A statement about religion. Aphorisms and quotes about religion. A.I. Herzen

  • The Bible is the best gift that God has ever given a person. All the best from the Savior of the world is passed on to us through this book (Abraham Lincoln).
  • Man does not like truth at all; when she contradicts his desires, when she scatters his most dear dreams, when he can achieve her only at the cost of his hopes and illusions, then he is imbued with hatred for her, as if she were the cause of everything. (A.I. Herzen).
  • When religion meets politics, the Inquisition is born (Albert Camus).
  • The surest sign of truth is simplicity and clarity. Lies are always complicated, pretentious, verbose (Leo Tolstoy).
  • Preaching should be our lives, not our words (Thomas Jefferson).
  • Christians are not born - they die as Christians (Vladimir Borisov).
  • Christian immortality is life without death, and not after death (Peter Chaadaev).
  • The Devil's greatest deceit is to convince us that he does not exist (Charles Baudelaire).
  • Many people look to God as a servant who must do all the dirty work for them (François Mauriac).
  • The only difference between a religion and a sect is the amount of real estate they own (Frank Zappa).
  • The more I study nature, the more I stop in awe at the works of the Creator (Louis Pasteur).
  • The Bible contains more signs of authenticity than all secular history (Isaac Newton).
  • Religion, art and science are branches of the same tree (Albert Einstein).
  • Live in search of God - and God will not leave you (Leo Tolstoy).
  • Fearing God less than fearing your boss is what idolatry is all about (Natalia Grace).

  • Preaching about God and quoting the Bible is not yet faith (Luule Viilma).
  • If God created man in his own image and likeness, then man repaid him in the same way (Voltaire).
  • I don’t have to believe that the same God who gave us feelings, common sense and reason, demands that we refuse to use them (Galileo Galilei).
  • The ministers of the church often allowed nations to defend the cause of God with arms in hand, but they never allowed rebellion against real evil and obvious violence (Paul Holbach).
  • We should be grateful to God that he created the world in such a way that everything simple is true, and everything complex is not true (Grigory Skovoroda).

  • If you deprive people of immensely great things, they will not live and die in despair. The immeasurable and infinite is just as necessary for a person as the small planet on which he lives (Fyodor Dostoevsky).
  • To say that religion is inaccessible to reason means to admit that it was not created for intelligent beings (Paul Holbach).
  • A thinking Christianity must be given the right to exist among the believing Christianity (Albert Schweitzer).
  • He is not a heretic who, according to his understanding, follows Scripture, but he who follows the instructions of the Church against his own conscience and understanding based on Scripture (John Milton).

  • Is it not surprising that people so often fight for religion and so rarely live by its prescription? (Georg Lichtenberg).
  • Science without religion is chromium, religion without science is blind (Albert Einstein).
  • When the controversy between tradition and thought ends, Christian truth and Christian truthfulness suffer (Albert Schweitzer).
  • Whoever does not want to see anything except by chance in this harmony, which is revealed with such obviousness in the structure of the starry sky, must attribute Divine wisdom to this case (Johann Medler).
  • Science and religion are two complementary sides of the same

  • their outer space, they discovered so much beautiful and unexpected that it is now more difficult to tell a scientist that God does not exist (Jules Duchesne).
  • I have known ninety-five prominent people in the world, and eighty-seven of them were Bible followers (William Gladstone).
  • I cannot imagine the Universe and human life without some kind of meaningful beginning, without a source of spiritual warmth that lies outside matter and its laws. Probably, this feeling can be called religious (Andrei Sakharov).
  • The day will come when they will laugh at the stupidity of modern materialistic philosophy (Louis Pasteur).
  • You cannot properly rule the world without God and the Bible (George Washington).

  • The order in the Universe, which unfolds before our eyes, itself testifies to the truth of the greatest and most sublime statement: "In the beginning is God" (Arthur Compton).
  • I salute my parents who instilled in me a love of the scriptures from an early age. If we adhere to the principles taught in the Bible, our country will be in a state of constant prosperity (Daniel Webster).
  • Both religion and science ultimately seek the truth and come to the confession of God. The first presents Him as the basis, the second - as the end of any phenomenal concept of the world (Max Planck).
  • If there is any value in everything that I have written, it is because, as a child, my mother read the Bible passages to me every day and daily demanded me to memorize these passages (John Ruskin).
  • The activity of the infinitely perfect Mind is found in the infinite universe (Albert Einstein).
  • All hope of human progress is based on the ever-increasing influence of the Bible (William Seward).
  • I am amazed why people choose to wander in the unknown on many important issues when God gave them such a wonderful book of revelation (Michael Faraday).
  • I cannot understand a scientist who would not recognize the Higher Reason in the entire system of the universe, just as I could not understand a theologian who would deny the progress of science. Religion and science are sisters (Wernher von Braun).
  • It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a people reading the Bible. Bible principles are at the core of human freedom (Horace Greeley).
  • The scientist has much more reason to believe in God today than it was 50 years ago, because now science has seen its limits (Hansjohem Outrum).
  • The existence of the Bible as a book is the greatest benefit to all people that humankind has ever experienced. Any attempt to belittle the Bible is a crime against humanity (Immanuel Kant).
  • The Bible is an extraordinary book. She is a Living Being, conquering everything opposing her (Napoleon).
  • Bible reading is education in itself (Alfred Tennyson).
  • I needed an abstract, unattainably high ideal of faith. And taking on the Gospel, which I had never read before, and I was already 38 years old, I found this ideal for myself (Nikolai Pirogov).
  • There are no contradictions between God the creator and what has already been discovered by us in the Universe, it is quite possible to be a religious person and a scientist at the same time (Peter Higgs).
  • Compared to the Bible, all human books, even the best, are only planets borrowing all their light and radiance from the Sun (Robert Boyle).
  • Whoever has attempted to portray the history of the universe, this attempt cannot present anything higher and more worthy than the biblical story of creation (John Dawson).
  • The greatness of Scripture fills me with amazement, and the holiness of the Gospel speaks to my heart. How insignificant are philosophical writings, despite all their brilliance, in comparison with Holy Scripture! Could any other composition in such a short time rise so high, being the work of an ordinary person? (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).
  • The New Testament is the greatest book now and in the future for the whole world (Charles Dickens).
  • All human discoveries serve to provide stronger evidence of the truths found in the scriptures (William Herschel).
  • There is a book in which everything is said, everything is decided, after which there is no doubt about anything, the book is immortal, holy, the book of eternal truth, eternal life - the Gospel. All the progress of mankind, all the successes in science, in philosophy consist only in a greater penetration into the secret depths of this divine book (Vissarion Belinsky).
  • Lord! What a book this Holy Scripture is, what a miracle and what a power given to man with it! (Fedor Dostoevsky).
  • The teaching of the Bible is so intertwined with our civil and social life that it is impossible to imagine human life if this teaching is removed from it. With the removal of the Bible, we will lose all foundation (Theodore Roosevelt).
  • The Bible speaks to the heart of every generation, and the measure for assessing the vitality and strength of a people will always be its attitude to the Bible (Johann Goethe).
  • The Holy Scripture, no matter how much you reread it, the more you penetrate it, the more everything is illuminated and expanded. Here is the only Book in the world: it has everything! (Alexander Pushkin).
  • Only a superficial knowledge of nature can take us away from God, while a deeper and more thorough knowledge, on the contrary, returns to Him (Francis Bacon).
  • For the animal, nature itself has determined the circle of actions in which it should move, and it calmly completes it, not striving to go beyond its limits, not even suspecting the existence of any other circle. Likewise, the Divine indicated to man a common goal - to ennoble humanity and himself (Karl Marx).
  • I attribute to the Bible the greatness of England (Queen Victoria of Great Britain).
  • The Bible is the truest expression ever expressed by the letters of our alphabet that came out of the human soul, through which, as if through a God-opened window, all people can look at the silence of eternity and recognize in the distance a glimpse of a long-forgotten house (Thomas Carlyle).
  • So great is my respect for the Bible that the sooner my children start reading it, the more confident I will be that they will become useful citizens of their country and respected members of society (John Adams).
  • Let the scientific culture develop, let the natural science succeed in depth and breadth, let the human mind develop as much as necessary, but they will not surpass the cultural and moral level of Christianity, which shines in the Gospels (Johann Goethe).
  • Born in the East and dressed in oriental uniforms and images, the Bible travels around the world in its usual steps and enters country after country to find its own everywhere. She learned to speak to the human heart in hundreds of languages \u200b\u200b(Henry Van Dyck).
  • There is only one book - the Bible (Walter Scott).
  • Reading the Bible is always the most real consolation. I don’t know anything to compare it with. Both the Old and New Testaments equally strengthens the soul (Wilhelm von Humboldt).
  • The mathematician is unwisely judicious if he wants to measure the divine will with a compass. The same is true for a theology teacher if he thinks that astronomy or chemistry can be learned from the psalter (Mikhail Lomonosov).
  • The discovery of the laws of nature at first provoked strong opposition, almost accusations of blasphemy. Now, however, we recognize that the laws of God's world make it even more amazing and more beautiful, that the greatness and wonderful accuracy of the functioning of the Universe is the result of the action of natural laws that God uses as an instrument (Igor Sikorsky).
  • People still have not found an excuse for themselves why they crucified Christ, but they will do it again as soon as such an occasion arises (Boris Krieger).
  • If they prove to me mathematically that the truth is not in Christ, I will prefer Christ (Fyodor Dostoevsky).
  • Respectable people believe in God so as not to talk about him (Jean-Paul Sartre).
  • A terrible, insoluble question: how can intelligent, educated people - Catholics, Orthodox - believe in the absurdity of the church faith, can only be explained by hypnosis (Leo Tolstoy).
  • One should believe in what helps to live, and not believe in what interferes (Boris Krieger).
  • We unconsciously think that God sees us from above, but he sees us from the inside (Gilbert Sesbron).
  • Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise, awe, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me (Immanuel Kant).
  • If religion is not in the first place, then it is in the last (Leo Tolstoy).
  • It is not our business to dictate to God how he should govern this world (Niels Bohr).
  • In the Judeo-Christian religious tradition we find the highest principles by which we should be guided in all our aspirations and judgments. Our weak strength is not enough to reach this highest goal, but it forms a solid foundation for all our aspirations and value judgments (Albert Einstein).
  • The essence of all faith is that it gives life a meaning that is not destroyed by death (Leo Tolstoy).
  • The most serious problems of modern man stem from the fact that he has lost the sense of meaningful cooperation with God in His intentions regarding humanity (Fyodor Dostoevsky).
  • An atheist is an unhappy child who tries in vain to convince himself that he has no father (Benjamin Franklin).

  • Regular church attendance is just as incapable of making a person a Christian, just as regular visiting a garage is incapable of making a person a chauffeur (Albert Schweitzer).
  • The wonderful structure of the cosmos and the harmony in it can only be explained by the fact that the cosmos was created according to the plan of an omniscient and omnipotent being (Isaac Newton).
  • Do not say that the Lord is on your side, but rather pray that you yourself be on the side of the Lord (Abraham Lincoln).
  • It is necessary to protect God not outside, but within oneself (Yann Martel).
  • If there is no God and our whole life is a second on the way from dust to dust, then why is everything? (Mikhail Khodorkovsky).
  • Atheists are believers who do not want to be them (Stanislav Lets).
  • People will argue about religion, write books about it, fight and die for it, but not live by it (Charles Colton).
  • Superstition is a religion for weak minds (Edmund Burke)
  • The one who does not believe in anything is ready to believe in everything (Francois Chateaubriand).
  • Before you love your enemies, try to treat your friends a little better (Edgar Howe).
  • The truth that makes us free is most often the truth that we do not want to listen to (Herbert Eygar).
  • Many believe in God, but not many believe in God (Marty Larney).
  • Christ expelled the merchants from the temple, the merchants grew wiser and put on robes (Horace Safrin).
  • Everyone adapts God for himself, and not himself for God (Vladislav Skripnichenko).
  • Jehovah, having created the world, said that it is good. What would he say now? (Bernard Show).
  • Atheism is a thin layer of ice over which one person can walk, and an entire nation will fall into the abyss (Francis Bacon).
  • Hope in God is the only way to believe in him, and therefore whoever does not pray does not believe (Petr Chaadaev).
  • Every serious naturalist must be religious in some way. Otherwise, he is not able to imagine that the incredibly subtle interdependencies that he observes were not invented by him (Albert Einstein).
  • Insulting the feelings of believers is an ancient and venerable occupation, conducive to wit. We have collected the best statements of scientists, philosophers, poets and politicians, many of whom were not even convinced atheists, but for the sake of a catchphrase, they did not regret the eternal Father. (We warn you right away: you should not sue us for this article, but them.)

    The more often a person remembers God in his speeches, the more diligently I watch my wallet.
    Mark Twain, writer

    Benjamin Lang

    There is no God in my theory, because I did not need this hypothesis.
    Pierre Laplace, astronomer

    Blind faith has very evil eyes.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec, poet

    Words of faith are often repeated, not because they are true, but because they are often repeated.
    Oscar Wilde, writer

    Religious beliefs are a great excuse to do nasty things to people.
    Richard Aldington, writer

    The church is a place where gentlemen who have never been to heaven tell tales about them to those who never get there.
    Henry Mencken, literary critic

    Faith is something that lies on one side of the scale, while reason always rests on the other.
    Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher

    Stephen Fry

    You can explain the existence of gas stations to the Martian. But it will be very difficult to explain to him why all these churches are needed.
    John Updike, writer

    Guy de Maupassant

    Teaching religion in schools, these, to put it mildly, church bastards want to lure the souls of children.
    Vitaly Ginzburg, physicist

    What splendid fools religion makes of people!
    Ben Johnson, playwright

    John Fowles

    There is too little love and goodness in the world to be lavished on imaginary beings.
    Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher

    I suppose I would be a good Christian, but the church did everything to turn me into a complete atheist.
    Friedrich Schiller, playwright

    Civilization will not reach perfection until the stone of the last church falls on the head of the last priest.
    Emile Zola, writer

    Sigmund Freud

    The absence of God is difficult to prove. If I assume that a porcelain teapot is flying around the Sun in orbit between Earth and Mars, no one can disprove this, especially if I carefully add that it is so small that even the most powerful telescopes cannot see it.
    Bertrand Russell, mathematician

    Denis Diderot

    God is a plug for the hole of the unknown.
    Anatoly Lunacharsky, politician

    The Christian concept is disgusting. She makes of God either an embodied anger, and, moreover, an infinite anger that created thinking creatures in order to make them forever unhappy, or embodied powerlessness and dementia, unable to foresee or prevent the misfortunes of their creatures.
    Francois Voltaire, philosopher

    The blood shed by the worshipers of a God of mercy and peace since the introduction of His religion would have been enough, perhaps, to drown the adherents of all other sects living on the globe.
    Percy Shelley, poet

    Reason is the main enemy of all faith.
    Martin Luther, priest

    Albert Einstein

    Religion has always seemed to me something indecent.
    Ingmar Bergman, director

    If God exists, then atheism certainly offends him less than religion.
    Jules Goncourt, writer

    Ivan Turgenev

    Thank God I'm an atheist!
    Luis Buñuel, director

    Thomas Edison

    I am sure that a serious scientist who studies the laws of nature or human society will not be able to preserve his faith, because everything around him will dissuade him in the dogmas learned from childhood.
    Umberto Eco, writer

    Hugo Steinhaus

    All thinking people are atheists.
    Ernest Hemingway, writer

    Piety finds excuses for bad deeds that a simple decent person would not find.
    Charles Montesquieu, philosopher

    No religion can do anything for humanity.
    Stanislav Lem, writer

    Bernard Show

    If you look at the ratio of all living beings in the world, then it turns out that the Lord loves microbes and insects most of all.
    Conrad Lauren, biologist

    Prayer is a demand to change all the laws of the universe for the sake of one, obviously unworthy, supplicant.
    Ambrose Bierce, journalist

    Somerset Maugham

    Religion is regarded by ordinary people as the truth, intelligent as a lie, and the government as a useful thing.
    Edward Gibbon, historian


    One should not believe in something just because it would be terrible if it did not exist.
    Jean Rostand, biologist

    Religiosity is simply one of the by-products of our species behavior. Quite harmful, it should be noted.
    Ernst Mayr, zoologist

    It's amazing how all these priests and soothsayers, looking at each other, can keep from laughing.
    Cicero, politician

    The people positively demand to be deceived, otherwise it is impossible to deal with them.
    Synesius, bishop

    Jack Nicholson

    It is unfair to call believers donkeys, for donkeys are never so stubborn.
    Luis Velez de Guevara, writer

    He who has science does not need religion.
    Johann Goethe, poet


    I never tried to find God, believing that if He is as smart as he is described, he will be able to find me himself.
    Isaac Asimov, physicist

    There is nothing more remarkable than the spread of religious unbelief that I see in the world today.
    Charles Darwin, biologist

    Are you asking what I think of the sweet sensation of absolute faith? I think this is completely horrible and absolutely unacceptable.
    Kurt Vonnegut, writer

    Giordano Bruno

    The religion of mortals encourages great evil deeds.
    Lucretius, poet

    With some definite tendencies towards vegetative life, the hermit instead of the angel can turn into a cucumber. This is an occupational risk.
    André Frossard, journalist

    The most important task facing religion today is to disappear as quickly and painlessly as possible.
    Joseph Dietzgen, philosopher

    It is strange that all religions devote so much time to miracles, while every student knows that a miracle, that is, violation of the laws of the Universe, is impossible.
    Max Planck, physicist

    Winston Churchill

    For you I am an atheist, but for God I am a constructive opposition.
    Woody Allen, director

    The priest's authority depends on the superstition and dull credulity of the peoples. He does not need them to be enlightened at all. The less they know, the more submissive to his decisions.
    Claude-Adrian Helvetius, philosopher

    If you read the Bible with open eyes, you will see that it was written by people who are very unpleasant and less educated.
    Robert Ingersoll, lawyer

    Vissarion Belinsky

    The ancients, observing natural phenomena - thunder, lightning, eclipses of the moon and sun, were horrified and believed that the reason for this was the gods. They did not understand that there is nothing in the world besides them, which would be endowed with a divine nature.
    Democritus, philosopher

    The Lord from the almighty helmsman gradually turns into the vanishing smile of the cosmic Cheshire Cat.
    Julian Huxley, writer

    Apparently, God deliberately made people so trusting that it would be easier for priests to deceive them.
    George Halifax, politician

    Currently, the heavenly palaces are heated by radiators connected to hell. The torment of sinners is aggravated by the realization that the fire that devours them, at the same time provides comfort to the righteous. (M. Twain)

    In some cases, swearing gives even more relief than prayer. (M. Twain)

    In paradise, they do not accept it according to merit, but under patronage, otherwise you would have remained outside the door, but would have let your dog in. (M. Twain)

    In religion and politics, beliefs and beliefs are almost always taken second-hand and unchecked. (M. Twain)

    The believer is not afraid of adversity, but in the adversity of fate he does not despair. (K. Prutkov)

    To each his own. Saint Francis of Assisi said: "Every saint will be able to perform a miracle, but not everyone will be able to decently run a hotel." (M. Twain)

    Lord! I'm asking you to die! Do not deny me, Lord, because I'm not asking for myself ...

    Lord! I'm asking you to die! Do not deny me, Lord, because I'm not asking for myself ...

    May the hand of the taker not be cut off

    May your name and your extension be sanctified, O Lord ...

    Let's swear while there is time, in paradise we will not be allowed ... (M. Twain)

    If God is as it is believed, he must be the most miserable in the universe. He watches every hour the myriad of creatures he created, experiencing innumerable suffering. He also knows about the suffering that they have yet to endure. You can say about him: "As unhappy as God." (M. Twain)

    If Christ had appeared here now, in any case, he would not have been a Christian. (M. Twain)

    If smoking is prohibited in heaven, I don't want to go there. (M. Twain)

    If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

    If I lived at the beginning of the world, I would first listen to what the neighbors say about the murder of Abel, before loudly denouncing Cain. (M. Twain)

    From the bones of St. Dionysius, which we saw in Europe, if necessary, it would be possible, in my opinion, to assemble his skeleton in two copies. (M. Twain)

    Sometimes blasphemy gives relief that even prayer cannot provide. (M. Twain)

    When you read the Bible, you are more surprised at God's ignorance than at his omniscience. (M. Twain)

    Favorite torture of the Inquisition - one leg here, the other there

    Favorite torture of the Inquisition - one leg here, the other there

    Methuselah lived for 969 years. You, dear boys and girls, will see more in the next ten years than Methuselah has seen in his entire life. (M. Twain)

    It often seems to me that it would be better for Noah and his team to be late for their ark. (M. Twain)

    We are not talking about faith when we are talking about the fact that twice two is four or that the earth is round. We talk about faith only when we want to replace proof with feeling. (M. Twain)

    Get the crew to sail to heaven and try to dock in hell for two and a half hours just to get some coal, and I'll be damned if some son of a bitch doesn't stay ashore. (M. Twain)

    It's a good idea to check the weather forecast before you start praying for rain. (M. Twain)

    The unshakable faith of a Christian who holds four trusses in his hands. (M. Twain)

    Not a single sinner was saved after the first twenty minutes of the sermon. (M. Twain)

    No other books generate such income as the Bible, and even obscene books, or rather other obscene books. (M. Twain)

    We need nails. For Christ's sake!

    We need nails. For Christ's sake!

    Very few sinners were saved after the first twenty minutes of the sermon. (M. Twain)

    Why is it called prayer when you talk to God, and schizophrenia when God is with you?

    Heaven and hell differ only in the software provider

    Heaven is better in terms of climate, but company is better in hell. (M. Twain)

    Religious tolerance has been achieved only because we have ceased to attach the same importance to religion as before. (M. Twain)

    The case is the pseudonym of God when he doesn’t have to sign (Anatole France)

    To create a man was a glorious and original idea. But to create a sheep after that was to repeat itself. (M. Twain)

    Now I see that I was mistaken about Eve: it is better to live outside of paradise with her than without her - in paradise. (M. Twain)

    The devil does not have a single paid assistant, while the Opposite Side has a million. (M. Twain)

    I have two Gods: Pushkin, Tolstoy. And the main one ?! I'm afraid to think about him. (F. Ranevskaya)

    A person is accepted into the bosom of the church because he believes, and expelled from there because he knows. (M. Twain)

    I do not intend to spoil my relationship with either heaven or hell - I have friends in both places. (M. Twain)

    Funny, funny, witty, comic phrases, aphorisms, sayings and quotes:

    The more often a person remembers God in his speeches, the more diligently I watch my wallet.
    Mark Twain, writer


    There is no God in my theory, because I did not need this hypothesis.
    Pierre Laplace, astronomer


    Blind faith has very evil eyes.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec, poet


    Words of faith are often repeated, not because they are true, but because they are often repeated.
    Oscar Wilde, writer


    Religious beliefs are a great excuse to do nasty things to people.
    Richard Aldington, writer


    The church is a place where gentlemen who have never been to heaven tell tales about them to those who never get there.
    Henry Mencken, literary critic


    Faith is something that lies on one side of the scale, while reason always rests on the other.
    Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher


    You can explain the existence of gas stations to the Martian. But it will be very difficult to explain to him why all these churches are needed.
    John Updike, writer


    Teaching religion in schools, these, to put it mildly, church bastards want to lure the souls of children.
    Vitaly Ginzburg, physicist


    What glorious fools religion makes of people!
    Ben Johnson, playwright


    There is too little love and goodness in the world to be lavished on imaginary beings.
    Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher


    I suppose I would be a good Christian, but the church did everything to turn me into a complete atheist.
    Friedrich Schiller, playwright


    Civilization will not reach perfection until the stone of the last church falls on the head of the last priest.
    Emile Zola, writer


    The absence of God is difficult to prove. If I assume that a porcelain teapot is flying around the Sun in orbit between Earth and Mars, no one can disprove this, especially if I carefully add that it is so small that even the most powerful telescopes cannot see it.
    Bertrand Russell, mathematician


    God is a plug for the hole of the unknown.
    Anatoly Lunacharsky, politician


    The Christian concept is disgusting. She makes of God either an embodied anger, and, moreover, an infinite anger that created thinking creatures in order to make them forever unhappy, or embodied powerlessness and dementia, unable to foresee or prevent the misfortunes of their creatures.
    Francois Voltaire, philosopher


    The blood shed by the worshipers of a God of mercy and peace since the introduction of His religion would have been enough, perhaps, to drown the adherents of all other sects living on the globe.
    Percy Shelley, poet


    Reason is the main enemy of all faith.
    Martin Luther, priest


    Religion has always seemed to me something indecent.
    Ingmar Bergman, director


    If God exists, then atheism certainly offends him less than religion.
    Jules Goncourt, writer


    Thank God I'm an atheist!
    Luis Buñuel, director


    I am sure that a serious scientist who studies the laws of nature or human society will not be able to preserve his faith, because everything around him will dissuade him in the dogmas learned from childhood.
    Umberto Eco, writer


    All thinking people are atheists.
    Ernest Hemingway, writer


    Piety finds excuses for bad deeds that a simple decent person would not find.
    Charles Montesquieu, philosopher


    No religion can do anything for humanity.
    Stanislav Lem, writer


    If you look at the ratio of all living beings in the world, then it turns out that the Lord loves microbes and insects most of all.
    Conrad Lauren, biologist


    Prayer is a demand to change all the laws of the universe for the sake of one, obviously unworthy, supplicant.
    Ambrose Bierce, journalist


    Religion is regarded by ordinary people as the truth, intelligent as a lie, and the government as a useful thing.
    Edward Gibbon, historian


    One should not believe in something just because it would be terrible if it did not exist.
    Jean Rostand, biologist


    Religiosity is simply one of the by-products of our species behavior. Quite harmful, it should be noted.
    Ernst Mayr, zoologist


    It's amazing how all these priests and soothsayers, looking at each other, can keep from laughing.
    Cicero, politician


    The people positively demand to be deceived, otherwise it is impossible to deal with them.
    Synesius, bishop


    It is unfair to call believers donkeys, for donkeys are never so stubborn.
    Luis Velez de Guevara, writer


    He who has science does not need religion.
    Johann Goethe, poet


    I never tried to find God, believing that if He is as smart as he is described, he will be able to find me himself.
    Isaac Asimov, physicist


    There is nothing more remarkable than the spread of religious unbelief that I see in the world today.
    Charles Darwin, biologist


    Are you asking what I think of the sweet sensation of absolute faith? I think this is completely horrible and absolutely unacceptable.
    Kurt Vonnegut, writer

    • In the words "god" and "religion" I see darkness, darkness, chains and whip. Belinsky V.G.
    • In dark times, peoples were best guided by religion, because in complete darkness the blind is the best guide: he discerns the path and paths better than the sighted. However, it is truly foolish, when day has already come, to still use the blind old people as guides. Heine G.
    • The greatest feuds produce fewer crimes than religious fanaticism. Voltaire
    • All beliefs are wrong. Knowledge is a completely different thing.
    • All thinking people are atheists. Ernest Hemingway
    • All religions are based on the fact that most people are afraid of death, and a minority - cleverly use this fear. Stendhal
    • The entire history of the church is a mixture of delusion and violence. Goethe I.
    • Any religion is nothing more than a fantastic reflection in the heads of people of those external forces that dominate them in their daily life - a reflection in which earthly forces take the form of unearthly ones. Engels F.
    • Where morality is affirmed on theology, and law on God's decrees, there it is possible to justify and substantiate the most immoral, unjust and shameful things. Feuerbach L.
    • Down with reason! - this is the basis of religion. Holbach P.
    • The clergy would be very displeased if their spiritual work was paid spiritually. Holbach P.
    • If God exists, then atheism certainly offends him less than religion. Jules Goncourt
    • If science proves that some of the postulates of Buddhism are wrong, Buddhism will have to change. Dalai Lama XIV
    • When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. This is my religion. Abraham Lincoln.
    • Who builds his house from the willow, Who harnesses the old nag into the plow, On the pilgrimage who lets his wife - He, simpleton, twists a noose for himself. Chaucer J.
    • A monastery is a dungeon into which those who have been thrown overboard by society are thrown. Diderot D.
    • How many terrible atrocities religion has pushed people to! Lucretius
    • Is it not surprising that people so often fight for religion and so rarely live by its prescription? Lichtenberg G.
    • Ignorance is the first prerequisite of faith, and that is why the Church values \u200b\u200bit so highly. Holbach P.
    • A certain joker correctly remarked that "the true religion is always the one on whose side the sovereign and the executioner are." Holbach P.
    • Take away the fear of hell from the Christian, and you take away his faith. Diderot D.
    • Flip through the history of all the peoples of the earth: everywhere religion turns innocence into a crime, and declares crime innocent. Diderot D.
    • Our lives should be the sermon, not our words. Jefferson T.
    • Religions, every one of them, are ridiculous: their morals are designed for children, their promises are selfish and monstrously stupid. Maupassant G.
    • Religions, like chameleons, take on the color of the soil on which they live. Frans A.
    • Religious beliefs are a great excuse to do nasty things to people. Aldington R.
    • Religion is a disease of the soul. Swift D.
    • Religion is nothing more than the art of occupying the limited mind of a person with an object that he is unable to understand. Holbach P.
    • Religion is the opium of the people. Marx K.
    • Religion prevents people from seeing, because under pain of eternal punishment it forbids them to look. Diderot D.
    • Religion needs an eternal darkness of ignorance, want, technical helplessness, lack of culture. Feuerbach L.
    • Religion is a bridle for people who are unbalanced in character or knocked down by the circumstances of life. Holbach P.
    • Religion contradicts morality in the same way that it contradicts reason. The feeling of goodness is closely related to the feeling of truth. Corruption of reason entails corruption of heart. He who deceives his reason cannot have a sincere, honest heart ... Feuerbach L.
    • Religion only comforts those who are unable to embrace it as a whole; vague promises of rewards can only tempt those people who are unable to reflect on the hideous, deceitful and cruel character that religion ascribes to God. Holbach P.
    • With religion it turns out the same as with gambling: if you start as a fool, you end up as a cheat. Voltaire
    • Salvation is not in rituals, sacraments, not in the confession of this or that faith, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of one's life. L. N. Tolstoy
    • Only an honest person should be an atheist. Diderot D.
    • Whoever has science does not need religion. Goethe I.
    • The purpose of studying Buddhism is not to study Buddhism, but to study ourselves.
    • A person in religion has eyes in order not to see, in order to remain blind; he has a mind not to think, to remain stupid. Feuerbach L.
    • The more limited a person's outlook, the less he is familiar with history, nature and philosophy, the more sincere his attachment to his religion. Feuerbach L.
    • What does the history of religions teach us? That they fanned the flames of intolerance everywhere, covered the plains with corpses, watered the earth with blood, burned cities, devastated states; but they never made people better. Helvetius K.

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