Presentation "Where does the bread come from" presentation for the lesson (senior group) on the topic. Presentation for children of senior preschool age "Bread is the head of everything!" presentation for a lesson on the world around (senior, preparatory group) on the topic Where does chl come from

Elena Shavyrina
Summary of GCD and presentation for children of the senior group of the preschool educational institution "Where did the bread come from"

Synopsis of GCD "Where did the bread come from"

(senior group)

Target: Formation of children's ideas about growing bread.

Programming and educational tasks:

socio-communicative development:

Development of emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Raising respect for the work of people involved in the cultivation and production of bread;

Development of communication skills, free communication skills)

Raising a caring attitude to bread;

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Formation of the skill of a coherent consistent statement;

Raising love for Russian folk play poetry;

Speech development:

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: farmer, tractor driver, grain grower, combine operator, agronomist, cornfield, harvest, harvest, harrowing, plowing, seeder, threshing, flails, sickle, scythe, elevator, mill, millstone;

Word formation: bread - a grain grower, a tractor - a tractor driver, a combine - a combine operator;

cognitive development:

Clarify and expand children's ideas about growing bread.

To acquaint children with the fact that bread is the result of the great work of many people;

Formation of ideas about the professions of people involved in the cultivation of bread: tractor driver, combine operator, agronomist, pilot, baker.

Development of the ability to establish connections and draw conclusions;

Physical development:

Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, pace and rhythm of speech.

The course of educational activities

After breakfast, the teacher offers the children a riddle, and says that they had the riddle on the table today:

Grew up in a field

There is a piece on the table.

Q: Would you like to know how the spikelet became such a fragrant, delicious bread?

slide 2. Long before spring sowing, farmers begin their work to get a good harvest. And this requires not only fertilizers, but also water. In winter, snow retention is carried out on the fields with the help of a snow plow machine attached to a tractor.

Q: Why do people make sure that there is a lot of snow on the field?

(When spring comes, the sun will warm the earth, the snow will melt, there will be a lot of moisture that plants need.)

Q: Remember the proverb about this stage of work:

(Lots of snow, lots of bread)

slide 3. To have a big harvest, you need to prepare the land well. A tractor driver attaches a plow to a tractor and plows the land. There is a tractor on arable land, behind it the plow turns the soil inside out.

Q: If the tractor breaks down, then machine operators will come to the aid of the tractor driver, they will repair it. In my opinion, our tractor driver had a breakdown, what should I do? (children offer help)

The game "We will repair the tractor"

Laying out the tractor using Kuizener sticks.

slide 4. To make the field even and less weeds grow on it, harrows are attached to tractors, they loosen the ground and destroy weeds.

slide 5. Finally, the sowing season arrived. What is familiar to you on this slide? (tractor). Seeders are attached to tractors, only with their help it is possible to sow an evenly large field.

slide 6. Previously, when peasants had small fields, they plowed, harrowed the land and sowed grain by hand.

Etude "Grain"

Imagine that you are a seed. A grain fell into warm, moisture-saturated soil (children squat down);

The sun warmed him, a small sprout appeared (the children rise and stretch their arms up);

The sprout opened its leaves, exposed the sun to the warm summer rain (children spread their arms to the sides);

A spikelet appeared, at first it was green, and then turned golden (children fold their hands over their heads like a house);

Slide 7. When the grain fields turn green, weeds appear. How to deal with them?

Aviation helps people in the fight against weeds: from an airplane, crops are sprayed with a liquid that only kills weeds.

slide 8. It will take a long time to wait until the seed is transformed. What will happen to him? Guess the riddle:

Grew up in the field house

The house is full of grain

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up.

He is golden and mustache,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.

The house is shaking

On a golden stalk. (spikelet)

Slide 9. How to determine whether the grain is ripe or not?

And here I want to introduce you to the agronomist. He tries to foresee everything in advance. After all, he organizes all the work of growing bread, is responsible for ensuring that the harvest is rich. Let's try, just like an agronomist, to determine whether the grain is ripe or not. (Children rub the spikelets in their hands, they crumble and large, yellow grains remain in the palm of their hands.) Now you can harvest.

slide 10. A joyful time has come: the wheat has ripened. Harvesting has begun. Harvesters, on which combine operators work, enter the fields.

slide 11. In ancient times, ears were usually reaped with a sickle.

But in some parts of the country they mowed with a scythe.

slide 12. The beveled ears were tied into sheaves, and then they were put in piles.

slide 13. Modern combines not only mow bread, but also pick up and thresh them afterwards.

slide 14. Bread was taken to the grain market, where the grain was threshed with flails and taken to storage.

slide 15. Now the grain is stored in elevators, this is a facility for storing large batches of grain.

slide 16. The bread is ripe, but to our table

I didn't go straight from the field.

Bread goes to the mill

The mill is a wonder.

Communicative game "Mill"

The children stand with their arms outstretched. Under the song, everyone starts spinning in place. When the song is over, the children must stop. Who moved, he leaves the game.

Mill, mill,

The grinder is turning

Broke, broke, don't yawn

And collect in a tray.

slide 17. At the bakery, bakers bake bread, and from there the bread is transported to stores on special machines.

Sketch for the development of the imagination "Wonder Tree"

V: We will go to the magical garden a miracle - we will find a tree, but the tree is not simple, magical, bakery.

Children look for bakery products on a tree, describe their appearance, taste, convey the emotions that they experience when they try.

B: Breadfruit, thank you!


Q: What new did you learn about how bread got to our table?

Q: What new professions did you meet?

Guys, I smell bread. Where? (Removes towel from

tray). Look at this big loaf and

really warm. (children examine the bread, the teacher breaks off a piece of loaf and gives the children a try). Is it really tasty? Smell and taste the bread.

Here it is - fragrant bread

With a crisp twisted crust,

Here it is - warm golden!

Like sun-filled!

In every house, on every table

He complained - he came.

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth;

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected!

After all, grains did not immediately become

Bread - what is on the table,

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

In it - the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is merry in it.

Gobble up both cheeks -

Grow rich!

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread,

On spared labors and forces!

Glory to them, hello from us

Good afternoon, happy hour!

Welcome to watch "Where does the bread come from".



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Slides captions:


Tasty flour Flour is pouring over the edge of the bag. It will become a dough - It's crowded in the pot. You put it in the oven, Pies to bake, The smell is like this - Fully without pies. And if you swallow a piece, you want more. V.Stepanov

Where does bread come from

This is a grain of wheat

Plow and sow wheat

Green sprouts



Grain processing

kneading the dough

We mold from the dough

we bake

Finished dough product

Bakery products

Varieties of grains

Healthy food

Pie - Where are you from, pie? - I come from the field, my friend. I was born there as a grain, I was at the mill later. I've been to the bakery, And now I'm on the table. T. Dmitriev

Bagel, bagel, long loaf and loaf Baker from dough Baked early in the morning. V. Bakhrevsky

Sandwich Eccentric mathematician Lived in Germany. He accidentally folded bread and sausage. Then I put the result in my mouth. This is how a man invented the Sandwich. G. Sapgir

The lesson of the surrounding world in the 1st grade according to the program "Primary school of the XXI century"
Baskal N.P. primary school teacher of the Moscow Autonomous Educational Institution "Lyceum of Economics and Entrepreneurship Fundamentals No. 10", Pskov

Where did bread come from

- As a child, I thought that the loaves grow on the field, - Sasha said. “I thought they made bread in the store!” - And my grandmother told me that buns and bagels are born from a loaf. - And I myself sculpted pies from dough and baked in the oven! How did bread come about?

For the first time bread appeared on earth over fifteen thousand years ago. The life of our ancestors in those distant times was not easy. The main concern was food. In search of food, they turned their attention to cereal plants. These cereals are the ancestors of today's wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
When and where was bread born?
Ancient people noticed that a grain thrown into the ground returns a few grains, that more grains grow on loose and moist soil. For a long time, people ate raw grains, then they learned to grind them between stones, getting cereals, and cook it. So the first millstones, the first flour, the first bread appeared. The first bread looked like liquid porridge. She is the mother of bread.


How bread comes to us.
Spikelets grow from the grains. There are many new grains in each ear.
First, the land is plowed. Then they throw grains into it - they sow bread.

Spikelets are reaped and threshed, grains are shaken out of them.
The grain is taken to the mill.

There it is ground into flour - grind.

The flour is taken to the bakery. Buns, loaves, loaves are baked in it.

The bread is ready!

They take him to the shops. Buy and eat!

A house has grown in the field, The house is full of grain, The walls are gilded, The shutters are boarded up, The house is shaking On a pillar of gold.
An unusual hairdresser Smoothly cuts a wheaten forelock, And behind him lie scattered Heaps of golden hair.
I was loose, Then - viscous, I got into the fire - I became soft.
Guess the riddles:

The ring is not simple, The ring is golden, Brilliant, crispy, Everyone is a feast for the eyes... Well, delicious!
What is poured into the pan Yes, bent four times?
First they put him in the oven, and when he comes out of there, they put him on a dish. Well, now call the guys! Everyone eats a piece.

Do you know proverbs about bread: Bread is the head of everything. Fish is water, berries are grass, and bread is the head of everything. Bread - father, water - mother. Bread and salt is labor and love. Bread on the table - so is the table throne; and not a piece of bread - so is the table board. Bread and water are peasant food. Lunch is bad when there is no bread.

The Slavs had a custom: people who break bread become friends for life.
Batiushka bread, bread-breadwinner remains the greatest value. They were escorted to the front with bread. Those who returned from the war were greeted with bread.
Bread appears on our table thanks to the hard work of people of 120 professions.
Do you know?

During the Great Patriotic War, the inhabitants of Leningrad suffered a terrible fate - 900 days of enemy blockade. The inhabitants of the city received 125 g of bread for the whole day, but it was this bread that helped the Leningraders not only survive, but also win. 641,803 Leningraders died during the blockade from starvation. There are thousands of graves at the Piskarevsky cemetery. People are standing near one grave and silently crying. There is a slice of bread on the grave, and next to it are the words: “Daughter, if I could give it to you then.”

A boy kicking bread with his foot, A boy who does not know hungry years, Remember that there were dashing years. Bread is life, not just food. They swore by bread, they died for bread. Not to play football with them.
In the word, folk wisdom is hidden, Here is what our people say: “If you stopped appreciating bread, You stopped being a man!”

You won’t get rye bread, long loaves, rolls on a walk. People cherish bread in the fields, They don’t spare strength for bread.

Roll Three boys along the lane Playing as if in football, They drove a roll here and there And scored a goal with it. They blew the dust off her And suddenly, calmly and openly, Kissed her to everyone.
Who are you? - the children asked, Forgetting about football for a while. - I'm a baker! - the man answered, And slowly left with a bun. And this word smelled of bread And that special warmth, Which is poured under the sky Seas of golden wheat. (S. Mikhalkov)

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Slides captions:

Bread - EVERYTHING'S HEAD! Presentation for older preschool children.

Here it is Fragrant bread, Here it is warm, golden. In every house, on every table, he came. It is our health, strength, wonderful warmth in it. How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him. In it - the earth's native juice, the sun's cheerful light in it ... Dip on both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

Bread! How often do we think, talk and hear about him. In every city there is a mill that grinds bread, an elevator where it is stored, a bakery where it is baked, a shop where it is sold.

Cars are rushing through the streets and they have “BREAD” written in large letters on their bodies. The whole country is watching what kind of grain crop is ripening in the fields of the motherland.


And now powerful modern machines help them.

What is bread? Wheat grows in the field, rye, barley - this is bread. The grains of these plants are also bread. And flour from ground grains - bread. And what is made of flour is called bread.

In everything. What we eat contains some substances needed by the body: proteins, fats. Carbohydrates. Vitamins... And bread has all these substances. Therefore, it is nutritious and satisfying. And since it is also delicious, it never gets boring.

The gourmand thinks: “They would give sweet candies every day! .. I don’t need anything else!” If this were done, then on the first day the gourmet would have eaten a lot, On the second - much less, and on the third day he would not even look at them!

And we eat bread every day with pleasure. That is why they say: “bread is the head of everything!”

It was then when man did not yet know how to grow plants, But he already had bread. Not like ours - not long loaves and not bagels, but seeds of wild plants. The grains were eaten whole. By chance, a man opened. That grains are easier to chew if they are crushed with stones. So people learned to make flour ...

Later, a mill was invented to obtain flour. The main thing in it were millstones - stones between which the grain was ground into flour. At first, the millstones were rotated by hand.

Then they forced the wind and water to do this work.

Wind and water were replaced by cars, stone millstones were replaced by metal rollers


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Cut the bun - do you see a lot of bubbles in the crumb of bread? They were made by special fungi - yeast. if only the yeast is put into the dough, the fungi will immediately get to work: the starch will be turned into sugar, sugar into gas. The gas inflates the bubbles in the bread. The dough is fluffy.

Hard work in the old bakery ... And now you need to press the button and flour will fall into the vessel. Water, milk, yeast will pour. Sugar and salt are all you need for the dough. The dough is kneaded by the mechanical arms of the machine. The car is standing, and deji - huge vessels with dough drive up to it one by one.

When the dough “Ripens”, the bowl overturns and dumps the dough into the funnel onto the dough divider. The dividing machine divides the dough into equal pieces, if necessary, puts the dough into boxes.

And now to the oven. This is not a simple matter. It took a lot of time for the man. Before. How he learned to bake bread well. stone on one side. A stone on the other, and the third on top - that's the whole furnace of primitive man. Then there were also such ovens. There are similar ones now.

Those who were in the village. He probably knows our Russian oven. It makes excellent bread.

The modern stove has no smoke and no fire. A steel band moves slowly between the hot steam tubes. Make a circle and the bread is baked.

From the oven belt, hot, ruddy loaves are dropped onto the table. Now it remains to load the bread into trucks and transport it around the city THE WORKERS AT THE PLANT ARE FEW AND THEY HAVE MUCH EASIER WORK THAN THE BAKERS OF THE OLD TIMES.

That's how much human invention it took to be able to eat a piece of delicious bread.

And so in some cities people praise bread, treat all the guests of the city to it.

They will tell you, and you will read in books: Our daily bread has always been held in high esteem. A deep bow to the masters of the harvest, To those who multiply the grain in the bins, And to the skilled bakers, To everyone who pleases us with delicious bread. S. Melnikov


the grains of our days are sanctified with carved gilding! We say: “Take care, take care of your native Bread… We did not dream of a miracle. A lively speech comes to us from the fields: “Take care of the bread, you people! Learn to save bread. N Tikhonov. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! The work used the materials of G. Elizavetin "Everything's head".