All in One SEO Pack - settings and description. How to install the All in One Seo Pack plugin What is all in one seo pack

Anyone who has been involved in SEO optimization of their (or not quite their) website has come across the fact that each CMS has its own plugins that are responsible for generating meta tags necessary for search engines. In this article I will talk about the correct configuration of the All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress, as well as tips for further use.

Basically, website owners prefer the 2 most popular plugins for the WordPress CMS that help SEO optimize articles: the Yoast SEO plugin and the All in One SEO Pack plugin.

I discussed the Yoast SEO plugin in great detail in two previous articles. Therefore, if the All in One SEO Pack plugin is not to your liking, then you can use Yoast SEO. Here are two articles on setting up the Yoast SEO plugin:

During the article, I will go through in detail all the functions of this plugin, and at the end you will find a small test to consolidate the material of the article 😉.

What "All in One SEO Pack" "can"

Let's look at all the functionality of this plugin:

  • Translated into 57 languages;
  • Rewriting all headings and meta tags (description and keywords);
  • Allows you to automatically generate the contents of meta tags;
  • Import and export of plugin settings;
  • Built-in file editor robots.txt And .htaccess;
  • Advanced canonical URL for site pages;
  • Supports SEO optimization of custom post types;
  • Ability to connect Google Analytics from the admin panel;
  • Ability to create an XML sitemap:
    • Scheduled;
    • With the possibility of excluding individual pages or an entire section;
    • Ability to set priority.
  • Ability to create automatic Open Graph micro markup;
  • Creation of automatic micro markup;
  • Flexible configuration and performance management of the plugin;
  • Blocking bots that, in the opinion of the plugin, behave incorrectly, so that they do not add load to the site and do not slow down its work;
  • Basic ability to import data from the All in One SEO Pack plugin;

Like the Yoast SEO plugin, this plugin has a paid version that includes features such as:

  • WooCommerce integration;
  • Function Manager;
  • Video module XML Sitemap;
  • Advanced settings for custom post types;
  • Official support from the plugin developers.

And here the possibilities are all right. Now let’s quickly go through the installation of this plugin and move on to its configuration. Because there are a lot of settings there.

(video instructions) How to install the plugin?

For those who don’t know how to install this plugin, I recorded a short 3-minute video.

Video installation instructions

Basic settings of the "All in One SEO Pack" plugin

Let's look at the basic settings of the plugin. There are quite a lot of items, so we will consider them in blocks to make it more convenient for you to configure your plugin.

Block "Basic settings"

Let's go point by point, because there really are a lot of them here:

  • "I enjoy this plugin and have made a donation"— those who have everything in order with the English language will understand that the meaning of this phrase is that those who have made a donation for the further development of the plugin need to check the box. It is optional, so it can be omitted;
  • "Canonical URLs"— this item means that for the main pages there will be a link between the blocks And, which indicates that this page is the main one. Because duplicates may occur: if you write UTM tags for the same page, for example, then the search engine may consider that this is a duplicate. And duplicates, as you know, have a bad effect on further promotion. Therefore, we put a tick;
  • "Disable pagination for canonical URLs"— as a rule, the site always has page-by-page navigation (with the exception of those methods of displaying news when news appears when scrolling down the page, as is implemented in social networks), due to which duplicate pages may also appear. Therefore, we also include this item;
  • "Enable custom canonical URLs"— if you are not satisfied with which canonical URLs are formed for your posts, then you can enable this parameter and enter the necessary URLs yourself. But for novice webmasters, it is better not to use this item and leave it disabled;
  • "Set protocol for canonical URLs"— here the protocol is set specifically for canonical URLs. It's best to leave it at "Auto" and let the plugin automatically detect your site protocol. What if you want to purchase an SSL certificate in the near future and forget to change the protocol for canonical URLs? Believe me, this will not have the best effect on the position of your site in search results;
  • "Use default title"— a theme (template) can be installed on your website, which generates headings at your discretion. It is unlikely that these headings will be correct moving forward. Therefore, we leave this option disabled so that the plugin can generate its own headers, which we will talk about a little later;
  • "Use markup"— micro-markup for a site is a very fine-tuning, which is very individual from template to template. It is better to disable this option, because it will show errors in the markup validator. Before engaging with micro markup, it is best to study this article: ;
  • "Keep an event log"— as you understand, there are no plugins that work without errors. From time to time, glitches occur because the CMS is updated, third-party plugins may conflict with this plugin, and so on. And if you enable this item, you will be able to view the logs (event log) of this plugin when errors occur. This is an indispensable thing for developers. But, if you are a novice webmaster, then you should not burden your CMS by enabling this setting, because anyway you will not fully use it. Therefore, we leave this item disabled.

We have looked at the first block. I wrote the descriptions of the items as briefly as possible, so that you only understand the meaning of each item and what it is intended for, and not blindly set the settings.

This entire block is responsible for setting up the main page:

  • "Home page title."- this is nothing more than for the main page. If you do not write anything here and leave the field empty, it will use the site name that is specified in the WordPress settings;
  • "Description of the main page."— this is the Description for the main page. If you do not write anything, it will be empty;
  • "Home Page Keywords"— now many people don’t use keywords at all and promote their projects normally. Therefore, if you decide to enter keywords for the main page, then enter them in this field, separated by commas;
  • "Use Static Front Page Instead"— this item must be checked if a static page is used as the main page.

Next comes the block " Setting up keys"and block" Setting up headers". Since the block " Setting up headers"is quite large, then I decided to combine these two blocks and at the same time split the second block into two parts. Therefore, first we will look at the first block and half of the block with the header settings:

Let's start from the first block" Setting up keys", because there is only one parameter:

  • "Use Keywords"— that is, using this item you can enable support for keywords on pages and posts. If you have found a use for it, you can enable this item;
  • "Rewrite headers"— here I want to immediately clarify what exactly the All in One SEO Pack plugin will overwrite, because you may get scared and disable this function. It rewrites the Title. You see it on search results and in the title of the browser tab. That is, this is NOT the name that you see on the page with your news. I recommend leaving this item enabled;
  • "Capitalized titles"- I think this point is clear to you even without a lot of description. It means that the headings will begin with a capital letter; of course, we leave the clause enabled. But this item only responds to search page titles and tag pages;
  • "Capitalized section headings"— and if you enable this item, then the headings of the sections will be capitalized. We also leave him;
  • "Home Page Title Format"— here you can enter the format of the title of your main page of the site. If you click on this item, a small tooltip will open where you can see other variables that can also be used to form the title of the main page. By default, this is just the page title without any extra characters, so you can leave it as is;
  • "Page Header Format"— as you know, CMS WordPress has different types of posts: pages, posts, and so on. And this item sets the format of headings specifically for pages. The default format is: "page title | site name". You can also leave it at default and not touch anything;
  • "Post Header Format"— just as you described the process of generating headlines for pages, it can also be generated for posts (these are ordinary news on your site);

And now the second part of this block" Setting up headers":

  • "Category Heading Format"— CMS WordPress has pages with categories. So for these pages here you can set the heading format. If you click on the question mark next to it, a description will open of what variables can be used here. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that here it is necessary to use other variables;
  • "Archive header format"— this item is responsible for generating headers with an archive of CUSTOM post types. Because in the WordPress CMS you can create custom post types, and this plugin allows you to change the headers;
  • "Date archive header format"— in addition to regular archives, there are also headers for archives by date. In this field you can set how the title will be generated for these pages;
  • "Author Archives Heading Format"— also for each author who writes articles, a separate page with his articles is created on your website. You can also set the title format for this page. This is done in this field;
  • "Tag Header Format"— for each article you can set an arbitrary number of tags. And then these tags are displayed in the sidebar or in each article. That is, each tag has its own page. And the title for this page can be set in this field;
  • "Search Page Title Format"- this field, I think, does not need description. The WordPress CMS has a built-in search function, which means there is a special page for this. So for this page you can change the header output format here;
  • "Description format" is the Description meta tag for each article. Here it is better to leave everything as is, so that in the future we can enter our own descriptions for each article;
  • "404 Page Title Format"— this page, as many people know, is shown when some page that the visitor wants to go to is simply not on the site. At this point you can specify what will be in the title. It is also better to change the English text to Russian. For example, change "Nothing found for" to "Nothing found for the request: ";
  • "Format for navigation"- this field can be removed altogether. You can replace the word "Part" with "Part", but this is at your discretion.
  • - if you have already studied and
  • "SEO for these post types only"- and here we can tick off the items that you need. By default, “Posts” and “Pages” are enabled, which is really enough;
  • "Enable advanced options"- One of the advanced options here is that you can enable custom titles for your posts. But I don’t recommend doing this; it’s better to leave it as is.

Now let's move on to the second block "Display Settings":

  • "SEO for custom post types"- if you have already studied and, then you know that Yoast SEO has a special preview window for each article and page. So this is exactly what this option in this All in One SEO Pack plugin is responsible for. This block is available when writing each article in the admin panel;
  • "Show SEO settings for custom post types"— also put two checkboxes: “Posts” and “Pages”;
  • "Display menu in admin panel"- this point, again, is at your discretion. Do you need just such an item in the admin panel above each page and post on the site? I always didn’t really like this admin panel, and I prefer to do everything through the site’s control panel. But if you actively use this admin panel, then you can leave this item;
  • "Show menu in top bar"— but it is advisable to leave this item, then the menu of this plugin will always be at the top in the control panel of your site. It’s very convenient when you go there all the time. Because all plugins most often appear at the bottom of the control panel menu.

To make it faster, let's analyze, again, two blocks" Webmaster verification" And " Google Settings":

  • "Google Webmaster Tools"— the developers of this plugin decided to make work with confirmation of rights to Google WebMaster more comfortable. When you register with Google WebMaster, you are given several options to choose from to confirm that this is indeed your site. And one of them is a special code that can be inserted into this field. But most often, it’s easier to just go into the source code of your theme and insert a meta tag between the blocks . If you have not yet registered with the Google WebMaster service, then this item will be useful to you. Below there is a corresponding field for Bing;
  • "Pinterest verification"— a similar situation with this service. But, unfortunately, it is not very popular in RuNet.
  • "Profile on Google+"— here we enter the address of your Google+ profile to confirm the authorship of your site. Previously, the author could be displayed in an extended snippet in search results, but that was a long time ago and Google removed this feature;
  • "Disable Google+ profile"— at this point you can disable the output of data from your Google+ profile;
  • "Display site links in search box"— in addition to the main results of your site, you can also display additional links from your site to the most popular pages. Leave this item, then in the search results, your site, for certain queries, will be shown on a larger scale;
  • "Set Preferred Site Name"— using this item, you can specify in the micro markup which site name is best used by Google. But, before setting this parameter, . But, I want to note that the data will be output in JSON-LD format;
  • "Advanced authorship settings"— if you enable this item, then in the future you will be able to choose on which page you can enable Google+ authorship;
  • "Google Analytics ID"- Well, this point, like the point with confirmation of rights to Google WebMaster, was made for convenience. That is, you don’t have to “run” into the code and look for a place to insert the analytics code from Google. Or you can only enter the identifier of your analytics in this item. But this is more suitable for those who are not very familiar with code and are afraid of doing something wrong.

We will also divide the next block “” into 2 parts, because there are many points here:

  • "Default NOINDEX"— you can initially prohibit indexing, for example, pages on the site. And then only the records will be indexed. To prevent anything on your site from being indexed, simply check the appropriate box;
  • "Default is NOFOLLOW"— using this item you can prevent the search bot from following links on the page. Typically used in conjunction with the points above;
  • "Default NOODP"— this feature is also present in the Yoast SEO plugin. Using this function, you can prohibit taking the description of your site from the DMOZ directory. Because it happens that when adding a site, moderators themselves write down its description, but it is not always what we wanted;
  • "Default NOYDIR"— this item is responsible for the same parameter as the item above, but only for the Yahoo directory. That is, by installing it, we prohibit taking a description from the Yahoo directory for your site;
  • "Use noindex for categories"— we “tell” search engines that they should not index the pages of our site’s sections;
  • "Use noindex for date archives"— similarly to the previous paragraphs, we prohibit search engines from indexing pages with archived dates on our website. Can be enabled to eliminate duplicates;
  • "Use noindex for author archives"— by setting this item, we prohibit indexing pages with an archive of authors on your website. Can be enabled to eliminate duplicates;
  • "Use noindex for tag archives"— you can do the same with tags, that is, prohibit pages with tags from being indexed. You can set this item if you do not want pages not to be included in the search engine index;

And now let's move on to the second part of this block" Indexing settings (noindex)":

  • "Use noindex for search page"— there is no search page as such. After all, it is generated depending on the user’s request, that is, depending on what key phrase he entered. Therefore, we include this item to avoid duplication of content on your site;
  • "Use noindex for 404 pages"— page 404 is also closed from indexing, including this item;
  • "Use noindex for paginated pages/posts"— if you divide your articles into several pages (which is a little strange), then you can enable this item to prevent duplication of your content on the site;
  • "Exclude a site from the Open Directory Project"— unlike the previous point, where it was possible to exclude only certain types of posts and pages, here you can include the NOODP meta tag on the entire site. We turn it on and no longer worry about the fact that the description can be used from the DMOZ catalog;
  • "Exclude site from Yahoo! Directory"— just like in the previous paragraph, here you can include the NOYDIR meta tag on the entire site, and not just on certain types of posts.

So, the last block on this page " Advanced settings"We will also divide it into two parts and consider each of them in more detail.

All in One SEO Pack is one of the most recognized and deservedly best plugins for search engine optimization of WordPress sites, which at the time of writing has been downloaded more than 17 million times, which characterizes it as a very powerful plugin designed to help beginners start competent search engine optimization of their sites .

Simply installing the All in One SEO Pack plugin will certainly not help you optimize your site. In order to get the most out of it, the plugin needs to be configured correctly. There are a lot of settings, but strictly speaking, for a beginner you can leave most of them as they are. This article describes in detail the process of setting up the plugin and describes most of the functions of the All in One SEO Pack.

All in One SEO Pack plugin settings

basic settings

Leave the main settings as they are. There is no need to configure anything additional here.

In the settings on the main page you will see three fields: Home Page Title, Home Page Description And Home page keywords. You need to be very responsible about filling out these fields, as this is a very important step through which you introduce your site to the world and tell what it is about.

Firstly, In the “Home Page Title” field, write the name of your site and a short, enticing description. You must keep it to a maximum of 60 characters.

Secondly, In the “Home Page Description” field, write a description of your site. Here you will have to be content with a maximum of 160 characters.

For example, if your site is about mobile phones, you could write something like this: On our website you can find reviews of mobile phones, descriptions of their capabilities and detailed instructions for their use. Comparative reviews of mobile phones are also presented here.

Third, In the “Home Page Keywords” field, write 6-8 keywords that readers will use to search for your site based on the home page. Separate keys with commas.

For example, if you are writing about mobile phones, write: cell phone reviews, mobile technology, cell phone comparisons, cell phone instructions and tips.

Keywords don't really influence search results, but as I said, you can specify 6 - 8 keywords. You should not repeat them when optimizing WordPress categories and .

Here I did not activate “Translate categories into keys” and “Translate tags into keys”. If your categories or tags are open for indexing, you can select these options. It’s better to generate keys to records yourself, but if you’re not sure you understand what you’re doing, check the box.

Templates for your page and post titles. In the updated version of the All in One SEO Pack plugin, the configuration of the “Header Settings” section is good without additional settings, so if you are new to this, do not try to change anything here.

By default, the plugin is able to work with any type of post. So leave the first item enabled. Select additional options if you plan to work with more than just posts and pages.

This block is only responsible for displaying the All in One SEO Pack plugin settings menu. You can choose where to show them: in posts, on pages, in the admin panel. It all depends on where you want to display the settings: if you need them in the top menu, then activate the last option.

Webmaster settings

In the webmaster settings, enter your verification codes from Google, Bing and Pinterest. It is clear that the last two are not particularly relevant for our users.

Google services settings

When you search for something on Google, sometimes you see a photo of the author under the search results. This group of settings will help you show photos under your posts in search results. But you must have a Google + account and a verified Google authorship.

Paste your Google+ profile URL into the Google+ Profile field.

The All in one pack plugin supports Google analytics. Paste your Google analytic code into the “Google statistics ID” field, the code should look something like this – UA-XXXX.

Indexing settings (noindex)

It is not easy for beginners to understand the meaning of this title. No indexing means that none of your pages or posts will ever be indexed by Google. If you check the box next to "Use noindex for categories," "Noindex for tag archives," or other archived items, Google won't index any of it. By checking these boxes, you can avoid duplicate content. You can uncheck “Use noindex for categories” or “Noindex for tag archives” if you want these items to be indexed.

You can also use the noindex/follow plugin for better control over indexing.

Additional settings

In Advanced Settings, the first option, called “Generated Description,” is enabled by default and is responsible for generating descriptions. Be sure to check the box next to the next option - “Remove description from multi-page pages”, since if you write long posts and divide them into two pages, the extra description on the second page will be deleted.

Leave all options as default.

Update your settings.

Additional modules

This section presents activated modules that, as conceived by the authors, can further improve your site. One of them is enabled by default. You can activate the other two yourself. Once activated, the corresponding settings for each module will appear in your menu.

A page where you can configure some performance parameters.

Greetings! I have long wanted to write this article, but something always got in the way. But I gathered all my strength and made the most of myself. Therefore, today we have as promised setting up All in One Seo Pack plugin for the popular WordPress engine.

I looked through many articles in TOP, everything is somehow boring and monotonous. There are comments why they are considering only setting up this plugin; there are also additional modules in it that can replace some plugins. Therefore, I will try to fully open all the capabilities of this plugin.

What can All in One Seo Pack do?

Basic settings:

  1. Setting up meta tags for website pages, including the main page;
  2. Connecting your blog to Google Webmaster, Bing, Pinterest (the network is developing quite quickly);
  3. Connect to Google+. Your avatar will be shown in search results;
  4. Automatically generate meta-data for your pages, posts, etc., if you don’t want to fill them out manually;
  5. Setting up indexing of your blog;
  6. Use, to avoid;

Other modules:

  1. generate sitemap();
  2. Creation and configuration of the Robots.txt file;
  3. Integration with social networks Facebook, Twitter and Google+;
  4. Checking the system for performance;

You can leave all other settings as default, as they were immediately specified.

Now the plugin All in One Seo Pack, ready to use. You can go to any post or page and see an additional tab at the bottom “ SEO Tools" Here you can enter title, description and keywords, you can see what your snippet will look like in search engine results. All settings are made at your own discretion.

At this stage, we have sorted out the basic settings. If something is not clear or there are doubts somewhere, write in the comments and we will figure it out together and solve the problem.

The second stage is setting up additional modules for your WordPress resource.

Setting up other modules of the All in One Seo Pack plugin.

Few people use these modules at all, but I use them often. This plugin can do a lot of work and make SEO optimization even better.

1. Generating a site map(sitemap.xml). I have already touched on this topic earlier, so let’s go to the article “” and read. You can also see in the article how to activate and disable these modules, so I won’t focus on this.

2. We can do it without any problems create a Robots.txt file. As soon as you activate this plugin and go to the tab, you will see the finished file. You can find out how to work with it in the article: “”. As a rule, in WordPress, this file is generated automatically, so the module is convenient because you don’t need to go to an ftp client, but you can change it right here.

But if you accidentally deleted it, you can specify the path where to save this file “Directory Path” and click “Save Robots.txt File”. The Robots.txt file will be automatically created and placed in the specified location, usually the root of the site.

4. C speed it's simple.

We go to the module and set the limit, the more the better, in my case the maximum is 250MB. This is necessary for the blog to work perfectly with a large number of requests.

The response time, don’t touch it, let it be by default. We change it only if you have, you can set it to 30 seconds or 1 minute.

We enable forced recording so that other plugins cannot change the meta data.

Huh, seems to have covered everything I wanted.

Setting up the All in One SEO Pack search engine optimization plugin from Michael Torbert is one of the first necessary actions with which the site begins to work after. Despite the existence of many other similar plugins, I prefer All in One SEO Pack due to its flexible configuration and regular updates.

The basic functions available in the free version are enough to configure the site for better indexing by search robots. It is possible to create a dynamic sitemap.xml file, which is automatically updated every time a new page appears on the site. It is possible to exclude from indexing duplicate pages inevitably generated by the WordPress engine itself. It’s impossible to list all the possibilities at once, so let’s move on to its step-by-step setup.

Step-by-step setup of All in One SEO Pack for WordPress

This All in One SEO Pack setup guide is intended for those new to search engine optimization (SEO). It is assumed that you know little about how search robots see your site, and do not know how to correctly remove duplicate pages from the index and write meta tags. We will go through each section of the settings of this plugin and analyze each item and option. If you have not yet downloaded and installed this plugin, now is the time to do so.

  • You can find it here.
  • And here .

After successfully installing the plugin, go to the tab that appears “ SEO Tools» in the main menu of the WordPress admin panel.

At the very top of the page, plugin developer Michael Torbert and the Semper Fi Web Design team offer to sign up for the WordPress secrets, tips and hacks newsletter and receive a free e-book “5 SEO Tips for WordPress” (in English).

basic settings

The first block of settings in the list is “Basic”.

Thanks for the plugin, I made a donation. If you check it and then save the changes using the “ Update settings", you will see this pop-up window:

Thus, this item simply says thank you for your support, even if you did not provide this support :) If you purchased the Pro version of this plugin, you will see a field for entering the license key here.

Canonical URLs. This is a very important settings item from an SEO point of view. Checked by default, and I recommend that you do not uncheck it. Canonical URLs protect against Google penalties for duplicate content or having multiple URLs pointing to the same content.

No Pagination for Canonical URLs. As you can see, not all names of settings items are translated into Russian. This option was added for those users who want to remove pagination from canonical URLs. Typically, canonical URLs for pagination pages are displayed like this: This option removes /page/2 from the URL. I checked this option because for SEO it is better to completely close pagination pages from indexing (more on this below).

Show title by default. Disabled by default. You may need to enable this option if your theme or other activated plugin conflicts with the All in One SEO Pack per tag entry Online. In this case, the standard wp_title will be used.</p> <p><b>Use Markup</b>. This option allows you to support markup, which can be used by search engines in rich snippets. However, the new markup may not be supported by the W3C validator, so you may receive errors when validated by the tool. This option was added for those users who want to disable semantic markup for the sake of error-free validation. As you can see, I left the option enabled.</p> <p><b>Keep an event log</b>. The option creates a log file (all_in_one_seo_pack.log) in the plugin directory, which will contain important information about events in its operation. This file may be requested by support if you have a premium account.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Home page title</b>. As the name suggests, the content of this field will fill the meta tag <title>main page of the site. The title will be displayed on the search results page as a link to your site, so you should be very careful when filling it out. The optimal number of characters is 70. If the field is left blank, the text specified in “ <i>Settings</i>» → « <i>Are common</i>» → « <i>Name of the site</i>" This header is used regardless of whether a static page is displayed on the main page or a list of recent posts.</p> <p><b>Description of the main page</b>. The content of this field will fill the description meta tag only for the main page of the site. This tag can also be used by search engines in the snippet. Try to limit your page description to 160 characters. <br>In the screenshot below you can see what a snippet compiled from the contents of this field in the Yandex search results might look like:</p> <p><b>Keywords ch. pp. (separated by commas)</b>. In this field, enter a comma-separated list of words and phrases that are most important to your site. For SEO purposes, the content of this meta tag (keywords) does not matter, but you can use it for your own convenience to remember which keywords a given page is promoted for.</p> <p><b>Remember</b>, meta tags serve two purposes:</p> <ol><li>They tell search engines what your site is about.</li> <li>They appear in search results, telling users what they will find there.</li> </ol><p>This allows users to find relevant answers to their questions. High ranking for your site will only be guaranteed if the content of these meta tags matches the content of the content on the page.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Use keys</b>. This parameter enables/disables the generation of the keywords meta tag in the page code. As I wrote above, this tag has no practical meaning for SEO purposes. If you do not want to use this tag, simply disable this option. I left it enabled because it is convenient to store key queries for which the page is promoted.</p> <p><b>Convert categories into keywords</b>. Check this box if you want to translate the name of the category under which the post is posted into a keyword phrase. It will be added to the general list of specific keywords that you specified for a particular post.</p> <p><b>Convert labels to keys</b>. The same as above, only now for labels (tags). Please note that this may be checked by default.</p> <p><b>Generate keys to records automatically</b>. Use this setting if you want the keywords for the keywords meta tag to be dynamically generated from the keywords of the posts displayed on your blog pages. If left unchecked, All in One SEO Pack will use the settings from the post edit page. I prefer to use my own keywords for each post, so I left them unchecked.</p> <h3>Header Settings</h3> <p><img src='' height="914" width="672" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Rewrite headers</b>. This option applies to the meta tag <title>, which appears in the browser tab, and overwrites the standard headers. It is enabled by default. The formats in the fields below specify how such headings will be generated for categories, static pages, archive pages, etc. You can specify a format for most of them.</p> <p><b>Capitalized titles</b>. If checked, all page title words will start with a capital letter.</p> <ul><li><b>Format for pages,</b></li> <li><b>Format for records,</b></li> <li><b>Format for rubrics,</b></li> <li><b>Archive Title Format,</b></li> <li><b>Daily archive header format,</b></li> <li><b>Author archive title format,</b></li> <li><b>Format for labels,</b></li> <li><b>Format for search pages,</b></li> <li><b>Description format,</b></li> <li><b>Format for 404 pages,</b></li> <li><b>Format for navigation.</b></li> </ul><p>In these fields, using a special template, you can set the format in which headings will be displayed for individual posts (posts), categories, the Archive section, etc. Variables of this type: %page% will indicate the location of the dynamically inserted word. The entire list of such variables opens when you click on the field name.</p> <p>The only way to find an acceptable format for yourself is to simply try different options and see what happens on the website. Of course, your theme should support different page types.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>SEO for custom post types</b>. Check this option if you want to use All in One SEO Pack for any custom post types on the site. Custom post types can be created by the user himself or by any active plugins.</p> <p><b>Enable additional options</b>. Shows/hides additional options. If checked, the following options will appear:</p> <ul><li><b>SEO for these post types only</b>. Use the checkboxes to select which post types the All in One SEO Pack plugin can use.</li> <li><b>Your own headings</b>. This option will allow you to customize the content of the meta tag <title>for each type of record individually.</li> </ul><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Show SEO settings for post types</b>. This option allows you to enable/disable the display of the “Title”, “Description” and “Keywords” columns in the WordPress admin area for each type of page: Posts, static pages and for media files.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you create your own post types, they will all appear here.</p> <p>The checked option adds the link " <i>SEO Tools</i>» to the administrative panel for quick access to the settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin.</p> <p><b>Quick access in the admin panel</b>. Despite the fact that the option has the same name as the previous one, in this case it configures the display of the “SEO Tools” menu item at the top or bottom of the left menu.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Google Webmaster Tools</b>. Enter the Google Webmaster Tools verification code in this field.</p> <p><b>Bing Webmaster Tools</b>. In this field you need to enter the verification code for the Microsoft Bing search engine.</p> <p><b>Pinterest Tools</b>. Field for entering the verification code for the Pinterest social network.</p> <h3>Google services settings</h3> <p>Google previously supported displaying information about the author in search results. In August 2014, the search giant stopped supporting such information in search results. However, the ability to create custom markup on the site remains in the All in One SEO Pack plugin.</p> <p>In general, there are two ways to link your Google+ profile to your website. Firstly, this is the standard way: on the page " <i>Users</i>» → « <i>Your profile</i>" In chapter " <i>Contacts</i>"You can enter a URL like in the Google+ field. This profile will be used by default unless you provide links to profiles specific to each author.</p> <p>Secondly, All in One SEO Pack adds the same field on the custom settings page, which you can read about below.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Profile on Google+ network</b>. Enter your Google+ profile URL in this field. If specified, it will overwrite the default settings.</p> <p><b>Disable your Google+ profile</b>. Check if you want to remove the standard Google+ field from the page " <i>Your profile</i>" In chapter " <i>Users</i>" Why might this be needed? For example, if you have several authors on your site, and you do not want them to see this field on their profile edit page.</p> <p><b>Advanced Authorship Options</b>. Enables/disables additional options.</p> <p><b>Display Google Authorship</b>. On what types of pages and content should author markup be displayed (the rel="author" attribute in the profile link). Can choose:</p> <ul><li>"Front Page"</li> <li>"Records"</li> <li>"Pages",</li> <li>"Media files"</li> <li>“Everywhere Else” (everywhere), including on the 404 page, search results page on the site, archives, and other types of pages.</li> </ul><p><b>Display Publisher Meta on Front Page</b>. This option will allow you to choose whether the rel="publisher" tag will be displayed on the main page of the site. Google recommends using it on commercial sites, that is, on those that provide services, sell something, etc.</p> <p><b>Connect With Google Analytics</b>. Link to Google Analytics. Try it if you have an account with this service.</p> <p><b>Google Statistics ID</b>. Enter the Google Analytics tracking code of the form UA-XXXXXXXX-X. After entering the code, you will be able to configure additional options for tracking user behavior.</p> <p>When might this come in handy?</p> <p>For example, I found the option “ <b>Exclude Users From Tracking</b>» (Exclude user tracking). By ticking the option “ <i>Administrator</i>", you can try to exclude from the data collected by Google Analytics all information about the user's behavior if he is logged in to the site under the “Administrator” account.</p> <h3>Indexing settings (noindex)</h3> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>I have ticked the following options:</p> <ul><li>Use noindex for categories</li> <li>Noindex for daily archives</li> <li>Noindex for author archives</li> <li>Noindex for tag archives</li> <li>Use noindex for the Search page</li> <li>Use noindex for paginated pages/posts</li> </ul><p>The robots="noindex" attribute prohibits indexing the page on which such a tag is located. Googlebot interprets this directive as “Do not show the page in search results.”</p> <p>When might this be needed?</p> <p>As you know, duplication of content, even within the same site, is not encouraged by search engines. The following types of pages create duplicate content: archives, categories, pagination pages. To avoid this, such pages should be closed from indexing.</p> <p><b>Use nofollow for paginated pages/posts</b>. The robots="nofollow" meta tag prevents the search bot from following links on the page on which such a tag is installed. Accordingly, the robot may not index important pages. By checking the boxes above, I prohibited pagination from indexing the page, but at the same time left the possibility for the search robot to follow the links on the page.</p> <p>I left the following points unchecked:</p> <ul><li>Exclude site from the Open Directory Project</li> <li>Exclude site from Yahoo! Directory</li> </ul><p>Simply because my site is not in these directories. These options prevent you from taking descriptions of your site from the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and Yahoo! Directory.</p> <h3>Additional settings</h3> <p><img src='' height="840" width="672" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Generated Description</b>. By checking this box, you will allow meta name=”descriptions” content to be generated automatically from the content text.</p> <p><b>Run Shortcodes In Autogenerated Descriptions</b>. The checked item will allow you to run shortcodes in the description of the page (meta name="descriptions").</p> <p><b>Remove description from multi-page pages</b>. The descriptions meta tag will be removed from pagination pages. The purpose of this point is to avoid duplication of content and warnings in Google Webmaster Tools.</p> <p><b>Never Shorten Long Descriptions</b>. By default, if the content of the descriptions field on the post edit page exceeds 160 characters, the All in One SEO Pack plugin will truncate the text. Check this box to avoid this.</p> <p><b>Unprotected META fields</b>. By checking this option, you will unprotect internal post-meta fields for use with XMLPRC. If you don't understand what we're talking about here, just leave this checkbox unchecked.</p> <p><b>Exclude pages</b>. In this text field, you can enter a comma-separated list of pages to exclude from processing by the All in One SEO Pack plugin. This can be useful when using plugins that generate their own custom dynamic pages. For example, if you want to exclude virtual pages created by the forum plugin, all you have to do is add forum (/forum, /forum/) or any other URL containing the word "forum" to this field.</p> <p>In the following fields:</p> <ul><li>Add. post title</li> <li>Add. page header</li> <li>Add. home page title (static)</li> <li>Add. home page title</li> </ul><p>you can enter additional content, which will be added unchanged to the titles of posts, pages, the main page, if it is represented by a static page, and the main one, if it is presented in the form of recent blog entries.</p> <p>Did this article help you set up the plugin?</p> <p> <p>Hello! Today my next victim, which I will dismantle for parts, will be a super popular plugin – All In One SEO Pack, for a WordPress site. This plugin is designed for automatic SEO optimization of a website for popular search engines such as Google. Here is a list of just some of the plugin functions that will be available to you after installing and activating the plugin:</p> <p>Using popular</span> markup</p> <p>Meta description, keywords</p> <p>Webmaster Tools</span> Google and Bing</p> <p>Google+ Profile</p> <p>Productivity feature</p> <p>XML Site Map Module</p> <p>Social Meta Module</p> <p>Module Robots.txt</p> <p>File Editor module</p> <p>Bad Bot Blocker module</p> <p>You can install the plugin directly from the WordPress admin panel. Go to the tab: Plugins – Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To start setting up the plugin, go to the tab: All in One SEO – <span>basic settings</span>. On the plugin settings page, you can subscribe to the mailing list of secrets and tips from the plugin author. All the main plugin settings that need to be configured are also displayed here, which is what we will do now.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>basic settings</span></h3> <p>– <span>I enjoy this plugin and have made a donation</span>, check the box here if you made a donation to the author of the plugin.</p> <p>– Canonical URLs, if you check the box, the plugin will create canonical URLs, that is, the main addresses for your posts and pages. I recommend enabling this function only for those who have problems with duplicating records. <span><i>If you don't have problems with duplication, don't check the box!</i> </p> <p>– <span>Disable pagination for canonical URLs,</span> If you enable canonical URLs, then this function will allow you to prohibit the creation of pagination, that is, so that post numbers 1,2,3 are not displayed in links. If you have the Canonical URLs feature enabled, check the box here.</p> <p>– <span>Enable custom canonical URLs,</span> This feature is only available if you have the Canonical URLs feature enabled. If you check this box, you will be able to edit Canonical URLs on the post or page creation page.</p> <p>– <span>Set the protocol for canonical URLs,</span> You can choose a protocol for canonical URLs. Look at what protocol is in your website URL, and choose that one. Or you can select Auto so that the plugin determines your protocol itself. If the Canonical URLs feature is disabled, this feature will also not be available.</p> <p>– <span>Use default title</span> I recommend – Enable so that default headers are used. If you leave it disabled, the plugin will create its own headers. If your site already has headers, then enable this option, otherwise there will be a mess and extra load.</p> <p>– <span>Use markup</span>, I recommend enabling markup from the popular service, since all search engines support this markup. This markup will make your site more preferable in search results.</p> <p>– <span>Keep an event log,</span> If you check this box, you will be able to keep an event log, that is, all actions of the plugin will be recorded in a special file. If there are problems with the plugin, you can look at the event log to find out the cause of the problem. If your hosting keeps an error log, you don’t have to enable this option.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="734" width="680" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Home page settings</span></h3> <p>– <span>Home page title</span>, it is not necessary to indicate the title for the main page here, there is no need for this. Leave the field blank and the plugin will use the title that is displayed in the general settings of the WordPress admin panel.</p> <p>– <span>Description of the main page</span>., the same thing is not necessary to specify a description here for the main page, since the description is already specified in the general settings of wordpress. What's the point of creating another description? The fact is that the plugin does not change the main title and description, which are specified in the general settings of wordpress, the plugin creates another version of the title and description, this is of no use! The basic settings are more than enough, leave the fields blank!</p> <p>– <span>Home page keywords,</span> This will probably be news to many, but it is also not necessary to indicate keywords. For those who are not in the know – Keywords are long outdated! Search engines no longer take them seriously, and even ignore them, you can read what the Google search engine writes about the use of keywords. You can specify keywords, but it won’t make things any better, and will most likely make things worse if your keywords don’t match what’s displayed on your site. At the moment, search engines only perceive titles and meta descriptions, that is, everything returns to normal, from complex to simple.</p> <p>– <span>Use Static Front Page Instead</span> If you have a static page selected as the main page, and not your default recent posts, then when you enable this option, the title, description and keywords will be taken from the page that is selected as the main page in the reading settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Key settings</span></h3> <p>– <span>Use keywords</span> I recommend disabling the use of keywords. I already explained above why there is no point in using keywords.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Header Settings</span></h3> <p>I see absolutely no point in rewriting headers, this is my personal opinion, my headers suit me, then why rewrite them? You can see the headers at the top of the browser page, in a special field for the URL.</p> <p>– With a capital letter – this means with a capital letter, you can turn it on.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Look at your headings and if you don't like them, you can rewrite them. Click on the question mark and you will be shown the available heading templates, you can experiment with them.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>For example, for all main types of posts, I have a standard header template, in Settings - <span>Permalinks</span>. And if I also specify a heading template in the plugin, then this will be some kind of nonsense!</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Settings for custom post types</span></h3> <p>– <span>SEO for Custom Post Types</span>, enable this option so that for all types of posts, on the post or page creation page, a special meta box with settings is displayed.</p> <p>– <span>SEO for these post types only,</span> Here I recommend selecting Posts and Pages. You don’t have to include Media files.</p> <p>– <span>Enable advanced options,</span> You don’t have to turn it on, the basic options are more than enough, the additional ones are unnecessary.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Display Settings</span></h3> <p>It’s the same here, enable it for Posts and Pages, you don’t have to enable Media files. <span>Show menu in admin panel</span>– leave a tick. <span>Show menu in top bar</span>– if you uncheck the box, the SEO tab in the top panel will disappear, you don’t have to turn it on, everything is the same there.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Webmaster verification</span></h3> <p>This function is for those who have not added their site to Google and Bing search. You can enter a special code in the field - Google Webmaster Tools to confirm your rights to the site. If , you will need to confirm your rights to the site, to do this, select – <span>Alternative methods</span>, mark the value – HTML tag, then copy the code that is indicated in the meta tag, in quotes.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Paste the copied code into the field - <span>Google Webmaster Tools</span> and update your settings. Then on the Google Webmaster page, click on the button - Confirm.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The same thing needs to be done with the Bing browser. If you do not have a profile on the Pinterest social network, then leave the field blank, and if you do, follow the instructions by clicking on the question mark.</p> <h3><span>Google Settings</span></h3> <p>Here you can verify your authorship in Google search, although this is not at all necessary. If you have a profile on the Google+ social network, then go to your profile page, copy the URL of your profile at the top of the page and add it to the field - Google+ Profile.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="692" width="686" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>– Set Preferred Site Name, the plugin will select the most preferred name of your site for the Google search engine.</p> <p>– Google Analytics ID, here you can enter your Google Analytics ID in the ID field.</p> <h3><span>Indexing Settings</span></h3> <p>Here you can block some elements of your site from indexing, that is, so that they do not appear in searches. For example, if you want your categories to be indexed by search engines, then uncheck the box for categories. Leave the remaining parameters unchanged.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="733" width="688" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Advanced settings</span></h3> <p>For those who don't want to delve into it, just leave everything here unchanged, as it is, by default. For those curious:</p> <p>– <span>Avoid using excerpts in descriptions</span>, if you check this box, the meta descriptions will not be taken from the post excerpt.</p> <p>– <span>Auto-generated descriptions,</span> If the checkbox is checked, the meta description will be taken from the post text.</p> <p>– <span>Use shortcodes in auto-generated descriptions,</span> descriptions in the form of shortcodes, do not check the box.</p> <p>– <span>Remove descriptions from paginated pages</span>, check the box to remove the description for pages with pagination, that is, numbered pages. You can delete it, you can not delete it, it will not play any role in promoting your site.</p> <p>– <span>Never shorten long descriptions</span>, check the box so that long descriptions are not shortened. You don’t have to check this box, since in any case, only a certain number of characters from the meta description are displayed in the search results. Same pointless setup.</p> <p>– <span>Unprotected META fields</span>, just don't check the box here.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>–<span>Exclude pages</span> You can exclude pages from the All in One Seo Pack.</p> <p>– <span>Add. post titles,</span> Is it possible to add something simultaneously to all post titles, for example some word, but it’s not clear why to do this? Leave the field blank!</p> <p>– <span>Add. page headers,</span> same thing, leave blank.</p> <p>– <span>Add. home page headers (static)</p> <p>– <span>Add. home page titles (blog)</span>, same thing, leave empty.</p> <p>After all the changes made, click on the button – <span>Update settings</span>.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Performance</span></h3> <p>On the page - <span>Performance</span>, You can - <span>Increase memory limit</span> And <span>Increase execution time</span>. But, if your hosting has a memory limit of 256 MB, then you won’t be able to do more here. The same goes for runtime. That is, you won’t be able to increase the limits unless you upgrade to a higher hosting tariff plan.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>By the way, you can see your hosting limits on this page, in the information - About the system. Including PHP memory limit and <span>Maximum script execution time</span>.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>XML Site Map Module</span></h3> <p>On the page – Manage Modules, you can activate the XML Sitemap module. What it is? The xml map will display posts and pages of your site in order to promptly notify search engines about all changes on your site. I recommend enabling an xml map for your site; to do this, click on the button – Activate.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After you activate the XML Map, on the left in the admin panel menu, under the All in One SEO tab, you will have a new tab - XML ​​Site Map, go to this tab to configure the xml map.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Let's look at the XML Sitemap settings.</p> <p>XML Sitemap</p> <p>– File prefix, leave unchanged.</p> <p>– Notify Google, check the box.</p> <p>– Notify Bing, check the box.</p> <p>– Schedule Updates, here you can set a schedule, that is, for example, if you select – Daily, then you will indicate to the search engines that the map needs to be viewed every day, but this does not mean that the robots will follow your instructions, they have their own algorithms, plugins for them not a decree There is no point in setting a schedule. Leave the value – No schedule.</p> <p>– <span>Enable sitemap indexing,</span> enable this option if your site has more than 50,000 records.</p> <p>– Post types, post types that will be displayed in the map, I recommend choosing – Posts and Pages.</p> <p>– Taxonomies, if you use Headings on your site, then you can include them in the map. It's the same with the others.</p> <p>– <span>Enable archives for the day,</span> don't tick the box!</p> <p>– <span>Create a condensed version of the site map,</span> Check the box, this will help reduce the load.</p> <p>– <span>Dynamic site map,</span> Check the box so that the map is constantly updated.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="723" width="692" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Additional pages</p> <p>Here you can add additional pages to the map that are not on your site. If you don’t have such pages, then leave everything unchanged.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Excluded objects</p> <p>You can exclude some Headings or Pages from the map.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Priorities</p> <p>Don't change anything here as it will not affect the priority of your pages. As I wrote above, search engines have their own algorithms, they simply index the content and that’s it. They don’t care about the plugin settings; you can give instructions in the robots.txt file. In my opinion these are meaningless settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Update frequency</p> <p>The same thing, there is no point in specifying any frequency, do not change anything here. You have dynamic map enabled and that's enough. They forgot to write in the plugin instructions that search robots do not accept such settings. Finally, update your sitemap.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Social Meta Module</span></h3> <p>On the module management page, you can activate the module – Social meta. This module is designed to configure your site's metadata for popular social networks. I’ll say right away that it is not at all necessary to activate this module, that is, if you are satisfied with how announcements of your posts are displayed on social networks, then you don’t have to activate this module, you won’t get anything supernatural. But for those who are curious, I will of course analyze the settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After activating the module, go to the tab - Social Meta to configure the plugin.</p> <p>Basic settings.</p> <p>– Run Shortcodes In Title, display shortcodes in the title, if you do not use shortcodes for titles, which is rarely used, then do not check the box.</p> <p>– <span>Run Shortcodes In Description,</span> the same thing, only in the descriptions.</p> <p>– <span>Auto-generation of OG descriptions,</span> Check the box to have descriptions auto-generated from the content.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Home page settings</p> <p>Here you can configure the display of the main page on social networks.</p> <p>– <span>Use AIOSEO title and description,</span> If you check the box, the title and description will be taken from the main plugin settings.</p> <p>– Site name, enter the name of your site.</p> <p>– <span>Heading house. pages,</span> header for the main page, which will be displayed on social networks.</p> <p>– <span>Description of the house. pages,</span> description for the main page, which will be displayed on social networks.</p> <p>– <span>Image of a house. pages,</span> You can choose a default home page image.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Image Settings</p> <p>– <span>Select source OG:Image</span>, don't change anything here to use the default post thumbnail. On the post creation page, you will be able to select an image for the post in Social Settings.</p> <p>– <span>Use default image</span>, if no other is found, check this box so that if the post does not have an image specified, the default image will be used.</p> <p>– <span>OG:Image by default,</span> You can select an image to use as the default if the entry does not have an image.</p> <p>– Default Image Width, you can specify the default image width.</p> <p>– Default Image Height, default image height.</p> <p>– <span>Use custom fields for the image,</span> leave the field blank. Here you can add additional fields for images, but this is not required.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Social Profile Links</p> <p>– Social Profile Links, you can specify here links to your profiles on social networks, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc.</p> <p>– Person or Organization?, select what your site represents, a person or an organization.</p> <p>– Associated Name, enter here your name, which is indicated on social networks.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Facebook Settings</p> <p>– <span>Admin Profile ID</span>, enter your facebook admin profile ID in the field, which will allow you to add additional facebook tags to the site. To find out your profile ID, use the tool:</p> <blockquote><p></p> </blockquote> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>– Facebook Data Type, select your site type.</p> <p>– <span>Automatically generate tags for articles</span>, if tags for articles are not specified, they will be taken automatically from the articles. If you don't use tags, don't check the box.</p> <p>– <span>Enable Facebook meta for,</span> enable for Posts and Articles.</p> <p>– <span>Show publisher's Facebook in articles,</span> indicate here the link to your facebook page, then the link will be displayed in posts on the site.</p> <p>– <span>Records Data type (post),</span> if you have a blog, then leave an Article.</p> <p>– <span>Pages Data type (page),</span> if you have a blog, leave an Article.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="737" width="684" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Twitter Settings</p> <p>– <span>Twitter Card by default,</span> Choose how you want to display your Twitter posts.</p> <p>– Site Twitter, enter here the twitter username your site is linked to.</p> <p>– <span>Show author's Twitter</span>, if you check the box, then on your profile page, in the WordPress admin panel, a field will appear where you will need to indicate your twitter username to confirm the authorship of the articles that you publish on twitter. Example – @zhuravljov35.</p> <p>– Twitter domain, enter the domain of your website here, without http.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>At the end <span>Update your settings</span>. Here you can also check the site for duplicate social meta tags. If you use other plugins to create meta tags for social networks, then a conflict may arise between the plugins. Then you only need to use one plugin.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Robots.txt module and File Editor</span></h3> <p>On the module management page you can activate the Robots.txt module and <span>File Editor module</span>. The Robots.txt module is designed to tell search engines what can and cannot be indexed on your site. For example, in the robots.txt file you can close unnecessary sections, such as wp-admin, from indexing. In the File Editor module you can edit the robots.txt file, as well as the htaccess file.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After activating the modules, go to the Robots.txt page, here you can create a robots.txt file using the constructor:</p> <p>– Rule type, Allow – allow, Block – deny.</p> <p>– User Agent, specify the search engine for which the file content will be intended.</p> <p>– Path to the directory, the name of the section that you want to close from indexing.</p> <blockquote><p>User-agent: * <br>Disallow: /wp-admin/</p> </blockquote> <p>The example states: do not index the wp-admin section, that is, the WordPress admin panel, for all search engines.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can also Optimize the robots.txt file here; the plugin will analyze your file for errors.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>On the File Editor page, you can edit the robots.txt file and the htaccess file. If you do not have a robots.txt file, then you can add it to this field and click on the button – Update. You can also edit the htaccess file here.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Import and Export module</span></h3> <p>The import and export module will allow you to import or export All in One SEO Pack plugin settings from one site to another. If you do not need this function, do not activate the module.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="322" width="272" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To transfer the settings of the All in One SEO Pack plugin from one site to another, first you need to export the settings, check all the boxes to transfer all the settings and click on the Export button, a file with the plugin settings will be saved on your site. Then go to the site to which you want to transfer the settings, install the plugin, activate this module, click on the button - Select file, upload the file that you exported from the site from where you want to transfer the settings.</p> <p>– General Settings, basic settings.</p> <p>– Post Data, settings that are specified for each record.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Bad Bot Blocker module</span></h3> <p>On the module management page, you can activate the Bad Bot Blocker module. This module is designed to protect your site from bad bots and spam.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="316" width="259" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>– Block Bad Bots, check the box to block bad bots that are trying to hack your site.</p> <p>– Block Referral Spam, check the box to block spam.</p> <p>– Track Blocked Bots, check the box to display logs with blocked bots, that is, information about bots.</p> <p>– Add rules to .htaccess , if you check this box, bots will be blocked in the htaccess file.</p> <p>– Edit Blocklists, check the box so you can edit the list with bad Bots and Sites where requests come from. That is, you can add or remove bad bot names and website addresses.</p> <p>At the end <span>Update your settings</span>.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Meta description settings</span></h3> <p>On each post or page creation page, you will have a special widget for setting up meta descriptions and other settings.</p> <p>– Title, you can add or change the title that is displayed in the search results.</p> <p>– Description, you can edit the description for search results.</p> <p>– <span>Custom canonical URL,</span> You can set the main recording address. Leave blank if you have no problems with duplication.</p> <p>– <span>Add NOINDEX argument,</span> If you check this box, search engines will not index the entry.</p> <p>– <span>Add NOFOLLOW argument,</span> If you check this box, search robots will not follow the links in the posts.</p> <p>– <span>Add NOODP argument,</span> checkbox to ask search engines not to use descriptions from the Open Directory Project for your site.</p> <p>– <span>Add argument NOYDIR,</span> check to ask Yahoo Browser not to use Yahoo directory descriptions for your site.</p> <p>– <span>Exclude from sitemap,</span> If you check this box, the entry will not be added to the XML Site Map.</p> <p>– <span>Disable for this page/post,</span> disabling SEO for a given post or page.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Social settings, here you can configure meta data for social networks, that is, choose which title, description and image will be displayed on the social network if your post is shared on social networks.</p> <p>– Title, specify the title that will be displayed on social networks for this post.</p> <p>– Description, enter a description that will be displayed on social networks for this post.</p> <p>– Image, you can select an image that will be displayed on social networks for this post.</p> <p>– <span>Custom image,</span> You can set a default image.</p> <p>– <span>Specify the width of the image,</span> mono specify the width for the image.</p> <p>– <span>Specify the height of the image,</span> You can specify the height for the image.</p> <p>– <span>User video,</span> you can specify a link to the video that is displayed in the post for display on social networks.</p> <p>– Facebook data type, you can select the post type.</p> <p>– Facebook Debug, if you click on the button – Debug this Post, you can see how your post is displayed on the Facebook social network.</p> <p>– Twitter Card type, you can choose the type of display of your Twitter post, with or without an image.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!</p> </p><p>Setting up the All In One SEO Pack WordPress plugin new instructions</span> updated: April 23, 2018 by: <span>Ilya Zhuravlev</p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div style="font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both"></div> <div class='yarpp-related'> <div class="block_post"> <span class="h1 color_green 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