS, as he was called, was one of the seven aliens who crewed the two ships that crashed near Roswell. One ship was completely destroyed because it was planned to blow it up close to the ground, which was done. The second ship carried four aliens and crashed as planned without major damage. It was assumed that the blow would kill all four, who were preparing for death, but one of them survived, despite his wounds. This came as a shock to the alien, who was unprepared for the intense interest in his digestive and respiratory systems and his medical needs. He found himself kept at a respectful distance and carefully examined by the extremely nervous people treating him.

One of the officials, unexpectedly called to the place where the VBS was located, was in the care of his son, whom he left in the car when he went to a meeting inside the building. When he returned, he found that his young son had much to tell him, as he had entered into telepathic communication with the VBS. Having never allowed the two to meet, and without even confirming to the young boy that his partner was real, the government subsequently brought the two closer and asked the boy endless questions. To this day, he cannot confirm in any way that this happened, except by the questions that were put to him.

Here are some aspects of the information conveyed during this telepathic interview:

The reality of reincarnation
- the body into which the incarnation occurs is not aware of past lives, if this information is not transmitted to it by the soul,
- throughout the Universe, souls incarnate in many different types of life forms, not just humans,
- Service to Others is a strong component of the lives of the aliens involved in the Roswell crash,
- The Earth currently has a mixed bag of souls, including those in the Service-to-Self who do not bother to care for others, and so upon telepathic contact man interpreted the Earth as a "prison planet", which it is not. This is a planet with mixed conditions.

This video was recently uploaded.

Have former MJ12 members released videos of aliens possibly in custody? This is believed to be a crew member who survived the Roswell accident. The grainy video gives an idea of ​​how old it is, and Zeta's head is no different from the face on the ZetaTalk page, with a tiny, almost vertical nose, just a slit mouth, high cheekbones and a thin neck. This is a genuine video. The US government, which includes former MJ12 members, is under pressure from other countries to get a plan of action and deal with the disclosure. Instead of revealing their UFO files, they get ahead of themselves by showing evidence of an alien presence with alien bodies. This test is being launched to see how the public reacts.

Skinny Bob was welcomed with open arms everywhere. He is charming, obviously not aggressive, and allows himself to be filmed without offence. The immediate reaction of everyone who watches this video is that it is real, even with the objections of those who are shocked by the confirmation of an alien presence. You can recognize the shock behind any verbal muttering because it is there. Since this has been widely circulated on the Internet, and widely discussed on countless websites, the establishment has a lot of data to analyze. They will conclude that humanity is not responding as the CIA expected many decades ago when they concluded that the average person could not cope with the reality of an alien presence. There was curiosity, a desire to see more, and even a desire to meet Skinny Bob. More to follow!

Brazilian Roswell

Creature from Varginha, Brazil
January 20, 1996
The creature, in a seemingly dazed state, was easily caught by the search party. He had three protrusions on his head; the eyes glowed red. It also had long arms, short legs and large feet. The monster responded with a buzzing sound when a net was thrown over it about two and a half hours after the first call was received. Later that day, three girls (Lillian Fatima, Valkyra Fatima and Andrade Xavier) were returning home after work. While taking a shortcut through a wooded area, they discovered another of these strange alien creatures. When asked by the press, the military and firefighters denied any information about the capture of the alien. This reaction surprised no one. There were reports of unusually large troop activity on the day the monsters appeared, indicating a cover-up.

The South American continent is involved in a tug of war between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other aliens. These groups have fought each other and in some cases extreme measures have been taken. The psychological state of the population, gripped by fear and anxiety for themselves after false stories about partially exsanguinated and weakened contactees, required shock therapy. As a shock therapy, a scenario similar to Roswell was chosen, when people are given the idea that aliens are vulnerable, can feel pain and may need the help and pity of people. Therefore, rumors of vulnerable aliens will tilt the weight of public opinion away from thoughts of alien domination. Thus the Service-to-Others win the battle for public understanding, and compassion and caring replace fear.

Of course, it takes pain, hurt, and despair to create regret and doubt. Just like in Roswell, several aliens decided to sacrifice themselves and undergo violence and injury, pain and death, in order to achieve this outcome. Just like in Roswell, this ship was deliberately crashed, but unlike Roswell, where everyone was supposed to die in the disaster, most of the aliens were alive and in a pitiful situation. They did this and their fear was not feigned, since they were wounded and terrified. As planned, they met talkative and impressionable children who told the story to everyone they could, as expected. Frank and innocent, no one doubted these witnesses, and since UFOlogy is organized today, the juicy details of the incident were intercepted before they could be carefully hidden and muffled. Thus, the careful cover-up, which was carried out in accordance with tactics well known in Brazil, only added to the realism of the situation.

Autopsy film

What about stories from MJ12 and the Russians about alien autopsies? After Roswell, it was believed that the bodies of both dead and living aliens fell into the hands of MJ12, which was true, and not to be outdone, the Russians made an autopsy film in 1969, which was a hoax.

Santilli's 1995 film of supposedly the post-Roswell autopsy was also later found to be a fraud.

Alien Autopsy Movies
March 8, 2013
On May 05, 1995, a man named Ray Santilli showed a clip of a black-and-white silent film to a select audience at the Museum of London, England. Thus was born the controversy surrounding the infamous Alien Autopsy film, a controversy that has raged for over a decade. But everything, however, changed on April 4, 2006. This bad movie that has intrigued so many people for years came out on Sky Television's British TV show Eamonn's Investigations and was not what it seemed.