I dreamed about a tunnel: interpretation from a dream book. Interpretation of the dream tunnel in dream books

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Tunnel in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Tunnel?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Tunnel mean?

People sometimes say about hope for something that “there is light at the end of the tunnel.” One way or another, the tunnel itself is a symbol of hopelessness and futility, and most importantly, limited options for action. You can't turn when you're moving through a tunnel. This symbol is apparently so powerful in real life that it means almost the same thing in a dream. If you are wandering through a tunnel in a dream, then this is a sign that you have submitted to fate, which has driven you into a difficult situation, and you are just waiting for everything to end, since it is not in your power to change anything. If you are not just moving through a tunnel, but it seems to you that you might encounter a train, then this dream speaks of the highest degree of moral exhaustion, which borders on illness. Coming out of the tunnel is a sign that you will find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation and this will bring you a little respite in life. One way or another, if you had a dream involving this dream symbol, this means that you need a break from work, that you are very tired both mentally and physically, and that lack of rest in the near future can lead to a serious illness, more details, if you dream about the Tunnel , see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about the Tunnel, interpretation of the dream:

The tunnel is connected to the subconscious; avoiding the problem through a tunnel; may mean a narrow view of the problem or only the only way out, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out what the Tunnel is about in your dreams.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Tunnel according to the dream book?

A dream in which you walk through a tunnel does not bode well for you in either your business or personal life. And if a train is moving towards you through the tunnel, then you may have to change your occupation. Driving through a tunnel in a car - get ready for the fact that business life will not bring you satisfaction. And it’s better not to go on any trips: it will end in large material expenses and disappointment. The subsiding arch of the tunnel foreshadows failures and the treachery of enemies. If you dreamed that in a dream you only looked into a tunnel, then soon you will have to make a bold decision to get out of an almost hopeless situation.

Looking into some kind of tunnel means being faced with the need to make a decision in a crisis situation.

Walking through the tunnel means going through difficult times: you are threatened with loss of strength, illness, failure in business, troubles in your personal life.

If a woman in a dream sees herself walking towards a tunnel, in reality a patient admirer will make her some strange proposal.

Tunnels - underground passages dream of difficulties in love.

To see a train coming towards you in a tunnel means changing your occupation or getting sick.

Driving through a tunnel in a car means feeling dissatisfied with the situation.

The tunnel arch sagging before your eyes is a dream warning of the treachery of your opponents and competitors in love and business.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Tunnel

This is an internal passage to yourself.

Descent underground often symbolizes immersion in the subconscious.

It's time to turn your attention to your inner world.

Light at the end of the tunnel: means you will overcome a difficult period in life.

The circumstances of your life will change for the better.

You will cope with all tests.

Do you look at life as if through a tunnel? Are you narrow-minded? Expand your consciousness.

Look at the situation from different points of view.

People who find themselves on the verge of death almost always remember walking through a tunnel towards a bright light: this image exists in the collective unconscious as a vivid metaphor for changing realities and changing levels of consciousness.

You are in the process of tuning into other frequencies of life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Light at the end of the tunnel. An inner passage to oneself. Narrow-mindedness; limited thinking. May be a sign of out-of-body experience. Very often in a dream this manifests itself as flying through a tunnel. It may mean a near-death experience. Changing realities. Shifting levels of consciousness. Some steps to take in life. Connection with the earth. Don't judge a person without understanding what it's like for him to be in his own skin. Trying on too many pairs of shoes is trying on too many roles in life.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

A tunnel is an internal passage to oneself. Descent underground often symbolizes immersion in the subconscious. It's time to turn your attention to the inner world. The light at the end of the tunnel means that you will overcome a difficult period in life. The circumstances of your life will change for the better. You can cope with all challenges. Do you look at life as if through a tunnel? Are you narrow-minded? Expand your consciousness. Look at the situation from different points of view. People who find themselves on the verge of death almost always remember walking through a tunnel towards a bright light. This image exists in the collective unconscious as a vivid metaphor for changing realities and changing levels of consciousness. You are in the process of tuning into other frequencies of life.

Gypsy dream book

Dreaming of walking through a lighted tunnel means that you will successfully overcome obstacles, make deals or solve family problems, while walking through a dark tunnel means that an extremely difficult time will come in your life.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself walking through a tunnel in a dream does not bode well for you in either your business or personal life. Seeing a train moving towards you through a tunnel means illness, as well as a change in occupation. If in a dream you are traveling through a tunnel in car - this means that business life will not bring you a sense of satisfaction, and a possible trip will ruin and disappoint you. If in a dream you see the roof of a tunnel settling before your eyes, this portends failure, the deceit of your enemies. In a dream, look into the tunnel - means that very soon you will have to make a bold decision in an almost hopeless situation.

Esoteric dream book

Dark, long - difficult, gloomy period of life. We must internally prepare for it. The light is ahead of the tunnel, the exit from the tunnel means an improvement in life circumstances, but only if a specific goal is chosen in reality.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It means the process of sifting and selecting information at the stage of extero- and proprioception, preceding the egoceptive phase. Exteroceptive perception (from the Latin extero - external) - perception in response to any external or internal stimulus using the five senses, as well as visceral and neuro-vegetative sensitivity. Proprioceptive perception (from the Latin proprio - own) - perception of the whole organism, combining diverse data received at the stage of exteroceptive perception. Egoceptive perception (from the Latin ego - “I”) - perception at the level of consciousness or “I” of information, selected by the two previous levels of perception.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

You will be arrested; pass - you will overcome difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a tunnel is a sign of danger. Moving through the tunnel means overcoming psychological difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Tunnel in a dream?

A dream in which you walk through a tunnel does not bode well for either your business or your personal life.

Seeing a train coming towards you through a tunnel means illness, as well as a change in activity.

If in a dream you are driving through a tunnel in a car, then your business life will not bring you a sense of satisfaction, and a possible trip will ruin and disappoint you. If in a dream you see the roof of a tunnel collapsing before your eyes, then be prepared for failures and the treachery of your enemies.

Looking into a tunnel in a dream means that very soon you will have to make a bold decision in an almost hopeless situation.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed about Tunnels

Tunnel – Indicates the presence of a process of selecting information to build a holistic picture of the situation.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Tunnel?

Walking through a tunnel in a dream is a sign of trouble in both business and personal life. If a train is moving towards you through a tunnel, a deterioration in health or a radical change in occupation is possible. If in a dream you are driving through a tunnel in a car, this means dissatisfaction in business, disappointment due to an uninteresting and ruinous trip. If in a dream the tunnel roof slowly settles before your eyes, there may be failures in your life brought about by the insidious actions of your enemies. Looking into a tunnel in a dream is a sign that very soon you will have to make a bold decision in an almost hopeless situation.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does the Passage symbolize in a dream?

Tunnel - A path through the unconscious. Birth canal. Subway tunnels are communication systems in the unconscious. It is important to note whether there are tunnels, rails or other objects. Crawling in or out of a tunnel, especially if there is water in it. Birth experience. Coitus.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream of a Tunnel in a dream?

Tunnel - you will be arrested - pass through - you will overcome difficulties

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Tunnel as an image in a dream

Tunnel - You will be arrested; drive through - you will overcome difficulties.

Esoteric dream book

Tunnel in night dreams

Dark, long - difficult, gloomy period of life. We must internally prepare for it. Light ahead of the tunnel, exit from the tunnel - to an improvement in life circumstances, but only if a specific goal is chosen in reality.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

I dream about the Tunnel, what does it mean?

Tunnel (subway) - Symbolizes two types of communication: between consciousness and the unconscious or between reality and another world. Represents the birth of a new state. Go through the tunnel - your life will undergo a radical change. Go down the subway, look into the tunnel - you will find a non-standard solution to the problem.

Slavic dream book

What does a dreamer dream about about a tunnel in a dream?

The tunnel is a secret activity. Prepare for restrictions. The light at the end of the tunnel - the solution to the mystery is close. The end of obstacles.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Dreaming of a Tunnel in a dream

Refers to subconscious urges.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Tunnel in a dream by day of the week?

Walking through a tunnel - A dream you had on Monday night warns: they will try to deceive you; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday warns that you are about to commit a rash act that will have bad consequences; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means melancholy and despondency.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Tunnel in a dream

Tunnel - A dark period of life, financial losses, loneliness. Imagine that the tunnel is brightly lit, and the exit is already visible ahead. You emerge from the tunnel.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Tunnel in a dream

Tunnels lead from one place to another and can also be an escape route. Tunnels often symbolize the channel through which a person is born. Dreams about entering a tunnel, or about tunnels in general, can mean either coming into the world or a light at the end of the tunnel; perhaps the end of a long illness or the desire to return to the state before birth, when you did not have to bear responsibility for anything. See also Cave, ; Door, ; Birth.

Great modern dream book

Tunnel - why do you dream?

You saw a tunnel in a dream - you may have complications: both in business and in your personal life. You look into a dark tunnel in a dream - you will actually dare to take risks; the decision you make will be so bold that it will seem crazy to the faint-hearted. It’s as if you are walking through a tunnel, and a train is moving towards you - the dream foretells you an illness; perhaps, having recovered, you will change your field of activity; strictly follow all doctor's recommendations. It’s as if the arch of a tunnel is collapsing on you - the successes of your enemies will become your failures; Enemies allow themselves to be deceitful, but you do not.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see a Tunnel, what is it for?

Tunnel - what is it for? 1. A tunnel in a dream is usually associated with the need to explore your subconscious and those things that have remained untouched. 2. The tunnel in dreams is also considered to represent the birth canal and therefore signifies the process of birth. If there is light at the end of the tunnel, then we have reached the final stage of our search. If something has sealed the tunnel, then our development is hampered by past fears. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the image of a tunnel helps us both to escape the subconscious and to descend into its depths.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Tunnel - A way out of a bad situation will be found.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Tunnel - Long life ahead.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Tunnel - Must stand the test of time.

Dream interpretation tunnel

If you dreamed of a tunnel, then predictors will not be able to give you an unambiguous interpretation. This symbol is multifaceted; it can describe both your subconscious and the material sphere of your life.

To understand what a vision promises, you should not only remember the vision in detail, but also indicate what emotions you experienced while viewing the plot.

Narrow passage in a dream

According to the dream book, a tunnel seen in a dream shows you that some started business has logically ended.

At the same time, a dream can show you that it is worth filling yourself with the necessary knowledge and improving in order to achieve the desired result.

Predictions of interpreters

I dreamed of an underground corridor

The opinions of dream interpreters quite often differ from each other. Only intuition and common sense will help the dreamer decide what the vision promises him.

Medea's Prediction

A dreamed tunnel always personifies the birth of something new. Walking along it means radically changing your life.

If you look into a tunnel, for example, while on the subway, you will be able to find a solution that will be non-standard, but effective.

Interpreter of Canaanite

The apostle believed that a tunnel in a dream promises you the beginning of a difficult period in life, when you will have troubles with the authorities. You might even be arrested.

Driving a car through a tunnel means you will be able to cope with all the difficulties fate has in store for you.

Esoteric interpreter

Seeing a narrow passage in a dream

Esotericists believe that when a dark underground tunnel appears before you in a dream, then you are entering a not-so-favorable period in your life. Now you should mentally prepare for it and be patient.

If you see the light at the end or come out of it, then your life will improve. True, the dream book indicates that for this you should choose a specific goal for yourself and follow it.

Gustav Miller's opinion

If in a dream you walk through a tunnel, then in the near future you will not have positive moments either in your personal life or in the work sphere.

When a train is moving towards you along a narrow passage, you risk getting seriously ill. Also, such a vision can symbolize an imminent change of place of work.

Miller considered several different subjects:

Driving through a tunnel in a transport in a dream

  • driving a vehicle through a tunnel - you will go on a trip that will greatly disappoint you, you will stop enjoying yourself;
  • to see how the vault collapses or settles - your enemies are quite insidious, they will do everything possible to annoy you;
  • just look into the underground passages - you will be able to find an interesting solution in a hopeless situation and correct it.

Spring interpreter

This interpreter views tunnels positively. When you dream of this symbol in the spring, you will be able to find a way out of the difficult situation you find yourself in.

Interpreter of the Winter spouses

Walking through a tunnel in a dream means that difficulties await you ahead. They may be related to the fact that you will take on a difficult and almost impossible task.

The longer the move in your night vision, the more difficulties there will be in your real life.

I dreamed of a light at the end of an underground corridor

A train is coming towards you - you will find yourself in a difficult situation. It is positive to see the light at the end, after such a dream everything will begin to work out in the best possible way.

Communication with the subconscious

A tunnel in a dream is a passage to your inner world. If in a dream you go underground, it means you have gone on a “journey” within yourself to understand yourself better.

To see the light at the end - you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and will overcome this difficult period in your life with dignity. After this, fate will reward you and be lucky in everything.

Also, this vision may indicate that you see all the events taking place as if through a pipe, but do not notice what is around you. Expand your horizons.

Often such dreams occur to those who are seriously ill and on the verge of death.

Dream about an accident underground

Intimate component

In dream books you can find information that tunnels are the personification of female genital organs. Sigmund Freud adheres to this point.

If there was more than one move in the dream, then you tend to change partners often and are not against trying group sex.

If a man goes underground in a dream, for example, in the subway, then he is completely satisfied with his sex life. But he is lost as to which of his current partners is dearer to him.

When such a vision visits a woman, then subconsciously she desires intimacy with another woman.

To see an accident in a dream that happened in a tunnel means you have low self-esteem and believe that you cannot satisfy your significant other in bed.

Develop and strive forward

If a person saw himself walking along a rather narrow passage, then he will have a difficult situation. Literally everything will be against him. But don’t despair, dream books believe that if you pull yourself together and gain knowledge and experience, you will be able to overcome the circumstances.

Crawling your way through a narrow but well-lit tunnel is a good sign. You will cope with difficulties and be able to achieve the respect of colleagues and the love of loved ones.