The simplest apple pie. Quick apple pie. Apple pie charlotte with apples, grapes and condensed milk in the oven

Apple pie is the pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology lessons. It is apple pie that will always come in handy if you are planning a tea party, and every housewife has a recipe for “her own” apple pie.

How the apple pie recipe came about is not known for certain, but quite a few versions have been put forward. Some say that the birthplace of apple pie is Russia, others claim that it was invented by French confectioners. The British are not far behind, but the fact remains that apple pies have won the hearts of gourmets all over the world!

Apple pie in the oven made from puff pastry

How sometimes you want to cook something simple, but stunning and quick. Has it happened? Then you are at the right place. Today we are baking apple pie from puff pastry - delicious and easy. Even a beginner who has never even picked up a rolling pin can prepare baked goods!

List of ingredients:

  • 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon;
  • ready-made puff pastry - you can use regular unleavened puff pastry.

Preparation progress:

First of all, let's do the filling. Wash the apples, dry them, remove the peel and seeds. By the way, the apples should be sour, there should be no rot or holes on them. Then we cut them in half and cut them into thin slices.

Now let's decide on the sizes. The amount of ingredients is calculated on a 40 x 60 baking sheet, but if you are going to make a 40 x 30 pie, then take half as many ingredients. No, you don’t need to immediately rush for a centimeter and scrupulously measure everything. Errors are acceptable :)

Let's put the apples aside for now and make the dough. It must be divided in half and rolled out into a thin layer 5 mm thick, after sprinkling the table with flour. Again, all measurements are done by eye.

Place the puff pastry rolled out to the required length onto a baking sheet. The dough itself should be well sprinkled with flour so that nothing sticks together. How do we shift? This may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, so I’ll explain: carefully wrap the dough on a rolling pin and unwind it on a baking sheet.

Lay out the apple slices, covering the entire center. Be sure to leave the edges free. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and generously sprinkle apples.

Roll out the second part of the puff pastry. Then we fold it and make several oblique cuts along the folded side. If it is not entirely clear, then look at the photo.

Then we unfold this blank and cover the apples with it. To ensure that the edges are well secured, moisten them slightly with water before pinching them.

We will use the resulting cuts to decorate the pie. Lift the first strip and place it on the pie, moving it back. The photo shows what kind of braid you should get in the end. Lubricate it with beaten egg.

The apple pie is almost ready, all you have to do is put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. After cooking, wait for it to cool and serve. Bon appetit!

Apple pie with kefir - a quick recipe

Apple pie with kefir can be prepared very quickly. In general, this is a quick recipe and is especially suitable if you have unexpected guests. The baked goods will be delicious and will be prepared quickly.

List of ingredients:

  • two eggs (you can take three);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • vegetable oil – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • about a kilogram of apples;
  • a little semolina - for sprinkling the mold;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Preparation progress:

  1. First, break two eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Then beat this mixture thoroughly to form foam, add it and mix the kefir again.
  2. Then add a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon to the mixture. Next, add flour and soda and stir everything well. To make the dough elastic, pour vegetable oil into it and mix again.
  3. Peel the apples and cut into thin slices.
  4. Grease the mold with butter. Then the crust will turn out tastier, and the pie itself will be easier to remove. Additionally, sprinkle it with semolina.
  5. Assemble the pie - place apples on the bottom of the mold and fill them with dough. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle the apple pie with powdered sugar. It will turn out beautiful and add a little more sweetness to the baked goods.

A simple apple pie recipe: “Charlotte”

Charlotte is the easiest variety of apple pie to prepare. It contains a minimum of ingredients, but the baked goods turn out incredibly tasty. Apple charlotte is attractive for its variability: the amount of ingredients can be changed at your discretion. Even more

List of ingredients:

  • 3 – 5 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 4 – 6 apples.

If you like cinnamon, you can add that too. You will need approximately one teaspoon of powder.

Preparation progress:

  1. Before starting to assemble the dough, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Break the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Now beat everything separately: whites until a fluffy foam forms, just beat the yolks.
  3. Let's return to the whites again: beat them again, gradually adding sugar and cinnamon in small portions. Then pour out the yolks and add flour. Mix the mixture again with a mixer. The dough, the consistency of which should resemble thick sour cream, is ready.
  4. It's time to start filling. We clean the fruits, remove the seeds, remove the skin, and cut into slices.
  5. The mold must be greased with vegetable or butter. Pour a third of the dough into it and place apple slices on its surface. Cover them with the remaining dough and put the charlotte in the oven. This version of apple pie is baked for about 30 minutes. The reference point is a beautiful crust.

Before serving, the baked goods can also be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Apple pie recipe with sour cream

Apple pie with sour cream tastes better than classic charlotte, and is just as easy to prepare.


  • three eggs;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of fat sour cream;
  • good butter – 50 grams;
  • flour – 250 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • baking powder - sachet;
  • two to three sweet apples;
  • raisins – 100 grams.

For sprinkling:

  • butter – 20 g;
  • 3 heaped tablespoons of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of sifted flour;

Preparation progress:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add sugar there. Using a submersible mixer, beat into a fluffy foam. At maximum speed, 5 – 6 minutes is enough.
  2. Afterwards, without turning off the device, add sour cream in small portions. Then add melted butter to the mixture and beat it for a few more minutes. Next add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Mix everything well. The dough should be thick and viscous, but without lumps.
  3. Now let’s take care of the raisins: pour them over and leave with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water. Wash and peel the apples. Then he cuts it into slices.
  4. Grease the baking dish with oil to prevent the cake from burning. Then sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina.
  5. Pour out three parts of the dough and place the apple on it. Pour in the prepared raisins and cover everything with the rest of the dough.
  6. Now we need to prepare the topping. Mix all the ingredients - softened butter, granulated sugar and flour - and rub them with your hands to form crumbs.

Sprinkle the top of the apple pie with the resulting crumbs and place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It will bake for about 40 minutes, but periodically the pie must be taken out and checked for doneness.

Delicious apple pie with sour cream filling

Apple pie with sour cream filling resembles a French tart, but unlike it, it is baked in one go. As a result, you will get a thin crust and a juicy filling. It turns out like a cross between apple soufflé and butter cream.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour – 250 grams;
  • butter – 150 grams;
  • baking powder - level teaspoon;
  • fat sour cream – 110 grams;
  • cold water - three tablespoons.
  • apples – 800 grams;
  • cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream – 300 grams;
  • flour - two spoons;
  • egg;
  • granulated sugar – 150 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - teaspoon.


Pour flour and baking powder into a deep bowl. Then add the pre-softened butter, cut into pieces. Now knead the flour and butter to form crumbs.

After this, you can add sour cream and water. Quickly knead the dough. It must be gathered into a ball, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator until it becomes cold.

Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place them in a separate bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix.

Now you need to do the filling. To do this, mix all the ingredients and beat them with a mixer until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The consistency should resemble pancake batter.

Take out the cooled dough and place it in the mold. Then knead it with your fingers over the entire surface. Be sure to form the sides. Prick the dough with a fork so that it does not rise during baking.

And put apples in it in a circle. The final touch is to fill the filling with sour cream filling. Place our apple pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake it for 1 hour.

Tell VK

Ecology of consumption. Everyone loves apples. This healthy fruit is familiar to all adults and children. It is consumed fresh or baked. Very tasty preserves, jams and even salads are prepared from apples. Apples are the best filling for pies.

Everyone loves apples. This healthy fruit is familiar to all adults and children. It is consumed fresh or baked. Very tasty preserves, jams and even salads are prepared from apples. Apples are the best filling for pies.

The sponge cake with apples “Charlotte” is incredibly popular among housewives. Today, there are many recipes for how to make delicious apple pie. We offer you the best and most popular of them. And the legendary Tsvetaeva apple pie recipe with photos and detailed instructions.

Pie according to the recipe of Marina Tsvetaeva

Tsvetaevsky pie with apples is an amazing pastry for both everyday and festive tables.

For the dough you will need:

  • Butter – one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Sifted wheat flour - two hundred and fifty grams.
  • One hundred grams of sour cream 20 percent fat.

For filling:

  • One egg.
  • Chilled sour cream - two hundred and fifty grams.
  • Cinnamon – one teaspoon.
  • Flour - two tablespoons.

For the filling you will need five medium-sized sweet and sour apples. This pie will take one hour to prepare. The recipe makes six servings.

Mix melted butter with sour cream until smooth. Gradually add the flour sifted with baking powder into this mixture. The dough should be soft. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in film and put it in the cold, for example in the refrigerator, for forty minutes. Peel the apples and cut into thin slices.

Let's start preparing the filling. Beat the egg with a fork or whisk. Mix sour cream, sugar and cinnamon and add a beaten egg to this mixture. Mix well and add flour little by little. To obtain a homogeneous mass, beat the filling with a mixer for three minutes until foam forms. Roll out the chilled dough. Place the layer in a pre-greased mold, forming sides. Slice the apples and place them over the entire surface of the dough. Then fill the pie with the prepared filling and send it to the oven for baking.

The jellied pie should be baked at a temperature of one hundred eighty degrees and fifty minutes. See what a delicious Tsvetaeva pie with apples looks like, the recipe and photo of which are given above.

American Pie (not a movie, but a real pie)

Traditional American apple pie is very popular among amateur bakers. It is baked without eggs. For this baking you will need:

  • Flour - three hundred grams.
  • Eight Granny Smith apples.
  • Butter – two hundred grams.
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Two teaspoons of starch.
  • Two hundred and twenty grams of sugar.
  • Water – one teaspoon.
  • Salt and cinnamon to taste.

Cooking time is two hours. This quantity of products is designed for six servings.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm the butter to room temperature and cut into small pieces. Sift the flour with salt, add the chopped butter and grind until crumbs are obtained. Then mix water with lemon juice and pour into the dry mixture in a thin stream. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball and put it in a cool place for half an hour.
  2. Peel the washed apples and cut them into slices. Sprinkle them with lemon juice, add sugar and starch to them. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Divide the chilled dough into two thirds. Roll out the larger piece and place it in a baking dish with a diameter of twenty-two centimeters. Pierce the surface of the dough with a fork. Then evenly lay out the apple pieces and cover with the second rolled out layer of dough. We curl the edges of the pie and make a hole in the middle. Brush the surface of the dough with a lightly beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. It's not obligatory.
  4. Preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and bake the pie for exactly one hour.

These baked goods should be served cooled so that the filling does not leak out.

Quick pie in Polish

Warsaw apple pie is a delicious dessert that only takes forty minutes to prepare. The recipe for this pie is designed for six people and consists of the following: ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - two hundred grams.
  • Semolina - two hundred grams.
  • Sugar – two hundred grams.
  • One lemon.
  • Seven apples.
  • Lemon zest and cinnamon to taste.

First we prepare the filling. Grate the washed, peeled apples onto a coarse grater. To prevent the grated mass from darkening, pour lemon juice over it. Then add cinnamon and orange zest. Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking dish. This cake is bulk, so you can’t do without paper. The option of simply lubricating the mold with oil will not work in this case.

Mix semolina, flour, granulated sugar and baking powder. Pour a third of the flour mixture into the bottom of the pan and level it well. Place a third of the grated apples on the surface, then add the flour mixture again, alternating layers. Place margarine or butter cut into pieces on the very top.

You need to bake the Warsaw pie in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees for forty-five minutes. If a crust appears on top, it means the pie is already baked. It is transferred to a dish, cooled and served. By following all the steps step by step, baking an amazingly delicious Warsaw pie will not be difficult even for a novice cook.

Royal pie with cognac

Lush royal apple pie is a real culinary creation. This is a great dessert for a holiday table.

To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • One and a half cups of flour for the dough, two and a half cups for sprinkling and two tablespoons for preparing the filling.
  • Butter - eighty-five grams for dough, one hundred and fifteen grams for topping and forty grams for filling.
  • One chicken egg and one yolk for the dough and two eggs and one white for the filling.
  • One tablespoon of sour cream for the dough and half a glass for the filling.
  • Fifty grams of sugar for the dough, two and a half glasses for the powder and the same amount for the filling.
  • Ten grams of baking powder for the dough and the same amount for the topping.
  • Two packets of vanilla sugar - one for the filling and one for the topping.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Cognac 50 ml.
  • Eight hundred grams of sweet and sour apples.

First we make the dough. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients - baking powder, flour, sugar and salt. Then add melted butter. Grind all this thoroughly and add eggs and sour cream. Knead the dough well, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for thirty minutes. Mix all the ingredients for the topping: first vanilla, baking powder, flour and sugar, then melted butter. We thoroughly grind everything and put it in a cold place.

The last step will be preparing the filling. Cut the peeled apples into slices. Add butter, vanillin and sugar. Simmer for five minutes, add cognac. In a separate container, beat sugar with eggs and flour, pour in sour cream and beat well with a whisk. Combine the stewed apples with the whipped filling and set aside.

Roll out the cooled dough and place it in a round baking dish. You can put parchment on the bottom of the container or grease the pan with oil. The dough should be laid out so that there are sides along the edges. Place the filling on its surface. We take the crumbs out of the refrigerator and grind them again until they become fine and homogeneous. Then distribute it evenly over the surface.

Place the pie in the oven to bake at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for fifty minutes. Remove the grated king's cake from the mold and let it cool. You can decorate the top of these baked goods with powdered sugar.

Sour cream pie with apples

This is a delicate and very tasty pastry that can be prepared in forty minutes.

For this baking you will need:

  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Egg – one piece.
  • One glass of sour cream 20 percent fat.
  • Soda ½ teaspoon.
  • One hundred and twenty grams of butter.
  • One glass of sugar.
  • Five apples.
  • Cinnamon on the tip of a knife and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Grind the butter with one hundred grams of sugar, add half a glass of sour cream and soda. Then add flour and knead the dough. Wipe the mold with oil. Place the dough on the bottom, forming small sides. Peel the apples and cut into slices.

Making the fill: Grind one egg with one hundred grams of sugar, add half a glass of sour cream and two tablespoons of flour. Stir well until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained. For a piquant taste, you can add a little cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Bake the sour cream apple pie in the oven at a temperature of one hundred seventy degrees and forty minutes. Before serving, the pie must be cooled.

Apple pie with kefir

It is prepared very easily and quickly. This lush and fragrant pastry is a real treat for both the whole family and guests.

Required ingredients:

  • One egg.
  • Kefir – one glass.
  • Wheat flour - two glasses.
  • One and a half teaspoons of baking powder.
  • Two thirds of a glass of refined sunflower oil.
  • One big apple.
  • For sprinkling, powdered sugar.

Beat the egg with sugar, add kefir, and beat again. Then add flour, baking powder and mix until smooth. Add vegetable oil to this and beat again. Remove the center of the apple and cut it into pieces. Mix the batter with the chopped apples and pour into a baking dish. Preheat the oven to one hundred and ninety degrees and send the pie for baking. Bake the kefir-apple pie for forty-five minutes. You can check its readiness using a toothpick.

After the baked goods have cooled, they can be removed from the container, lightly sprinkled with powder and served.

Apple pie with cottage cheese

This is a successful combination of sweet dough with fruit and delicate curd filling.


  • Wheat flour - one glass.
  • Butter – one hundred grams.
  • Granulated sugar - two hundred grams.
  • Baking powder - one teaspoon.
  • Chicken egg - two pcs.
  • Five medium apples.
  • Cottage cheese - three hundred grams.
  • Kefir - three tablespoons.

Cut the cooled butter into pieces and grind with one hundred grams of sugar. Add one cup of flour, ½ teaspoon of baking powder and an egg. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add more flour. We cut off one third of the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer, and put the rest in the film in the refrigerator. Now you can start preparing the filling. Cut the washed apples in half, remove the core, and cut into thin slices.

Next, prepare the curd filling. Using a fork, knead the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps. Mix with kefir, egg and remaining sugar. Add vanilla sugar and baking powder - half a teaspoon. Mix everything well and get a sweet, homogeneous thick mass. We take out the dough chilled in the refrigerator and place it on the pan, making small sides.

We cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper greased with sunflower oil. The layer of dough should be very thin. Spread the chopped apples evenly on its surface.
Sprinkle grated dough from the freezer on top. We send the cake to bake in the oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for one hour.

Classic yeast pie

The most magnificent and beautiful of all is apple pie made with yeast dough. Ingredients for making the dough:

  • Wheat flour - three hundred and fifty grams.
  • Milk – one hundred and fifty grams.
  • Dry yeast - one teaspoon.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar - two tablespoons.
  • Chicken egg.
  • Margarine or butter - fifty grams.

For the filling you need to take five medium-sized apples. It is advisable to use sour fruits. Sugar and cinnamon to taste, depending on the acidity of the fruit, and one egg for brushing the surface of the pie before baking. Pour the yeast into a plate and fill it with water. One teaspoon of dry yeast will require five teaspoons of water. Leave for fifteen minutes, then stir, add milk, flour, sugar. The result will be a yeast mash.

After the mash has foamed, you can knead the dough. Mix salt and sugar, add the remaining sifted flour. Beat the egg separately, then pour it into the dry mixture, add softened butter and grind everything thoroughly. Pour the yeast mixture into the resulting crumbs and mix. You can add more flour if necessary.

The dough should be soft, but not spread. Cover it with a lid for twenty minutes. Then open it and knead it again until smooth. After this, cover the dough and put it in a warm place until it doubles in volume, then mix again and let it rise again.

Roll out the finished dough to the size of the mold. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with flour. We place a layer of dough on the mold so that its edges are completely closed from the inside. We cut off the excess dough that goes over the edges. You can decorate the pie with it before baking.

Cover this preparation with film and leave for thirty minutes. Apple filling can be prepared in different ways. We cut the peeled apples into slices and arrange them on the surface of the dough. You can also fry apples in butter until half cooked, cool and place on the dough. It is advisable to make the filling just before adding it to the pie, so that the apples do not darken. You can sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.

Brush the edges of the pie with lightly beaten egg and place in the preheated oven. This yeast cake needs to be baked at a temperature of two hundred degrees and sixty minutes. Grease the baked pie while still hot with butter to soften the crust, and then sprinkle with powder. published

This pie has a lot of apples and almost no dough. It looks more like buttercream.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 70–80 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 15 g baking powder;


Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Peel the apples, core them and cut into very thin slices or slices.

Transfer apples to a large bowl. Sprinkle lemon juice over the fruit to prevent it from browning while you prepare the dough.

Beat butter and sugar with a mixer. Add eggs, lemon zest and salt and beat until smooth. Pour in the milk and beat again.

Mix the flour with the baking powder and, while continuing to whisk, gradually add the flour mixture. Pour the batter over the apples and mix gently.

Line a 22 cm diameter mold with parchment and carefully place the apples there: not in a pile, but in layers. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180°C for 50–55 minutes. Check doneness with a toothpick: it should come out dry.

Transfer the cake to a serving plate, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Such beauty can even be served on a festive table.


  • 150 g butter;
  • 125 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons milk;
  • 6–7 small sweet apples;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons apricot jam;
  • 1 tablespoon of water.


Beat 125 g of butter with a mixer. Combine sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. While continuing to beat the butter, add the sugar mixture. Add finely grated lemon zest and stir.

With the mixer running, add the eggs one at a time into the dough. Mix flour and baking powder, add to dough and beat. Pour in the milk and beat again.

Peel the apples, cut in half and remove the cores. Using a knife, make cuts 2–3 mm deep on each apple half.

Cover the bottom of a 26 cm diameter mold with parchment. To make it easier to remove the cake, you can take a mold with a removable bottom. Grease the parchment with vegetable oil.

Place the dough into the mold and smooth it out. Place apples on top, cut side up. Melt the remaining 25g butter and brush over the apples. Bake the cake at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Mix apricot jam and water. While the pie is hot, generously brush the apples with jam and lightly brush the dough itself. Cool the pie before slicing.

To prepare this dish, semolina and grated apples are used. The cake turns out moist and very flavorful, and the poppy seeds add zest to its appearance.


  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 210 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of confectionery poppy seeds.


Mix kefir, sugar and semolina and leave for half an hour so that the cereal swells. Add eggs and beat the dough until smooth.

Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater. Add apples, baking powder and poppy seeds to the dough and mix well.

Place the dough in a mold with a diameter of 23 cm. Bake at 180°C for 40–50 minutes until the pie is golden brown.

The perfect combination of crumbly dough and delicate sweet filling.


  • 200 g sour cream with 15% fat content;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 g butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 100 g + 2–3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1½ teaspoons vanilla sugar;
  • 500 g flour + a little for sprinkling;
  • 3 tablespoons potato starch;
  • 5–6 sweet and sour apples;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1 banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Whisk sour cream, eggs, melted butter, salt, baking powder, 100 g sugar and vanilla sugar. Add flour and 2 tablespoons starch and stir.

Sprinkle the table with flour, place the dough there and knead it. It should be very soft and slightly sticky to your hands. Wrap the mixture in cling film and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes.

Peel the apples and cut into large cubes. Place them in a frying pan, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and water. Simmer, covered, over medium heat, stirring until the liquid evaporates. Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Cut off ⅔ of the chilled dough. Roll out into a round layer and distribute it along the bottom and sides of a 26 cm diameter mold.

Sprinkle the bottom of the pie crust with starch and top with apples and sliced ​​banana. Roll out the remaining third of the dough into a thin layer, cut into strips and place them in a braided pattern over the filling.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180°C for 45–50 minutes. The pie should be browned.

Cool it in the pan, transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The filling turns out very tasty and goes well with apples.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 70 g potato starch;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder;
  • 250 g;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 3-4 large apples.


Using a mixer, beat 1 egg and 50 g of sugar. Add softened butter, flour, 50 g of starch and baking powder. Knead the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Separate the whites from the yolks of 2 eggs. Combine the yolks, cottage cheese, 70 g of sugar, 20 g of starch and lemon juice with a mixer. Separately, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, add them to the curd mixture and mix with a spatula.

Peel and seed the apples and cut into small slices. Roll out the dough into a round sheet and spread over the bottom and sides of a parchment-lined pan. A mold with a diameter of 26 cm is perfect.

Place apples on the dough and fill with curd mixture. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40 minutes.

Just the sight and aroma of this pie is enough to make everyone's mouth water.


  • 3–4 apples;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 100 g + 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • ½–1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 300 g.


Peel and core apples. Cut the fruit into several large slices. Pour in lemon juice, sprinkle with 1 spoon of sugar and cinnamon and stir.

Place 100 g of sugar and butter in a regular cast iron frying pan. Place over high heat and stir until the sugar melts. You should end up with golden caramel.

Place the apples in a circle on the caramel and heat over moderate heat for another 15 minutes so that the slices release their juice.

Roll out the dough into a round layer slightly larger in diameter than the pan. Carefully spoon the dough onto the apples, folding the edges inward, and poke a few holes with a fork. Bake for 30–35 minutes at 180°C.

Let the cake cool for 5-7 minutes before turning it over. If you turn it over too soon, the hot caramel may leak out. And if you leave the finished pie in the pan for more than 10 minutes, the apples may stick to the bottom.

The highlight of this pie is the huge amount of apples, the taste of which is perfectly complemented by walnuts.


  • 380 g flour;
  • 1½ teaspoons;
  • 190 g butter;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • 2 kg apples;
  • ½–1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 2½ tablespoons breadcrumbs;
  • 50 g roasted walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Combine flour and baking powder. Add small cubes of cold butter and grind into crumbs. Add 80 g of sugar and salt and stir. Add the yolks and sour cream, gather the dough with a fork, and then knead with your hands.

Cut a third of the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer. Place a large piece in the refrigerator for about an hour.

On parchment, roll out a large piece of dough to the size of the pan (ideally 31 x 24 cm). Transfer the parchment to the pan and level it along the bottom.

Prick the dough all over with a fork and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20 minutes. Then cool.

Peel and core the apples. Slice the fruit into very thin slices. Place them in a bowl, add the remaining sugar and cinnamon and stir. If the apples are not too sweet, you can add more sugar.

Cover the pie base with breadcrumbs, arrange the apples in even layers and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Spread the grated frozen dough on top.

Bake the pie for 65 minutes at 180°C. Cool it in the pan, transfer to a serving dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You don't even have to knead the dough.


  • 250 g flour;
  • 200–250 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 500 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 apples.


Mix flour, sugar and baking powder. Set aside 3 tablespoons of this mixture for topping the pie.

Grease a 25 x 21 cm baking dish with a knob of butter (approx. 20 g). Spread half of the flour mixture over the bottom of the pan.

Mix cottage cheese and egg until smooth. Spread the curd mixture over the flour mixture and smooth it out. Sprinkle with the other half of the flour mixture and top with 80g of butter, cut into pieces.

Cut the apples in half, remove the cores and chop into thin slices. Place them on the oil. Grind 3 tablespoons of flour mixture and 20 g of butter into crumbs. Sprinkle crumbs over the apples and bake the pie for 40–45 minutes at 180°C.

9. Pie with apples and sour cream filling

You will like the pie without sour cream, but with it it will be especially tasty and tender.


  • 100 g butter + a little for greasing;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • ¼ teaspoon vinegar 9%;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 250 g sour cream with 15% fat content.


Grind the butter and 75 g of sugar. Add eggs and beat with a mixer. Add soda, slaked with vinegar, and flour and knead the dough.

Set aside a small piece of dough to decorate the pie. Grease a 27 cm diameter mold with butter. Using your hands, spread the dough over the bottom and sides of the mold.

Peel and seed the apples and cut into thin slices. Place them on the dough in a circle. Roll out the remaining dough thinly, cut into long strips and make a braid on the apples.

Bake the pie for 30–35 minutes at 180°C. Whisk the sour cream and remaining sugar and pour this filling over the hot pie. Let it cool before slicing.

The combination of these ingredients makes the pie incredibly delicious.


  • 2 large apples;
  • 180 g + 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs;
  • 250 g ricotta;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 220 g flour;
  • 16 g dry instant yeast;
  • 90–100 g dark chocolate;
  • a little butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.


Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Add a tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and breadcrumbs to them and mix.

Mash the ricotta and 180g sugar, then whisk until creamy. Add the eggs and beat thoroughly again. Add grated lemon zest and oil and stir.

Combine flour and yeast. Pour the flour mixture into the dough and turn it into a homogeneous mass. Add chopped chocolate and apples and mix again.

Grease a 25 cm diameter mold with butter. Place the dough in the mold and smooth it out. Bake the pie for 35–40 minutes at 180°C. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar before serving.

Both adults and children will enjoy this treat. It can be served on the table for a holiday or for a regular family dinner. consistency of dough and filling. There are quite simple methods, such as charlotte. It requires a minimum set of products and the whole process takes no more than forty minutes. Complex baking requires more time and experience. In this case, the product is cooked in the oven, and the filling can be either on top or inside the pie. In addition to apples, add cinnamon, raisins, walnuts, and when serving, you can decorate the dish with whipped cream, sour cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Children love this treat. It is much healthier than store-bought products, as it is made from natural ingredients without unnecessary dyes and preservatives. It is convenient to take the finished dessert with you on trips and outdoors, as it can be stored for a long time outside the refrigerator. Coping with the preparation will not be difficult. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and recommendations, then the dish will turn out tender, airy and will certainly appeal to all family members.