The most valuable painting in the world. Works that deserve the title of “the most beautiful painting in the world.” "White Center", Rothko

Did you love art or, on the contrary, don’t understand why people spend a lot of money on buying works of painting and graphics? SME has compiled for you a list of the most expensive paintings in the world with prices and photographs so that you can appreciate the quality of execution and the meaning of the masterpieces.

This picture is a blue rectangle on top of a red ray. This work was written in the interval between “Black Square” and “White Suprematism”.

No. 25. Kazimir Malevich, "Suprematist composition" (1916)

On November 3, 2008, at Sotheby's auction in New York, the painting was sold to an unknown buyer for $60,002,500, thereby becoming one of the most expensive paintings in history written by a Russian artist.

It is believed that this vividly painted still life is the founder of such a movement as cubism.

No. 24. Paul Cezanne, "Still Life with Jug and Drapery" (1893-1894)

And this painting found its buyer in 1998 and was sold for $60,503,000.

Andy Warhol can easily be called an icon of modern art, because his paintings are sold more expensive than famous classics, for example, Picasso or Van Gogh.

No. 23. Andy Warhol, "The Men in Her Life" (1962)

A black and white collage of photographs of Elizabeth Taylor, her third husband Mike Todd and future husband Eddie Fisher was purchased in 2010 at a Phillips de Pury & Co auction in New York by a buyer who wished to remain anonymous for $63,400,000.

The first artist in the world to be awarded the Imperial Prize for "his achievement, the international influence he has had with his art, and the spiritual enrichment of the entire world community."

No. 22. Willem de Kooning, "Police Paper" (1955)

The 22nd place of the most expensive paintings in the world is occupied by an abstract canvas, which flew away from Christie's auction like a hot cake for $63,500,000!

A famous American artist whose works are always painted in such detail that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from photographs.

No. 21. ​Thomas Eakins, "Gross Clinic" (1875)

The painting depicts Samuel Gross's famed Philadelphia surgeon presiding over an operation to remove part of a bone from a patient's hip in front of a student-filled amphitheater at a medical academy whose realism caused a scandal and notable PR for the painting. The picture was grabbed by $68,000,000 in 2007!

No. 20. Amedeo Modigliani, "Seated Nude on a Sofa" (1917)

Although Sotheby's did not officially announce the sale of this painting before the start of the auction, as many as 5 buyers fought for it. The new owner got it for only $68,900,000!

Part of a series of 7 paintings on mythological themes commissioned by Philip II of Spain.

No. 19. Titian, "Diana and Actaeon" (1556-1559)

At that time, such paintings were considered depraved and they were specially hung with curtains in the presence of ladies. Erotica from the 16th century was purchased in 2009 for $70,600,000.

No. 18. Vincent van Gogh, "Portrait of the Artist without a Beard" (1889)

We continue the list of the most expensive paintings in the world, where the master of painterly strokes, Van Gogh, took pride of place, for $71,501,000, received in 1998.

The photograph is part of a series depicting tragic car accidents. This particular one is a burning car in Seattle.

No. 17. Andy Warhol, "Green Car Crash" (1963)

The real car accident immortalized in the photo went under the hammer for $71,720,000.

One of the main ideologists in American abstract expressionism, Rothko could not stand it when his works were called abstract.

No. 16. ​Mark Rothko, "White Center" (1950)

An amazing bright and rich combination of colors, simplicity of exposure and life principles bring to the author $72,800,000 and also included it in the ranking of the most expensive paintings in the world.

As many as 4 buyers competed for one of the most brutal plots of the New Testament.

No. 15. Peter Paul Rubens, "Massacre of the Innocents" (1609-1611)

At Sotheby's auction in London in July 2002, the painting was purchased by Canadian businessman and collector Kenneth Thompson, son of newspaper magnate Lord Thomson, former owner of the Times of London, for $76,700,000.

As the writer Octave Mirbeau said: “This is the only artist who has not painted a single sad picture in his life.”

No. 14. Pierre Auguste Renoir, "Bal at the Moulin de la Galette" (1876)

The honorable 12th place of the most expensive paintings in the world is taken by this one, the owner of the masterpiece was Ryoei Saito, chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co. $78,100,000.. He wanted the work to be cremated with him after his death, but due to financial difficulties it had to be used as collateral.

There are five versions of Marilyn in different colors, but for some reason "Turquoise Marilyn" became the most expensive.

No. 13. Andy Warhol, "Turquoise Marilyn" (1964)

Price in $80,000,000 is not accidental, because this particular work is considered to be an icon of pop art, and Andy Warhol is the founder of POPULAR art.

American artist working in the genres of abstract expressionism and pop art.

No. 12. Jasper Johns, "False Start" (1959)

The painting belonged to David Geffen, who sold it to the CEO of the Citadel investment group, Kenneth S. Griffin, for $80,000,000. It is recognized as the most expensive painting that was sold during the artist’s lifetime.

The painting was painted by the master of impressionism in 1919, shortly before he developed cataracts.

No. 11. Claude Monet, "Pond with Water Lilies" (1919)

One of 60 similar canvases called "Water Lilies" at Sotheby's auction was sold for $80,500,000.

It was this person who monitored the artist’s health just before his death.

No. 10. Vincent van Gogh, "Portrait of Doctor Gachet" (1890)

The same Japanese businessman Ryoei Saito, who wanted to cremate himself with the paintings, bought this work for $82,500,000. When asked why they should burn the masterpieces with him, he explained that this was the only way he could express his selfless affection for the painting.

Francis Bacon is perhaps one of the darkest artists of the 20th century.

No. 8. Pablo Picasso, "Portrait of Dora Maar" (1941)

In 2006, a mysterious Russian anonymous person added to his collection for $96,200,000., at the same time purchasing works by Monet and Chagall worth a total of 100 million dollars.

No. 20. $75,100,000. "Royal Red and Blue", Mark Rothko, sold in 2012.

The majestic canvas was one of eight works handpicked by the artist for his landmark solo exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago.

No. 19. $76,700,000. "Massacre of the Innocents", Peter Paul Rubens, created in 1610.

The painting was purchased by Kenneth Thompson at Sotheby's in London in July 2002. Rubens's vibrant and dramatic work may compete for the title of "most unexpected success." Christie's valued this painting at only 5 million euros.

No. 18. $78,100,000. "Bal at the Moulin de la Galette", Pierre-Auguste Renoir, painted in 1876.

The work was sold in 1990, at that time it was listed as the second most expensive painting in the world ever sold. The owner of the masterpiece was Ryoei Saito, chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co. He wanted the canvas to be cremated with him after his death, but the company ran into financial difficulties with its loan obligations, so the painting had to be used as collateral.

No. 17. 80 million dollars. "Turquoise Marilyn", Andy Warhol, painted in 1964, sold in 2007.

Purchased by Mr. Steve Cohen. The price has not been confirmed, but this figure is generally considered to be true.

No. 16. 80 million dollars. "False Start" by Jasper Johns, written 1959

The painting belonged to David Geffen, who sold it to the CEO of the Citadel investment group, Kenneth S. Griffin. It is recognized as the most expensive painting that was sold during the lifetime of the artist, cult master Jasper Johns.

No. 15. $82,500,000. "Portrait of Doctor Gachet", Vincent Van Gogh, 1890.

Japanese businessman Ryoei Saito purchased the painting in 1990 at auction. At that time it was the most expensive painting in the world. In response to the outcry that arose in society regarding Saito’s desire to cremate the work of art with him after death, the businessman explained that, in this way, he expresses his selfless affection for the painting.

No. 14. $86,300,000. "Triptych", Francis Bacon, 1976.

This three-part masterpiece by Bacon broke the previous record for his works sold ($52.68 million). The painting was purchased by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

No. 13. $87,900,000. “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II”, Gustav Klimt, 1912.

The only model depicted twice by Klimt and sold a few months after the first version. This is a portrait of Bloch-Bauer, one of four paintings that fetched a total of $192 million in 2006. The buyer is unknown.

No. 12. $95,200,000. "Dora Maar with a cat", Pablo Picasso, 1941.

Another Picasso painting that went under the hammer at a fabulous price. In 2006, it was acquired by a mysterious Russian anonymous person, who at the same time bought works by Monet and Chagall worth a total of $100 million.

No. 11. $104,200,000. "Boy with a Pipe", Pablo Picasso, 1905.

This is the first painting to break the $100 million barrier in 2004. Oddly enough, the name of the person who showed such a keen interest in Picasso’s portrait was never made public.

No. 10. $105,400,000. "Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster)", Andy Warhol, 1932.

This is the most expensive work of the famous pop art legend, Andy Warhol. The painting became a star of modern art, going under the hammer at Sotheby's.

No. 9. $106,500,000. “Nude, green leaves and bust”, Pablo Picasso, 1932.

This sensual and colorful masterpiece became the most expensive work by Picasso ever sold at auction. The painting was in the collection of Mrs. Sidney F. Brody and has not been exhibited in public since 1961.

No. 8. $110 million "Flag", Jasper Johns, 1958.

"The Flag" is Jasper Johns' most famous work. The artist painted his first American flag in 1954-55.

No. 7. $119,900,000. "The Scream", Edvard Munch, 1895.

This is a unique and most colorful work of the four versions of Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream". Only one of them remains in private hands.

No. 6. $135,000,000. “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I”, Gustav Klimt.

Maria Altmann sought the right to own the painting in court, since Adele Bloch-Bauer bequeathed it to the Austrian State Gallery, and her husband later canceled the donation amid the events of World War II. Having assumed legal rights, Maria Altman sold the portrait to Ronald Lauder, who exhibited it in his gallery in New York.

No. 5. $137,500,000. "Woman III", Willem de Kooning.

Another painting sold by Geffen in 2006, but this time the buyer was billionaire Stephen A. Cohen. This strange abstraction was part of a series of six masterpieces by Kooning, painted between 1951 and 1953.

No. 4. $140,000,000. "No. 5, 1948", Jackson Pollock.

As reported in the New York Times, film producer and collector David Geffen sold the painting to David Martinez, managing partner of FinTech Advisory, although the latter did not confirm the information. The truth is shrouded in mystery.

Many masterpieces of painting are not only artistic treasures, but also the most expensive paintings in the world. The rating of these works changes regularly, based on art auctions. Many art lovers are willing to pay millions of dollars to purchase paintings by famous masters. These masterpieces, sometimes worth entire fortunes, adorn the walls of study rooms and offices, as well as the mansions of successful businessmen.

Sometimes rather banal-looking paintings cost incredible amounts of money, and many private collectors buy them from each other, overpaying huge sums. When assessing the cost of expensive paintings, inflation is not taken into account; the list does not include paintings that are the property of state museums.

The list of expensive paintings covers works from private collections exhibited for sale in the 20th – 21st centuries.

Peter Paul Rubens "Massacre of the Innocents" created in 1610

The painting is one of the most expensive in the world and describes the biblical event when, by order of King Herod, infants were exterminated. The power and grandeur of the painting by the great artist make it a unique masterpiece.

The canvas was sold in 2002 at Sotheby's auction in London. It was purchased by David Thompson for $77 million.

The painting is temporarily in the National Gallery in London at the behest of private collector David Thompson. The museum administration expects that Rubens' magnificent work will be on display in the museum for another three years.

Auguste Renoir "Bal at the Moulin de la Galette" 1876

It has an advantageous position among the most expensive paintings in the world.

The work was sold for $79 million to wealthy Japanese industrialist Ryoei Saito (1990). He expressed a desire for the painting to be burned with him after his death. However, due to financial problems, his company sold the masterpiece for debts.

Claude Monet "Pond of Water Lilies" 1899

This painting had a high rating in art auctions and is still among the most expensive paintings in the world.

The founder of impressionism, the master of the brush Claude Monet, was in love with flowers; nature was his element. The depicted water lilies were grown from Japanese seeds in his garden and express a peculiar symbiosis of French nature and the Japanese subtle perception of color and flavor.

The canvas was sold at an art auction. The cost of the masterpiece was $80.5 million.

Gustav Klimt "Adele Bloch - Bauer II" created in 1912

The painting was painted five years after the artist created the Golden Adele. This work is truly worthy of the title of masterpiece and one of the most expensive paintings in the world.

The portrait belonged to the Adele family before their arrest by the Nazis. Afterwards it came into the possession of a museum in Austria. Due to lengthy legal proceedings, the painting was returned to Maria Altmann, a relative of Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, in 2006.

Picasso “Nude, green leaves and bust” 1932

The work is one of the artist’s surrealist works and has long been considered one of the most expensive paintings in the world. On the canvas, one of the great master’s lovers, Maria Teresa Walter, is transformed in an original way. Art historians identify her image with the appearance of the mythical Daphne, whom her own mother turned into a laurel tree to save from the persecution of Apollo.

In 1936, it was sold for a record amount of $89.1 million. Later, the work, like its first version, came into the possession of American museums and is now in the United States.

The canvas was purchased by P. Rosenberg, and in 1951 by the American Sidney Brody. After the death of a private collector in 2010, the work went under the hammer at an art auction for $106.5 million to an anonymous art connoisseur.

Edvard Munch “The Scream” (4th painting in the series), 1893

The painting is one of the mysterious and original works in the history of painting. This painting occupies a priority position in the list of the most expensive paintings in the world. It depicts a screaming man.

The artist himself often felt the urge to scream when he looked at the heavens and his surroundings. The scream depicted in the painting is heard by everyone who looks at the painting. It is difficult to express in words the feeling that the artist conveys with this work. Here you can see delight, despair, protest and dilemma at the same time. The fourth version of the painting was first presented at the Berlin exhibition in 1893. In 2012, it was put up for auction by Norwegian Peter Olsen and sold for $119.9 million to a buyer who did not want to identify himself. This exceptional Scream variant comes from a private collector.

Jackson Pollock "Number 5" 1948

This painting is one of the amazing and strange works of world painting. It is also rated as the most expensive painting in the world according to current standards. Pollock is a prominent representative of American abstract expressionism. The canvas represents the method of action painting.

He painted an unusual picture by pouring paint over a piece of mineralized wood wool (with thin and long shavings). The author admits that he does not use the usual tools of an artist - an easel, a palette and brushes. He worked with broken glass, pouring paint, using wooden sticks, knives of various shapes and sizes.

The painting was sold for $100 million to Mexican financial businessman David Martinez.

Barnett Newman "Anna's Light" 1968

The canvas is a horizontal canvas of large sizes, filled with carmine red color. The abstract artist dedicated the painting to his mother, in whose person he sees all the mothers of the world. This is a portrait of the Virgin Mary. A representative of a number of the most expensive paintings in the world, it is a kind of requiem for memory, grief and the question of what life and death are, and perhaps a meeting with our dear ones after death. To achieve this effect, Newman struggled for a long time with the luminous power of red, which looked more vibrant on the translucent white ground of the canvas. He applied layers of red, which allowed the painting to convey a feeling of isolation and a mournful state of mind. When asked why such a price, art critics unequivocally answer that you just need to see the painting with your own eyes.

In 2013, the work was exhibited at an art auction and was sold for $106 million.

Francis Bacon "Triptych" 1969

In 2013, the triptych became the most expensive painting in the world. At an auction organized in New York, the highest price for the work of art was established. The triptych was appraised and sold for $142.5 million.

Triptych is the creative direction of the artist. The author explains the reason for adhering to this form by the fact that he sees the images sequentially. In his paintings he raises the theme of alienation from religion and death. Bacon's work was also exhibited in the Hermitage.

The painting depicts the artist's friend, Lucian Freud. Lucien was also an artist. The triptych participated in an exhibition of the artist’s works at the Grand Palais in 1971-72. (Paris). Afterwards it was divided into three canvases.

The previous price of the painting, paid by Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, was $86 million.

Paul Gauguin "When is the wedding?" 1892

The work of art became the most expensive painting in the world, sold for a fabulous sum of $300 million. According to some sources, Gauguin’s work was bought by the Arab Qatar Museums, which buys original examples of painting from all over the world to complete exhibits in museums in the United Arab Emirates.

The canvas is from the private collection of Rudolf Staehelin, by whose free will it has been in the Swiss Museum of Fine Arts (Basel) for the last half century. City leaders consider the sale of the painting a great loss for Basel. The painting was supposed to receive new owners in 2016, after it was exhibited in the capitals of Spain and the United States.

Gauguin painted the picture at a time when he was 44 years old and was about to marry a young 13-year-old Tahitian girl. Gauguin dreamed of settling in a tropical paradise and starting a family in Tahiti. Such a marriage in those places was considered quite normal, and the girl’s relatives with great joy completely organized the wedding. It was a high honor for them to become close to a white man.

The painting shows two Tahitian women, one of them in a missionary rite, which is an expression of severity or warning. Her image is more individualized. The other one, which is in the foreground, is gracefully curved and seems to show off its youthful beauty.

Previously, a work of pictorial art that sold at the highest price worldwide was Paul Cézanne's masterpiece The Card Players. It was sold at a private auction in 2012 ($250 million), also to an Arab organization.

2017.01.16 by

Have you ever thought about how much the most expensive painting in the world costs? There are many paintings with prices over $1 million, but there are paintings that cost upwards of $100 million. It is difficult to truly appreciate these masterpieces of world painting - almost all the authors of the most expensive paintings ever sold have died and will no longer be able to create something like this. And because of this, the price of these paintings simply increases over time. So, we present to your attention the TOP 10 most expensive paintings in the world.


1. No. 5, 1948, Jackson Pollock - $140,000,000.

No. 5, 1948 went for $140 million when it was sold by David Geffen to David Martinez in 2006. The 8-by-5-foot fiberglass piece embodies the unique painting technique used by Pollock, one of the greatest expressionist artists. This is a typical Pollock painting, not very accessible in perception, but which is the basis for the evolution of modern art. Pollock was famous for a unique painting technique in which, after placing a canvas on the floor, he would apply paint by causing it to drip from sticks, syringes and hard brushes.

2. Masterpiece, Roy Lichtenstein - $165,000,000.

Roy Lichtenstein is one of the pioneers of pop art culture. His most famous work, Masterpiece (1962), has some classic pop art and comic book elements. The painting was part of Lichtenstein's first exhibition at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, which included other works such as "The Drowned Girl" and "Portrait of Madame Cézanne." Now, some critics have dismissed "Masterpiece" as just another washed-out, glamorous picture, while others believe it has a deeper meaning.

3. Reclining Nude, Amedeo Modigliani - $170,400,000.

Reclining Nude, also known as Red Nude or Rellining Nude, is a 1917 oil painting by Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. The painting is a seamless fusion of classical idealism and modern sensuality. The painting of a naked woman lying on a sofa appears erotically realistic, but has a surreal, almost sublime beauty that draws the viewer in. There is nothing rude or vulgar in this picture. Instead, she is perceived as a sensual, horny woman in her prime who is not afraid to give and demand physical pleasure.

4. Les Femmes d’Alger, Picasso - $179,400,000.

In 2015, Les Femmes d'Alger Version O sold the painting for US$179.4 million, setting the world record for the most expensive painting ever sold at auction. This painting is the culmination of Picasso's series of 15 works, Women of Algiers. This work perfectly demonstrates Picasso's penchant for creating works that have a vintage feel while remaining completely fresh in approach.

5.No. 6, Mark Rothko - $186,000,000.

Rothko's style is characterized by the use of large canvases and horizontal stripes of bright colors. Here Rothko uses a spartan palette with the darkest shades on top, symbolizing the depression that plagued him.

6. No. 17A, 1948, Jackson Pollock - $200,000,000.

Abstract Expressionism was a popular art after World War II that emphasizes the subconscious and spontaneous creation. Jackson Pollock's work belonged to this school of painting - his dripping paint technique has its roots in the work of Andre Masson and Max Ernst. This piece of abstract work was created sometime in 1948 and was featured in a 1947 Life magazine article.

7. When will you get married? Paul Gauguin, $210,000,000.

In 1892, a painting by Paul Gauguin became the most expensive painting in the world. His painting of two Tahitian girls broke a world record in February 2015 when it was bought by Qatar Museums from private Swiss collector Rudolf Stahelin for an astonishing $300 million.

8. The Card Players, Paul Cezanne, $250,000,000.

The card players were purchased by the Qatari royal family from Greek shipping magnate George Embirikos for a whopping US$274 million.

9. Exchange, Willem de Kooning, $300,000,000. 10. Salvator Mundi, Leonardo da Vinci, $450,300,000.

Salvator Mundi was supposedly written by Leonardo da Vinci (many critics believe otherwise). The painting shows Jesus Christ dressed in Renaissance clothing and giving a blessing while holding a crystal ball in his left hand. The glass ball in the hand symbolizes the crystalline spheres of heaven - Christ is shown as the savior of the world and the master of the cosmos.

Recently, Christie's auction house sold the painting for more than $90 million. It is called "Portrait of the Artist (Pool with Two Figures)" and became the most expensive work by a living artist sold at auction.

Even with all the records, it became only fiftieth on the list of the most expensive paintings in the world. Likeyou has compiled a list of twenty works that sold for the most money.

1. Salvator Mundi, $450.3 million

What is she famous for?
There is a lot of controversy and mystery surrounding this work by Leonardo da Vinci. Some consider it the last original painting by the artist in a private collection, while others consider it a “remake” to which da Vinci has nothing to do.

When and for how much was it sold?
In 2017 for 450 million.

How much would it cost today
As many.

2. “Exchange,” $310 million

What is she famous for?
Willem de Kooning began working in the abstract art style with The Exchange. The painting is believed to reflect the ugly reality of the new world.

In 2015 for 300 million.

How much would it cost today
310 million

3. “The Card Players,” $272 million

What is she famous for?
This is one of five paintings in Paul Cézanne's "Card Players" series.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2012 for 250 million.

How much would it cost today
272 million

4. “When to Get Married?”, $217 million

What is she famous for?
Paul Gauguin's painting depicts his wife. At the time of their wedding in Tahiti, she was only thirteen years old.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2015 for 210 million.

How much would it cost today
217 million

5. “Number 17A,” $206 million

What is she famous for?
The painting was painted by Jackson Pollock without sketches. Amazing, right? Moreover, he used the floor as an easel and sprayed with brushes and a syringe.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2015 for 200 million.

How much would it cost today
206 million

6. Water Serpents II, $191.3 million

What is she famous for?
Little is known about this work by Gustav Klimat, compared to The Kiss.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2013 for 183 million.

How much would it cost today
191 million

7. “No. 6. (Purple, green and red),” $192 million

What is she famous for?
Mark Rothko tried to convey pure emotions with the help of bright colors, but his contemporaries kept trying his works on for their interiors. In fact, repeating his work is not as easy as it seems.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2014 they sold for 186 million.

How much would it cost today
192 million

8. “Portraits of Meren Solmans and Opoen Coppit,” $186 million

What is she famous for?
The paintings were commissioned by the couple to the already famous artist Rembrandt right after the wedding. The family did not last long and in 1878 the painting was sold to a private collection. And later the paintings were bought by France and the Netherlands, but they are always exhibited together.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2015, 90 million each.

How much would it cost today
186 million

9. “Women of Algeria (Version O),” $185.2 million

What is she famous for?
This is a series of as many as fifteen paintings, and it is called “Version O”.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2015 for 179 million.

How much would it cost today
185.2 million

10. “Reclining Nude,” $175.9 million

What is she famous for?
Amedeo Modigliani painted many nudes, and Reclining Nude will not be the only one on this list.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2015 for 170 million.

How much would it cost today
176 million

11. “No. 5, 1948”, $170 million

What is she famous for?
Another work by Jackson Pollock, which is considered one of the most famous works in the style of abstract expressionism.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2005, for 140 million.

How much would it cost today
170 million

12. “Woman III,” $166.9 million

What is she famous for?
The painting by Willem de Kubinka is part of a series where a woman is the focus.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2006, for 137.5 million.

How much would it cost today
166.9 million

13. “Masterpiece,” $165 million

What is she famous for?
The pop art painting was painted by Roy Lichtenstein and reflected the state of modern society at that time. Today, the problems with his paintings are not yet outdated.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2017 for 165 million.

How much would it cost today
As many.

14. “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I”, 163.9 million dollars

What is she famous for?
The painting was passed down by inheritance for a long time, but was eventually purchased by a private individual.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2006, for 135 million.

How much would it cost today
163.9 million

15. “Dream,” $162.8 million

What is she famous for?
Pablo Picasso depicted his beloved in the painting and in just one day.

When and for how much was it sold
In 2013 for 155 million.

How much would it cost today
162.8 million

16. “Reclining Nude (Left Side),” $157.2 million