Elchin safarli when I return. “When I return, be at home” Elchin Safarli. Life is love

The books of this writer tell about human experiences, comprehensive and deep. Readers call him “the healer of women’s souls.” Elchin Safarli is the most sincere writer of the East. In his books you can find yourself, your feelings and experiences that every person faces every day. This article talks about one of the author’s latest books, “When I Return, Be Home”: reader reviews, plot and main characters.

A little about the author

Elchin was born in Baku in March 1984. He began publishing at the age of twelve in youth newspapers, writing stories right in school during lessons. Four years later he began working in various media. He studied at the International University of Azerbaijan at the Faculty of Journalism. He managed to try his hand at television, collaborated with Azerbaijani and Turkish channels. Elchin lived in Istanbul for a long time, which could not but affect his work. The first books that made him a famous author took place in this city. Elchin is called the “second Orhan Pamuk.” Pamuk himself says that “Safarli’s books make him confident that eastern literature has a future.”

Debut novel

Safarli is the first writer of the East to write in Russian. The debut book “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus” was published in 2008, and in 2010 it was included in the hundred most popular books in Moscow. The writer says that he created his book while working in a construction company. The only joyful experience at that time was meeting with the pages of my book. Colleagues left for lunch, and Elchin, having snacked on an apple, continued to write his Istanbul history. He writes in different places. For example, he can draft an essay right on the ferry across the Bosphorus. But more often he writes at home, in silence. Muse is a changeable and fickle substance. You can’t rely on it, so Elchin believes that there are only two paths that will lead to success - skill and work. The book “When I Return, Be Home,” whose characters endear the reader to themselves, makes you want to read it non-stop.

Writer's creativity

In the same 2008, a new book, “There Without Back”, was published. A year later, Safarli presented his new work - “I will return.” In 2010, three books were published at once: “One Thousand and Two Nights”, “They Promised You to Me”, “No Memories Without You”. In 2012, Elchin delighted fans with new works: “If You Knew,” “Legends of the Bosphorus” and “When I’m Without You.” In 2013, the acclaimed book “Recipes for Happiness” was published. In this book, the writer told not only a wonderful story about love, but also shared with readers wonderful recipes of oriental cuisine. In the book “When I Return, Be Home,” the reader is also greeted by the smells of fragrant baked goods and the atmosphere of the winter ocean. In the very first lines, the reader will find himself in a house that “smells of rooibos” and “cookies with raspberry jam.” And one of the characters in the book works in a bakery where they bake bread “with dried vegetables, olives and figs.”

Last works

In 2015, the book “I Want to Go Home” was published, the warm and romantic “Tell Me About the Sea” - in 2016. From Safarli’s books you understand how sincerely he loves Istanbul and the sea. He describes both the city and the water beautifully. When you read his books, it seems that you see the friendly lights of the city or hear the waves splashing. The author describes them so skillfully that you feel a light breeze, feel how the air is filled with the aroma of coffee, fruit and pastries. But it’s not just the smell of sweets that attracts readers to Safarli’s books. They contain a lot of love and kindness, wise advice and quotes. “When I Return, Be Home,” published in 2017, is also filled with the wisdom of a man who has lived a great life and seen a lot in his time. The author himself says that he likes the ideas embedded in the stories of the last two books.

What are his books about?

It is not surprising that in Safarli’s books the real truth is hidden behind each story. In an interview, he was asked what he likes to write about. He replied that it was about people, about simple things that surround and worry everyone. Wants to talk about things that inspire, not depress. About the beauty of life. That there is no point in waiting for “the perfect time.” We need to enjoy life right now. Safarli says that he is devastated by injustice and when a person does not live his own life. When the main thing for him becomes - to be correct in the eyes of neighbors, relatives, colleagues. And this absurdity - to depend on public opinion - is acquiring catastrophic proportions. It is not right.

“You need to let happiness into your life,” says the writer. “Happiness is gratitude for what you already have. Happiness is giving. But this does not mean that you should deprive yourself of something. No. You just need to share. Share what you have - understanding, love, a delicious dinner, happiness, skill.” And Safrali shares. Readers write in reviews: “When I return, be at home” - this is a story with which Elchin touches the very heart, penetrating into the most remote corners of the soul and revealing kindness and love in a person. And you also want to get up and run to the kitchen to bake sun buns, because the book is full of delicious recipes.

As he writes

The writer says that in his books he is sincere and conveys the feelings and impressions that he experienced at a certain point in his life. I wrote what I felt. This is not difficult, because Elchin lives the life of an ordinary person - he goes to the market, walks along the embankment, communicates with people, rides the subway and even bakes pies.

“They say my stories inspire people. There can be no better praise for a writer,” he says. “We are given the opportunity to live life with or without love. There are such states and moments that you don’t want to see anyone, let alone love. But one day you wake up and realize that you have burned out. Everything is over. This is life."

This is what Elchin Safarli writes about in his latest book.

"When I return, be home"

Briefly about this book we can say this:

“This is the story of a father and daughter. They bake bread together, clear the ship’s deck of snow, read books, walk the dog, listen to Dylan and, despite the snowstorm outside, learn to live.”

What is actually told about in the book, published about four months ago, but which has already collected several thousand reader reviews and, according to Google surveys, liked by 91% of users? Of course, Google is silent about exactly how many users left their reviews. But one thing is important: more than ninety percent of the readers who shared their opinions came to one conclusion: the book is worth reading. Therefore, let's look at it in more detail.

How the book was written

The story is told from the perspective of the main character - he writes letters to his only daughter. Authors often resort to this genre. “When I Return, Be Home” is written in the form of letters. For a better perception by readers of the heroes of the work, for a deeper psychological characterization of the characters, writers often use this technique. In this case, letters are the compositional basis of the entire work. They paint portraits of the heroes, and here the narrator writes about his own observations, feelings, conversations and arguments with friends, which allows the reader to perceive the hero from different sides. And perhaps the most important thing for which this method of writing was chosen is to allow the reader to understand the depth of the main character’s feelings, fatherly love and the pain of loss - the person will not be a hypocrite to himself, and his own statements are most often closer to the truth and more accurate.

In every line, his daughter is next to him - he shares recipes with her, talks about new acquaintances and friends, about a house on the ocean in the City of Eternal Winter. It would be too simple to say that in his letters he talks to her about life, shares his thoughts and experiences. In fact, his letters, contained in the small book “When I Return, Be Home,” are deep and bottomless in their content. They talk about boundless parental love, the bitterness of loss, and the search for ways and strength to overcome grief. Unable to accept the death of his beloved daughter and come to terms with her absence, he writes letters to her.

Life is happiness

Hans is the main character of the work, and the story is told on his behalf. He cannot come to terms with the death of his only daughter and writes letters to her. The first begins with a description of the new city he and his wife moved to after losing Dosta - the City of Eternal Winter. He reports that it is winter here all year round, on these November days “the ocean retreats”, “the biting cold wind does not let you out of captivity.” The hero of Elchin Safarli’s book “When I return, be at home” tells his daughter that he hardly goes outside, he sits in the house where it smells of linden tea brewed with dried orange peel and cookies with raspberry jam, which their daughter loved so much. They put her portion away in the cupboard in case Dostu, like in childhood, runs into the kitchen for lemonade and cookies.

Hans works in a bakery not far from home; he and his partner bake bread. He writes to his daughter that baking bread is “a feat of hard work and patience.” But he cannot imagine himself without this business. Hans shares in a letter the recipes they use to bake bread. She and her companion Amir have long wanted to bake simits - a favorite treat for coffee. Hans goes to Istanbul, where he lives for several days and learns how to bake simita. But the value of his letters lies not in the wonderful recipes, but in the wisdom that he shares with his daughter. Telling her: “Life is a journey. Enjoy,” he forces himself to live. The whole plot is based on this. “When I return, be home” is a story about happiness, it is in your favorite city, where you live, in the eyes of your loved one, in your favorite business, and even in the cry of seagulls.

Life is love

Maria is Dost's mother. Hans, the protagonist of the book When I Return, Be Home, remembers how he met her. Maria is five years older than him. She worked in a library and was married. But he knew at first sight that the girl with brown hair would certainly become his wife. For four years he came to the library every day because the “deep confidence” that they would be together “swept away all doubts.” Maria often cries over a photograph of her daughter; this loss was very difficult for her. She left home and lived alone for almost a year and a half to be alone with her grief and get over her illness.

The pain did not go away, the attitude towards it changed. It’s just that she now occupies less space, making room for what Mary has never left - the desire to love. Maria will love the son of family friends, Leon, with all her heart. After the death of his parents, he and Hans will take the boy in with them. There is even a chapter entitled “It’s wonderful to love a living person” in the table of contents. “When I Return, Be Home” is a story about love, about how important it is for a person to be loved, to live brightly and enjoy those around him.

Life is about those who are nearby

From Hans's letters, the reader not only learns about his feelings or finds new recipes, but also meets his new friends: Amir, Umid, Jean, Daria, Leon.

Amir is Hans's partner, they work together in a bakery. Amir is twenty-six years younger than Hans, an amazingly calm and balanced person. There has been a war going on in his homeland for seven years. From her he took his family to the City of Eternal Winter. Amir wakes up at half past four in the morning, brews coffee - always with cardamom, prepares breakfast for his family and goes to the bakery. He plays the guitar at lunchtime, and in the evening, returning home, he has dinner - the first course must be red lentil soup. Reads books to the children and goes to bed. The next day everything repeats itself. Hans finds this predictability boring. But Amir is happy - he lives in harmony with himself, enjoys the love for what he has built.

The work “When I return, be at home” introduces another interesting hero - Umid - a rebel boy. Born and raised in the City of Eternal Winter, he worked in the same bakery with Hans - delivering baked goods to homes. He studied at a Catholic school and wanted to become a priest. The guy's parents are philologists, he reads a lot. Left the City of Eternal Winter. Now he lives in Istanbul and works in a bakery where they bake amazing simits. Married to an Idaho farmer's daughter. They often argue with his wife, an impulsive and jealous American, because Umid grew up in a slightly different environment, where his parents speak in a half-whisper and listen to Tchaikovsky in the evenings. But they don't last long. The young people immediately make peace. Umid is a sympathetic guy. When Hans is gone, he will take care of Maria and Leon and help them move to Istanbul.

“The reason for disappointment,” Hans writes in a letter, “lies in the fact that a person is not in the present. He is busy waiting or remembering. People drive themselves into loneliness at the very moment when they stop sharing warmth.”

Many readers write in their reviews: “When I return, be home” is a story about losses and gains that accompany a person throughout his life.

Life is about caring for the happiness of others

Jean is a family friend, a psychologist. Maria and Hans met him at the shelter when they took away the dog, Mars, and Jean, the cat. When he was little, his parents died in a car accident, Jean was raised by his grandmother, from whom he learned to cook wonderful onion soup. On the days when he brews it, Jean invites friends and remembers his grandmother. He introduced them to his fiancée Daria, whose son Leon is growing up. His father left the family immediately after the birth of his son, learning that Leon was autistic. One day, leaving Leon with Maria and Hans, Jean and Daria will go on a trip from where they will not return.

Hans and Maria will keep the boy and call him son. This moment will touch the hearts of many readers, which they will write about in their reviews. “When I Return, Be Home” is a book that teaches you to share your warmth with others. Hans writes touchingly about the boy Leon and his illness. He tells his daughter that the boy loves to tinker with dough and helps them in the bakery. He admits to Dost that he is reliving his father's feelings.

“Those who we need and whom we will soon love will definitely knock on our door. Let’s open the curtains to the sun, bake apple raisin cookies, talk to each other and tell new stories - this will be our salvation.”

The annotation to “When I Return, Be Home” says that no one dies, those who loved each other during life will definitely meet. And neither name nor nationality matters - love binds forever.

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There is no love without sacrifice. Either you compromise your principles or your possibilities. The main thing is that sacrifices should be made voluntarily, with an open heart... As in communicating vessels, everything should be equal - this is the essence of harmony. An advantage in one direction is fraught with accumulation of disappointments. Do you know what is the worst thing in life? Give up. This is the easiest thing. Is it difficult, sitting at the bottom of a well, to look up and say that there is no salvation? As easy as pie! It’s much more difficult to climb up, break down and try again, centimeter by centimeter. Still, love is a character trait. For some it is their nature to wait for it all the time, for others it is their nature to continually seek it, for others it is their nature to find it everywhere.

Publisher: " " (2015)

ISBN: 978-5-271-44772-3, 978-5-17-079226-9

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Elchin Safarli

Elchin Safarli- one of the most popular young writers in the East. The author of the bestsellers “Sweet Salt of the Bosphorus” and “There Without Back” was dubbed by the Russian press “a literary discovery of 2008” and “youth Orhan Pamuk.” Safarli himself speaks about his work in the following way: “...It so happened that since childhood I have been surrounded by ordinary people. No politicians, artists, writers, TV presenters. He grew up among ordinary people, whose destinies are considered ordinary. It was the rules of their life that I forever internalized. The most worthwhile rules are without pathos, grandiloquence, or prettiness. Every time I start a new book, my goal remains the same - to tell exactly about such people. Often in literature they are ghostly shadows, so to speak, supporting characters. Therefore, the main task of each of my books is to acquaint the reader with the destinies of ordinary people, highlighting them from the seemingly faceless mass...”

Professional journalist, winner of a number of youth literary competitions. Born on March 12, 1984 in Baku.

From the age of 12, he published in youth newspapers under a pseudonym, writing small, poignant stories right at his school desk. He has been working in print media since the age of 16, having entered the International University of Azerbaijan at UNESCO to study journalism. For the last few years I have been involved in television journalism. Collaborated with Azerbaijani and Turkish TV channels. Currently, he devotes himself entirely to writing.

1. Sweet salt of the Bosphorus This book reveals the subtle facets of the East. The light and dark sides of the mysterious kingdom are shown. In the course of the story, the author encourages everyone to find and comprehend their own happiness, and not to live in an everyday “flow”. "The road to true happiness...

2. There without going back This is a shocking novel that reflects the true side of life in the East. The book, based on the real life of a Russian prostitute in Istanbul, tells first about women, and then about love, loneliness, faith, and betrayal.

When I'm without you... (collection) Elchin Safarli

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Title: When I'm without you... (collection)

About the book “When I’m without you... (collection)” Elchin Safarli

Elchin Safarli is a young writer and journalist. He began writing his first poems as a schoolboy. When he had a free minute, he could compose a short poem. E. Safarli writes in his books about love, oriental culture, traditions, and everyday life. His works are in great demand and are praised by critics. The author lived in Turkey for a long time, where he had a resounding success. E. Safarli has received many awards for his poetry. To draw attention to the young writer, director Sergei Sarakhanov made a documentary about him. Sergei himself was very inspired by Elchin’s work and re-reads his works with great pleasure. One of the director’s reference books is “When I’m Without You... (collection).” In his opinion, the author was able to put his whole soul into the poems. They turned out to be bright, personal, and therefore touch the heart from the first lines.

Elchin Safarli in the book “When I am without you... (collection)” reveals the essence of love. Many may not agree with his idea of ​​this feeling, but his beautiful poetry and excellent style will convince anyone. After reading the collection, you are left with peace and pure thoughts, you want to live and give love to everyone. This is an extraordinary state when nothing is impossible, when the boundaries of consciousness are erased and you just want to love the whole world.

“When I’m without you... (collection)” will help you express your feelings, be filled with harmony and do many good deeds. The book is an inspiration to many because the author was able to convey the truth to people in simple words.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “When I’m Without You... (collection)” by Elchin Safarli in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “When I’m without you... (collection)” by Elchin Safarli

I want you to know one thing: your name is always on my lips.
I will restrain myself from saying it out loud: let no one know how hard it is for me without you.
But I will repeat it to myself, hoping to someday meet you in the crowd. And when I see you, it will be the happiest day.
The longest and most amazing...

Will I ever be able to think about this without pain?
- Of course you can.
- But when?!
- When you bring melancholy to its highest point, and everything goes away, although it is unknown, with or without you. Or when you come back many times, letting go little by little. It is impossible to overcome the pain quickly, but it will be possible.

Be with me. It’s not for nothing that once upon a time, in one beautiful dream of youth, you were promised to me!

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Elchin Safarli

When I return, be home

Cover photo: Alena Motovilova



© Safarli E., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

The publishing house thanks the literary agency “Amapola Book” for its assistance in acquiring the rights.



Elchin Safarli is a volunteer at the Strong Lara Foundation for Helping Homeless Animals. In the photo he is with Reina. This once stray dog, paralyzed by an unknown gunman, now lives at the foundation. We believe that very soon the day will come when our pet will find a home.


Now I feel more clearly the eternity of life. No one will die, and those who loved each other in one life will certainly meet again after. Body, name, nationality - everything will be different, but we will be attracted by a magnet: love binds us forever. In the meantime, I live my life - I love and sometimes I get tired of love. I remember moments, I carefully preserve this memory in myself, so that tomorrow or in the next life I can write about everything.

My family

Sometimes it seems to me that the whole world, the whole life, everything in the world has settled in me and demands: be our voice. I feel - oh, I don’t know how to explain... I feel how huge it is, but when I start talking, it sounds like baby talk. What a difficult task: to convey a feeling, a sensation in such words, on paper or out loud, so that the one who reads or listens feels or feels the same as you.

Jack London

We all once crawled out into the light of day from a salty font, for life began at sea.

And now we can't live without her. Only now we eat salt separately and drink fresh water separately. Our lymph has the same salt composition as sea water. The sea lives in each of us, although we separated from it a long time ago.

And the most land-dwelling man carries the sea in his blood without knowing it.

This is probably why people are so drawn to look at the surf, at the endless series of waves and listen to their eternal roar.

Victor Konetsky

Don't invent hell for yourself

It's winter here all year round. The sharp northern wind - it often grumbles in a low voice, but sometimes it turns into a scream - does not release the whitish land and its inhabitants from captivity. Many of them have not left these lands since birth, proud of their devotion. There are also those who run away from here to the other side of the ocean from year to year. Mostly brown-haired women with bright nails.

In the last five days of November, when the ocean humbly retreats, bowing its head, they - with a suitcase in one hand, with children in the other - rush to the pier, wrapped in brown cloaks. The ladies—one of those who are devoted to their homeland—look at the fugitives through the cracks of the closed shutters, grinning—either out of envy, or out of wisdom. “We invented hell for ourselves. They devalued their land, believing that it was better where they had not yet reached.”

Your mom and I have a good time here. In the evenings she reads books about winds aloud. In a solemn voice, with a proud air of being involved in magic. At such moments, Maria resembles weather forecasters.

“...The speed reaches twenty to forty meters per second. It blows constantly, covering a wide strip of coastline. As the updrafts move, the wind is observed over an increasingly large part of the lower troposphere, rising up several kilometers.”

On the table in front of her is a stack of library books and a pot of linden tea brewed with dried orange peel. “Why do you love this restless wind?” - I ask. Returns the cup to the saucer and turns the page. “He reminds me of a young me.”

When it gets dark, I hardly go outside. Holing up in our house, which smells of rooibos, softened clay and cookies with raspberry jam, your favorite. We always have it, mom puts your portion in the cupboard: suddenly, like in childhood, you run from a hot day into the kitchen for basil lemonade and cookies.

I don’t like the dark time of day and the dark water of the ocean - they oppress me with longing for you, Dost. At home, next to Maria, I feel better, I become closer to you.