Why do you dream of drowning and swimming? Drowning interpretation of the dream book. What were you drowning in?

It happens that we are visited not only by pleasant visions. We should not despair when we see “bad” dreams - they can foreshadow joyful events or warn us about what needs to be done to turn events in our favor. If you happen to drown in a dream, you need to understand the exact meaning of your vision.

According to Velesov's dream book, drowning in or the ocean - that is, in large, clean and open water - means that there will be a little business worry. Trouble in business may arise if you resolve official issues not with a “cool head”, but with a “hot heart”. The dream suggests that in the near future you need to act calmly and thoughtfully.

The gypsy dream book, on the contrary, believes that drowning in clear water in a dream means a quick increase in cash receipts. But this is only if in the dream, despite its plot, you do not experience negative emotions.

If you dreamed that you were drowning, suffocating, and at the same time you were scared, this is already a reason to turn not to dream books, but to doctors to check your respiratory organs and heart. After all, very often our body gives us signals about some kind of “problem” precisely in our sleep.

You will have to gather your will into a fist and hold back your feelings in order to cope with the current situation in business and family circumstances - this is what you dream of drowning in. Flowing water is a symbol of life’s movement, a change in circumstances, and the interpretation of the vision depends on how you behave in a dream when you find yourself in a river.

Drowning in a river - such a dream is a warning that you should not “throw yourself away” on many things, otherwise you risk not completing any of them. If you saw that a person you know is drowning in the river, your subconscious gives you a signal: perhaps this friend of yours has already done something that will make you disappointed in him.

For a girl to see her boyfriend drowning in the river, she may want to break up with him because she considers his behavior unworthy. This interpretation is given, for example, by Miller’s dream book.

If a person sees a lake in a dream, dream books say, this speaks of the calmness and prudence of the sleeper. If you dreamed of drowning in a lake, says the Ancient Dream Book, a critical situation awaits you in reality, from which you can get out precisely thanks to your calmness and prudence.

Why dream of drowning in a shallow but clean body of water - for example, in a small river or stream? A clear mountain river or a talkative stream symbolizes the purity of the sleeper’s thoughts. But if you had to drown in them, and not through your own fault, you will have to face unfounded accusations - nevertheless, you will be able to repel all verbal and emotional attacks, the dream book interprets.

muddy puddle

If the water in which you had to drown in a dream suddenly turns out to be dirty and cloudy, then you should be wary in this case. Such a dream is a frank warning. And it is precisely such dreams that should be interpreted correctly so as not to make fatal mistakes in reality.

Dirty water is traditionally considered in dream interpretation to be a symbol of difficult experiences or illnesses. If you dream of drowning in dirty and muddy water, the dream warns that a difficult life period lies ahead, which you need to go through with dignity: you can ask friends for help, but blaming others for your troubles is undesirable, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Dream books also warn: if you had to drown in the mud in your visions, in reality you should under no circumstances get involved in adventures, even if your friends offer you such a “gesheft”. Drowning in mud - such a dream warns that fate will test your moral qualities, and your future life will depend on how you withstand it.

But if the sleeper experienced strong fear during such a vision, this is another reason to take care of his own health. Dirt, which causes fear and disgust in a person in dreams, usually symbolizes illness. And it is very important to identify them in time.

A swamp is often considered a symbol of stagnation, and getting stuck in a swamp in a dream means that some kind of stagnation has come in your life: you are acting according to an established pattern, but it does not bring you satisfaction. In order not to get bogged down in the swamp of everyday life, you need to at least change your schedule a little: for example, start walking in the evenings if you haven’t done this before.

Drowning in a swamp - such a dream calls on the sleeper to be extremely careful in deeds and actions. If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp, but see that the weather is beautiful around you, this symbolizes that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties of life thanks to your prudence.

Miraculous Rescue

When you dream that you are drowning, but you manage to escape, such a dream says that you will avoid the danger that threatens you. To get to the river bank - to receive an unexpected profit, to swim out of the sea - such a vision portends favorable changes in personal relationships or in a career, to get out of the mud or swamp - the difficulties that threatened you will pass you by.

If in your vision you are drowning, but someone saves you, most likely in reality it will be he who will help you cope with difficulties. If a person in a dream caused you to drown, the dream warns: in reality you should be wary of communicating with him.

To dream that a person is drowning, but you help him to save himself - in reality, your friend may need your help. Seeing a person or people drowning whom you are unable to help - such a dream calls for caution in financial matters.

There are probably no people in the world who have not had a nightmare at least once. Anything can happen in a dream - a zombie attack, the seizure of earthly civilization by aliens, fires, floods, shootouts, fights... It often happens to drown in a dream. Let's see what the dream books say about this.

From a psychological point of view

Should you be afraid of such a dream or, on the contrary, should you prepare for something good to happen? Omniscient psychologists say that drowning in a dream means that subconsciously such a person is too restrained and sometimes calculating. Perhaps he lacks inner liberation, emotionality, freedom in expressing feelings. He cannot correctly assess what is happening to him at the moment. You need to delve into yourself and put things in order in your head, set priorities. Think about what makes you choke and feel like you’re drowning. After harmony is restored in life, such visions will disappear on their own.

According to the psychoanalytic one, he dreams that he is drowning, is confused and in real life cannot find a way out of the current situation. He experiences psychological discomfort, he is overwhelmed by emotions that he cannot cope with.

Family dream book

This interpreter assures that if you had to drown in a dream, it means that in real life this person will face some kind of accident or unpleasant incident. However, it all depends on how the dream ended. If the one who was drowning eventually got out of the water, then this indicates that in reality he will be promoted along the career ladder, good health and, of course, the respect of loved ones. When a person drowns in a dream, and the one who sees this dream comes to the rescue, then this means a happy life. Also, such a night vision indicates that this person is reliable, you can rely on him in any situation. But if a girl or young woman dreamed that her lover was drowning, this does not signify a very successful personal life.

Tell me, gypsy...

According to the gypsy dream book, drowning in a dream means that in real life you will have to experience shame. But if someone else is drowning, this means a strong quarrel.

English dream interpreter

According to the old English dream book, drowning means that in reality such a person will suffer misfortunes and troubles, which will all fall upon him in a powerful wave at once. Perhaps despair or even ruin awaits him. However, if at the last minute there is someone who will save you from death, this is a good sign. Therefore, all trials will end happily.

More options

Next, let's see what drowning means, according to Miller's dream book. The interpretation of the dream is as follows: this foreshadows the loss of property, a collapse in business, or a series of unsuccessful transactions. However, if the dream ends with the fact that you managed to somehow swim out, then in real life such a person will still stay afloat.

Esoteric dream book

But the esoteric dream book claims that to see a dream in which you happen to drown means health problems for this person. Perhaps he has a deficiency or some kind of infection. It is worth checking with a doctor.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

This source approaches the interpretation of a dream in which a person had to drown in a philosophical way. He breaks down such a dream into its component elements. Water in a dream means cold, the emotions experienced in such a dream are horror and panic. And the organs on which all this is reflected are the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, such a dream speaks of a state of internal cold and emptiness, as well as problems with the kidneys. After all, they are responsible for the circulation of fluid in the body. That is, the dream is clearly unfavorable, and people who believe in the veracity of such dreams should better consult a doctor.

Interpretations of new times

But what does it mean to drown in water in a dream according to the newest dream book? Just a successful conclusion to the case. But if a married lady dreamed that her husband was drowning, this means treason. If a student had such a dream before the upcoming session, it means that he is too worried and thinks a lot about exams, during which he is afraid of falling asleep or drowning.

Slavic dream book

According to the Slavic dream book, drowning a stranger in a dream means profit. If, on the contrary, someone drowned the dreamer, it means losses and damages. But watching someone else drown for some reason marks a triumph in real life and happy, joyful events.

Small Veles dream book

But in his interpretations he starts from the body of water in which the sleeper had to drown. So, if it was a clean, deep-water river with transparent waves, then this portends minor troubles. If you dreamed of a viscous, sucking swamp, serious problems have to be solved.

There are different, sometimes polar, interpretations. And whether to believe them or not, let everyone decide for themselves.

In a dream, you can find yourself in the most unusual situations, communicate with strangers, and acquire new opportunities to build a life.

But why dream of drowning? Should I be afraid of something after such a dream?

Why do you dream of drowning - basic interpretations

If you are drowning in a dream, remember all the details of the dream; it can portend very dangerous and difficult events in life. It is important to pay attention to all the details of the dream and not miss a single one:

Are you drowning in your sleep?

Do you save someone in a dream;

Did you manage to save yourself?

What emotions overcome you?

What kind of water is around you?

It is difficult to accept some life events, it is difficult to understand what life wants to tell us. But with dreams everything is simpler. Often in dreams such subtle hints come that understanding the clues comes only through a full interpretation of the dream.

So, if you are drowning in muddy water in a dream, you will face troubles associated with the betrayal of those closest to you. At first, you will only feel some difficulties, pressure on you from loved ones. But then you realize that everything becomes much more complicated. At first, your close people will put pressure on you, then you will learn about betrayal on their part.

If in a dream you see someone reaching out to you and trying to save you, get ready for a pleasant meeting and pleasant moments in life. You will be quite surprised at the turn of events that awaits you. What could we be talking about? At first, you will lose faith in your own abilities and will pay great attention to your fears. But after this you will understand that your fears are in vain. A strong and courageous person will come to your aid. You will be friends with him for a long time.

If in a dream you are drowning due to the fault of your friend, you should think many times before continuing to communicate with him. This person can bring a lot of negativity into your life. Try to limit communication with him. If you already felt negativity from him, then you foresaw the problems that might arise in communicating with him. To change the situation, try to analyze how you could have offended the person.

If in a dream you are drowned in water and at the same time they explain your action, listen to this explanation. It may contain a lot of information that is important to you. Thanks to such a dream, they can explain to you your shortcomings and mistakes that you have made many times.

If in a dream you are drowning in black water, which is quickly carrying you in an unknown direction, you and strangers will find yourself in a rather difficult situation. You will have a lot of problems because of other people. These can be both your colleagues and strangers, strangers to you.

A dream in which you become drowned does not bode well for you. It is important to remember the emotions that visited you during this dream. If these are emotions of despair and fear, you will despair in reality and will be very worried about the problems that will accumulate in your life. You can even undermine your health due to these experiences. Try to minimize the negative consequences of problems.

If in a dream you feel the coldness of the water shackling your body, something will prevent you from moving on. There will also be something holding you back from a life in which you will be truly happy. It could be someone's opinion, relationship, fear of losing someone. The dream book advises to understand the reasons for this situation and, if it is subjective, to eliminate other people’s influence.

A dream in which you are drowning as a passenger on a ship - you will be a participant in some large-scale but losing business. You will not be favored for long by your superiors and the people who are involved in this business with you. Most likely, you will contribute to this issue and you will have to give up your part of the reward.

A dream in which you are drowning in your own bathtub promises you troubles related to your loved ones and solving important issues for them. You can try, try to please your loved ones, but you will not receive any return. You will constantly feel obligated to them, having to solve their everyday and financial problems.

A dream in which you drowned and see your body being pulled out of a pond promises you trouble from people you don’t know well, from those about whom you could not even think badly. It is worth noting that after such a dream you yourself will be surprised how much your loved ones value you, how important you are to them.

Why dream of drowning if you see yourself drowning as a child? Such a dream promises you a return to the past; what it will be like will be determined by the full interpretation of the dream. If you drowned in cold and dirty water, not entirely pleasant memories will return to you from the past, which will make you worry about your own future.

If you are drowning in warm and clear water, warm and joyful memories will come flooding back to you; the main thing is not to spoil your reality with thoughts about something unpleasant. Be grateful for the experiences that come into your life. The past will not bring you trouble if you are mentally prepared for it.

If in a dream you see artificial respiration being performed on you, be prepared to restore your relationship in the near future. We can talk about personal relationships or work relationships. It is important to understand that a second chance may be the last and the issue should be resolved right now.

Why do you dream of drowning according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that dreaming of drowning means new obstacles in your personal life. You may have already experienced some period of troubles in your personal sphere, but now the situation may become heated. You may again find yourself in a not very pleasant and standard situation. Your friends are most likely very jealous of you and everything that happens in your life is twisted in a way that suits them.

You may encounter not only gossip, but also other troubles. This could be a refusal of communication from your friends. A dream in which you are drowning because of your significant other promises you a showdown that will ultimately bring new breath into your relationship. You will be able to solve many issues, say goodbye to fears, and stop bothering yourself with unpleasant thoughts and possible problems.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is drowning, she will not be able to solve her health problems. She will be immersed in a world of unresolved problems and will be very upset. If in a dream she manages to escape, or someone pulls her out of the water, in life she will quickly solve all her problems, but with outside help.

Why do you dream of drowning according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that you dream of drowning when you see only negativity around you, when you do not strive to think positively and gain positive experiences from life. Try to normalize your living space, solve global problems yourself and never return to them.

If you dream that you are swimming somewhere all night and eventually begin to drown, such a dream promises you health problems right now. Perhaps you work very hard and literally do not allow yourself to relax. Then it turns out that you will pay more attention to your health rather than business and you will have to rethink your life

A dream in which you are drowning due to someone else's fault should make you wonder whether you have chosen the right environment for yourself. Are you moving in the right direction in life? Perhaps you should change direction, rethink your values ​​and life goals.

Why do you dream of drowning according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book It is said that you dream of drowning when you are not ready to accept the realities of life, when you resist them in every possible way and simply do not want to notice all your shortcomings and the shortcomings of those around you. You will drown in illusions and will not be able to return to real life.

In Aesop's dream book It is said that you dream of drowning when you are preparing for a new period of your life. Perhaps you should say goodbye to past experiences so as not to repeat mistakes, and build a joyful reality today.

If in a dream you are trying to grab someone’s hand so as not to drown, you will try to hold on to memories, to past experiences, so as not to lose the person. Whether this is correct or not will be determined by the full interpretation of the dream. It is worth remembering that dreams provide clues on how best to build the present. But it’s up to you to decide whether to use them or not; you can live your life as you see fit. Dreams will only suggest options for the development of events.

Cold waters, from which you can’t get out, suffocation, heaviness in your chest, and you feel the water surface closing over your head... It ends just as suddenly, suddenly you can breathe, you open your eyes, catch the air in your chest and lean back on the pillow with relief - it was only in a dream. Why would you dream of such a nightmare, the fear of which is quite real? Only dream books can give the answer.

No matter how unpleasant the memories of such things may be, try to reproduce in your memory what you saw, and in the smallest detail. Who's unlucky enough to go down? You, or one of your friends or relatives? Or maybe it was an animal, or even an inanimate object? Did you manage to get to the surface in your dream? The more you remember, the more accurately you will be able to interpret the dream.

Interpretations of various dream books

An important factor for the interpretation of a dream is the month in which the dreamer was born. If your birthday falls in the fall, such a dream promises great trouble. There may be danger around every corner, and there is also a high risk of finding yourself in a situation because of which your life will go downhill, the dream book warns.

Why do those born in the summer months dream of drowning? First of all, men involved in business should be wary. Profitable deals may fall through, partners may betray, and the sleeper himself may even end up bankrupt, losing every penny.

For spring birthday people, drowning in a dream is also an unfavorable sign. According to the dream book, try to keep your distance from people who are prone to adventures, otherwise you will find yourself drawn into a dubious story, from which it will not be so easy to get out.

According to Miller's dream book, going under during sleep warns of an imminent disaster in reality. An accident, an injury, an accident - all this can happen to you or your family and friends. Be careful, the dream book advises, do not trust dubious individuals, otherwise you may well lose something valuable.

The dream in which the sleeper himself drowned, according to the dream book, also carries negative connotations. On the way to realizing his plans, the dreamer will now and then run into obstacles. However, if you managed to swim out in a dream, all obstacles will be within your reach.

What does Medea’s dream book say about such a vision? It is very difficult for you to cope with your emotions, he explains, and you also cannot achieve inner peace. Listen to yourself, eliminate the cause of the conflict and curb your inner rage. If this doesn’t work out, contact a specialist - he will help you come to terms with your inner self. Otherwise, such behavior may backfire on you.

When you woke up, did you realize that you almost drowned in sea waters? If you feel heaviness in your chest, follow the advice of the Esoteric Dream Book and check your health, especially your lungs. Remember that a disease detected at an early stage is much easier to treat.

Did you drown in the river? The dream book speaks of numerous obstacles in achieving financial independence. Remember that competitors are not asleep and will interfere in every possible way by setting traps. But if you managed to cope with the current, then reality will please you with the fulfillment of your plans - you will not know the need for anything.

Going to the bottom of a dirty and musty swamp, according to Veles’s small dream book, predicts future failures “on all fronts” - in business, family, love. Don’t try to cope with everything alone, ask for help from friends and loved ones, the dream book instructs.

Did you manage to escape in a dream? This dream is very good. Those around you will begin to respect you, things will go uphill, and soon you will significantly climb the social ladder, taking a worthy position in society.

Why else could something like this happen? Try to remember what the water was like. If it is transparent, like crystal, not very pleasant worries will fall on you. But don’t rush to get upset - they will help return the lost harmony to the family, the dream books promise.

Why do you dream of a drowning man?

According to the Gypsy Dream Book, seeing a person go to the bottom in your dream is very good. You will find yourself at a celebration that will help you make many new acquaintances and simply leave pleasant memories.

In a dream, did you happen to save someone who was drowning? Ask your friends - do they need your help? It is quite possible that some of them found themselves in a difficult financial situation. And the point is not even that the support you provide will be rewarded. Don’t you yourself feel pleased when your loved ones have nothing to worry about?

Saved several people? Such a dream also portends success. What you have been working towards will finally come true. Happiness and good luck will come to your home, and you will feel great - not only your body, but also your soul.

Why do you dream of a drowning child? For a woman, Sigmund Freud's dream book explains such a nightmare as a subconscious fear of losing her child. Those who have just become mothers are especially prone to this. Don’t let your fears in, the dream book advises, very often thoughts come true.

In a dream, did you save a child who was drowning? In reality, someone really needs your attention and care. From a psychological point of view, such a dream also indicates that the sleeper himself wants to take care of someone, support and empathize.

But pulling a child out of crystal water, like a tear, promises great luck. As the dream books say, in reality the dreamer will be successful in everything he undertakes.

A dream with a drowning child may also indicate that one of your relatives needs help and support. Even timely advice can be valuable. Don't stand aside, what you do will definitely come back.

For a woman, a dream in which she manages to save her drowning daughter promises unexpected news. This news will be able to change something for the better. But if the baby sank, then the news, according to dream books, will only bring pain and tears.

What a drowning son dreams of does not bode well for a man if he was able to help him. In reality, success in financial affairs awaits him, a transfer to a prestigious position, a bonus or a salary increase is possible.

Did you see a relative drowning in a dream? There is a possibility that he needs your help. But if it was not possible to save him, then in reality the help will not bring significant benefit.

What can you dream about when a boy goes under water? You will become a participant in a profitable project, the successful completion of which will affect your financial situation. And if a girl dreams about this, she will soon have a new admirer.

Why do you dream of a drowning girl? The dream book says: a man who saw his soul mate in such a dream can have no doubt about her feelings - she will always be there and will not betray his trust. Did a girl dream about something like this? If her friend drowned in a dream, the sleeping woman should be prepared for the appearance of a rival.

What surrounded you?

You should beware of deceivers if in a dream you were drowning in dirty slurry. There is a great risk of parting with a large sum, and you will give it away yourself, because scammers will play on your feelings. Be carefull!

Did the water close over your head while you were in the car? In reality, you have long lost control over the situation, says the dream book. And if it was not possible to save, the current state of affairs will only worsen.

In a dream, did you sink deeper and deeper into quicksand? In reality, you may well lose a large amount of money. Stay away from rash adventures and gambling, otherwise you will find yourself broke.

A dream in which you drowned in feces also speaks of money. If you dreamed of them, it promises to arrive, but if you drown in them, it means you will lose what was coming into your hands.

Why do you dream about a sinking car? Such a plot does not bode well. Try to avoid travel, and not just car travel. There is a high probability of a disaster that will happen when you least expect it. Do not ignore these tips, the dream book advises, not only your well-being, but also that of your loved ones directly depends on them.

Your business will no longer be successful if you have a dream in which a boat sank. Competitors hinder your progress, and you have to work hard to get around them.

What does a dream in which you were on board a sinking boat promise? If you were unable to break out of it, in reality you will encounter a very unpleasant person who will be quite capable of frustrating your plans.

Are your business not going so well, and annoying little things can make you angry? In this case, the dream book confidently says why drowning kittens are dreamed of. The difficult period will soon come to an end, failures will remain in the background, and lost peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family. It may very well be that your career will also take off.

Why does a woman dream of a drowning cat? If she suspects that her beloved is not faithful and is going “to the left,” soon her suspicions will dissipate like sand. And even if the spouse actually has an affair on the side, this relationship is about to come to an end, and the initiative to break up will come from the man.

Interpreters explain very negatively what a drowning dog means in dreams. The friend you trusted with everything and everything will no longer be able to help. You will have to cope with the problems that arise alone, applying all your “internal reserves”. The main thing is not to give up, and everything will work out.

Why do you dream of a drowning horse? This strong and beautiful animal has long symbolized freedom, the dream book explains, so such a dream is interpreted exclusively from the negative side. In reality, the sleeper will find himself tied hand and foot, deprived of his will, and will be under the influence of talented manipulators who will use him to achieve their goals.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 07/28/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

Every night a person necessarily dreams of something, but many dreams are quickly forgotten: in the first five minutes of wakefulness, the brain clears the memory of dreams almost completely. Even those people who believe that they slept without a dream see dreams; they simply manage to forget them by the time they wake up.

Probability of dreams coming true by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Are the unlimited possibilities of a person in a dream a reality?

It is believed that a person lives in two worlds at the same time. He lives one life in his waking moments, and the second, more interesting and giving him unlimited possibilities, in his dreams. How are they different?

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates a person’s subconscious into the world of the unknown. By creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why do you dream about drowning?

Drowning in a modern dream book

Drowning in a dream is a bad sign, since in the near future you will lose something expensive or you will be haunted by failures and problems in business. Also, seeing yourself drowning in a dream may mean that a great misfortune will happen in your life, the consequences of which will negatively affect your future destiny. But if in your dream you managed not to drown and got to land on your own, in reality successes and achievements await you, you will cope with all problems and, perhaps, become a famous person. Dreams in which you save a drowning person are a symbol of your happiness and spiritual harmony. However, such a dream can also mean that, at the cost of your own well-being, you will help a loved one achieve significant success and increase their status in society. To dream that someone is trying to push you into the water or drown you is a warning: a person has appeared in your environment who wishes you harm. The consequence of his actions may be your ruin or you will suffer significant losses. If you dreamed of a loved one drowning, get ready for misfortunes and losses that will happen in your family.

Drowning in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you saw yourself drowning is a harbinger of an accident or the loss of something very valuable to you. Also, such a dream may mean that you will soon suffer losses. If you dreamed that you were drowning, but managed to escape, success will not keep you waiting: you will be promoted, you will have good health and earn the respect of others. Helping a drowning person get out of the water is a dream indicating that well-deserved happiness and achievement await you. You will also be able to provide significant assistance to your friend, thanks to which he will be able to increase his status in society. If a girl dreams that her beloved man is drowning, it means that she will not be happy in the near future - such a dream promises sorrow and loss

Drowning in Vanga's dream book

A dream in which you are drowning means that in reality you will not be satisfied with the course of events and you will actively resist what is happening and go against fate. This behavior will lead to suffering and mental unrest, and you can seriously damage your health. If you dreamed that your house sank due to a flood, in reality you will receive a lot of news and it will be difficult for you to comprehend all the new information. One of the news will radically change your outlook on life and attitude towards some familiar people and events.

Nowhere do they live such a full, real life as in a dream.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev