New personnel certification system at JSC Russian Railways. On improving personnel assessment Business IQ test of JSC Russian Railways pass

Novath tool for personnel development

Anton Nagralyan, Head of the Personnel Management Department of JSC Russian Railways

ABOUTb featuresorganization and the conduct of corporate certification at JSC Russian Railways, says the head of the Human Resources Department, Anton Nagralyan.

Culture of dialogue

– Anton Aleksandrovich, corporate certification of employees at JSC Russian Railways was carried out before. What are the differences between the new system and what are its advantages?

– Until now, corporate certification was mainly a control tool, and in general it was aimed at identifying those who do not correspond to their positions, cannot cope with their job responsibilities, and draw appropriate conclusions. This was a traditional tool for our company, through which several generations of railway workers passed.

But times change, working conditions change, and the company’s objectives change. The modern transport and logistics market dictates certain requirements for both personnel and personnel management. If a company is faced with the task of increasing operational efficiency, then we need tools that will allow us to optimize the selection of personnel, including for leadership positions, and develop it based on production and market objectives.

Given this market context, we have changed the format of corporate certification and adjusted its objectives. Nowadays, corporate certification is not aimed at identifying those who are not suitable for their positions. Now it should be a tool for recruiting personnel, forming a personnel reserve for the companyresearch, one of the means of professional development of an employee.

High-quality recommendations for employee development can only be given if we conduct a detailed analysis of the specialist’s performance, analyze the indicators he has achieved, study all his decisions (both successful and unsuccessful), and evaluate his corporate and professional competencies. We need quality feedback. Therefore, there will be no tests, questions, or assignments during the certification. Corporate certification will now take place in a calm atmosphere in the form of a dialogue between a subordinate and a manager, during which there will be a constructive discussion of the tasks facing both the individual employee and the company as a whole.

– What opportunities does this certification format open up for employees?

– If we talk about the manager who conducts the certification, then he gets the opportunity to correct the work of his subordinates, to understand what needs to be done in general so that the work in the area that is under his responsibility is more efficient.

As for the employee who undergoes certification, he receives comprehensive feedback from the manager about the quality of his work and can draw conclusions about what he needs to change, both in his work and, perhaps, in himself. He receives an assessment of his competencies and sees in which direction he needs to develop. Targeted, targeted feedback given by the manager increases the employee’s motivation and aims him to achieve higher results.

– What is the importance of corporate certification for the company as a whole?

– Dialogue between a manager and a subordinate, which should take place withinconducting corporate certification is not limited to discussing and assessing operational performance indicators. It assumes a broader context. We are talking about the goals that stand before the company, and before the division, and before the employee. As a result, each subordinate begins to better understand the tasks that the leader sets for him. In turn, the company receives a more loyal employee who is involved in solving corporate problems.

DistinguishI'm newToORPORATAndVnOthcertificationand from other formscertification

Individual interview with the immediate supervisor


Dialogue using constructive feedback

Unified evaluation criteria

Comprehensive assessment

– Could you tell us in more detail about the certification procedure?

– As I already mentioned, certification takes place in the form of an interview, following which the manager gives an assessment of the employee’s performance of job duties. During the conversation, the topic of the corporate competencies of the person being certified is necessarily touched upon; the employee himself must tell the manager how much, in his opinion, he has developed certain competencies. When assessing an employee’s competencies, the manager must rely, among other things, on the results of testing the interviewee at the Corporate University or by DTSOMP specialists (using assessment center methods, “Russian Railways Business Profile”, “Business IQ”, etc.). These results will allow the manager to avoid subjectivity in his assessments.

– There are concerns that a manager may not be completely objective when assessing the corporate competencies of his subordinate. How to avoid this?

– I think we have minimized the risks of subjectivity. A lot of work has been done with the managers who conduct certification. They understand why the certification is being carried out, and I believe they will be as constructive and objective as possible in their assessments.

The important point is that managers must be able to give feedback correctly. Focusing on the weaknesses of a subordinate is an extremely undesirable scenario when conducting certification. The primary task of a manager who has begun to certify a subordinate is to create a positive atmosphere for discussion, to get the subordinate to work, to engage in dialogue, and to explain that the results of the certification are not needed by management, but by the employee himself.

Finally, let’s not forget that when making a decision about the level of development of the person being certified, they are taken into account as reference materialla and objective data obtained at the Corporate University: all managers who undergo certification have an assessment of the level of development of corporate competencies.

– Can an employee disagree with the results of the certification and what should he do in this case?

– All criteria for assessing an employee’s performance are indicated on the performance appraisal sheet. The manager, when assigning a particular score, explains and tells why and what the overall score was made of. If you disagree with the assessment, the employee has the right to contact the certification commission with a request to review the results of the corporate certification.

– Nevertheless, based on the results of corporate certification, a “not certified” rating may be issued and a dismissal procedure may be initiated due to inadequacy of the position?

– Based on the results of certification, three assessments can be made: “certified” (corresponds to the position held), “certified with the condition of improvement of work” (corresponds to the position, but must follow the recommendations of the immediate supervisor), “not certified” (does not correspond to the position). In the latter case, the issue of termination of the employment contract must be resolved collegiately by the certification commission, strictly in accordance with the Labor Code. Thus, the employee being certified is protected from unlawful or biased actions and actions of his manager during certification. Let me give you an example. Let’s say that there is initially no mutual understanding between the manager and the subordinate and the manager, during the certification process, deliberately makes a decision about the employee’s inadequacy. However, he himself cannot fire this person. According to the rules, an attestee who has received an assessment of inadequacy for the position held is nominated for re-certification by an attestation commission of a higher rank than his manager, and the decision of this attestation commission will have priority in determining the future fate of the employee. Moreover, if a particular manager experiences several cases of inconsistency between the positions held by his employees, and the certification commission, on the contrary, recognizes their compliance with the position, then many questions will arise for the manager himself...

CTo is not subject to corporate certification?

Employees appointed to positions by decision

Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways

Employees who have worked in their position for less than 1 year

Pregnant women

Women with children under 1 year of age

– In other words, corporate certification is not a tool for optimizing the number of personnel?

– Let me emphasize once again: the purpose of corporate certification is not to dismiss an employee, but to identify his professional potential and ultimately increase motivation for development and self-improvement. The manager himself must first of all be interested in a high-quality certification. At the same time, properly motivated employees can create a significant positive effect for the company as a whole. In addition, certification allows for the rational formation of a personnel reserve, since it is a comprehensive assessment of corporate competencies, existing knowledge, skills and potential that provides a vision of where a particular specialist may be most in demand.

Phased implementation

– First of all, I would like to note that we have successfully implemented a pilot certification project at a number of training grounds of the Central Traffic Control Directorate. Positive feedback was received from both managers and certified employees. In 2015, only managers of JSC Russian Railways (including branches) and their deputies will undergo certification. In total this is about 200 people. In 2016–2017 – heads of departments, leading and chief specialists. In accordance with the approved regulations, certification will be carried out no more than once every three years.

– What are the prospects for this HR management tool in the company?

– Certification will allow us to draw up a roadmap for employee development. We will be able to see what competencies we need to strengthen our work with managers. We will be able to make appropriate adjustments to the Corporate University’s training programs and develop new separate courses. Since all certification results will be entered into the database, we will be able to quickly process them and promptly provide targeted recommendations for the development of each employee. In the future, this system will work like this: a certified employee, along with the certification results, will receive a list of literature to study and a list of trainings that he is recommended to attend. Specific steps in the future will depend on what results we see on the scorecards. It is important that the emphasis will not only be on improving poorly developed skills. All competencies will require attention, and we will have to support them at a certain level.

For employees with the status of a young specialist, corporate certification is carried out without making a decision on suitability for the position held. In this case, the purpose of certification is to determine the possibility of professional and career growth.

– Corporate certification will cover all company managers. How difficult is it to implement this tool on the scale of Russian Railways?

– We have done a lot of preparatory work. When developing corporate certification, we analyzed global corporate practice and took into account the characteristics of our industry and our company. For example, in world practice there is no such thing as “feedback on the quality of interaction at a railway testing site,” but for us such a criterion is very relevant. I think we've created a tool that will work. To launch it into commercial operation throughout the company, we selected and trained about 140 experts who will become a kind of guides in the process of implementing corporate certification. They will work in directorates and at testing sites, talk about how to properly organize the corporate certification process, prepare documents, conduct interviews, and prepare managers and those being certified for it. We expect that the experts will be able to create a favorable mood, inform everyone involved about the features of the upcoming procedure, and resolve all possible organizational difficulties.

InterviewedElena Ushkova

. Take the demo version of the test


The main advantage of this Business Profile method is its complexity. The combination of personality, motivational and intellectual tests not only provides the opportunity for a comprehensive diagnosis of the respondent, but also allows additional predictions to be made based on a combination of results for individual factors.

Thus, the complex combines:

  • detailed diagnostics of motivation, character (personal qualities) and intelligence,
  • forecast of the severity of competencies,
  • potential for various types of activities,
  • team role forecast,
  • management style forecast.

The test is aimed at persons with higher education holding or applying for positions of qualified performers or managers.


  1. Outplacement


The Business Profile complex consists of three main blocks:

Example of a task for the "Personality" block (test 11LF)

The first and third blocks are presented without a time limit. Completion of the intellectual block is limited by time both for individual tasks (from 50 to 70 seconds per question) and for thematic scales (from 5 to 7 minutes per scale). The total testing time using the “Business Profile” method is 60-80 minutes. There are no blank or block testing capabilities.

This methodology implements four types of presentation of test results: “Business report”, two versions of “Professional report” (classic scale-by-scale interpretation for a specialist and for a respondent) and “Competency report”.

BUSINESS REPORT (download sample report)

The report includes the following information:

1. Professional potential- general areas of work and specific types of activities to which the respondent should be involved, as well as types of activities that are not recommended for a person.

  • Working with documents (propensity to work with documents: registration, maintenance, storage, etc.)
  • Promotion (propensity to work with clients: sales of goods and services, negotiations, paid services)
  • Analysis and planning (propensity for work that involves searching, analyzing and summarizing information, research, making forecasts, etc.)
  • Decision making (propensity to work related to informed decision-making, monitoring their implementation, organizing execution)
  • Development (propensity for work related to the creation of new products and services)
  • Process support (propensity to work reliably to support the activities of an office or enterprise: purchasing, answering calls, technical maintenance, etc.)
  • Supportive (propensity for integrative communication: teamwork, customer support, training, etc.)
  • Control, audit (tendency to work related to monitoring the work of other people in various areas)
  • Production and technology (inclination to work in the field of production, technology for creating a product or service)

This information is presented in the form of a graphic profile and provided with text interpretations.

2. Management style- description of the leadership style inherent in this respondent (as well as an indication of styles that are unusual for him):

  • producer (determined to achieve results at any cost; diligent, hardworking worker)
  • administrator (monitors whether work is completed and whether decisions are implemented; develops and complies with effective norms, rules, procedures within the organization; well organized and attentive to detail)
  • entrepreneur (proposes new ideas and solutions; monitors changes in the external environment, the weaknesses and strengths of the organization and determines the course of action; is ready to take risks)
  • integrator (creates an atmosphere of cooperation, aims to unite ideas and opinions; listens to the opinions of various parties and finds a compromise solution)

3. Team Behavior Forecast- the most typical team roles for the respondent and a forecast of conflict with a description of behavior patterns in a conflict situation.

The “Conflict Forecast” block assesses the respondent’s potential conflict level (in three gradations: low / medium / high), as well as a description of the typical style of behavior in a conflict situation.

The “Team Roles” block assesses the degree of similarity of the respondent to the nine main team roles (according to the theory of R.M. Belbin). Description of team roles:

Idea's generator

  • Functions: solving complex problems, generating original ideas.
  • Qualities: creativity, imagination, non-recognition of authorities, unorthodoxy.
  • Disadvantages: ignoring details and difficulties of practical implementation.

Resource Explorer

  • Functions: exploring opportunities, establishing external contacts.
  • Qualities: sociability, optimism, ease of interests, flexibility, enthusiasm.
  • Disadvantages: rapid loss of interest in the work started.


  • Functions: bringing knowledge and experience to the problem.
  • Qualities: dedication, independence, curiosity, narrow focus, detail when considering a problem.
  • Disadvantages: narrow specialization, excessive focus on details.


  • Functions: considering all options, making careful, verified and impartial judgments, choosing the best alternative.
  • Qualities: prudence, insight, strategic thinking.
  • Weaknesses: Lacks drive and ability to inspire.


  • Functions: clarifying work goals, promoting decision making, organizing process and setting deadlines, dividing tasks.
  • Qualities: confidence, maturity, ability to delegate.
  • Disadvantages: falls under the influence of others, shifts his responsibilities.


  • Functions: bringing drive and courage, pressure, overcoming difficulties and ensuring progress, motivating others to do the job.
  • Qualities: result orientation, courage, dynamism, stubbornness.
  • Disadvantages: does not take into account the interests of others, may hurt their feelings.

Soul of the team

  • Functions: listening to people, relieving tension, building relationships, “lubricating” team processes.
  • Qualities: cooperativeness, gentleness, receptivity and diplomacy.
  • Disadvantages: indecision in crisis situations, easily influenced by others.


  • Functions: translating ideas and solutions into practical actions.
  • Qualities: discipline, reliability, conservatism, efficiency.
  • Disadvantages: inflexibility, slow response to new opportunities.


  • Functions: bringing things to full completion, identifying errors, omissions and shortcomings, correcting them.
  • Qualities: diligence, conscientiousness, restlessness, deadline orientation.
  • Disadvantages: excessively anxious and picky towards others, difficult to delegate.

4. Motivation- a list of motivating and demotivating factors for the respondent.

COMPETENCIES REPORT (download sample report)

When you select the “Report on Competencies” processing, the program offers analytical conclusions about the severity of the respondent’s potential to demonstrate the basic 11 competencies. In this case, we are talking about the most universal competencies - behavioral factors that are significant for effective work in a variety of organizations and in a variety of positions.

  • Leadership- ability to inspire and convince employees, encourage them to work. The ability to arouse interest and trust in people, which, in particular, ensures success in public speaking and leading meetings, as well as in the situation of taking sole responsibility for a decision.
  • Achievement motivation- initiative, orientation towards achieving high results with elements of risk, willingness to take on new things, willingness to anticipate problems and propose solutions.
  • Stress resistance- the ability to maintain efficiency and stability of activity in conditions of difficulties, external pressure, and danger.
  • Customer Focus- ability to retain clients and create conditions for long-term cooperation. Attention to client needs and timely satisfaction.
  • Communication skills- sociability, self-confidence, active position in communication, optimism.
  • Teamwork- easy collaboration and effective interaction with colleagues to achieve a common goal. Taking responsibility for the results of the entire group.
  • Organization- effective organization of activities: the ability to break a task into stages, predict deadlines and resources, and exercise the necessary control over the execution of work.
  • Loyalty- employee reliability. Conduct in accordance with financial and information security standards, as well as in accordance with accepted corporate etiquette and rules of subordination.
  • Flexibility- easy adaptation to changes, promoting the introduction of new technologies. The ability to independently propose new, original solutions to pressing issues.
  • Comprehensive problem analysis- the ability to systematically analyze a situation, take into account many conditions and choose the optimal solution. Forecasting possible problems and developing measures to prevent them.
  • Development orientation- desire for self-learning and self-education, focus on obtaining and using new knowledge and skills.

Information about each competency contains not only a textual description of the level of its expression, but also lists of psychological qualities that help and hinder its manifestation in behavior.

PROF-REPORT (download an example report, option for a specialist)

When you select the “Professional report” processing, the report provides comprehensive information about the respondent in three blocks: “Motivation”, “Structure of intelligence” and “Personality”, as well as lists of professions that are closest to the respondent.

Each test scale has five diagnostic zones, which correspond to five levels of interpretation of results, differing in the degree of severity of the factor.

A choice of interpretations is possible:

  • for the respondent (text description of the scale values, focused on feedback for the test taker);
  • for a specialist (text description of scale values ​​for personnel assessment specialists, psychologists; professional terminology is used).

Indicators on individual scales form a so-called factor profile, which is, in essence, an individual psychological portrait of the respondent. The factor profile is compared with “ideal” profiles of various professions, created by experts on the basis of professiograms. The comparison results are presented in the form of a list of professions closest to the respondent with the corresponding similarity coefficients.


The test was created on the basis of subtests that have proven themselves in measuring parameters of the motivational sphere, personality, and intelligence. The Business Profile complex was created in 2007 by a group of developers of the Humanitarian Technologies Laboratory. This technique is a modification of the well-known test battery “Profconsultant” © 2001-2007 “Humanitarian Technologies”, developed under the leadership of A.G. Shmeleva.

An alternative processing and structure of business interpretations for the methodology was developed in 2007 by O. N. Ivanova with the participation of T. A. Presnova and A. V. Gorbachev. When developing the structure of the report, the authors relied on the most frequent requests from practice and maximum use of the potential of comprehensive testing.

In this methodology, the scales related to the “Professional Report” are psychometric, and the scales and conclusions of the “Business Report” are expert (based on a model developed by Laboratory specialists for the connection of basic psychometric scales with the forecast of professional success and style characteristics of the respondent).

The fourth version of the methodology was released in 2010. Its main difference from previous versions:

1) diagnostics of intelligence factors is carried out using a version of the method with an expanded (triple) bank of tasks, which significantly reduces the risk of disseminating information about test tasks and correct answers and allows this test to be used for conducting mass surveys in an organization and when re-testing a respondent;

2) the diagnosis of personality factors is carried out by a shorter and at the same time more protected from social desirability version of the “Big Five” technique.

The fifth version of the test was released in 2011. It includes the TIPS-9 test, in which the “Visual Logic” scale is replaced by two new scales “Spatial Thinking” and “Non-Verbal Logic”.

The current (sixth) version of the test was released in 2012. Instead of the "Big Five" test, the "11LF" test was installed in the personality block. This technique allows you to recreate a personality profile consisting of 11 factors, a profile of the level of detail that is most convenient and adequate to the practice of personnel assessment and the needs of psychodiagnostics. Through the use of ipsative technology, maximum savings in testing time and protection against distortion of results due to social desirability are achieved. Also in 2012, the ability to display a “Competency Report” was added to the methodology.

In 2013, the algorithm for generating a report on competencies was improved, and the methodology standards were updated. Standardization sample - respondents who were tested in an examination situation in various companies (medium and large companies, public and commercial sectors of various profiles). The sample size is more than 3000 people.


Ideal profiles of professions were obtained using the expert scaling method (expert agreement = 0.64-0.74 for various groups of professions). Psychologists and professional consultants took part in compiling the profiles: Lukyanova E.O., Ivanova O.N. , Balayan S.K., Mukhina A.A., Minevich M.S., Vysotsky V.B.

The reliability of a test as a measurement tool is determined by the low probability of measurement errors of test scores and the extent to which the measurement results are reproduced when the test is used repeatedly in relation to a given group of subjects. The internal consistency of the test was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. This coefficient is an estimate of reliability based on scale homogeneity or the sum of correlations between test takers' responses to questions within the same test form.

Reliability-consistency(Cronbach's Alpha coefficient):

Test scale Alpha Test scale Average correlation between questions and scale* Test scale Alpha
interest in the process 0,60 calculations 0,35 sociability 0,61
creation 0,76 vocabulary 0,39 activity 0,58
helping people 0,75 erudition 0,42 friendliness 0,60
service to society 0,79 spatial thinking 0,35 conformism 0,44
communication 0,62 nonverbal logic 0,33 morality 0,60
inclusion in the team 0,64 verbal logic 0,37 organization 0,57
confession 0,75 data processing 0,41 equilibrium 0,56
management 0,82 insensitivity 0,59
money 0,83 curiosity 0,50
communications 0,79 originality 0,48
health 0,88 abstractness 0,46
traditions 0,81

*For a given sample size, a correlation coefficient greater than 0.11 at the p level is significant<=0,05.

External validity of the methodology was assessed by comparing test data and the respondent’s self-assessment of the severity of the corresponding motives and personal qualities. Significant correlations of test scores with self-esteem were obtained for all measured scales:

Test scale Coef. (36 people) Test scale Coef. (318 people)
interest in the process 0,42 sociability 0,57
creation 0,57 activity 0,38
helping people 0,72 friendliness 0,30
service to society 0,69 conformism 0,33
communication 0,37 morality 0,39
inclusion in the team 0,54 organization 0,33
confession 0,59 equilibrium 0,43
management 0,63 insensitivity 0,41
money 0,73 curiosity 0,23
communications 0,81 originality 0,30
traditions 0,49

External (expert) validity of the competency report was measured through an expert study in which 5 experts and 15 respondents were involved. The research procedure was as follows: experts (people who are fluent in the Business Profile methodology) had to, based on the respondents’ results on the primary test scales (motivation, intelligence and personality), give their ratings to the respondents on 11 competencies. Next, the consistency of expert opinions was checked - for all 11 competencies, consistency was higher than the required level (more than 0.8).

Next, the obtained expert assessments on competencies were compared with the results on competencies that were obtained based on the results of calculating the Business Profile methodology (“competency report”). For comparison, a coefficient of consistency between the test and experts was developed, which varied from 0 to 1 and included the average correlation between expert assessments and test scores, as well as the degree of distance between expert assessments and the test.

The average consistency coefficient, which may reflect the competitive expert validity of the test, was 0.87, which is a fairly high indicator of agreement between expert and test assessments. Thus, the Business Profile test can be a tool that, in its consistency, is not inferior to the assessments of experienced experts, but is more profitable for use in terms of assessment costs.

Competence Coef. consistency (15 cases)
Leadership 0,85
Achievement motivation 0,88
Stress resistance 0,91
Customer Focus 0,87
Communication skills 0,87
Teamwork 0,93
Organization 0,84
Loyalty 0,90
Flexibility 0,76
Comprehensive problem analysis 0,87
Development orientation 0,89
Average 0,87

To effectively manage a company, it is important for management to know the capabilities of their employees. The traditional approach to personnel assessment - based on the performance of job duties - does not allow the full potential of each employee to be used. Personnel assessment is part of several processes, which can significantly increase their efficiency. We list these processes:

  • personnel development management;
  • formation of a Unified Personnel Reserve;
  • formation of brand-oriented behavior of employees;
  • changing corporate culture.

Nowadays, in conditions of crisis and sanctions, it is simply necessary to evaluate personnel. After all, every enterprise must operate efficiently and profitably, which can only be ensured by highly qualified personnel. In order to ensure the company's competitiveness in a dynamically changing market environment, strategic changes in management approaches are required - from management of functional subsystems and individual business processes to management based on a competency-based approach

The unified corporate system of personnel requirements includes four blocks:

  • -corporate competencies(company requirements for managerial behavior and style of a leader at any level).
  • -professional competencies(reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person to perform his functional duties and professional tasks).
  • -potential to development(focus on further development. Employees want to actively develop, see prospects in moving up the career ladder and are ready to make efforts and spend their own resources for this).
  • -effectiveness and work experience(development of a specific employee from the moment he joined the company: where he worked, in what position, which team was under his leadership, what tasks were solved and with what results).

Assessment in the EKT system is carried out through a centralized automated system. Each EKT block has its own assessment methods.

Assessment methods

The following assessment methods exist:

Details about each assessment method:

Assessment center(abbreviated as AC) is a comprehensive methodology for assessing the personal and business qualities and skills of managers, which is carried out in conditions simulating the real activities of a manager.

The assessment center method is carried out by DTSOM employees for managers of 2nd level positions.

AC is used: when selecting candidates for appointment to positions of managers of 1st and 2nd level positions; when selecting managers of 1st and 2nd level positions into the unified personnel reserve; when carrying out complex assessment activities; when determining development priorities for managers of 1st and 2nd level positions.

The assessment center is a specially organized procedure for assessing the corporate competencies of employees (in groups of 6-10 people), which includes various assessment methods (business games, tests and interviews), complementary to each other; Specially trained experts act as appraisers in the assessment center [!]

The assessment center identifies strengths and risks associated with the personal and managerial effectiveness of the manager (responsibility, skills in working with people, decision-making, leadership, etc.). It takes place over two days.

Managers are assessed on 7 corporate competencies:

Advantages and disadvantages of the assessment center method.

The assessment center method has undoubted advantages, which include the following:

  • - carries elements of the company’s strategy, which allows the employee to clearly understand the standards to which the company strives;
  • - allows you to get the most objective assessment of the degree of skill development in comparison with tests and interviews, because they show only the employee’s aspirations and inclinations, but not the presence of a skill;
  • - allows you to rationally invest in personnel development, because the company will have the opportunity to pay for training only for those employees who are able to learn new things;
  • - ensuring understanding and clarity in personnel assessment by all employees of the company, because the result is indicators that are understandable to everyone;
  • - the AC procedure is already a step towards personnel development.

But at the same time, the method has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account:

the AC procedure is more expensive than testing or interviewing employees;

AC requires more time than testing;

AC requires training of observers from among company employees.

ASPRK method(automated system of psychological diagnostics of management personnel and specialists) is carried out for young specialists and upon appointment to a position. This method is automated, the result is a psychological characteristic.

ASPRK is used: when selecting candidates for appointment to positions of managers of 2 and 3 levels of positions; when appointing or moving a manager, specialist to another position, for young specialists.

ASPRK method automated, the result is a psychological characteristic indicating:

  • general behavior at work, in interpersonal contacts,
  • leadership style,
  • motivation for management activities,
  • professional burnout,
  • intellectual qualities,
  • possible strategies in conflict situations,
  • qualities undesirable for a manager and recommendations for areas of activity (executive, administrative, analytical, organizational functions, etc.).

The evaluation conference is a large-scale event (in groups of 20 to 100 people) based on business games, business simulations, during which corporate competencies or individual business qualities manifested in behavior are assessed. The evaluation conference is used: when selecting managers of 3rd level positions into the unified personnel reserve; when selecting managers and specialists of all levels of positions for the youth reserve; when selecting the most promising employees and their development to solve current problems.

Business IQ test assesses the employee’s intellectual potential and his ability to work with various types of information. The Business IQ test is used: when selecting candidates for appointment to positions of managers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of positions; when selecting managers and specialists of all levels of positions for the corporate development reserve, the basic personnel reserve and the youth reserve; when sending managers and specialists of all levels of positions to expensive training/internship.

Rating scale test "Business IQ" from 0 to 10 points. Abilities that Business IQ tests: vocabulary, calculations, erudition, memory, abstract logic, information processing, spatial thinking.

Test "Business Profile of Russian Railways" comprehensively diagnoses the psychological, personal and business qualities of an employee in relation to corporate competencies.

The “Business Profile of Russian Railways” test is used: when selecting candidates for appointment to positions of managers of the 2nd and 3rd levels of positions; when selecting managers and specialists of all levels of positions for the corporate development reserve, the basic personnel reserve and the youth reserve; when hiring young specialists (3 - 4 months from the date of employment) to plan their career and further development; when sending managers and specialists at levels 2, 3 and 4 for training and internships; when assessing personnel to solve current problems.

Rating scale test "Business Profile""Russian Railways" ranges from 0 to 3 points.

To assess corporate competencies, JSC Russian Railways has adopted a 4-level scale from zero to three points.

The target level of competency development is considered to be level 2 (meets expectations). When using the Competency Model, it is worth considering that every word and sentence in the description of the behavioral indicators of the scale is of great importance. The content description of each level must be taken literally. For example, to receive a “2” rating, an employee must successfully apply ALL the skills of this competency in both familiar and new conditions, and to receive an “O” rating, the employee’s behavior must completely lack behavioral indicators of this competency.

Use of assessment results.

The assessment results are information that contributes to more accurate personnel decision-making along with conclusions on corporate and professional competencies, personal and professional potential, performance and work experience.

The assessment results, which contain personal data of managers and specialists of the Russian Railways holding, are confidential information. The results of the Business IQ test are one of the sources for predicting the effectiveness of working with information and learning ability in terms of an employee’s potential ability to master new knowledge and skills.

It is inappropriate to make positive decisions for employees whose Business IQ test result is below 3.5 points due to the increasing likelihood of insufficient efficiency in working with information. Conducting an assessment using the Business IQ test is not recommended more than once a year.

The results of the Russian Railways Business Profile test determine the level of development of an employee’s corporate competencies and predict the success of his management activities. Based on the results of passing the Russian Railways Business Profile test, it is advisable to conduct an additional interview with employees who have scores of 0.5 points in two or more competencies. Conducting an assessment using the Russian Railways Business Profile test is not recommended more than once a year.

Personnel assessment at JSC Russian Railways

In general, the introduction of personnel assessment at JSC Russian Railways, built on the basis of a competency-based approach, implies not only the development of a differentiated set of tools, but also the formation of a culture of using both these tools and assessment results.

Competence-based approach- this is an approach to the description, assessment and development of a person, within the framework of which a person’s behavior is considered as manifestations of his competencies.

In many ways, the popularity of the competency-based approach is due to the fact that all characteristics and qualities of a person within its framework are usually assessed from the point of view of manifestation in behavior that can be observed. This means that objectivity in working with a person is ensured precisely by the ability to observe behavior.

What are the advantages of a competency-based approach?

Competence-based approach:

  • - describes not so much a person’s knowledge and skills as behavior, actions in which knowledge, skills and abilities are manifested (resulted) - this allows you to directly link the applied knowledge with specific, measurable results of a specialist’s activity, and therefore understand the reasons for the success or failure of an employee, find measures that allow improving its activities;
  • - indicates not only a person’s ability to carry out the required activity, but also to bear responsibility for it - to understand how the desired result is achieved, to understand one’s own boundaries and constantly expand them - this increases the responsibility of employees, their self-control and self-learning.

The main task of the competency-based approach is to teach a person to manage his own knowledge, skills and abilities, that is, to be able to self-learn and self-develop. Another distinctive feature of the competency-based approach is that indicators are used to describe competencies, i.e. manifestations in behavior of knowledge, skills and qualities, by which it is easy to determine the presence of an employee’s competence.

Interview - Russian Railways guide.

The interviewer's task is to obtain a sufficient number of examples to enable him to identify the interviewee's competencies, which are his strengths (in relation to the proposed position), and the competencies that will limit his effectiveness.

The main thing is to avoid receiving generalized information that does not show a person’s real behavior, but his ideas about the optimal course of action in such situations.

Try to conduct the interview in a free, open manner, but without moving away from the main line of questions and the structure of the interview. The structure of the interview can be built as follows:

  • 1. Introduction and establishing contact (introductory questions).
  • 2. The main part of the interview (sheets on competencies).
  • 3.End the conversation.

Principles of competency assessment.

When assessing each of the competencies, it is necessary to rely on the following diagnostic information:

  • The number of positive and negative indicators demonstrated by the person being assessed by competency.
  • The communication, confidence and self-presentation demonstrated by the assessee at the beginning and during the interview.
  • The presence of contradictions between the story and behavior (“says that he is a leader, behaves timidly and constrained”).
  • Avoiding specifics in answers.

Today it is not enough to just be a good specialist. Modern business requires a broad outlook, interest in ongoing processes, constant learning and self-development. And for this it is necessary to reveal the inner potential of everyone.

Personnel work permeates the entire activity of the company, which means that success in solving not only operational, but also strategic tasks largely depends on its effectiveness.

In conditions of crisis and sanctions, the most suitable methods of personnel assessment for the Russian Railways company can be considered: assessment center, assessment conference, Business Profile-RZD test and Russian Railways interview guide.


dated March 24, 2014 N 735r

  • 2. Internet resource. Encyclopedia of a manager. Wikiproject
  • 3. Educational publication “Personnel Management. Theory and practice", author Vladimir Rafailovich Vesnin, publishing house Prospekt LLC, 2010.
  • 4. Methodological recommendations for the application of employee assessment methods at JSC Russian Railways, approved by order of JSC Russian Railways

dated March 24, 2014 N 735r

  • 5. Moskvitin G.I. Management. (Textbook) Recommended by the Moscow Region in the field of commerce and marketing. Second edition. M: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016.
  • 6. Moskvitin G.I. Management. (Textbook for SPO) Recommended by the Moscow Region in the field of management. M: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016.

Zakharova E.Yu.

student at Moscow Pedagogical State University

University, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education.

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Intelligence quotient (English: IQ) is a quantitative assessment of a person’s level of intelligence: the level of intelligence relative to the level of intelligence of the average person of the same age. Determined using special tests. IQ tests are designed to assess thinking abilities, not the level of knowledge (erudition). IQ is an attempt to measure the factor of general intelligence (Wikipedia).

The IQ test lasts 30 minutes and contains 40 simple questions!

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IQ tests are designed so that the results are described by a normal distribution with a mean IQ of 100 and such a spread that 50% of people have an IQ between 90 and 110 and 25% each have an IQ below 90 and above 110. The average IQ of American college graduates is 115. excellent students - 135-140. An IQ value of less than 70 is often classified as mental retardation.

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IQ test results:

IQ test results for famous people

Name Profession Origin IQ
Abraham LincolnThe presidentUSAIQ 128
Adolf HitlerNazi leaderGermanyIQ 141
Al GorePoliticianUSAIQ 134
Albert EinsteinPhysicistUSAIQ 160
Albrecht von HallerScientistSwitzerlandIQ 190
Alexander PopePoetEnglandIQ 180
Andrew J. WilesMathematicianEnglandIQ 170
Andrew JacksonThe presidentUSAIQ 123
Andy WarholSculptor, painterUSAIQ 86
Anthony van DyckArtistHollandIQ 155
Antoine ArnauldTheologianFranceIQ 190
Arne BeurlingMathematicianSwedenIQ 180
Arnold SchwarzeneggerActor/PoliticianAustriaIQ 135
Baruch SpinozaPhilosopherHollandIQ 175
Benjamin FranklinWriter, Scientist, PoliticianUSAIQ 160
Benjamin NetanyahuPrime MinisterIsraelIQ 180
Bill GatesFounder of MicrosoftUSAIQ 160
Bill (William) Jefferson ClintonThe presidentUSAIQ 137
Blaise PascalMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 195
Bobby FischerChess playerUSAIQ 187
Buonarroti MichelangeloPoet, architectItalyIQ 180
Carl von LinnBotanistSwedenIQ 165
Charles DarwinScientistEnglandIQ 165
Charles DickensWriterEnglandIQ 180
Christopher Michael LanganScientist, PhilosopherUSAIQ 195
Clive SinclairScientistEnglandIQ 159
David HumePhilosopher, PoliticianScotlandIQ 180
Dr David LivingstoneDoctorScotlandIQ 170
Donald ByrneChess playerIrelandIQ 170
Emanuel SwedenborgScientist, PhilosopherSwedenIQ 205
Francis GaltonScientist, doctoral doctorEnglandIQ 200
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von SchellingPhilosopherGermanyIQ 190
Galileo GalileiPhysicist, astronomer, philosopherItalyIQ 185
Geena (Virginia) Elizabeth DavisActressUSAIQ 140
Georg Friedrich HändelComposerGermanyIQ 170
George Wilhelm Friedrich HegelPhilosopherGermanyIQ 165
George BerkeleyPhilosopherIrelandIQ 190
George H. ChoueiriChief A.C.ELibyaIQ 195
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)WriterEnglandIQ 160
George Sand (Amantinr Aurore Lucile Dupin)WriterFranceIQ 150
George Walker BushThe presidentUSAIQ 125
George WashingtonThe presidentUSAIQ 118
Gottfried Wilhelm von LeibnizScientist, lawyerGermanyIQ 205
Hans Dolph LundgrenActorSwedenIQ 160
Hans Christian AndersenWriter, poetDenmarkIQ 145
Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonPoliticianUSAIQ 140
Hjalmar Horace Greeley SchachtPresident of the ReichsbankGermanyIQ 143
Honoré de Balzac (Honore Balzac)WriterFranceIQ 155
Hugo Grotius (Huig De Groot)lawyerHollandIQ 200
Hypatia of AlexandriaPhilosopher, MathematicianAlexandriaIQ 170
Immanuel KantPhilosopherGermanyIQ 175
Isaac NewtonScientistEnglandIQ 190
Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn BartholdyComposerGermanyIQ 165
James CookOpenerEnglandIQ 160
James WattPhysicist, engineerScotlandIQ 165
James WoodsActorUSAIQ 180
Jayne Mansfield-- USAIQ 149
Jean M. AuelWriterCanadaIQ 140
Jodie FosterActorUSAIQ 132
Johann Sebastian BachComposerGermanyIQ 165
Johann StraussComposerGermanyIQ 170
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-- GermanyIQ 210
Johannes KeplerMathematician, Physicist, AstronomerGermanyIQ 175
John AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 137
John F. KennedyEx-presidentUSAIQ 117
John H. SununuWar commanderUSAIQ 180
John Quincy AdamsThe presidentUSAIQ 153
John Stuart MillGeniusEnglandIQ 200
JohnLockePhilosopherEnglandIQ 165
Jola SigmondTeacherSwedenIQ 161
Jonathan SwiftWriter, theologianEnglandIQ 155
Joseph HaydnComposerAustriaIQ 160
Joseph Louis LagrangeMathematician, astronomerItaly / FranceIQ 185
Judith PolgarChess playerHungaryIQ 170
Kim Ung-Yong-- KoreaIQ 200
Kimovitch Garry KasparovChess playerRussiaIQ 190
Leonardo da VinciGeniusItalyIQ 220
Lord Byronpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Louis Napoleon BonaparteEmperorFranceIQ 145
Ludwig van BeethovenComposerGermanyIQ 165
Ludwig WittgensteinPhilosopherAustriaIQ 190
Madame de StaelPhilosopherFranceIQ 180
MadonnaSingerUSAIQ 140
Marilyn vos SavantWriterUSAIQ 186
Martin LutherPhilosopherGermanyIQ 170
Miguel de CervantesWriterSpainIQ 155
Nicolaus CopernicusastronomerPolandIQ 160
Nicole KidmanActorUSAIQ 132
Paul AllenOne of the founders of MicrosoftUSAIQ 160
Philip EmeagwaliMathematicianNigerIQ 190
Phillip MelanchthontheologianGermanyIQ 190
Pierre Simon de Laplaceastronomer, mathematicianFranceIQ 190
PlatoPhilosopherGreeceIQ 170
Ralph Waldo EmersonWriterUSAIQ 155
RaphaelSculptor, painterItalyIQ 170
Rembrandt van RijnSculptor, painterHollandIQ 155
Ren DescartesMathematician, PhilosopherFranceIQ 185
Richard NixonEx-presidentUSAIQ 143
Richard WagnerComposerGermanyIQ 170
Robert ByrneChess playerIrelandIQ 170
RousseauWriterFranceIQ 150
Sarpitheologian, historianItalyIQ 195
ShakiraSingerColombiaIQ 140
Sharon StoneActressUSAIQ 154
Sofia KovalevskayaMathematician, WriterSweden / RussiaIQ 170
Stephen W. HawkingPhysicistEnglandIQ 160
Thomas Chattertonpoet, writerEnglandIQ 180
Thomas JeffersonThe presidentUSAIQ 138
Thomas WolseyPoliticianEnglandIQ 200
Truman Cloak-- -- IQ 165
Ulysses S. GrantThe presidentUSAIQ 110
VoltaireWriterFranceIQ 190
William James Sidis-- USAIQ 200
William Pitt (the Younger)PoliticianEnglandIQ 190
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartComposerAustriaIQ 165

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The competence of managers is a key factor for the development of any business, especially for those companies that are entering new markets, changing their business model and improving their organizational structure. This is precisely the situation in which Russian Railways OJSC finds itself today, transforming from a carrier company into a global transport and logistics holding. And it largely depends on the holding’s management how successfully Russian Railways will solve operational problems, respond to market challenges, and achieve strategic goals. Today, the Corporate University of JSC Russian Railways, established in 2010, is developing the competencies of the company’s employees, training and certifying them.

The most important functions of the Corporate University were the formation and detailing of employee competencies, as well as their assessment. Since it is on the basis of such an assessment that it is possible to bring current and advanced training into the system.

First of all, it should be noted that the creation of the Corporate University allowed the company to begin working with personnel at a completely new level. Of course, the company, which is responsible for the safety and continuity of railway transportation on a national scale, has always had high demands on the professional and managerial knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities of employees. However, these requirements were not consolidated into one system. In different structural divisions of JSC Russian Railways there were many requirements that were separate from each other. The personnel assessment carried out on some railways took the form of psychological personality testing, the results of which did not allow assessing the extent to which the employee’s business and personal qualities corresponded to the requirements of the position and corporate competencies. In addition, the variety of assessment methods used made it difficult to set learning goals and select the necessary development programs for managers, since there were no criteria against which the current level of management training was assessed and the target level was set.

Over the past five years, specialists from the Corporate University, together with the Human Resources Department, have developed and implemented unified criteria and methods for personnel assessment into the holding practice, and centralized quality control and monitoring of the effectiveness of assessment processes are in place. In June 2010, the Russian Railways JSC corporate competency model was approved, which contains a system of requirements for the knowledge, skills and behavior of specialists and managers at various job levels.

Assessment center

As the main tool for assessing corporate competencies, the company uses assessment center technology, as the most reliable method of assessment due to the following features:

  • assessment center exercises simulate typical work situations in which the competencies necessary for managers and specialists are demonstrated;
  • the assessment procedure is based on comparing the employee’s reactions with exemplary behavior (behavioral indicators that constitute competence), and not comparing the behavior of employees with each other;
  • the assessment for each competency is based on observation materials from two or more experts who have undergone special training;
  • each assessment is agreed upon during a joint discussion by expert observers;
  • The assessment center is a comprehensive assessment procedure, since it includes not only simulated exercises, but also questionnaires, interviews, and tests.

In 2014, the Personnel Assessment Federation, which includes representatives of leading Russian consulting companies, conducted a study “Assessment Center: Modern Application Practice in Russia”, dedicated to the practice of using an assessment center in our country. More than 300 organizations took part in the study. It should be noted that, according to almost all comparative criteria, the assessment center method used in the Russian Railways holding company corresponds to the best practices, namely:

  • number and configuration of various simulated exercises
  • types, as well as the ratio of observers and participants in the assessment procedure is optimal (5 assessors and a presenter participate in the assessment of 10 managers);
  • observers use both statistical methods and discussion when agreeing on scores;
  • the assessment is carried out by specialists who have undergone long-term special training.

The first to assess corporate competencies at the Corporate University of JSC Russian Railways were the managers of the 1st level of positions, including vice-presidents - an individual in-depth interview, the rest of the managers - the assessment center. In the period from 2010 to 2014, the number of rated 1st level managers was more than 4,000 people. In order to systematically improve their managerial skills and have up-to-date results of competency assessment, managers are recommended to undergo an assessment center at least once every three years.

In 2011, in order to spread a unified assessment methodology to the regional level, the Corporate University developed assessment center materials for managers of 2nd level positions and created a specialized training program (120 academic hours) for training expert observers in road assessment centers, personnel monitoring and youth policy (DCOMP) at 15 railway sites. More than 100 DCSMP specialists have been trained in the skills of conducting assessments using the assessment center method. The Corporate University annually implements various forms of improving their skills in the field of personnel assessment: holds round tables and internships, organizes the exchange of experience during network schools, and ensures the transfer of new assessment tools. By the end of 2015, it is planned to standardize the work of specialists involved in personnel assessment at the Children's Center, which will systematize and optimize their work, as well as create a correct system for assessing their activities. Thanks to constant professional development, considerable experience and high personal involvement in the work, most of the specialists in assessing the DTSOMP have become true professionals in their field. To date, more than 13,000 managers of 2nd level positions have been assessed using the assessment center method in road assessment centers, personnel monitoring and youth policy.

Evaluation results

The results of the competency assessment make it possible to determine the main areas of development for managers: those knowledge, skills and abilities that need improvement. Based on the assessment of competencies, an individual development plan (IDP) is drawn up, which allows you to develop competencies without interrupting your production activities.

The HR Department and HR Management Services use the assessment results in the formation of a unified personnel reserve and for its training, as well as in managing appointments to vacant positions. Thus, the HR Department has introduced a rule that no manager can be appointed to a position at the 1st level of management according to the corporate competency model if there are no assessment results for him using the assessment center technology.

New assessment tools

The Corporate University develops and implements new methods for assessing and developing the corporate competencies of railway workers. Today, for example, the Russian Railways Business Profile test is actively used to assess the competencies of managers of 2nd and 3rd level positions, and an assessment conference is used for young managers and specialists included in the personnel reserve. These methods allow, having covered a large number of workers, to spend less financial and human resources on assessing competencies, while, of course, their results are less accurate and reliable, but are sufficient for a person to understand the directions of his development.

Currently, the main trend in the global practice of personnel assessment is the increasingly active use of information technology, which allows significant savings in resources. The Corporate University is also developing an automated version of the assessment of corporate competencies, during which participants in the assessment procedure will perform tasks on a computer based on the assessment center exercises. This format does not require the participation of expert observers; assessments and reports are generated automatically. The new tool is planned to be used to develop the competencies of managers.

A number of new assessment tools are being developed, among other things, to solve current business problems. Thus, in 2014, on the initiative of the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial Safety and Environmental Control, specialists from the personnel assessment department of the Corporate University began the development of a fundamentally new methodology for assessing the level of development of the competencies of managers on labor protection issues, which makes it possible to identify shortcomings in management approaches to ensuring labor safety in OJSCs "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS". Especially for these purposes, the corporate competency “Ensuring the safety of production processes” was detailed, taking into account the specifics of the request, and a strategic session was developed, which gives observers the opportunity to evaluate this competency, and managers - participants in the assessment - to exchange experiences and find new solutions when discussing current problems of increasing production safety processes in the divisions of JSC Russian Railways.

The results of assessing competencies, both corporate and professional, are an integral part of the system of unified corporate requirements (UCR), which is being actively implemented at JSC Russian Railways. Currently, professional competencies and tools for their assessment have been developed for managers and specialists of the Traction Directorate, and pilot testing has begun to assess the professional competencies of managers and specialists of the Central Traffic Control Directorate.

Thus, assessment in its various modifications is steadily entering the life of the Russian Railways holding company as a familiar working tool that allows for more efficient and effective management of personnel. That is why managers need to understand the essence of assessment tools and see the opportunities that they open for the self-development of experienced and nurturing young managers, for the creation of successful teams and effective work teams.