Clans in World of Tanks. How to create and how to join. Application to a closed clan Where to find a clan in world of tanks

Having become interested in the game of tanks, a player can simply be a member of it, or can apply to join a clan or receive an invitation from any clan to join it. Before searching and choosing a clan to join it, you need to check the availability of a completed questionnaire for your account.

To search for a clan in World of Tanks, you should log into your personal account using:

Login and password;
email and password.

In your profile that opens, a link for searching and joining a clan will be displayed

Next to the "Community" tab there will be a button that looks like an arrow, which you need to click on. In the additionally opened menu, select the "Clans" tab. After clicking, a transition will be made to the page, where two tabs "Pick up a clan" and "Create a clan" will be indicated. Select the "Select clan" tab.

Before joining a clan, you can search for a clan in World of Tanks among existing clans according to certain criteria

To do this, you must complete the following items:

"Minimum % of clan fighters' victories" - specify the desired percentage;

"Presence of a global map" - check the empty box;

"Minimum number of players in the clan" - specify the desired number of fighters;

“How many times a week you want to play” - specify the number of days;

"The time when you are ready to play" - indicate the time at which it is possible to take part in the game;

“Goals of referral to the clan” - after reading the list of intended goals, one should mark in the “empty” box of the most suitable criteria;

"Open access to my personal file for all clans that are looking for recruits" - this item should be checked if you do not have the necessary experience in fighting.

After filling in all the points, you should proceed to the selection of clans by selecting the "Save and select a clan" window. The new page will display the clans with the most appropriate requirements according to the search criteria you have filled in.

In the list of provided clans, you can view a more detailed description of each and its corresponding advantages and characteristics.

Having chosen the most interested clan, you should click the "Apply" button. When applying, you can also create a specific message to join the clan and click "Send". After sending an application with a message, it will be delivered to the clan administrator, who, if approved, will allow entry into his clan.

Everyone is well aware that an experienced player can defeat a beginner even if the first one plays on a much weaker tank than the second. However, it should also be noted that interaction and mutual understanding are even more important parameters, since this project is a team project. Accordingly, two players who understand and know each other well will be able, with a good combination of circumstances, to defeat the whole enemy team. Thus, it is very important that you have a good clan in WoT, because it is within the clan that you will be able to work out all the strategies, decide how to act on the battlefield, and so on. But first, it’s worth understanding how to join the World of Tanks clan, since even at this stage many people have a problem.

clan portal

The first thing you need to understand if you want to understand how to join a World of Tanks clan is that the entry takes place on a separate portal. On the main site there is a special section for clans, in which you need to be able to navigate. Many people start looking for other ways, asking players and so on, but there is no need for this. If you carefully study the process, you will understand that it is extremely simple. So, you are on the right portal - what do you do next? How to join a World of Tanks clan?

Search for a specific clan

You should understand that the portal is just a tool with which you can find and join a clan. But most of the work can be done separately. If you are already wondering how to join a World of Tanks clan, you need to seriously analyze what communities are already on your server. After that, you can contact the leaders of those clans that suit you best and discuss the terms of entry. And then you only need the clan portal to officially become a member of the clan.

Application confirmation

Creating is a huge responsibility, and if you don't have the opportunity to take it upon yourself at the moment, then you can simply join the clan. And if you have already discussed all the details with the management and come to an agreement, then you need to use one of two methods. Firstly, you can enter the name of the clan you need in the search bar, go to its page and apply. Or the clan leader can send you an invitation, which you will only need to confirm. That's all - you are in a clan, and the game World of Tanks becomes both easier and much more interesting for you.

Private bussiness

However, it is not always possible to resolve all issues outside the portal - then you can use its capabilities to the fullest. To do this, you need to fill out your personal file. First of all, you need to note what the minimum percentage of wins for members should be, then the maximum and minimum number of members. Indicate whether it is important for you that the clan has possessions on the Global Map. Tell us important information about yourself - indicate what days of the week you can play and at what time. Naturally, do not forget to indicate which languages ​​you speak, as well as for what purposes (except for the game itself) you join the clan: chat, get the opportunity to participate in company battles, and so on. When you have a personal file ready, you can go to the "Military Commissariat" tab and see what clans will be offered to you in accordance with what you indicated in your personal file. And already from the proposed options you can make a competent choice. Naturally, no one is rushing you. And if none of the clans you like - you can wait until there are other options that will also meet your requirements. If they do not appear - perhaps you should change your requirements a little so that they are not so tough.

Permanent military connection of the players of the trilogy. It is the main combat unit on the Global Map. Only clan fighters can participate in the confrontation on the Global Map.


With the introduction of the World War and the Global Map into the game, it became possible to create clans - military formations of up to 100 people each. You can either join an existing clan by looking at all the clans in World of Tanks, or create your own, but it will cost 1,000,000. Several clans can be conditionally united into an Alliance of Clans.

clan types

The goal of joining a World of Tanks clan or creating one is different for each player: some strive to conduct successful military operations on the Global Map and earn gold and rare achievements, while others are simply looking for new friends, acquaintances and congeners, whether they are countrymen or just people with similar interests. Depending on the goals set by the leadership of the clan when it was created, established clans can be divided into two main groups:

1. Sports

These World of Tanks clans participate in battles on the Global Map (see World War) and tournaments. Severe discipline reigns in such clans and it is not easy to get into them. As a rule, candidates are carefully selected according to game statistics. The personnel conducts regular clan trainings, fights in the Strongholds and on the Global Map. Inactive players can be expelled, so before joining a sports clan, you need to be ready to give the game a lot of free time.

2. Amateur (funny)

Such clans are usually created by ordinary players who do not want to participate in tournaments and on the Global Map. The topics of such clans can be different: for example, residents of one city or lovers of a certain direction in music. Often already formed clans come from other games or from some online community. The personnel of amateur clans is usually very diverse: both beginners and seasoned veterans of World of Tanks can meet here. Both those and others come to the clan for the sake of communication and the opportunity to quickly find a company for a platoon.

The main elements of the clan

When creating a clan, the commander can choose its main elements. These include: name, tag, emblem, motto and description of the clan. The emblem, motto and description can be changed later, but the battle name of the WoT clan and the tag cannot. For this reason, the choice of clan name and tag should be treated with particular responsibility. In addition, the use of obscene language, Nazi propaganda and other concepts prohibited by the User Agreement and the Rules of the Game is not allowed in the attributes of the clan.

  • clan name- the official name of the clan.
  • clan tag- an abbreviation for the clan name of 2-5 characters, which is displayed in square brackets after the clan member's in-game name.
  • clan emblem- a small image that symbolizes the clan. Automatically applied to all tanks of clan members.
  • clan motto- a statement that reflects the main goal of the clan or the basic principles of its members.
  • Clan Description- a few paragraphs that tell in more detail about the clan and the requirements for candidates.
  • clan treasury- a certain amount of game gold, which can be distributed among clan members by its commander or treasurer. You can replenish the treasury by capturing provinces on the Global Map. Gold from held territories goes to the treasury automatically and can be spent on special operations on the Global Map.
  • clan chat- a separate chat for clan players, which appears in the hangar next to the general chat after joining a clan.

military registration and enlistment office

military registration and enlistment office

"Voenkomat" is a tool with which a player can choose a clan for himself, and a clan - to replenish his ranks. "WoT Military Commissariat" makes it possible to select clans and players not only by their statistics and game level, but also by interests (company battles, participation in the "World War", platoons, etc.).

Players who have not yet joined a clan, but want to do so, will also be able to use the Military Enlistment Office. It will enable each tanker to select a clan and make their profile and personal file on the World of Tank official website searchable by clan commanders, deputy commanders and recruiters who select personnel.

Joining a clan

Application for an open clan

To apply to join a clan:

  1. Sign in to .
  2. Click the "Submit Application" button.
  3. In the window that appears, enter a message for clan officers that will accompany your application for membership.
  4. Click Submit.

Clan officers will receive an application and consider your candidacy. After the clan makes a decision, you will receive a notification.

Application to a closed clan

If you want to join a clan that does not accept applications for membership, you should contact the Clan Commander or Human Resources Officer.

To contact the Commander or Human Resources Officer:

  1. Sign in to .
  2. Find the clan you are interested in and click on its name, open the clan page.
  3. In the list of personnel, find the Commander or Personnel Officer. Left-click on his name, go to the player's profile.
  4. Click "Send Message" in the menu of available actions.
  5. Enter the subject and text of the message in the appropriate fields.
  6. Click Submit.

The Commander or Human Resources Officer will receive the message and will consider your candidacy. If your candidacy is of interest to the officers of the clan, you will be sent an invitation to the clan.


To see all the invitations sent to you, go to My Profile > Invitations. Each invitation is valid for 24 hours from the date of receipt.

To accept an invitation from a clan, find it in the list of invitations and click "Accept Invitation" > "Yes". You will be automatically accepted into the clan in the position of "Rookie".

The page of the clan you belong to can be opened by clicking "My Profile" > "My Clan".

If you decide to join another clan, you will have to leave the current one first. At the same time, after leaving the clan, a two-day restriction on joining other clans begins to operate.

Leaving the clan

To leave a clan:

  1. Go to the site in "My game profiles" > "My clan".
  2. Click on the menu "Leave the clan" and confirm the decision.

Create a clan

If you are not a member of the WoT clan, you can create your own clan and automatically become the Commander of this clan. Creating a clan is a paid operation, available only if you have the required amount of gold on your account. Choose the option "my clan in World of Tanks" and become a Commander.

To create a clan

  1. Sign in to .
  2. Click "Create a clan" in the menu of available actions.
  3. In the form that appears, fill in all the required fields.
  4. Click the Create clan button.

data editing

Only the commander can edit all data and parameters of the clan.

To edit clan data

  1. Go to "My Profile" > "My Clan". Your clan's page with detailed information about it will appear on the screen.
  2. Click "Edit" in the menu of available actions.
  3. Select the category of data you want to change and click the Edit button.
  4. Edit the data in the window that appears.
  5. Click the Save button.

If you decide to create another clan, you will have to disband or leave your current clan.

Clan Dissolution

To disband the clan
  1. Go to "My Profile" > "My Clan".
  2. Exclude all players from the clan, except for the Commander (see Personnel).
  3. In the menu on the right side of the screen, click "Edit".
  4. In the same menu, click on the appeared item "Dissolve the clan"\u003e "Yes".

Leaving your own clan

To leave the clan you created
  1. Go to "My Profile" > "My Clan".
  1. Transfer control of the clan to another player (see Positions and powers).
  2. In the menu on the right side of the screen, click "Leave Clan" > "Yes".

clan structure

Position Powers Job Description

  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management.
  • Clan dissolution.
  • All actions with Stronghold.
The leader and the most authoritative player in the clan.

Deputy Commander
  • Editing clan data.
  • Personnel management (except for the appointment of the Commander).
  • Editing the Call Conditions.
  • View the history of expenses and income and manage the clan's treasury.
  • All actions on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • All actions with Stronghold.
The most trusted and close to the commander of the clan officers.

Staff officer
  • Personnel management (except for the appointment of the Commander and his deputy).
  • Editing the Call Conditions.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except leaving the map).
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
Manages chips on the Global Map, maintains any documentation.

Unit commander
  • Management of personnel (except for the appointment of the Commander, his deputy and Staff officer).
  • View the history of expenses and income of the clan treasury.
  • All actions on the Global Map (except for leaving the map and actions with agents).
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
Company commander in charge of battles.

intelligence officer
  • View the history of expenses and income of the clan treasury.
  • Actions with agents on the Global Map.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
An analogue of a diplomat, and also has access to intelligence and counterintelligence.

Supply officer
  • View the history of expenses and income and manage the clan's treasury.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
Distributes the clan treasury.

Personnel officer
  • Editing the Call Conditions.
  • Sending clan invitations.
  • Consideration of applications for membership in the clan.
  • View the history of expenses and income of the clan treasury.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
Recruiting clan members.

junior officer
  • View the history of expenses and income of the clan treasury.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
Performs some small tasks or is a deputy company commander.

  • View the history of expenses and income of the clan treasury.
  • Access to clan secret information on the Global Map.
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
Ordinary fighter of the clan.

The recruit
  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of outings and participation in them.
A newly arrived fighter on probation.

  • Participation in battles on the Global Map.
  • Organization of Sorties and participation in them (except for the selection of players in the pre-battle room).
  • Does not receive bonuses from the fortified area (since patch 0.9.21)
Inactive veteran or "trick".

Where do clans fight?

World War

A special mode in the game World of Tanks. It is a strategic struggle between gaming clans for territories on the Global Map.

Campaigns on the Global Map

In addition to the World War, so-called campaigns are held on the Global Map. A campaign is a special event, which is a sequence of stages, at each of which certain goals are set for the participating clans, for the achievement of which Victory Points are awarded. The clans with the most points at each stage and in total at the end of all stages of the campaign are awarded in-game gold, unique medals and special tier 10 tanks that cannot be obtained in any other way.

Companies and platoons

If a clan is not strong enough to fight on the Global Map or its players do not have top vehicles, then the fighters of this clan, by agreement, gather in platoons or companies (WoT sorties in Strongholds). In such formations, coherence of actions and the ability to listen and clearly follow the orders of the commander are trained.


The commanders of some top clans organize a team of the best fighters to participate in 7/54 tournaments. It is in this format that all world-class tournaments in World of Tanks are held. A striking example is the Na "Vi team. After a successful performance on the Global Map (about several thousand battles), 7 people left the The RED clan and founded the RUSH esports team, which later signed a contract with a major esports organization Natus Vincere.

In World of Tanks you can join a clan. This opportunity can bring you not only great gaming experience, but also gold. Consider how to join a World of Tanks clan.

Clan invitation

If you are a good player, you may be noticed by the commander or recruiter of some clan and send an invitation to join. You need to take it within one day.

But know that waiting for manna from heaven is a disastrous thing, because joining a clan is like finding a job: you must look for a clan for yourself, and not for you.

This is how you can accept an invitation to the clan:

  1. Go to the My Profile page.
  2. Open the "Invitations" page, the link to it is on the right in the vertical menu.
  3. Click on the "Accept" button.

Application for joining a clan

By applying to World of Tanks clans, joining one of them is much easier than waiting for someone to notice you. There are a thousand clans, and a million players (in a figurative ratio), so it's easier to make the last choice.

This is how you can apply to join the clan:

  1. Go to the World of Tanks website.
  2. Open the "Community" page (or click on the arrow next to the "Community" button in the horizontal menu).
  3. Click on the Clans button.
  4. Find the clan in the list that has a red button with a plus sign on the right. This means that the clan accepts new recruits. If the button is inactive, you cannot join the clan by request, it is possible only by invitation.
  5. Click on the plus button in the list of clans or go to the page with the clan and click on the "Join Clan" button.
  6. Enter the message that clan officers will receive with your application.
  7. Click on the "Submit" button.

You can submit no more than 100 applications per day.

5 years and 3 months ago Comments: 12

What is a clan?

Many, probably, while playing World of Tanks, read phrases like “a clan is being recruited” and you wondered what a clan is and why it is needed. Clans are permanent military formations of players designed to jointly perform combat missions, geopolitical games, and just have a good time. Clan fighters are brothers in arms who equally share the bitterness of defeat and together go to the desired victory. Only clans can own provinces on the Global Map (more on that later) and receive regular income from them.

How to create a clan?

So, you have gained skill or consider yourself an experienced player, and decided to create your own clan. We go to the official website, go to your profile, click on the checkmark down under your nickname and see the inscription clans there, click on it.

After the transition, we see such a picture

Click on the tab create a clan (if someone needs more detailed information, click on the tab all about clans). The menu for creating a clan opens. Here we see the Clan Name, Tag, Clan Motto, Description. Enter all the necessary data and click create a clan. The cost of creating a clan is 2500 gold coins. Previously, it was possible to create a promotion for 500 gold, perhaps there will be promotions soon and who knows, maybe they will reduce the cost for creating a clan. After creating a clan, information about your clan will be available on the community page in the clans section. You can view information about your clan and edit it. Let's click on edit. Here we see that you can edit the name and tag (the paid service is 2000 gold coins), the motto is edited absolutely free, the symbolism (the service is paid for 500 gold coins) and everything else is free of charge.

On the main page of the clan, we see the personnel and all the data that was entered when creating the clan. On the right we see the tabs, click on them and figure it out. If you have good players in mind who are not yet in the clan, I advise you to invite them, because in order to win you need to have a good team. How to invite you ask, I answer, click on the community, then the players, enter the player's nickname, search, click on the nickname and a line appears on the left to invite to the clan, invite. I advise you to contact the player to whom the application was sent and inform him about this, since the application is valid for 24 hours. The composition must be recruited 15 people in order to fight on the Global Map, each of the team members can be given a position.

World War.

When choosing the type of battle in the World of Tanks, you probably saw the Special Battle, for some reason it is always unavailable. I will explain now what you need to do to take part in this battle. By going to the World of Tanks website, and clicking on the World War tab, 2 modes appear - this is global map and World in fire.

World War- a game mode in which you can feel like a conqueror of the world. Having united in a clan, take part in the confrontation on the Global Map. Ownership of provinces on the Global Map not only speaks of the success of the clan, but also brings in-game gold for keeping the clan. By going to the site and clicking on the global map, you can read more about it, but I will tell you briefly.

global map- this is the playing field of the World War, on which hostilities are unfolding between clans for the conquest of a province (territory). The Global Map displays information about all provinces and invading clans. If you carefully follow the changes on the map, you can not only assess the overall balance of power in the game, but also develop a reliable plan for your expansion. To fight on the Global Map, you need to have 15 players in the clan, each player is a token, and to capture a claim to capture a province, you need 15 tokens. It is also necessary to have good armored vehicles from level 2 to 10.

World in fire is a large-scale gaming event for clans. It has a logical conclusion and is a set of combat missions, for the completion of which clans and their individual members receive Victory Points and Glory Points. The reward for the winners of the World on Fire event is in-game gold, unique medals, and the T23E3 prize tank. You can also read more details on the official World of Tanks website.

How to join a clan?

If you do not have the opportunity to create your own clan, but you want to play on the global map, then do not despair, because you can ask someone to join the clan, whether they are friends, acquaintances or an ordinary player. Let's say you asked for a good clan, what will the clan recruiter look at first of all? Of course, on your statistics! If it satisfies, then you will be sent an invitation to the clan. How to take it? If you were informed that an invitation was sent to you, go to the website, enter your profile, and see 1 new message, open it and accept the invitation (joining a clan is absolutely free, as well as leaving it). If there is no message, click on the notification tab, for sure the invitation is waiting for you there. If not there, then I advise you to wait, soon the invitation will come. However, I do not advise you to put it all on the back burner, since the deadline for sending an application for an invitation to the clan is 24 hours.
And that's all for me, thank you for your attention.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163