Tie from a banknote. Money talisman: shirt made from banknotes. How to make gifts from money

A shirt with an origami tie made of dollars can be either an original gift or one of the options.

In any case, you will surprise those around you with such a paper dollar craft.

The American dollar has dimensions of 155.956 mm x 66.294 mm, to begin with you can experiment and fold a piece of paper that has these dimensions or proportional dimensions.

By the way, you can use plain paper to make a shirt like a card for dad on February 23 or his birthday.

If you are already familiar with the origami technique, then making a shirt out of a dollar will not be difficult for you, but if not, you will have to work hard.

Step 1:

Fold the bill in half, then unfold it.

Step 2:

Fold the top two corners towards the center as if you were making a paper airplane. Then fold the resulting triangle.

Step 3:

Use a pencil and ruler to sketch out the tie onto the triangle. You can make the tie as wide or as narrow as you like, as long as the lines you draw meet at a point on the top edge of the paper.

Step 4:

Expand the triangle as in the photo on the left. Then make folds along each of the pencil lines you drew in step 3.

Step 5:

Fold the triangle back as in the photo on the left. Now fold the tie in half (top photo on the right). This will cause the top left edge of the paper to lift up (see middle photo on the right) to fold the top left edge again, making a new fold (see bottom photo on the right).

Step 6:

Open the tie again by folding along the crease shown below.

Step 7:

Repeat steps 5 and 6 on the other side. The origami should now look like this. You can already see the tie!

Step 8:

Fold the left and right sides along the center line.

Step 9:

On the left side, straighten the fold you made in step 8. Then repeat the fold along the other line.

Here's another photo:

Step 10:

Repeat step 9 on the right side. Then fold the bottom edge about 0.5 cm from the bottom, like this.

Step 11:

Turn the paper over. Now we will make the collar of the shirt. Fold the bottom two corners at an angle to match the center line.

Step 12:

Flip the paper over so the tie is on top again. Fold the bottom so that the collar almost reaches the tie (about 3mm apart)

Step 13:

Now we will make the sleeves of the shirt. Unfold the fold from step 12. Then repeat it, but this time pull the two flaps out. Look how they stick out to the side? These will be the sleeves of the shirt.

Step 14:

Turn the paper over. Fold in half so that the corners marked * meet each other.

Step 15:

Fold the collar so that it just hangs over the top of the tank.

We're done!

Attach the collar to the front of the shirt and it should look like this:

If something in the master class of a dollar shirt with a photo seemed incomprehensible to you, watch this moment or the entire process in the video:

The ancient art of folding various and very intricate paper figures, which came from Japan and never ceases to amaze with its grace, inimitable subtlety and airiness, is becoming more and more popular every year. And this is not surprising. After all, origami offers diagrams for adding the most interesting figures - both geometric and masterpieces from the animal and plant world. In principle, you can create anything from paper. For example, a small shirt folded from a banknote is considered a lucky talisman that brings good luck. You can keep it for yourself or give it to friends. So, how to make a shirt from a banknote? Very simple. All you need is material, patience and about half an hour of free time.

Where to begin?

Before you spoil your money, you should take a simple sheet of clean white paper and practice, strictly following all the instructions. The first time, of course, it’s unlikely that anything sensible will come out. However, a few attempts - and the talisman will be ready. A shirt made from a banknote will not only demonstrate the wild imagination of its creator, but will also entertain others.

Which banknote is better to take for a shirt?

Having decided to find out how to do it, you should immediately consider the money available. In principle, you can take anything, but the smoothest and most beautiful specimen will come from a dollar. The fact is that he has the most suitable proportions for this. Shirts made from any other banknotes will come out in a different shape.

Scheme for making a talisman: the beginning

So, take a dollar or, say, a ten bill or, on the left side, you need to fold less than a third of the bill. Now, without unbending anything, you should bend the paper in half along its long side, and then unfold the fold. Now the top and bottom long sides are folded towards this center line. The next step is to unfold the two folds you just folded. You need to turn the bill over and bend a thin strip no more than a centimeter wide on its right side. How to make a shirt from a banknote, having done everything already described? Turn it over and fold the long edges back toward the center line. On the right side of the banknote another thin strip is folded back.

Cuffs and completion

The entire left side of the bill is now unbent, and thin strips are bent along the edges, which will serve as cuffs for the shirt. Now the long edges bend inward again. On the right side, the corners are bent forward so that their lines intersect with the central horizontal one. This will create the collar of the future shirt. And on the left side, sleeves are made: the internal flaps need to be turned outward. To complete the work, the left edge is bent so that it can be threaded under the collar. That's it - the shirt from the banknote, the pattern of which is quite simple, is ready.

Shirt options

When figuring out how to make a shirt from a banknote, you should pay attention to the fact that you can fold not only a talisman, but also additions to it. These are, for example, trousers made from the same money, a skirt, paper flowers, little men. A unique craft will become a real work of art. By the way, you can fold a more complex shirt.

Complicated version

If you want to create something more interesting, a shirt with a tie made from banknotes would be an excellent option. The material is taken, folded in half along the long side, then the fold is unbent. Now the upper corners should be folded to this fold, making a triangle, and fold it inward, towards the center of the sheet. From the center of the top of the bill, two lines are drawn using a pencil and a ruler to the edges of the resulting triangle. This is a blank for a future tie. The next step is to carefully bend the bill along these pencil lines and straighten it again, forming quite noticeable folds. At the same time, the rest of the brim is slightly bent to make the tie convex against the background of the shirt. Now the long edges of the future talisman are bent inward, towards the central fold. In this case, they need to be folded so that the edges are under the tie, without covering it.

Second part of the work

Everything that needs to be done next is generally the same as for folding a traditional shirt without a tie. The lower part of the bill is bent a centimeter, then you need to fold its side edges towards the center. Then you need to bend the paper, bending the bottom third inward. Now the inner edges are turned out from the center, the shirt is folded in half and sleeves are obtained. That's it, the talisman with the tie is ready. In principle, if you really want, you can fold a shirt not from a banknote, but from plain paper, paint it, even cover it with sparkles or rhinestones. It all depends on the flight of fancy. However, it is the money shirt, as many believe, that gives its owner good luck not only in money, but also in all other matters. And it looks much more interesting than all the other options.

Origami is one of the types of decorative and applied arts. It originated in ancient times and consists of folding various paper figures. In order to carefully and accurately fold a certain toy, craftsmen must resort to a special system of signs. It is universal and necessary for convenient reading of drawings during the process of assembling the model. A shirt made from a banknote with a DIY tie is an original souvenir to lift your spirits. We invite you to make a nice little thing with us using the origami technique. A DIY dollar or euro shirt can easily be considered a so-called talisman for attracting money. Such a cute souvenir will easily find a place in your wallet.

A little about the main thing

There are several techniques in the art of origami, namely:

  1. Simple origami;
  2. Modular origami;
  3. Wet folding technique
  4. Folding origami according to a pattern.

Simple origami speaks for itself. This folding technique is very simple and perfect for beginners. Also, this type of needlework is suitable for people with limited mobility. Using this type of origami, simple figures are obtained using valley and mountain folds.

Modular origami It is considered one of the popular types of folding paper products. Their creation involves assembling a whole figure from several monotonous parts. In origami language this is called a module. To begin with, modular parts are assembled using a simple or classical method, after which they are nested into each other and, thus, a finished figure is obtained. As an example, using modular origami you can make three-dimensional stars, balls, and various types of boxes.

A rather interesting way to create figures from paper is wet folding technique. It is very convenient in order to be able to give the product the greatest smoothness, as well as to soften the lines. This technique is performed with slightly dampened hands. Thanks to her, the figures acquire expressiveness. For example, this technique is more than suitable for folding animals, because with its help the products will be most similar to the original. For the wet folding technique, it is worth choosing thick paper, since it contains water-soluble glue.

Pattern folding- this is the so-called diagram on which all the necessary fold lines for the future figure are outlined.

This folding technique is used when developing and creating any new models. The pattern, despite the presence of already outlined folds for folding, is considered more complex compared to simple origami.

Let's start the lesson

The assembly diagram and the resulting photo are attached in our master class.

For beginners, it is worth practicing on paper money of the smallest denomination, or on paper cut to the size of the bill.

The first step is to fold the bill in half along its long edge. This must be done so that the fold line is as clear as possible. Then, the edges of the resulting rectangle are folded alternately on each side towards the center to form a triangle. After this, these same edges are folded again, but this time towards themselves along the base of the product.

Let's start creating the tie for our future shirt. To do this, you should form a tie from the resulting inverted triangle. To avoid mistakes, as well as for greater accuracy, you need to draw barely noticeable lines before folding the figure. Then raise the top of our figure, which is looking down. Using your fingers, the edges of the tie are folded, and the paper is carefully folded under it on both sides and the fold lines are smoothed. In parallel with this, the top edge of the product should look like a horizontal beveled line. By eye, about 25 degrees.

The resulting bill must be placed up in front of you, and its sides bent towards the central folds in half. To understand that all actions are performed correctly, our tie must be inside the bill. We must carefully pull it out.

How to fold the other side of a banknote? It is necessary to bend our opposite edge half a centimeter inward. This is needed to form the collar of the shirt. Turning the product over, we correct all the elements. Having chosen the appropriate height for the future craft, you need to fold the bill so that the edge of the collar remains free for a couple of centimeters.

We divide our figure into three parts. In the area of ​​the tie, carefully fold the first two parts in half. The collar will be the third part and it should protrude. On its side you need to bend the corners to the fold in the center. This should create small triangles. Their length should reach the shoulders of the shirt.

It remains to do the final manipulations with the product. Namely, we lay out the figure along its entire length. This will place the tie in front, and the seam will be visible. Just below the tie, this seam is carefully folded back and corners are formed, approximately 45 degrees. This will create a notch. Similar actions need to be done on the other side of the collar. After all the steps, a boat should form instead of a seam.

We bend the paper in the center of the resulting boat. Next, turn the figure over to the back side and bend the collar so that it sits exactly above the tie. You need to take the resulting shirt from the bill in your hands facing you and pull the edges of the collar towards the hangers. The craft is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

Details on how to make original crafts from banknotes can be found by watching the videos below.

Don't know how to surprise your relatives or friends? Give them an original gift in the form of an origami “shirt made from a banknote”; it will make them very happy. I advise you to practice on a 10 ruble bill, as you may not succeed the first time. This art is called “money origami.”

Approximately 14th-16th centuries. In Japan, for the upper strata of the privileged class, the ability to fold paper figures was considered mandatory.

Let's try together to make an "origami shirt" from a banknote.

1) Visually divide the bill into three parts and fold one third part on either side.

2) Turn the bill over to the other side and bend the long sides into the middle of the bill. Iron all the folds well.

3) Then we bend the edges on each half (see diagram and photo).

4) Turn the bill over with the lower edges bent away from you and fold about 1 cm of the top on the other side.

5) Turn the bill over again and bend the top edges with the corners towards the center line. The result should be a collar shape.

6) There is one last action left. We bend the lower part of the bill with bent edges upward, while the lower part should be fixed at the corners of the collar (see photo).

I wish you all creative success!

“In a crisis, all means are good,” said one of my acquaintances, who makes her living in a profession that is quite atypical for women. They are so good that there is nothing wrong with turning to unconventional methods for help and building yourself a money talisman - “for good luck”. I’m joking, of course, but it’s really believed that such a shirt, made up of ordinary ten Russian rubles (of course, in one bill), living in a purse, financially favors its owner. In the distant Soviet times, any schoolchild could easily make such a figure, and you could often find it in the wallets of older people - who the hell is it, maybe it will really help? After all, in childhood we threw coins “for divorce”, “for sowing”?

Well, I won’t say about supernatural abilities, but the fact that such a manigam brings a smile to many people - friends, acquaintances, and even ordinary individuals with whom you carry out trade relations - is the most true thing. And if you are planning to give a wallet to someone, remember that giving it away empty is strictly forbidden according to the same folk superstitions. But with an intricately folded ten-ruble shirt - a sweet deal!

In general, we will need about half an hour of time, a banknote of ten Russian rubles and a little diligence. There is no diagram, but there are pictures. Go:

1. Make a fold on the left side, folding in a little less than a third of the bill;

2. Fold the banknote in half along its long sides. Unfold the fold. We bend the upper and lower long edges to it;

3. Unfold the folds obtained after folding the long edges. Turn over the paper. We bend a strip half a centimeter wide from the right edge of the bill;

4. Turn the ten over and once again bend the long edges towards the middle. Once again bend the thin strip on the right side;

5. Now we’ll make cuffs for our shirt. Fully unbend the left edge of the product and bend the thin strips along the edges;

6. Re-bend the long edges of the bill towards the middle;

7. Take the left side of the banknote. We bend the inner flaps outward so that their ends protrude above the upper and lower edges of the shirt - these will be the sleeves. Now for the right edge: bend the corners forward until they intersect with the horizontal center line. This way we get a collar;

8. Bend the left edge of the paper, threading it under the collar flaps. Voila, the shirt is folded. Now she can send the shirt straight to her workplace - to any convenient compartment of her wallet, attracting bigger money. But don’t rush to quit your job expecting riches, in case the method doesn’t work