Should a woman forgive betrayal? Is it possible to forgive cheating on a girl: reasons for cheating, what to do, advice from psychologists. Is there life after a loved one's betrayal?

Relationships between a man and a woman are tested, strengthened or destroyed forever due to various situations, for example, after the betrayal of one of the partners. Despite strong feelings, it is difficult to understand how to forgive a girl for cheating and whether it is worth doing. To do this, it is important to understand the intricacies of the issue of betrayal and the behavior of a man after it.

There is an established opinion that sexual intercourse between two people is considered a fact of treason if at least one was in a relationship with another partner. However, in such a situation it is not customary to take into account experience, the time of meetings and their strength, so it is worth distinguishing between the types of betrayal.

A girl can betray physically or mentally. The first type is sex, a kiss or other contact with a young man with whom the lady is not in an official relationship. This happens in the office with a colleague, an old acquaintance or a new friend. The reason is a boring relationship, lack of attention or routine. In this case, there will be witnesses or facts that will confirm what happened. Therefore, it is easy to notice that your partner has cheated if you are observant.

A girl can cheat for various reasons, but this act is rarely spontaneous. Quite often, the behavior of a young man seems to push her into the arms of another man. When the truth does emerge, a guy may have a logical question: “Is it worth forgiving a girl if she cheated and what needs to be done for this?”

Most representatives of the stronger sex take a categorical position regarding female infidelity: under no circumstances are they ready to forgive a girl. However, when it comes beyond “reasoning on the sofa” and concerns a loved one, the solution to this problem no longer seems so clear-cut.

In order to make the right decision regarding whether to forgive the betrayal of your beloved girl or not, you first need to understand the reasons that pushed her to this act. If you have not lost the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue with her, then ask what exactly made her take such a step. If a girl herself confessed to cheating on you, then she, most likely, has already thought about her action and will be able to give you a more or less clear answer. Most women who find themselves unfaithful to their boyfriends use the following arguments as excuses:

  1. Conflict situation. When a relationship with a young man is in crisis for any reason, a girl may seek solace in the arms of others. To be fair, it should be noted that men no less often avoid problems in the same way. Women are simply more emotional, and if they feel remorse, it is much more difficult for them to keep cheating a secret.
  2. Domestic scandals. They happen quite often when young people decide to live together. At such a moment, a new stage of the relationship begins, and lovers are often not ready for this. Every couple faces everyday squabbles to a greater or lesser extent. Both partners need to make enormous efforts to get along under one roof. However, if the girl is a rather childish person who is not ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of a relationship, then an easier way out of this situation for her will be to find another man.
  3. Attention deficit. Indifference will hurt any girl. She needs her loved one to prove his affection to her through care, gifts, or simply spending time on her. If a man ignores this fact, believing that his girlfriend is not going anywhere anyway, then one day he will join the ranks of cuckolds.
  4. Fading passion. Of course, relationships even between a man and a woman who love each other very much cannot be constant fireworks. There come moments when the decline in sexual desire is perceived as the fading of love. Therefore, a girl can begin to look for bright emotions on the side.
  5. Losing respect for the guy. If for some reason a man loses weight in the eyes of his companion, then this greatly affects their relationship. The main problem in this case is that with the loss of respect, sexual interest also goes away, since for women these two concepts are inextricably linked. Therefore, in such a situation there is a high risk of betrayal.
  6. Cruel treatment of a girl. If you periodically allowed yourself to raise your voice, be rude, or raise your hand to your companion, then know that sooner or later she may find solace and protection in the face of another man. In this case, it will be difficult to blame her for anything.
  7. Jealousy. Psychologists say that individuals prone to manic jealousy are themselves very predisposed to cheating. It’s quite simple to explain: a person knows about his vices and suspects them in those around him. Although sometimes it happens that the guy himself gives reasons for jealousy in order to stroke his pride. And this, too, could end with his girlfriend cheating on him.
  8. Treason as revenge. If a guy betrayed, then pain and resentment will live in the girl’s heart for a long time, even if she has forgiven him. Not everyone can withstand this, so many representatives of the fair sex prefer to repay their unfaithful half in the same coin.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible reasons for female infidelity. However, in most of these illustrative situations, one pattern can be traced– the guy somehow makes a number of mistakes in his relationship with his beloved girlfriend, which ultimately leads to betrayal. If this fact is taken into account, then there is hope, subject to the repentance of the unfaithful, to restore the relationship and return the old love.

When answering the question “Is it worth forgiving a girl’s betrayal?” There are several factors to consider. Firstly, was this a one-time betrayal or has your companion been leading a double life for a long time? If the first, then you can refer to a momentary darkness or something like that. If the girl was systematically intimate with another man, deceiving you, then the likelihood that this will not happen again is extremely small.

Secondly, you need to consider under what circumstances you learned about the betrayal. If the girl herself confessed to everything, not wanting to deceive you, then this indicates that she feels remorse and wants to earn your forgiveness. If you learned about this from a third party or followed her, then, of course, you need to think a few times before believing her excuses.

Third, do you love her? If your attachment to a girl is so strong that you cannot imagine life without her, and your significant other, in turn, deeply repents, then you should try to maintain the relationship. In this case, the principle “You can’t mend a broken cup” does not always work.

When making a decision, determine for yourself whether you can truly forgive your companion without remembering her offense at every opportunity and without taking it out on her. If you feel that such a task is beyond your strength, then it is better to break up with the girl without torturing yourself or her.

How to forgive and survive betrayal

It is very difficult to survive and forgive the betrayal of your beloved girl, even if she very much repents of what she did. However, a sincere, sincere confession of your wrongdoing and awareness of guilt gives you hope that the girl really values ​​you and this will not happen again.

If you decide to try to forgive betrayal, then first of all you need to realize that in a partner’s infidelity there is always some guilt and guilt of the injured party. Having accepted this, you need to take several steps that will help you regain trust in your soul mate and regain lost feelings:

  1. Stop communication for a certain time. This will help both of them carefully assess the current situation and analyze the reasons for what happened. Also, thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid minor squabbles provoked by resentment and pain.
  2. Have your say. For this purpose, you don’t always need to use your unfaithful soul mate, because when you get excited, you can say a lot of unnecessary things. It’s better to go to a psychologist, chat with virtual interlocutors on a forum, or confess to a priest. There is no need to use friends or parents as a vest during this period. Friends may somehow subsequently abuse your frankness, and parents will always be hostile towards the girl who may become their daughter-in-law in the future.
  3. Focus on the positive. If you have decided to truly bring love and joy back into your relationship, then there is no need to dwell on your resentment. It’s better to remember the best that happened between you. When you think about your girlfriend, remember her strengths and the good things she has done for you.
  4. Be merciful. Think about how hard it is for your partner right now. Of course, she is to blame for you, but if a girl really loves you and is afraid of losing you, then imagine what it cost her to confess everything. No matter how much it hurts you from her betrayal, believe me, the pangs of conscience are much worse.
  5. Do something nice for her. “We love people for the good we do for them, and we hate them for the evil we cause.”classic words that have not lost their relevance to this day. Show your attitude with a small gift or just a walk together, during which you will not remember what happened. Start moving away from this event and perceive it as a distant past, then it will be easier for you to move forward.

The most important thing is that if your relationship improves, do everything so that those factors that pushed the girl into the arms of another are completely excluded from your life. It’s stupid to step on the same rake again.

But the experience of most couples shows that returning to their old relationship will not be easy. Here is a list of the most common traps that women who have forgiven cheaters fall into.

Trap 1: Husband cheats again

Practice shows that men rarely stop at cheating alone: ​​they simply begin to hide their affairs more carefully.

You should not trust your husband’s phrases that “it was a casual relationship” or “she means nothing to me”: often a man says this just to reassure his wife.

Of course, it’s up to you whether to believe your man or not, but you should realistically assess the situation so that you don’t suffer with renewed vigor later.

Trap 2: You can't treat your husband the same way you used to.

This trap turns out to be a serious obstacle to restoring relationships. The reason that a wife cannot treat her husband as in the old days is lost trust. Rebuilding trust is a difficult task. Even if a woman has forgiven the betrayal, this does not mean that she can trust her partner as if nothing happened, because this is not the case.

Loss of trust has devastating consequences for family relationships. The wife begins to regularly check whether her husband is cheating on her, looks for reasons for suspicion, and the man constantly makes excuses. The ending of such a relationship is quite sad: the mistrust that arises in the family exhausts both parties and leads the couple to divorce.

Trap 3. The husband’s attitude changes for the worse

After the wife has forgiven the betrayal, the husband usually tries to make amends and earn trust. But it doesn't last that long. After some time, the wife may notice that her husband suddenly begins to treat her worse than before the betrayal. Why is this happening?

Hiding his affairs on the side, the husband, oddly enough, cared about his wife’s peace of mind and showed respect for her feelings and their relationship. But when the betrayal becomes known, there is no longer any point in pretending to be a “good” husband.

According to psychologists, a man often begins to hate a woman who has forgiven him for cheating, because every time he sees her, he feels guilty. What does this situation lead to? The man begins to avoid communication with his wife, tries to be at home less often, bringing the breakdown of the family closer with his behavior.

Not everyone succeeds in restoring relationships after betrayal. This is a difficult job that requires from both parties a mutual desire to start life “on a new leaf.”

One of the tragic situations for a relationship is the betrayal of one of the partners. People have cheated and will cheat, not realizing that in this way they are forever destroying existing relationships. If they usually talk about guys cheating, then today we’ll talk about girls, which also happen quite often. Here we will look at the reasons and signs of female infidelity, as well as the question of how to forgive and whether it should be done.

The online magazine site has recently observed a trend of increasing maiden infidelity. If only the stronger sex was previously flighty and irresponsible in their attitude towards their other halves, now girls are guilty of this too. Of course, girls will find many reasons why they did this, blaming the guys for everything. However, it should be remembered that the one who cheated is primarily to blame. Why couldn’t it be possible to break up with a guy who is no longer happy with the girl? Since guys often cheat on girls, their other halves are also not lagging behind in this matter.

What is cheating on a girl?

Cheating on a girl is sexual intercourse between the weaker half and a guy with whom she is not in an official relationship. During this act, the partner who is considered her official boyfriend is absent and has no idea about anything.

Psychologists say that the male half takes the news of their women’s betrayal much harder than the news of a breakup. This is due to the fact that a man always wants to be the best in everything. If the woman breaks up, then the man will not believe that he is a bad partner for her. But if a woman cheats, then the man clearly takes it personally, starting to compare himself with her lover.

Cheating on girls has become increasingly frequent lately. Several factors contribute to this:

  1. Sexual liberation of the entire society, where the sexuality of every woman is encouraged.
  2. Betrayals of guys who are less and less restraining themselves in impulses.
  3. Propaganda for a society of freedom and free relations.
  4. Irresponsibility, which is brought up from early childhood.
  5. Lack of moral principles.

Usually girls dream of love that will be sincere, long and strong. But if they cheat on guys, then they are definitely not destined to find anyone who would love them.

You should also not forget the following fact: if a girl takes a lover and then leaves her boyfriend, then she most likely will not find a loving partner in her lover. Why? He will remember that his partner first found a replacement for her boyfriend and then left him - this does not inspire respect. Such a girl is basically not trustworthy. Therefore, no one will love her as long as she is inclined to cheat on her partners.

If a girl cheats, then several scenarios can happen:

  • The girl herself will tell about her betrayal. But here the guy is not recommended to “cut” in the heat of the moment. Why did the girl admit to cheating? She could have done this in order to break up, push the guy to break up, or, conversely, she realized her mistake and now wants to beg for forgiveness. In the latter case, the girl can be given a chance as she tries to renew a trusting relationship.
  • The guy himself reveals the truth about his girlfriend's infidelities. For example, he finds her in bed with her lover or sees a girl kissing someone else on the street. In this case, the girl may begin to justify her behavior in various ways. But one should doubt the sincerity of her words, since she was prompted to correct her by the sudden revelation of a secret, and not by a conscious choice when she decided to “give up” with infidelity.
  • Other people talk about girls cheating. Here you should first of all doubt the words of other people. Of course they may be telling the truth. But first, you must trust the girl, and not other people's words and gossip. Try to collect evidence of your girlfriend's infidelity, and only then draw conclusions. Understand that other people may be jealous of the couple's love, so it's not true to talk about the girl.
  • The guy guesses about cheating because of jealousy towards the girl. The guy may still think that, simply because he is jealous of her. Here it is necessary to separate the “cutlets from the flies”. Jealousy is jealousy. And if you didn’t see a girl cheating on you, then it didn’t happen. A girl can flirt with other guys, but this is not cheating. Remember that many glossy magazines advise girls to make their boyfriends jealous so that they value them and show their emotions. If a girl doesn't feel like you love her and value her, then she may be making you jealous on purpose.

Signs of a girl cheating

To begin to suspect a girl of cheating, you need to recognize the signs of the corresponding act. However, don't be categorical. The signs may be the same, but without clear evidence of a girl’s infidelity, do not take decisive action.

  1. The girl closed her personal space from the guy. Passwords appeared on her phone and laptop. She no longer tells where she was and who she saw. If you are interested in her affairs, then she brushes off with cliched phrases. It should be understood that such behavior can be provoked by the fact that the couple recently quarreled, and the girl is simply offended by the guy, which is why she closes down.
  2. The girl began to change her personality, transformed herself, and went on a diet. In other words, the girl previously could not pay attention to how she dresses and how she looks, but now she began to take care of her appearance, as if she was trying to please someone. At the same time, one should not exclude the fact that the girl simply could change her views on female beauty. If before she did not take care of her appearance, now she could begin to transform herself in order to please her boyfriend.
  3. The girl has new friends and acquaintances whom she does not introduce. If a guy offers to go out together and the girl refuses, then this will raise suspicions. However, a girl may not introduce a guy to her friends only because he himself once told her that he was not interested in her friends.
  4. Try to take her phone - what will the girl’s reaction be? When you pick up an object that can reveal some secret of another person, he begins to worry and tries to take this thing away from you. How does a girl behave when you just want to go through her phone? If she takes her phone away from you, she may be hiding something.
  5. The girl often walks somewhere unknown. Of course, a girl has the right to go out with her friends and girlfriends. However, if these parties become frequent, while the guy is outraged by this, then you need to think about the reasons for this behavior.
  6. The girl stopped being interested in everything related to relationships. For example, a girl stopped being interested in the guy’s affairs, abandoned household chores, and stopped devoting much time to the guy. It becomes a very alarming sign if a girl stops nagging a guy for what she previously nagged him for, although he has not changed in his behavior.
  7. The girl has changed on an emotional level. When girls have lovers, they can go to one of the extremes: they can become very happy and cheerful without obvious changes in their relationships with guys, or they can become very thoughtful, anxious, withdrawn, as if they are guilty of something.
  8. The girl moved away physically. The appearance of a lover can force a girl to spend less time with a guy sexually. If a girl previously wanted sex, but now finds various excuses not to have sex, this is an alarming sign. Although there is an option that the girl fell ill with something, and now she simply does not confess to the guy. But another question: if a girl fell ill with sexually transmitted diseases, then from whom?

Another girl may become indifferent to her boyfriend. If this is so, then, most likely, she not only has a lover, but she is also ready to break off relations with the official boyfriend.

Is it possible to forgive a girl's betrayal?

It is possible to forgive a girl’s betrayal, which depends on the desire and efforts of the guy himself. Even though the girl cheated, the guy can forgive her if the girl shows remorse and asks for forgiveness. She agrees to change and renew the relationship, which is a good sign. Otherwise, there is no need to forgive anyone.

The guy must make the decision about whether to forgive or not. It is better not to contact friends and relatives, as they will most likely advise you to break up. Their words will be dictated by the desire to protect the guy from unnecessary worries. Perhaps someone will even be interested in the couple breaking up. Therefore, you need to make the decision yourself based on your own desires and readiness, as well as the behavior of the girl herself.

If a guy sees that a girl is ready to change and fix the problem that has arisen, then she can be forgiven. You just need to understand that to forgive means to forget, and not to put pressure on feelings of pity, manipulate or harbor feelings of resentment. If you decide to forgive, then forgive. If you decide to take revenge or manipulate, then it’s better to break up. It will be childish and unreasonable to take revenge on a person.

Reasons for cheating on a girl

Analysis of the reasons for a girl's infidelity helps in forgiveness. What prompted the girl to cheat?

  • Women's competition. The girl tried to prove to another young lady that the guys liked her.
  • Dissatisfaction with your boyfriend. Girls don't cheat if they're happy in their relationship. Surely the guy is seriously upsetting his girlfriend in some way, which is why she is cheating on him.
  • Lack of feelings. Girls love emotions and experiences. They need attention and love. When guys don't give this, then they become greedy for other guys.
  • Dissatisfaction with intimacy. Not every guy is a sex giant in bed. A girl may not break up with her boyfriend, but meet her lover to have sex with him.
  • Treason. If a guy cheats, then a girl might cheat to get revenge.

How to forgive a cheating girl?

If the guy decides to save the relationship, then both will have to try. A girl must break up with her lover, change her behavior and prove every day in small things that she remains faithful to her boyfriend. A guy who decides to forgive a girl’s betrayal must forget about the past. Don’t remember, don’t reproach the girl, don’t put pressure on your feelings of resentment. If you decide to forgive, then forgive. Otherwise, leave.

The guy should not remember the past. Pay attention to what is happening in the present time. If something starts to worry you, then tell the girl about it. Don’t be offended, but immediately voice your suspicions.

If you feel disgust towards a girl and do not want to respect or love her, this indicates that you are not ready to forgive her. It’s better to break up so as not to deceive either yourself or her.

It’s better not to tell anyone about your girl’s infidelity, so that others don’t try to influence your relationship. Especially the guy’s relatives and friends may begin to “pick his brains” so that he breaks up and does not put up with the cheater.

How to behave after a girl cheats?

After cheating, the girl may blame the guy for what happened. In this case, you need to break up with her. If the girl admits her mistake and repents, then you can try to restore everything. However, there is no need to involve strangers (friends and relatives) in the situation.

After cheating, a guy should allow himself to be alone and sort out his desires. It doesn’t matter what decision you make - to break up or separate, but it’s better to do it in private, when you have calmed down and no one is putting pressure on you. Once the decision is made, tell your girlfriend about it.

Bottom line

Cheating on a girl greatly affects a guy's self-esteem. However, there is no need to compare yourself with anyone and consider that you are bad in something. The girl was probably not looking for a replacement for you, but was trying to compensate for something, to eliminate her complexes and internal dissatisfaction, which has nothing to do with your personality.

When you are a grown man, you need to immediately kick a woman if she allows herself too much. Having entered into a relationship, a man sometimes allows a girl too much, and then is surprised that he cheats, dumps her, or doesn’t care about her. What you shouldn’t forgive a girl if you’re a real man.

When you grow up, you don't allow girls to treat you the way they did when you were younger. Disrespect for you and all these unhappy relationships on the brink remain in the past. When you are a grown man, you need to immediately shut down a woman and turn her on the ram’s horn if she allows herself to do something that she shouldn’t.

The girl behaves the way you allow her to. Will she test you for character and balls? Of course, more than once.

1. Girl's betrayal and choice

Is the girl choosing between you and someone else? This means she doesn’t love anyone, and she doesn’t really like anyone. The girl chooses with whom she will feel better based on the maximum benefit. Who can give her as much as possible? But here the conversation is not about love, but about material wealth and commercialism. Do you need it? Find a normal girl who will love and adore you.

The girl cuckolded and asks for forgiveness? Betrayal cannot be forgiven under any circumstances. No matter how much you love. Throw to hell before you tarnish your name and your family.

2. Womanish manipulations

This is the most popular game for women in relationships. The girl begins to achieve what she wants using manipulation. Cheap play on emotions, moral pressure, threats of separation, deprivation of sex, demonstration of resentment, forced tears, categorical ultimatums, involvement of relatives and friends. You should put the girl on hold and start ignoring her until she understands or you find a better chick.

3. Prohibitions and control

Does a girl begin to forbid a man to do what he wants? Don’t be friends with them, don’t go there, don’t do anything. Do as I say. A grown man will not tolerate such antics and will put the girl in her place. Slavery was abolished a long time ago, and a girl has no moral right to prohibit something from a mature and wise man.

4. Comparison with others

A girl may compare you with other men or her exes. Sometimes girls compare their friends with their husband, blaming you for your low salary, lack of abs, or being a small “friend”. A man does not have to endure this. You should find another girlfriend and let the girl go to hell.

5. Disrespect for men

A girl is disrespectful to a man. She constantly criticizes and ridicules him. The girl swears in the presence of strangers and expresses her dissatisfaction. The girl treats the man's family poorly. Such a girl has gone astray and needs to be gotten rid of immediately.

When you grow up, relationships follow your rules, not women's. If a girl doesn’t suit you, then it’s very easy to replace her. There are so many girls now that with your experience lassoing a good and young female is not a problem. Are you a real man?