Is there life on Venus? Terraforming Venus. Modern conditions on Venus. Is there life on Venus Is it possible to live on Venus

It’s not for nothing that Venus received the nickname “Earth’s evil twin”: hot, dehydrated, covered in toxic clouds. But just one or two billion years ago, the two sisters may have been more similar. New computer simulations suggest that early Venus closely resembled our home planet and may even have been habitable.

“One of the biggest mysteries of Venus is how it happened that it is so different from Earth. The question gets even more interesting when, from an astrobiological perspective, you consider the possibility that Venus and Earth were very similar during the early days of life on Earth,” says David Grinspoon of the US Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.

Grinspoon and his colleagues were not the first to suggest that Venus was once habitable. It is similar to Earth in size and density, and there is no escaping the fact that the two planets formed close to each other, suggesting they are made from similar materials. Venus also has an unusually high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen atoms, a sign that it once had significant amounts of water that mysteriously disappeared over time.

Artistic depiction of the climate of modern Venus. Credit: Deviantart/Tr1umph

To simulate early Venus, the researchers turned to an environmental model used to study climate change on Earth. They created four scenarios that differed slightly in details, such as the amount of energy received from the Sun or the length of the Venusian day. Where information about Venus's climate was sparse, the team filled in the gaps with educated guesses. They also added a shallow ocean (10% of Earth's ocean volume), covering about 60 percent of the planet's surface.

By looking at the development of each version over time, the researchers suggested that the planet may have looked like early Earth, and been habitable for a significant period. The most promising of the four scenarios was a model with moderate temperatures, thick clouds and light snowfall.

Could life have appeared on early Venus? If this did not happen, the culprit is the subsequent boiling of the oceans and volcanoes, which dramatically changed the landscape about 715 million years ago. But still, the team did not exclude the possibility of life developing in ancient times on the second planet in the solar system.

“Both planets likely enjoyed warm oceans of water combined with rocky shores and organic molecules undergoing chemical evolution in these oceans. As far as we understand, these are the requirements for theories of the origin of life today,” says David Grinspoon.

To strengthen these findings, future missions to Venus should focus on signs of water-related erosion, which would provide evidence of past oceans. Such signs have already been discovered on Mars. NASA is currently considering two potential projects to explore Venus, although neither has been approved yet.

In the search for extraterrestrial life, scientists have considered many different options. For example, Mars has geological features that suggest it once had liquid water, one of the basic conditions for life. Scientists are also studying Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, and Jupiter's moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto as possible harbors for life in icy oceans.

Now, scientists have returned to an old idea that promises a new perspective in the search for life beyond Earth: life on Venus, or more precisely in the clouds of Venus.

In a paper published March 30 in the journal Astrobiology, an international team of researchers led by planetary scientist Sanjay Limaye of the University of Wisconsin examines Venus' atmosphere as a possible habitat for extraterrestrial microbial life.

"Venus has had plenty of time to evolve life on its own," Limay explains, noting that some models suggest Venus once had suitable climate conditions and liquid water on its surface for 2 billion years. "It's much longer than on Mars."

On Earth, terrestrial microorganisms, mostly bacteria, can enter the atmosphere, where they have been found alive at altitudes of up to 41 kilometers by scientists using specially equipped balloons from NASA's Ames Research Center, according to study co-author David Smith.

There is also a growing catalog of microbes that are known to live in incredibly harsh environments on our planet, including the hot springs of Yellowstone, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and the toxic sludge of polluted areas and lakes around the world.

“On Earth, we know that life can thrive in very complex environments, can feed on carbon dioxide and produce sulfuric acid,” says Rakesh Mogul, a professor of biological chemistry at California State Polytechnic University. He notes that the cloudy, very dense and acidic atmosphere of Venus consists mainly of carbon dioxide and water droplets containing sulfuric acid.

The idea of ​​possible life in the clouds of Venus was first raised in 1967 by biophysicist Harold Morowitz and famous astronomer Carl Sagan. Decades later, planetary scientists David Grinspoon, Mark Bullock and their colleagues expanded on this idea.

Supporting the view that the atmosphere of Venus may be a suitable niche for life, a series of space probes on the planet launched between 1962 and 1978 showed that temperature and pressure conditions in the lower and middle parts of the Venusian atmosphere between 40 and 60 kilometers - would not interfere with microbial life. It is known that the surface conditions on the planet are very inhospitable - temperatures reach 460 degrees Celsius and pressure 90 atmospheres.

Sanjay Limaye, who conducts his research as a NASA scientist on the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency's Akatsuki mission to Venus, wanted to revisit the idea of ​​studying the planet's atmosphere after a chance meeting at a seminar with paper co-author Grzegorz Slowik of Poland's University of Zielona Gora. Slovik told him about bacteria on Earth with light-absorbing properties similar to those unidentified particles that make up the unexplained dark spots seen in the clouds of Venus. Spectroscopic observations, especially in ultraviolet light, indicate that the dark spots are composed of concentrated sulfuric acid and other unknown light-absorbing particles.

These dark spots have been a mystery since they were first discovered by ground-based telescopes nearly a century ago, Limaye says. They were studied in more detail during the flights of automatic probes to the planet.

“Venus shows some occasional dark, sulfur-rich spots, with contrasts of up to 30-40 percent in ultraviolet and muted in longer wavelengths of light. These spots persist for several days, constantly changing their shape and size,” says Limaye.

The particles that make up the dark spots are almost the same size as some bacteria on Earth, although the instruments that have studied Venus' atmosphere to date cannot distinguish between organic and inorganic materials.

The spots could be something similar to the algae blooms that typically occur in Earth's lakes and oceans - only they would develop in Venus' atmosphere.

Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform (VAMP).
Image: Northrop Grumman

In the hunt for extraterrestrial life, planetary atmospheres other than Earth remain largely unexplored.

One opportunity for studying Venus's clouds, Limaye says, is on the drawing board: VAMP, or Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform, a craft that flies like an airplane but floats like an airship and can stay aloft in the planet's cloud layer for up to a year to collect data and samples.

Such a platform could include meteorological, chemical sensors and spectrometers, Limay says. She can also carry a special type of microscope that can identify living microorganisms.

“To really know, we need to study the clouds in situ,” the scientists say. "Venus could be an exciting new chapter in the exploration of extraterrestrial life."

Scientists remain hopeful that such a chapter can be opened, as there are currently discussions about NASA's possible participation in the Russian Roscosmos Venera-D mission, which is scheduled for the late 2020s. Current plans for Venera-D could include an orbiter, landing pad and ground station built by NASA, as well as a maneuverable aerial platform.

More information: Sanjay S. Limaye et al. Venus’ Spectral Signatures and the Potential for Life in the Clouds, Astrobiology (2018). DOI: 10.1089/ast.2017.1783

Tatiana Zimina. According to information from ESA and IKI RAS.

An image of Venus in the ultraviolet range (wavelength 0.365 microns), taken from a distance of 30,000 km using a camera mounted on the European spacecraft Venus Express. The photo shows dark and light areas associated with unknown

Billions of years ago, Venus likely had significantly more water than it does now. The European Venus Express spacecraft, which has been operating in Venusian orbit since April 2006, has confirmed that the planet has lost large amounts of water in the past.

Venus and Earth are considered similar planets in appearance - they have approximately the same size, gravity values ​​and are very similar in basic chemical composition. This suggests that in the past, Venus, like Earth, had oceans, which means there could have been life. Today, the planet is heated to 460 o C, and water is present only in its atmosphere and in such small quantities that, if it condenses onto the planetary surface, it forms a layer only 3 cm thick.

Why did Venus lose its water? According to astrophysicists, once upon a time, approximately from 500 million to 4 billion years from the birth of the planet, under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the Sun, water molecules disintegrated into atoms - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and were carried away, probably by the solar wind, into the interplanetary space. space. After all, Venus, in contrast to Earth, does not have a magnetic field that could protect it from the solar wind - a stream of charged particles that freely bombard the upper layers of the atmosphere of the “blue” planet, carrying away ions from it.

Experiments carried out using the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), installed on board the European spacecraft, showed that on the night side of Venus there are indeed huge losses of hydrogen and oxygen, and in the ratio characteristic of water molecules. The rate of “exit” of these atoms was measured. At the same time, as experiments have shown, the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere contain an increased amount of deuterium, which, being a heavier atom compared to hydrogen, escapes from the planet’s embrace with less ease.

According to Colin Wilson from the University of Oxford (UK), experimental data indicate that Venus had a lot of water in the past. However, this still does not mean that there were oceans on its surface.

Eric Chassefier from the University of Paris-Sud (France) developed a mathematical model according to which water on Venus was mainly present in its atmosphere and existed only in the very early stages of the planet's development, when it was in a molten state. As the broken water molecules escaped into space, the temperature dropped, likely causing the planet's surface to harden. That is, according to this model, there have never been any oceans on Venus. True, even if Chassefière’s model turns out to be correct, this does not exclude the possibility that water could have been delivered to the planet by comets after its surface became solid. This water could become a habitat for living organisms.

The goal of the European mission "Venus Express" is to study the evolution of the atmosphere of Venus and the volatile substances it contains: how they arose and how they interacted with the surface, as well as how the atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. In addition, it was assumed that the experiments would reveal volcanic and seismic activity on the planet.

The equipment of the European spacecraft includes several scientific instruments created with the participation of Russian scientists from the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the NPO named after. Lavochkina. It is a high-resolution spectrometer and a general-purpose spectrometer (SPICAV-SOIR) designed to study the vertical structure of the atmosphere, temperature profiles, clouds and small atmospheric components. As well as a planetary Fourier spectrometer, designed for optical analysis of the atmosphere and the study of its thermal structure (the device turned out to be inoperative).

Let us note that Venus is the main object of research for Russian planetary scientists; a total of 16 spacecraft of the Venus series and two Vega spacecraft with landing modules and balloon stations were launched to it. Thanks to measurements taken on board Soviet space stations in the 1970s and 1980s, a basic model of the atmosphere of Venus was built.

Currently, the Russian project “Venera-D” (the letter “d” means “long-lived”) is being developed to further study the chemical composition of the atmosphere, surface and clarify the same question: where did water disappear from the planet?

The main difference between the landing apparatus of the new Russian space complex is the relatively long (several days) operation of its scientific equipment under conditions of high temperatures and pressure. (The landing vehicles of previous Venusian stations worked on the planet for no more than one and a half hours.) The mission will include an orbital block, a descent module and a flotilla of balloons that will fly at altitudes from 35 to 60 km and from which the surface will be imaged. The launch of the spacecraft is planned for the end of 2016.

Guest article

The conquest of other planets is a universal dream of humanity, which will definitely come true someday. The first mission to Mars is not so far away, technological progress is developing at a tremendous pace - everything suggests that in the future we will be able to call more than just planet Earth home. Perhaps Venus will also be included in the list of places where we will be able to live in hundreds or thousands of years. Let's find out if life is possible on Venus.

This question should be divided into two:

  1. Is life on Venus possible for humans?
  2. Is there, in principle, something living there - life as the very fact of the existence of living organisms.

Opportunities for a person

Authoritative research by scientists suggests that this planet is not suitable for us. Several factors prevent the repetition of the earthly form of existence on Venus: high temperatures (sufficient to melt lead), greenhouse effects, and high volcanic activity. For us there are no conditions either for actual survival or for maintaining a full-fledged habitual way of life. The territory of the planet consists of numerous volcanoes, drops and even rivers of lava, which in itself already looks frightening. The air temperature reaches about 465 degrees Celsius. If you fantasize and assume that a person could survive at such a temperature, we can note three more interesting facts:

  • Enormous pressure. While on Venus, a person would experience the same pressure as diving more than 910 meters underwater. This again brings us back to the fact that such conditions are not suitable for survival.
  • Difficulty in movement. The atmosphere on the planet is thick, which would cause movement to be slow and heavy - as if you were moving in water.
  • Lack of water. Water is one of the most necessary substances for life on Earth. Let us remember that the human body is on average 70% water, and you can die from dehydration even within a few days, maximum within two weeks.

All of the listed features of life on Venus tell us that a person cannot live on it without additional preparation. To conquer this planet, we need special technologies that will create conditions close to life on Earth, as well as eliminate a lot of negative factors. At the moment, humanity does not have such resources, and therefore the prospect of conquering Venus can only be considered as a fantastic idea. However, this does not mean that suitable technologies will not appear in the future.

Is there any life on Venus?

Everything concerning life on Venus today is published and considered only within the framework of hypotheses. There is not a single proven fact of the existence of life or a really refuted theory. Scientists suggest that a microbial form of life may exist in the clouds of Venus - and it will be different from everything known to us, since it is forced to exist in radically different conditions.

There are suggestions that life on Venus may be concentrated under the surface of the crust. And in 2012, Professor Xanfomality, studying photographs from the Soviet period using new high-tech methods, suggested that there is also life on the surface of the planet. This hypothesis caused a lot of discussion in the scientific community - it had both supporters and opponents.

One thing is clear: we do not yet have the opportunity to reliably confirm or refute the assumption that there is life on Venus. As for the settlement of this planet by humans, this is possible in a very distant future, which is still beyond the bounds of common sense and our reality.

Earth and Venus are two very similar planets, they have approximately equal size and mass, moreover, these planets are approximately the same age - about 4.5 billion years. Atmosphere. And, given that Venus is forty million kilometers closer to the sun, the sun does not heat there much more than on earth.

It would seem that all conditions exist for the emergence and development of life on Venus. Moreover, according to one version, entire oceans existed there several million years ago, but for some reason this did not happen. At the moment, due to the strong greenhouse effect, hellish heat reigns on its surface - approximately 500 degrees Celsius. It's even hotter than Mercury, even though it's much closer to the sun! There is a hypothesis that a highly developed civilization existed on Venus. But at some point, the same global catastrophe happened there as, according to some researchers, is now beginning here. It is likely that the greenhouse effect will destroy all life on our planet.

She turns in the other direction. On its axis, Venus rotates in a different direction than the other planets in the solar system. For a Venusian it would be natural that the sun would rise in the West and set in the East. Astrophysicists joked that Venus, as the only planet with a female name, wanted to stand out among the “Men” in such a unique way. The joke existed until it became clear that uranium was also spinning in the “wrong” direction. But for what reason the planets behave this way, scientists cannot really explain. The two main theories are a collision with a giant meteorite or some unknown processes in the cores of the planets.

A day a day is longer than a year. one mystery is the extremely slow rotation of the planet around its axis and quite fast rotation around the sun. As it turned out, the length of a Venusian day is 244 Earth days. But the Venusian year is approximately 224.7 Earth days. It turns out that a day on Venus lasts more than a year! There is a hypothesis that previously the day on Venus was much shorter. However, for unknown reasons, the rotation of the planet slowed down. Perhaps this mystery is connected with the next riddle.

Venus Venus is hollow. The images obtained from the satellite show this: above the south pole of the planet in the cloud cover there is a huge black funnel - as if atmospheric vortices are spinning and going deep into Venus through some kind of hole, in other words, Venus is hollow. Naturally, no one seriously mentioned the mysterious entrance to the dungeons of Venus. But the mysterious swirling hurricanes over the planet’s pole are still unclear. is there life on Venus? We are firmly convinced that on the surface, where the temperature is approximately 500 degrees hot and the pressure is 90 times higher than on Earth, there are no living creatures. Only if, of course, we do not allow the existence of some silicone fire salamanders feeding on the hot lava of volcanoes. However, from an earthly point of view, life can very likely exist in the planet’s atmosphere, at an altitude of about fifty kilometers. The temperature here is about 70 degrees Celsius, the pressure is almost like on earth, and there is even water vapor. In addition, the study of Venus has shown that below 50 - 70 kilometers above the surface, ultraviolet radiation from the sun is almost imperceptible - as if the planet was surrounded by some kind of film that absorbs this part of the spectrum.

Why don't people fly like birds? Katerina's monologue from the play "The Thunderstorm" ("Why don't people fly!..")

(Act one, Appearance seventh) Katerina. Why don't people fly! Varvara. I do not understand what you say. Katerina. I say: why don’t people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. Something to try now? (He wants to run.) Varvara. What are you making up? Katerina (sighing). How playful I was! I've completely withered away from you. Varvara. Do you think I don't see? Katerina. Was that what I was like? I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mama doted on me, dressed me up like a doll, and didn’t force me to work; I used to do whatever I want. Do you know how I lived with girls? I'll tell you now. I used to get up early; If it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring some water with me, and that’s it, I’ll water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers. Then we’ll go to church with Mama, everyone and pilgrims - our house was full of pilgrims and praying mantises. And we’ll come home from church, sit down to do some work, more like gold velvet, and the wandering women will begin to tell us where they’ve been, what they’ve seen, different lives, or sing poetry. So time will pass until lunch. Here the old women go to sleep, and I walk around the garden. Then to Vespers, and in the evening again stories and singing. It was so good! Varvara. Yes, it’s the same with us. Katerina. Yes, everything here seems to be out of captivity. And to death I loved going to church! Exactly, it happened that I would enter heaven, and I didn’t see anyone, and I didn’t remember the time, and I didn’t hear when the service was over. Just like it all happened in one second. Mama said that everyone used to look at me, what was happening to me! You know, on a sunny day, such a light column goes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this column, like clouds, and I see, it used to be as if angels were flying and singing in this column. And sometimes, girl, I would get up at night - we also had lamps burning everywhere - and somewhere in a corner I would pray until the morning. Or I’ll go into the garden early in the morning, the sun is just rising, I’ll fall on my knees, pray and cry, and I myself don’t know what I’m praying for and what I’m crying about; that's how they'll find me. And what I prayed for then, what I asked for, I don’t know; I didn’t need anything, I had enough of everything. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Either the temples are golden, or the gardens are some kind of extraordinary, and invisible voices are singing, and there is a smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as if depicted in images. And it’s like I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air. And now I sometimes dream, but rarely, and not even that.

Each person decides the question of faith for himself personally, since it depends solely on him whether to believe in the existence of God or deny it, based on certain reflections. And if it is quite difficult to understand the motives of believers, then the position of atheists is much easier to comprehend.

Reason vs Faith

Essentially, people who deny the existence of God can be divided into two groups. The first includes individuals with critical thinking who require irrefutable evidence of the presence of a higher spiritual principle. As a rule, such people have a fairly developed intellect, which makes them skeptical of religious rhetoric.
Since in modern conditions it is not possible to scientifically prove that God exists, skeptics make the logically correct conclusion that there is no higher being governing human life. Those manifestations of “divine power” that the official church calls “miracles” are perceived by atheists either as a coincidence of circumstances, or as unexplored natural phenomena, or as fraud and manipulation of facts.
It is a fairly common opinion that faith is a conscious refusal of knowledge and attempts to prove or disprove a certain statement using the scientific method. Scientists from two American universities claim that atheists have always had slightly higher IQ scores than believers. This is due to the fact that the more a person is inclined to comprehend reality, the less opportunity he has for faith.

Faith vs Religion

Representatives of the second group of non-believers, in principle, recognize the existence of supernatural power, but tend to disagree with the basic tenets of religions. It must be taken into account that most religious institutions were created to form a moral paradigm of society, that is, to introduce into the public consciousness norms and rules based on morality, and not on state laws. Naturally, at all times there were people who preferred to move along the path of spiritual improvement on their own, without instructions from the church.
In addition, most religions impose a number of restrictions on their followers, which are not always easy to comply with. As a result, a person who generally agrees with the position of a particular religion refuses to profess it, because he is dissatisfied with the existing prohibitions. Finally, there are those who consider official religions to be socio-economic institutions rather than a means to achieve spiritual perfection. To some extent this statement is true, since the important role of religion is not only to help the individual find God, but also to create a morally healthy society. However, the “secular” activities of religious leaders can disappoint their followers.

Even with the help of nicotine replacement therapy and other smoking cessation treatments, some smokers are unable to quit the habit. Smoking remains a serious health problem that increases the risk of poor health, including diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Only 4-7% of smokers were able to successfully quit smoking. Researchers wanted to see a neurological explanation for why some smokers successfully quit while others do not. To achieve their goals, the scientists used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to analyze the brain activity of 85 smokers before they tried to quit.

After 10 weeks, the researchers found that 44 smokers had successfully quit and 41 had relapsed. By studying brain scans, the researchers found that participants who successfully quit smoking had greater coordinated activity, or synchrony, between the insula (part of the cerebral cortex) and the somatosensory cortex than smokers who were unable to quit.

“In simple terms, the insula sends messages to other parts of the brain, which then decide whether or not to quit the cigarette,” explains Professor Meredith Addicott.

When studying the role of the insula, scientists found that this area of ​​the brain is active when smokers have the desire to smoke.

Senior study author Joseph McClernon added: “The insula is a key structure in relation to smoking, and we must develop smoking cessation interventions that specifically modulate insular function. But how can we modulate it? Our data provide some evidence that connections between the insula and the somatosensory cortex may be a good strategy."

The scientists note that further research is needed to determine exactly how connections between the insula and the somatosensory cortex increase the likelihood of quitting smoking.

On June 20, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the Moon for the first time in human history; this event was broadcast live to the whole world. More than forty years have passed since then, but man not only did not colonize the Moon, but, on the contrary, seemed to have lost all interest in it. So what happened that made people forget about the Moon for decades?

American astronauts have flown to the Moon seven times. Six times they landed on the surface of the Moon; once, due to a serious accident (Apollo 13), the flight was terminated and the landing did not take place. After this, no new attempts were made to land on the Moon.
There are two main versions of the loss of human interest in the Moon: the official one and the one created by independent researchers of this issue. According to the official version, the program of flights to the Moon was very expensive, so it was curtailed, since the main goal - to get ahead of the Soviet Union in the lunar race - had been achieved. In the USSR, after the defeat in the lunar race, the main emphasis was placed on the study of the Moon and other cosmic bodies using automatic stations.
According to the unofficial point of view, man left the Moon because he was “politely asked to do so.” There is some evidence that American astronauts, having landed on the Moon, found that it was already occupied. Astronauts have repeatedly seen unidentified objects, this happened both in the orbit of the Moon and on its surface. Subsequently, according to the unofficial version, people were unobtrusively made to understand that their presence on the Moon was undesirable. It was after this, realizing that at the level of science and technology achieved by earthlings by that time, there was no way to compete with the alien guests who occupied the Moon, the American government hastily curtailed the research program and did not return to this topic for several decades.
This version seems to look very fantastic. However, over many decades of observations of the Moon using telescopes, a number of phenomena have been recorded that cannot be scientifically explained. Exist video recordings in which objects moving above the surface of the Moon are clearly visible. Some of them appear from one crater, move above the surface and disappear into another. No matter how fantastic the version of the presence of another, non-human, form of life on the Moon may seem, it has fully documented evidence.
With the beginning of the new century, the return of man to the Moon is being discussed more and more actively. What is this connected with? With the fact that the exploration of the Moon has become economically profitable? Or the fact that people were allowed to set foot on it again? There is no clear answer to this question. If there are any agreements with the alien guests who occupied the Moon, they are kept in the strictest confidence and are unlikely to be declassified in the near future. In the meantime, we can testify that three countries have declared their intention to visit the Moon in the next ten to fifteen years: Russia, the USA and China. A new lunar race has begun.

It happens that throughout almost your entire life you feel hostility from others, and sooner or later you begin to wonder why this is happening. Most likely, the problem here is in you, which means there is something that pushes people away from you. Let's try to understand this issue and find out what kind of people people love.

Why don't people like me?

So, if they don’t want to communicate with you, if those around you in your society become uncomfortable and unpleasant, maybe you:

  1. Unable to control their behavior. Perhaps you are too emotional and straightforward. Without restraining your emotions, you can shout at a person, make fun of him, of course, next time the offended person will try to avoid your company. In society you should behave with restraint, no one needs your comments, be more tolerant and calm, then everything will work out.
  2. "Chronic crybaby." If you constantly complain about your unhappy life and difficult fate, then, of course, people will begin to get tired of you. Every person has their own problems, and listening to other people's is simply boring. On the contrary, try to be a cheerful and personable person, so that others think that everything is fine in your life.
  3. Too intrusive person. It is very difficult to communicate with such people, they tire, irritate, and it is difficult to “get rid of” them. “Sticky” people behave with any person as if they were their best friend, they try to tell as much as possible about their life and learn about someone else’s.
  4. An eternally dissatisfied person. Such a person is capable of ruining the mood under any circumstances. He is constantly dissatisfied with something, criticizes everyone, is completely unceremonious, it is very difficult to please such a person. People are drawn to those with whom they can have fun and calmly, and not to those who are always dissatisfied with what is happening.

“Why don’t people fly?
I say, why don’t people fly like birds? You know, I
sometimes it feels like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly.
That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. Anything to try now?

It is impossible to find a person who studied at school who would not know this quote from Ostrovsky’s famous work. The desire to fly is ineradicable in any person, starting from a very early age. And there are times when everyone wants to ask: “Why don’t people fly?” Most often children ask about this. Children's fantasy allows for everything in life; for it there are no barriers or insurmountable reasons. Childhood is such a wonderful time when everything is possible. And yet - why don’t people fly?

Well, if you think about it, why don’t they fly? They even fly very well. Think back to your earliest childhood. When you had bright, colorful dreams. Do you remember how often in a dream you spread your arms and flew down, from a cliff or the tallest tree. And they flew, flew, flew... This flight never ended, the dream always ended at the most interesting place. And my mother, having heard your story in the morning, smiled and said: “If you fly in a dream, it means you are growing.”

Now remember how often, while daydreaming, you heard from those around you: “Are you having your head in the clouds?” or “Where are your thoughts flying? This means that you can also fly in reality, in your own dreams. All you have to do is close your eyes and in one moment you can find yourself anywhere in the world.

Well, if you approach the issue from a scientific point of view, then why people don’t fly, you can understand by examining and comparing a person and any bird. Why can a bird fly? She has wings - one, she knows how to use them - two. In the process of evolution, this skill turned out to be completely unnecessary for man; there was no need for wings. It was much more important for a person to be able to use their hands, fingers, develop motor skills, so that later their hands would become the main tool in their current human life.

But the main thing is that you understand, right? If you really, really want, you can take off at any moment and fly for as long as you like: in your sleep or in your dreams.

You can either write your own.

Why don't people make eye contact when talking? Psychology. Why they don't look you in the eyes

Another reason why people don't make direct eye contact is because they lack self-confidence. A person shows emotional agitation if, during a conversation, he: moves something in his hands, fiddles with the tip of his nose, ears or hair. Also, he will avoid direct eye contact, because he does not know what kind of look is most appropriate for him to “send” to you.

Why does a person not look into the eyes - often a person does not want to look into the eyes of his interlocutor only because he is not interested in him. In addition to looking away, disinterest is manifested by additional signs: glancing at the clock, yawning, interrupting the conversation under any pretext, etc.

To avoid problems in communication, you can practice not looking away while talking. Then it will be easier for you to make new friends or build any relationships with people.

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