Home flowers according to your horoscope sign. Indoor plants according to zodiac signs. Also suitable for Scorpios

Which indoor plants and flowers are their flower for each zodiac sign according to their constellation.

Let's look at the flower horoscope and find out everything for ourselves and see what certain flowers look like for each sign and what they are called:

Flower horoscope

Have you ever wondered why some plants in the house grow beautifully and make us happy, while others (even when all the necessary conditions are created) do exactly the opposite (thus causing us external irritation and negativity)???

The answer is quite simple! Actually, plants (like humans) have their own charisma and energy, so you need to select plants by analyzing your character and rhythm of life. Therefore, in this section we will try to highlight the various characteristics of plants for better “getting along” with you. And in order to better understand the plant, we divide them (like human character) into zodiac signs.

This sign is fiery, hot, restless and impetuous. Therefore, its plants have bright fiery colors (red, burgundy, pink or orange). Mars, sharp and sharp, which rules Aries, gave these signs thorny plants. Aries likes to be noticeable from the outside, so the plants should not be short. Unpretentious and even to some extent hardy plants are also suitable.

Aries Flower Aechmea

Aries suits: Azalea (Indian and Japanese with red and pink flowers), sparkling aechmea, tradescantia, chlorophytum, dwarf pomegranate, pelargonium (with red and dark pink flowers), fluffy-flowered koleria, brilliant spurge, striped haworthia, guzmania reed, saxifrage, nightshade, begonia ornamental, also unusual insectivorous plants.

Not suitable for Aries: Viola (pansy), rose, lily.

This sign is the first of the earthly signs, which means it is closest to the material sphere, to the earth. This is the most fertile sign due to its hard work, patience and perseverance. Therefore, its plants will help achieve stability in the material sphere and maintain the strength of the body. Most of the flora that Taurus is interested in are low-growing and beautifully flowering, delicate and colorful.

Suitable for Taurus: Usambara violet, cyclamen, begonia, Decembrist, hibiscus (Chinese rose), Kalanchoe, blosfelda, mangina, episcia, balsam, capsicum, croton, beautiful gloxinia (sinningia), primrose (primrose), ampelous peperomia, rosemary, jasmine.

Not suitable for Taurus: Orchids and chrysanthemums.

This sign is airy, light, and the most mobile. Climbing plants with lush foliage or rather small ones with narrow leaves are ideal for them. Gemini plants are beneficial for many signs. These plants will primarily help people improve their physical and mental health and cleanse the atmosphere in the house. Geminis prefer flowers for contemplation and leisurely growth.

Gemini Flowers Asparagus and Date Palm

Suitable for Gemini: Asparagus (pinnate, densely flowered, asparagus), arrowroot, date palm, fern, ivy, hoya, heather, orchid, felicia, chlorophytum, all epiphytes (plants that do not require soil).

Not suitable for Geminis: Aloe, hyacinth, red roses.

This sign is a water element, so its plants are saturated with moisture and have fleshy, succulent stems. Moon people get along well with those plants that require dosed watering. Cancer plants have one common and wonderful property - they help maintain physical and mental health and improve relationships in the home.

Cancer Begonia Flower

Suitable for Cancer: Mesona begonia, hybrid fuchsia, cacti, cyclomen, alocasia, dieffenbachia, agave, aloe, haworthia, columnea, sedum thick-leaved, morgana, gasteria warty, indoor grapes, schefflera, palm trees, ficus, lemon, indoor bansai.

Not suitable for Cancers: Rosemary, geranium.

This sign is fiery, domineering with a sense of superiority, a desire to be in the center of attention and to command. Patronized by the Sun. This is what contributes to the choice of bright and unusual plants in their home. Leos need them to maintain the necessary atmosphere and clean energy.

Lion Gardenia Flower

Suitable for Leos: Camellia, acalypha, mimosa amaranthus, rose, lemon, orange, aloe, begonia, chrysanthemum, geranium, gardenia, pelargonium, calla, hibiscus, large-leaved light-loving ones.

Not suitable for Leos: daisies, carnations, orchid.

This sign prefers practical plants (for example, those that can produce a harvest), climbing vines, plants with flexible stems.

Flowers according to the Virgo zodiac – Bansai and Aucuba

Suitable for Virgos: Bonsai, bamboo, scindapsus, syngonium, monstera, philodendron, cissus, Japanese aucuba, eucalyptus, dahlias, roses, narcissus.

Not suitable for Virgos: begonia.

This sign - it will be better without flowers than to have flowers in the house “like everyone else.” Your home collection will definitely include bright, exquisite, original flowers. Beautiful flowers and fruits, original painted leaves and stems are suitable. When starting plants at home, Libra would rather show off their taste and originality.

Suitable for Libra: chrysanthemum, pineapple, capsicum, pachystachys, dwarf ficus, palm trees, orchids, achimenes, azaleas, cineraria, small-flowered, codiaeum, large-leaved hydrangeas, rose, lavender, eucalyptus, Schlumbergera

Not suitable for Libra: Violas (pansies), cacti.

This sign loves plants that are saturated with moisture and have thorns. Scorpio plants can look very attractive, but at the same time they are fraught with danger. Pessimists and critics, Scorpios, prefer strict plants.

Suitable for Scorpios: desert cacti, cereus, prickly pear, datura, dracaena, stapelia, aloe, oleander, philodendron, ivies, groundsel, monstera, jasmine, lemon and all insectivorous plants.

Not suitable for Scorpios: daisies, orchids, roses.

This sign prefers tall, elongated plants. Sagittarius is a sign of love for philosophy - therefore bonsai are the most necessary plants. Any citrus fruit also works well.

Sagittarius suits: indoor bonsai, sansiveria, clivia, colanchoe, cyclamen, flowering begonias, strelitzia, any citrus fruits, bamboo palms, red roses, geraniums.

Not suitable for Sagittarius: dahlias, daffodils.

This sign prefers upright plants with strong stems. They rarely deal with flowers; they prefer to have professionals do it (since Capricorns themselves always don’t have enough time for plants). All Capricorn plants have one thing in common - the theme of work and social status. Therefore, Capricorn plants are useful for bosses and those who want to become one.

Flowers according to the zodiac Capricorn Dracaena and Euphorbia Poinsettia

Suitable for Capricorns: Dracaena derema, silver crassula (money tree), yucca, lithops (living stones), Livistona, ficus Benjamin, laurel, palms, pandanus, aglaonema, spurge, peperomia, living stones.

Not suitable for Capricorns: Carnation, geranium, cacti.

This sign is a sign of original ideas. Any Aquarius plant stimulates unconventional decisions in life. Plants of this sign will help you look at life with new eyes. Plants don't have to be simple and formulaic. Bulbous plants are very suitable.

Flowers of the zodiac Aquarius – Flowering plant

Suitable for Aquarius: Arrowroot, poinsettia, stromantha, dracaena, rheo variegated, fittonia, alocasia Sander, bocarneya, coleus, fern, asparagus, echeveria, aloe, young, sedum, agave.

Not suitable for Aquarius: rose.

This sign is of the water element, the last, twelfth. Wise and experienced. Their plants are aquatic, terrarium and terrestrial. They are endowed with scents and beautiful colors

The following flowers are suitable for Pisces: Aquarium plants, boviea, rhipsalis, azaleas, ferns, dieffenbachia, orchids, crassula, geraniums, ficus, asplenium, pilea.

Flowers are not suitable for Pisces: Aloe.

Plants of the zodiac sign Pisces

Orchid, magnolia, lily, hippeastrum, pelargonium (geranium)

Plants for Health Pisces

Akalifa, amaranth, aphelandra, zantedeschia (indoor calla), camellia, gardenia, balsam, mimosa, pelargonium (geranium), hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Also suitable for Pisces

Jasmine, orange, lemon, eucalyptus, juniper. In addition - aquarium and terrarium plants, algae-like plants, plants with a strong aroma

Will grow best

Moisture-loving plants

Pisces can't be kept


Plants of the zodiac sign Aries

Azalea, pelargonium (geranium) with red and dark pink flowers, azalea with red and pink flowers, royal begonia, dwarf pomegranate, echmea, koleria, spurge spurge, striped haworthia, guzmania

Plants for Aries Health

Aucuba, fatsia, heptapleurum, monstera deliciosa, climbing philodendron, scindapsus

Aries is also suitable

Rosemary, juniper, lemon, incense. In addition - all plants with fiery red flowers and leaves, thorny plants, large plants

Will grow best Aloe, pelargonium (geranium), cactus

Aries can't get started

Pansy, lily, rose.


Plants of the zodiac sign Taurus

Cyclamen, Saintpaulia (Usambara violet), Gloxinia

Plants for Taurus health

White azalea, pineapple, Decembrist, capsicum, cestrum, croton, crossandra, kufeya, fatsia, heliotrope, hibiscus (Chinese rose), hydrangea, lily

Also suitable for Taurus

Rosemary, lemon, mint, jasmine. In addition, all strong, low-growing, beautifully flowering plants

Taurus will grow best

Pansy, gladiolus, rose

Taurus can't have sex

Orchid, chrysanthemum


Plants of the zodiac sign Gemini

Tradescantia, asparagus, ferns, palms with feathery leaves

Plants for Gemini health

Cacti, ginura, dracaena, oleander, stapelia, faucaria, spiny horned grass

Also suitable for Geminis

Eucalyptus, pelargonium (geranium), orange, jasmine, rosemary. In addition, all climbing plants and plants with a lush crown, with rather small and narrow leaves, all epiphytes (plants that do not need soil), including some types of orchids and tillandsias

Geminis will grow best

Pansy, jasmine, Saintpaulia (Usambara violet)

Twins can't have twins

Aloe, hyacinth, red roses


Plants of the zodiac sign Cancer

Pansy, agave, Mason begonia, hybrid fuchsia

Plants for Cancer Health

Ampelopsis (indoor grapes), shefflera, sansevieria, palm trees, ficus, crinum, clivia, lemon, indoor bonsai

Also suitable for Cancers

Most ornamental flowering plants, plants with fleshy, succulent stems or leaves, plants that require abundant watering, in the form of compact bushes

Cancers can't be had

Rosemary, pelargonium (geranium).


Plants of the zodiac sign Leo

Zantedeschia (indoor calla), camellia, gardenia, pelargonium (geranium), hibiscus (Chinese rose), balsam

Plants for Leo's health

Dracaena, conifers, yucca, ficus rubber, laurel, lithops (“living stones”), palms with fan-shaped leaves, crassula (“money tree”)

Suitable for Leos too

Lemon, orange, rosemary, juniper. In addition, the most beautifully flowering plants and plants that need very good lighting

Leos will grow best

Aloe, begonia, pelargonium (geranium), red roses, chrysanthemum

Leos can't be started

Carnation, daisy, narcissus, orchid


Plants of the zodiac sign Virgo

Monstera, aucuba, asparagus, aster, philodendron, dracaena

Plants for Virgo's health

Arrowroot three-lane, ctenantha, calathea, dracaena, rheo variegated, euphorbia (including poinsettia), coccoloba, coleus, fittonia, abutilon (house maple), jatropha

Also suitable for Virgo

Eucalyptus, pelargonium (geranium), orange. In addition, climbing vines, plants with flexible stems and producing aerial roots, as well as fruit and vegetable plants grown indoors for table use

Virgo will grow best

Dahlias, gladioli, daffodils, roses

Virgos can't have sex

Begonia, mint


Plants of the zodiac sign Libra

Hydrangea, white azalea, zygocactus (Decembrist cactus), hot capsicum, small-flowered chrysanthemums, heliotrope

Plants for Libra Health

Cyperus, kostenets, ficus dwarf and other climbing ficuses, fishtail palm, orchids, pelargonium (geranium), pilea, tolmia, siderasis

Also suitable for Libra

Rose, lavender, mint, pelargonium (geranium), eucalyptus. In addition, all plants are beautiful and strict in shape, erect, with variegated leaves, beautiful flowers and fruits

Libra will grow best

Fragrant flowers, cloves, pelargonium (geranium), mint

Libra can't be started

Rosemary, pansies, desert cacti, scentless flowers


Plants of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Desert cacti, dracaena, aloe, oleander

Plants for Scorpio health

Aechmea, pomegranate, pelargonium (scented geranium) with red and dark pink flowers, koleria, azalea with red and pink flowers, royal begonia, spurge (including poinsettia), guzmania

Also suitable for Scorpios

Jasmine, lemon, rosemary. In addition - plants that accumulate moisture and have thorns, as well as insectivorous plants

Scorpios will grow best

Carnation, iris, jasmine, mint

Scorpios can't have sex

Daisy, orchid, rose, chrysanthemum.


Plants of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Bonsai, clivia, sansevieria, ficus lyreate, lemon

Plants for Sagittarius Health

Violet, Kalanchoe, cyclamen, ampelous peperomia, flowering begonias, gloxinia (sinningia), primrose

Also suitable for Sagittarius

Rosemary, lavender, lemon, rose. In addition - tall plants, plants with peduncles stretching high up, as well as citrus fruits or plants with sour fruits.

Sagittarians will grow best

Begonia, pelargonium (geranium), red roses

Sagittarians can't get started

Dahlias, gladioli, irises, daffodils


Plants of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Crassula (“money tree”), dracaena, rubber ficus

Plants for Capricorn's health

Asparagus, ferns, ivies, feather-leaved palms (date, coconut), tradescantia

Also suitable for Capricorns

Lavender, rose, juniper, eucalyptus. In addition - plants with straight and strong stems, plants with thorny stems, slow growing plants

Capricorns will grow best

Pansy, rose

Capricorns can't have sex

Carnation, pelargonium (geranium), iris, desert cacti


Plants of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Rosemary, abutilon (indoor maple), arrowroot, poinsettia

Plants for the health of Aquarius

Begonia, dieffenbachia, fuchsia, bushy peperomia, aloe, cotidelon, haworthia, gasteria, echeveria, kalanchoe, pachyphytum, sedum, young, agave

Also suitable for Aquarius

Lemon, orange, eucalyptus. In addition - plants with an original and unusual appearance, very rare plants

Aquarians will grow best

Carnation, pelargonium (geranium), jasmine, daisy, orchid

Aquarians can't have sex

Every indoor plant, even the smallest one, has excellent ability to live among stone walls, equipment and household chemicals.

It is believed that flowers can even adapt to the character of their owner. And that it is advisable to choose indoor flowers according to zodiac signs for women and men. Below in a detailed description with a photo, you will find out which flowers are suitable for your horoscope sign.

  1. – the leaves are large and have unusual colors. It's good to grow it indoors if you work with people. She is able to eliminate all the negativity that arises during disputes;
  2. - a bright flower. Able to make the dialogue useful and informative, clean the atmosphere in the room;
  3. geranium– removes tension, gives kindness to a person, and can raise the sense of humor.

Flowers for Taurus

  1. – capable of releasing streams of positive energy and eliminating negative vibes. Provides stability in material wealth;
  2. violet– adds comfort to the home, promotes the development of wisdom, strengthens the spirit of the family, and protects the throat from colds. There is no boredom with them indoors;
  3. – they should be grown by people who are considered soft and easily influenced by others. Flowers give adults independence in their actions.

Flowers of the zodiac sign Gemini

  1. – makes it possible to make dreams come true, helps to gain a harmonious feeling, gives the body flexibility;
  2. tradescantia– brings joy, does not allow feelings of envy to prevail over a person, teaches one to approach problems philosophically;
  3. – has a sense of proportion, helps not to lose your head;
  4. – provides assistance to those who decide to quit drinking or smoking.

Flowers of the sign Cancer

  1. peperomia– allows the owner to get out of quite difficult life situations, knows how to smooth out rough edges in relationships. The flower fights inflammatory processes;
  2. - beautiful flower. Gives you your creative energy and joyful attitude towards life. Able to help in choosing the right solution to problematic issues;
  3. – strengthens the body, develops a strong spirit, gives patience and determination, and provides assistance in difficult moments. Very useful for people who are alone.

Flowers of the Leo sign

  1. (Chinese rose)– encourages new searches, eliminates aggressive manifestations, strengthens character, creates changes, gives the female sex pride and independence, makes men better, more punctual;
  2. – protects the family, gives people confidence.

Flower for Virgo according to the horoscope

  1. birch tree– creates the ability to adapt and not get lost in difficult situations;
  2. monstera– puts thoughts in order, helps to formulate them coherently. Modest and shy people discover hidden talents within themselves.

Flowers of the Libra sign

  1. – helps to cleanse the home atmosphere, eliminates jealous feelings in relationships, gives beauty to the body;
  2. – creates mutual understanding in the family, helps to listen to the people around you;
  3. chrysanthemum– eliminates all doubtful thoughts, gives firmness of character.

Flowers for Scorpio

  1. cactus– best suited for a person with an unpredictability of character, helps disperse dark forces, calms the touchy;
  2. dragon tree– relieves a person of confidence in mistakes, calms, strengthens memory.

Flowers of the sign Sagittarius

  1. – reduces the value of commercialism, increases activity, gives a sense of independence;
  2. – suitable for those who place material wealth at the basis of life and impart wisdom.

Sometimes it happens like this: no matter how you water, groom, or shake over a flower, it still dries before your eyes. Well, or, on the contrary, it rots, as if from waterlogged soil. There is no limit to disappointment, as well as bewilderment: why is this happening? What flowers suit the zodiac sign, giving health, prosperity and happiness?

Representatives of this fiery symbol are suitable for the same hot flowers with a fiery color: red, orange, scarlet, pink, burgundy. Moreover, this color can be not only petals, but also decorative leaves. Mars, sharp in character, prone to battles, which rules the sign, gives ideal compatibility with thorny flora.

Luck, peace of mind, health and other well-being will come to you surrounded by tulips, amaryllis, poppies, honeysuckle, roses, cacti, hawthorn flowers and hot peppers. An orchid will protect you from ill-wishers and help you attract the person you like. Antirrinum will help in amorous affairs, and gentian - in money.

Representatives of this horoscopic symbol are material, stable, and permanent. They are under the spell of the beautiful Venus. First of all, dense, strong and low-growing flowers will allow you to improve your physical and mental state. Therefore, surround your living space with sweet peas, lilies of the valley, asters, lilacs, lavender, poppies, roses, foxgloves.

Geranium will bring health, cherry blossoms will bring good luck in marriage, and apple blossoms will bring love. Violets will attract money to the house, hyacinths will bring happiness and well-being.

This is a symbol of air, weightlessness and mobility. In addition, it is ruled by Mercury. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the same representatives of the flora kingdom. An environment of mimosas, lilies, coriander, daffodils, acacias, and buttercups will suit you best. They will help you improve communication skills and also gain ease.

Orange blossom will help you with material well-being and relationships, clover with financial well-being, and lavender with physical health and mental peace. Schisandra will become a talisman, ferns will become a source of endurance and excellent shape.

Representatives of this star symbol are ruled by the Moon and water. As a result, herbs, bushes and trees with succulent stems, fleshy leaves are compatible with you in nature, as well as those that grow in friendly “families”, that is, compactly, developing in abundance from a common root, because you are incredibly attached to your family and your home.

For maximum luck, live surrounded by hydrangeas, passionflowers, ferns, iris, cornflowers, roses, and any flowers with white petals.

For you, lilies are a positive personification of amorous issues, lotuses are spiritual formation and emotional harmony, and gardenias are harbingers of a successful marriage. Reciprocity and love ties will be supported by roses, happy moments and health - Melissa.

Those born under this fiery and power-hungry symbol are under the influence of the main luminary of our entire system - the Sun. Therefore, the plants associated with it harmonize with you. Such flowers accumulate from space the energy of vigor, perseverance, and courage. These include gerberas, dahlias, sunflowers, and marigolds.

Willow, which gives peace and well-being, is also no stranger to you. Linden is useful for maintaining dispassion. Veres promotes karmic protection and excellent health. Clove supports family and love, heliotrope - authority and fame.

The patronage of Mercury, which is close to the Sun, corresponds to plants that replenish lost energy potential, promote health, and promote intellectual development. Specifically, your flowers include thistles, ivies, pansies, chrysanthemums, broomwort, St. John's wort, ranunculus and open eucalyptus buds. They bring good luck.

Mulberry provides salvation from diseases, as does Cochin grass. Lavender also imparts health, as well as tranquility and peace of mind. Orange color attracts money and mutual feelings into your life.

This is a symbol of strict but beautiful forms, under the influence of Venus and Saturn. Therefore, flowers on strong stems, with variegated leaves and unusual petals are recommended for you. These include bells, tuberoses, orchids, swords, tea roses, and gardenias.

Fame, appreciation and prosperity will come to you surrounded by pansies. Safety and physical well-being will be provided by pear blossoms, love by lilac. Heather will bring it, and irises will give you successful career achievements and material well-being.

Bouquet for Scorpio

The celestial bodies Pluto and Mars, which patronize the sign, give corresponding flowers that open up access to considerable energy reserves and enhance superpowers. As a result, everything that helps you get closer to your goal matches your character. Representatives of flora with dark red petals, as well as cacti, geraniums, peonies, hibiscus, ginger, and orchids bring special luck.

Broom will bring you closer to money, which will also give you security. Milk thistle will protect physical health, yucca - love and financial well-being, snapdragon - heartfelt affection.

Those born under this constellation are guided through life by Jupiter, which corresponds to the flora associated with assistance in communication and the development of sociability. You should also take into account that this is a symbol of fire, therefore, all plants with a palette of red shades, as well as bright yellow, orange, and pink, will suit your character. First of all - lilies, carnations, crocuses.

Linden flowers will impart attractiveness and charm, honeysuckle – heartfelt affection, spiritual devotion and wealth. Dandelions will bring a healthy state of the body and money into your life, and borage will protect your well-being.

The ruler of this zodiac symbol, Saturn, bestows the representatives of the sign with stability, peace, and stability. In order not to miss and strengthen them, you need to choose plants that help in career advancement, attract energy, and promote administrative and organizational abilities.

So, jasmine, snowdrops, philodendrons, violets and tulips will bring good luck. Belladonna will protect you from troubles, ivy will lead to wealth, and all members of the bindweed family will be endowed with health and love. Pansies will help in matters of monetary gains, quince color - in maintaining wealth and in matters of the heart.

Bouquet for Aquarius

Saturn, as well as Uranus, patronizing those born under this horoscopic symbol, help to look at everything from a new point of view, get a clear idea of ​​what is happening and find a way out of completely incomprehensible situations. Aloe, lilies of the valley, lilies and orchids will allow you to protect yourself from conservatism and stereotyping and get good luck in business.

Belladonna will provide strong protection - both spiritual and physical. Ivy will support you in your progress towards wealth. Morning glory will give you love and health. Mimosa will be beneficial in matters of the heart.

In the horoscope of such people, the influences of not only Jupiter, but also Neptune, predominate, so flora is important for them, which correlates not with the external manifestation of life, but with the internal. Gypsophila, violets, daffodils, lilies and lilacs will help you promote spiritual perfection, maintain concentration, and develop contemplation. In addition, they will bring considerable luck.

Ordinary dandelions will attract money and physical health. Linden flowers will add charm and attractiveness. Hyssop will help in achieving excellent health and close love relationships, honeysuckle - heartfelt fidelity and material well-being.

The flower horoscope arose thanks to the Celts. They noticed that plants have their own special energy that affects humans, and that each time period has a patron plant. It gives people born in a particular period its healing power and influences their character traits.

The healing properties of plants have been known since ancient times. People have used herbs and flowers in different ways:

  • collected, washed, dried and prepared decoctions;
  • hung at the threshold to protect the house from dark forces;
  • carried with them in special ammo or sachets to protect against illnesses and evil.

The creators of the first flower horoscopes were the Druids; they determined their own mascot flowers for each person. The Slavs and the Mayans believed that if a flower was picked, dried and always carried with you, it would protect against the evil eye and troubles.

The knowledge of the Celts, Druids and other civilizations has survived to this day: today you can easily find out your personal horoscope of colors by your zodiac sign and date of birth.

Flower according to horoscope

Each zodiac sign has:

  • your constellation;
  • unique flower.

Here are the plants that correspond to each of the representatives of the zodiac circle:

  • Aries - Pomegranate, Azalea, Geranium, Begonia.
  • Taurus - Gloxinia, Violet, Cyclomen.
  • Gemini - Asparagus, Cirrus Palms, Fern, Ivy, Tradescantia.
  • Cancer - Agave, Aloe, Mason's Begonia, Peperomia, Fuchsia.
  • Leo - Impatiens, Chinese rose, Camellia, Calla, Geranium.
  • Virgo - Aster, Aucuba, Asparagus, Birch, Dracaena, Philodendron.
  • Libra - white Azalea, Hydrangea, Croton, small-flowered Chrysanthemum, Capsicum, Schlumbergera.
  • Scorpio - Dracaena Dragon, Oleander, desert cactus.
  • Capricorn - Money tree, Dracaena fragrant, rubber Ficus, Yucca ivory.
  • Aquarius - tricolor Maranta.
  • Pisces - Fragrant Geranium, Magnolia, Umbrella, Orchid.
  • Sagittarius - Bonsai, Lemon, Ficus sacred, Mother-in-law's tongue.

Patron plant by date of birth

In addition to the fact that each zodiac sign has its own patron flowers, there are also mascot plants based on date of birth:

Each plant has its own character and virtues, which it imparts to a person born under its auspices.

From gentian to mimosa

Gentian Yellow symbolizes the sun and warmth, characterizes a person as persistently achieving his goal through perseverance and hard work. As a rule, bosses like such people. A person of this sign is characterized by: responsiveness, diligence, modesty and shyness. He does not like noisy companies, is a little hidden and reserved, does not know how to gossip at all and willingly lends money. This is a wonderful friend, a faithful spouse, a loving father (mother).

Thistle is characterized by activity. They are big talkers and very fussy, constantly demanding attention, and only true friends will be able to appreciate them, discerning kindness and self-sacrifice in them, because not everyone is destined to understand their fiery activity. Sometimes they are aggressive, but behind this aggression lies a vulnerable and reliable nature. These are the best friends, devoted parents and spouses and responsible employees.

People of the Immortelle sign do not like excesses, they always look after health and fashion, and play sports. Very elegant, their appearance often provokes the envy of others, while this only helps them defeat their ill-wishers and strengthen their own spirit. These are people who are able to start from scratch and achieve great success, survive in the most difficult situations and not lose heart. The marriage of an Immortelle is distinguished by its strength, while requiring constant mutual understanding and common interests.

Owners of the Mistletoe plant are mysterious and very charming, their nature is refined and requires only the best. They like to relax and do not bother themselves with work, they are interesting, enjoy the attention of the opposite sex and have many fans and fans, are rarely alone, and are capable of any action in the name of love.

People born under the Belladonna sign have a beautiful appearance that matches their inner beauty. Their ability to understand people in the first minutes of communication indicates the presence of a subtle mind, however, out of self-esteem, they do not get along with all people, but if they become friends, they do not abandon their friends; hardworking, conscientious, and easily make a career.

Mimosa is a very delicate flower, so its owner is a vulnerable and touchy person, distinguished by increased sensitivity, accustomed to sacrificing himself. This is a hardworking and responsible employee who does not know sick leave or vacations, and expects praise and encouragement from his boss; capable of depression, which he used to console with alcohol. To maintain morale requires attention and admiration from others.

From poppy to dahlia

Mac's beauty is intoxicating, people of the opposite sex easily fall into his web, and sometimes it is impossible to get out of these webs. This is an unpretentious and very bright person in every sense of the word, capable of winning the minds of people and acquiring like-minded people. In a team, he does not stand out much, but he knows how to set the tone for everything and resolve any conflict, does not strive for family life and delays marriage as far as possible, thereby risking being left alone in old age.

Lily is a moon flower. This is a man with a secret that can only be solved during the full moon. He is characterized by deception, masquerade and flirting, however, he knows how to be happy. Lilia has difficult relationships with relatives and friends; it is impossible to force this person to do anything. If you fulfill all his wishes, he will sit on your neck and begin to command. Sometimes it is better to put such a person in his place, and then be with him “on equal terms”, because this is the only way to improve relations.

Despite the fact that Foxglove is an inconspicuous and pale flower, people who relate to it are distinguished by their determination. Just their appearance in the team is enough and the atmosphere will be heated to the limit, and everyone around them will be charged with crazy energy. It is difficult for such people to create a family because of the constant desire to lead, but if the couple is made up of a person who gives in to this, the family will be strong.

People of the Magnolia sign are ambitious, stubborn and always want to be first. However, due to the reluctance to listen to other people, relationships with others do not work out. Magnolia knows her own worth, treats expensive things as the closest and most necessary, is selective in choosing friends and communicates only with the right people.

Owners of the Hydrangea flower are generous and generous people who love to gather guests and spend time in a festive atmosphere. They are pleasant to talk to and if they make a kind gesture towards someone, they do not demand anything in return. In a series of friendly parties, they can forget about work and their responsibilities; they hear from spouses that they spend too much and risk losing their partner due to constant absence from home.

Dahlia is very demanding both of himself and of those around him, he is an esthete in everything, and spends a lot of time in the theater, at concerts and exhibitions. Many consider such a person to be a bore, which is why he does not have much success in communicating with others. Finding himself on a streak of bad luck, the owner of the flower shows his not the best qualities and is capable of cynicism, often relies on chance and does not control the situation. It is difficult for such a person to achieve what he wants, since he is overly emotional and forgets about self-control in anger; may be married several times.

From lily of the valley to tulip

People of the Lily of the Valley sign consist of only virtues: modest beauty, a generous heart and an inexperienced mind. They often do charity work, live modestly, and love children. These are the most affectionate parents and loving spouses, however, they are not able to forgive betrayal, they are so sensitive.

Life often treats purslane owners unfairly; a person knows that he deserves a lot, but he is unlucky in life. He is a reserved, cautious, slightly boring loser who is distrustful of others and expects a trick from everywhere. It is difficult to build a relationship with Portulak both at home and at work, he demands to be protected and appreciated, even when nothing works out for him, but if you prove your devotion to him, he will carry his passion in his arms, and good and to a just man he will give his last shirt.

Owners of Chamomile have a complex character: they show themselves to be honest and open, but in fact they hide their true self. They are cunning, capable of meanness and using information for personal gain; They strive to inspire trust in the interlocutor, in this way calling him to frankness, attracting the partner with a certain charm and elusiveness. In a relationship, love is either present or not; if not, the lack of love will not prevent you from living with an unloved person for a long time, if the owner of the flower is constantly cherished and pampered.

Bell always seeks support in life and welcomes the reliability of relationships. Family is the most precious thing he has. These are people who do not like change, are ready to build a house and live in it for a long time as a happy big family, however, everything must be according to their rules; they love comfort and welcome manual work more than the work of technology; Monogamous, therefore, in the event of separation from their lover, they risk being left alone.

The “carrier” of Daisy is a homebody and quiet person. He is observant, not bold or romantic, loves to gossip and can’t find a mate. However, he doesn’t want to change anything in his life; he’s ready to communicate with neighbors and school friends for years; has a beautiful appearance; in a critical situation, he is ready to take a bold action.

If Tulip is a man, he is the most romantic Don Juan, if a woman is an energetic lady with great doubts who demands attention and deeds. In general, the owners of this flower are truthful and open people who know the value of freedom. These are wonderful parents who first build a career and then start a family, so their children, as a rule, are late.

From water lily to delphinium

People born under the sign of Water Lily have very diverse characteristics. Their interests are varied, they have a large circle of friends. They are friendly and tolerant, respect the opinion of every person, try to understand the most difficult situation; At work they easily become leaders, but they do not like to boss people around. The goal of their life is a family and many children, and to this they are ready to give all their warmth and care.

Violet loves everyone who surrounds her, she is capricious, spoiled and demanding of herself. These are owners of beautiful appearance who believe that working all your life is great stupidity; good friends and devoted spouses, but relations with relatives leave much to be desired, especially misunderstandings with the mother.

It’s not for nothing that Rosehip has another name - “wild rose”. The owner of this flower is very obstinate and constantly protects himself and people close to him from ill-wishers and evil; he is brave and courageous, kind and sincere, his family lives in abundance and knows no problems. This is a good spouse, an avid traveler and an excellent negotiator.

Owners of the Sunflower flower are hardworking and persistent, they make a career early and if they have already achieved the desired position, they will never give it up; They accept failures painfully, they are capable of being in deep despair, but they know how to fight them. Sunflower has many friends, a cozy house in which many people constantly gather, because he is the most friendly and hospitable host.

Rose is the queen of all flowers, she is used to being first in everything and is too demanding of herself. The owners of this flower are difficult to understand, but the opposite sex loves them, because for love they are ready to give everything they have; have many envious people and constantly become victims of rumors, they know how to deal with troubles and will not let their family be offended.

Owners of the Delphinium flower are modest and completely undemanding, but only to themselves; They are used to doing everything with their own hands, they are kind and trusting. It is easy for them to sit on the neck, however, they are very sensitive and if they have exposed insincerity, they will reward them with a bad attitude for the rest of their lives. It is useless to argue with them, they do not understand reasons and arguments; are able to make a marriage happy, despite the fact that it is very difficult for them to find a soul mate.

From carnation to freesia

The owner of the Carnation is a fighter for truth, sometimes to his own detriment, he protects all the offended and humiliated, he is ready to go into battle as soon as the opportunity arises and woe to anyone who stands in his way. This is an undisputed leader and hard worker, strict in the family, not afraid of change and difficulties.

People born under the sign of Astra are great optimists. They look forward with confidence and move towards their goal; They know how to lead a team, have a cheerful disposition and charge the atmosphere with their sparkling energy. Their home is always joyful and cozy; They are caring and cherish harmonious and trusting relationships with others for a long time.

Holders of the Heather flower are distinguished by their sophistication. These are specialists in their field, have an ability for exact sciences and know the value of their skills; want to achieve excellence in almost all industries. These are irreplaceable friends, good conversationalists and wonderful family men.

Owners of the Camellia flower are distinguished by their organization; they do not stop halfway and do not pay attention to obstacles; they take many risks, but carefully consider their actions and consider the consequences. They feel the taste of life and surround themselves with exquisite things, they try to choose a partner based on their interests, which is why their work colleagues often become their wives (husbands).

Lilac is a symbol of youth and freshness. People of this sign are young at heart and are able to turn the head of a fan no matter how old they are. They adore the state of being in love, but they have been looking for love for years; They are rarely happy in marriage, hate lies, and are friends with people of different ages.

The owner of the Freesia flower is afraid that he will not have time to do a lot of important things and is ready to work from morning until late evening; enjoys the sympathy of those around him, but is in no hurry to choose a relatively serious relationship, given that he spends a lot of time at work, and is ready to have an affair with a co-worker (employee).

From orchid to edelweiss

Orchid owners are mysterious and enigmatic, patient, can wait a long time, but will definitely take what rightfully belongs to them; They are ready to maintain a close relationship with their partner for several years and not rush to register their marriage. Orchid wants to live for herself, so she is in no hurry to get married.

Peony is too talkative, will reveal all his plans and will not be afraid of ill-wishers. This is an easy-going, calm person who loves to work and enjoy his own achievements; those around him are surprised at his endurance. The owner of this sign is an excellent athlete, always keeps in shape, believes in his own strength, is lenient towards people and is promiscuous in his relationships.

Owners of the Gladiolus flower are very efficient and capable of achieving a lot in life. There are no obvious geniuses among them, since they take on one thing at a time, then another, they are constantly looking for themselves; romantics, dreamers, have difficulty making decisions and completely trust their soul mate.

Dandelion owners cannot ignore the attention of others, they are constantly among friends, easy to communicate, and always fashionably dressed. They are able to express interesting ideas and make decisions without coordinating them with management, with confidence in their own correctness and literacy. These are frank and straightforward people who can indulge in feelings without thinking about the consequences; They value people and do not forgive betrayal.

Lotus is a symbol of purity and faith. The owner of this flower is neat, loves the classics, thinks progressively, is internally organized, efficient in everything, and is a little conservative in the family.

The owner of Edelweiss is a good friend who you can always rely on. This is a reliable person with a calm temperament, who monitors the “weather” in relationships, is sometimes unbalanced, loves freedom, always thinks soberly and assesses the situation realistically; he speaks the truth to his face and learns throughout his life love and correctness.