Samael is the son of Nergal. Samael. Bes Samael - who is he?

His other names:

Abriel. Ahriman. Qlippoth. Yatukih. The wickedness of God. Fire Demon.

His Latin names: Small. Samael.

Has Jewish origin. Devil Prince. Prince of Demons. An elemental demon who controls the elements. 6th of the 7 princes of jealousy and enmity under the command of Samael, known in the Kabbalistic tradition. According to Jewish tradition, 12 servants of Samael are known. Avriron. The rabbis called him “S mal ”, Samael, which literally means “figure” or “idol”.

Prince des démons selon les rabbins, ce fut lui monté sur un serpent qui séduisit Eve. C"est encore, chez plusieurs docteurs juifs, l"ange de la mort, qu"ils représentent avec une épée ou avec un arc et des flèches.

Researchers believe that Samael is the most famous of the demons.

The word Samael is translated as "sam shel el", the poison of God. It is believed that he incited Adam and Chava to fall into sin (the serpent is just a bodily manifestation of Samael). For this, as the Book of Adam and Chava says, God tore off six of his former twelve wings (translated into a language more understandable to Kabbalists - he was transferred from the world of Beria to the lower spiritual world of Yetzira).

Samael performs three main functions assigned to him: he is the yetzer ha-ra, the evil principle that provokes a person to commit sins; “category,” that is, an accusing angel representing a person’s sins before the highest court; and finally, the angel of death, coming for a person in his last hour.

Samael, as malach ha-mavet, the angel of death, is a terrible black figure full of eyes. The angel of death holds in his hands a jagged knife from which three drops of poison flow, and he comes only for sinners.

The angel Gabriel comes for the righteous with a perfectly straight knife in his hands (taking the souls of the righteous with him is compared to “kosher shechita,” while what Samael does with sinners is “non-kosher shechita”).

This is one of the main spirits of the Qlippoth, it is “Ahriman” Yatukih and the male representation of the Adversary, while Lilith is the female complement. Samael is called the Prince of Demons, and his name literally means “Poison of God”, and he is the spirit of Air (astral plane, dream.

Samael, being the same as Lucifer, Ahriman, Set, Azazel, is in all respects a fallen seraphim, whose desire for individual thinking and the ability to control his own destiny led to his fall. In Kabbalah, Samael is considered the Angel of Death, the main ruler of the Fifth Heaven and one of the seven regents of the world. Yalkut Shimoni speaks of Samael as Esau's guardian angel.

In the Mishnah, Samael is designated as the guardian angel of Eden, and it is also stated that he is responsible for the fall of Eve and the murder of Abel by Cain. Although some sources write that Eve was seduced by Azazel, others write that it was Samael who led her into temptation, appearing to her in the form of a serpent.

Samael is also the angel who restrained Abraham's hand when he was ready to sacrifice his son to God. In the Holy Kabbalah, Samael is described as the "severity of God", and is listed as one of the five archangels in the sephira of Binah. Samael is also considered the husband of Lilith after she left Adam.

According to the Book of Zohar, Samael was also the husband of dissolute women, Noema (Naama) and Agrat bat Mahalat. The name Samael is sometimes confused in some books with the name of Camael, the Archangel of God, whose name means "He who sees God."

The angel Samael is one of the most controversial figures in the Abrahamic religions. On the one hand, he is Satan himself and the personification of universal evil, and on the other, he has a number of uniquely positive features, at least according to the biblical canons, without his intervention humanity clearly would not have been able to reach the current level of development.

Angel Samael - the history of his name and ancient mentions

Mentions of Samael are found in all Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and they mainly relate to Old Testament times, starting from the immediate creation of man and, especially, the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. To understand the essence of this angel or demon, one should understand the meaning of the name Samael in the Hebrew language - it consists of two roots “poison” and “god”, which clearly allows one to identify in him the very poisonous serpent-tempter, thanks to whose actions humanity was expelled from heavenly tabernacles.

However, other Old Testament traditions show Samael still among the angels. So, it was Samael who held the hand Abraham, preventing him from sacrificing his son to God. In addition, he is also mentioned in the Bible as the angel of death who came for the soul Moses. In addition, in Talmud- The Jewish version of the Old Testament states that Samael was also an angel who guarded Eden. Almost every mention of Samael as an angel describes his closest proximity to God and his enormous power, and in accordance with some teachings, since he was the first among the seraphim angels, it is indicated that he had ten or twelve wings instead of six. In modern Judaism, Samael is also often referred to as the jet-black angel of death who comes for sinners with a fearsome jagged knife, while coming for the righteous Archangel Gabriel has a smooth, perfectly sharpened shiny blade

Thus, we can conclude that Satan or Samael was not the original force - and although certain aspects of his character appeared almost from the moment of the creation of the world, for a long time he was still the closest servant of God. Also, as an interesting fact, many believe that according to some ancient sources, Samael is the father of Cain, since it was in adultery with the Serpent that Eve’s fall from grace consisted in the first place. In general, the figure of this angel is extremely contradictory - it is not without reason that he is often identified with Prometheus and similar figures, which, by the way, almost always symbolized the Morning Star. And it was with the morning star that he was also identified Archangel Lucifer- another one of Samael's names.

Demon Samael - who is he?

In the classical worldview of Christianity and Judaism, Samael, or Satan, is traditionally identified with true evil, is the complete antagonist of God and the root of all the ills of humanity, starting from the most ancient times. At the same time, interest in his image, strength and capabilities has also existed since the very beginning of time. Sorcerers, magicians, seekers of truth have always understood the importance of the image of the Serpent as a symbol of knowledge, albeit forbidden knowledge. This meaning was invested in the image of the most powerful angel in the Middle Ages, and since the end of the nineteenth century, relatively modern demonologists, mystics and esotericists prefer to generally abandon any negative interpretation of his image. According to them, such denigration of the image of Satan is only an attempt by the church to gain power over the minds and hearts of people, turning them away from science, self-searching and the desire to achieve the best in this life.

In particular, this opinion reached its greatest apogee in Satanism. Anton Sandor La'Vey. In his Church of Satan, the main value for a person is exclusively himself and everything that worries him. This does not mean that a person is obliged to do evil; moreover, most followers of such Satanism are of the opinion that treating others well is the highest aspiration of everyone at the highest level of spiritual development. However, they also deny thoughtless adherence to dogmas; according to their opinion, it is necessary to do good only when it is a sincere, one’s own inner desire, and is not determined by the pressure of the church and society due to the fact that this must be done in order to achieve any preferences in the afterlife.
In classical demonology, it was believed that Samael is the supreme ruler of Hell, responsible for any witchcraft powers and forbidden knowledge, capable of imparting incredible power in exchange for the highest value - the human soul. At the same time, it was also believed that sorcerers would not suffer the fate of ordinary sinners - if they were faithful servants of Samael in worldly life, after death they would simply have to continue their work for the hellish ruler.

Samael and Lilith - rejected by God

Samael and Lilith

Since ancient times, it is believed that the demoness Lilith, who was the first woman presented by God to Adam, after her escape from the Garden of Eden, became the wife of Samael. Due to the fact that her refusal of eternal life in Paradise was an entirely voluntary departure, and not an expulsion, as in the case of Adam and Eve, her behavior largely testified to a desire for change, a desire to independently control the course of her own life. That is why in many modern studies devoted to ancient Old Testament history, Lilith is a symbol of equality and feminism - according to some interpretations of this Old Testament story about the beginning of time, this woman opposed Adam’s attitude towards her as property and the same attitude of God towards her.

The same can be said about Samael’s departure from Paradise and his refusal to serve God. According to one of the legends about the fall, Samael was always not only the strongest among all the angels, but also the most devoted and faithful to his Lord. He wanted to help him so much that at one moment, when God was not there, he himself sat on his throne and began to engage in divine affairs, trying to become a creator in order to demonstrate his desire to help the Divine Plan. God perceived this behavior as pride and a way to take his place and drove Samael away. As a result, the fallen angel took with him everyone who shared his ideas and decided that no one else should be a slave of the Lord - this also explains his desire to “tempt” people with knowledge and various promises of wealth, power and incredible witchcraft power.

Thus, Samael is not only the patron of sorcerers, but also of everyone who despairs of finding help in their usual surroundings, people who feel on the verge of losing their lives, and simply those who seek to break all loose ends and start a completely new life with hopes exclusively for yourself.

Samael's Challenge

It should be noted that some magicians believe that the image of the devil or Satan consists of several “faces” and character traits at the same time. Thus, villains, sorcerers and sinners are patronized by Satan, Lucifer personifies all the good that this fallen angel brought into the world, and Samael is primarily the angel of death and, as a consequence, final justice - which is why this hypostasis is considered the most powerful and comprehensive. And that is why in summoning rituals the name of Samael is found much less often than Lucifer or Satan - such powerful entities cannot be summoned for entertainment or to resolve any small issues.

We must also remember that, unlike devils and small demons, the lords of hell, and, even more so, Samael himself cannot be forced to do something, much less subordinate to his will - their power is much greater than that of any person. Therefore, you should not only be careful, but also respectful towards these entities, no matter how evil they may be.

To summon Samael, it will be necessary to undergo lengthy preparation. The summoning ritual is seriously different from concluding a pact with the devil and is used primarily to establish justice, and not to achieve anything at any cost. And this means that with such a call to the Lord of Hell, you will not give him your soul, but will only call on him to fulfill his true duty - to bring justice, which he will definitely be happy about, since the good beginning in him has not disappeared. For the ritual, you must have five black wax candles that have not been consecrated in the church, a vessel that has not previously been used for household purposes, wine, as well as a new knife and a sheet of paper.

The ritual is carried out at midnight, exclusively in a ventilated room without strangers. First you need to draw an inverted pentagram on the floor, surrounding it with lit candles, and sit in its center. After this, you should use a knife to make a light cut on your left hand - you can even cut a finger to get a few drops of blood, which are used to draw the seal of Samael on a piece of paper. This piece of paper should be placed next to you, and while drawing you should say the following words:

Ave Samael, Princeps Tenebrarum!
Es Diabolus Magnus senior dei lucis,
Ipsus Deus Chaosis, Pater Ater.
Ave Malchira, Princeps Vesperi,
qui MaLaCh ha-‘Or ante lucem fueras
et MeLeCh ha-Ra factus es contra deum!
Ave Sol Niger, Sol Mortuorum, MaLaCh ha-MoVeTh,
IeTzeR ha-MoVeTh, MeLeCh ha-MoVeTh!
Ave Stator Vesperi, Contraversor Orienti.
Tu es Protector impurorum nefasque, Opressor divinorum.
Ave Samael, Princeps Noctis, Serpens Antiquus,
Hostis dei, Hostis generis numani, Leviathan Regenitus.
Tute es Therion regni, Pater Kain, Pater Armilii.
Tutmet es Conditor Mortis, Princeps Inferni.
Ya Samael, Chaskiah, Chaskiel, Sataniah, Satanael,
Vocamus Te, advocamus Te, veni et vince!

After reading these words, you should pour wine into the cup, carefully look inside the liquid, and then say your request to the angel of death. The wine should be drunk in one gulp, and you will need to sit inside the outlined pentagram until dawn. As soon as you drink the wine, you will definitely see, feel or hear a sign that your conversion has been accepted. This could be a sharp gust of wind, the howling of several dogs, the cawing of crows, or any other sign, unless, of course, Samael honors you with his personal presence. If there is no sign, you must repeat the above litany.

In general, the figure of Samael is one of the most controversial in classical demonology, and although she was almost always associated with Satan, many people put a completely different meaning into the ancient, Old Testament name of the ruler of hell.

A character from Jewish mythology who “migrated” from there to other religious and mystical teachings. Angel of death, embodiment of destructive power. The analogue of Satan is the spirit of evil and the leader of demons, the enemy of the archangel.

Origin story

In the Talmud, Samael appears as an archangel and at the same time an angel of death. Legend has it that Samael and his “colleague” the archangel come for the Jews as angels of death. Only Gabriel comes for righteous people, and Samael comes for sinners. Gabriel has a perfectly straight knife in his hands, and with this knife he takes away the soul of the righteous. Samael approaches the sinners in the form of a terrible black figure with a jagged knife.

What the angels of death do is compared to the ritual slaughter of animals and birds intended for food, with the difference that Samael’s manner of dealing with sinners is considered “non-kosher,” while Gabriel does everything in accordance with the rules of kashrut.

The Angel of Death in Talmudic texts is also associated with Satan and “evil thoughts.” However, several angels of death are listed, Samael is only one of them. There are also the destroying angel Abaddon and the angel Azrael, who transfers mortals to another world. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether Samael is specifically referred to in each of the legends where the angel of death or Satan is mentioned.

The name "Samael" in Hebrew means "poison of God."

Samael in culture

Samael is a character from the Japanese manga Blue Exorcist. Demon and son of Satan, a cunning schemer and a skilled liar. He can transform into a Scottish terrier and has the gift of suggestion. He heads the True Cross Academy, a school for exorcists.

Samael from the movie "Hellboy"

In the movie Hellboy: Hero from Hell there is also a character named Samael. This film in the mystical thriller genre was shot by the director in 2004. The script is based on the Hellboy comic series by Mike Mignola. The role of Samael is played by actor Brian Steele. Samael is a hellish creature summoned by a sorcerer. kills Samael in a fight, but the sorcerer arranged it so that Samael, having fallen, is reborn every time, and even in duplicate. Later, the heroes discover a clutch of eggs in the subway, from which the Samels are supposed to hatch.

In the mystical action film “Angel of Light” (2007), Samael is the antagonist of the main character, Archangel Gabriel; leader of the fallen angels, who later turns out to be "broken" by the archangel Michael. The role was played by actor Dwayne Stevenson.

The name Samael inspires musicians. It is used to name albums and individual compositions; Samael appears as a character in songs. There is a Swiss metal band called "Samael".

In the video games of the Darksiders series, Samael is one of the characters, a demon, then the prince of Hell, a lover, bears the title of the Bloody Prince, and has the key to the source of souls.

Myths and legends

According to legend, God sent the angel of death to take the soul of the prophet and bring it to God. The angel of death appeared to Moses, and the prophet asked what he was doing here. The Angel of Death replied that he had been sent by the God of heaven and earth for Moses’ soul. Old man Moses entered into an argument with the angel and won, and the disgraced angel left. God again sent an angel to Moses so that he could take the soul of the prophet, but Moses beat the angel of death with a rod and forced him to fly away again.

The Angel of Death is also described as a figure entirely covered with eyes. This monstrous creature stands with a naked knife at the head of the dying man's bed. Seeing such a monster, a person opens his mouth in fear and a drop of deadly bile rolls from the blade into his mouth. According to another version, there is not one, but three poisonous drops, and these three drops are assigned to be controlled by a separate demon who lives in the “region” of hell, called the “Grave Pit.”

In addition to the many-eyed monster, the angel of death is depicted in Jewish folklore as an old man holding a poisoned sword and as a reaper. There is also an opinion that the angel of death is invisible and takes life by cutting a person's throat. In addition, the angel of death appears only for those who die a natural death. The angel of death does not come for those who die in battle or in other “unnatural” ways.

In Islam, the angel of death is named Azrael, just like the angel who guides the souls of the dead in Judaism. It is believed that Azrael accompanies people to the other world. There are many other angels under his command, and the angel of death himself is close to Allah. The souls of the righteous are supposed to be taken by one of Azrael’s angels, and the souls of sinners by another. It is believed that during the Day of Judgment, the angel of death will be the last to die among all of Allah's creations.

In Jewish demonology, Samael is associated with an evil spirit, the chief of demons. In this capacity, Samael is often identified with. There is a legend about how Samael seduced Eve, appearing to her in the form of a serpent. From Samael, Eve conceived a son, who later became the first murderer in human history.

In Gnostic texts, Samael is portrayed as an evil demiurge, the lord of chaos and the lower regions of the underworld, a great demon. Samael is also identified there with the aggressive creator god of the Old Testament, who created matter and death.

It is believed that the character took part in the biblical story of how God demanded that he sacrifice his own son. Samael became the angel who appeared to stop the patriarch and prevent him from killing the young man.

The character is also mentioned as an angel who guarded the Garden of Eden. According to one legend, after Lilith, the first wife, ran away from her God-given husband, Samael took the woman as his wife.

Who is Samael, an angel or a demon? There is no clear answer to this question, since this figure is very controversial. To understand this, one should study the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhim, as well as who these demons and angels are in such schools of thought as religious and mythological. We will talk about this, as well as who Samael is in the Bible and other sources, in our article.

About some sources

The angel Samael (under this and other names, which will be discussed in more detail below), as well as other angels and demons, is spoken of in sources belonging to all three Abrahamic religions. Such sources include, in particular, the Christian Bible, the Jewish Talmud, the Koran, and Kabbalah.

As for the Bible, the main references to Samael and angels in general are in the book of Genesis, where the serpent tempts Eve, offering her to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in the Apocalypse, which describes the struggle of two heavenly armies - light and dark, as well as in apocryphal sources, such as the book of Enoch.

Knowledge about demons (and about Samael in particular) can be gleaned from demonology, that is, from a set of various myths about demons that describe their behavior, rituals for summoning them and getting rid of them or subduing them. In some cases, demonology accompanies religious traditions, in others, religions have a sharply negative attitude towards it.

Angelic appointment

According to Abrahamic religions, angels (messengers) are spiritual beings who do not have flesh and blood, but have extraordinary powers. They are usually depicted as young men with pretty faces, long hair, no beard, with wings and a halo in loose, light-colored clothing.

In Christianity, angels are placed in the service of God. He created them even before he created the material world, over which he gave them great power. The main purpose of angels is to glorify the Almighty, carry out his instructions and guide people on the path of grace, helping them in saving their souls for the transition to heaven.

Lucifer vs Man

God established a strict hierarchy among the angels, which included nine ranks. The most important of all the angels, the most powerful and beautiful, more than others, close to God was Lucifer, that is, “the bearer of light.”

At first, he was only against the need to bow before man, honor and love him, serve him, as the Lord God commanded. Lucifer believed that the new creation of the Almighty was unsuccessful, since it looked like an animal, walked naked and lived only for its own pleasure.

From Lucifer to Samael

And then, proud of the fact that he is immortal and is the favorite of God, Lucifer rebelled against the Creator. He began to fight with God himself for dominance in heaven. It was then that the transformation of the light Lucifer into the dark angel Samael took place.

He was thrown from heaven into the underworld, while “taking” with him other rebellious angels who dared to disobey God. The symbol of this transformation was the meaning of the name Samael - “Poison of God,” that is, a creature that opposed the Almighty and brought evil to him and the whole world.

Other names

In addition to this name, he was given many others, which are united by the fact that they are all associated not with the luminous angel, but with evil and sin.

The fallen angel Samael is also called the Devil, Satan, that is:

  • A denizen of the underworld.
  • The enemy of heaven.
  • Slanderer.
  • The opposite side.
  • The power of evil.
  • Evil.
  • Those who draw a person to his spiritual death.

The angels who, together with Samael, were cast out of heaven into hell, began to be called dark angels or demons.

Demons of Samael

So, the angel Samael became a demon, a devil, the chief of demons, the first in the hellish hierarchy. At the same time, the Almighty doomed the demons to eternal torment, but did not completely deprive them of their power. Therefore, when God does not watch over them, they create bribery and temptation.

Being sinful and unreasonable from birth, people are forced to constantly confront dark forces. They instill in them sinful thoughts and desires and try to control them by causing pain and suffering.

Eternal confrontation

At that moment, when the angel Samael rebelled, speaking out against God, Michael appeared on the scene, who became the head of the light angels, he tried to attract Samael’s followers to his side, but some of them remained with dark forces.

At the first stage of the confrontation between Samael and Michael, the light side won. Samael and his supporters were thrown into hell by the Archangel Michael, although the former tried to drag the latter with him into the underworld. But the confrontation between the ethereal heavenly armies never stops.

The embodiment of good and evil

Both characters, leading each of the warring parties, are significant symbols in religion that exist in the group consciousness, sometimes called egregors.

Thus, Michael (Michael) is a representative of the goodness and unity of deceased saints and living people and their good thoughts. As for Samael (Satan, the Devil, the Prince of Darkness) - this is the embodiment of evil, the union of dead and living people who are evil, their evil desires and thoughts. At the same time, the evil forces must ultimately be defeated by the prophet Elijah with the simultaneous destruction of all sin.

Samael, aka Satan, the Devil and Lucifer in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, evil forces were depicted in different aspects.

  • Book of the Prophet Zechariah. Previously in the Bible, the angel Samael was designated as Satan and was viewed as a man. This word was a common noun. They called someone who puts up obstacles and tries in every possible way to interfere. In this same book, for the first time, a specific angel appears in the heavenly court as an accuser.
  • Genesis. Here for the first time the devil “comes onto the stage” in the guise of a serpent, who played a very significant role in the life of mankind. It was he who acted as the seducer of Eve, forcing her to taste the forbidden fruit. Adam followed her example, which resulted in the wrath of the Creator and expulsion from Eden. Now they had to earn their living through hard work, since, unlike the earthly paradise, the life of people on earth is difficult and full of trials, and children are born in pain. But most importantly, God made people mortal. At the same time, the serpent himself was punished, since he and his descendants became reptiles, crawling along the ground and touching it with their “belly.”
  • Book of Job. Here Samael is an angel who sends tests to the righteous man to see if he doubts his faith. He tells the Lord about the need to test Job. Here the idea of ​​the lack of independence of the figure of the devil can be seen quite clearly. He is subordinate to the Creator and is his servant. Samael is given the role of the son of God, who asks permission to carry out his actions. However, he is endowed with remarkable power and is able to control entire nations, send fire and water to the earth, and punish the human race with diseases. In addition, this book contains the image of Leviathan. He is a sea monster of unprecedented size, but also a flying dragon, evoking associations with the devil.
  • According to interpreters, in this book the image of the Babylonian king, about whom the author prophesies, is very close to the image of Samael. According to the interpretation he gave, Samael was first an angel, and then turned into the Prince of Darkness when he wanted to become equal to the Creator himself, for which he was cast out of heaven. It was here that the angelic name of Samael, Lucifer, first appeared. This story has already been described in more detail above.
  • The book It also talks about Lucifer-Samael, who lived on the mountain of God, was most loved by him, and then trampled on the law of God.

In the New Testament

In the New Testament, Samael also appears in different guises, but everywhere he personifies exclusively evil forces.

  • Gospel. Here Samael in the desert tempts Jesus Christ not as an angel, but as a devil, offering him the opportunity to give power over the kingdoms to whomever he sees fit. Before ascending to Golgotha, the Savior also mentions the devil. To those people who want to execute him, he says that their father is the devil and a murderer, that he only utters lies. The Gospel also contains the words of Jesus that he observed the fall of the fallen angel Samael to the earth, which was like lightning.
  • Pavel. They also contain a mention of Samael as the Prince of Darkness, indicating the place where he lives. According to the apostle, the prince commands in the airspace, his servants control the darkness, being the spirits of evil. Paul also claims that the Prince of Darkness can incarnate in Lucifer and, in accordance with this name, temporarily become the bearer not of darkness, but of light.
  • depicted the devil in the form of a dragon of enormous size and red color, having ten horns and ten diadems on seven heads. He prophesied that some of the angels, whom the Bible calls unclean spirits, the angels of Satan, would follow the devil Samael. But then he will be thrown out of heaven, having been defeated by the archangel Michael. The prophet further predicts two more battles that will take place between the forces embodying good and evil. One of them will happen on Judgment Day. In it, Satan will fight with an angel who will throw him to earth for one thousand years. When this millennium has passed, the devil will be freed for some time, which will lead to the next confrontation, and then the victory of good will be eternal, and the fallen angel Samael will sink to the bottom of the lake consisting of fire and brimstone.

Samael in Kabbalah and Talmud

What is said about this character in Kabbalah? In this religious-mystical and esoteric teaching of Judaism, Samael is the Angel of Death, as well as the ruler of the 5th Heaven and one of the seven regents of the world. The book of Yalkut Shimoni says that Samael was the guardian angel of Esau. And the Mishnah says that he served as a guardian angel in Eden - the earthly paradise.

There is a version according to which it was Samael who incarnated into the serpent, who “provoked” the fall of Eve and became the father of Cain. Although there are other options, for example, one that says that the seducer of Eve was not Samael, but Azazel, a fallen angel, a demon of the desert.

Samael is also identified with the angel who held back the hand of Abraham, who was already completely ready to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. In the “Holy Kabbalah” in connection with Samael, such an epithet as “The Severity of God” is used, and he is characterized as one of the 5 archangels.

The name of the angel Samael in Kabbalah is also associated with such a famous character as Lilith. According to the version of this teaching, at first Lilith was the wife of Adam, and after she left him, she became the wife of Samael. The book of Zohar says that he had other wives - demonic harlots. Samael is also spoken of in the legends about Besht (the founder of Hasidism), who found his home in the forest in the Carpathians.

It should be noted that in the interpretation of the Jews, as well as among the Christians, Samael is not equal to God in strength. He has no will of his own and serves him as an accusing angel. The Creator gives his permission for the presence of Satan in the human world so that there is a possibility of choice between good and evil. Sometimes he appears in the form of impersonal evil, sometimes in more noticeable roles, being endowed with his own individuality, which was discussed in this section.

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Samael Wikipedia

In chapter Mysticism, Esoterics to the question who is Samael? What does Lilith have to do with it? and what does it mean in general? myths, stories, etc? given by the author Crossroads of Death† the best answer is Samael is considered the husband of Lilith after she left Adam. Samael is the angel of death in the Talmud, Christianity and demonology. The name "Samael" is sometimes seen as the true "angelic" name of the devil. Kabbalistic title of the Prince of those evil spirits who personify the embodiment of human vices. One of the main demons in the hierarchy of hell. Lilith (Hebrew: לילית‎) is the first wife of Adam in Kabbalistic theory. Mentioned in some early apocrypha of Christianity that were not included in the biblical canon. Source: Love them) Comment deleted *Meow* Artificial Intelligence (112658) a lot of books. First read the Talmud... and many people use it) but why do you need it?)

2 answers

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: who is Samael? What does Lilith have to do with it? and what does it mean in general? myths, stories, etc?

Answer from Prophetic Olg
they were :-)) so many questions at once?

Answer from AND I WILL FIND
According to the BIBLE, Lilith is the spirit of fornication and depravity

Answer from Crazy
Samael is the devil. Lilith is Adam's second wife.

Answer from Fra Teus
This picture was drawn with the wrong hand by Stanislas de Guaita in 1897, in his book “La Clef de la Magie Noire”. This is currently the official emblem of the Church of Satan. Samael and Lilith are demons in Jewish and Christian sources. Presumably any

Answer from Yergey Telpiz
Samael is the angelic name of Lucifer. And he received the name Lucifer after he fell and became a fallen Angel.

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Samael(Also Samail; Samael; Old-Hebrew סמאל‎, “sam” + “el”: poison and god) - the chief of demons, a destructive force and the angel of death (“malach ha-mavet”) in the Talmud, Christianity and demonology. He is in eternal conflict with the Archangel Michael (Michael). The enmity between the two disembodied spirits began from the day when Samael was cast out of heaven: the fallen angel tried to drag Michael with him into the underworld. Both are the world's main egregors: Mikhail represents good and the unity of deceased saints, as well as good living people and good thoughts, and Samael is an egregor evil, the unity of dead or living evil people and evil desires and thoughts. The spirit of evil, standing at the head of the seven negative “sephiroth”. Must be defeated, simultaneously with the destruction of all sin, by the prophet Elijah.

The name "Samael" is sometimes seen as the true "angelic" name of the devil. "Poison of God." Kabbalistic title of the Prince of those evil spirits who personify the embodiment of human vices. The first demon in the hierarchy of hell.

Samael in Kabbalah

In Kabbalah, Samael is considered the Angel of Death, the main ruler of the Fifth Heaven and one of the seven regents of the world. Yalkut Shimoni speaks of Samael as Esau's guardian angel. In the Mishnah, Samael is designated as the guardian angel of Eden.

He is responsible for the fall of Eve, who gave birth to Cain from Samael.

Although some sources write that Eve was seduced by Azazel, others write that it was Samael who led her into temptation, appearing to her in the form of a serpent.

Samael is also the angel who restrained Abraham's hand when he was ready to sacrifice his son to God.

In the Holy Kabbalah, Samael is described as the "severity of God", and is listed as one of the five archangels in the sephira of Geburah (see Structure of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah). Samael is also considered the husband of Lilith after she left Adam. According to the Book of Zohar, Samael was also the father and husband of the demonic harlots Noema (Nahema) and Agrat bat Mahalat.

The name Samael is sometimes confused in some books with the name of Camael, the Archangel of God, whose name means "He who sees God."

Samael is mentioned in the legends about Besht, who found Samael's house while wandering through the Carpathian forest (Ternopil region)

Samael in Gnosticism

In the book Apocryphon of John the Theologian, which was found in the Nag Hammadi library, Samael is the third name of the demiurge. Other names are Yaldabaoth and Saklas. In this context, Samael means "Blind God" or "god of the Blind". Sometimes he is called the father of hosts. The theme of blindness runs throughout all works on Gnosticism. He is born from Sophia, who desired to create her own offspring without the Spirit. His appearance is that of a snake with the face of a lion. In the Nag Hammadi Library's Treatise on the Origin of the World, it is also called Ariael. In the Book of the Magician of Abramelin, Mathers refers to "Uro", which means "to burn" or "to be consumed by flame", comparable to Uriens and the Latin Urios and Urieus, the name of Jupiter as the Spirit presiding over the wind. It is said that the rabbis called him "SMAL", Samael, which literally means "figure" or "idol". This is one of the main spirits of the Qlippoth, it is “Ahriman” Yatukih and the male representation of the Adversary, while Lilith is the female complement. As written in The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, Agrippa referred to the writings of Peter Lombardus, “That the Devil was before his fall an Archangel and had a beautiful body, composed by God from the most excellent matter of heaven and air; but after his fall, he ceased to be an Archangel and became an Apostate, his body ceased to be good and subtle; but his body was so made that it could suffer from a heavier substance of the quality of the more obscure, dark and uncontrollable Air, and this body was also marked by the indignant madness of pride, which attracted so many Angels to his service, and they became Devils, who for his sake in this poor world perform their deeds.”

Samael in anthroposophy

To anthroposophists, Samael is known as one of the seven archangels: Anael, Gabriel, Michael, Orifiel, Raphael (angel), Samael and Zahariel, who have a special purpose as the global Zeitgeist ("spirit of the times"), each for a period of about 3800 years.

Other mentions

  • Samael - chief ruler of the fifth heaven (Judaism)
  • Samael is a huge twelve-winged serpent, dragging behind him... the solar system. (Apocalypse)
  • Samael - the angel of death who came for Moses (Bible)
  • Samael is the leader of evil spirits and the angel of death (late rabbinic literature). (Please note: the words "angel of death" here have a clear negative connotation)
  • Samael - prince of demons and sorcerer (Book of Enoch)
  • Samael - guardian angel of Esau and chief of the guard of Eden (Talmud)
  • Samael - the tempting serpent (Talmud)
  • Samael is the father of Cain (as a consequence of the previous point)
  • Samael - angel of darkness (Kabbalist teachings)
  • Samael is the fifth archangel of the world of Beria, corresponding to the sephira of Geburah
  • Samael is one of the names of Satan
  • Samael - demiurge (Copts)
  • Samael - lord of the lower part of the underworld and chaos (Copts)
  • Samael - chief archon, first son of Pistis Sophia, creator of the evil principle of the Universe (Gnosticism)
  • Samael - Father and leader of Demons (Demonolatry)
  • Samael - Guardian Angel of Rome
  • Samael is the negative hero of the opera “The Magic Shooter”, a demon hunter who owns the secret of creating bullets that always hit the target
  • Samael is the first of the seraphim in Kabbalah, and as a sign of his exclusivity he had not six, but twelve wings.
  • Samael is the planetary spirit of astrological Mars.

In popular culture

  • Samael is a powerful demon imprisoned by the Destroyer in the game Darksiders. In the continuation of the same game, he is presented as the Prince of Hell, the Scarlet Wanderer, the Bloody Prince, Lilith's lover and keeper of the key to the source of souls.
  • Samael is a fallen angel, the ruler of Gehenom, one of the principalities of hell, who helps Cohen destroy the plans of the Devil in the novel “A Thousand Years in Debt” by D. Kluger and A. Rybalka.
  • Samael is one of the deities worshiped by the Order from the computer game Silent Hill
  • Samael- Swiss metal band.
  • A Legacy of Honor is a Brazilian metal opera in which the main antagonist is Samael.
  • Visions of Eden- album by American band Virgin Steele, one of the characters of which is Samael.
  • Song For Samael - song by American industrial band Ego Likeness
  • In the series of fantasy novels Wheel of Time American writer Robert Jordan, one of the Forsaken is called Sammael.
  • In film Hellboy: Hero from Hell Rasputin manages to revive Samael, promising him that “from each of his fallen, two new ones will rise.”
  • In the anime Macademi Wasshoi! Samael is one of the teachers at the Magic Academy.
  • In manga and anime Blue Exorcist Samael is the real name of Mephistopheles. He is one of the Eight Demon Lords, the second in the hierarchy of Gehenna, the Lord of Time and Space
  • Samael The Destroyer is a song by deathcore band Oceano.
  • In the 2007 Australian action film Angel of light Samael is the “false” name of the Archangel Michael, who in the story betrayed his brothers and became the ruler of the demons.
  • Samael is the main antagonist in the games Rise to the Throne, PainKiller.
  • In the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000, Samael is the Master of the Ravenwing, an order of the Dark Angels.
  • Samael is a demon, one of the bosses of the game Darksiders 2.
  • Samael is a card, an angel creature, in the Berserk collectible card game.
  • Samael is an archdemon who connected the souls of the protagonist and the death knight in the game Beyond Divinity
  • Samael (aka Azazel) is a playable character in the game “The Binding of Isaac”, who is the personification of the dark beginning in the soul of the main character of the game Isaac.
  • Samael is the archdemon prince of darkness in the Salem series.
  • Sammael is the name of the devil in Thomas Mann's novel Doctor Faustus.

see also

  • Lucifer


  1. Samail // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
  2. Michael the Archangel // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
  3. « ...the eternal struggle between the Archangel Michael and Samael, the patrons of the Jews and Edom» // Molho, Solomon // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
  4. Tukholka, Sergei Vladimirovich"Occultism and Magic" (1907)
  5. Kabbalah // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
  6. « I. will end his brilliant work with the killing of Samael by order of God and the destruction of all sin (Jalkut Chadasch, ed. Radawil, 58a).» // Elijah, the prophet // Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - St. Petersburg, 1908-1913.
  7. Yalkut Shimoni I, 110
  8. Mishna, Sotah 10b
  9. Samael
  10. Arthur Edward White, 255


  • History of religions and their branches. Judeo-Christian group

1) Satanail(Shtanail, Shaitan, Satan, Lucifer, Adanai, Yove, Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord God, Seth) - the ruler of the dark Lands of the World of Navi (planets of the World of Darkness, i.e. 10,000 planets that followed the technocratic path of development). The Latins called him Lucifer, which translated means “morning star” or “light bearer.” The prototype of Lucifer was the “light of the Tsifirot”. In Kabbalah there is the concept of Tsifirot - ten Worlds united into one system, which is controlled by Lucifer (Satanail). The parent of Satanail was one of the Elohim (Elohim - “Gods” from Hebrew), who was called the “God of the seven heavens” (later he was called the “God of the seventh heaven”).

2) Samael(Shmael, Yaldabaoth, Saklyas, Devil, he was also called Seth, like Satanaila) - the prince of the air and the angel of judgment (bailiff in modern times) in the dark Worlds of Navi.

3) Lilith- the creation of Satanael, the first wife of Adam, who later became the first wife of Samael. Satanail created Adam and Lilith in the likeness of the angels of the second heaven on Earth called Eden (our Ancestors called Jotun). Eden is located in a younger and hotter galaxy, which our Ancestors called Peklo (i.e. bakes, life is created), which is located in the galactic east of ours - the Milky Way (Perunov Way). Adam and Lilith argued very much about which of them was more important, that they “got” Satanael and he created Eve in the likeness of the angel of the first heaven, who became a wife for Adam, and Lilith was given as a wife to Samael. From Samael, Lilith gave birth to Hosts and Belial. Due to the fact that these children were very nightmarish and ugly even by their standards, they began to be called demons. Lilith, seeing her born children, took this as God’s revenge, and gave her word to kill every day one hundred babies of those peoples who would refuse to name their children after her, i.e. in those nations where they refuse to call girls “Lilith”, “Lolita” and similar names. (By the way, “Lily” comes from the lily flower, not from Lilith). In those worlds where her influence and power extend, she usually tried to kill girls.

4) Hosts(from Hebrew Tsebaoth or Bafomed, in the Bible: Jehovah, Yahweh, Lord) - son of Lelit, prince of darkness, commander-in-chief and manager of all the stellar forces of Satanail. You can see the host of hosts in Christian churches - a grandfather with gray hair, who sits on clouds with the inscription “Lord-warrior almighty hosts.” But its real symbol (depicted above) is an inverted five-pointed star, into which is inscribed a horned goat's face. Above is the inscription Samael, below is Lilith, showing his parents. Freemasons worship Baphomed because... various Masonic lodges appeared after the prohibition of the Knights Templar. And the Templars worshiped Baphomed, they were also called templars, with the official name of the Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. The Templars, guardians of Solomon's temple, could not worship anyone else.

5) Gagtungr- the dark prince who ensures the capture of the Earths in various star systems. He makes a seizure through his assistants, who have no pity, compassion, love, conscience, etc. That's why they are called demons. He was also helped by assistants who crossed the line of permissibility, moving from palace to palace (from constellation to constellation), violating all sorts of rules and laws, which is why they were called devils. Hence the “don’t curse” (don’t cross the line of permissibility, decency). Gagtungr captured Lands in all Worlds and Spaces and annexed these Lands to the Darkness, but at the same time he carefully guarded his Lands in the dark worlds from the penetration of strangers. For this he was called Shandanakara, i.e. guardian of the Lands of Dark Worlds (these Worlds were described more or less accessible by Daniil Andreev in the book “Rose of the World” and Vasily Golovachev in the book “Messenger or Virus of Darkness”). In the Secret Book of John we see that to capture they use lies, deception, and subsequently the destruction of the people.

6) Beelzebub(Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebub, Beelzebuth, Baal-Zebub) - the dark prince of demons, who is also the lord of “flies” (fly-like demons) and can send all sorts of reptiles and all kinds of misfortune.

7) Belial(Velial, Belial) - son of Lelit, dark prince, who was the highest manifestation of treachery and deception.

8) Daneel- the “judge of God”, appointed by “God” (i.e. Satanail), sent those condemned to eternal suffering or destruction.

9) Asmadeus- dark leg (angel), destroyer of life, destroyer of all living things.

10) Lethiathan- angel of waters, keeper of dark knowledge, i.e. knowledge of the World of Darkness, as well as the manager of predatory creatures living in the water.

Koshchei- demons bringing death, i.e. immortals (in the fairy tales “Koshey the Immortal”). They control the grays. The main task of the Koschei is the accumulation of natural elements that carry and accumulate energy and the spread of their power to more Worlds and Lands for an even greater accumulation of natural elements that accumulate energy. This is gold and crystals (diamonds, amber, etc.). Because of this, wars (Assa) have always happened and are happening, where darkness sought to overcome quantity, and light forces with quality. Even Pushkin has something about the Koschei: “There the king of the Koschei is wasting away over gold...”, i.e. fueled by gold, which the grays extract from the occupied Lands with lies and deceit. Darkness lacks this energy (England), which flows from the Center, from the Invisible Father Himself (the Most High) called RA-M-HA. The closer to the Center, the more England, the more comfortable the living conditions.

Gray(Greys) - led by the Koschei h spiritual evil black-eyed people from the dark Worlds, who follow the technocratic path of development (imperial laws, the power of slave owners). Grays are hermaphrodites by nature, i.e. They are bisexual and, depending on the phases of the moons, they exhibit either a masculine or feminine principle. Growth up to 3 meters, but there is also a dwarf species. They also live for 800-900 years in their homeland, in a neighboring galaxy. Our Sun's spectrum is completely unsuitable for them, and in order to survive, they began to conduct genetic experiments to mimic and mix with the local population of our Earth.