Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. Krasnodar State Institute of Culture Cube Institute of Culture and Art

The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was established by decision of the USSR government in November 1966 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 05.11.1966 No. 863). The first rector of the university - Pavel Vasilyevich Nyanov. In the new institute there was library and cultural and educational faculties, 200 students were studied, the teachers were 45 people. In 1968, there was a private hostel for 502 seats and a first set of foreign students occurred.

In 1991, the Institute was renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture, in 1993 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture, in 1997 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts, November 23, 1998 - to the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. On July 3, 2015, the university renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, returning him a historical name.

In 1983, Leonte Alekseevich Solodukhin, who led the University until 1991, was appointed by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR (07/14/1983) by the rector of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture. In 1973, the Music and Pedagogical Faculty was opened.

From 1991 to 2008, Irina Ivanovna Gorlova was the rector of the Krasnodar Institute of Culture. With it, the faculty of traditional culture, the faculty of theatrical art, the specialty of monumental and decorative art, the Department of Broadcasting and Cinema Arts, appear.

Since 2008, Natalia Romanovna Toveren is elected on an alternative basis.

In December 2010 and. about. The rector has appointed Nikolai Nikolayevich Shadyuk, musician, teacher, honored artist Kuban.

Since 2013, the university is headed by Sergey Semenovich Zengin, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of Kuban, an excellent student of popular education, chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society.

A multi-level education system begins to the university. It includes children's creative studios, prefecting schoolchildren, secondary vocational and higher education.

In July 2015, the university was renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

Today, the Institute has prepared for the three programs of prefigation of prefest education, six specialties of secondary vocational education, 41 areas of higher education (undergraduate, specialty, magistracy), in five graduate school programs and five - internship assistant.

About 100 scientific conferences, seminars, open lectures are held annually, as well as over 150 artistic and creative festivals, competitions and concerts.

Students and teachers take part in many landmark Russian and international events.

So, in 2014, students and teachers of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture took part in the opening and closing ceremony of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Games in Sochi. In 2017 - in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi.

The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture is the leading complex of the South of Russia to train specialists in the field of culture and art. The Institute employs more than 230 teachers and almost 4,000 students are trained.

In 2017, the university was recognized by the All-Russian reference center of education in the field of culture, training specialists in the field of library and information activities and the development of musical cadet education.

On September 1, 2017, the Music Cadet Corps is opened at the university, in which 20 boys learn on a budget basis. Here they are taught by game on wind and percussion instruments, several foreign languages, the history of military service and the history of arts, etiquette, choreography, ensemble performing and conducting, all general education subjects. The opening of the corps plays an important role in improving the quality of education and training of specialists with humanitarian and musical education, which is based on the historical principles of cadet education, ethics and patriotism.

KGIK takes a prominent place in the cultural life of the region. The Institute holds contests and festivals who have acquired international fame, for example: Open International Festival-Competition of Chamber Music "Krasnodar Camerat", International Contest of Pianists. MA Balakirev "Russian Music", All-Russian competition of performers on folk instruments "Pearl Kuban", International Festival-Competition of the People's Song. G.M. Kontevich.

For high achievements in educational, scientific, artistic and creative activity, more than 150 employees of the institute are marked by state awards, became laureates of All-Russian and international competitions. In 2016, Mr. in the field of literature and art was awarded the head of the Kuban Cossack Choir, the Dean of the Faculty of People's Culture of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture Professor Viktor Zakharchenko.

The highest regional awards, the "Hero of Labor" of Kubani, "the Dean of the Faculty of Broadcasting and theatrical Art of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, was awarded the Dean of the Faculty of Broadcasting and theatrical Art of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Professor Vladimir Runov.

The Dean of the Faculty of Social Humanitarian Education, Natalya Gangur, head of the Department of People's Choir Creativity Svetlana Zhiganov, Professor of the Department of Theory and Cultural History, Vardan Torosyan, Head of Tourism History, Professor Diana Gorbachev and Associate Professor of the Department of People's Choir Creativity Tatyana Krinitskaya Tatiana Krinitskaya, Professor Diana Gorbachev and Associate Professor Tatiana Krinitskaya. Krinitskaya TA Also awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture Cuban.

Full-time and correspondence forms of training are being implemented in KGIK, university trains specialists at the expense of the federal budget and their own funds of students. Training is conducted in Russian.

Currently, students are trained from more than 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 32 countries in the Institute.

The license for the implementation of educational activities of August 14, 2015 No. 1597 was issued indefinitely. Certificate of state accreditation of March 07, 2018 No. 2781, is valid until March 07, 2024.

Cultures and arts were one of the leading creative universities of our country. Now this university exists, but a little under a different name. However, he still occupies an important place in the educational system of Russia, it conquers good positions in the ratings of higher educational institutions.

Changing titles

The creative educational organization of Krasnodar, known as the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Art, was formed in November 1966. She had a little different name. It was the Krasnodar Institute of Culture. In the first year, about 150 people were adopted for training. After 2 years, a hostel was opened, and a set of foreigners in the university was launched.

In the 90s, the educational organization changed the name and status several times. The institute of the university was transformed into the Academy, and he became a university in a slightly later. In 2015, the historical name was returned to the educational institution. Now about the university again they speak about the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.

Structural units

The State University employs 5 main faculties:

  1. Information library. This faculty leads its history from almost the very moment of the foundation of the university. The structural division was open in 1967. At first it was the library faculty. In 1993, he received a modern name.
  2. TV and radio broadcasting and theatrical art. This structural division is quite young, since it appeared just a few years ago. It was formed as a result of a merger of 2 faculties.
  3. Folk culture. This structural unit in the Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts appeared about 10 years ago. She, too, was formed as a result of the unification of the already existing faculties of traditional culture and choreography.
  4. Fine Arts, Design and Humanitarian Education. This is a young faculty, outdoor just a couple of years ago.
  5. Tourism and socio-cultural activities. Approximately 4 years ago, the structural unit was called a different name. It was the Faculty of Advertising, Social Service and Cultural Science. Changing the name is associated with the refusal of some educational programs.

Conservatory of educational institution

A special structural unit is the Congo Conservatory. It has been operating since 1992 since 1992, when the Faculty of Arts was opened at the university. A little later, the structural division was obtained higher status. It became referred to as the Institute of Arts. Today it is no longer a faculty and not the institute, but a conservatory. It leads educational activities.

In the conservatory, various specialties are offered, master's programs (for example, "vocal art", "conducting", "Musical Pedagogy"). The student here is offered not only high-quality training, but also an interesting student life. Conservatory regularly held competitions, festivals, student teams (orchestras, academic choir, etc.) work.

Bachelor and specialties

Applicants wishing to receive higher education, a wide range of undergraduate directions and specialties is offered at the State University. Training is periodically improved. A few years ago, a personal-rating system for assessing learning outcomes was introduced. Today it is applied to 7 educational programs:

  • "The protection of objects of natural and cultural heritage and museology";
  • "Archives and Document";
  • "Information and library activities";
  • "Tourism";
  • "Cultural studies";
  • "People's Art Culture";
  • "Music and applied art and music science."

Of all the existing directions, the "directing television and cinema", "graphics", "History and theory of Arts", "acting art" are most popular. It was on these programs in 2017 that the highest competition on the budget was recorded.

Termination of training for some undergraduate programs

The Krasnodar State University of Arts and Culture in 2017 refused to carry out a set of 4 non-core directions of undergraduate - "Psychological and Pedagogical Education", "Service", "Advertising and Public Relations", "Applied Informatics".

Also, the implementation of several profile programs of undergraduate and specialist was also discontinued. Since 2017, no more reception is planned:

  • on "Applied Ethics";
  • "People's crafts and decorative and applied art" according to the profile "Art Embroidery";
  • "Art and Humanities" according to the profiles "Art Business", "Advertising and Visual Communications";
  • "Graph" on specialization "Artist-schedule (art of the book)".

Secondary vocational education (SPO)

Applicants in the presence of basic general education can enroll on the programs of the medium professional formation, which is in the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. Directions a bit. Here are their list:

  • "Archival and documentation management management";
  • "People's Art Creativity (by type)";
  • "Design (by industry)";
  • "Choral and solo folk singing."

In 2017, the list of preparation directions increased. A technique was announced to the music Cadet Corps to a new specialty - "Instrumental performance (by type of instruments): orchestral shock and brass instruments." According to the results of competitive selection, 20 cadets were enrolled.

Annual career guidance events

In order to produce qualified specialists, Krug Krasnodar is actively engaged in vocational guidance work to attract talented people to training. For the year at the University (Institute) more than 10 days of open doors are held, cultural and educational campaigns in different cities and areas of the Krasnodar Territory.

The vocational guidance work includes master classes, public lectures, creative meetings. Attention is also paid to people with disabilities, because they can also enter the university. They are informed about the admission both in the educational institution itself and virtually. Additional career guidance activities for such a category of applicants are the annual creative contests of the Krasnodar branch of the All-Russian Society of Blind.

Work is also carried out to attract foreigners to the faculties and specialties of Kguki. A specialized preparatory department has been created for them, information and promotional materials have been developed, career guidance meetings are held.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the doors of the University (Institute) are open to each applicant. To understand whether any faculties and specialties in Kguki are suitable due to visiting caregative activities. For children who have talents and those who know about them, additional predefusion programs in the field of art have been developed at the university. They have a set annually. There are many people who want to learn on such programs, so the university allocates a limited number of places of both paid and free.

Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts Higher educational institution in the city.


The Krasnodar State University of Culture and Art was founded in 1967 by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Now it is a creative university south of Russia, one of the largest universities in Russia in the field of culture, art and education.

The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was established by decision of the USSR government from November 1966 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 05.11.1966 No. 863). The newly created institute was the library and cultural and educational faculties, it was studied in it with 200 students (according to other data 150), and the teachers were 45 people. In 1968, there was a private hostel in 502 seats. In the same year 1968, for the first time there was a set of foreign students. In 1973, the Music and Pedagogical Faculty was added.

In 1991, the Institute was renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture.

In 1993, the Institute was renamed the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture, later in 1997 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts.

  • First Rector Pavel Vasilyevich Nyanov (until 1983)
  • Leonty Alekseevich Salodukhin (from 1983 to 1991)
  • Irina Ivanovna Gorlova (from 1991 to 2008)

In 2008, Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia Natalia Romanovna Turev, was elected rector of Kguka. In this position she worked until November 2010.

At 50 specialties in all forms of training (full-time, correspondence, the second higher) are simultaneously studying about five thousand students. In the educational process, 88 specializations of higher professional education, 11 - graduate school and 3 - doctoral studies are successfully implemented. Now in the educational process, 89 doctors of science, professors, 165 candidates of science, associate professors, 8 people and 15 deserved artists of the Russian Federation, 6 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 13 Honored Culture Workers, 1 Honored Employee of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, 1 People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Coach of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker SPO, 41 people have honorary titles of Kuban, 52 members of various creative unions, more than 40 winners of competitions and festivals. .


  • information and library
  • musical and humanitarian education
  • economics and Management
  • tV and radio broadcasting
  • theatrical art
  • rights and legal protection of culture
  • linguistics and intercultural communications
  • advertising and socio-cultural activities

The university conservatory is headed by the Honored Artist of Russia, head of the regional separation of the Union of Composers of Russia V. A. Chernyavsky.

The university works closely in the training of specialists with the Krasnodar State Academic Drama Theater, Krasnodar State Philharmonic and the Creative Association of Prime Minister. The university's youth opera house performs operas. Forces of teachers and students were carried out by operas "Evgeny Onegin" P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Dawns here are quiet" K. V. Molchanova, "Aleko" S. V. Rakhmaninova, Children's Opera "Terem Teremok" V. A. Chernyavsky .



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Krasnodar Zip.

Watch what is "Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts" in other dictionaries:

    Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - This term exists and other values, see the Ministry of Culture. The request "Ministry of Culture of the USSR" is redirected. This topic needs a separate article ... Wikipedia

Krasnodar State Institute of Culture
International name Krasnodar State University Of Culture
Motto Aspiring to the future
Year of foundation
A type state
Rector Sergey Semenovich Zengin
Students more than 4500.
Teachers More than 300.
Location Russia Russia, Krasnodar
Campus urban
Legal address ul. 40th anniversary of Victory, 33

Krasnodar State Institute of Culture - Higher educational institution in Krasnodar. The leading creative university south of Russia, one of the largest universities in Russia in the field of culture, art and education.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 3

    ✪ Film of KubSU (Krasnodar, 2016)

    ✪ documentary for the 50th anniversary of KGIK

    ✪ Creative activity KGIK



The Krasnodar State Institute of Culture was established by decision of the USSR government from November 1966 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 05.11.1966 No. 863). The newly created institute was the library and cultural and educational faculties, 200 students were studied (according to other data 150), the teachers were 45 people. In 1968, there was a private hostel for 502 seats and a first set of foreign students occurred. In 1973, the Music and Pedagogical Faculty was opened.

In 1991, the Institute was renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Arts and Culture, in 1993 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture, in 1997 - to the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Arts. From November 23, 1998 - Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts. On August 4, 2015, the university renamed the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, returning him a historical name.

At the Institute for 50 specialties in all forms of training (full-time, correspondence, the second higher) simultaneously study about five thousand students. In the educational process, 88 specializations of higher professional education are implemented, 11 graduate studies and 3 doctoral studies. For 2013, 89 doctors of sciences, professors, 165 candidates of science, associate professors, 8 people and 15 deserved artists of the Russian Federation, 6 deserved artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, 13 Honored Workers of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Worker of Higher Culture of the Russian Federation were employed in the educational process. Schools of the Russian Federation, 1 People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Artists of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation, 1 Honorary Worker SPO, 41 people have honorary titles of Kuban, 52 members of various creative alliances, more than 40 competition winners and festivals. .

In 2008-2012, the University Conservatory was headed by the Honored Artist of Russia, the head of the regional separation of the Union of Composers of Russia V. A. Chernyavsky.

The Institute works closely in the preparation of specialists with the Krasnodar State Academic Drama Theater, the Krasnodar State Philharmonic and the Creative Association of Prime Minister. The university's youth opera house performs operas. Forces of teachers and students were carried out by operas "Evgeny Onegin" P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Dawns here are quiet" K. V. Molchanova, "Aleko" S. V. Rakhmaninova, Children's Opera "Terem Teremok" V. A. Chernyavsky .

For the 2015-2016 academic year at the Institute, more than 13 festivals and competitions of various levels and orientations were organized. For the first time, an interregional festival-competition of performers on wind and percussion instruments was held, designed to support young talents under the age of 17.

In addition, traditionally, the university conducts such international festivals contests as: the festival-competition of the folk song. G.M. Konsevich, chamber music "Krasnodar feature", competition of pianist-performers of Russian music. MA Balakirev, "Student Choral Assemblies."

In 2015-2016 academic year, more than 20 concerts, performances and performances of various levels and focus took place at the institute. Among them, the theatrical representation "they fought for their homeland" (O.I. Markov), the play "Forty-first" (N.N. Vasilchenko). For the first time after a long break, opera-buff was set under the leadership of N.N. Kirichenko with the participation of the Student Symphony Orchestra of the Institute under the leadership of S.N. Jump. The premiere of the opera-buff Gaetano Donizetti "Don Pascual" took place on March 25 and was timed to the celebration of the Day of the Employee of Culture.

For the 2015-2016 academic year, 38 master classes and creative meetings with invited specialists were organized and held (managers, professors, cultural and artists, folk artists, directors, actors, screenwriters, musicians, both from Russia and from countries of abroad (Italy, USA, Serbia, Finland, China).

In 2016, Mr. in the field of literature and art was awarded the head of the Kuban Cossack Choir, the Dean of the Faculty of People's Culture of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture Professor Viktor Zakharchenko.

The highest regional awards, the "Hero of Labor of the Labor Kuban" - was awarded the Dean of the Faculty of Broadcasting, theatrical and Fine Arts of the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Professor Vladimir Runov.

Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Education, Head of the Department of People's Choir Creativity Svetlana Alexandrovna Ziganov, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Culture Vardan Torosyan and Associate Professor Krinitskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna Krinitskaya Tatiana Alexandrovna Krunitskaya Tatiana Alexandrovna Krinitskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna Krinitskaya Tatiana Aleksandrovna Krinitskaya Krinitskaya Krunitskaya Krinitskaya has become the winners of the Krasnodar Krinitskaya TA Also awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture Cuban.