Nikolai Poberezhnik - We survived! Start. We survived!: The Beginning (Book 1) (Nikolai Poberezhnik) Nikolai Poberezhnik we survived the beginning

A series: We survived!

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The given introductory fragment of the book We survived! The Beginning (Nikolai Poberezhnik, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Everything happened like in the fairy tale “About the Shepherd,” who cried “Wolves” for fun. The next date of the apocalypse was announced, but most did not believe it. Only a small percentage of the planet's population... and two friends, one of whom regularly and diligently prepared for every end of the world that had not happened before. They were able to survive the death of the World, but now it’s time to envy the dead...

Some abnormally early spring this year. It’s only the end of March, but the willow has already begun to bloom. And there wasn’t really any snow last winter, and now we don’t have to wait for a strong flood. On the way to the garage, I even stopped in the middle of a bridge over a small river and looked down. The water is clean, its stream slowly meanders between large stones and continues its path to the sea. I raised my head and looked at the hills surrounding our small town, soon they too will be covered with greenery... Yes, at this rate it’s really soon, the thermometer outside the window showed plus nine this morning. The nature around seemed to be in a hurry to live, as if anticipating something, something bad. I’m even starting to believe in all this chatter about a gas cloud and a cluster of either asteroids or ice chunks, which has been discussed for the past few months both by ordinary people in their kitchens and by high-ranking officials in large offices. Moreover, my friend, Volodka, has been buzzing all my ears with this latest apocalypse. In general, he is a little interested in the topic of survival, he corrects me if I call him a survivalist, and proudly declares - “I am a survivor!”...

Wow, who would have thought!

Having learned the next appointed date for the Great Arctic Fox, (in a survivalist way, BP), Vovka began to actively prepare for it with renewed vigor, and he is actively involving me and my garage in this matter, where he and I are supposed to meet in literally an hour.

It all started with the fact that about six months ago, an amateur astronomer living in some “Zadrischensk”, similar to our town, discovered a new comet. He made a video message and posted it on the Internet. In general, there are a whole mountain of such videos, and each one promises the inevitable death of all humanity. And then, they just laughed at him. But a little later, at NASA, another astronomer and not at all an amateur also set his sights on this comet, which turned out to be not a comet at all, but a large accumulation of asteroids in some kind of gas cloud. Indeed, having calculated the trajectory, NASA came to the conclusion that this heap of space “cobblestones” and frozen gas in the form of pieces of ice with all sorts of unknown chemistry is flying straight to Earth, and they even made an official statement that they say, yes, they found it, and yes, everything is flying towards us... however, there is no need to be afraid, the “pebbles” there are small, and almost all of them will burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere, and the inhabitants of our planet will be able to watch the most beautiful spectacle. Well, then, a month later, the pundits started gossiping again on the topic “what if?”, and even later some observatory, having a cunning telescope that was able to analyze the composition of this cloud using the spectrum, declared that this cloud was very dangerous . The presence of cyanide compounds was discovered, which are a strong suffocating poison, and a bunch of other poisonous “space chemistry”, which, at a minimum, instantly cause paralysis of the respiratory system. After this message, everyone began to fuss again... they began to recalculate the trajectory and speed of the object a hundred times.

Most people, frankly speaking, did not believe in yet another horror story and were skeptical. After the joke of the ancient Indians with their calendar about “12/21/2012”, people treated apocalyptic predictions as just another nonsense, as well as an excellent marketing ploy for those who sell “survival” goods - stewed meat, matches, etc. . All sorts of churches “witnesses of something” began to promote religious psychosis, and another boom in the construction of shelters and other survivalism broke out in the USA.

I looked at all this and, frankly speaking, laughed at such panic of the masses. Periodically, either in the car on the radio I heard excerpts of speeches by various authoritative comrades covering the topic of the next “threat to humanity,” or all sorts of messages loomed on the Internet. In general, I began to lazily monitor the situation “with one eye” and read all the new messages on this topic. Here Volodka added “fuel to the fire” with his survivalist paranoia, he’ll come in to show off another sapper blade, he probably already has five of them... and then he’ll tell you something else, the restless one. Vovka, like me, is single, has been sailing all his adult life, in the sense of sailing on some kind of fishing boat. Six months at sea, six months at home. It happened that he didn’t return home for a year, and he entrusted me with taking care of his apartment, that is, accepting payment from its rental, and making sure that there was order there. And I’ve been working for myself for several years now, we have a team of five people, we do renovations in apartments: electrical, plumbing, welding, brickwork and concrete... a kind of construction team. We haven’t officially registered, so we work according to advertisements, and we work, by the way, it’s good, we already have regular customers who bring their friends to us, and they bring the next ones. So we work, we don’t do much, but we have enough to live on, and I bought myself a car, and a one-room apartment, and a garage, which, in addition to the car - a used Toyota - a pickup truck, is also littered with a bunch of all kinds of tools... In general, I don’t feel the need for material things , as long as there is work and while people want to build something, but they either cannot do it themselves, or they do not have time for it, but they have the desire and money.

A month and a half later, NASA again stunned everyone - the probability of a “gift from space” colliding with the Earth is 60–70%, but even if a collision does not happen, there is a very high probability that a toxic gas cloud will cover the Earth. And it started again... Already somehow even at the state level and in many countries. On the news I watched how FEMA (the American equivalent of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) and the National Guard were conducting exercises, running in crowds around shelters. In large cities, they began to prepare subways as shelters and hang signs on the streets in the style of “where to run,” if anything happens. I read an article online about how our nouveau riche began active excavation work in Rublyovka and other similar places. In general, a wave of pressure was in full swing online... pharmacy chains were enriching themselves by selling antidepressants, and there were somehow suspiciously many of those who believed in another PD. People bought mountains of food and other necessities, cash collectors did not have time to charge quickly emptying ATMs, which is why in many places there was even a problem with cash, and small banks were bursting at the seams. On one of our federal channels they even launched a whole show related to preparations for the future and, going out into the street at the time when this show was broadcast, I immediately remembered the end of the 80s, when they began to show “Slave Isaura” in the USSR, then there were almost no people on the street. I held on and tried not to give in to this madness. Volodka often came to sit over a beer and sort of discuss things... he kept telling me, let’s get ready, we need to do something, etc., etc. So one day he came and immediately turned on this show on style “we are all going to die”, a group of armchair experts, scientists, a couple of priests gathered there again... a motley audience, in general, and let’s broadcast to the population that yes, this is not a comet at all, but about a thousand small asteroids in a gas cloud, the size which is two and a half times larger than our planet. Further, opinions were divided regarding the collision of a deadly object with the Earth, some argued that a gas cloud, falling under the influence of our star, could change the trajectory and everything would be fine, well, or almost everything... the priests said that there was some kind of sign and a collision was inevitable, so that cover yourself with a shroud and crawl to the nearest cemetery... And one of the most serious of all the participants in the discussion, some professor, unequivocally stated that, they say, asteroids are not as terrible as a gas cloud and pieces of ice with compounds unknown to science, and they are quite will probably bring a lot of trouble, deadly trouble. Then they gave the floor to some high-ranking official from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and he began to read from a piece of paper something like a memo “how to not die immediately.”

- Here! What am I saying?! This professor seemed to me the most normal of all,” Volodka sipped another can of beer when the show ended.

“Yeah,” I answered, thinking deeply.

- Andryukha! Let's convert your garage into a shelter! A?

- Why not yours?

- My basement doesn’t have one, the electricity is turned off there, and it’s not equipped.

-Where is the car going?

- Nowhere... she won’t interfere, we’ll do everything, and let it be worth it.

– How are you going to adapt the garage? – I asked, looking “out of the corner of my eye” at the economic news, which, by the way, was also not encouraging and stock indices were going downhill.

- I'm serious... Did you hear? The 11th–12th, not much time left, just a month.

- And I'm serious.

Volodka squinted, looked at me incredulously and said:

- Are you teasing me again or what?

– You know, Vova, if all this cosmic crap doesn’t happen, then half of the countries are already on the verge of economic collapse because of this “preparation for imminent death.” I read the news feed in the morning, nothing funny... mass layoffs, banks are closing one after another, Europe and China have stopped importing their products to us, and this is considered an arctic fox, given the economy of the “pipeline”...

- It finally dawned on you! – Vovka jumped in his chair.

- Come on, the world has been teetering on the brink of economic catastrophe for a long time, and here with this space fox it’s such a punch in the gut. So go ahead, tell me,” I leaned back in my chair and also opened the jar, “tell me about your survival.”

- Survivalism!

- To hell with it, tell me.

We stayed up almost until the morning, and I, frankly, was surprised at how globally my friend was puzzled by the problem. We even drew up an action plan, and Vovka separately wrote me a list of priority tasks, including what to buy and what to do.

Vovka is generally a maniac, quick to get up, I used to call him, they say, I have a couple of days, let’s go to the forest... and half an hour later he was already at my door with a backpack on his shoulders. Often he himself just wandered into the taiga, at about eight o'clock, and all on his feet, on foot. At first he seemed to test himself like this, a couple of times he simply went into the forest for several days with a knife, a flask and a box of matches, then he began to purposefully test all kinds of survival equipment, which he bought for a lot of money, and what’s more, after the tests he wrote all sorts of reviews about it was on all sorts of survival sites and enjoyed enormous authority there. He has dozens of knives and axes; I won’t say anything about the “occupier’s dream” bag under the bed, full of cartridges. To be honest, at one time I thought whether my friend had gone crazy... But no, later I became convinced that being a survivor is a way of life.

The very next day, he moved half of his closet with all sorts of survival stuff to my garage. And then he crawled around the entire garage and basement, writing something down, picking at the walls with a screwdriver and hammering on the plaster with a hammer, continuing to write something in a notebook, wiggling his eyebrows and making a suspiciously smart face. In general, my survivalist friend was frolicking, experiencing from this some kind of abnormal feeling of pride and, even stranger, joy, that, they say, this is what I am, I think about everything and “put straws in.” He used up all the foam sealant that was in my garage and was prepared for the planned work; he also thoroughly sealed the door that was in one of the halves of the gate, and now it is very difficult to open and close. In general, having survived several failed arctic foxes of different qualities, Vovka was packed, perhaps more abruptly than some operational groups of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. When I once again returned from the gas station with canisters of diesel fuel and poured them into one of the barrels, Vovka was carefully hanging bags with gas masks and chemical protection suits on nails; when I finished with the fuel, he, glowing like a polished nickel, came up to me with an aluminum trunk .

- Look...

- What is this?

“Gas analyzer,” Vovka answered proudly.

-And you know how to use it? – I grinned skeptically.

– There’s a manual here... don’t piss, Kashtanka, we’ll figure it out. I’ll take the sensors into the fan pipe and lower them into the basement, a USB extension cord there for the modem... the connection, of course, will work if something happens, it’s not a fact that it will happen, but in any case, until the last moment we’ll watch the news... and the antenna for the shortwave there too .

- I tried to withdraw money from the card... poor guy... the ATM is empty.

- Then go to Samorez, there are terminals at the cash desks, although it will be more expensive, you will be able to buy... what, there’s no way to get cash?

- There are three hundred bucks, and about five thousand rubles.

– Then shop according to the list where cards are accepted for payment.

- Fine.

In general, we’ve been rushing around in the garage for a couple of weeks now, turning it into a bomb shelter. Vovka spent almost all his cash and gutted his cards, buying everything he needed, steadfastly enduring abuse, and sometimes scuffles in store lines.


We survived!: The Beginning (Book 1) (Nikolai Poberezhnik)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56 kbps

Year of release: 2018
Duration: 10:17:52
Description: The first novel in the “We Survived!” series. Everything happened exactly as in that fairy tale “About the Shepherd,” who cried “Wolves” for fun. The next date of the apocalypse was announced, but most people no longer believed it. A small percentage of the planet's population... and two friends, one of whom regularly and diligently prepared for every end of the world that had not happened before. They were able to survive the death of the World, but now it’s time to envy the dead...


Cycle We are from Kronstadt - Book 1: Communkhoz department for cleaning up stray morphs (Nikolai Berg)

Format: audiobook, 128 Kbps
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: , combat fantasy
Duration: 11:23:17
Description: When the first shock after the Trouble passed, there was a need for archers - hunters, there were already a lot of all kinds of evil spirits. Then, for efficiency, they formed teams with clear tasks and responsibilities. The harsh everyday life of the team under the command of Major Brys is at the center of Nikolai Berg’s novel “We are from Kronstadt. Subdivision of the communal economy for cleaning up stray morphs" from the series "Age of the Dead". ...


Sword Art Online Series - Book 9: Alicization - The Beginning (Kawahara Reki)

Format: audiobook, 128 Kbps
Year of manufacture: 2013

Duration: 08:22:30
Description: Despite his talent for getting into trouble with virtual worlds, Kirito stubbornly tries to keep abreast of the development of VR technologies, as he sees the future in them. The mysterious company RATH, where Kirito got a part-time job and where all he needs to do is sleep and see virtual dreams (which he really doesn’t remember anything about when he wakes up). Dreams based on a fundamentally different...


Accel World Series - Book 15: The End and the Beginning (Kawahara Reki)

Format: audiobook, 128 Kbps
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: , adventure, action, romance
Duration: 06:47:51
Description: Haruyuki defeated the Legendary Class Enemy Archangel Metatron. There was very little time left before the destruction of the body of the ISS kit that infected the Accelerated World... but Black Vice and Argon Ares from the Acceleration Research Society suddenly appeared and kidnapped the Red Queen Scarlet Rain. Having promised to protect Niko Haruyuki, he receives help from Metatron, freed from his shackles, and launches...


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Year of manufacture: 2015
Duration: 06:36:26
Description: How did I, a mathematician by training, dare to write such a book? I ask myself this question endlessly. And here are my “justifying” arguments: firstly, I’ve been writing poetry all my life. And poets have a particularly reverent attitude towards words. Secondly, life just so happened that after graduating from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, I began to rack my brains not over mathematical problems, but over solving a humanities problem...


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Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre fiction
Publisher: Creative Group SamIzdat
Duration: 12:20:07
Description: The world of the near future. The Third World War died down, and the planet plunged into the nightmare of nuclear winter. The remnants of people are quietly dying from radiation, disease and hunger in various kinds of bunkers and shelters, fiercely fighting among themselves for the remains of food and fuel. In Crimea, an officer of the Russian Marine Corps managed to take advantage of the developments of a secret institute, break through a tunnel into...


Time of war. Series: Are we worthy of fathers and grandfathers. Book 6. (Sergeev Stanislav)

Format: audiobook, 128kbps
Year of manufacture: 2014
Duration: 14:53:06
Description: Time travel becomes commonplace, and people who survived the flames of the Third World War take an active part in defending the Motherland in 1941. Against the backdrop of intrigue, betrayal and attempts to seize time travel equipment, a picture of one of the most grandiose and iconic battles of the Great Patriotic War - the Battle of Moscow - unfolds before posterity. Alaska, Argentina, Antarctica - Lieutenant Colonel...


That means we are Armenians, and you are on the oboe (book 2 of 3) (Nikolai Klimontovich)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Year of manufacture: 2003
Publisher: " "
Duration: 03:58:03
Description: in the novel “We, therefore, are Armenians, and you are on the oboe,” published last year in “October,” he gave his vision of the life and way of life of Moscow Armenians. The way he presented it was more like a cartoon. Greedy, uncultured, impudent, they are pushing out the subtle and soulful old-timers from the capital, destroying the refined atmosphere with their merchant spirit. Many, accustomed to communicating with Armenians through the counter in Moscow...


Are we worthy of fathers and grandfathers? Book 7. Enemies of grandfathers (Sergeev Stanislav)

Format: audiobook, 128kbps
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: , alternative history
Publisher: " "
Duration: 12:15:43
Description: The world after the Third World War. Nuclear winter, people live in bunkers and shelters, fighting for the remains of clean food and fuel. Here slavery is the rule, and the main law is the right of the strong. In such a world, the surviving officers and soldiers of the Russian army, remaining human, managed to find a way back to the past, to 1942. There is also a war going on there, and our contemporaries, who received a sip from...


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Year of manufacture: 2013
Publisher: " "
Duration: 16:44:10
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A book of magic for beginners from scratch. Book 1 (Kobashiri Kakeru)

Nikolay Poberezhnik

We survived! Start

This year it is early spring, even abnormally early. It’s only the end of March, but the willow has already begun to bloom. And there wasn’t really any snow, and now we don’t have to wait for a strong flood. On the way to the garage, I even stopped in the middle of a bridge over a small river and looked down. The water is clean, its stream slowly meanders between large stones and continues its path to the sea. I raised my head and looked at the hills surrounding our small town, soon they too will be covered with greenery... Yes, at this rate it’s really soon, the thermometer outside the window showed plus nine this morning.

The nature around me seemed to be in a hurry to live, as if anticipating something, something bad, and I’m even starting to believe in all this chatter about a gas cloud and a cluster of asteroids, which has been discussed for the last few months, both by ordinary people in their kitchens and high-ranking officials in large offices . Moreover, my friend, Volodka, has been buzzing my ears with this latest apocalypse, he is generally a little focused on the theme of survival, and having learned the next appointed date of the BP (Big Scribe), he began to prepare for it, and is actively involving me in this matter and my garage , where we are supposed to meet him in literally an hour.

It all started with the fact that about six months ago, an amateur astronomer living in some “Zadrischensk”, similar to our town, discovered a new comet. He made a video message and posted it on the Internet. In general, there are a whole mountain of such videos, and each one promises the inevitable death of all humanity. And then, they just laughed at him.

But a little later, at NASA, another astronomer and not at all an amateur also set his sights on this comet, which turned out to be not a comet at all, but a large accumulation of asteroids in some kind of gas cloud. Indeed, having calculated the trajectory, NASA came to the conclusion that this heap of space “cobblestones” and frozen pieces of ice with all sorts of unknown chemistry is flying straight towards Earth, and they even made an official statement that they say, yes, they discovered it, and yes, everything is flying to us... however, there is no need to be afraid, the “pebbles” there are small, and almost all of them will burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere, and the inhabitants of our planet will be able to watch the most beautiful spectacle.

Well, and then, a month later, the pundits started gossiping again about “what if,” and even later some observatory, having a cunning telescope that was able to analyze the composition of this cloud using the spectrum, declared that this cloud was very dangerous. The presence of cyanide compounds, unknown to modern science, has been discovered, and they are a powerful suffocating poison, and a bunch of other poisonous “space chemistry” that instantly cause paralysis of the respiratory system. After this message, everyone began to fuss again... they began to recalculate the trajectory and speed of the object a hundred times.

Most people, frankly speaking, did not believe in yet another horror story and were skeptical. After the joke about December 21, 2012, people treated apocalyptic predictions as just another nonsense, and also as an excellent marketing ploy for those who sell “survival” goods, stewed meat, matches, and so on. All sorts of churches “witnessing something” began to promote religious psychosis, and another boom in the construction of shelters and other survivalism broke out in the USA.

I looked at all this and, frankly speaking, laughed at it all. Periodically, either in the car on the radio I heard excerpts of speeches by various authoritative comrades covering the topic of the next “threat to humanity,” or all sorts of messages loomed on the Internet. In general, I began to lazily monitor the situation, “with one eye” and read all the new messages on this topic.

Here Volodka added “fuel to the fire” with his survivalist paranoia, he’ll come in to show off another sapper blade, he probably already has five of them... and then he’ll tell you something else, the restless one. He, like me, is single, has been sailing all his adult life, in the sense of sailing on some kind of fishing boat. Six months at sea, six months at home, it happened that he didn’t return home for a year, and he entrusted me with taking care of his apartment, that is, accepting payment from its rental, and making sure that there was order there. And I’ve been working for myself for several years now, we have a team of five people, we do renovations in apartments, electrical, plumbing, welding, bricklaying and concrete... a kind of construction team. We haven’t officially registered, so we work based on advertisements, and we work well, by the way, we already have our own clients who bring their friends to us, and they bring theirs.

So we work, we don’t do much, but we have enough to live on, and I bought myself a car and a one-room apartment and a garage, which, in addition to the car - a used Toyota pickup truck, is also littered with a bunch of all sorts of tools... In general, I don’t feel the need in material terms as long as I have work and while people want to build something but either cannot do it themselves, or they do not have time for it, but they have money.

A month and a half later, NASA again stunned everyone - the probability of a “gift from space” colliding with the Earth is 60–70%, but even if a collision does not happen, there is a very high probability that a toxic gas cloud will cover the Earth. And it started again... Already somehow even at the state level and in many countries. On the news I watched how FEMA (the American equivalent of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) and the National Guard were conducting exercises, running in crowds around shelters. In large cities, they began to prepare the subways as shelters and hang signs on the streets in the style of “where to run” if anything happens.

I read an article online about how at the Rublevka and other similar places, our nouveau riche began active excavation work. In general, a wave of pressure was in full swing online... pharmacy chains were enriching themselves by selling antidepressants, and there were somehow suspiciously many of those who believed in another PD. People bought mountains of food and other necessities, cash collectors did not have time to charge quickly emptying ATMs, which is why in many places there was even a problem with cash, and small banks were bursting at the seams. On one of our federal channels they even launched a whole show related to preparations for the future, and going out into the street while this show was being broadcast, I immediately remembered the time when “Slave Isaura” began to be shown in the USSR, i.e. there were almost no people on the street. I held on and tried not to give in to this madness. Volodka often came to sit with a beer and sort of discuss... he kept telling me, let’s get ready, we need to do something, etc., etc. So one day he came and immediately turned on this show in the style “we are all going to die,” a group of armchair experts, scientists, a couple of priests gathered there again... a motley crowd in general, and let’s broadcast to the population that yes, this is not a comet at all, but about a thousand small asteroids in a gas cloud, the size of which is two and a half times larger than our planet.

Everything happened like in the fairy tale “About the Shepherd,” who cried “Wolves” for fun. The next date of the apocalypse was announced, but most did not believe it. Only a small percentage of the planet's population... and two friends, one of whom regularly and diligently prepared for every end of the world that had not happened before. They were able to survive the death of the World, but now it’s time to envy the dead...

A series: We survived!

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book We survived! The Beginning (Nikolai Poberezhnik, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Leaning my elbows on the concrete railing of the bridge and resting my head on my palms, I kept looking at the water. From behind, rare cars drove along the bridge, their tires rustling on the asphalt. One of them, having passed the bridge, stopped, but I did not turn around, continuing to look down.

– Why are you meditating there? – I heard Vovka’s voice. - Jump in, let's go, there's a lot to do.

“Hello,” I plopped down in the front seat of Vovkin’s Datsun.

“Hello,” Vovka nodded and turned on the program, “I was watching the news this morning, the UN declared the eleventh a “day of silence”, well, it’s like a day off...

- Well, now there will be another red day on the calendar.

“Yeah,” Vovka grinned, “there’s no reason not to drink.”

We spent the whole day fiddling with the ventilation. Using pieces of plastic sewer pipes, we made four replaceable filters, and from the same pipe we came up with the idea of ​​making air valves so that air could only come out of one pipe and only flow into another. And then all this had to be placed on two cast iron pipes sticking out in the roof. Matyukov, of course, we put our money on it... because in addition to the fact that our homemade products needed to be secured firmly and hermetically, it was necessary to provide for the possibility of replacing filters. I had to visit a plumbing store and pick up all sorts of sewer adapters and tees. The bored only salesman with iPhone headphones in his ears did not fail to joke, saying that normal people buy food, but we started sewer repairs. Volodka and I smiled in response to his remark and said nothing; unknown to him, we had already stocked up on food for almost six months in advance. All that remained was to solve the problem with water, well, we had already ordered it, and they would soon bring us a hundred five-liter bottles, which I paid for through mobile banking. In general, three-quarters of the basement area was already occupied by food, Vovkin’s, as he says, “nishtyaks” and other things, and we were left with a nook two by two meters for “housing.” In the garage itself, upstairs, it is necessary to equip the utility unit, install a generator, batteries and a stove-stove. And we will also need to bring out the chimney through the ventilation window that remains above the gate, but in a cunning way - we will take out the pipe, and bend its top into a tied tin oil canister filled with antifreeze and the smoke will gurgle out, and air will flow from the street into the garage , contaminated with all sorts of toxic compounds, will not work... however, this is in theory, and we will need to test this system, which we will do one of these days.

The news from the TV continued to “delight”... I watched the evening broadcasts of several channels, the picture was as follows - in the States they were preparing seriously, they showed some farmer who, having buried a forty-foot container in the ground, equipped it with the latest technology and filled it with food, as well as me shocked his arsenal, a dozen and a half pistols alone. The EU also made preparations, moreover, all the works of art were taken to some kind of large storage facility... no, I understand - a legacy, but in that storage facility that was shown, more than one thousand people could fit, but there, in Europe overcrowded with people, they decided take more care of art... well, the master is a gentleman, as they say. I was glad for the Swiss; besides the fact that they had “holes” in the mountains from World War II, during the Cold War they succeeded in building huge shelters where people could even be delivered by rail. In the countries of Eastern Europe, people relied only on themselves, and in some places the remaining Soviet shelters. And in China, people were already being prepared to move into entire underground cities, of which, as it turned out, they had at least a dozen, but they were allowed in somehow selectively, making special passes, which is why mass riots began in many places in the country, which were harshly suppressed with the help of the army. In all Somalia and other third world countries, BP is a way of life, it is permanent there, and therefore they did not prepare for anything, they knew about the threat from outer space, but they were waiting for it as relief from torment. Here in Russia, as always, some bureaucrat with an important person who could hardly fit into the frame, threw out numbers, schedules for the implementation of “action plans”, voiced some simply colossal amounts of “mastered” budget funds allocated for preparations for imminent disaster. In reality, judging by the articles on the Internet, everything was far from so rosy, with the exception of large cities with a population of half a million and above, where there really was something and someone to prepare. In our town there were only two bomb shelters, one for a hundred people, the second for two hundred... that’s it, the rest is whatever you want. But the people did not lose heart, this evening, approaching the house, I noticed how in the five-story building opposite a group of men was actively sealing the basement, welding and a couple of concrete mixers were working, people united and decided to take care of themselves. Well done, they were even glad that our people still have the spirit of unity, and even in the face of trouble, in general. But lately, to be honest, I began to doubt that something could unite us. He also noted that people and apartments are adapting as best they can, sealing and sealing the cracks in windows and doorways with foam sealant.

In our city there wasn’t much hooliganism or riots, and the police patrolled the streets honestly, and in some big cities they even imposed a curfew and brought in internal troops to patrol the streets. But the closer the “day of silence” got, the more anxious the mood became and, in general, the situation was “on edge.” Later, in our town, the sirens of police cars began to be heard more and more often, people on the streets became withdrawn and nervous, grocery stores had almost empty shelves, but bread, milk and other goods that were produced nearby were still, however, priced they grew up. After a couple of garages were opened in our cooperative and all the food was taken out of the basement, Vovka and I decided that it was probably worth taking everything valuable from the apartments, and moving into the garage... there were only a few days left before the “day of silence”.

My garage cooperative was located on the outskirts of the village; next door across the dirt road there was a private sector. In the morning a man came from there and offered me a decent piece of pork.

“Take it, guys, I’ve already filled the refrigerator... it’s a pity if it goes to waste,” the man held a bag of meat in front of him.

- What is the price? – I asked him, mentally calculating the price of fresh food, taking into account the rampant inflation.

- Well, take it... why, maybe the day after tomorrow we’ll all die, and where do I need this money?

“Thank you,” I replied, accepting the package from the man, “what’s your name?”

- They call me Genka.

- ABOUT! – Volodka perked up. - Let’s marinate and have a kebab in the evening... for the last time, huh?

The man, having heard this “finally” from Vovkino, somehow became completely sad and wandered off.

- Vova, well, that’s how you blurt it out, damn it...

- And what? – he smiled stupidly in response. “Maybe we’ll survive everything with little loss.”

- Okay, I’ll remove the meat for now, then marinate it.

- Gennady! - Vovka shouted to the departing person, - come to the barbecue in the evening.

And after lunch, a whole flatbed KamAZ truck arrived at the far bay, and the family of a neighbor in the cooperative unloaded from it. He waved his hand at me in greeting, and then busily, with the help of his wife, two sons and daughter, began to unload the car and carry boxes and bales to his garage. Sitting on packages of five-liter bottles of water, Vovka and I had lunch and watched the action of our unexpectedly appeared neighbor.

“Now we have a neighbor,” Vovka nodded in his direction.

– This is Oleg, the chairman of our cooperative.

“Somehow he came to his senses a little late,” Volodya winced, “but with such a team, how quickly they work, maybe they will have time to prepare as little as possible.”

In general, besides me and a neighbor who came to move in, another shady guy settled in the cooperative; he bought a garage here about a year ago. He’s also slowly carrying something, he’s also building something with his ventilation. But he’s kind of unsociable, he doesn’t even say hello. And to hell with it, as Vovka said.

In the evening, as planned, we grilled shish kebab, barbarously using the clapboard that was stacked along the wall of my garage for firewood. Gena also came and brought a bottle of moonshine, later Oleg joined our company and we, building a fire next to the garage, chatted and made forecasts until late at night. The door of my car, standing nearby, was open, and we periodically listened to the news blocks, immediately drawing conclusions. By the way, the closer this object flew to Earth, the more intense all sorts of natural, to put it mildly, troubles began to occur on the planet. A wave of earthquakes swept through, volcanoes became active almost everywhere, throwing ash into the atmosphere many kilometers high. Again the Japanese got it with their Fukushima, which was finally broken by another tsunami after an earthquake of magnitude 8, and now half of the news has switched to Japan.

The next day, Vovka and I started checking all the “life support systems” in the morning; almost everything worked; we only had to tinker with the chimney, adjusting the depth of its immersion, adding antifreeze to the container. We checked the operation of the gas analyzer sensors, which I didn’t really understand, but Vovka, after sitting for a couple of nights for several hours, seemed to figure it out. We checked how three small Chinese cameras worked, one of them showed a picture in front of the garage door, the second was directed towards the city, and the third was directed at the driveway to the cooperative.

The constantly turned on receiver, without stopping, poured on us a stream of negative events taking place on the planet. In general, the news was already starting to piss me off, but I had to be aware of the events, and so I just turned down the volume and turned it up when something very important was broadcast, for example, that many airlines had not been operating for 24 hours due to volcanic ash, which over several days of powerful eruptions, a decent amount accumulated, or the fact that our president and his entire retinue took refuge somewhere in the Ural mountains.

In general, the anxiety of all humanity, hovering in the ether, was very much felt physically, sometimes it began to twist in the stomach, sometimes goosebumps ran through the body, and it seemed as if the hair on the head was moving. Even the planet was somehow preparing itself, every day it became quieter, and before the “day of silence” there was no wind at all, and the air was already ringing. In the evening, even Volodka and I stopped talking, and communicated more and more with gestures and short phrases. When it got dark and my friend and I were sitting by the fire and drinking tea, Oleg came with several cans of foam sealant.

- Andrey, can you help? – without looking at me, Oleg said.

“I’ll close now, and you go through the foam sealant on the gate from the outside.”

“No problem, let’s go,” I got up from packing water.

“Wait,” he hesitated and took out an open bottle of vodka from his belt, “let’s guys... let’s roll, and God forbid we all survive this...”

He drank from the bottle and handed it to me, then I handed the bottle to Vovka. Oleg put the bottle on the ground, shook Vovka’s hand, and we went to his garage. Near which, silently nodding and shaking hands, he said goodbye to me, muttering something, went into the garage and closed the gate. After shaking the balloon several times, I began to blow out the cracks in the gate and, having used two balloons, returned to Vovka.

- Will you? – Vovka picked up the bottle from the ground.

- No, something is muddying everything anyway.

“Drink, it’ll stop making you sick,” he answered and, after taking two large sips, he handed me the bottle.

I kissed, throwing my head back, and saw many “extra” stars appearing in the night sky...