Characteristics of the four suits of tarot cards. Interpretation of the meaning of tarot cards swords in the layout Minor Arcana swords meaning in tarot cards

The suit of swords in the tarot deck reflects human feelings. To a greater extent - passion and emotions, which are an integral part of any life.

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords represents strength and passion, thought and judgment. An Ace in a reading may mean that you will gain clarity of judgment. The suit of Swords is very emotional, Ace, in turn, carries the greatest intensity of passions. In a Tarot reading for a situation, this card means liberation from the burden, resolution of the situation.

This card represents triumph. Soon you will solve all the issues by applying logic and your problems will disappear. If you take part in any business, think through your actions in advance. Ace gives instructions to develop your insight, learn to respond to the world emotionally and intellectually.

Two of Swords

The meaning of the Two of this suit is a person in a defensive position. In the layout, the Two indicates that the problem or person should be left alone. If you see 2 Swords in a reading, it means a balance that can be easily upset.

The card means that the person does not want to face the problems that have arisen in front of him. You have led yourself into a dead end, and now you are trying to achieve balance in your emotions and thoughts. A two indicates future problems if you do not define your desires and goals.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords tarot figuratively means a woman’s confusion in choosing between three suitors. Further, the meaning of the card is deciphered as follows: this is a sign that you have to make a choice and find the right path to realize the accumulated power.

The 3 of Swords denotes passion, but directed passion. It is not at all necessary that this will be a love passion. At the moment you are achieving something, and it should bring the best results. You see far fewer problems in front of you than you have. Falling in the layout next to the Major Arcana, the Three enhances its meaning.

Four of Swords

Four marks a new stage in life. The energy of the previous card has already been used for the chosen task. The goal has been achieved and you can enjoy the results. The symbolic meaning is a person who decides to withdraw from the world.

4 of Swords is a symbol of future stagnation in business, or simply a stable state. All attempts to dramatically change the established order of things are doomed to failure. Now is the time to rest and think: was the result satisfying? Until you analyze your past actions, the future is closed to you.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords in the tarot signifies defeat, shame, degradation, failure and loss. The number five is a symbol of a battle that was too costly for both the winner and the vanquished. The individual meaning of the card depends on the neighboring Arcana. In addition to the above, the card denotes cowardice and cruelty. The positive thing about a Five may be that you learned a valuable lesson in the given situation.

The appearance of the 5 Swords in your reading should make you think: was this victory really necessary? Was it worth the effort? Did you get it at the expense of others? If you have lost the battle, think about what to do so as not to find yourself in such a situation in the future. In a relationship reading, this card says that the period of the most terrible insults and cruel insults has come, followed by separation. In any situation, Five means that you will face intrigue, slander and losses.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords tarot symbolizes a person, or an entire family, taking an important step. A person abandons the past, old habits, activities and connections and sets off towards the unknown. The Suit of Swords in this case symbolizes sad memories of the past and hopes for a better future.

A six of this suit gives a brave person a chance for a successful ending. Even though he is heading into the unknown, he has the strength and determination to succeed. The 6 of Swords does not bode well for a timid and indecisive person. His efforts and undertakings are doomed to failure. If you get this card, it is a sign that after failure you need to move on. You recover from shocks and losses, and eventually harmony will come. You will come out of all troubles as a balanced and wiser person. The card says that you must make this journey to find peace.

Seven of Swords

The meaning of the Seven of Swords is change. In a tarot reading, this card is associated with a person who is accustomed to getting his way through cunning. The 7 of Swords indicates that the proven method has ceased to work; problems that arise cannot be solved using old methods. The card also says that a person can still be redirected, he is able to change his usual behavior.

The Seven of Swords clearly says that you should not take what does not belong to you. Your plans will most likely fail. You want to get something at the expense of others. But you betrayed trust and are now trying to escape. The card advises you to think about your actions and their consequences in advance, act calmly and not give in to emotions.

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords says that you see danger where there is none. You should not consider yourself helpless and weak. The troubles you expect are not so terrible, and perhaps they do not exist at all. Cast off the paths that have shackled you and move forward boldly. The 8 of Swords says that now you feel trapped, but you yourself created it in your head.

The symbolic meaning is a blindfolded man, tied hand and foot with ropes. If this card appears in a tarot layout for a situation or in a personal layout, you are that same person. An eight of this suit in a tarot reading for relationships indicates that you are hiding some aspects of your personality, and thereby building barriers between you and your partner. The card says that this situation must be corrected soon, otherwise it will lead to a rupture.

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords tarot directly indicates that life has become a nightmare for you. But this nightmare is happening only in your head. Your fears are understandable, but the events that frighten you are not directly related to you. The symbolic meaning of the 9 of Swords is the image of a sobbing man. Your fear of life events and self-pity are out of control.

A nine of this suit in your reading is a sign that you pay too much attention to problems that do not affect you. At the same time, you have matters that need to be resolved. The Nine of this suit advises you to stop solving global problems and get down to pressing matters. In this case, your life will improve.

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords of the tarot symbolizes complete despair, a situation when everything is worse than ever and it seems that nothing good will ever happen. The Ten of Swords is a rather optimistic card; it indicates the end of a difficult period and the beginning of a new one. The card says that it’s time to stop mourning past troubles and losses, it’s better to rest and gain strength for new achievements.

The 10 of Swords speaks of deep loss. The card says: to continue the path you need to abandon old views and grievances. One chapter of your life is over, it's time to start a new one.

Jack of Swords

The Jack (Page) of Swords in the tarot reading denotes a cheerful and unbearable person. In a personal tarot reading, the Page of Swords characterizes the fortuneteller as a person who cares about everything. His irrepressible energy is enough for himself and for those around him, whether they want it or not.

In addition to the unbearable habit of delving into the personal affairs of other people, regardless of the degree of acquaintance, the Page of Swords is distinguished by an amazing ability to confuse any matter that he undertakes. In a reading of the situation, this card foreshadows the solution of problems through negotiations, that is, a peaceful solution. The Page may also portend the discovery of the true state of affairs in the light of new circumstances.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords tarot card, also called the Horseman, is a complex but not too deep image. The knight symbolizes a person who is impulsive, hot-tempered, and prone to sacrificing excellent plans for the sake of a momentary impulse. At best, he is a man “without a king in his head.” At worst, this is the type of bully, acceptable in a military environment, but completely unacceptable in everyday life.

This is the type of people who do not want to hide their emotions, but often flaunt them. The Horseman of Swords is not amenable to education and alteration, since he is very pleased with himself. Think carefully before contacting such a person. In a situational reading, the card advises to be patient, wait a while, and then move on.

Queen of Swords

The Tarot Queen of Swords, also known as the Lady, is an extraordinary person; she knows how to formulate goals and achieve them. The meaning of this card in a man’s reading is the presence of typical female traits in his character: secrecy and the desire to get what he wants through cunning. As a rule, the Lady of Swords is an impulsive and emotional person, capable, however, of being aware of her emotions and actions.

The Queen of Swords in the tarot reading says that you usually go towards your goal, despite obstacles on the way, and sometimes even “over corpses.” The meaning of this card is softened by the Major Arcana “Star” or “Temperance”. The Queen, in a reading of the situation next to the “Hermit,” warns: it’s time to curb your emotions, otherwise you won’t achieve your goal.

King of Swords

The King of Swords tarot is a true leader in every sense. The king, as a rule, is a person who knows his desires very well and understands that he can achieve their realization only by receiving outside help. This does not mean that the King of Swords is weak by nature. It’s just that his plans far exceed the level of ordinary human dreams. He believes that he deserves more than an ordinary life.

This Arcanum shows us an impetuous person, capable of destroying the fruits of many labors in moments of special joy or anger. It would be a mistake to consider him a soulless robot: the King, of course, is able to plan almost his entire life and methodically follow the plan. However, deep emotionality makes him prone to deep feelings. Such a person will become an excellent life partner for women who do not claim to be the “head of the family” and know how to resolve conflicts.

The Suit of Swords reveals the mental state, intellect, ability for sound reasoning, cold logic and action.

The sword must certainly be balanced and well sharpened, and it can be both a useful tool and a weapon of defense, as well as a weapon of attack.

A symbol of both a clear concept, clarity of thought, thoughtful action, justice, and prejudice, inconstancy in the manifestation of aggression, dangerous situations.

Swords carry the implementation of an already existing idea under the control of reason.

Interpretations in descriptions and videos may partially differ from each other and from the descriptions of other tarot readers. This is due to the fact that each practitioner, in one way or another, develops his own system of interpretation, often depending on the type of deck and the personal qualities of the one to whom he is telling fortunes.

Tarot is a flexible holistic system that can adapt both to the personality of the questioner and the situation, and to the predictor.

The purpose of this article is not to impose on you any system as the only correct one, but to show the complete picture and capabilities of the Tarot cards, as well as to give general interpretations and interpretations, based on which you can build your work with the Tarot in the future.

Presenter correspondence: Ideas.
Embodiment V World: Embodiment/overcoming.
Keys: mind, intellect, thinking, competition, power of thought, danger, overcoming, active intentions, active implementation, leadership, cold calculation, cold rage, action as a process.
Thought form: I act and react.

Embodiment V person: Intelligence.
Spheres life: Plans, intellectual activity, problem solving.
Character: Principled and ambitious. Intelligent and “sharp-tongued.” Persistent, sometimes to the point of aggressiveness and cruelty. Wars with high motivation and the will to win.
Actions: Strategy Development. Ultimatum. Fair trial. Revenge. Attack. Help allies and those who need intercession. Pressure and suppression - both physical and moral.

Element: Air - has no taste, no color, no smell, and, at the same time, is always felt; without it a person can live the least amount of time than without any other element; favorable for mental work, but its excess causes “dizziness” and deprives one of strength; fills all free space; mobile and sudden; it is the expression of cosmic forces on the earthly level.
Embodiment V nature: Wind.

Alternative element: Fire.

Side Sveta: The North is a place where the harshest conditions reign, but it is here that impulses, aspirations and potential are most likely to manifest themselves, because life here is possible only in movement and vigorous activity.
Time of the year: Winter.
Alternative time of the year: Autumn.
Time days: Night (midnight).

Signs zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Alternative signs zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Suit classical decks: Peaks.
Estates, social strata: nobility and military class - are responsible both for strength and retention of power, and for maintaining balance in society, ensuring justice through the judicial system, protecting other classes from external dangers.

In layouts

They reveal “acute” situations and are associated with planning, decision-making and calls to action. Often symbolize power gained through violence, conflict, cruelty, describe specific enemies or opposing forces in general. They can also help identify illnesses of the mind.

Court of the Suit of Swords (Sword, Saber, Spades, Spades)

Persons of the Court of Swords are those with a keen mind, strong and strong-willed, determined and capable of overcoming. They are able to solve the most complex puzzles, thanks to the incredible power of intelligence, clarity of thinking and intuition. They are sociable, their rightness, supported by physical strength, is still based, first of all, on a solid and consistent system of views, formed thanks to rich life experience.

Behind them is a series of battles and defeats, acquired trophies and heavy losses. Sometimes surprising themselves, they accept trials, gathering all their determination and will, accepting the blows of fate as turning points that can be turned the way they need, turning negative into positive... but also vice versa.

Their eventful lives can make them either incredibly strong, full of energy and striving forward, or living in the past, not believing in anyone but themselves, filled with judgment towards others and bitterness about their own existence. A keen intellect, will and a strong belief system can serve to create and destroy in equal measure.

The Collapse of the Court of Cups (reverse side): bile and harsh criticism directed around and at oneself, the inability to endure defeats with honor, the ability to instill in those who were luckier than them or in a more advantageous position uncertainty, fear and a sense of mistrust.

Serve significators For:

  • fair-haired and light-eyed;
  • with light red hair and any eye color;
  • fair-haired and dark-eyed.

Arcana Tarot Page of Swords

young man(young man) or young woman(young woman) with a “gentle” character; teenager; child.
Type personalities: Balzac is an intuitive-logical introvert.

Sylph, scout, spy

Observation. Surprise. Alertness.

Advice: When you waste energy, learn to manage it.
Warning: Know how to restrain yourself. "Don't spit into the wind."

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: A call to mobilize, arm, clarify, take on a challenge, engage in conflict or dispute. A call to take active action, to enlist the support of those you can trust. Discovering the ability to recognize danger, take timely measures, quickly resolve issues, be alert, always collected and ready for what is coming. A situation that is difficult to resolve constructively due to the abundance of negative information. Someone's hostile impulse. Probable conflict. The period when you need to prepare for the test. Complications that were not foreseen. Treachery of fate. The events that are coming may turn out in very different and unexpected ways. Vigilance in anticipation of a situation from which you will have to urgently look for a way out. "Spy Games". "Spit in the soul." Unexpected news, information that requires careful thought, not necessarily significant, but changing your understanding of what is happening around you: perhaps about some gossip, minor intrigues. Someone else's, unfriendly observation. Truth revealed in collision. In combination with favorable arcana, the true meaning of what is happening is revealed, a “fresh stream”, a complex matter that turns out to be simple and understandable after the trial. Something involving a lot of haste. The need to connect your mind, to think sensibly. Childhood traumas that the time has come to deal with.

Diplomat. A cunning gambler. An attractive, sharp-tongued mocker. One who solves problems through a combination of violence and cunning. Curious. Schemer. False friend. Spy. A kind of “double agent”, acting as if on the principle of “both yours and ours”, but observing only his own interests. Unreliable person.

Inverted: Surprise. Impromptu. Obstacles in business in the form of intrigues, cunning manipulative actions. Inaction. Lost vigilance. Vulnerability against a sudden attack. Contrived events. False conclusions. Incorrect understanding of what is happening, words and actions. Difficulties in finding a “common language” due to the fact that the parties think and feel differently. News that came to the wrong address. Clinging to insignificant details. Quarrels, disputes, mutual insults, breakdown of relationships due to misunderstanding. Completely useless conflicts. “Youthful maximalism” in its worst forms. Inflicting pain through ridicule, the cause of which is a feeling of lack of love. Attempts to gain attention through deviant behavior. Gossip, anonymous letters. Ill-considered, impulsive, even ridiculous offenses. Inability to cope with circumstances and oneself, one’s complexes and weaknesses. Vain attempts to assert oneself through manipulation, causing pain, weaving intrigues - the desire to somehow transfer the feeling of one’s own helplessness and insignificance to other people.

Someone impulsive, categorical, even ruthless, completely inexperienced in such things as diplomacy, patience, the ability to find a compromise, a common language. A caustic mocker, deeply unhappy inside, hiding behind external cynicism. Wanting attention, but unable to get it except through aggression. The one who is not taken into account, who has found a way out in weaving intrigues, intrigues and his fantasies on these topics. “Unlucky loafer”, “eternal student”.

Arcana Tarot Knight of Swords

Young woman(girl) or young man(young man) with a “strong” character; less often - a teenager; a child is extremely rare.

Type personalities: Don Quixote is an intuitive-logical extrovert.

Mad young genius, assassin, berserker, causeless rebel

Wind, accelerating fog. Movement V selected direction.

Advice: Don't waste your time. Forewarned is forearmed.
Warning: Sometimes you need to stop in time.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Complete confidence in one’s own rightness, in the correctness of one’s path. Righteous anger. A half-mad desire to realize what was planned in spite of everything and everyone. High potential, primarily intellectual. Intelligence and resourcefulness in complex matters. The ability to follow what is planned, succeeding even where it seemed impossible. Resilience and confidence are essential for resistance. Skill in combat - in a variety of areas. Opposition to people and circumstances. Advance “headlong”, “headlong”. Ideas and plans, not always realistically imagined and feasible, that someone is very passionate about. Rapidly and unexpectedly occurring events. Heated situations, even desperate situations in different areas of life. Peripeteia, in the center of which is the questioner. Rapidly developing vicissitudes of fate. Stressful periods. Something that brings discord and destruction even to areas that previously seemed stable. Bringing clarity to “foggy” situations and prospects, usually in a negative way. The coldness of alienation and unwillingness to understand. Evil irony. Harsh statements, furious discussions and disagreement, even conflicts. Breakup of relationships, quarrel. Meanness. A targeted and precise injection into the weakest place, a “punch in the gut.” A conflict that arose “out of the blue.” A warning that “things could go far.” Crash and destruction. A dangerous situation, a fight, often with dire consequences. A decision made against the wishes of the questioner is not in his favor. An urgent, worrying trip.

Someone who is in his own reality of ideas and plans, completely confident in them. Brave, resourceful, impetuous, inexorably pursuing his goal, victory. Ironically angry, cynical. Someone who has both a “sharp mind” and a “sharp tongue.” Someone who is capable of insulting, hurting, “hitting where it hurts.” An openly dangerous and cocky enemy, capable of causing harm.

Inverted: Loss of prudence. Incompetence and failure. Carelessness, extravagance. Recklessness. Weakness and indecisiveness. Stupidity and misunderstanding. Baseless and even delusional arguments and statements. False conclusions and erroneous statements. Inability to achieve what the desire is aimed at. A failed “application for victory.” Envious rivalry. Lack of potential to succeed in the pursuit of a goal. Funny situation. Empty troubles. The game is not by the rules. “Tripping”, “stab in the back”, “set-up”. Dangerous competition for a love interest. A trip that could end badly.

The one who can’t decide on his position and whose side to take. A kind of “romantic robber”, deep down longing to change his lifestyle. Someone who is unsure of himself, fears problems, and therefore does not take action. Someone weak and aware of his weakness, wanting to “get away from the front line.” A cunning rival or rival in love.

Arcana Tarot Queen of Swords

Woman(rarely a man).
Type personalities: Gaben is a sensory-logical introvert.

Queen of Spades, Iron Lady

Independence. Torn off masks.

Advice: Self-confidence must be sincere and well-founded. It takes much more strength to have attachments than to avoid them.
Warning: Don't abuse your power. Remember, the phrase “a woman’s strength is in her weakness” is actually stupid and illogical.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: The need for reasonable arguments, logical and consistent actions. Independence and self-sufficiency. A sharp mind, observation, a clear understanding of your desires and persistence in achieving them. High level of self-control and control in general. The ability to manage, including your own actions and reactions, leading to success. Final clarification. Freedom coupled with cold clarity. Strong will, often malicious. In traditional interpretations - bitter experience: grief, sadness, loss, bereavement, deprivation. Excessive demands and criticism. Preparedness for conflicts. Difficult negotiations. The confrontation is aggressive, tough, emotionally exhausting. Difficult, morally destructive situations, the prospects of which are disappointing. Strict rules that must be followed unquestioningly. Prohibitions and restrictions. Someone's cold, sharp influence on the questioner.

Someone strong, capable of causing significant damage (but just capable, it’s not a fact that he will certainly do this). Someone unfriendly, emotionally cold, but capable of being objective. Often - a rival or rival in love affairs. Someone older and higher in position.

Inverted: Love turned to hate. Lack of something vital and destructive actions resulting from it. Destructive behavior. An unsatisfied desire to gain hypercontrol. Precise, targeted, wounding evil words. Loss of control - over oneself, over the situation, over others and the losses incurred because of this. Unsatisfied ambitions. Unclaimed and unrealized abilities, powerlessness. Collapsed ideals, disappointments. A waste of energy due to the lack of a clear goal. Unjustified risk. Double standards. Criminal intentions, treachery, deceit, hypocrisy. Destructive negative thinking. Hypocrisy. Emptiness, unfulfillment, absence. Inability to let go of the past, immersion in bitterness and disappointments that poison life. Quarrels, gossip, information that should not be trusted.

Someone purposeful and strong, acting against the questioner. Someone who is incapable of constructive action. An embittered outsider, whose rejection is due to the severity of his character and narrow-mindedness. A rival or rival in love affairs, but less consistent and more embittered than in the direct position. Domestic tyrant (of any gender).

Arcana Tarot King of Swords

Man(less often – a woman).
Type personalities: Zhukov is a sensory-logical extrovert.

Odysseus, Hitler, Solomon

Pursuit To goals. Indestructibility.

Advice: Do not hurry. Consider other points of view.
Warning: Confidence in being right does not always mean being truly right.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Striving for new ideas and goals, all-consuming and inspiring. The need for study, understanding, acquisition of new knowledge, development and new ideas, as well as implementation. Ability to act purposefully and assertively. A clear strategy, precise actions, precise implementation in accordance with the plan. Complete self-control. Coolness. The rationality of a critical approach to everything. The ability to take the right actions at the right time. Resolution (often by force) of complex situations and long-standing problems. The ability and necessity to accurately, clearly and even ruthlessly make the most difficult decisions and follow them. Doing the right thing based on facts, logic and principles. High efficiency. Action from a position of strength. “Arbitrator” is a force that balances the opposing forces. Overwhelming authority. Ace in his field, an expert. A symbol that personifies power in all its forms. Intolerance to any weaknesses, shortcomings, inefficiencies. Argumentation, the ability to “see to the root.” Commitment to your beliefs, no hesitation. Fundamental questions. Final answers. Clear specifics. "Fire and Sword." Dangerous circumstances fraught with disappointment. Vital questions. “Phantom pain” is something that has already been “cut off”, but still “hurts”.

Someone with power and a high degree of responsibility, unbiased and ruthless in his pursuit of justice. Correct, able to “keep his distance”, with a developed sense of duty, principled and fearless, perfectly able to control himself. Armed, imbued with power, capable of breaking any resistance. Dear, but rather out of fear.

Inverted: Prejudice and bitterness. This is not the time to act; specific goals and objectives have not yet been defined. Something as global and important as it is vague and uncertain. Inability to clearly set goals and objectives. Lack of understanding of one's own capabilities. Imprudence, or, on the contrary, excessive fearful caution. Choosing the wrong strategy, wrong train of thought, errors in calculations. Cruelty and tyranny, covered with steadfastness and confidence in one’s actions. Inability to manage your mind and control your emotions. Conflicts and disputes that cannot be reasonably resolved. Legislative prosecutions, lost lawsuits. Involvement in the clash of dangerous communities and criminal gangs. Unscrupulousness, dishonesty and deceit. Biased judgments and hypercriticism. Battles won that lead to big defeats. Dishonesty and deceit where you expect justice. Destruction of oneself and others in the broadest sense. Actions contrary to logic, humanity, law, rules and standards. A fruitless “fight against the system.”

Someone who acts cruelly and recklessly, but is not fully aware of his own actions. Prejudiced, embittered, thirsting for retribution at any cost and battles, often far-fetched.

Numbered cards of the Suit of Swords (Sword, Saber, Spades, Spades)

Arcana Tarot Ace of Swords

New ideas And imagination. Idealism, which threatens outgrow V selfishness.

Siegfried, the Sword that cut the Gordian Knot.

Clarity. Determination. Step.

Advice: Intelligence is like a sword that requires care and constant sharpening. Set the record straight.
Warning: You need to calculate your strengths even when there are many of them. Pettiness does no good.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Military potential in a broad sense. Determination and energy for initiatives and actions. Changes, separation from the starting point. Willingness to grow, fight, move forward. Everything became clearer and there was complete clarity of desires and further path. Resilience – both physical and emotional. High position acquired through personal qualities and luck. Escalation. A dilemma or problem that requires immediate resolution. It's time to choose a clear principle of action. The ability to clearly understand what you want and what you don’t want. Boundaries and limits, both established and expanded by volitional efforts.

A cold, balanced, tough decision. Position of power. Clarity and overcoming doubts. The broken Gordian knot. An absolute triumph. Strength and authority that, despite the circumstances, lead to success. Conquest and triumph in various fields. The victory of strong views and decisions made. Initiation is entering a new path or stage, joining something new and significant.
Relief from a burden: we can talk about both a plan, an idea, and the birth of a child.

Inverted: The need to escape from conflict, confrontation. Escape from problems. Complete humility. Inability or unwillingness to make decisions. Weak will. The need to "bear the burden." Lack of prospects and prerequisites for victory. Failure. Problems that have no acceptable solution or no solution at all. Fear of consequences. An attempt to move forward or join something for which the favorable time has not yet come for its successful implementation. An undertaking “crushed” by circumstances or environment.

A victory achieved at the cost of great losses. Approaching negative events, tension in relationships with the world and with oneself. Breakups. Blows of fate. Blocked intellectual energy (the reason will be suggested by other arcana). Heavy thoughts and conversations that don’t solve or change anything. Self-destructive energy that would bring positive results if it were directed outward rather than inward. Projection of self-directed aggression onto others. Diseases, undermined vitality. Sometimes - something that brings creation through destruction, conflict (for example, surgery, pregnancy).

Arcana Tarot Two of Swords

Need V protection. Equilibrium, receiving different forms.

Hermes. Scylla and Charybdis.

One from two. Equiaction.

Advice: Harmony can often only be brought by a balance of forces.
Warning: If you use two swords, they must be balanced.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Waiting. Perseverance under difficult circumstances. Unsolved problems. A tension that is needed but cannot yet be reduced. Finding a solution. "The calm before the storm." Unknown, uncertainty, uncertainty, ambivalence. Suppressed emotional impulses, emotional paralysis. The inability to finally choose “one of the two.” Compromise, balance, equality. Movement “step by step”, consistent analysis and conclusions when choosing the right direction. Duality. Two directly opposite paths, results and the impossibility of predicting which action will lead to which of them. An equilibrium that can be either a reasonable balance or a complete dead end. Discord, the collapse of an alliance, a confrontation that does not threaten great dangers. An attempt to find inner balance despite the torn contradictions and fear.

Equilibrium. Harmony achieved through firmness and balance. Deliberate consent, precise decision, sound judgment. Real assessment, reasonable choice of actions. Factors that compensate and establish balance. A balanced choice from two options: “yes” or “no”, “pan” or “disappeared”, “for” or “against”. Duel. Negotiation. An attempt to resolve the conflict peacefully. Sometimes it is protection for someone who is looking for help.

Inverted: End of the dormant period. Decision-making. The choice of “one of two” or “the lesser of evils” (depending on other arcana in the layout). Willingness to upset the balance. The need for active participation in the situation. “Epiphany”, or its reverse side: the inability to concentrate, the risk of missing something important due to the fact that it is not possible to look at the situation “from both sides”. Facing deceit and treachery. Inconstancy and duplicity on the part of the ally, “loyalty to two masters.” The secrecy of someone you trust. Fraud, counterfeit.

Imposture. Concepts that turned out to be incorrect, false conclusions and premises. The collapse of the union. Gossip, slander, significantly affecting reputation. Tactlessness. Thoughtlessly thrown statements that will have a critical impact on the relationship.

Arcana Tarot Three of Swords

Lost equilibrium. Decline spirit And doubts, which need to overcome. The future renewal.

Oedipus, Kai

Disturbed harmony. Hard-heartedness.

Advice: The time to free yourself comes sooner or later. Realism does not mean either pessimism or cynicism.
Warning: Accepting the inevitable is also a struggle. Coming out of the darkness into the light, you risk being blinded, but this does not mean that it is not worth doing.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: A harbinger of a tense time: anxiety, quarrels, divergence of interests, incompatibility, excessive harshness and even bitterness. Testing your ability to manage emotions. Finding out how much “dirt” has accumulated in the soul and how successfully a person copes with it. A life lesson, a test of intelligence and awareness. Definition of “how I really am” and “who I really am.” The truth of life, from which one cannot hide again in the fog of illusions and idealization. Strong feelings associated with the need to “accept the truth” and give a final answer.

The choice “despite feelings”: this can be either a break in dependence or a renunciation of what is really dear (what exactly this choice is and what it means for the questioner - the other arcana will tell you). Parting, departure, separation, due to the fact that “it’s necessary.” Unhappy love. The need to endure “heartache.” Alienation, withdrawal. Elimination or complete absence of something important and necessary nearby. Unpleasant news. Sadness, grief to overcome, “wounds” to heal. Something that “scrapes at the soul” gradually darkens existence. The presence of an important problem that a person did not concentrate on, or even could not notice at all due to the abundance of emotions and affairs.

Inverted: A break in the union, a “crack” in the relationship. Reluctance to face pain, acknowledge it and thus receive healing. Numbness of feelings, “frozen” heart. Delusions, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate. Mistakes that cannot be corrected. Miscalculations and disorder in business leading to losses. Mental disorders: insanity, hallucinations, delusions, etc. The need to face yourself and compromise. A painful situation in the past that does not bring pain, but has not yet been completely released.

Arcana Tarot Four of Swords

All of a sudden coming silence. Temporary stability. Concentration on to myself.

Truce. Calm.

Advice: A break, wanted or unwanted, is still a break, use it wisely. Having understood what is inside, you will understand what is outside.
Warning: Excessive « To Self-loathing can lead to emotional devastation.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: A reprieve that can be used to gather your thoughts and strength. Strategic retreat. The pointlessness of struggle, attempts to change something, confrontation, fuss at this stage and recognition of this. Peace in solitude, isolation or even exile. Incapacity in all its manifestations, which will have a beneficial effect only if it is wisely managed. Prostration, inactive contemplation, detachment, the opportunity (albeit not always chosen voluntarily) to be alone with oneself and one’s thoughts. Respite, time-out, need to stop activity.

Exile, exile, hermitage, and, at the same time, refuge and refuge (it depends not so much on the other arcana in the layout, but on the questioner himself). The need to “leave the battlefield” in order to “return to duty” with new experience. Priority of internal over external. Reflections, planning. Work on some project, which involves the cessation of all “external contacts”. A problem that requires concentration and comprehension, “going away” into thinking about it.

Reversed: Ended isolation. Slow, gradual “coming into the light” and “into the light.” Rehabilitation period. The need to return to business and interests after a period of detachment from them. The confusion of a person who has been torn away from contemplative self-absorption. Inability to “collect your thoughts” and mobilize resources. Something that interferes with rest and recovery. Problems with sleep and concentration. Lack of timeliness of actions, the need to be careful, carefully plan every step. Neglect of caution, unreasonable, untimely actions.

Frustrated plans and minor failures associated with haste, pettiness, greed, jealousy. Gradual recovery. Wisdom in moving forward with every step. Economy and restraint. Forethought.

Arcana Tarot Five of Swords

Absence faith V own strength, disturbing overcome Problems.

Crown of thorns, black mark.

Dark side. Retribution.

Advice: Sometimes an honest loss and retreat is better than an unfair victory. If you are confident, be prepared to go all the way.
Warning: Trust yourself, not your fears and weaknesses.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Danger. Revenge. A series of problems and stress that will require a lot of resources to overcome. The vicissitudes of fate and the need to confront them harshly. Loss of spirit. Destruction. Losses. Loss. A shame. Shame. Humiliation. Betrayal. Insult. A difficult period that cannot be avoided, at best, can only be mitigated. The need to leave or even run away from a destructive influence or event - at least in order to recover. Lack of strength to fight. Crash of plans. Aggravation, sharp escalation of the conflict. Scandals, meanness, intrigue, obvious and hidden hostility, stabs in the back and below the belt, incriminating evidence, dishonor.

The questioner can either be drawn into destructive phenomena or be their cause, the core - depends on his personality, the rest of the arcana can give a hint. Shameful loss. The winner, crowned not with a laurel, but with a crown of thorns; "Pyrrhic victory"; a win that brought more negative than positive; "bitter success" Collisions with people of the “wrong circle” or “level”. A struggle whose outcome is unpredictable and victory is unlikely. Refusal, negative answer. Awareness of the limits of possibilities, of the fact that a person does not need victory in this battle.

Inverted: Remorse, repentance. The desire to “pick up the pieces,” to compensate for the damage, to save at least something or someone is, as a rule, not feasible. Inability to avoid negativity, damage, wounds. The impossibility of winning at all, or a very small possibility of winning, at great cost. Defeat. Betrayal, treachery, stabs “in the back”, “knocking you down”. Revenge (often blood revenge). Suffering, sadness, loss. The need to defend, to evade, to run away. Retreat from the battlefield; with favorable lasso - retreating enemies, “buried hatchet of war.” Unfavorable time for beginnings.

Arcana Tarot Six of Swords

Opportunity change routine or break free from her. Philosophical And romantic dreams And hobbies. Purchased knowledge.

Philosopher's Stone, Knight Errant.

Orderliness. Understanding. Expedient changes.

Advice: Sometimes a slight flaw only emphasizes perfection. Sometimes the first step is the hardest.
Warning: It is possible to combine courage and intelligence, but not everyone succeeds and not always.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: A way out of a difficult and confusing situation. Distancing from problems. Behavior that is reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances. New means, goals and prospects in life. Willingness to leave old sorrows and difficulties and “sail to new shores,” even if the future inspires doubts. Balance, calm, without any special difficulties, movement towards new landmarks. “Quiet backwater”, “secluded bay”, where we managed to find refuge. Moving away from what was burdensome and did not bring peace, even though it was familiar. Changes whose results cannot be predicted. Periods of stress left behind. Leveling position. A forced movement in a different direction, a change in the way of existence, an opening to new life lessons. Fear and sadness associated with changes in life that must be endured and overcome.

Achieving the desired changes. "Dawn" after the "night hurricane". Moving, changing surroundings, working, traveling and traveling are not always voluntary. Search for truth, penetration into secrets, understanding. Discovering something new in yourself. Acquaintance with other social circles, values, norms of life, cultures, religions. Learning and intellectual development, new information, ideas, creative activity. Plans for the future, albeit very vague. Messages, tasks received. Thoughtful confession. Guest. Mentor. Information exchange.

Inverted: Inability to find a way out or solve a problem. Dead end. Putting problems aside. Unfavorable outcome of the proceedings. Inability to come to an agreement. A risky undertaking that can end extremely unfavorably, even turn into a hopeless situation. Resistance to the new, the desire to “not move.” “Floundering in the shallows” due to fear of going to the “high seas.” A complete wrong step, after which you need to “go back to square one.” Very low chance of success. Troubles associated with water. Warning against moving away from home. A trip that will most likely fail, and if it doesn’t, it will bring a lot of anxiety and worries. Problems on the road, during transportation. Delays and changes in plans.

The tendency to “sit on one’s neck,” selfishness, the desire to “sacrifice others for oneself.” Betrayal of principles. Disclosure, disclosure of what was not voiced due to unsightliness or fear of disapproval - perhaps voluntary. Sudden confession, confession. A public statement with far-reaching consequences. A discovery or clarification that changes plans. Returning from a trip, a long absence, tired or in a state of unpleasant surprise.

Arcana Tarot Seven of Swords

Persistent search. New solutions old problems.

Trojan horse, “measure seven times”, “and the wolves are full - and the sheep are safe.”

Cunning. Ambiguity.Confidence.

Advice: Do what you really think is right. Your own cunning can help you avoid being tricked yourself.
Warning: Don't overdo it. “Do not dig a hole for another,” for it is known what will follow. Remember safety.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Intelligence and tenacity demonstrated in difficult circumstances. Testing the speed of intellectual response. Luck. The ability to “cover your tracks” and maintain secrecy. The ability to act deftly and wisely. An attempt to avoid conflict and get out of a difficult situation using cunning and strategic tricks. The ambiguity of honesty of intentions and plausibility of actions. Diplomacy and tact shown at the right time and in the right place. If you overdo it with maneuvers, it can turn out negatively. Change of strategy. Successful and not so successful attempts to approach old problems in a new way, based on acquired experience.

The need to be alert so as not to be fooled. Troubles that suddenly turned into blessings. Plans, plans, inventions, conjectures - all at the same time. New plans, actions, steps and thoughts about them. Finding a solution. Uncertainty and efforts to overcome it. Tricks that, when revealed, can lead to shame and condemnation. A question that is difficult to understand, and therefore its solution is postponed or avoided. Avoidance of responsibility. Deviation from previous guidelines in a variety of areas. Treason in the broadest sense. Forgery, theft, blackmail. Covert surveillance. Caches.

Inverted: Someone’s instructions (both advice and reproaches, comments, corrections) regarding deviations from the “true path.” Lack of energy or loyalty from the environment to carry out the plan. Annoyance – both at yourself and at what is happening around you. Incompleteness. The loss of weapons is primarily psychological. When you turn back, being a few steps from the goal. Exposure, tearing away covers and masks. Slander. Dubious advice and guidance.

Secrets and situations from which it was better to “stay away.” Information you'd rather not know. Curiosity turned into trouble. Plans that can collapse at any moment. Careful planning, thinking about whether the game is “worth the candle.” When a seemingly well-thought-out strategy turned into trouble. News and announcements.
Someone "unsuitable" or rejected.

Arcana Tarot Eight of Swords

Pressure, defiant fear And indecisiveness, significantly limiting freedom.

Labyrinth of the Minotaur, The Flying Dutchman, desert.

Intervention. Restrictions. Potential For liberation.

Advice: There are no hopeless situations.
Warning: There is no point in complaining about failures, you need to overcome them.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: A very difficult situation. Events that went “wrong” Obstacles in business. Situations from which it will be difficult to get out or “get out”. The risk of being “backed into a corner”, “squeezed from all sides”, severely limited in freedom of decision-making and action. Circumstances that are confusing and overwhelming aspirations, interfering and limiting. Giving away power, allowing someone else to “take the helm” and call the shots.

The person has become a prisoner, a hostage of other people and circumstances - literally and figuratively. The pressure of the “system” over the individual. Lack of faith in the ability to manage one’s own life, often due to the actual inability to do so. Compromising evidence, blackmail, slander. Disapproval, slanderous criticism. The need to put up with something, agree, “stepping on the throat of your own song.” Definition of “who is in charge here.”

Inverted: Opened freedom of action. Exit from the labyrinth. The first step towards the light. Ingenuity. Timeliness, enterprise. The period when life turned on the bright side again. Success after a series of troubles. Removal of restrictions - both in a good and in a bad sense (after all, for example, madness is also a removal of restrictions). A depressed state, betrayals and confrontations, physically and emotionally difficult periods that have taken place in the past or are ending. Decisions not made by those who should actually make them.

Arcana Tarot Nine of Swords

Gloomy night thoughts V waiting dawn. Nightmarish dreams And awakening from them.

Furies, the Inquisition, the “dream of reason” that gave birth to “monsters.”

Cruelty By attitude To to myself. Inertia. Proximity updates.

Advice: Accept what happened, and most importantly, understand whether everything was really as it seems to you. It's time to get rid of fears.
Warning: Toughness can turn into cruelty, attempts to atone for guilt can turn into bullying.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Extremely unpleasant, exhausting and almost uncontrollable feelings and states rising from the very depths of the subconscious: fear, anxiety, guilt, depression, despair, melancholy, uncertainty, gloomy concern. That which oppresses, haunts, causes suffering, “deprives sleep” in a figurative and literal sense (other arcana in the reading will help to reveal it more fully). Irreconcilable external enemies. When a person is “his own enemy.” Periods of life when it seems that “the whole world is against you” or “you are alone against the world.”

Unpreparedness or inability to understand the situation, accept it and act, due to fatigue, confusion of thoughts and feelings, or the fact that what is happening is too painful. The desire and desire to get out of the “circle of torment”, to be freed from the “torture chamber”. A maturing or already maturing desire for change. Quite often: “shadows of the past”, “phantom pains”, “residual effects” - what brings pain is long in the past or completely far-fetched.

Inverted: Destructive energy directed inward. Shame and fear of shame. Unreliability. Heavy, painful thoughts that have no basis in reality. Denial of pain, attempt to “drive” it inside. Psychosomatic manifestations in the form of migraines, panic attacks. Purification through suffering. Acknowledgment of mistakes, guilt and pain and subsequent relief. The need to cultivate self-confidence and tune in to change for the better.

Arcana Tarot Ten of Swords

Power reason, What "let's down line". Gap With something familiar, often painful, But So same often carrier liberation.

Armageddon, "the darkest hour before the dawn."

Zenith. Bottom line.

Advice: Summarizing is not easy, you need to learn it.
Warning: Taking reasonable precautions is never a bad idea. When you decisively draw a line, do not leave behind something that you will later regret.

The meaning of the card in layouts

Direct: Pointlessness. Impossibility. Devastation. Untimely or sudden completion. When “it can’t get any worse.” A collision with difficult circumstances or, on the contrary, the end of an unfavorable period that has already become a familiar state. Loss, breakup, ending, despair, which can bring both suffering and relief (possibly only with the passage of time). Changing the vector to the opposite one. Drawing line. Results.

Inverted: “It’s not the end yet,” but it’s a couple of steps away. The state before the extreme point, beyond which everything will be different. An obstacle, failure or success that prevents you from moving forward. Lack of result. "Resting on your laurels." Shelter in a “shell” or under the protection of a reliable, familiar, protective person. "Back to the roots". Retribution, advantage, profit, gain, gift. Acquired, and often found again, are luck and success. A defeat suffered by unfriendly forces. Situations in which there is a feeling that “it was a miracle that he remained alive.” The need to take certain precautions so that the period of recovery does not turn into another recession.

Suit of Swords

Swords are the most powerful and most dangerous of all suits. She personifies secular power, but power that is often used incorrectly and for evil, for the sake of one’s own benefit. In divination, Swords warn of enemies, danger, failure, even violence and death.

As the suit of the ancestral nobility, the warrior class, Swords are an allegory of the worst aspects of the hereditary upper class. The medieval clan ruled the world (literally!) with fire and sword. Anyone not belonging to their class was not even worthy of attention. Members of the lower classes were intended to be used and exploited or thrown out of the way. They had no rights, no protection (besides what their ruler condescendingly granted them) and often were not even considered people. The warrior class was primarily engaged in fighting among themselves, but this gave no advantage to the peasant who happened to be in the middle of a battle, because they demolished everything that came their way.

And in modern society there are many such people. In class terms, Swords can represent powerful political figures, extremist groups, terrorist organizations (or those in power who finance and use them), organized crime. In other words, any forces or groups that consider their own interests above all else, especially if they occupy a position of power or use force or other available means to gain and maintain power.

On a personal level, Swords represent false friends, ready to betray, business partners or other dangers to the Questioner. In any case, this suit describes people who always do not what is fair, but what is good for themselves, rarely caring about those who are accidentally harmed.

People represented by Swords are selfish and rude, either intentionally or carelessly. They are definitely not to be trusted and their violence should be feared. These people are focused on their own gain and don't care what happens to you as long as they get what they want. They will harm you for their own pleasure and if they help you, it will be only for their own benefit.

The events and situations represented by the Swords are not just obstacles in your path, they are real dangers, perhaps even deadly ones.

In its most general form, Swords represent illness, natural disasters and other serious, sometimes even sinister problems, including death. Even if the problem is not as serious or is mitigated by other cards in the reading, the Swords indicate at least upset, anxiety, argument or tension.

Note, however, that the anger and vindictiveness indicated by the suit can be caused by the situation. Other cards in the reading will tell you whether the Questioner has a legitimate reason to be angry (for example, he has been seriously offended and is simply defending himself) or whether this person is inherently dangerous and untrustworthy.

In general, Swords is a malicious and unlucky suit, and when cards of this suit appear in a reading, they promise something unpleasant. Even more dangerous is that Swords carry with them not only indications of misfortune and failure, but also elements of strength and power. Swords - people and situations - not only desire, but also know ways to inflict severe pain.


The Suit of Swords represents our mental abilities, in other words, that side of life that is associated with thinking. The positive qualities associated with Swords are strength, authority, courage and initiative. But due to the dependence on the masculine astrological element Air, Swords also represent conflicts and enmity, causing pain, fear and aggression. In addition, Swords indicate a desire to speak the truth face to face, to call a spade a spade. Such directness causes conflicts: the truth is not always liked by everyone.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the predominance of Swords in the layout immediately indicates bad news: traditionally Swords foreshadow quarrels, illness and even death. The minor majority in the layout will indicate the areas that cause a person’s anxiety (Chalices - difficulties in the family or in relationships with people, Pentacles - financial problems, Wands - troubles at work) and will give a guide to the result, which must be interpreted in the light of the views of the Questioner.

The Swords court cards represent people born under the Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Description of the suit symbol

With the exception of the Ace, Swords are often depicted as double-bladed weapons, curved sabers, drawn or sheathed. Single swords, such as those on Ace (or in illustrated decks), are usually depicted as a naked broadsword.

Swords are never depicted as rapiers (weapons of dexterity!). These are always combat sabers, broadswords, heavy two-handed swords, etc. The symbolism is clear: there is enough strength here, and dexterity is hardly necessary.

"Royal Court"

The Suit of Swords is an allegory of completely decomposed absolute power.

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Tarot swords come third in the general system of suits. In playing cards, this is the suit of spades. The color already speaks of negativity, therefore the meaning of the cards is cruel and impartial. There are 4 suits in total, each of which belongs to its own element. Tarot swords belong to the element of air. There are also suits of Cups, Wands, and Pentacles.

Tarot suits

There are 4 suits in the Tarot:

  • Swords. Her element is Air. This is a cruel and merciless suit.
  • Zhezlov. Element - Fire. Talks about achieving goals and fulfilling plans.
  • Cups. Element - Water. Often talks about family relationships, emotions and state of mind.
  • Pentacles. Element - Earth. Denotes Work and Career.

Description of Sword Cards

The energy of the suit speaks of gaining new experience, success in science, and making new acquaintances. She patronizes the air signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra.

From negative interpretations, cards mean interference, mistakes, enemies. The suit teaches you to be objective in any situation, to make decisions with cold calculation.

The Meaning of Tarot Cards of Swords

Tarot Swords directly denotes cold calculation and intelligence. The sign is drawn in different forms:

  • sabers;
  • blade;
  • sword;
  • rapiers.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords Tarot card has both positive and negative interpretations. It means that a person’s views will completely change, stereotypes will be destroyed. Negative meaning - uncontrollability of emotions and feelings, impulsive decisions.

Another meaning indicates a girl who gains freedom. In a relationship, this means that feelings will change. The fortuneteller will become less dependent on his lover. It also promises scandals and discord.

In health, this Swords card in the Tarot deck signifies a slow but sure recovery. In career - promotion.

As a result, the interpretation is positive: liberation from previous bonds and attachments. The one who gets the Queen says goodbye to the past and moves forward.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords in the Tarot has only a positive interpretation. He is also called the Lord of the Winds, the Horseman, and the Heroes of the Air. The map indicates the rapid achievement of goals, activity, and the correct formulation of plans.

The only downsides are frivolity and overestimation of capabilities. The card means friendly, warm relationships. In your career - positive development and an increase in salary. In health - recovery.

Princess of Swords

Princess of the Swords Tarot suit has only negative meaning. It symbolizes scandals and squabbles. This is a symbol of an approaching quarrel and the impulsiveness of the participants.

The card does not apply to anyone individually. In a career, it promises losses and failures. In health - exacerbation of diseases, even death.

Prince of Swords

The Prince (Jack, Page, Warrior) says that the fortuneteller is faced with a choice. If the symbol is attributed individually to a person, this indicates his lack of self-confidence, nervousness and sadness.

In love, it means misunderstanding, a frivolous attitude towards a partner. In a career - lack of a plan, goals. For health, this is a harbinger of deterioration.

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords in Tarot cards has only good meaning. He talks about mutual understanding and help, clarifying the situation. Previously unknown details will be revealed to the fortuneteller.

In love affairs, the card is interpreted as the openness of lovers, honesty and moving to a new level. In a career, this is awareness of affairs and plans, clarification of the situation. This is a good sign for health, it promises recovery.

Two of Swords

The interpretation of the Two of Swords in the Tarot card reflects feelings or certain events. Means satisfaction and peace. In a relationship - absolute compatibility, care and kindness. The fortuneteller is satisfied with the work and will soon receive small bonuses. If the question was about illness, the person will recover.

Three of Swords

The meaning of the Three of Swords in Tarot cards is cruel and negative. The main interpretation is grief. If the question concerned love, it was jealousy, mistrust and active conflict.

The period at work is unsuccessful; failure in business and in agreements with partners is possible. Your health is also negative: your health will deteriorate.

Four of Swords

Four means reconciliation, but not complete. The issue of the quarrel is closed, but can resume at any moment.

In love it is peace after a long war. In a career - calm progress of affairs without any special changes. In health, this means either stopping there or the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

Five of Swords

Five is interpreted as fear of collapse. The fortuneteller has not yet failed, but is afraid and wary of it. In love relationships, this is the fear of losing a loved one or breaking up.

If the question concerned your well-being, you will have to wait for a bad outcome. This is also a bad sign for work. It promises failure, losses and even deception. Combination with the Hierophant card means a concession to your principles.

Six and Seven of Swords

Six is ​​interpreted as awareness, intelligence and excellent organization. The meaning is positive. In terms of love - a calculation based on love. In the material - a clear understanding of affairs, proper business conduct. For health - improved well-being.

The Seven of Swords speaks of a negatively thinking person who has given up and let things take their course. In a love relationship, this is a complete disappointment. In a career - losses, unsuccessful progress in business. The card also promises deterioration in health.

Eight and Nine of Swords

Eight (Slave) says that a person with negative intentions will interfere in matters. In love, this is the pressure of one lover on another, violence, both moral and physical. In business - an unsuccessful course of affairs. In health, the situation is deteriorating.

Nine speaks about the outcomes of a person’s actions: completed or only planned. The fortuneteller will regret what he has done. If the question is about a loved one, then Nine symbolizes cruelty. In a career - a major mistake, because of which a person will blame himself. In health - a decrease in dynamics, sometimes death.

Swords (synonyms: Blades, Swords) come third in the Tarot suit system. In the playing deck, this suit is displayed in spades. Spades cards are considered negative, and Swords also partly incorporate harshness and inexorability.

The element of the sword is air. Among the primary elements of the Tarot, Swords are usually associated with this light element. However, the mobility of the air of Swords has nothing to do with the mobility of the water of Cups. The element of the Sword suit is filled with freshness and clarity, but it is harsh and sometimes even merciless, like gusts of cold wind. Air is synonymous with pure knowledge.

Symbolism of the suit of Swords

The sword is a completely unambiguous symbol, known on all continents. Weapons represent the desire to establish your own order somewhere, to establish your own law. The sword cannot be considered a symbol of power, but it can safely be called the key to it. In the Major Arcana, the sword is held by Justice, symbolizing its double-edged nature.

This is the most powerful of all four suits. And of course, the most dangerous, because it brings with it conflicts, pain, and aggression. The sword at its worst is war, battle, blood and death.

Interpretation and meaning of Tarot cards of the suit of Swords

Life Aspects Ruled by Swords

The suit of Swords is closely related to the rational principle in a person. This includes logic, intelligence and an impartial analysis of what is happening around. But due to the fact that man is a being inseparable from emotions, the creation of an insensitive kingdom of pure reason is doomed to failure in advance.

This is evidenced by the development of the suit, full of numbered cards with unpleasant and frightening meanings for many (Three, Five, Nine and Ten of Swords). Even the neutral meanings of the numbered Arcana sometimes raise doubts due to their ambiguity (Four and Six of Swords).

However, we should not forget that in the Tarot system there are no clearly positive or negative interpretations.

The path of reason is not easy and thorny, and the suit of Swords honestly warns us about this. Suit development mirrors real life situations and there is a lot to learn from this.

Characteristics of the Court cards: cold calculation and lack of pity

Among the figure cards of Swords, people with clear thinking and strict character predominate. Their desire for justice sometimes reaches the point of absurdity; they are tireless scientists, computer geniuses and calculating villains. This suit completely lacks the concept of human morality in its traditional sense.. The value of a person here is absolutely subordinated to the existing order; it is the suit of the Sword that carries out experiments that are questionable from a moral point of view “in the name of science.” Impersonal truth is of paramount importance; it is the standard and icon of this suit.

Representatives of the Swords suit are not pleasant to communicate with. Their sharp mind and lack of need for human warmth often makes them outcasts. However, such people cannot be denied loyalty to order and thoroughness; they are very good employees and valuable specialists. The synonym for such people is efficiency.

Meaning and interpretation of the Swords card in the layout

Usually a large number of the Swords suit in a reading frightens the querent, because Swords, as mentioned earlier, are a dubious leader in the negatively colored meanings of the Arcana. However, among other things, this means that the situation entered a period of “woe from the mind”, when numerous conclusions led its participants to a logical dead end.

The absence of Swords indicates a lack of logical component in the situation. One way or another, any situation needs to be thought through “with a sober head,” and this situation eloquently hints at such a need.

Interpretation of Swords in love matters

The Swords suit in relationship scenarios indicates frequent conflicts caused by partners being excessively demanding of each other. Relationships filled with Swords are good for competition or teamwork, but logic and calculation of this kind are a bad help for family harmony.

The interpretation of the Sword suit varies greatly depending on the school of tarot. Some tarot readers attribute this suit to the element of fire, swapping them with Wands, but this opinion is not very widespread.

Video: Meaning of Tarot cards Swords