Cleansing the family tree. Energy-informational cleansing of the family tree Meditation for healing karma of the entire family

Cleansing the family tree

The method allows:

To free the deceased from the toll-house zones and transfer them to higher planes of existence;

Free a person from tax collectors and all the consequences that come from this obsession.

About publicans.

The family tree consists of living and deceased representatives.

The living are in a material body. We will divide the deceased into two groups:

The first is those who have moved to higher planes of existence.

The second is those who remain on the lower planes of the subtle world, in the toll-house zones. This zone includes those who died prematurely, as well as those who had addictions and unhealthy dependencies in the material world during their lifetime.

The energies of dependence and suffering pull them towards the dense world and leave them in the toll-house zone. A special feature of the toll-house zone is the absence of the Light and Love of the Creator in it. As a result, its inhabitants are left without energy, i.e. hungry. These souls find a source of energy in living relatives, consuming from them the type of energy that left them below. As a result, a person living on the physical plane begins to manifest thoughts, feelings, states, and actions that are not characteristic of him.

As an example, here are a few signs of the presence of a publican soul:

Feeling of constant fatigue;

Sudden change of mood;






Sudden changes in temperature or pressure;

Tobacco smoking and alcoholism;

Various diseases including asthma and diabetes;

Ancestral curses and everything that comes with it;

Crown of celibacy;



All negative inheritance determines the fate of descendants up to the 12th generation. The presence of chronic hereditary diseases, conflict situations, various forms of obsession indicate the presence of tax collectors.

Moreover, the tax collectors do not even realize that they have died, they have one goal, to find energy and refuel. And they find such energy in people who violate Divine Law and Order.

When a person experiences non-Divine patterns of behavior, emotions, words and thoughts, there is no doubt that the publican is nearby. In this case, as a rule, the person does not control himself, even if he tries to take control of the situation, he fails.

Humanity uses many methods for cleansing. These include 40-day fasts and various abstinences, prayers, withdrawal from worldly life, meditation and other spiritual practices and techniques. But, alas, the reality is that few people achieve the goal of purity and freedom.

As a rule, after cleaning, all the negativity returns. The mistake of such practices lies not only in the concern of the inflated Ego for itself. It is important to understand that we are tightly connected to our family tree. Those living in the material world are in constant contact with those who have passed on. At the same time, publican souls are only able to manifest themselves through us, and only we can help them receive final liberation from captivity. Our task is to help publican souls move to the Divine Plan and free themselves and their family from suffering and negative programs.

After the advent of this method, the approach to solving most problems changed dramatically. What took years of spiritual practice can now be resolved within 30 minutes. I myself experienced some shock and joy when a regular healing session using this method freed those present from generational curses, crowns of celibacy and other negatives.
And until now I have not fully realized how much help and power we received with this method. Every day brings a new discovery in the work of the “Release of Publicans” method.

How did this method come about?

The necessary information often comes through dreams. There are many such examples in history. As a rule, such dreams are very clear, almost real and are well remembered. An employee of our center had a dream in which I dictate, and she writes down the text and its meaning is to liberate the planetary tree. We thought about this topic, did not understand anything, laughed at ourselves and the scale of the task.

About a month has passed. Another employee’s four-year-old daughter unexpectedly fell ill. Diarrhea, vomiting, the body does not accept water and food. They put him in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. On the second day, dehydration began and an IV was put on. Even before hospitalization, I determined the presence of a publican at the energy center of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and the mother began to beg the deceased. The condition continued to worsen. I decided to ask those who crossed her family tree to help the publican soul go to the Divine plane. 10 minutes later the bell rang: “Everything is fine, the child has come to his senses. She stood up, pulled the needle out of the vein and ran to the other children to play.” All this happened in front of the surprised medical staff. The next day they are discharged. At the same time, the eldest suddenly falls ill the girl's brother. Diagnostics showed that he was the same publican. It turns out that he jumped over, and the publican's release did not work out.

Once again we turn to the deceased family and monitor the condition of both. My brother’s pain went away, and my sister’s temperature began to rise. I decided to use targeted work, like in an exorcism session: until you find out the name of the entity, it does not leave. It is difficult to find out the publican's name, but it is possible that he is related to the girl. I find out, and it turns out that this is my paternal grandfather. Once again the child’s mother addresses the deceased family and everyone present at this moment feels how the deceased came and took the grandfather with them. That's it, he didn't bother me anymore. The children's health has improved.

Several weeks have passed. While driving I commit several violations at the same time, this is how the circumstances developed. Of course, the inspector was nearby, and I had to lighten my pocket by a good amount. I analyzed my incorrect behavior on the road, and it became clear who pushed me to do this. I identified the publican and helped him leave. A few minutes later a call came with an offer to earn extra money, which I subsequently did with pleasure, and paid off the fine.

From that moment on, a massive purge began. I cleaned myself and my loved ones, and offered to clean myself to the staff of - experienced healers. Everyone began to notice interesting phenomena, which I will present later in Chapter No. 2. It turned out that some people perceive the procedure very emotionally. This can be understood, because the first sessions took place with unnecessary, as it has now become clear, details of the death or death of those who crossed over. When all participants were convinced of the effectiveness of the method, it was time to work with everyone. New difficulties arose - a queue formed for several weeks ahead. It turned out that freeing the first wave of publicans per person was just the beginning. New ones come to take the vacant place. Thank God, every day the mechanism of work became simpler and less tiring. Below is the final version of how this method works.

Guide for independent work.

If you have experience working with a dowsing frame or pendulum, start cleaning yourself and those who turn to you for help.

The first thing you need to understand is the scale of the work.

Representatives of the family tree are:
son, daughter - for simplicity we denote S, D
brother, sister - RB, RS
cousin, cousin - DB, DS
husband, wife - Husband, F
father, mother - O, M

Some of this list are located in the toll area.

The following energy centers are available to publicans:
left foot - maternal line of the family tree
left knee - maternal line of the family tree
right foot - paternal line of the family tree
right knee - paternal line of the family tree
first chakra - Muladhara
second chakra - Svadhisthana
third chakra - Manipura
fourth chakra - Anahata
central chakram - Soul
fifth chakra - Vishuddha
sixth chakra - Ajna (approx. tax collectors from the 7th-12th generation according to the Father and from the 7th-12th generation according to the Maternal line)
fourth eye chakra - at the back of the skull
zebo chakra - on the forehead at the base of the hairline
sahasrara - lotus above the head

The presence of a publican at an energy center causes disruptions in fate and health inherent in this center.


Using the frame, we determine the presence of a publican on the chakra. If the answer is positive, we find out his “address”. It is necessary to understand who the publican is to the person who turns to you for help. And using a pendulum or frame we make a chain.

Work option.

We start with the parents of the applicant and ask - Father? and, for example, received the answer - No, Mother? - Yes. Let's continue - Father? - No, Mother? - Yes, next is Father? - Yes, next is Father? - No, Mother? - No. Next step - Sibling? - No, dear sister? - No, Cousin? - Yes, Children? - No, Parents? - No, Brothers? - No, Wife? - Yes, Publican? - Yes. This is where your work ends.
It is necessary to take into account - after each answer “Yes”, it is necessary to ask: “is this the Publican?” - and if you receive a negative answer, you can move on. If you record it, it will look like this:

Client - M - M - O - DB - F (publican).

In this example, the publican is the wife of the grandmother’s father’s cousin, i.e. third knee.

Very long chains are found on the 2nd or 3rd wave, when publicans approach the vacant space. The first wave consists of stronger tax collectors and they do not allow competitors to enter.

Case Study: Client
- M - M (7th knee) - DS - D - DS - Husband - DS - DS - D - Husband - M - RS (publican).

For those who are especially curious, you can find out the cause of death - died, murdered, suicide. And further in detail. But, as experience has shown, this masochism is not necessary. Enough to build
a chain from the first tribe to the last, where there is a publican who has declared his presence. In our first example it looks like this:

Client - M - O (3rd knee) - DB - F (publican).

When all tax collectors at one energy center have been identified, the Client reads the following text aloud:

“With love and gratitude, I turn to the deceased of my family tree, who have moved to the higher planes of existence, everyone who loved these tax collectors, come and take them with you to the divine plane.
Help them come to God!

After these words, within a few seconds the person feels a flow of energy in the body. Thus, the publicans free themselves and free the living.

After cleaning.

Having freed yourself from the publicans of the first wave, you become yourself. External influence disappears, what remains are habits that are not difficult to cope with, because... no one forces you to break the Divine Law. All that remains is to honestly look at yourself and correct the conditions that kept the publican close. The work doesn't end there. The liberated energy system begins to recover, often through an increase in the temperature of the physical body. This is how the body burns the remaining energy stagnation and traffic jams. As a result of cleansing, the energy potential and sensitivity of all senses increases. As soon as the next publican approaches, an understanding of this immediately comes. First signs:


Unreasonable anxiety;

Unusual, unusual conditions;

Unusual, unusual desires;

Unusual, unusual actions.

The publican shows your weak point, that you have dirty energy for it. This is another indicator of what to work on further.

This technique solves the problem of each particular case. Only a few colleagues managed to use the method independently. A mechanism was needed that would allow this work to be carried out without an intermediary and at any time. Automatic cleaning codes were created, just like the “Method of Forgiveness” was once on the disk. The “Liberation of Publicans” mini-disc allows you to keep the situation under control almost around the clock. The disc is universal in that it is nameless. A one-time complete cleaning with a disc takes 25-30 minutes, just hold it in your hand. The specialist does the same complete cleaning for several hours. The disk cuts off the publican at the stage of connecting to the chakra, and the publican goes to the higher planes of existence without disturbing anyone.

If you are ready to work on yourself, i.e. find out your weak point, you need to remove the disk for a day
away from yourself. The publicans who approach will manifest in you the energies, desires and actions that they need. And you will see your negativity, which attracted tax collectors.

Liberation of aborted babies of the family tree.

When I began to look at the causes of illness in children, I noticed that the publicans often approached the souls of aborted babies. No wonder. The energy of babies suits them.
To help the child, you need to give the disk in his hands and read on his behalf an appeal to the deceased. Having previously stated that you are applying according to the right of your earthly mother or father, brother, grandmother, etc. (who you are to the child). If a child can repeat after you, even with mistakes, then this is, in any case, better. Dictate the text and let him speak on his own. If you are sick, this procedure must be repeated several times a day. After the first calls, you start to sweat and the temperature rises slightly. If the first request may meet resistance from the child, then he makes the next ones with pleasure. Children really like this procedure. With the help of the disc, the child’s behavior is corrected very quickly. So, for example, in the case of a child’s whims, it is enough to hang the disk on the child’s chest and read the message yourself. Before your eyes, your child’s mood will change to positive. The same goes for more complex cases. A completely uncontrollable child returns to normal, but here, naturally, the process may take a little longer.

Basic rules for using the disk.

The disc can be worn on the chest under clothing. If this is not possible, you need to take it in hand
at least once a day for 20 - 30 minutes. If there is a disk, the message is read once a day:
“With love and gratitude, I turn to the deceased of my family tree, who have moved to the higher planes of existence, everyone who loved these tax collectors, come and take them with you to the divine plane. Help them come to God!
Thank God for everything, thank God!” (3 times).
Even if nothing bothers you, you should read for prevention. It often happens that the appeal is read when the program of the approaching publican has already been launched.

The closer to the body, the more efficiently the disc works.

At night, it is advisable to place it closer to the head, it is better to secure it on the headboard.

If the disk falls into the hands of a person who does not understand anything and does not work on himself, at best, his response will be irritation. Explain in advance the essence of the work to be done.

If a person is very busy, the disk may burst “for no reason.”

For greater effectiveness, you need to create the intention for cleansing yourself. Those. you yourself must form in your thoughts your image of a clean, independent, healthy, prosperous, successful, etc. person.

It is obligatory to show gratitude to God for everything that happens to you, both good and not so good.

Practicing healers.

If you are engaged in healing practice, for example, conducting sessions of cosmic energy, reiki, etc., you can use discs to increase your work efficiency. My experience and that of healers who have already used discs in sessions has convincingly proven that cleansing during a session is several times more powerful.

To do this, everyone needs to hang a disk on their chest. The duration of the session must be at least 30 minutes.

Before the session, distribute the text of the message and everyone must read it.

In one session with the 3rd series disc, all magical effects, generational curses, crowns of celibacy and other dirty tricks that haunt a person are guaranteed to be removed.

Examples from practice.

Young man, 21 years old. I suffered from stuttering from the age of 7 and was given a disability. After one week with the disc I stopped stuttering.

Male, 42 years old. He suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism. Completed 15 sessions with the disc. Stopped
take alcoholic drinks, and the next time I tried to inject even half the dose, I started vomiting blood. After this incident, he stopped taking heroin and alcohol without any additional measures.

Girl, 10 years old. When wearing the disc, studies have improved and vision is normalized. Without noticing, she began to sit in class without glasses (she forgets to put them on, although she used to wear them all day). Mom began to react calmer to her daughter’s studies and behavior. The girl reads forgiveness herself.

Male, 40 years old. After the disk of liberation of publicans, a month and a half later, I accidentally discovered
that the papillomas around the neck have disappeared. And they were about 0.2-0.6 mm in size. Feels weak and has bloody discharge from the nose. Pustular rashes appeared on the body and disappeared after a week at the level of the central chakram.

Woman, 40 years old. After the release of the tax collectors from the 3rd and 4th eyes, “peace settled in my head,” there were no more extraneous voices or whispers. Complete peace, silence, which is very unusual, because we are used to conducting constant dialogues with ourselves and other people, but here there is just silence...

Woman, 41 years old. Relations with my ex-husband became friendly, normal relations with my sister resumed after 3 years of scandals. Mom began to walk again after a stroke with paralysis and the use of her right arm was restored. My daughter (11 years old) had a desire to do something with her own hands (sewing, embroidery), and before that she was running around the streets like a boy.

Male, 44 years old. After sessions for the release of tax collectors from the 3rd chakra, they paid off the monetary debt (they could not pay it off for 1.5 years). And at the same time they offered me a job.

Woman, 41 years old. I constantly saw my ancestral home in dreams. At first I saw it dirty and dark. Time after time it became cleaner and brighter. I saw my grandmother on my mother’s side, they came into the house with her, and her whole room was buried in roses, red... white... gorgeous. So the grandmother showed that the family tree was thriving.

Girl, 19 years old. After wearing the disc, my sleep returned to normal (before that I spent all nights sitting at the computer).

To be continued...

A woman's story.

I am 45 years old. Five years ago my son was killed. On this basis - severe depression, claustrophobia, leg failure, high blood pressure, allergies, diabetes and ulcers are in question. In 2008, on August 8, I turned to for help. Alex's diagnostics showed the presence of five damages on the 1st chakra, lapels, the crown of celibacy, necrotic attachment, etc. The husband practically left home for another. She survived as best she could. I constantly saw my son with my own eyes. Every wake he made his presence felt - he broke through water pipes. And one day, when we were not at home for two weeks, he turned off two refrigerators, after which we had to throw out all the contents and both refrigerators.

After that, I stood at the sessions and read spiritual practices. Over the course of a whole year there were very severe exacerbations, the pressure jumped from 190 to 110 in 10 minutes. My legs were periodically paralyzed, the pain was unbearable. The sand came out of the kidneys. Delayed menstrual cycle. The stomach did not accept rough, spicy and fatty foods. But I didn’t mark time, I understood that there was no return, I moved forward. When I studied at the center, I purchased two disks to help publicans for myself and my husband. And she read the appeal several times a day - she helped the tax collectors rise to the Divine plane. For the first month, I fell out of bed almost every night. The publicans demanded attention. They pulled me in all directions. I tried - I worked both day and night.

As a result, my tastes have changed at the moment. I excluded meat and sausage from my diet. And before I couldn’t live without it. Diagnostics showed that the publican, a sausage lover, had left. My uncle died in the Great Patriotic War at the age of three. His mother (my grandmother) worked at a sausage factory. There was nothing to eat at that time; she fed him sausage scraps. I had a dream in which my grandmother thanked me for helping her son. After that, my craving for sausage and meat products disappeared.

I’ll tell you another vivid dream and reality on the subtle plane. I see my son came and said that I was not reading the practice correctly. He said: “transferred to where? What plans?” Then I flew with the disk in my hands deep into the dungeon, into the dark tunnels. I walked in the dark and saw crowds of suffering, exhausted people. I called “my people” into the light. At the same time, I stood in a beam of light and people walked into this light and climbed up. Next is another tunnel - a prison. Different cameras: women's and men's. They shout: “help, we have been waiting for you for a long time.” At the same time, I stood on the mountain with a disk in my hands and in a ray of light I saw my missing brother. He said goodbye to me and left, like everyone else, into the world. The disk shattered into small pieces. And the people shouted: “Help!” I found a new disk in my pocket, lifted it up and saw (this was all at baptism) a religious procession. Everyone walked with icons and chants. And they called my name as a savior. At that moment I felt great satisfaction from the work done. The whole procession headed towards the light. And I stood with the disk in the light and smiled. Suddenly a woman in a white robe appeared and said: “They are waiting for you.” We entered a white stone building (Jerusalem). White tables were set with food. A man in white clothes sits at the table and feeds me food. Then the man was attacked by some dark forces. I saved him. For this he gave his name. As a result, the woman in white gave me a huge bouquet of flowers and called me by name. We thanked each other, and I found myself at home. After this dream, I walked without strength for two days. In the same dream, the deceased relatives of my friends came and asked for help.

After two years of cleansing, my husband returned home. Family life has improved. My husband also goes with the disc. At the moment he was offered a good new position. My third eye cleared and I began to have the gift of foresight. I felt that my son had moved to the Divine plane. I became calmer. The hysterics over the passing of my son stopped. I started communicating with people, my depression went away. A thirst for life appeared, and my worldview changed. Diabetes mellitus disappeared (“diabetes mellitus is the presence of a tax collector,” said Alex). I remembered that I can draw.
Now I am engaged in artistic activities.

The article is not mine, but it may be useful to someone. Health to YOU! EJE.

Each of us is connected with our Family, with our Ancestors. Almost all traditions claim that our life and destiny are closely determined by the program of the Family. Any doctor today will tell you that 80% of your health depends on heredity. What your ancestors were sick with, the more you can get sick, but if your ancestors were healthy and strong people, then the safety margin of your health is very significant. In fact, not only health, but also many lines of fate are determined by ancestors. It is believed that the seven tribes of your Family directly influence you, so it is very important to establish a relationship with them, so to speak, to clear the “channels of communication.” It is important to realize that 126 people over the course of approximately 200 past years lived, met, loved only for you to be born here. This also gives a certain burden of responsibility - after all, you need not to let your Family down, to be a worthy person, so that your ancestors in Heaven can be proud of you. Also, with your life you will lay down a certain program for your future descendants, the continuation of your Family. Thus, one should live with dignity, according to conscience, walking the path of Good and Light for oneself, for the sake of ancestors and for the sake of descendants. A very good image is a family tree. Its roots go back to the distant past, to the very dawn of humanity. Human DNA has stored a colossal layer of information since these times. We ourselves are now the top of this tree, connected by many lines of communication with the previous closest branches - the ancestors of the seven tribes. Then, the tree will grow further and new branches will develop from us - our descendants. Many of our problems (70-80% of fate) are associated with the Family and therefore we should change not only our way of thinking, life, pray for ourselves, but also for our Family, our ancestors. Although many ancestors are long gone, their essences are immortal and they are closely interconnected with us. This is what determines our fate and the success of this practice.

Therefore, we suggest that you perform a technique conventionally called “cleaning the family.” It is very simple, logical and understandable.

Description of the “Roda Cleansing” technique.

Each person experiences the burden of birth up to the seventh generation and is responsible for his ancestors. In turn, ancestors can and should help a person energetically and informationally solve important life problems. If the genus is sufficiently pure, then its intervention in the fate of the individual will be of a powerful positive nature. If the genus is desecrated, then in addition to working off ancestral karmic debts, a person will not be able to receive the effective help he is entitled to from the “other” side and, on the contrary, will face the problems of his ancestors. Desecration of the race occurs every time a person commits a grave sin that is incompatible with the integrity of the energy structures of the soul. In other words, the soul of the individual receives a deep breakdown in the energy structures. This happens during curses, love spells, violent death, suicide, betrayal and other powerful negative events. In such cases, our family tree begins to “rot,” passing this negativity from generation to generation. It is difficult to cleanse the race, but it is possible. To do this, you need to realize the seriousness of your intentions, draw up a diagram of your family tree up to the seventh generation, choose the right days to perform the technique and be sure that you are starting a very (!) important and necessary task, and that no one except you will do. The diagram of the family tree is a kind of Christmas tree (by the way, it is not by chance that the spruce became a symbol of the world tree), at the top of which you yourself will be, at the bottom your parents, then their parents, our grandparents, etc. The last seventh tribe will consist of 64 people. The male part of the gender is drawn on the left, the female on the right. (see picture)

In itself, drawing your tree is already a kind of sacred magical act that allows you to tune in to your Family. It is advisable to prepare properly, learn as much as possible about your ancestors (what they did, how their lives turned out). To do this, ask your parents and grandparents. All the information collected will be useful to you and your descendants. First you need to choose the right days on which the technique will be performed. To do this, the cycles of two luminaries are taken into account - the Sun and the Moon, which are closely related to genetics, Rod. Cleansing of the genus is done three times - on the new moon (1st, 2nd lunar day - after the moment of the new moon), on the full moon (14,15,16th lunar day) and at any quarter of the lunar cycle (7th or 23rd lunar day). It is better for men to start on the new moon associated with the masculine principle, and for women on the full moon associated with the feminine principle. It is not recommended to cleanse the genus for the first time during the square of the Moon (7th or 23rd lunar day). It is better to clean without interruption for three weeks in a row. If this did not work out for some reason, don’t worry, cleaning can be continued through the lunar month at the desired phase of the Moon. Moon phase dates can be found in the astronomical calendar or on an astronomy website (for example, here To perform the technique, you need to choose a time so that no one or anything interferes with you. The time of day is not important. It is important that nothing distracts you or interrupts your work. Therefore, before you begin, make sure that all electrical appliances are turned off, the soup is not boiling on the stove, no extra electric light is on... To work in you will need 2-3 church candles, drinking water, a family tree diagram, a pencil or pen, a piece of paper with text and 1.5 – 2 hours. Judging by the time it takes to complete the technique, one candle will not be enough. If the first candle burns out, then the next one is lit from it. Since you will have to read the text aloud, for each ancestor separately (remember that there are only 126 ancestors), you will need water so that your throat does not sore or dry out (any energy work, and cleaning the family is just that, dehydrates the body). You will need a pencil at the moment when you need to take a break from cleaning your clan (anything can happen), and in order not to lose the order of reprimanding the next ancestor, its square can be marked with some conventional sign.

So, having chosen a place and time for work, you, sitting facing north, light a candle and hold it in your left hand throughout the cleaning. In front of you, place a sheet of paper with a family tree, up to the seventh generation, drawn up in advance. You hold the index finger of your right hand on the square of the ancestor for whom you are currently praying. You need to start working with yourself. For Zoroastrians, it is necessary to read “Akhunvar” and prayers to Fravash. To do this, people who adhere to Christianity (they will need a prayer book, an icon of the Mother of God or the Savior) should read the following prayers in this order - Psalm 90 (it can be found in the list of prayers for various needs, called “prayer read in misfortune”), Psalm 50 and “Creed” (the last 2 prayers can be found in morning prayers). After reading these 3 canonical prayers the phrase is said: “Lord, purify all my plans, even the spiritual, Airyemon (Amen).” During this entire procedure, you keep the index finger of your right hand on the square with your name. People who adhere to other traditions can replace Christian prayers with those that they deem necessary. Instead of saying “Lord,” you can say “Father,” “Allah,” etc. The words and type of prayer are only an expression of your mental attitude, which is decisive. Whether you use the accumulated energy of this or that egregor or speak in your own words is a matter of your choice. Your ancestors could be of the same or different religions, you can practice their religion or adhere to your position. Therefore, the energy of sound vibrations, although important, is not the main thing in this case. Follow the order of reprimanding in accordance with the numbering: after yourself, read the text for your mother, then for your dad, then for your maternal grandparents, then for your paternal grandparents, etc. Each generation needs to start reprimanding from the right to the left: first the maternal line, then the paternal line. Having reached the last ancestor on the left (paternal line) in a given generation, go to the generation below, and so on from above (from yourself) down to the 7th generation (there are only 64 ancestors in the 7th generation). For all subsequent ancestors, you pronounce the same text, with the only difference being that you must correctly name the status of your relative; for example, number 18 is my 5th generation maternal ancestor, the mother of my great-grandfather. When compiling the tree, only direct relatives (biological, those who passed on their genetics to you) are taken into account - mother, father (2nd generation), their parents (3rd generation), parents of grandparents (4th generation), parents of great-grandparents (5th generation ), parents of great-great-grandparents (6th generation) and parents of great-great-great-grandparents (7th generation). Nowadays, almost no one knows all 126 ancestors, and this technique allows one to overcome the barrier of ignorance. By pointing your finger according to the diagram at the desired ancestor, pronouncing his status, thinking about him, you at the level of thoughts, words and deeds clear the channel of communication with him, establishing the necessary contact. A hand holding a candle connects you to the “upper” world. If you think that one of the ancestors is special for you, for the Family (either very worthy, or especially guilty), then you can read additional prayers for him that you deem necessary. With a mental attitude, you should ask worthy, “pure” ancestors for help and support, and for guilty ancestors it is important to consciously voice your forgiveness to them and your readiness to pray for them, so that their problems do not pass on to their descendants. Here is the verbal formula for cleaning Rod.

Text of the ancestor's reprimand.

I pray for my ancestor on the maternal (paternal) side in such and such a tribe, the mother (father) of such and such, and I thank her (him) for loving and passing on to me traditions from the creation of the world. I forgive her (him) for all sins, intended or unintentional, that have had a negative impact in my life, and I ask for the purification of all her (his) plans, including the spiritual. (Eternal memory to her (him) and the Kingdom of Heaven - this phrase is not spoken for living relatives.) Airyemon (Amen).

After the text has been read for the last ancestor, the final words must be said: “Lord (Father)! Allow my Family to help me solve all my life problems.” After completely reprimanding the family for the third time, the next day it is advisable to go to the nearest church and, placing a candle on the Canon at the crucifix, say these final words: “Lord (Father)! Allow my Family to help me solve all my life problems.” (support for the Orthodox Christian egregor in our country is also important)

Many people have already done this “cleaning” and almost everyone noted changes in their fate (for the better:). Here is an example from a letter from a girl who did the internship:

- Hello, I want to tell you an amazing incident. I gave the practice of “Cleansing the Family” to my sisters and mother. My mother and I did the first, then my sister. And when my sister read it for the first time, our relatives came to her in a dream and thanked us for remembering them! When they told me this, “goosebumps” of awe ran through my skin! I didn't doubt for a minute correctness, and now even more so! Thanks again!

God help you! We wish you success and all the best in all your endeavors!

Petrova Tatyana and Starostin Konstantin

additions, questions and answers

Elena Osipova Particular attention is given to ancestors in the direct male and direct female lines. This is the Forefather (our great-great-great-grandfather in the direct male line) and the Forefather (our great-great-great-great-grandmother in the direct female line) of the Family. For women, the foremother is very important, for men - the forefather. You can also pray for them...

Andrey Rostislavov question - Is it necessary to take into account brothers and sisters, and interactions accordingly along parallel lines? answer - no, brothers and sister, as well as other side branches of the family tree, are not taken into account here. All this applies only to direct and immediate parents (grandparents)

addition from the book by Pavel Glob"The Teachings of the Ancient Aryans" -

We are all just links in a single chain of evolution of the Universe. The sins and good deeds of our ancestors determine not only our innate abilities, addictions and illnesses - they largely shape our destiny. It depends on the free choice of a person at every moment of the present whether he will repeat the mistakes of his ancestors, aggravate them, passing on the accumulated sins to his children and thereby dooming them to suffering in the future, or whether he will be able to extract from his Family Tree the best that will help him change qualitatively yourself and thereby change the world around you. All this applies both to an individual person and to all humanity as a whole. Ignorance of how our ancestors lived and what they did contributes to the formation of time gaps between them and us, and this (gone into oblivion!) time becomes the prey of Angra Manyu, who kidnaps him in order to delay as long as possible the approach of Frashegird, the so-called the end of the World, which will put a temporary limit on the existence of Evil. This is how important it is not to break the connection between past and future generations, and not to leave empty time in your present life, which could become the prey of the evil Ahriman. The more time a person devotes to creative activities pleasing to the Lord God, the less time remains for the Tempter Demon. Each person is given the right to manage his own free time, which can be given either to God, which ultimately brings closer the time of liberation of the World from the shackles of Evil, or to the Devil, which threatens to prolong the time of suffering that befalls humanity. Or, echoing the words of the wizard Gandelph: “What we must decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”

the relationship of the 4th tribe of our ancestors with the cardinal points. The countdown starts from your place of birth. You need to know your ancestors, what kind of people they were. If you find yourself on the side of a worthy ancestor, you will receive protection from him, good luck and his patronage. But “weak” ancestors on their side of the world will cause you trouble...

I................ ............................/.... ...............\..... .................Mother................/........\...... ................../.........\ mom. mom..../.....\............. ./....\............./....\............./....\. dad.. mom... dad... mom... dad... mom... dad... mom with........ Saint........ in... .... south...... south..... south....... w........nw

question. Do children join in the scolding if there are successors to the family, but they themselves cannot chastise due to their young age? my husband has already started work, some of his ancestors have responded to him. I'm still waiting for the full moon :))) to be honest, I'm scared. If for my husband it’s, figuratively speaking, “to remember and hug,” then for me it’s “to remove the ties, leave and forget.” I don’t need anything else from them... and there is a clear understanding that no one else will do this work except me. maybe a sister, but she has a different father, and half of the family is not mine... I hope I can do it. thank you for your attention, Marina

answer - Greetings, Marina! I'm glad for your husband. he's great! I wish you success in this good endeavor. first about you. Yes, among all 126 ancestors, not all are pink and fluffy; there are also some, to put it mildly, “non-positive”. Of course, we have nothing to expect from them except problems. BUT. Whatever they were, without them we simply would not be here. If you simply try to forget them, then the transferred problems will not go away, on the contrary. They will take on a hidden character, appear very unexpectedly, and the saddest thing is that they will be passed on to subsequent descendants. We are the only chance for them to be saved, to get rid of the burden of their misdeeds. “Cleansing the family” can stop their negative impact. The most important thing in it is the inner attitude, sincere forgiveness and negativity. ancestors and (the most difficult thing) express readiness to atone for their sins. This way, negative attachments will be removed and bad things will leave the ancestors. This is the only way to burn negative ancestral karma, save yourself, your ancestors, and save your descendants from negativity. if it is difficult for you to reprimand the clan, this indicates problems that have accumulated in the clan. And it is even more important and necessary to resolve them! And indeed, only you yourself can and should do this. With all my heart I wish you success in this! About children. In the ancient tradition of the Avesta, a child became an adult at the age of 15 and after that he was responsible for his own affairs. And although he is connected with the Family from birth to death, it does not make sense for him to cleanse the Family before the age of 15, because He is still under the care of his parents, elders, and there are different demands on him. (this also applies to orphans). If parents reprimand their Family and establish contact with their ancestors, then, of course, it will become much easier for the children. I wish your entire family and Rod all the best!!!

.Maria Bragina Konstantin Starostin! Thank you very much! And I recently dreamed of all, all of my ancestors, even whom I don’t know, as if they were having a holiday in our village, everyone was cheerful, healthy, with clear eyes, the cherry orchard was blooming, and a few days later they died, or rather mine left father... so strange!

question Lyudmila Konstantinova

Text of the ancestor's reprimand. I pray for my ancestor on the maternal (paternal) side in such and such a tribe, the mother (father) of such and such, and I thank her (him) for loving and passing on to me traditions from the creation of the world. I forgive her (him) for all sins, intentional or unintentional, that have had a negative impact in my life, and I ask for the purification of all her (his) plans, including the spiritual. (Eternal memory to her (him) and the Kingdom of Heaven - this phrase is not spoken for living relatives.) Amen.

answer - answer for Lyudmila Konstatinova The text of the reprimand (“I pray for.... amen”) is a kind of single formula, it is inseparable. It is better to read a prayer (“Our Father”, “psalm” or another prayer, or your own words) before the text of the reprimand. As soon as the finger of your right hand is pointed at the ancestor (his symbol in the picture of the family tree), you immediately imagine his image (if there is a photo), in your thoughts you scroll through all the information related to him and begin to read a prayer for him and then the text of the reprimand. If the name is known, then that's very good! Say “I pray for Ivan Ivanovich, my maternal ancestor, etc. It’s important - you need to start with yourself and then mom, then dad, etc. according to the scheme. After the third time, you need to remember to ask for help from Rod. good luck To you and your family!

question“Of course, I underestimated my strength and only completed a quarter of the clan cleansing. I looked on the Internet, the full moon lasts for several days, can I continue today and tomorrow? Read off 126 times - you need a whole day)”

answer Nobody said it would be easy :) the explanation said that reprimanding 126 ancestors is an energy- and time-consuming activity. The point of this whole procedure is to pay tribute to your ancestors, to voice your gratitude and willingness to atone for the problems of your Family for the sake of yourself, your ancestors and descendants. The laws of the universe are arranged in such a way that we are connected with 7 generations - and this is 126 people. It takes about 2.5 hours to even say a prayer briefly, a lecture for each person. Yes, we are very busy, there is no free time, etc. But it is considered that at least once in one’s life it is enough to give a “reprimand” and it is probably worth sacrificing something in order to pay a kind of tribute to one’s Family. If you weren’t able to talk through everything on one of the necessary days, it’s better to reschedule it for the next time. In this case, on the next full moon (February 18). The full moon lasts 4 days when the moon phase is at its greatest. There is no hard and fast rule here - that this is the only way and nothing else. There is an assumption that the Sun and Moon are the luminaries that determine life on earth and their interaction is closely connected with generic programs (Avestan astrology speaks about this). Based on this, there is information that you need to give a “reprimand” three times at different adjacent phases of the Moon. This is enough for it to work. It’s good that three times, and not 10 :) It’s good that there are 7 generations and not 16 :)

An example is that in order to collect a medicinal plant that has special powers, you need to collect it on a certain day, say, at sunrise. At this moment his energy is alive, maximum and most useful. If we pick it at a completely different time, it will be useful, but many times weaker. Probably also here - the farther from the right moment (the day at the moment of phase 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° mutually between the Sun and the Moon) - the weaker the power of our words will be. We are free when to pronounce the “reprimand”. even just having done it, we are already doing a big and important thing. But it is better to do this at the right time. If it doesn’t work out one time, it’s okay! You can do this in any other next month. It is believed that the power and effect of this practice will continue. The choice is yours!

Additional articles on the topic of ancestors A big request to everyone who carried out this practice - share what happened after it. I know that many hundreds of people have already done the practice and almost everyone has observed something. For some, the ancestors came in a dream, for some, their health improved, and favorable and important events came. All this only confirms how great the role of our ancestors is in our destiny. Share your experience and with this you can inspire others so that they can establish a relationship with their Family.

question Ekaterina Vechezhak Konstantin, I attended your class at the festival and became very interested in this practice. In connection with this, the question is - what is the source?

answer - The source of this practice is the Image that came to my friend, who has special abilities (clairvoyance, etc.) - Tatyana Petrova, as well as the Avestan tradition, Zoroastrianism, which I have been studying for more than 20 years.

question Elena Sever Good afternoon, is it possible to reprimand, for example, first in relation to 5 people, on the next suitable day - in relation to another 5 people, etc.?

answer- Elena, there are no hard and fast rules here. Do what you think is best. But it is recommended that on one special day (new moon, full moon, quarter moon phase) you reprimand everyone at once. On one day - because at this time the connection with Rod is better and all 126 people - because they are all important to us in their own way. When reporting the main prayer form, all 126 people report in 1.5-2 hours. In our busy times, it is difficult to find this free time. But still desirable, it's worth it. Good luck!

Liliya Granina Konstantin, thank you very much for this practice. You gave it to me three years ago. I then gave a lecture and a month later I met my husband and in general things went much better and easier. Now, I think, I need to repeat it again, otherwise some relatives began to dream about them, they were sad, they expected something from me, but I didn’t understand until I received this link from you. Now I know what they need!

Prayer for the Cleansing of the Family Tree Prayer for the removal of the family curse(read 40 days in a row, without breaks).

The prayer consists of two parts, one of which is aimed at removing the ancestral curse, the second allows you to fill the free internal space of the karma of the genus, which was formed as a result of the transmutation of involutionary programs, with the energies of abundance and prosperity. The minimum period of work with each part of the prayer is 40 days, because 40 days are the period of existence of demonic entities, vampires and possessors, who deform both individual and clan karma, if they do not receive additional energy from the activity of the lower self » of the embodied personality and its immediate karmic environment. There is no maximum term of service; it is determined only by the aspiration for this type of spiritual work of our individual Divine Soul and its readiness to take responsibility for the evolutionary fate of its kind.


Prayer Creed
I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
The Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages,
Light from Light, God's truth from God's truth,
Begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father,
It's all up to them.
For our sake man and for our sake of salvation came down from heaven
And became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human.
Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
Both suffering and buried.
And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.
And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
And again the future will be judged with glory by the living and the dead,
His Kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One,
Who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son
Let us worship and glorify the words of the prophets.
Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century.

Psalm 90 in Russian
He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth.
You will not be afraid of horrors in the night, of arrows flying during the day,
The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
For you said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
They will carry you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
You will step on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he has known My name.
He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

1 part
Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.

Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Hidden Cups of your children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Your Name.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal and Merciful! Have mercy on us, forgive us, awaken our sleeping hearts to repentance and teach us to listen to our Inner. Grant spiritual insight and send peace to the human mind, fussy and rebellious, kindle the Light of Prayer in the True Devotees.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Son of God, save us!
Cathedral of Saints of the Eastern and Western Churches, pray to God for us!
All-merciful Mother of our Lord Jesus! Was it not you, Most Bright One, who gave birth to your Son in order to give him as atonement for the sins of the human race?
I pray to you in the name of Jesus’ Love and Forgiveness: remember the names of all my relatives in flesh and blood, with whom you are connected karmically in this life and in this incarnation, both living and deceased, forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, perfect in earthly life, and by the goodness of the prayer, grant liberation from the ancestral curse, from damage, the evil eye and slander, from all witchcraft and shamanism, from all involutionary programs and demonic engrams.
Accept the souls, those suffering from salvation, under your maternal protection and show them the way to the Abode of the Enlightened and Righteous, to the Worlds of Bliss and Joy.
Oh, All-Sovereign Queen, Our All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Mother of Comforter, Intercessor of the human race, Tablet of the Fiery Covenant in the hearts and Infinite Mercy! It is your kiss that blesses us for the creation of the One Being of Eternal Life. May you not leave us on our chosen path!
O Amrita Fragrant of Eternity! Hear our prayers and accept our humble petitions in the name of the future transfiguration.
O Hope of the Devotees, All-Blessed Mother of Humanity! Place into the Ark of Your Heart all the souls suffering from Your Love and Mercy, and ascend them to the Abode of the Blessed.
I ask you with hope and faith: spread the Veil of your Love over all those living on Earth and staying in the Purgatory of the Transitional Worlds who are my relatives in flesh and blood, and do not leave them without your blessed guidance, for the sake of innocent babies, have mercy on their parents and with the tears and prayers of their mothers, atone for their sins children.
Through the prayers of the Righteous may the Gates of the Heavenly World be opened for them!

O All-Good One! In response to my prayer, four Angels of Light sent from the Throne of the Lord, so that by the power and authority granted to them at the moment of the creation of the World, they would free the relatives of my soul from all energies, qualities and states that are lower than the Perfection of God, in order to protect them from the activity of demonic entities, larv, larv and essov, which hinder the manifestation of the true and innermost essence of your devotees.
O Beloved Azazel, Angel of Destruction! You are the Divine Reaper of the Holy Grain of the Lord.
With the sickle of the Spirit, shining in your hand, separate the ripe ears from the chaff, and with the fiery lightning of Truth, grant the souls of God the opportunity to recognize the face of wolves dressed in the skins of lambs.
Oh, Beloved Angel Israel, Guardian of the Fiery Tablets! In response to my redemptive prayer, which is most peacefully performed, and which, according to my faith, has the power of purification and liberation, take the names of my relatives from the scrolls of the Tempter and inscribe them with the Flame of Love in the scrolls of Eternal Life.
Oh, Beloved Darion, Angel of Revival, guarding the Star of the planetary Transfiguration! Strengthen the hearts of those devoted to the Light with the power of Love, which you have been granted to manifest at the source of the Divine World, awakening the Grain of the Spirit of every being.
Oh, Beloved Angel of Prosperity Jeremiel! From the grace-filled vessel of Eternal Life in your hands, pour out fragrant amrita, so that every Grain of the Spirit turns into a ripe ear and bears its fruits to Eternity.
In the name of the Great Mother of all Life, I call you, Angels of Light: Azazel, Israel, Darion and Jeremiel! Free, purify, revive and lift into the Light all souls with which my True One is connected by indissoluble karmic bonds in the family tree.
Our Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and every creature! Strengthen the power of prayer created by the Light of Your True Love and, by Your Mercy, grant liberation, purification, spiritual resurrection and transformation to all souls calling on Your Holy Name in the days of the Great Exodus.
Send heavenly and earthly gifts down to all your children on this day and protect them from temptation and from evil committed by those who do not fulfill Your Law, do not honor Your Commandment and oppose Your Will.
Forgive, Lord, all the arrogant for slander and malice, for all witchcraft, shamanism, black magic and curses manifested against my family, and strengthen me in the power of unconditional forgiveness for everyone who, out of ignorance, wished evil to all souls up to the 12th generation in my family tree, both inside and outside.
With the fiery power of Forgiveness, free, cleanse and save your children, Lord!
In Your High Name, Almighty, All-Good and All-Forgiving, protect us in the path of Peace, Love and Light and guide our feet along the roads of Enlightenment to the Abodes of Your Devotees, for You, Lord, Lord of the True Worlds, are the hope and support of the suffering, and in Your hands , Most High, the life of all those born of Your Eternal Spirit.
You alone, Unforgettable, Ineffable, All-Merciful, for all your children deliverance from troubles, consolation in sorrows, healing from wounds, from damage, witchcraft, shamanism, the evil eye, possession - holy cleansing, from curses spoken and sent - true liberation.


Free, Almighty and Merciful, your children from unkind thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from damage, the evil eye and slander, for we trust only in You, the One.
Purify all those who thirst for Light in darkness and the shadow of death, for You, the Living and True, Almighty God of the Armies of Heaven, are joy and consolation for all those who despair.
Thy Love is a Fiery Sword, freeing all Thy Devotees from the chains created by the servants of the One who opposes Thy Will, and let the fierce and evil ones retreat in powerlessness before the image of Christ, imprinted in the Inner of Thy sons and daughters.
Comforter of the True Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all who call on Your Holy Name, spread the Liberating Sword over your children, protect Your Devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.
I glorify You in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who is Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.

Our Heavenly Father! Holy Light Unspeakable!
Hear my prayer. Let this prayer of the heart of a devotee reach You.
You, the Just and Merciful, who owns all things, who endowed the holy apostles with the power to trample underfoot snakes and scorpions, who crowned the Mother of our Lord Jesus as the Queen of the World, grant to all your children, who call on Your Holy Name, the grace of purification and liberation from all the energies that below the Perfection of God, from all demons - internal and external, from all corruption, the evil eye, shamanism, witchcraft, from all black magic and the destructive power of the spoken curse, which do not allow us to get closer to You.
May the Soul awaken to Eternal Life, may the human heart be filled with the Light of Love, Peace and Joy, may the Light of Salvation shine for all those living in darkness and the shadow of death.
Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit!
Lord, live in us, Lord, dwell in us. Lord, reign in us!
Lord, guide us!
Lord, love our neighbors! Lord, conquer and rise in us!
It is the power of Your Love, Lord, that grants salvation and renewal to the world.
It is the power of Your Love, Lord, that gives hope for transformation and resurrection to tormented hearts, tormented bodies, and the human race.
God, Protector of the human race! Have mercy on your children, from the Abodes of the Radiant in the Shining Worlds, send the Great Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raphael, Samuel, Zadkiel, Uriel, so that with their power and authority, granted to them at the source of Eternal Bliss, they help free and purify the children of God, all my relatives in flesh and blood, both living and deceased, from all energies, qualities and states that are lower than the Perfection of God. May the Light of Forgiveness and Transfiguration light up for them in the heart of Infinity and descend upon them!
May Heavenly Purity, True Peace, Infinite Love be established in the hearts of Your Devotees, and may the Living and Eternal God have mercy on everyone!

Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.
You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal Peace and the Treasure of the Hearts of the Devotees, giving them life.
Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Hidden Cups of your children, grant Hope, Forgiveness and Salvation to all who call on Your Name.

I glorify You in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who is Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.
In conclusion, thank the Angels of Archangel Michael for protecting the subtle bodies (your own and those around you)…

Part 2:
Prayer for the prosperity of the family tree
(read next 40 days)
Lord, the Spoken Light, who with His Love and Mercy has given hope for salvation to the Devotees of Eternal Life!
I will call upon Your name and find Peace in the silence and tranquility of prayer.
I will call on Your name and the Gates of Heaven will open. I will call on Your name, and the Kingdom will shine in glory...
I will shake off the mortal dust from my feet at the Gates of Eternity and, having partaken of the Chalice of Bliss, may I ascend into the City of the Enlightened, the Rejoicing and the Blessed.

Lord, Savior of the soul and body of humanity, who trampled death by death, who bestowed Eternal Life on this world, the embodiment of Love and Mercy, the personification of Faith and Eternity! Awaken the souls of my relatives along the family tree to the contemplation of the Glory of the Heavenly Father, so that they will tremble before the Light of His Truth and long for reunification with the Devotees in the bright womb, in the eternal womb, in the peaceful womb of Abraham, in the Immaculate Heart of the Holy Mother, and forgive them all the mistakes they have made in word, deed or thought, for You are Hope and Promise, the King of Peace, the Loving and All-Forgiving, for You are the Resurrection and Eternal Life, Your Law and Your Word are true. I sing glory to You alone, Our Father, and ask for the prosperity of all Your children, my relatives along the family tree.
Striving towards the Light, I pray to You, Mysterious One, for the generation of fathers and mothers who rejected the Lord and did not accept the Grace of Salvation in their True Self, forgive them for spiritual blindness and spiritual vanity, awaken the inner ear with a fiery verb, awaken the heart’s gaze to the contemplation of the Savior in glory, direct their steps along the road of Life leading to the Throne of the Heavenly Father, and may this be accomplished according to Your Mercy in the name of the resurrection of the Inner Christ in the Innermost of all those living on Earth.
Turn the hearts of those who have received their sight to the sacred mystery of the Great Unity and grant peace of prosperity and prosperity to the entire Earth and all streams of Life in the Infinite.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.
Amen and amen.

The Day of Judgment is coming, the last day of the Great Exodus for everyone living on Earth, hidden secrets will be revealed, the Books of Consciousness will be presented.
O Jesus, who has always loved everyone! Forgive all my relatives along the family tree, both those living today and those who have passed on, may the heavenly angels sing Glory to you with boundless love.
Hallelujah (3 times).
Quiet Light, Light of Jerusalem, who has trampled death with Love, grant spiritual insight to all the children of the One Existent who are now on Earth and in the dwellings of the transitional worlds, so that they may be reconciled with the Lord and accept His Truth in their hearts, so that they may be reconciled with each other before the Gates of Eternity!
Crown with Glory those who call on Your Name and cover sleeping hearts with an omophorion, bless with the Protection of the Holy Mother all the sick and suffering of Love and Light, and send Mary down to where there is no hope, where there is darkness and decay, where there is sorrow and despair, so that she may resurrect the children of all the Lord and granted them the grace of salvation. May the Day of Judgment become a day of Mercy and All-Forgiveness, may the Inmost One be resurrected in the hearts of all those embodied on Earth through the prayers of Your Devotees.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

Glorify before the Angels and Saints all who stood over my childhood bed, who grew up with me, who shared my sorrows and sufferings, my dreams and hopes, may the heavenly goodness of Forgiveness be poured out for all those living on Earth and my relatives who have moved to other abodes. spirit and body.
Bless, Lord, their Innermost and grant the opportunity to reign in the new Universe, uniting in Love with the Enlightened and Radiant.
Prayerful communion. May Your children be saved by the Council of the Righteous, O Lord!
The prayer being performed is a candle lit in the spheres and the face of Christ imprinted in the heart.
I pray to You, Lord, for all my relatives living on Earth along the family tree. May the prayer made for them become an arrow of fiery Love, piercing the sleeping souls, may the prayer made for them become hope for salvation, may the prayer made for them become a road leading to Eternity.
The word of fiery prayer is the flowing Light into the Inner of the Devotees to the Lord. The word of the fiery prayer is forgiveness for vanity and vanity, for pride and arrogance, for deviation from the True. The word of fiery prayer is healing sent down for the soul and body of those who suffer and eternal salvation.
Jesus, Jesus, Sun, illuminate and warm the hearts of your devotees.
Jesus, Jesus, Eternal Life, unite us with joy before the Throne of Being and make us one with Love and Mercy.
Resurrect in the hearts of those living on Earth and those who have passed on to other worlds of the Infinity of my relatives along the family tree, Purity and Holiness, Peace and Prosperity.
May they find Joy and Hope, Youth and Enlightenment, Love and Mercy, Abundance and Prosperity on the road leading to the Heavenly Temple.
Hallelujah (3 times).

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

God, I sing Your Glory and invoke Your mercy.
May the Resurrecting Fiery Word illuminate the Universe, may my relatives, guided by its true power, become on the road of salvation, may endless and generous gifts from the Spiritual Heart of Infinity be poured down on them, for You, the One, long for Abundance, Prosperity and Prosperity for all your children.
I ask You, Almighty, humbly bowing before the Throne of Your Eternal Glory, for mercy for my living and passed-on relatives in spirit, soul and body at the appointed hour of the resolution of fate.
Blessed be the highest mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

Amen and hallelujah.

Glory to you


(I personally read for 40 days without a break)
I turn to You, Heavenly Father, and I want to pray for myself and for my family.
I want those closest to me, my children, grandchildren and all future generations to be happy and healthy. So that they feel the strength of their family.
I turn to You, Lord, for I know that a clan is considered strong when the roots of its family tree are strong - when 7 generations in the clan are strong... ("when the source of the clan is strong", I speak for all generations in general)
And now I am turning to you, my great-great-great-grandparents, and I want to pray for you and ask YOU for forgiveness.
Forgive me dear, Forgive me!!!
Forgive me that I know so little about you, about my family, that I do not carry the traditions of my family and... I truly thank you for standing at the origins of my family.
I sincerely repent, forgive me..........
And if possible, come to my aid. I want to repent for everyone who lives next to me, my relatives.
I understand how great my responsibility is, but I take it upon myself. I pray for my entire family.
And I’m not afraid of this responsibility, because I know that I can help my loved ones.
I take on this responsibility because my task is to help my Family.
My dear, great-great-great-grandparents, I feel that you are nearby, that you have come to my aid. You are here, you rejoice at my repentance, you are happy that the REVIVAL of our tree has begun.
Thank YOU and forgive me for the fact that I may not always live correctly............
Thank YOU and forgive me for the fact that maybe I don’t always live correctly, I think, I forget to love, to pray, in the bustle I don’t notice the main thing, I get offended, I don’t smile enough, I don’t always do as my heart tells me. Sorry.
I forget to LOVE, focus on LOVE, pray to love, I get offended, become discouraged, act according to my mind and not according to my heart. SORRY!
Lord, forgive me and my ancestors for their imperfections, I pray for THEM.
It is possible that among them there are murderers, suicides, perhaps someone cursed our family for something, there were probably ardent communists destroying shrines. Forgive me, Lord.
I don’t hold a grudge against them and forgive them sincerely from the depths of my soul.
I thank you, my great-great-great-grandparents, for the fact that you lived - and this is grace. And I live because you once lived. I bow deeply to YOU. You have gone through your karmic lessons. Thank you.
Lord, forgive them!
...I can already feel how the roots of my family tree are being cleansed. I feel how vital energy saturates its trunk.
This is the power of My Family!
And now, Lord, I want to remember my grandparents, pray for them and ask for their forgiveness (and it doesn’t matter if they are in this world or another) FORGIVE ME!
I ask you for forgiveness for all the bad things, for all the unseemly actions on my part towards you, for the fact that I did not always understand you, I was offended, I rarely remember YOU.
I know that deep down you love me as much as I love you. SORRY.
And I forgive you, my dears, for everything! For hurtful words, for unfair reproaches, punishments in childhood, an unkind look. I know that you sometimes come to me in my dreams, but I don’t always understand these dreams and I don’t remember what you ask me for.
But today I am praying for YOU
LORD FORGIVE THEM. Sorry for all the mistakes they made.
I am grateful to you, my dears, I have something to remember. After all, there was a lot of good stuff, thank you for the fairy tales, smiles, kindness and love, for the lessons... THANK YOU.
Low bow to you.
Lord, forgive them!
And now, Lord, I pray for those people thanks to whom I was born. These are you - my parents: mom and dad.
I clearly see your faces and ask you for forgiveness for everything that I am guilty of: for ugly actions and words towards you, for disobedience, for your sleepless nights, for rare calls, for everything.
Sorry. Beg.
I know that your hearts now feel, hear and rejoice in my prayer.
And I forgive you, my dear parents, for your imperfections, for your mistakes. I can't change you, I accept you as you are. I forgive you for your weaknesses, for the fact that you did not always understand me and tried to impose your opinion, did not see me as a person. I forgive absolutely all the unpleasant moments that happened in the past, letting go of all grievances.
I forgive YOU!
I give you my love. And thank you for all the bright days that you gave me, for the happy hours spent together, for the lessons that I remembered for the rest of my life, for the eyes with tears of joy.
I thank you for your love and I want my love to help YOU, even if you are in another world.
Lord, forgive them!!!
Now is the time to pray for your husbands, wives, young men, girlfriends, and your spouses from previous marriages.
Lord, I pray for them and ask for their forgiveness.
I apologize to you, my dear (my dear), for all the unpleasant situations in our lives, omissions, quarrels, insults, mutual reproaches, irritations. For the inability to forgive, for the unwillingness to change your habits, your character, for the desire to take more than to give. Sorry. Beg. Forgive me for my jealousy, for my desire to consider you my property. Sorry.
Now I feel and understand the deep meaning of why we met, why the Lord God brought us together... Forgive me.
And I forgive you for everything bad, apparently, I had to experience everything that was between us, learn to accept you for who you are, without trying to change, without imposing my opinion.
You were given to me karmically, thanks to you my soul went through these lessons. I became wiser, stronger, I learned to feel, love and understand people.
I forgive you. I let go of all grievances and irritations. I thank you for all the happy moments of our life together (they did exist), for love, for great earthly love, for all the good things that happened. And I know that it will be even better. You were a teacher for me, and I for you.
Lord, I want to love and be loved. I pray for my life partner. Let everything work out for him in life. Lord, forgive him!!
I also want to pray for my children and grandchildren.
Forgive me, Lord, for the emotional wounds inflicted on them, for the nagging, for the unfair punishments.
You came into my life, thanks to you I learned the joy of motherhood.
Forgive me, my dears.
Sorry about everything. Sorry. Maybe I paid little attention to you, doing other things when you most needed me, my smile, understanding, sympathy. When what you most wanted was not moralizing, but human warmth. SORRY.
And I forgive you for your irritation, rude words, for your insults, claims and jealousy
Because you don't always hear and understand me.
I forgive you for your desire to take more than to give, for your rare calls.
I forgive you for everything and love you for who you are, and may my love help you in life, protect you from fears and failures.
And I thank you for being you, for your first words: “mom, dad,” “baba,” “grandfather.” For your sunny eyes, for your smile, for the joy of communication and unity, for your support in difficult times, for the fact that you also taught me a lot.
I thank you for coming into my family and being a continuation of it. I love you and bless you.
Forgive them, Lord!!
I also ask for forgiveness from my unborn children (possibly from past lives), who were sent to me by God and whom I did not want / was afraid to have. EXCUSE ME.
Lord, forgive my husband (parents, relatives), who at one time agreed to an abortion. FORGIVE US, LORD
We learned a serious lesson for life.
I turn to you, HEAVENLY FATHER.
I pray for my entire family. Forgive my family: my grandmothers, my grandfathers, my mother, my father, my brothers, sisters, spouse, children. The message is from the 7th generation.
(I'm talking from the beginning of time)
And I also ask forgiveness from all the people who met on my way, from my FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES, distant RELATIVES, TEACHERS, NEIGHBORS, random people, co-workers, GIRLFRIENDS, DOCTORS
You all left some kind of mark on my life. I remember you all. Excuse me.
Maybe I offended some of you voluntarily or unwittingly, I was rude to someone, I thought badly of someone, I didn’t want to understand someone, I refused to help. Maybe I still condemn someone’s behavior or words. SORRY.
Thank you for appearing in my life. You helped me become kinder, taught me to cope with difficulties, emotions, troubles
I forgive you for everything, let go of grievances and thank you, Lord, for the lessons of life that I have learned to accept mistakes, correct them and not repeat them. Lord forgive these people!
I tried to remember everyone, pray for everyone, understand and accept everyone.
Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness, for your help and your love. Because I feel my family tree, I see it blooming and bearing fruit, beautiful and strong, and I feel the power of the tree, the power of my Family!
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the fact that I live on Holy Land (name) and thanks to the revival of my KIND, it becomes stronger, its power grows.
I am grateful to you, Lord, for living on the beautiful planet Earth. And then, when I feel the power of my Family, the Earth feels Its power, the power of unity with all humanity.
I thank you, Heavenly Father, for wisdom, for making room in my heart for LOVE and light, for warmth and beauty, for true creativity.
Thank you for making me closer to you, Lord, for the fact that I feel how much you love me, for the harmony and happiness in my soul!
You gave me the opportunity to help myself, my loved ones, children, grandchildren, our Mother Earth. THANK YOU!

Cleansing karma
You can clear karma with the help of the prayer “For the purification of the race.” It removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a generational curse. This may be a sin that was committed in one generation and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents.” This could be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now.
In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for the wrongdoings they committed according to the law of karma. Having prayed for the sins of your ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of your family, you can break the karmic connection and begin to live your own life, without being responsible for your ancestors and freed from “ancestral” damage and curses.
Cleansing must take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing karma with prayers:
Say a prayer"Our Father":
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen.

Read the prayer “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice»:
Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen.

Read the prayer “For the cleansing of the race”:
Lord, I ask forgiveness to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.
Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.
Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.
Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.
Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.
Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.
Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat all prayers three times
Read the prayer of thanksgiving once in conclusion:

Lord, I thank You for everything that You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.

By the power of the Prayer, may the living spiritual connection between all members of my family tree, both living and passed on, be resurrected and strengthened, may the Great Wisdom of True Life and the Power of the Unique Experience of Translating Divine Love, acquired by 12 generations of light-bearers of the race with whom my soul be revived inextricably bound by the subtlest karmic bonds, immutably submitting to the Will of the All-Creator of the Universe, imprinted in the God-Flame of the Law of Image and Similarity.

Spirit is the Guardian of my Tree, in the Heart of Eternity we are United! Resurrect in me! Transform me! Pour through the Hidden Chalice, which preserves the Light of My True, an endless stream of Divine Grace for all relatives of my soul according to flesh and blood, both now living and those who have passed on, for it has been granted to you from the Source of Infinity to protect and increase in Eternity the treasures of the imperishable Spirit, which have been acquired by generations Husbands and Wives of my Family Tree in the process of self-awareness of their original immortal nature and its manifestation in all forms of their realized activity.

The Spirit is the Guardian of the Family, working day and night for the purity of the embodiment of the Divine Plan, sent down by the Lords of Fate for my Tree, awaken the Innermost of all my relatives and kindle in their hearts the flame of true aspiration for the liberation of their consciousness and the conductors of the Presence from all energies, qualities, properties and states that are lower than God's Holy Perfection, teach them to listen to the words of your Angel and grant insight into the Light of Truth.

With the prayers of the Righteous, stop the souls possessed by the demons of vanity and vanity/ and nourish their Inners with the fragrant amrita of the Inescapable World! Remove the seals of madness and blindness, arrogance and hatred, pride and narcissism, abuse of Thy gifts and sacrilegious arrogance, for which they have already been punished so many times by the Lords of Fate, who guide souls on the righteous Path.

With lightning of sudden illumination, awaken petrified hearts and saturate the Cup of Christ Consciousness with the fragrant omophorion of Mercy and Forgiveness.

With the power of awareness of the divine right of your spiritual birthright, bind the ignorance and self-will of the earthly personality and kindle the aspiration in the True to a bright and joyful life!

With the flame of shame, call upon all those who have renounced, who have apostatized from the Law of God and who have violated the Commandments of the Almighty, and cleanse their hearts from all filth!

By the power of repentance, in the spirit of what is being done, free souls from the obsession and destructive obsession sent by the Tempter, and endow them with the power to contemplate the Savior in Glory!

With the fragrant amrita of the Emerald Flame, emanating from the Heavenly Source of all divine life, heal the weak hearts and bodies of all my relatives in flesh and blood!

In the name of the Eternal Great Unity, I ask for forgiveness of sins to my Tree up to the twelfth generation!

Through your intercession, Almighty Defender of the Family, may the smashing Sword of Justice of the Universe be stopped, may the cup of the Lord’s wrath not be spilled at the hour of Mercy and All-Forgiveness, may the vessels be cleansed in remembrance of the departed.

Unite the dead and the living for the endless joy of renewal and forgiveness in the Bosom of the Light Mother of Humanity Mary, the All-Queen Sovereign of the World.

May the departed be led by You, Guardian of my Family, through the fiery crucible of the Love of the All-Creator and rest in the Kingdom of Spirit and Light forever, according to the Mercy of the Father.

By the power of the prayer of the Awakened Ones, lift the dead in the Abode of Light into the arms of the Lord, convey their petitions to the Lords of Reason and Individuality and beg the Lipiks to inscribe the names of those who have passed on in the Book of Lives, on the Immaculate Tablets.

May their sins be forgiven for the sake of those who are faithful to the Word of the Lord, who honor his Commandments and the Law!

May the intercession of the Living become a Stairway to Heaven for the dead!

I pray to You, Spirit of Light, who grants your patronage and protection to all my relatives in flesh and blood, both living and passed on, help heal the Tree of my Family from all involutionary programs and demonic development engrams passed on from generation to generation, from the moment of the first violations of the Great Law, which manifested itself as disobedience to the High Will of the All-Creator, the result of which are all forms of low-conscious behavior patterns initiated by possessing entities of a foreign nature, and hereditary diseases, the true essence of which is captured in wave holograms that have become the anti-chakras of the Cosmic Man, containing the entirety of “ sorrowful experience" of 12 generations of Husbands and Wives, who were embodied in the body of my Tree, the centers of the presence of the cosmos, connecting the individual soul with the Universe of Unmanifested Chaos.

The Spirit is the Protector, the Patron of the Family Tree, with the power of the radiant experience of the ancestors, strengthen in Faith and increase the Power of the Aspiration of my True One. True, all my relatives in flesh and blood, to the realization and implementation in their activity of the Law of Love and Creative Complementarity of the two Great Principles of all life and the Idea of ​​Unity, Brotherhood and Cooperation of all Evolution, in the name of liberation of the Objective World Reality from the presence of beings that destroys and poisons it, representing the legions of Chaos, in the name of the establishment and development of a new Kingdom, in the name of the spiritual resurrection and healing of everyone’s being.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

Amen! Ananda Sat Tat Om!

(Ananda - bliss, joy, happiness, Sat - eternity, Tat - that, Om - bija mantra, sound vibration of God).

Prayer for the cleansing of Rod
Read Our Father.
Lord, Your eyes saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In Your book are written all the days appointed for her (him).
Drive away the evil spirits from me, so that I am not on a dangerous path. Don't let the bloodthirsty come to me. Forgive those who conceived and
who gave birth to my father (...), mother (...) and all my great-grandfathers from the beginning.
Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, so honor is indecently stupid, like a sparrow flutters, like a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse on me, the daughter (son) of God (name), will not come true. Amen.
(Read in front of the icon for 40 days as many times as you want intuitively. I read until the yawning stopped, everything comes out through yawning for me :))

Prayer for the Cleansing of the Family Tree Prayer for the removal of the family curse(read 40 days in a row, without breaks).

The prayer consists of two parts, one of which is aimed at removing the ancestral curse, the second allows you to fill the free internal space of the karma of the genus, which was formed as a result of the transmutation of involutionary programs, with the energies of abundance and prosperity. The minimum period of work with each part of the prayer is 40 days, because exactly 40 days are the period of existence of demonic entities, vampires and possessors who deform both individual and clan karma, in the event that they do not receive additional energy from the activity of the lower “I” of the embodied personality and its immediate karmic environment. There is no maximum period of service; it is determined only by the aspiration for this type of spiritual work of our individual Divine Soul and its readiness to take responsibility for the evolutionary fate of its kind.


Prayer Creed
I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
The Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages,
Light from Light, God's truth from God's truth,
Begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father,
It's all up to them.
For our sake man and for our sake of salvation came down from heaven
And became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became human.
Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
Both suffering and buried.
And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.
And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
And again the future will be judged with glory by the living and the dead,
His Kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One,
Who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and the Son
Let us worship and glorify the words of the prophets.
Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the next century.

Psalm 90 in Russian
He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth.
You will not be afraid of horrors in the night, of arrows flying during the day,
The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
For you said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
They will carry you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
You will step on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he has known My name.
He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

1 part
Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.

Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Hidden Cups of your children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Your Name.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal and Merciful! Have mercy on us, forgive us, awaken our sleeping hearts to repentance and teach us to listen to our Inner. Grant spiritual insight and send peace to the human mind, fussy and rebellious, kindle the Light of Prayer in the True Devotees.

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us!
Lord Jesus, Son of God, save us!
Cathedral of Saints of the Eastern and Western Churches, pray to God for us!
All-merciful Mother of our Lord Jesus! Was it not you, Most Bright One, who gave birth to your Son in order to give him as atonement for the sins of the human race?
I pray to you in the name of Jesus’ Love and Forgiveness: remember the names of all my relatives in flesh and blood, with whom you are karmically connected in this life and in this incarnation, both living and deceased, forgive them all their sins and involuntary, perfect in earthly life, and by the goodness of the prayer, grant liberation from the ancestral curse, from damage, the evil eye and slander, from all witchcraft and shamanism, from all involutionary programs and demonic engrams.
Accept the souls, those suffering from salvation, under your maternal protection and show them the way to the Abode of the Enlightened and Righteous, to the Worlds of Bliss and Joy.
Oh, All-Sovereign Queen, Our All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Mother of Comforter, Intercessor of the human race, Tablet of the Fiery Covenant in the hearts and Infinite Mercy! It is your kiss that blesses us for the creation of the One Being of Eternal Life. May you not leave us on our chosen path!
O Amrita Fragrant of Eternity! Hear our prayers and accept our humble petitions in the name of the future transfiguration.
O Hope of the Devotees, All-Blessed Mother of Humanity! Place into the Ark of Your Heart all the souls suffering from Your Love and Mercy, and ascend them to the Abode of the Blessed.
I ask you with hope and faith: spread the Veil of your Love over all those living on Earth and staying in the Purgatory of the Transitional Worlds, my relatives in flesh and blood, and do not leave them without your blessed guidance, for the sake of innocent babies have mercy on their parents and with the tears and prayers of their mothers atone for the sins of the children.
Through the prayers of the Righteous may the Gates of the Heavenly World be opened for them!

O All-Good One! In response to my prayer, four Angels of Light sent from the Throne of the Lord, so that by the power and authority granted to them at the moment of the creation of the World, they would free the relatives of my soul from all energies, qualities and states that are lower than the Perfection of God, in order to protect them from the activity of demonic entities, larv, larv and essov, which hinder the manifestation of the true and innermost essence of your devotees.
O Beloved Azazel, Angel of Destruction! You are the Divine Reaper of the Holy Grain of the Lord.
With the sickle of the Spirit, shining in your hand, separate the ripe ears from the chaff, and with the fiery lightning of Truth, grant the souls of God the opportunity to recognize the face of wolves dressed in the skins of lambs.
Oh, Beloved Angel Israel, Guardian of the Fiery Tablets! In response to my redemptive prayer, most peacefully performed, possessing by my faith the power of purification and liberation, take the names of my relatives from the scrolls of the Tempter and inscribe them with the Flame of Love in the scrolls of Eternal Life.
Oh, Beloved Darion, Angel of Revival, guarding the Star of the planetary Transfiguration! Strengthen the hearts of those devoted to the Light with the power of Love, which you have been granted to manifest at the source of the Divine World, awakening the Grain of the Spirit of every being.
Oh, Beloved Angel of Prosperity Jeremiel! From the grace-filled vessel of Eternal Life in your hands, pour out fragrant amrita, so that every Grain of the Spirit turns into a ripe ear and bears its fruits to Eternity.
In the name of the Great Mother of all Life, I call on you, Angels of Light: Azazel, Israel, Darion and Jeremiel! Free, purify, revive and lift into the Light all the souls with which my True One is connected by indissoluble karmic bonds in the family tree.
Our Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and every creature! Strengthen the power of prayer created by the Light of Your True Love and, by Your Mercy, grant liberation, purification, spiritual resurrection and transformation to all souls calling on Your Holy Name in the days of the Great Exodus.
Send heavenly and earthly gifts down to all your children on this day and protect them from temptation and from evil committed by those who do not fulfill Your Law, do not honor Your Commandment and oppose Your Will.
Forgive, Lord, all the arrogant for slander and malice, for all witchcraft, shamanism, black magic and curses manifested against my family, and strengthen me in the power of unconditional forgiveness towards all who, out of unconsciousness, desired evil to all souls up to 12 generations in my family tree, both inside and outside.
With the fiery power of Forgiveness, free, cleanse and save your children, Lord!
In Your High Name, Almighty, All-Good and All-Forgiving, protect us in the path of Peace, Love and Light and guide our feet along the roads of Enlightenment to the Abodes of Your Devotees, for You, Lord, Lord of the True Worlds, are the hope and support of the suffering, and in in Thy hands, O Most High, the life of all those born of Thy Eternal Spirit.
You alone, Unforgettable, Ineffable, All-Merciful, for all your children deliverance from troubles, consolation in sorrows, healing from wounds, from damage, witchcraft, shamanism, the evil eye, possession - holy cleansing, from curses spoken and sent - true liberation.


Free, Almighty and Merciful, your children from unkind thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from damage, the evil eye and slander, for we trust only in You, the One.
Purify all those who thirst for Light in darkness and the shadow of death, for You, the Living and True, Almighty God of the Armies of Heaven, are joy and consolation for all those who despair.
Thy Love is a Fiery Sword, freeing all Thy Devotees from the chains created by the servants of the One who opposes Thy Will, and let those who are fierce and malicious surrender in powerlessness before the image of Christ, imprinted in the Inner of Thy sons and daughters.
Comforter of the True Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all who call on Your Holy Name, spread the Liberating Sword over your children, protect Your Devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.
I glorify You in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who is Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.

Our Heavenly Father! Holy Light Unspeakable!
Hear my prayer. Let this prayer of the heart of a devotee reach You.
You, the Just and Merciful, who owns all things, who endowed the holy apostles with the power to trample underfoot snakes and scorpions, who crowned the Mother of our Lord Jesus as the Queen of the World, grant to all your children, who call on Your Holy Name, the grace of purification and liberation from all the energies that below the Perfection of God, from all demons - internal and external, from all corruption, the evil eye, shamanism, witchcraft, from all black magic and the destructive power of the spoken curse, which do not allow us to get closer to You.
May the Soul awaken to Eternal Life, may the human heart be filled with the Light of Love, Peace and Joy, may the Light of Salvation shine for all those living in darkness and the shadow of death.
Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit!
Lord, live in us, Lord, dwell in us. Lord, reign in us!
Lord, guide us!
Lord, love our neighbors! Lord, conquer and rise in us!
It is the power of Your Love, Lord, that grants salvation and renewal to the world.
It is the power of Your Love, Lord, that gives hope for transformation and resurrection to tormented hearts, tormented bodies, and the human race.
God, Protector of the human race! Have mercy on your children, from the Abodes of the Radiant in the Shining Worlds the Great Archangels sent: Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raphael, Samuel, Zadkiel, Uriel, so that with their power and authority, bestowed on them at the source of Eternal Bliss, they would help liberate and to cleanse the children of God, all my relatives in flesh and blood, both living and deceased, from all energies, qualities and states that are lower than the Perfection of God. May the Light of Forgiveness and Transfiguration light up for them in the heart of Infinity and descend upon them!
May Heavenly Purity, True Peace, Infinite Love be established in the hearts of Your Devotees, and may the Living and Eternal God have mercy on everyone!

Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.
You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal Peace and the Treasure of the Hearts of the Devotees, giving them life.
Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Hidden Cups of your children, grant Hope, Forgiveness and Salvation to all who call on Your Name.

I glorify You in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, who is Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.
In conclusion, thank the Angels of Archangel Michael for protecting the subtle bodies (your own and those around you)…

Part 2:
Prayer for the prosperity of the family tree
(read next 40 days)
Lord, the Spoken Light, who with His Love and Mercy has given hope for salvation to the Devotees of Eternal Life!
I will call upon Your name and find Peace in the silence and tranquility of prayer.
I will call on Your name and the Gates of Heaven will open. I will call on Your name, and the Kingdom will shine in glory...
I will shake off the mortal dust from my feet at the Gates of Eternity and, having partaken of the Chalice of Bliss, may I ascend into the City of the Enlightened, the Rejoicing and the Blessed.

Lord, Savior of the soul and body of humanity, who trampled death by death, who bestowed Eternal Life on this world, the embodiment of Love and Mercy, the personification of Faith and Eternity! Awaken the souls of my relatives along the family tree to the contemplation of the Glory of the Heavenly Father, so that they will tremble before the Light of His Truth and long for reunion with the Devotees in the bright womb, in the eternal womb, in the peaceful womb of Abraham, in the Immaculate Heart of the Holy Mother, and forgive them all their mistakes , committed in word, deed or thought, for You are Hope and Promise, the King of Peace, the Loving and All-Forgiving, for You are the Resurrection and Eternal Life, Your Law and Your Word are true. I sing glory to You alone, Our Father, and ask for the prosperity of all Your children, my relatives along the family tree.
Striving towards the Light, I pray to You, Mysterious One, for the generation of fathers and mothers who rejected the Lord and did not accept the Grace of Salvation in their True Self, forgive them for spiritual blindness and spiritual vanity, awaken the inner ear with a fiery verb, awaken the heart’s gaze to the contemplation of the Savior in glory, direct their steps along the road of Life leading to the Throne of the Heavenly Father, and may this be accomplished according to Your Mercy in the name of the resurrection of the Inner Christ in the Innermost of all those living on Earth.
Turn the hearts of those who have received their sight to the sacred mystery of the Great Unity and grant peace of prosperity and prosperity to the entire Earth and all streams of Life in the Infinite.
So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.
Amen and amen.

The Day of Judgment is coming, the last day of the Great Exodus for everyone living on Earth, hidden secrets will be revealed, the Books of Consciousness will be presented.
O Jesus, who has always loved everyone! Forgive all my relatives along the family tree, both those living today and those who have passed on, may the heavenly angels sing Glory to you with boundless love.
Hallelujah (3 times).
Quiet Light, Light of Jerusalem, who has trampled death with Love, grant spiritual insight to all the children of the One Existent who are now on Earth and in the dwellings of the transitional worlds, so that they may be reconciled with the Lord and accept His Truth in their hearts, so that they may be reconciled with each other before The Gates of Eternity!
Crown with Glory those who call on Your Name and cover sleeping hearts with an omophorion, bless with the Protection of the Holy Mother all the sick and suffering of Love and Light, and send Mary down to where there is no hope, where there is darkness and decay, where there is sorrow and despair, so that she may resurrect the children of all the Lord and granted them the grace of salvation. May the Day of Judgment become a day of Mercy and All-Forgiveness, may the Inmost One be resurrected in the hearts of all those embodied on Earth through the prayers of Your Devotees.

Glorify before the Angels and Saints all who stood over my childhood bed, who grew up with me, who shared my sorrows and sufferings, my dreams and hopes, may the heavenly goodness of Forgiveness be poured out for all those living on Earth and my relatives who have moved to other abodes. spirit and body.
Bless, Lord, their Innermost and grant the opportunity to reign in the new Universe, uniting in Love with the Enlightened and Radiant.
Prayerful communion. May Your children be saved by the Council of the Righteous, O Lord!
The prayer being performed is a candle lit in the spheres and the face of Christ imprinted in the heart.
I pray to You, Lord, for all my relatives living on Earth along the family tree. May the prayer made for them become an arrow of fiery Love, piercing the sleeping souls, may the prayer made for them become hope for salvation, may the prayer made for them become a road leading to Eternity.
The word of fiery prayer is the flowing Light into the Inner of the Devotees to the Lord. The word of the fiery prayer is forgiveness for vanity and vanity, for pride and arrogance, for deviation from the True. The word of fiery prayer is healing sent down for the soul and body of those who suffer and eternal salvation.
Jesus, Jesus, Sun, illuminate and warm the hearts of your devotees.
Jesus, Jesus, Eternal Life, unite us with joy before the Throne of Being and make us one with Love and Mercy.
Resurrect in the hearts of those living on Earth and those who have passed on to other worlds of the Infinity of my relatives along the family tree, Purity and Holiness, Peace and Prosperity.
May they find Joy and Hope, Youth and Enlightenment, Love and Mercy, Abundance and Prosperity on the road leading to the Heavenly Temple.
Hallelujah (3 times).

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

God, I sing Your Glory and invoke Your mercy.
May the Resurrecting Fiery Word illuminate the Universe, may my relatives, guided by its true power, become on the road of salvation, may endless and generous gifts from the Spiritual Heart of Infinity be poured down on them, for You, the One, long for Abundance, Prosperity and Prosperity for all your children.
I ask You, Almighty, humbly bowing before the Throne of Your Eternal Glory, for mercy for my living and passed-on relatives in spirit, soul and body at the appointed hour of the resolution of fate.
Blessed be the highest mercy, compassion and forgiveness.

Amen and hallelujah.

Glory to you


(I personally read for 40 days without a break)
I turn to You, Heavenly Father, and I want to pray for myself and for my family.
I want those closest to me, my children, grandchildren and all future generations to be happy and healthy. So that they feel the strength of their family.
I turn to You, Lord, for I know that a clan is considered strong when the roots of its family tree are strong - when 7 generations in the clan are strong... ("when the source of the clan is strong", I speak for all generations in general)
And now I am turning to you, my great-great-great-grandparents, and I want to pray for you and ask YOU for forgiveness.
Forgive me dear, Forgive me!!!
Forgive me that I know so little about you, about my family, that I do not carry the traditions of my family and... I truly thank you for standing at the origins of my family.
I sincerely repent, forgive me..........
And if possible, come to my aid. I want to repent for everyone who lives next to me, my relatives.
I understand how great my responsibility is, but I take it upon myself. I pray for my entire family.
And I’m not afraid of this responsibility, because I know that I can help my loved ones.
I take on this responsibility because my task is to help my Family.
My dear, great-great-great-grandparents, I feel that you are nearby, that you have come to my aid. You are here, you rejoice at my repentance, you are happy that the REVIVAL of our tree has begun.
Thank YOU and forgive me for the fact that I may not always live correctly............
Thank YOU and forgive me for the fact that maybe I don’t always live correctly, I think, I forget to love, to pray, in the bustle I don’t notice the main thing, I get offended, I don’t smile enough, I don’t always do as my heart tells me. Sorry.
I forget to LOVE, focus on LOVE, pray to love, I get offended, become discouraged, act according to my mind and not according to my heart. SORRY!
Lord, forgive me and my ancestors for their imperfections, I pray for THEM.
It is possible that among them there are murderers, suicides, perhaps someone cursed our family for something, there were probably ardent communists destroying shrines. Forgive me, Lord.
I don’t hold a grudge against them and forgive them sincerely from the depths of my soul.
I thank you, my great-great-great-grandparents, for the fact that you lived - and this is grace. And I live because you once lived. I bow deeply to YOU. You have gone through your karmic lessons. Thank you.
Lord, forgive them!
...I can already feel how the roots of my family tree are being cleansed. I feel how vital energy saturates its trunk.
This is the power of My Family!
And now, Lord, I want to remember my grandparents, pray for them and ask for their forgiveness (and it doesn’t matter if they are in this world or another) FORGIVE ME!
I ask you for forgiveness for all the bad things, for all the unseemly actions on my part towards you, for the fact that I did not always understand you, I was offended, I rarely remember YOU.
I know that deep down you love me as much as I love you. SORRY.
And I forgive you, my dears, for everything! For hurtful words, for unfair reproaches, punishments in childhood, an unkind look. I know that you sometimes come to me in my dreams, but I don’t always understand these dreams and I don’t remember what you ask me for.
But today I am praying for YOU
LORD FORGIVE THEM. Sorry for all the mistakes they made.
I am grateful to you, my dears, I have something to remember. After all, there was a lot of good stuff, thank you for the fairy tales, smiles, kindness and love, for the lessons... THANK YOU.
Low bow to you.
Lord, forgive them!
And now, Lord, I pray for those people thanks to whom I was born. These are you - my parents: mom and dad.
I clearly see your faces and ask you for forgiveness for everything that I am guilty of: for ugly actions and words towards you, for disobedience, for your sleepless nights, for rare calls, for everything.
Sorry. Beg.
I know that your hearts now feel, hear and rejoice in my prayer.
And I forgive you, my dear parents, for your imperfections, for your mistakes. I can't change you, I accept you as you are. I forgive you for your weaknesses, for the fact that you did not always understand me and tried to impose your opinion, did not see me as a person. I forgive absolutely all the unpleasant moments that happened in the past, letting go of all grievances.
I forgive YOU!
I give you my love. And thank you for all the bright days that you gave me, for the happy hours spent together, for the lessons that I remembered for the rest of my life, for the eyes with tears of joy.
I thank you for your love and I want my love to help YOU, even if you are in another world.
Lord, forgive them!!!
Now is the time to pray for your husbands, wives, young men, girlfriends, and your spouses from previous marriages.
Lord, I pray for them and ask for their forgiveness.
I apologize to you, my dear (my dear), for all the unpleasant situations in our lives, omissions, quarrels, insults, mutual reproaches, irritations. For the inability to forgive, for the unwillingness to change your habits, your character, for the desire to take more than to give. Sorry. Beg. Forgive me for my jealousy, for my desire to consider you my property. Sorry.
Now I feel and understand the deep meaning of why we met, why the Lord God brought us together... Forgive me.
And I forgive you for everything bad, apparently, I had to experience everything that was between us, learn to accept you for who you are, without trying to change, without imposing my opinion.
You were given to me karmically, thanks to you my soul went through these lessons. I became wiser, stronger, I learned to feel, love and understand people.
I forgive you. I let go of all grievances and irritations. I thank you for all the happy moments of our life together (they did exist), for love, for great earthly love, for all the good things that happened. And I know that it will be even better. You were a teacher for me, and I for you.
Lord, I want to love and be loved. I pray for my life partner. Let everything work out for him in life. Lord, forgive him!!
I also want to pray for my children and grandchildren.
Forgive me, Lord, for the emotional wounds inflicted on them, for the nagging, for the unfair punishments.
You came into my life, thanks to you I learned the joy of motherhood.
Forgive me, my dears.
Sorry about everything. Sorry. Maybe I paid little attention to you, doing other things when you most needed me, my smile, understanding, sympathy. When what you most wanted was not moralizing, but human warmth. SORRY.
And I forgive you for your irritation, rude words, for your insults, claims and jealousy
Because you don't always hear and understand me.
I forgive you for your desire to take more than to give, for your rare calls.
I forgive you for everything and love you for who you are, and may my love help you in life, protect you from fears and failures.
And I thank you for being you, for your first words: “mom, dad,” “baba,” “grandfather.” For your sunny eyes, for your smile, for the joy of communication and unity, for your support in difficult times, for the fact that you also taught me a lot.
I thank you for coming into my family and being a continuation of it. I love you and bless you.
Forgive them, Lord!!
I also ask for forgiveness from my unborn children (possibly from past lives), who were sent to me by God and whom I did not want / was afraid to have. EXCUSE ME.
Lord, forgive my husband (parents, relatives), who at one time agreed to an abortion. FORGIVE US, LORD
We learned a serious lesson for life.
I turn to you, HEAVENLY FATHER.
I pray for my entire family. Forgive my family: my grandmothers, my grandfathers, my mother, my father, my brothers, sisters, spouse, children. The message is from the 7th generation.
(I'm talking from the beginning of time)
And I also ask forgiveness from all the people who met on my way, from my FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES, distant RELATIVES, TEACHERS, NEIGHBORS, random people, co-workers, GIRLFRIENDS, DOCTORS
You all left some kind of mark on my life. I remember you all. Excuse me.
Maybe I offended some of you voluntarily or unwittingly, I was rude to someone, I thought badly of someone, I didn’t want to understand someone, I refused to help. Maybe I still condemn someone’s behavior or words. SORRY.
Thank you for appearing in my life. You helped me become kinder, taught me to cope with difficulties, emotions, troubles
I forgive you for everything, let go of grievances and thank you, Lord, for the lessons of life that I have learned to accept mistakes, correct them and not repeat them. Lord forgive these people!
I tried to remember everyone, pray for everyone, understand and accept everyone.
Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness, for your help and your love. Because I feel my family tree, I see it blooming and bearing fruit, beautiful and strong, and I feel the power of the tree, the power of my Family!
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the fact that I live on Holy Land (name) and thanks to the revival of my KIND, it becomes stronger, its power grows.
I am grateful to you, Lord, for living on the beautiful planet Earth. And then, when I feel the power of my Family, the Earth feels Its power, the power of unity with all humanity.
I thank you, Heavenly Father, for wisdom, for making room in my heart for LOVE and light, for warmth and beauty, for true creativity.
Thank you for making me closer to you, Lord, for the fact that I feel how much you love me, for the harmony and happiness in my soul!
You gave me the opportunity to help myself, my loved ones, children, grandchildren, our Mother Earth. THANK YOU!

Cleansing karma
You can clear karma with the help of the prayer “For the purification of the race.” It removes “karmic” or ancestral problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a generational curse. This may be a sin that was committed in one generation and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents.” This could be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now.
In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for the wrongdoings they committed according to the law of karma. Having prayed for the sins of your ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of your family, you can break the karmic connection and begin to live your own life, without being responsible for your ancestors and freed from “ancestral” damage and curses.
Cleansing must take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing karma with prayers:
Say a prayer"Our Father":
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen.

Read the prayer “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice»:
Virgin Mary, Rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen.

Read the prayer “For the cleansing of the race”:
Lord, I ask forgiveness to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.
Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.
Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.
Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.
Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors.
Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.
Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Repeat all prayers three times
Read the prayer of thanksgiving once in conclusion:

Lord, I thank You for everything that You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.

Spirit is the Guardian of my Tree, in the Heart of Eternity we are United! Resurrect in me! Transform me! Pour through the Hidden Chalice, which preserves the Light of My True, an endless stream of Divine Grace for all relatives of my soul according to flesh and blood, both now living and those who have passed on, for it has been granted to you from the Source of Infinity to protect and increase in Eternity the treasures of the imperishable Spirit, which have been acquired by generations Husbands and Wives of my Family Tree in the process of self-awareness of their original immortal nature and its manifestation in all forms of their realized activity.

The Spirit is the Guardian of the Family, working day and night for the purity of the embodiment of the Divine Plan, sent down by the Lords of Fate for my Tree, awaken the Innermost of all my relatives and kindle in their hearts the flame of true aspiration for the liberation of their consciousness and the conductors of the Presence from all energies, qualities, properties and states that are lower than God's Holy Perfection, teach them to listen to the words of your Angel and grant insight into the Light of Truth.

With the prayers of the Righteous, stop the souls possessed by the demons of vanity and vanity/ and nourish their Inners with the fragrant amrita of the Inescapable World! Remove the seals of madness and blindness, arrogance and hatred, pride and narcissism, abuse of Thy gifts and sacrilegious arrogance, for which they have already been punished so many times by the Lords of Fate, who guide souls on the righteous Path.

With lightning of sudden illumination, awaken petrified hearts and saturate the Cup of Christ Consciousness with the fragrant omophorion of Mercy and Forgiveness.

With the power of awareness of the divine right of your spiritual birthright, bind the ignorance and self-will of the earthly personality and kindle the aspiration in the True to a bright and joyful life!

With the flame of shame, call upon all those who have renounced, who have apostatized from the Law of God and who have violated the Commandments of the Almighty, and cleanse their hearts from all filth!

By the power of repentance, in the spirit of what is being done, free souls from the obsession and destructive obsession sent by the Tempter, and endow them with the power to contemplate the Savior in Glory!

With the fragrant amrita of the Emerald Flame, emanating from the Heavenly Source of all divine life, heal the weak hearts and bodies of all my relatives in flesh and blood!

In the name of the Eternal Great Unity, I ask for forgiveness of sins to my Tree up to the twelfth generation!

Through your intercession, Almighty Defender of the Family, may the smashing Sword of Justice of the Universe be stopped, may the cup of the Lord’s wrath not be spilled at the hour of Mercy and All-Forgiveness, may the vessels be cleansed in remembrance of the departed.

Unite the dead and the living for the endless joy of renewal and forgiveness in the Bosom of the Light Mother of Humanity Mary, the All-Queen Sovereign of the World.

May the departed be led by You, Guardian of my Family, through the fiery crucible of the Love of the All-Creator and rest in the Kingdom of Spirit and Light forever, according to the Mercy of the Father.

By the power of the prayer of the Awakened Ones, lift the dead in the Abode of Light into the arms of the Lord, convey their petitions to the Lords of Reason and Individuality and beg the Lipiks to inscribe the names of those who have passed on in the Book of Lives, on the Immaculate Tablets.

May their sins be forgiven for the sake of those who are faithful to the Word of the Lord, who honor his Commandments and the Law!

May the intercession of the Living become a Stairway to Heaven for the dead!

I pray to You, Spirit of Light, who grants your patronage and protection to all my relatives in flesh and blood, both living and passed on, help heal the Tree of my Family from all involutionary programs and demonic development engrams passed on from generation to generation, from the moment of the first violations of the Great Law, which manifested itself as disobedience to the High Will of the All-Creator, the result of which are all forms of low-conscious behavior patterns initiated by possessing entities of a foreign nature, and hereditary diseases, the true essence of which is captured in wave holograms that have become the anti-chakras of the Cosmic Man, containing the entirety of “ sorrowful experience" of 12 generations of Husbands and Wives, who were embodied in the body of my Tree, the centers of the presence of the cosmos, connecting the individual soul with the Universe of Unmanifested Chaos.

The Spirit is the Protector, the Patron of the Family Tree, with the power of the radiant experience of the ancestors, strengthen in Faith and increase the Power of the Aspiration of my True One. True, all my relatives in flesh and blood, to the realization and implementation in their activity of the Law of Love and Creative Complementarity of the two Great Principles of all life and the Idea of ​​Unity, Brotherhood and Cooperation of all Evolution, in the name of liberation of the Objective World Reality from the presence of beings that destroys and poisons it, representing the legions of Chaos, in the name of the establishment and development of a new Kingdom, in the name of the spiritual resurrection and healing of everyone’s being.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

Amen! Ananda Sat Tat Om!

(Ananda - bliss, joy, happiness, Sat - eternity, Tat - that, Om - bija mantra, sound vibration of God).

Prayer for the cleansing of Rod
Read Our Father.
Lord, Your eyes saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In Your book are written all the days appointed for her (him).
Drive away the evil spirits from me, so that I am not on a dangerous path. Don't let the bloodthirsty come to me. Forgive those who conceived and
who gave birth to my father (...), mother (...) and all my great-grandfathers from the beginning.
Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, so honor is indecently stupid, like a sparrow flutters, like a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse on me, the daughter (son) of God (name), will not come true. Amen.
(Read in front of the icon for 40 days as many times as you want intuitively. I read until the yawning stopped, everything comes out through yawning for me :))

The method allows:

To free the deceased of the family tree from the toll zones and transfer them to the higher planes of existence;

Free a person from the dead fields of departed relatives and all the consequences emanating from this obsession.

The family tree consists of living and deceased representatives.

Living souls are in a material body. We will divide the deceased into two groups:

The first is those who have moved to higher planes of existence.

The second is those remaining on the lower planes of the subtle world, in the toll-house (karmic) zones. This zone includes those who died beyond their term, as well as those who had addictions and unhealthy dependencies in the material world during their lifetime.

The energies of dependence and suffering are drawn to the dense world and left in the toll-house zone. A special feature of the toll-house zone is the absence of the Light and Love of the Creator in it. As a result, its inhabitants are left without energy, i.e. hungry. These souls find a source of energy in living relatives, consuming from them the type of energy that left them below. As a result, a person living on the physical plane begins to manifest thoughts, feelings, states, and actions that are not characteristic of him.

As an example, I will give several signs of the presence of a publican soul

(and accordingly the presence of dead fields):

Feeling of constant fatigue;

Sudden change of mood;

Weak or hyper-sexual desire;






Sudden changes in temperature or pressure;

Tobacco smoking and alcoholism; addiction;

Various diseases including asthma and diabetes;

Ancestral curses and everything that comes with it;

Crown of celibacy;



All negative inheritance determines the fate of descendants up to the 12th generation. The presence of chronic hereditary diseases, conflict situations, lack of money and failures in work, various forms of obsession indicate the presence of tax collectors.

Moreover, the publicans do not even realize that they have died, they have one goal, to find a source of energy and recharge. And they find such energy in those who violate Divine Law and Order: unbelievers, gossips, envious people, talkers, deceivers, proud people, etc. Then these people themselves become energy vampires. They can be easily distinguished by the following signs; they may exhibit certain signs of ordeal. They may be:

- Pride. Since childhood, they consider themselves taller, better, smarter, more beautiful, etc. than other people. They try to manage and control everyone and everything, they are overly careful and careful to the point of pedantry and pettiness, they endlessly make comments; find fault with people’s words and actions, trying to make them dependent on themselves; They don’t like having guests in their house and worrying about the fact that they will destroy their absolute order. Men rarely stay in such conditions and escape from the cage to freedom. When exploring the space, it turns out that this house (apartment) is saturated with dead fields, you don’t want to go there, you don’t know what you can endure.

-Weak energy. They often get sick, and stubbornly, from morning to evening, they tell their loved ones and relatives about their ailments and illnesses: now their head, now their back hurts, now a runny nose, now a cough, now their stomach is twisted, now they have a ache here, now they have a stabbing there, etc... This is the time when vampires drain the listener’s energy, no matter what the conversation is, for example, on the phone or on the Internet.

-Slagging of dead fields. All the time they are being treated and asking them to treat them: give a pill, put mustard plasters on, give a thermometer, rub their back, stroke them, calm them down, feel sorry for them, look after them, give them this and that, bring them, cook them, enter into their position (as soon as you enter, consider that you too got sick);

They are afraid of water, they rarely wash themselves completely, they cannot stay in a bathhouse or church for a long time (they feel dizzy, feel sick), they never bathe in a holy spring - the publican does not allow them, because... very afraid of holy water

-Verbosity. They like to chat for a long time and a lot “just like that”, when meeting and on the phone. Ever wonder if they can be listened to at all? Simply, they load them with their own and other people’s problems, and it’s difficult to stop them. Curious.

- Non-acceptance of life. They are not satisfied with the weather, climate, working conditions, and life in general. They are cold all the time (poor blood circulation), rarely ventilate the apartment, do not like to go for walks, prefer to stay at home, have irrational fears and panic states (fear of animals, insects, etc.).

- Envy. They get offended (offense is a hidden form of aggression), slander, whine, often repeat the same thing: about how bad their life is, that they and their children, parents are sick, that they have no money, that they are in debt, or that the boss is a fool, etc., and that his colleagues are mediocrities and lazy people. They envy: “Yes, it’s easy for her, her husband is rich, I would like to be in her place...”.

- Aggression. They love to argue, they get excited quickly, they can be aggressive in an argument, to the point of being unrecognizable - suddenly their voice becomes distorted, their face and posture change. Open vampires are often the instigators, and hidden ones (who suffer within themselves) are the fuelers of conflicts. One thing is not enough for a publican; he wants to feed off the energy of everyone around him. Therefore, the vampire gets involved in an argument and conflict. Then this person regrets that he did this...

- Magic. They have vision distorted by the publican, many people seem ugly to them, even scary, they often say so when they see a person or someone’s photograph, “What a terrible person!” - this way the evil eye occurs even from a photograph ( or without it).

-Suppression and manipulation. They become authoritarian parents with harsh parenting methods, literally psychological punishers (feeding on the energy of children when they are afraid and cry). They never admit their mistakes. They always find excuses for their manipulations. The soul of children is sensitive, it senses “theft,” and then children begin to hide something and lie about every occasion in order to avoid energy losses, then they get used to it - they lie out of inertia. Growing up, children either quickly leave the family or also adopt a publican, and child-parent relationships, as a rule, become very difficult.

- Mistrust of God. They blame their relatives for their failures in life: father, mother, husband, wife, children: “If it weren’t for them, then I would….wow!!!” They display pessimistic positions, reaching the point of outright fighting against God: “The Lord is not fair to me”..., “I deserve more...”, “Why did God allow this to happen to me?...”.

When a person lives non-Divine patterns of behavior, emotions, words and thoughts, there is no doubt that the publican is nearby. In this case, as a rule, the person does not control himself, even if he tries to take control of the situation, he fails. He vampirizes again and again from his family and friends. If someone guesses about the nature of this person’s emotions and manages to defend himself, then the vampire is literally broken, he feels bad, he may even cry for no reason, get offended out of nowhere, and, feeling a powerful energetic rebuff, turn and leave...

Humanity uses many methods for protection and purification. These include fasting and various abstinences, prayers, withdrawal from worldly life, meditation and other spiritual practices and techniques. But, alas, the reality is that few people achieve the goal of purity and freedom, since the negative developments of the person himself stick together with the developments of a deceased ancestor.

As a rule, after visiting a church or other holy place, the negativity recedes for a while, but after a while it returns. The mistake of such practices lies not only in the concern of the inflated Ego for itself. It is important to understand that we are tightly connected to our family tree. Those living in the material world are in constant contact with those who have passed on. At the same time, publican souls are only able to manifest themselves through us, and only we can help them receive final liberation from captivity. Even one glance at a photograph of a departed ancestor excites the dead power of the publican. And here, photographs often hang and stand next to photographs of living husbands, wives and children. Our task is to help publican souls move to the Divine Plan and free themselves and their family from suffering and negative programs. Awareness, knowledge of spiritual laws and internal purity of descendants are the key to the liberation of the race. If there is at least one spiritual person in a family, then he can cleanse the entire family.

After the advent of this method, my approach to solving most problems changed dramatically. What took years of spiritual practice can now be solved within half an hour.

Every day brings a new discovery in the work of “Cleansing the Family Tree.” Here are some cases from practice.

The necessary information often comes through dreams. There are many such examples in history. As a rule, such dreams are very clear, almost real and are well remembered. An employee of our center had a dream in which I dictate, and she writes down the text and its meaning is to liberate the planetary tree. We thought about this topic, did not understand anything, laughed at ourselves and the scale of the task.

About a month has passed. Another employee’s four-year-old daughter unexpectedly fell ill. Diarrhea, vomiting, the body does not accept water and food. They put him in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. On the second day, dehydration began and an IV was put on. Even before hospitalization, I determined the presence of a publican at the energy center of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and the mother began to beg the deceased. The condition continued to worsen. I decided to ask those who crossed her family tree to help the publican soul go to the Divine plane. 10 minutes later the bell rang: “Everything is fine, the child has come to his senses. She stood up, pulled the needle out of the vein and ran to the other children to play.” All this happened in front of the surprised medical staff. The next day they are discharged. At the same time, the eldest suddenly falls ill the girl's brother. Diagnostics showed that he was the same tax collector. It turns out that an unclean spirit jumped over, the liberation of the publican did not work out.

Once again we turn to the Light forces with a request for the liberation of the family and monitor the condition of both. My brother’s pain went away, and my sister’s temperature began to rise. I decided to use targeted work, as in the session of work in Reason: until you find out the name of the entity, you can’t name it, it doesn’t leave. It’s difficult to find out the name of the publican, but who is he related to the girl, perhaps. I find out, and it turns out that this is my paternal grandfather. Once again the child’s mother addresses the deceased family and everyone present at this moment feels how the deceased came and took the grandfather with them. That's it, he didn't bother me anymore. The children's health has improved.

Another incident occurred before the New Year. My friend’s husband received very severe and extensive burns, scalded by a powerful jet of hot water from a burst battery. There was literally no living space on the body. Surgeons had to do skin grafts, but the flaps did not grow. After another transplant and several anesthesia, the doctors at the burn center themselves advised me to contact a specialist in bioenergy therapy. During the initial diagnostics of the fields, it became clear to me that there would not have been a publican there. She advised the patient to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and ask for absolution for all tax collectors. After bioenergetic work and cleansing of the first branch, the patient felt much better, the doctors performed another transplant. After working out the second branch, the transplanted flap grew. A week later, the man began to get out of bed, and was soon discharged home. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes!

Later, I came up with the idea of ​​creating a center for genealogical research, the main mission of which would be to organize the work of compiling and processing genealogies. This also became a sign on the Path.

Guide for independent work.

If you have experience with a dowsing frame or pendulum, start cleaning yourself and your tree yourself.

The first thing you need to understand is the scale of the work. The closest representatives of the family tree are:

son, daughter - for simplicity we denote S, D

brother, sister - RB, RS

cousin, cousin - DB, DS

husband, wife - Husband, F

father, mother - O, M

grandfather, grandmother - D, B

Let's assume that some of this list are in the toll area.

The following energy centers are available to publicans:

left foot - maternal line of the family tree

left knee - maternal line of the family tree

right foot - paternal line of the family tree

right knee - paternal line of the family tree

first chakra - Muladhara

second chakra - Svadhisthana

third chakra - Manipura

fourth chakra - Anahata

central chakram - Soul

fifth chakra - Vishuddha

sixth chakra - Ajna (approx. tax collectors from the 7th-12th generation according to the Father and from the 7th-12th generation according to the Maternal line)

fourth eye chakra - at the back of the skull

zebo chakra - on the forehead at the base of the hairline

Sahasrara - lotus above the head

The presence of a publican at an energy center causes disruptions in fate and health inherent in this center.

The publican’s energy information field is enhanced if:

Clothes, bedding, shoes and other personal belongings of the deceased remained in the house;

Photos of the deceased, where he was sick, photos from the cemetery, photos in the coffin, photos of the funeral procession.

God forbid, nails or hair of the deceased;

Before working on cleansing the family tree, it is recommended to give the personal belongings of the deceased (to non-relatives) or take them to church, burn shoes and photographs, cleanse family jewelry and cutlery with salt (bury in salt for 3 days, then rinse well and read a prayer). Review all the photographs, leave only good, positive photographs, and put them in a separate album, at the beginning of which put a prayer.


Using the frame, we determine the presence of a publican. If the answer is positive, we find out his “address”. It is necessary to understand who the publican is to the person who turns to you for help. And using a pendulum or frame we make a chain.

Work option.

We read the “Our Father” prayer. We ask the Mentor and Guardian Angel to be nearby and help us in our work. We place a diagram of the family tree in front of us and place a frame over the relative.

We start with the parents and ask - Father? and, for example, received the answer - No, Mother? - Yes. Let's continue - Father? - No, Mother? - Yes, next is Father? - Yes, next is Father? - No, Mother? - No. Next step - Sibling? - No, dear sister? - No, Cousin? - Yes, Children? - No, Parents? - No, Brothers? - No, Wife? - Yes, Publican? - Yes. This is where your work ends.

It is necessary to take into account - after each answer “Yes”, it is necessary to ask: “is this the Publican?” - and if you receive a negative answer, you can move on. If you record it, it will look like this:

Client - M - M - O - DB - F (publican).

In this example, the publican is the wife of the grandmother’s father’s cousin, i.e. third knee.

Very long chains are found on the 2nd or 3rd wave, when tax collectors approach the vacant space. The first wave consists of stronger tax collectors and they do not allow competitors to enter.

After these words, within a few seconds the person feels a flow of energy in the body. Thus, publicans free themselves and free their relatives.

After cleaning.

Having freed yourself from the tax collectors of the first branch, your energy information field is cleared, you become yourself. External influence disappears, what remains are habits that are not difficult to cope with, because... no one forces you to break the Divine Law. All that remains is to honestly look at yourself and correct those states (anger, resentment, envy and humiliating pity for living and departed relatives) that kept the publican close. The work doesn't end there. The liberated energy system begins to recover, often through an increase in the temperature of the physical body, diarrhea, and vomiting. This is how the body burns the remaining energy stagnation and traffic jams. As a result of cleansing, the energy potential and sensitivity of all senses increases. As soon as the next publican approaches, an understanding of this immediately comes. First signs:

When I started looking at the causes of children’s illnesses, I noticed that the publicans’ souls of aborted babies often came up. No wonder. The energy of babies suits them. Many children born soon after an abortion often get sick, sleep and eat poorly, are capricious, hyperactive, etc.

To help a child, you need to choose a prayer for deceased babies and read an appeal to the deceased on his behalf. Having previously stated that you are appealing by the right of an earthly mother or father, brother, grandmother, etc. (who you are to the child). If the child can already repeat after you, even with mistakes, then this is, in any case, better. Dictate the text and let him speak on his own. If you are sick, this procedure must be repeated several times a day. After the first calls, you start to sweat and the temperature rises slightly. If the first request may meet resistance from the child, then he makes the next ones with pleasure. Children really like this procedure. Using the technique, the child’s behavior is corrected very quickly. Before your eyes, the child’s mood will change to positive. The same goes for more complex cases. A completely uncontrollable child returns to normal, but here, naturally, the process may take a little longer.

It is not recommended to start work for sick, weakened people after surgery, women during menstruation, unbalanced and easily excitable people. The cleansing of the family should take place in a calm environment, in a quiet room, where no one will disturb the work, with trust in God.

After working off, it is good to order the Repose (or Sorokoust) for all departed relatives, and the Health for the living.

This technique solves the problem of each particular case. On the branches of the tree, in addition to publicans, there may be so-called essential (snakes, black cats, bats, dragons, etc.) and unclean spirits (dark birds). Sometimes those branches on which there are many publicans dry up and die, there are no offspring, or children die in infancy, or women are barren. Only some people have managed to completely cleanse the race on their own; they still lack spiritual potential, knowledge, and awareness. In most cases, a specialist in energy information work is needed to work out these and other Causes of distortions in the family. But you can always start work yourself, with God’s help.