Dream Interpretation: You eat a nut in the forest. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about nuts? Nuts according to Nina Grishina's Dream Book

Anchor points:

Collect walnuts

Walnuts – to good luck, a successful outcome of all existing affairs. At the same time, you should be attentive to what is happening around you: there is a high probability of risky relationships. They may offer you a profitable business, but, having received material assets, leave you aside.


Forest – to financial well-being. You have a chance to make a profitable investment of your available funds, and if you approach this opportunity thoughtfully and rationally, you can get a serious amount of money as a result. In the professional sphere, a number of specific difficulties will arise, the solution of which will require efforts.

I dreamed about hazelnuts

Collect hazelnuts- to joy. Whatever you undertake will bring you only pleasure. Aim for rewarding work that may take a lot of time, but you will do it with a smile on your face and joy in your soul. The bright days ahead will open your heart and fill it with love.

Nuts on the ground

From which you collected nuts, if they are also dirty, it means that the love affairs that lie ahead of you will be very risky. Be wary of your future partner and try to get to know him better before starting a serious relationship. Be careful what you wish for, they may not come true at all as you expect.

Tree with nuts

Collect nuts from a tree- to a serious and extremely unpleasant conversation. It will most likely happen with work colleagues. They may be unhappy with some action you took and will now try to rebel against you.

Pistachio dreams

Collect pistachios– you have been asking yourself the same question or its variations for a long time. Such a dream is intended to lift the veil of secrecy and show you the answer. You need to remember all the details of the dream and something will definitely indicate what to do or what make a decision regarding a situation that concerns you.

nuts as described - In a dream, collecting nuts - portends successful entrepreneurship and favorable conditions in love. Eating nuts is a sign of such prosperity that will help you fulfill any of your desires. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and successful purchases., Miller's Dream Book

nuts as described - In a dream you were collecting nuts - successful entrepreneurship and the joys of love lie ahead of you. Ate nuts - expect prosperity and fulfillment of desires. A woman who sees nuts in a dream will have a happy fate. Scattered hazelnuts promise a peaceful home life and successful purchases. If you dreamed of nuts, then you are very careless with your body. If you treated yourself to nuts in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions when communicating with a stranger. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

walnut by description - A dream in which you see walnuts portends good luck in business and lightness of heart. Collecting dirty walnuts from the ground means that your lover will shift his attention to another, and you will only regret your unreasonable behavior in your relationship with him. Eating walnuts in a dream means that your anxiety will be caused by completely groundless rumors. To crack nuts and discover that each of them contains spoiled insides means that your hopes and aspirations will turn into regrettable disappointment. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

nuts as described - Seeing a walnut tree in a dream means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets in the forest or on the shore of a lake - you will find a significant amount of money. A dream about hazelnuts foretells peace in the family and tender relationships between relatives. Shaking branches with nuts means a failed business venture. Collecting fallen nuts means chaos in business and confusion in feelings; picking them from branches means a significant gain. Unripe nuts mean a happy fate, ripe ones mean constant anxiety and hard work. Roasted nuts mean a change in fate. Gnawing nuts with your teeth - neglect household chores, stabbing with a nut cracker - harm yourself with frankness, with a hammer - meager wages, with doors - unexpected joy. Eating hazelnuts means you will receive an expensive but unnecessary gift. If you eat hazelnuts, minor troubles will pass pretty soon; eating walnuts is good news; coconut is a sign of futile efforts and vain expectations of success. Rotten nuts mean that your hopes will turn into bitter disappointment; empty - your lover will shift his attention to another. Cooking dishes with nuts - you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Baking confectionery with nuts or buying them is a sign of fulfillment of desires; sweets or chocolate with nuts is a sign of a successful acquisition. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

rot as described - Seeing rotten bananas in a dream means that soon you will be forced to do something unpleasant for you. Selling rotten bananas means getting carried away with useless trifles. If you dream of a rotting wound on your body, annoying incidents will interfere with the implementation of your plans, and illness will completely remove you from urgent matters. Rotten nuts seen in a dream mean that your bright hopes will turn into deep disappointment. If a girl sees herself crossing a muddy stream on a rotten deck, this means that she will painfully experience the indifference towards herself of those she loves. Collecting rotten acorns or chestnuts is a harbinger that your rash actions will cause a scandal in the house or the departure of one of the family members. If you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures come to an end, and a streak of terrible bad luck sets in. Rotten vegetables in a dream promise great sorrows in reality. Cooking something from such vegetables means losing a beloved person due to a disagreement, but in the future marriage with a worthy and faithful chosen one is possible. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

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collect nuts

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How many things in everyday life we ​​do automatically, without paying attention, and how many objects and phenomena we take for granted.

And it is sometimes difficult to believe how significant and important these very actions and objects are in dreams, where everything is permeated with symbolism, and every element is important. Dreams may look ordinary and hardly differ from everyday life, but every action in the dream world carries a special, metaphorical meaning.

This is worth remembering, and not forgetting to ask the interpreters what the dream means. Even if there was nothing extraordinary about it.

Almost everyone loves nuts - and this product is on the shelf of every store. Pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and hazelnuts - these delicacies are healthy and tasty, and even children love to eat them.

In dreams, nuts can mean different things - and almost always, to the joy of the dreamer, they promise something desired and long-awaited. How to explain why nuts are dreamed of, and what to expect from the dream?

The interpretation of a dream depends on many details, and everything is important - the type of nuts, whether they are walnuts, hazelnuts or pine nuts, ripe or rotten, as well as what the dreamer did with them. You could just see them, or you could eat them, pick them from a bush, stab them, and more. For example:

  • You dream of an abundance of different nuts.
  • I dream of scattered hazelnuts.
  • Empty, rotten or wormy nuts in a dream.
  • I dreamed of hazel bushes.
  • Large, ripe nut kernels.
  • Rotten nut kernel in a dream.
  • There are nuts - any kind, in dreams.
  • Collect nuts in dreams.
  • There are walnuts in a dream.
  • Crack nuts, such as pine nuts.
  • Crack a nut shell in a dream.
  • Play with nuts in a dream.
  • There are sweet nuts to taste.
  • Nuts in a dream are bitter.

It is also important who saw the nuts in a dream - a woman or a person in love, a sick person or a healthy one. When figuring out what nuts mean in dreams, don’t miss the details and be attentive - and at first glance, an ordinary “nut” dream will reveal many amazing secrets to you.

Just see

As the dream book will tell us, nuts can portend love or wealth, a long-awaited recovery or a new job - many different things. The meanings of “nut” dreams are very different, and in order not to confuse them, remember all the details that you can - and find out the truth!

1. As the dream book says, in a dream there are large quantities of nuts - any kind, walnuts, pine nuts or cashews - promise abundance to the dreamer. A full cup is not an empty phrase for you, at least, very soon everything will be exactly like that. You will enjoy complete prosperity, and you will not need anything special!

2. Scattered hazelnuts - on a table, on the grass or the floor, if you just saw them in your dreams and did not try to collect them, promise a happy, peaceful life, without hassle or need. In your home and family every day you will experience joy, calmness, and peace. You have something to be happy about!

3. As the dream book indicates, a woman dreams of nuts as a very favorable sign, and portends a happy destiny - in all areas. Family, love, work - everything will be smooth and good, complete harmony and happiness await you.

4. For a sick person, a dream in which any nuts appeared always certainly promises a complete and speedy recovery. Don’t even doubt it - the illness, no matter how long-standing and acute it may be, will recede, and you will be completely healthy and strong.

5. It is very good if lovers dream of a “nut” dream - this is a guarantee of great happiness, harmonious relationships and a wonderful family in the future. Such a dream is very significant, and indicates that the couple was created very successfully, and the union will be wonderful.

6. A dream in which empty, rotten or wormy nuts appear indicates that the dreamer has some empty hopes and hopes, which can soon lead to bitter disappointment. Think about it, maybe you are building castles in the air and hoping for frankly unrealistic, illusory things?

7. If you dream of a hazel bush, this wonderful dream portends you wealth, prosperity, and happiness. These are not just empty general phrases, but exactly what awaits you after such a wonderful dream - don’t even doubt it!

8. Large, ripe nut kernels in a dream foretell unexpected wealth. Inheritance, promotion, bonus - there will be a way, don’t doubt it, and your life will change!

9. If you dream of a rotten kernel of a nut, be careful - there is probably an imaginary friend nearby, a hypocrite, a deceitful person who pretends to be a real friend. You should concentrate and look at those around you soberly so as not to be deceived.

Have you eaten a nut?

Suppose that in a dream you not only saw nuts, but ate them, collected them from a bush, or cracked the hard shell. What does this kind of dream mean, in which the dreamer himself exhibited certain actions?

1. The dream in which you happened to eat nuts is significant. He says that you are about to meet an old friend who will give you very valuable advice. Don’t miss it, be sure to remember and use it, this advice will help you.

2. Collecting nuts in dreams - no matter what kind - is a good dream, foreshadowing successful deeds. In any field of activity you will have success and luck, so take advantage of this and reach great heights. Now is not the time to rest, it's time to conquer career heights!

3. Eating ripe walnuts in a dream promises the dreamer prosperity and happiness. You dreamed about this, and very soon you will achieve a comfortable life, and hard work will be replaced by peace and confidence that tomorrow will come a new, bright and happy day.

4. Clicking small nuts is also a very good symbol, which can foreshadow a new position, or a new place of work altogether. It will be much better and more desirable, it will generate income, your needs will be fully satisfied, and you will simply be more than satisfied.

5. If in your dreams you cracked a nutshell, you will soon find out (intentionally or unexpectedly) the truth about something important, something hidden, secret and significant. This will not necessarily be a pleasant surprise, maybe vice versa, but this is a useful and necessary discovery that will help you continue to do the right thing and not be mistaken.

6. Did you play with nuts in your sleep? Be internally prepared for the fact that a quarrel or conflict with someone may soon await you in reality, but it is better to prevent this if you can.

As soon as you notice that tension begins, a quarrel is coming, a conflict breaks out - gather your will into a fist, show wisdom, settle everything in advance.

7. If the nuts you ate in a dream tasted bitter, you probably have envious people or ill-wishers. It is difficult to find a person who does not have these - however, if the dream indicates this, then be careful not to provoke conflicts.

8. On the contrary, if you feasted on sweet nuts in a dream, great joy awaits you, benefits from an easy and pleasant task, and good luck in everything you plan. Use this to achieve big and bold goals!

“Nut” dreams almost never foreshadow anything alarming or unwanted. And in most cases they promise the dreamer joy, happiness, pleasure from a good life and the fulfillment of what he wants.

Believe with all your soul that this is exactly what will happen, because without your faith the dream will not fully come true. And the confidence that happiness is about to appear and all your dreams will come true will help a real miracle happen. You'll see!


Walnuts according to the dream book

Interpreting what walnuts mean in dreams, dream books talk about the dreamer’s success and prosperity. A strong shell is positioned with armor that protects a person from excesses. Nuts seen in a dream symbolize something strong and unbending: strong character, the will to win, resistance to difficulties. However, there are also less rosy interpretations. It all depends on the details you dreamed about.

Brief descriptions of dreams and their meanings

Everyone can see walnuts in a dream, but not everyone can know why these fruits are dreamed of. If you are very interested in this, take a look at the dream book. He knows everything about it.

  • Seeing a core in a dream means you will learn some secret.
  • The shell turned out to be empty - to poverty.
  • You got a rotten nut - you are wrong in your judgment.
  • Looking for them in a dream means trying to change something in life.
  • Holding dirty fruits in your hands means parting with your loved one, and because of your own stupidity.
  • Peeling walnuts means you will be able to find an approach to a person with a complex character.
  • Eat peeled kernels - you will experience the joys of life.
  • Buy them - ask an influential person for help.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book contains a lot of information about dreamed walnuts. For example, if in a dream you see large fruits, this means that favor will enter into destiny.

A woman is worried about why she dreams that she is holding dirty kernels in her hands? The interpreter gives the following explanation for this: the lady will behave unethically towards her chosen one, thereby provoking their breakup, which she will later very much regret. But if you dreamed that you were cracking nuts and saw that there was rot inside, this means disappointment in expectations.

Harvesting as a symbol of prosperity

We decided to find out why you dream that you are collecting walnuts? Pay attention to the interpretations of the Family Dream Book. The interpretation of the dream is as follows: success awaits you, both in business and in love. And picking nuts in a dream means a good harvest for farmers. For everyone else, collecting them is a sign of acquiring something new.

If you dreamed that you were forced to pick green nuts from a tree, get ready for painstaking work that will help you bring your ideas to life. And if you can’t pick nuts from a tree, neither ripe nor green, because they fall, watch your actions, otherwise you risk getting into trouble.

Pricking and snapping is a sign of good luck and luck

Did you dream of a lot of walnuts in the shell that you have to crack? We must make every effort to make our hopes come true. Remember - the more actively you strive for what you want, the faster your dream will come true. Do you see that half of the fruits are in shells, and the rest are already peeled? This means that luck is closer than you think, as the Lunar Dream Book predicts.

The Dream Book of Lovers also gives an explanation of why one dreams of chopping nuts. Pricking kernels in a fragile shell means a marriage proposal, but if there are too many peeled kernels, then you should not agree without thinking. Even if it seems to you that this is the love of your life.

A healthy treat, or both joy and sadness...

Eating walnuts for a woman in a dream is a symbol that she will be able to cope with any rival, if one appears. A man eating them is a sign of sexual viability. But if you eat a kernel in a dream and understand that it is rotten, your joy will be fleeting, and your hopes will be deceptive.

Tsvetkov’s dream book gives a slightly different interpretation to the dream in which you eat nut kernels. Your fears, in any way, are unfounded. Eating unripe milk kernels means receiving an expensive but of little use souvenir.


Why do you dream about nuts? The dream book will try to answer your question. Seeing them in a dream means having success in any business and finding solutions to problems that have been haunting you and depriving you of sleep. The dream may also mean that the implementation of plans is just around the corner. All you have to do is put in the effort and success is in your pocket. If there are unresolved issues in life and you dream of a nut, then this may mean that they will be resolved soon. Remember what you dreamed and start studying our dream book.

What type of nuts were they in the dream? What did you do with nuts in your dream? How many nuts did you see in your dream? What did you see in your dream related to nuts?

What type of nuts were they in the dream?

Hazelnuts Pine nuts Walnuts Hazelnuts

What did you do with nuts in your dream?

Ate nuts Collect nuts

Tearing nuts in a dream

If you dreamed that you were picking nuts from branches, you would receive a long-awaited bonus in the form of winnings. Your desire to win will bring the expected dividends in the near future. It's worth taking the opportunity.

We bought nuts in a dream

Why do you dream about buying nuts - a problem that you will have to face. To solve it, you will need to spend a lot of money. However, the result will be easily achievable and will follow immediately.

How many nuts did you see in your dream?

Did you dream about a lot of nuts?

The dream book believes that soon you will have to face a lot of worries, which are foreshadowed by a lot of nuts. Expect to meet new but useless people. In return, you will only get headaches and fatigue, instead of the expected results. Take care of your health.


Why do you dream about walnuts?

If, upon waking up, you remember your dream in great detail, then there is a chance to learn something about the future. To do this, first analyze what you see taking into account the emotional load. Also draw an analogy between the information received and real life events.

Why do you dream about walnuts?

Most often, such a dream is a favorable sign that foreshadows the emergence of various joys and happy moments. This may also be an omen of success in the love sphere. If the nuts turn out to be spoiled and unfit for consumption, this is a warning that existing hopes will not be realized and serious disappointments await you ahead. For girls, such a dream is a harbinger of betrayal by a loved one. A dream in which you try walnuts indicates that you will soon worry in vain. One of the dream books contains information according to which such a dream promises victory over enemies. For a sick person, eating delicious walnuts in a dream is a symbol of a speedy recovery.

If you knock fruits from a tree, this is a sign that in the future you will have to sort things out with someone and this will significantly affect communication in the future. If you dreamed of walnuts that you cracked and ate, it means that a “white streak” is coming, you can expect success in every area of ​​life. If, after breaking a nut, you see voids, this is a symbol of minor troubles and various disappointments. Do not worry, This period will not last long and the losses will be insignificant. Night vision, where you have difficulty cracking walnuts, predicts overcoming obstacles. In a dream, seeing already peeled walnuts means that you can expect a big win ahead. The dream book says that you can take a risk and play the lottery or take part in some kind of drawing.

A dream in which nuts are scattered is a symbol of a profitable deal, and the offer will come completely spontaneously. Collecting walnuts from the ground in a dream means you will understand that you are treating your loved one incorrectly. If you collect fruits from the ground, this is a symbol of abundance. Another dream book offers different information, according to which a dream where you had to collect nuts is a harbinger of some kind of trouble. Nuts with large kernels are a symbol of a stable financial situation.


Buy nuts

Dream Interpretation Buy nuts dreamed of why you dream about buying nuts? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Buying nuts in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Walnut

In general, seeing nuts in a dream means profit or winnings. But the benefit received will not please you as much as you would like, since there is some sad circumstance that will upset you. Eating almonds in a dream is a sign of wealth that you will acquire through your labor, while overcoming difficult obstacles. Hazelnuts in a dream promise family well-being. Scattering nuts in a dream means losses or unexpected losses. Buying them or taking them from someone in a dream is a sign of need or loss. Collecting nuts in a dream is a sign that you should put your affairs in order. Sometimes such a dream predicts financial difficulties. Shaking a walnut tree in a dream means that you will be drawn into a risky business. Eating roasted nuts in a dream means changes in business.

Chopping nuts in a dream is a sign of grief and disappointment. Gnawing nuts in a dream means that good luck awaits you in a profitable business. However, hearing the crackling of husks in a dream is a harbinger of domestic quarrels and troubles. If the nuts are bitter, then do not be surprised that after such a dream something will upset you. Walnut husks in a dream foretell losses and damages. If you are owed a large amount of money, then after such a dream do not even hope to receive it. Finding nuts in the shell is a sign that you will discover a valuable find or treasure. Trampling a nut in a dream is a sign of loss in the house. Seeing a walnut tree green or blooming in a dream is a harbinger of an unsuccessful marriage or fragile friendship.

A dream in which you saw a walnut tree with fruits promises you oblivion of your sorrows and worries. Ripe and sweet nuts in a dream portend good things. And vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

Seeing a walnut tree in a dream means a failed matchmaking. Hazel thickets in the forest or on the shore of a lake - you will find a significant amount of money.

A dream about hazelnuts foretells peace in the family and tender relationships between relatives.

Shaking branches with nuts means a failed business venture. Collecting fallen nuts means chaos in business and confusion in feelings; picking them from branches means a significant gain.

Unripe nuts mean a happy fate, ripe ones mean constant anxiety and hard work. Roasted nuts mean a change in fate. Gnawing nuts with your teeth - neglect household chores, stabbing with a nut cracker - harm yourself with frankness, with a hammer - meager wages, with doors - unexpected joy.

Eating hazelnuts means you will receive an expensive but unnecessary gift. If you eat hazelnuts, minor troubles will pass pretty soon; eating walnuts is good news; coconut is a sign of futile efforts and vain expectations of success.

Rotten nuts mean that your hopes will turn into bitter disappointment; empty - your lover will shift his attention to another.

Cooking dishes with nuts - you will regret your unreasonable behavior. Baking confectionery with nuts or buying them means your wishes will come true; sweets or chocolate with nuts means a successful purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

If you dream that you are cracking nuts and eating them, the dream promises health and financial well-being. If you dreamed that you could not crack a nut, no matter how hard you tried, this means that you will meet a very stubborn person, a “tough nut,” who will be almost impossible to win over to your side.

If you had just such a dream, imagine that you take a hammer made of the strongest metal and, with a precise blow, split a nut in half.

Collecting nuts in the forest means receiving a well-deserved reward. Seeing a walnut tree strewn with ripe nuts means your profit will be much greater than you expected. If a woman dreams that she is eating nuts, the dream foreshadows pregnancy. If the nuts were good, the pregnancy will proceed normally. If rotten, there may be a miscarriage.

Imagine if all the nuts you ate were good.

If you dreamed that you were eating nuts in the company of friends or family, the dream foreshadows prosperity and excellent health for everyone who was present in your dream.

Imagine that you are treating everyone to whom you wish health with nuts.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

If a sick person sees in a dream that he is eating delicious ripe nuts, it means that he will soon recover. If a healthy person sees such a dream, this is a sign that in the near future, and until old age, he will remain healthy and strong. This is a wonderful dream for lovers about to get married. If in a dream the nuts turn out to be empty or wormy, the dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes or the machinations of unfaithful friends who will let you down in difficult times. And lovers must mourn unfaithful lovers. If in a dream you see hazel bushes, this dream is a sign of wealth and happiness; for those who love it, it promises lovers with good character. If you dream that you are collecting nuts, this is an unkind sign: the investigation into your case will not turn out in your favor, and some problems will arise in life. If you crack nuts, this means that the one who is caring for you, or the one you are caring for, is indifferent to you and is not very faithful. Nuts with large ripe kernels promise you wealth, receiving money from relatives, a wedding and a friendly family. The rotten kernel of a nut warns: there is a person near you who hypocritically calls himself a friend, but is not one.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

Dreams about nuts for a man are actually an interweaving of joys and sorrows.

Everything good after such a dream is achieved by overcoming many obstacles and difficulties; the meaning of the dream is associated with a lot of specific life circumstances.

Seeing nuts: inheritance, winnings, sadness, sensual pleasure, squabbles.

Collecting nuts means success in business, love, and money worries.

Eating nuts means prosperity, anxiety, displeasure, wealth.

Chopping nuts means an unpleasant meeting.

Shaking a walnut tree means speculating.

A dream in which a woman sees or eats collected nuts promises her a happy destiny and a successful marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

In a dream you were collecting nuts - successful entrepreneurship and the joys of love lie ahead of you.

Ate nuts - expect prosperity and fulfillment of desires. A woman who sees nuts in a dream will have a happy fate.

Scattered hazelnuts promise a peaceful home life and successful purchases.

If you dreamed of nuts, then you are very careless with your body.

If you treated yourself to nuts in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions when communicating with a stranger.

Dream Interpretation - Walnut

Collecting nuts is a symbol of impending disaster.

A woman sees nuts - to family quarrels.

A patient eating nuts in a dream means the continuation of the disease.

Giving nuts is a sign of respect.

Receiving a nut as a gift means losing friends.

Dream Interpretation - Walnut

Collecting nuts is a sign of successful entrepreneurship and auspiciousness in love;
there is prosperity that will help you fulfill any of your desires;
for a woman - seeing nuts is a happy fate;
to see scattered ripe hazelnuts - a peaceful home life, successful purchases.
Also see Almond, Nutmeg, Walnut.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

Collecting nuts in a dream means successful entrepreneurship and luck in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity and the fulfillment of any desires. For a woman, nuts in a dream foretell a happy destiny. Scattered ripe nuts dream of a peaceful home life and successful acquisitions.

Dream Interpretation - Nuts

They foretell the solution to some difficult issue.

If they are not rotten: the dream promises success.

An abundance of hazelnuts in a dream: promises peace and prosperity in your home.

Walnuts: symbolize valuable thoughts and foretell success in your plans.

An empty or rotten nut: a sign of wasted efforts. Most likely, some decision that seems successful to you in reality is not so.

Chopping nuts in a dream: this is a call to act more decisively.

A hard nut to crack: suggests that a solution that can lead you to success is somewhere close, but you haven’t found it yet.


Why do you dream about nuts?


Only yours..

to profit and prosperity)


In general, seeing nuts in a dream means profit or winnings. But the benefit received will not please you as much as you would like, since there is some sad circumstance that will upset you. Eating almonds in a dream is a sign of wealth that you will acquire through your labor, while overcoming difficult obstacles. Hazelnuts in a dream promise family well-being. Scattering nuts in a dream means losses or unexpected losses. Buying them or taking them from someone in a dream is a sign of need or loss. Collecting nuts in a dream is a sign that you should put your affairs in order. Sometimes such a dream predicts financial difficulties. Shaking a walnut tree in a dream means that you will be drawn into a risky business. Eating roasted nuts in a dream means changes in business. Chopping nuts in a dream is a sign of grief and disappointment. Gnawing nuts in a dream means that good luck awaits you in a profitable business. However, hearing the crackling of husks in a dream is a harbinger of domestic quarrels and troubles. If the nuts are bitter. then do not be surprised that after such a dream something will upset you.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of nuts, your subconscious mind says that you are very careless with your body and therefore there is a great threat to your sexual health. Treat yourself to nuts in a dream - your dream means that soon you will have to experience pleasant emotions in communication with a stranger.

Why do you dream about nuts?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

squabbles; prick - a strange, unpleasant meeting; yes - severe anxiety; collect - money worries.

I dreamed about nuts

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, collecting nuts portends successful entrepreneurship and favorable conditions in love. Eating nuts is a sign of prosperity that will help you fulfill your every desire. If a woman sees nuts in a dream, this portends her a happy fate. Seeing scattered ripe hazelnuts in a dream promises a peaceful home life and successful purchases.

I dreamed about chestnuts

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are holding or sorting chestnuts in your hands foretells losses in business, but in life - a pleasant companion. Eating chestnuts is a sign of future sadness, but ultimately it will be replaced by happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or telling fortunes on them, portends a wealthy suitor and good health.

I dreamed about almonds

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is a good omen. It means wealth, abundance. However, sadness will follow them after a short period of time. If the tonsils are damaged, then you will be completely disappointed in achieving certain goals, unless some new circumstances arise.

Why do you dream of clicking?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

nuts - difficulties.

The meaning of a dream about clicking

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you heard someone snapping their fingers, it means that you do not understand the sexual desires of your partner, although he constantly transparently hints to you what he would like and what does not suit him. Try to be less selfish and pay maximum attention to the emotions of your loved one. If you yourself clicked your fingers in a dream, it means that it is impossible to understand you, although it seems to you that you are making it very clear what you want from sex.

I dreamed about a walnut

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing walnuts in a dream is a sign that foretells a lot of joy and auspiciousness. To dream that you are cracking rotten walnuts means that your expectations will turn into regrettable disappointment. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding dirty walnuts in her hands, this means that her lover will transfer his attention to another, and she will regret her unreasonable behavior.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally why you dream about collecting nuts, because the interpretation of the dream directly depends on what kind of nuts you dreamed about. Also, when interpreting, one should take into account how they looked in the dream in appearance, dream books suggest.

What does Miller prophesy?

If you dreamed that you were collecting nuts from a tree in the forest, then this means success and auspiciousness. You will be able to solve any issue, no matter what you take on, the interpreter is pleased. But collecting them under a tree is a sign of difficulties that will arise at the most inopportune moment.

For a woman, explaining why she dreams of collecting rotten nuts, Miller’s dream book foreshadows unpleasant gossip and rumors. In a dream, does she see that her hands are stained with dirt from nut shells? This means that she will take the wrong step in her relationship with her lover.

Hazelnuts as a symbol of financial well-being

The joy of receiving a large sum of money is prophesied in Pastor Loff’s dream book, explaining why one dreams of collecting hazelnuts. Did you dream that there were a lot of hazelnuts on the bush? This is a sign of success in business. But if you stocked hazelnuts for the winter, then you can safely invest your money in the bank - you will receive good dividends.

Seeing rotten hazel in a dream is a sign of losing money. And if you sorted through them, separating good hazelnuts from bad ones, then this suggests that you should carefully check the person with whom you are going to open a joint business, so as not to ruin all your initiatives “in the bud.”

Kernels “from Greece” are a sign of luck and success

Collecting walnuts, according to the interpretations of the dream book, is a sign of a successful start and completion of business. Whereas kernels that are rotten or blackened inside promise failure and grief about this, the Lunar Dream Book suggests.

Did the girl dream that she was collecting walnuts lying in the dirt or in a puddle? This plot suggests that she will deceive a loved one, which she will later regret. And if she happened to collect clean, symmetrical nuts, then we can hope that her dream will come true, says the Gypsy Dream Interpreter.

Peanuts, or Take care of your health

Peanuts in a dream symbolize the dreamer's state of health. If you see beautiful, light pods in the ground in a dream, then this is a sign that your health is normal, and it will remain so for a long time, the Eastern interpreter foresees.

Digging peanuts out of the ground is an ambiguous symbol. If you collected nuts by digging up the soil with a shovel, then this is good - your health will not let you down under any circumstances. But pulling them out of the ground, raking up lumps of dirt with your hands in a dream - means illness, the White Magician’s dream book upsets.

Other nut fruits: From quarrel to acquaintance

In your dream, did you happen to collect nuts that were not described in previous chapters? No problem. This is what dreams of other nucleoli mean, both in the shell and without, according to dream books: