Basic expressions in German. German B1: Phrases for speaking! Where should you start learning?

Discreet and pedantic Germany, a country that millions of people from all over the world dream of visiting, at least for a week. There is everything for a great time here. Ski resorts, nightclubs, great restaurants, pubs and luxury hotels. Also in Germany there is a huge number of medieval buildings and other architectural monuments.

But knowing the German language, you will enjoy a tour of this country even more, or you can simply download a Russian-German phrasebook if you cannot master this language.

Our phrasebook can be printed directly from the site or downloaded to your device, and all this is completely free. The phrasebook is divided into the following topics.


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Hello (Good afternoon)Guten TagGuten so
Good morningGuten MorgenGuten Morgen
Good eveningGuten AbendGuten abent
Hello (in Austria and Southern Germany)Gruss GottGruess goth
GoodbyeAuf WiedersehenAuf Widerzeen
Good nightGute NachtGute nakht
See you laterBis baldBis balt
Good luckViel Gluck/Viel ErfolgFil gluck / Fil erfolk
All the bestAlles GuteAlles Gute

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Show me…Zeigen Sie mir bitte…Tsaigen zi world bitte...
Give me this please...Geben Sie mir bitte dasGeben zi mir bitte das
Give me please…Geben Sie mir bitte…Geben zi world bitte...
We would like…Wir moechten…Vir myhten...
I would like to…Ich moechte…Ih myhte...
Help me please!Helfen Sie mir bitteHelfeng zi world bitte
Could you tell me...?Koennen Sie mir bitte sagen?Kyonnen zi world bitte zogen?
Could you help me...?Koennen Sie mir bitte helfen?Kyonnen zi world bitte helfen
Could you show me...?Koennen Sie mir bitte zeigen?Kyonnen zi world bitte tsaigen?
Could you give us...?Koennen Sie uns bitte...geben?Können zi uns bitte...geben?
Could you give me...?Koennen Sie mir bitte…geben?Kyongnen zi world bittae... geben?
Please write itSchreiben Sie es bitteShreiben zi es bitte
Repeat pleaseSagen Sie es noch einmal bitteZagan zi es noh ainmal bitte
What did you say?Wie bitte?Vi bitte?
Can you speak slowly?Koennen Sie bitte etwas langsamer sprechen?Gyeongnaen zi bitte etwas langzame sprechen?
I don't understandIch verstehe nichtIkh fershtee nikht
Does anyone here speak English?Spricht jemand hier englisch?Shprikht yemand hir english?
I understandIch versteheIh fershtee
Do you speak Russian?Sprechen Sie Russisch?Sprechen si russisch?
Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?Sprechen si English?
How are you doing?Wie geht es Ihnen?Vi gate es inen?
All right, and you?Danke, gut Und Ihnen?Danke, gut Und inen?
This is Mrs. SchmidtDas ist Frau SchmidtDas ist Frau Schmit
This is Mr. SchmidtDas ist Herr SchmidtDas ist Herr Shmit
My name is…Ich heise...Eh haise...
I came from RussiaIch komme aus RusslandIkh komme aus ruslant
Where is?Who is...?In the ist...?
Where are they located?Wo sin...?In zint...?
I don't understandIch verstehe nichtIkh fershtee nikht
Unfortunately I don't speak GermanLeider, spreche ich deutsch nichtLeide sprehe ih deutsch niht
Do you speak English?Sprechen Sie Englisch?Sprechen si English?
Do you speak Russian?Sprechen Sie Russisch?Sprechen si russisch?
SorryEntschuldigen SieEntshuldigen zi
Excuse me (to get attention)EntschuldigungEntschuldigung
Thank you very muchDanke schon/Vielen DankDanke shön / Filen dank
Thank youDankeDanke

At customs

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where is customs control?wo ist die zollkontrolle?in: ist di: tsolcontrolle?
do I need to fill out a declaration?soll ich die zolleklärung ausfüllen?sol ih di: zollerkle: runk ausfullen?
have you filled out the declaration?haben sie die zollerklärung ausgefüllt?ha: ben zi di zollerkle: rung ausgefült?
Do you have forms in Russian?haben sie formulare in der russischen sprache?ha: ben zi formula: re in der rusishen shpra: he?
Here is my declarationhier ist meine zollerklärunghi:r ist meine zohlekrle:runk
where is your luggage:wo ist ihr gepäck?vo:ist i:r gapek?
This is my baggagehier ist mein gepäckhi:r ist main gapek
passport controlpasscontrol
show your passportweisen sie ihren pass vorWeizen zi i:ren pas for!
Here's my passporthier ist mein reisepasshi:r ist main risepas
I arrived on flight number ... from Moscowich bin mit dem flug nummer … aus Moskau gekom-menihy bin mit dem flu:k nummer ... aus moscow geco-man
I am a citizen of Russiaich bin burger russlandsihy bin burgher ruslands
we arrived from Russiawir kommen aus russlandVir Komen Aus Ruslant
have you filled out the entry form?haben sie das einreiseformular ausgefüllt?ha:ben zi das einreiseformula:r ausgefült?
I need a form in Russianich brauche ein formular in der russischen spracheikh brau he ain formula: r in der rusishen shpra: he
the visa was issued at the consular department in Moscowdas visum wurde im konsulat in moskau ausgestelltdas vi:zoom wurde im konzulat in moskau ausgestelt
I came…ich bin...gekom-menih bin... gekomen
for contract workzur vertragserbeitzur fertra:xarbyte
we came at the invitation of friendswir sind auf einladung der freunde gekommenvir zint aif einladunk der freunde gekomen
I have nothing to declare in the declarationich habe nichts zu verzollenih ha:be nihite tsu: fairzolen
I have an import licensehier ist meine einführungsgenehmigunghi:r ist maine ainfü:rungsgene:migunk
come on inpassieren siepass:ren zi
go along the green (red) corridorgehen sid durch den grünen(roten) korridorge:en zy durh dan grue:nen (ro:ten) corido:r
open the suitcase!machen sie den koffer auf!mahen zi den kofer auf!
these are my personal thingsich habe nur dinge des persönkichen bedarfsih ha:be nu:r dinge des prezyonlichen bedarfs
these are souvenirsdas sind souvenirsdas zint zuveni:rs
Do I need to pay duty on these items?sind diese sachen zollpflichtig?zint di:ze zahen zolpflichtih?

At the station

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
From which station do you go to...?von welchem ​​bahnhof fährt man nach...?von welhem ba:nho:f fe:rt man nah?
where can I buy a train ticket?Wo kann man die fahrkarte kaufen?vo: kan man di fa: rkarte kaufen?
I need to get to Bremen as quickly as possibleich muß möglichst schell nach Bremen gelangenihy mus moglikhst schnel nah bre:men gelyangen
Do you have a timetable?wo kann ich den fahrplan sehen?vo:kan ihy den fa:rplya:n ze:en?
From which station does the train depart?von welchem ​​bahnhof fährt zug abvon welhem ba:nho:f fe:rt der tsu:k ap?
how much does the ticket cost?was kostet die fahrkarte?you costet di fa:rkarte?
do you have tickets for today (tomorrow)?haben sie die fahrkarten für heute(für morgen)?ha: ben zi di fa: karten fur hoyte (fur morgan)?
I need a ticket to Berlin and backeinmal (zweimal) Berlin und zurück, bitteainma: l (tsvayma: l) berley: n unt tsuruk, bite
I would like the train that arrives in the morning at ...ich brauche den zug, der am morgen nach … kommtihy brauhe den zu: k der am morgan nah ... comt
When is the next train?wahn kommt der nächste zug?van comte der ne:x-ste tsu:k?
I missed the trainich habe den zug verpasstihy ha:be den tsu:k fairpast
from which platform does the train leave?von welchem ​​bahnsteig fährt der zug ab?von welhem ba:nstaik fe:rt der tsu:k up?
how many minutes before departure?Wieviel minuten bleiben bis zur abfahrt?vi:fi:l minu:ten blyaben bis zur apfa:rt?
is there a representative office of Russian airlines here?gibt es hier das buro der russischen fluglinien?gi:fri es chi:r das bureau: deru rusishen flu:kli:nen
where is the information desk?wo ist das Auskunftsbüro?in: ist das auskunftsbüro?
where does the express bus stop?wo hält der Zubringerbus?in: helt der tsubringerbus?
where is the taxi stand?wo ist der Taxi-stand?vo:ist dar taxistant?
Is there a currency exchange office here?wo befindet sich die Wechselstelle?in: befindet zikh di vexelstalle?
I want to buy a ticket for flight number...ich möchte einen Flug, Routenummer… buchenikh myohte ainen flu:k, ru:tenumer...bu:hen
where is check-in for the flight...?wo ist die Abfer-tigung für den Flug...?in: ist di apfaertigunk fur den flu:k....?
where is the storage room?wo ist die Gepäckaufbewahrung?vo: ist di gäpekaufbevarung?
no fehlt…es fe:lt….
suitcasesmein koffermain coffee
bagsmeine taschemaine ta:she
Who can I contact?an wen kann ich mich wenden?an wein kan ikh mikh vanden?
where is the toilet?wo ist die toilette?in: ist di toilette?
where is the baggage claim area?wo ist gepäckaus-gabe?vo:ist gapek-ausga:be?
on which conveyor can I get luggage from flight number ...?auf welchem ​​Förderband kann man das Gepäck vom Flug … bekommen?auf velhem förderbant kan man das gapek fom flu:k …backoman?
I forgot my case (coat, raincoat) on the plane. What should I do?ich habe meinen aktenkoffer (meinen Mantel, meinen regenmantel) im flugzeug liegenlasen. was soll ich tun?ih ha:be mainen aktenkofer (mainen mantel, mainen re:genshirm) im fluktsoik ligenlya:sen. you zol ikh tun?
I lost my luggage tag. Can I receive my luggage without a tag?ich habe cabin (den Gepäckanhänger) verloren. Kann ich mein Gepäck ohne cabin bekommen?ih ha: be kebin (den gap’ekanhenger ferle: ren. kan ih mein gap’ek

At the hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
where is the hotel…?wo befindet sich das Hotel…?in: befindet zikh das hotel...?
I need a not very expensive hotel with good serviceich brauche ein hicht teueres Hoteltheir brauhe….
do you have rooms available?haben sie freie zimmer?ha:ben zi: fraye cimer?
booked for mefür mich ist ein Zimmer reserviertfür mich ist ein cimer reserve:rt
the room is reserved in the name...das Zimmer auf den Namen …reserviertdas tsimer ist auf den na:men ... reserve:rt
I need a single roomich brauche ein Einzelzimmer(ein Einbettzimmer)ich brauche ein einzelzimer (ein einbätzimer)
I would prefer a room with a kitchenich möchte ein Zimmer mit Küche habenihy möhte ain tsimer mit kühe ha:ben
I came here for...ich bin hierger...gekommenihy bin hirhe:r ... gekomen
monthfür einen monatfur einen mo:nat
yearfür ein jahrfur ein ya:r
a weekfür eine wochefür eine vohe
is there a shower in the room?gibt es im zimmer eine Dusche?Gipt es im tsimer aine du:she?
I need a room with a bathroom (air conditioning)ich brauche ein zimmer mit Bad (mit einer klimaanlage)ikh brauhe ain tsimer mit ba:t (mit ainer klimaanla:ge)
how much does this room cost?was kostet dieses zimmer?you costet di:zes tsimer?
it is very expensivedas ist sehr teuerdas ist ze:r toyer
I need a room for a day (for three days, for a week)ich brauche ein zimmer für eine Nacht (für drei tage, für eine woche)ikh brauhe ein tzimer für eine nacht (für dray tage, für eine vohe)
how much does a double room cost per night?was kostet ein zweibettzimmer pro nacht?you kosset ein zweibetsimer pro nakht?
does the room rate include breakfast and dinner?sind das Frühsrtrück und das abendessen im preis inbegridden?zint das fru:stück unt das abenthesen im price inbegrifen?
breakfast is included in the room ratedas Frühstück ist im preis inbergriffendas fru:stück ist im price inbergrifen
we have a buffet in the hotelin userem hotel ist Schwedisches Büffetin unzeram hotel east sea:dishes buffet
when do you need to pay for the room?wann soll ish das zimmer bezahlen?van sol ih das zimer betsa: flax?
payment can be made in advanceman kann im voraus zahlenman kan im foraus tsa:len
this number suits me (does not suit)dieses zimmer passt mir(nicht)di:zes zimer paste the world (niht)
here is the room keydas ist der schlüsseldas ist der shlyusel

Walk around the city

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Gas stationTankstelleTank-stelle
Bus stopBushaltestelleBus-halte-shtelle
Metro stationU-BahnstationU-ban-station
Where is the nearest...Wo ist hier die naechste…Vo ist hir di nextte...
Where is the nearest police station here?Wo ist hier das naechste Polizeirevier?Vo ist hir das nextte policeman-revere?
bankeine Bankaine bank
maildas Postamtdas postamt
supermarketDie Kaufhalledi kauf halle
pharmacydie Apothekedi apotheke
pay phoneeine Telefonzelleaine phone - celle
tourist officedas Verkehrsamtdas ferkersamt
my hotelmein Hotelmain hotel
I'm looking for…Ich suche...Eh zuhe...
Where is the taxi stand?wo ist der taxi-stand?vo:ist dar taxistant?

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Could you please wait for me?Koennen Sie mir bitte warten?Gyeongnen zi world bitte warten?
How much do I owe you?Was soll ich zahlen?Are you angry or not?
Stop here, pleaseHalten Sie bitte hierHalten zi bitte hir
I need to go backIch mus zurueckIh mus tsuryuk
RightNach rechtsNah rehits
LeftNach linksNah links
Take me to the city centerFahren Sie mich zum StadtzentrumFaren zi mikh tsum state-centrum
Take me to a cheap hotelFahren Sie mich zu einem billigen HotelFaren zi mikh zu ainem billigan hotel
Take me to a good hotelFahren Sie mich zu einem guten HotelFaren zi mikh zu ainem guten hotel
Take me to the hotelFahren Sie mich zum HotelFaren zi mih tsum hotel…
Take me to the train stationFahren Sie mich zum BahnhofFaren zi mih zum bahnhof
Take me to the airportFahren Sie mich zum FlughafenFaren zi mikh tsum fluk-hafen
take me awayFahren Sie mich…Faren zi mih ...
At this address please!Diese Addresse bitte!Dize adresse bitte
How much does it cost to get to...?Was kostet die Fahrt…You cost di fart...?
Call a taxi pleaseRufen Sie bitte ein TaxiRufeng zi bitte ain taxi
Where can I get a taxi?Wo kann ich ein Taxi nehmen?Wo kan ikh ain taxi nemen?

In public places

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
SquarePlatzParade ground
Town HallRathausRataus
Central railway stationHauptbahnhofHauptbahnhof
Old cityAltstadtAltstadt
To yourselfZiehenQian
Private propertyPrivateigentumPrifatigentum
Do not touchNever mindNichtberuren
For freeFreiFry
VAT refund (tax free)Refund tax-freeRefund tax-free
Currency exchangeGeldwechselGeldveksel
For men/for womenHerren/DamenGerren/Damen
Open / ClosedOffen/GeschlossenOffen/geschlossen
No free placesVoll/BesetztVoll/bezzt
Rooms availableZimmer freeZimmerfri



Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 nullzero
1 ains (ain)ains (ain)
2 tswei (tsvo)tswei (tsvo)
3 dreidrive
4 vierfir
5 fuenffünf
6 sechszex
7 siebenziben
8 achtaht
9 neunnoin
10 zehnprice
11 elfelf
12 zwoelfzwölf
13 dreizehndraizen
14 vierzehnfirzen
15 fuenfzehnfyunftsen
16 sechzehnzekhtseng
17 siebzehnziptsen
18 achtzehnahtzen
19 neunzehnneunzen
20 zwanzigtsvantsikh
21 einundzwanzigain-unt-tsvantsikh
22 zweiundzwanzigtsvay-unt-tsvantsikh
30 dreissigdraisikh
40 vierzigfirtsikh
50 fuenfzigfuncich
60 sechzigzekhtsikh
70 Siebzigziplock
80 achtzigakhtsikhe
90 neunzigneunzich
100 hunderthundert
101 hunderteinshundert-ins
110 hundertzehnhundertzen
200 zweihundertzwei-hundert
258 zweihundertachtundfunfzigzwei-hundert-acht-unt-fünftzich
300 dreihundertdry-hundert
400 vierhundertfir-hundert
500 funhundertFünf-Hundert
600 sechshundertzex-hundert
800 achthundertaht-hundert
900 neunhundertnoin-hundert
1000 tausendThousand
1,000,000 eine millionaine million
10,000,000 zehn millionenTsen Milyonen

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
The change is incorrectDer Rest stimmt nicht ganzDar rest stimmt niht ganz
Do you have something similar, only bigger (smaller)?Haben Sie etwas Anliches, aber ein wenig grosser (kleiner)?Haben zi etvas enliches abe ein wenig grösser (kleiner)?
It suits meDas past worldDas paste mir
It's too big for meDas ist mir zu grossDas ist mir zu gros
This is not enough for meDas ist mir zu engDas ist mir tsu eng
I need a sizeIch brauche Grosse…Ih brauche grösse...
My size is 44Meine Grose ist 44Maine Grösse ist fier und Vierzich
Where is the fitting room located?Wo ist die Anprobekabine?Vo ist di anprobe-cabinet?
Can I try this on?Kann ich es anprobieren?Kan ihy es anprobiren?
Too expensiveEs ist zu teuerEs ist zu toyer
Please write the priceSchreiben Sie bitte den PreisSchreiben ze bitte dan price
I'll take itIch nehme esIkh neme es
How much does it cost?Was kostet es (das)?You costet es (das)?
Give it to me pleaseGeben Sie mir bitte dasGeben zi mir bitte das
I would like to…Ich suche...Eh zuhe...
Please show me thisZeigen Sie mir bitte dasTsaygen zi world bitte das
I'm just lookingIch schaue nurIhy shaue nur


Greetings - the Germans are very friendly and welcoming people, and therefore you also need to know how to greet the inhabitants of Germany. Here are the words needed for this.

Standard phrases are common words that you can use during any conversation to keep it going.

Station - if you are confused by the signs and signs at the station, or don’t know where the toilet is, a buffet, or you need a platform, just find the question you need in this topic and ask a passerby how to get to this or that place.

Orientation in the city - in order not to get lost in the big cities of Germany, use this topic to find out from passers-by whether you are going in the right direction, etc.

Transport – if you don’t know how much the fare costs or want to find out which bus to get to your hotel or some attraction, find the questions you are interested in in this topic and ask them to passing Germans.

Hotel – a large list of useful questions and phrases that are often used during a hotel stay.

Public places - in order to clarify where the object or public place you are interested in is located, just find a suitable question in this topic and ask it to any passerby. Rest assured that you will be understood.

Emergency situations - it is unlikely that anything can happen to you in calm and measured Germany, but such a topic will never be superfluous. Here is a list of questions and words that will help you call an ambulance, the police, or simply inform others that you are feeling unwell.

Shopping – want to buy something you are interested in, but don’t know what its name sounds like in German? This list contains translations of phrases and questions that will help you make absolutely any purchase.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know their pronunciation and translation.

Tourism – tourists often have all sorts of questions, but not everyone knows how to ask them in German. This section will help you with this. Here are the most necessary phrases and questions for tourists.

Germany is a civilized country, and therefore many Germans not only understand, but can freely communicate in English. If you know at least a little English, you should not have problems in German hotels, restaurants and shops. But, however, there is an exception to every rule, so even in famous beer houses and guesthouses in the center of Munich, we repeatedly came across waitresses who spoke only their native language. In these and other situations, knowing a few words and phrases in German can come in handy. In this article I will try to outline the most basic expressions that can actually help a tourist communicate with Germans in various situations. This article does not in any way resemble a textbook, manual or anything like that - it is simply a list of the most necessary phrases, selected on the basis of our own tourist experience.

I will also try to indicate the transcription in Russian letters for each German phrase to make it easier to read and pronounce.

First of all, it is worth saying that Germans are not as emotional as Italians or Russians. Therefore, a tourist’s attempt to say something in German is perceived by them as no more than an attempt at a communicative act. And if an Italian is sincerely happy when ragazzo russo speaks to him, and even tells something about himself, then for an ordinary German your speech is just a transfer of information.

The most frequently used words in a tourist trip are "thank you" and "please".

Danke ("danke") - Thank you
Bitte ("bitte") - please, and, as in Russian, this word is used both as a request and as a response to words of gratitude.

The Germans are very polite, so they simply say “Bitte” in cases, for example, when handing money to the cashier in a store. In the vast majority of other cases it is better to say this:

Danke schön ("danke schoen") - Thanks a lot
Bitte schön ("bitte schön") - meaning big please.

Moreover, the word schön literally means “beautiful,” that is, “beautiful thank you” and “beautiful please.” The shorter expression is also popular Danke sehr, where sehr (zer) means “very”, and the entire phrase is literally “thank you very much.”

Greetings and farewells

Germans greet each other quite laconically. For example, in every textbook you can find the official expressions:

Guten Tag ("Guten Tag") - Good afternoon
Guten Morgen ("good morning") - Good morning
Guren Abend ("guten abend") - Good evening

But in practice they say hello simply: Morgan(in the sense of "good morning"), Tag(in the sense of "good afternoon" or "hello") or Abend. That is, they tell you Morgan in the morning, you answer Morgan. Nothing complicated. ;)
Moreover, there is a kind of "informal" greeting Hallo("halo", almost in English) - hello. It is believed that it is not used with strangers. No matter how it is! Regardless of familiarity or age, in Germany "hallo" can be heard in a store, on a train, in a museum or even in a philharmonic hall.

The most commonly used saying when saying goodbye is:

Auf Wiedersehen ("aufwiederseen") - goodbye, which in the literal sense is completely similar to the Russian phrase.
You can also often hear this word:
tschüs ("chus") - Bye. As with Hallo, this informal phrase is actually very common.
Bis bald ("bis bald") - see you later.

Pronunciation. Basic Rules

A few words about pronunciation. In general, German words are quite easy to read, but there are a few nuances.

"ch" - after vowels i , e and consonants are pronounced as something between " sch" And " X". For example, the word Ich (I). The German language is rich in dialects, and even the pronunciation of the Germans themselves varies greatly, but still this sound is closer to " sch".
"ch" - after vowels a , o, u is pronounced like " X". Words machen, Buch
"ei" - pronounced like " ah" (eins - "ains", zwei - "zwei")
"sch" - pronounced like " w"
"st ", "st", if it is at the beginning of a word, it is also read as " w". For example, "sprechen".

Also in German there are so-called umlauts, such as " ä ", "ö " or " ü ". This is actually the same as the Russian "ё". If the letter "u" sounds like "u", then "ü" is pronounced like "iu" or "yu", but not "yu".

"r" - this is a separate song. The Germans burr. It is quite difficult for a Russian person to learn to pronounce the German “r”, but it is possible. If you train long and hard, it will take about a month. The German “r” is not pronounced with the tip of the tongue, as in Russian, but rather root of the tongue, larynx.On YouTube and on the Internet you can find a lot of lessons showing exactly how to pronounce this sound. Yes, if the “r” is at the end of a word, then it is almost unpronounced. Beginners are usually advised not to worry and pronounce the usual Slavic “r”. Firstly, this allows you to concentrate not on pronunciation, but on the process of communication itself, which is more important, and, secondly, the Germans understand the Russian “r” very well. The thing is that, for example, in southern Germany, in the Bavarian dialects, “r” often sounds exactly the same as in ours. And I personally have more than once heard the speech of Germans who did not even think of burring, but said “r” quite in our own way.

The most necessary phrases

Entschuldigung ("entschuldigung") - Sorry! It sounds, of course, intimidating, but the interlocutor will definitely understand that you are apologizing.
Ja ("I") - Yes
Nein ("nein") - No
Ich verstehe nicht ("Looking for the top of poverty") - I don't understand
Noch ein Bier!("noh ain bia") - More beer!
Well, traditionally the most important question for a tourist
Wie viel? ("Vie fil") - How many?

But now, in order to correctly understand the answer, you should remember how numbers sound in German

German numbers

eins ("ains") - one
zwei ("zwei") - two
drei ("dray") - three
vier ("fia") - four. It is difficult to give an exact transcription for pronunciation. If you remember, the "r" at the end is almost unpronounceable, but gives the vowel a subtle tint. As a last resort, you can say "fir".
fünf ("fuenf") - five
sechs ("zex", not sex!) - six
sieben ("sieben") - seven
acht ("aht") - eight
neun ("noyn") - nine
zehn("tseyn") - ten

But, as you understand, prices in stores and markets are quite rarely limited to ten euros, so you should know how numbers over 10 euros are formed.
By the way, " Euro"in German it sounds like this" oiro".
elf ("elf") - eleven
zwölf ("zwölf") - twelve
The remaining numbers "thirteen", "fourteen" and others are formed by the ending " zehn" ("tseyn"), that is " dreizehn" ("dreizein" - thirteen), " vierzehn" ("fiacein" -fourteen)...
Same thing with tens, where the ending " is added" zig" ("cisch").
zwanzig ("tsvantsishch") - twenty
dreissig ("draisish") - thirty
vierzig ("fiascis") - fourty
funzig ("funfcisch") - fifty
"g"at the end it is pronounced like a cross between Russian sounds" sch" And " and"

It’s interesting that numbers like 25, 37, etc. are formed in the German language. First, the second digit is pronounced, and then the first, indicating ten.
25 - funfundzwanzig ("fyunfundzvantsisch") - literally five and twenty
36 - sechsunddreißig ("zeksundraysisch")

The Germans generally like to make huge words out of several small ones. Such words have a huge number of letters and from the outside it may seem that it is impossible to pronounce it, but as soon as you understand that these are just a few words put together without a space, it becomes much easier.

With hundreds (and I hope your bill at the restaurant does not reach such values) is also easy. Add at the end hundert "hundert").
einhundert ("einhundert") - one hundred
zweihundert ("zweihundert") - two hundred

In the shop

Well, since we went shopping, I’ll immediately give you a few more useful phrases:

Kann Ich mit kreditkarte zahlen? ("Kan isch mit credit card tsalen") - Can I pay by credit card?
zahlen ("tsalen") - to pay
Ich ("looking for") - I
Kann ("kan") - I can, remember, as in English "can"

Ich mochte zahlen ("Looking for a place to stay") - I would like to pay. Here " möchte" - “would like to.” That is, a polite, subjunctive mood.
Sometimes Germans do not say zahlen, but bezahlen (“betzalen”). The meaning is the same and the difference is about the same as ours between "pay" and "pay".

So to the question "can I pay with a credit card" you can get the answer either "Ja" - yes, or ...
Nein, nur Bargeld ("Nine, nua bargeld") - cash only. Bargeld- cash. It's easy to remember, because Geld means money.

Kleingeld ("kleingeld") is a trifle. Literally "little money".
Haben Sie Kleingeld? ("Haben si Kleingeld?") - do you have change?

Ich brauche... ("looking for brauche..") - I'm looking, I need..


Here it is worth giving a few more basic words. First, personal pronouns
Ich ("searching") - I
du ("du") - You. Yes, unlike English, German has a distinction between "you" and "you".
Sie ("zi") - You. Just like in Italian, the polite form of the personal pronoun is the same as "she"
sie ("zi") - she
er ("ea") - He. Again I want to make a note that “p” is not readable, although “ea” is heard - not an entirely correct transcription, but it is much closer to reality than “er”
es ("it") - surprise! The German language has a neuter gender. For example, Das madchen"medschen" - girl, girl. Neuter word...
wir ("via") - We

Just a little bit of grammar

Now some important verbs.
haben ("haben") - have
sein ("be") - be

As in many European languages, these are fundamental verbs that are very important in the language.
Verbs are conjugated, that is, they change their form depending on the pronoun. For a traveler, you mainly need to remember how certain verbs with the pronouns “I, we, and you” sound.
haben- have
Ich habe ("search hub") - I have, I have
wir haben ("via haben") - you have
Sie haben ("zi haben") - it helps a lot that often verbs in the infinitive and when used with the pronouns “we” and “you” have the same form.
Haben Sie Tee? ("haben zi tee") - do you have tea?

sein- be
Ich bin ("Looking for Bean") - I am
wir sind ("via zind") - we are
Wir sind aus Russia ("via sind aus russland") - we are from Russia. Please note, not “Russland”, but “Russland”.

At the restaurant

Well, now that we have become acquainted with the verb “to have,” remember a very useful phrase. It will come in handy when going to evening restaurants.
Haben Sie einen freien Tisch? ("Haben zi einen fryen Tisch?") - do you have a free table?
frei ("fry") - free
Tisch ("tishch") - table
Wir mochten essen ("via Möchten Essen") - we would like to eat
Kann Ich dort drüben sitzen ("kan isch dort drueben sitzen") - can I network over there?
Ich möchte eine Bestellung aufgeben ("isch meshte eine Beschtellung aufgeben") - I'd like to place an order
Etwas zu trinken? ("etwas zu trinken") - Anything to drink? This is the first question that the waiter usually asks in German restaurants.
Ich hätte gerne etwas zu trinken ("isch hatte gerne etwas zu trinken") - I would like a drink.

Question words

Well, let's move on through the list of the most necessary and necessary phrases?
Wo ist das nächste Hotel/Restaurant/Supermarkt/Bank ("vo ist das nehste wanted/restoron/supermarket/bank") - Where is the nearest hotel/restaurant/supermarket/bank?
In general the word " nächste" ("nahste") means "next" but is used as "nearest" in such questions.
Question words
Wo ("in") - Where?
Wo ist die Toilette? ("in ist di Toilette") - where is the toilet
Wer ("vea") - Who?
Was ("you") - What?
Wie ("in and") - How?
Warum ("varum"- not Angelica) - why?
Wann ("bath") - When?

Simple dialogue

Wie geht's ("wee gates") or Wie geht's Ihnen ("Wee Gates Inan") - How are you? Literally "how's it going?" In general, Germans are not very emotional and sociable people, especially with strangers, so you are unlikely to hear this question in a store or restaurant. But know that the answer is usually simple:
Gut! Und Ihnen ("gut! und inen") - Fine. And your?

Wie heißen sie? ("vi haisen zi") - what is your name?
Wie ist Ihre Name? ("vi ist ire name") - What is your name?
Ich heisse... ("look haise...") - My name is...
Woher commen Sie? ("vohea commen zi") - where are you from?
Ich bin aus Russland ("Isch bin aus Russland") - I'm from Russia.
Ich bin im Urlaub ("isch bin im urlaub") - I'm on vacation

Könnten Sie mir helfen ("Könnten sie mia helfen") - could you help me?

Other useful words and expressions

Schade! (“shade”) - What a pity!
Natürlich ("natural life") - of course!
Was für eine Überraschung (“you für eine Überraschung”) - what a surprise!


Meine Ehre heißt Treue!
Loyalty is my honor!

Gott mit uns.
God is with us.

Jedem das Seine.
To each his own.

Wer sich tief weiß, bemüht sich um Klarheit; wer der Menge tief scheinen möchte,
bemüht sich um Dunkelheit.
He who knows a lot strives for clarity; the one who wants to show
who knows a lot, strives into the darkness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen.
Translation is a more dangerous enemy of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche

German phrases for tattoos

Nicht dass du mich belogst sondern, dass ich dir nicht mehr glaube, hat mich erschüttert.
What shocked me was not that you were deceiving me, but that I no longer believed you.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wer von seinem Tag nicht zwei Drittel für sich selbst hat, ist ein Sklave.
Anyone who does not have two-thirds of time for himself is a slave.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Wenn man ein Wozu des Lebens hat, erträgt man jedes Wie.
Anyone who has a “Why” to live will endure any “How”.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse.
What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann.
They order someone who does not know how to obey himself.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden Bach des Lebens.
Hope is a rainbow over the falling stream of life.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Weltkind (German) – a person absorbed in earthly interests

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum.
Without music, life would be stupid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Phantasie haben heißt nicht, sich etwas ausdenken; es heißt, sich aus den Dingen etwas machen.
Having imagination does not mean inventing something; it means making something new out of things.
Paul Thomas Mann

Religion ist Ehrfurcht – die Ehrfurcht zuerst vor dem Geheimnis, das der Mensch ist.
Religion is reverence - first of all, for the mystery that man represents.
Paul Thomas Mann

Wenn man jemandem alles verziehen hat, ist man mit ihm fertig.
If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.
Sigmund Freud

Phrases in German for a tattoo

In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er krank.
The moment a person doubts the meaning and value of life, he is sick.
Sigmund Freud

Wir streben mehr danach, Schmerz zu vermeiden als Freude zu gewinnen.
We strive more to avoid pain than to experience joy.
Sigmund Freud

Der Mann ist leicht zu erforschen, die Frau verrät ihr Geheimnis nicht.
A man is easy to recognize, but a woman does not give away her secret.
Immanuel Kant

Schön ist dasjenige, was ohne Interesse gefällt.
What is beautiful is what you like, even without arousing interest.
Immanuel Kant

Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen.
Have the courage to use your own mind.
Immanuel Kant

Man muß denken, wie die wenigsten und reden wie die meisten.
You need to think like the few and speak like the majority.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Phrases in German for a tattoo

Der Wechsel allein ist das Beständige.
Only change is constant.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Freunde nennen sich aufrichtig. Die Feinde sind es.
They call themselves friends. They are enemies.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Vergeben und vergessen heißt kostbare Erfahrungen zum Fenster hinauswerfen.
Forgiving and forgetting means throwing valuable experience out the window.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt.
We rarely think about what we have, but always about what we lack.
Arthur Schopenhauer

All unser Übel kommt daher, dass wir nicht allein sein können.
All our troubles come from the fact that we cannot be alone.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt.
The boundaries of language are the boundaries of the world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.
What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Es ist selten, daß ein Mensch weiß, was er eigentlich glaubt.
It is rare when a person knows what he really believes.
Oswald Spengler

Es ist unmöglich, jemandem ein Ärgernis zu geben, wenn er es nicht nehmen will.
You cannot insult someone who does not want to be insulted.
Friedrich Schlegel

Phrases in German for a tattoo

Die zwei größten Tyrannen der Erde: der Zufall und die Zeit.
The two greatest tyrants in the world: Chance and Time.
Johann Gottfried Herder

original nameLike :)Translation
Jedem das Seine145 To each his own
Gott mit uns92 God is with us
Meine Mutter ist mein Engel71 My mom is my angel
Rette und bewahre63 Bless and save
Bevor sich zu ergeben, erinnere dich, wofür du alles begonnen hast59 Before you give up, remember why you started all this.
Meine Ehre heißt Treue!52 Loyalty is my honor!
Vertraue nur an sich selbst51 Trust only yourself
Niemand als du47 Nobody but you
Die Zeit heilt nicht, die Zeit ändert47 Time doesn't heal, time changes
Danke den Eltern für das Leben47 Thank you parents for life
Das Leben ist ein Spiel44 Life is a game
Glück ist immer mit mir38 Luck is always with me
Träume, als ob du ewig leben wirst. Lebe so, als ob du heute stirbst37 Dream as if you will live forever. Live like you're going to die today
Sei stats du selbst!35 Always be yourself!
Nur Gott sei mein Richter31 Only God can Judge Me
Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig30 Only mother's love lasts forever
Hilf mir Gott!29 May God help me!
Besondere28 Special
Glück ist immer bei mir27 Luck is with me
Ich gehe zu meinem Traum26 I'm going towards my dream
Leben und lieben26 To live and love
Herzlich willkommen in meine verrückte Welt24 Welcome to my crazy world
Sei in sich selbst sicher und gib nicht nach24 Be confident and never give up
Du musst die Minute lernen zu überleben, wenn es dich scheint, dass alles verloren ist22 Know how to survive exactly that moment when it seems that everything is lost
Stark, aber zart20 Strong but gentle
Lernt das Leben zu genießen. Leiden lehrt es euch19
Es gibt keine ideale Menschen, schätzt diejenige, die eure Mängel lieben können19 There are no perfect people, appreciate those who were able to love your flaws
Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum18 Without music life would be stupid
Der Tod ist nicht das schrecklichste Ding, der ist aber das Letzte, was passiert18 Death isn't the worst thing, it's just the last thing to happen.
Gib mir Starke18 give me strength
Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem!17 Whatever happens, everything is for the better!
Ich bin nicht, wie alle, ich bin der Beste17 I'm not like everyone else, I'm the best
Handlungen sind stärker, als Worte15 Acts are stronger than words
Verzeihen ist nicht schwierig, schwierig ist es aufs Neue zu glauben14 Forgiving is not difficult, it is difficult to believe again
Es gibt vieles im Leben, was ich mich nicht erlaube, es gibt aber nichts, was man mich verbieten könnte13 There is a lot in life that I will not allow myself, but there is nothing that could be forbidden to me
Glücklich im Leben12 Happy in life
Die Welt gehört demjenigen, der sich darüber freut12 The world belongs to those who are happy about it
Herzlich willkommen in meine verrückte Welt…12 Welcome to my crazy world...
Liebe besiegt alles11 Love will conquer all
Nur wenn wir etwas verloren haben, beginnen wir das zu schätzen11 Only after losing do we begin to appreciate
Furchtlos11 Fearless
Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem!11 All goes to good
Träume, als ob du ewig leben wirst.Lebe so, als ob du heute stirbst11 Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.
Erinnerungen sind ein Wunder: sie erwärmen von innen und reißen sofort in Teile10 Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you apart
Man muss keine Angst vor den Veränderungen haben. Sie kommen oft im Moment, wenn sie notwendig sind10 Don't be afraid of change. Often they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed
Jeder Mensch hat sein Recht auf einen Fehler. Nicht jeder Fehler hat ein Recht auf Verzeihung10 Every person has the right to make mistakes. But not every mistake is eligible for forgiveness.
Ich sterbe lieber unter meinen Bedingungen, statt mit ihren Regeln zu leben10 I'd rather die on my own terms than live by theirs.
Traume. Sie zwingen die Wirklichkeit zu hassen10 Dreams. They make you hate reality
Schätzt eure Verwandten, bis sie nahe sind10 Appreciate your loved ones while they are around
Hoffe dich auf das Beste10 Hope for the best
Gib mir mein Herz zuruck10 Give me back my heart
Je breiter du deine Arme zum Umschlingen öffnest, desto leichter ist es dich zu kreuzigen10 The wider you open your arms, the easier it is to crucify you
Niemand ist gut genug dazu, um die anderen zu lehren9 No one is good enough to teach others
Die zwei größten Tyrannen der Erde: der Zufall und die Zeit9 The World's Two Greatest Tyrants: Chance and Time
Schweigen ist eine große Kunst der Unterhaltung9 Silence is the great art of conversation
So wie ich mein Land liebe, so wenig mag ich meine Landsmänner9 Although I love my country, I don't love my countrymen
Lernt das Leben zu genießen…Leiden lehrt es euch9 Learn to enjoy life... She will teach you to suffer herself
Menschen verlangen immer die Wahrheit, die gefällt ihnen aber so selten8 People always demand the truth, but they rarely like it
Und niemand wird wissen, wie traurig in der Nacht die Seele ist, die am Tage lacht8 And no one will know how sad the soul is at night, which laughs during the day
Wie schade, dass einige Momente des Lebens sich nie mehr wiederholen8 What a pity that some moments will never happen again
Manchmal ist das, was wir wissen, davon kraftlos, was wir fühlen8 Sometimes what we know is powerless over what we feel
Jeder Verlust lässt eine Narbe in der Seele, macht dich aber stärker8 Every loss leaves a scar on your soul, but makes you stronger
Danke der Mutter und dem Vater für das Leben8 Thanks mom and dad for life
Bewahre mich Got!8 God save me!
Wenn ich trinke denke ich und wenn ich denke trinke ich8 When I drink, I think, and when I think, I drink
Möchte es für lange und wie es sich gehört7 I want it for a long time and for real
Wenn du deine Seele den Anderen öffnest, erinnere dich daran, wie man dich wenig braucht7 When revealing your soul to people, remember that few people need you
Man kann vieles zurückgewinnen, Worte - nicht7
Sei nicht stolz mit denen, mit wem deine Seele verrückt sein will7 Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy
Es gibt kein "zu spät", es gibt "Ich brauche es nicht mehr"7
Halt kein Gericht über fremder Vergangenheit – ihr kennt eure Zukunft nicht7 Don't judge someone else's past - you don't know your future
Sei auf das Schlimmste fertig7 Get ready for the worst
Am Schrecklichsten ist es darauf zu warten, was nicht vorkommt7 The worst thing is waiting for something that won't happen
Leiden lehrt es euch7 Learn to enjoy life. Suffer, she will teach herself
Alle netten Leute sind verruckt. Es ist ein Geheimnis ihrer Attraktivität7 All charming people are flawed, this is the secret of their attractiveness
Wenn du vermeiden willst einen Idioten zu sehen solltest du deinen Spiegel umdrehen7 If you are tired of looking at a fool, first of all, break the mirror
Mutter und Vater, ich liebe euch6 Mom and Dad, I love you
Wir tun, es sei alles gut, drinnen ist aber ein schrecklicher Schmerz6 We pretend that everything is fine, but inside there is a terrible pain
Jedermann trifft eine Wahl im Leben. Ob sie richtig war, zeigt die Zeit6 Every person makes a choice in their life. Whether it's right or not, time will tell.
Die beste Beleuchtung des vorstehenden Weges sind manchmal die Brücken, die hinter dich glühen6 Sometimes the best illumination of the way ahead is the bridges blazing from behind.
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen6 What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent
All unser Übel kommt daher, dass wir nicht allein sein können6 All our troubles come from the fact that we cannot be alone
Eine Liebe, ein Schicksal!6 One love, one destiny!
Nur Meine Mutter ist meiner Liebe wert6 Only my mother is worthy of my love
Eine Liebe, ein Schicksal6 One love, one destiny
Liebe ist wie ein Krieg: leicht zu beginnen, schwer zu beenden6 Love is like war - easy to start but hard to stop
Liebe ist für jemandem erreichbar,nicht für mich aber6
Nicht dass du mich belogst sondern, dass ich dir nicht mehr glaube, hat mich erschüttert5 What shocked me was not that you were deceiving me, but that I no longer believed you.
Vergeben und vergessen heißt kostbare Erfahrungen zum Fenster hinauswerfen5 To forgive and forget is to throw valuable experience out the window.
Du kannst von den Umstanden und Menschen weglaufen, nie kannst du aber von deinen Gedanken und Gefühlen fliehen5 You can run away from circumstances and people, but you can never run away from your thoughts and feelings.
Ich danke die Vergangenheit dafür, dass ich vieles gelernt habe5 Thanks to the past for teaching me a lot
Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen5 Have the courage to use your own mind
Nur danach verstehst du, dass du vieles unbedacht gesagt hast5 Only then do you realize that you said a lot in vain
Es fehlt manchmal nur ein Tropfen der Tapferkeit, der das Leben verändern kann5 Sometimes all you need is a little courage that can change your whole life.
Wenn man jemandem alles verziehen hat, ist man mit ihm fertig5 If you have forgiven a person everything, then you are done with him.
Die Freunde nennen sich aufrichtig. Die Feinde sind es5 They call themselves friends. The enemies are
Religion ist Ehrfurcht – die Ehrfurcht zuerst vor dem Geheimnis, das der Mensch ist5
Man kann vieles zurückgewinnen, Worte – nicht5 You can return a lot, but words cannot
Wissen ist nichts, Vorstellung ist alles5 Knowledge is nothing, imagination is everything
Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann4 They order someone who does not know how to obey himself
Wir können nichts voraussehen4 We can't predict anything
Der Wechsel allein ist das Beständige4 The only constant is change
Wer sich tief weiß, bemüht sich um Klarheit; wer der Menge tief scheinen möchte, bemüht sich um Dunkelheit4 He who knows a lot strives for clarity; the one who wants to show that he knows a lot strives into the darkness
Man kann Angst vor dem Tod haben oder nicht – der kommt unweigerlich4 You can be afraid of death or not - it will come inevitably
Liebe ist für jemandem erreichbar, nicht für mich aber4 Love is available to everyone, but not to me
Je stärker du etwas liebst, desto schwieriger ist es zu verlieren4 The more you love something, the harder it is to lose it.
Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt4 The boundaries of language are the boundaries of the world
Es gibt keine Schlüssel vom Glück. Die Tür ist immer geoffnet4 There are no keys to happiness. The door is always open
Es gibt kein “zu spät”, es gibt “Ich brauche es nicht mehr”4 It's never too late, sometimes it's no longer necessary
Wer von seinem Tag nicht zwei Drittel für sich selbst hat, ist ein Sklave3 He who does not have two-thirds of time for himself is a slave
Damit ein Mensch verstanden haben wird, dass er ein Sinn des Lebens hat, muss er das haben, wofür er sterben kann3 For a person to understand that he has something to live for, he must have something worth dying for.
Bis wir 10 Jahre alt sind, sind wir alle Genies3 We are all geniuses before the age of ten
Das beste Recht das eine Frau hat ist das Recht auf einen Mann3 The most important right of women is the right to have a husband
Ein gemeinsames Missverständnis ist eine gute Basis für eine Hochzeit3 The main reason for marriages is mutual misunderstanding
Ein großer Nutzen von Worten ist es unsere Gedanken zu verbergen3 We need words to hide our thoughts
Um so mehr du sagst, an um so weniger erinnern sich die Menschen3 The more you talk, the less people remember
Zu leben ist wie zu Lieben, alles spricht dagegen und alle Instinkte sprechen dafür3 Living is like loving: common sense is against it, but all healthy instincts are for it
Wer sich tief weiß, bemüht sich um Klarheit; wer der Menge tief scheinen möchte,bemüht sich um Dunkelheit3 He who knows a lot strives for clarity; the one who wants to show that he knows a lot strives into the darkness
Wir denken selten an das, was wir haben, aber immer an das, was uns fehlt2 We rarely think about what we have, but always about what we lack
In dem Augenblick, in dem ein Mensch den Sinn und den Wert des Lebens bezweifelt, ist er krank2 The moment a person doubts the meaning and value of life, he is sick
Der Mann ist leicht zu erforschen, die Frau verrät ihr Geheimnis nicht2 A man is easy to recognize, but a woman does not give away her secret
Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse2 What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil
Man muß denken, wie die wenigsten und reden wie die meisten2 You need to think like the few and speak like the majority
Die Hoffnung ist der Regenbogen über den herabstürzenden Bach des Lebens2 Hope is a rainbow over the falling stream of life
Es ist unmöglich, jemandem ein Ärgernis zu geben, wenn er es nicht nehmen will2 You can't insult someone who doesn't want to be insulted
Wir streben mehr danach, Schmerz zu vermeiden als Freude zu gewinnen2 We strive more to avoid pain than to experience joy.
Wenn man ein Wozu des Lebens hat, erträgt man jedes Wie2 He who has a “Why” to live will endure any “How”
Schön ist dasjenige, was ohne Interesse gefällt2 What is beautiful is what you like, even without arousing interest.
Wenn man dir sagt, dass es schon zu spät ist – dann hast du nicht die Zeit, sondern aber die Bedeutsamkeit verloren2 If you are told that it is too late, then you have lost not time, but importance
Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben2 Love can only be voluntary, since only the one who has himself can give himself
Phantasie haben heißt nicht, sich etwas ausdenken; es heißt, sich aus den Dingen etwas machen2 Having imagination does not mean inventing something; it means making something new out of things
Es ist selten, daß ein Mensch weiß, was er eigentlich glaubt2 Rarely do people know what they really believe.
Alles was du im Leben brauchst ist Ignoranz und Überzeugung, und der Erfolg wird dir sicher sein2 In this life, you only need ignorance and self-confidence - and success is guaranteed to you.
Aus der Geschichte lernen wir das wir aus der Geschichte Nichts lernen2 We learn from history that nothing can be learned from it.
Die Bücher die alle empfehlen sind die Bücher die niemand liest2 The books that everyone admires are the ones that no one reads
Eine Frau ist ein Sphinx ohne Geheimnis2 A woman is a sphinx without a riddle
Eine gut geknotete Krawatte ist der erste Schritt in ein seriöses Leben2 A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life.
Es gibt nur eine Klasse von Menschen die mehr über Geld nachdenkt als die Reichen, das sind die Armen2 There is only one class of society that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.
Philosophie: unverständliche Antworten fur unlösbare Probleme2 Philosophy - inarticulate answers to unsolvable problems
Wenn du von einem Autoren was nimmst ist es ein Plagiat, wenn du von mehreren was nimmst ist es eine Untersuchung2 When you borrow material from one author, it's plagiarism, but when you borrow from many, it's research
Lebe so, als ob du heute stirbst2 Träume, als ob du ewig leben wirst
Religion ist Ehrfurcht - die Ehrfurcht zuerst vor dem Geheimnis, das der Mensch ist1 Religion is reverence - primarily for the mystery that man represents
Intuition ist das Leben!1 Intuition is life!
Guter Geschmack ist besser als ein schlechter Geschmack, aber ein schlechter Geschmack ist besser als gar keiner1 Good taste is better than bad, but bad taste is better than none.
Keine Frau ist ein Genie. Frauen sind ein hübsches Geschlecht1 Women are not geniuses. The function of a woman is to be an ornament

The art of tattooing is constantly evolving, every day in the world there are more and more new ideas that can be embodied in a tattoo.

Currently, tattoos made in the form of a phrase in any language (Latin, Italian, English, French, in the form of Japanese or Chinese characters, Arabic script) are especially popular. People choose a language in accordance with their worldview, character traits, and interests. Individuals who choose phrases in German for tattoos deserve special attention.

The German language originated in the early Middle Ages through the merger of ancient Germanic languages. Now it is official not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. The total number of people who speak German as a native or foreign language is 140 million. The language is widespread mainly in Europe.

People have different attitudes towards this ancient language. Some people think that it is too rude and dissonant, while others, on the contrary, consider this language to be very beautiful and even musical.

One way or another, the great minds of mankind spoke German. This is the language of the famous philosophers Emmanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche, the world-famous storytellers Brothers Grimm, the inventor of the radiation counter Hans Wilhelm Geiger, the great composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Amadeus Mozart, Pope Benedict 16.

Did you know? In addition to the two main dialects of the German language, there are about ten regional dialects and about 53 local dialects.

It has been noticed that people who give preference to learning the German language have the same qualities as its native speakers: they are punctual, straightforward, rational, responsible, law-abiding and economical. When choosing an inscription for a tattoo in German, these people do not just decorate their body, but their favorite phrase is also a goal, a life credo, and the main motivator.

Themes and meanings of the phrase in German with translation

German culture found its mark in literature and music, in science and politics, in philosophical treatises and medical works. If you decide to get a tattoo in the form of an inscription in German, it will not be difficult for you to choose a beautiful saying that corresponds to your philosophical views and ideological positions. Every person can find in German a deep philosophical thought about love, about values, about life and death, about God, conscience, success...

It is important! You should read the translation of the phrase in German very carefully. Articles indicating that a word belongs to its gender play a huge role in the German language, since it is the gender that determines the meaning of the word. So, for example, the word “TOR”, used with a neuter article, is translated as “gate”, and the word “TOR” with a masculine article means “fool”, “simpleton”.

You should not try to translate a phrase into German on your own if you do not have a good level of language proficiency. German speech is filled with many synonyms that are used only in certain situations. Without knowing where and at what moment to use the appropriate word, instead of a deep philosophical thought, you can end up with an absurd phrase devoid of any meaning.

Styles of sayings in German

German speech, like its original speakers, is very precise and consistent. The ideal design for the inscription would be a strict Gothic style; a tattoo applied to the body in a typographic font will look very advantageous and beautiful.

Inscriptions in German, made in the form of a capital line, will acquire a special atmosphere. Beautiful love quotes go well with sophisticated geometric, animal or floral designs. Deep philosophical thoughts, applied to the body in the form of a stanza (quatrain), can be supplemented with classical ornaments and patterns

Large tattoos in the form of inscriptions, inscribed in an intricate pattern or complemented by an image, are best placed in the area back and under the ribs.

  1. Before getting a tattoo, you should carefully check the reputation of the salon where the procedure will be performed.
  2. A portfolio of the artist’s work is a guarantee of a high-quality tattoo. So we are talking about tattoo inscriptions, you should check the presence of just such works in his portfolio.
  3. Mandatory allergy test! The tattoo industry is developing rapidly, and every year new types of dyes appear, which theoretically could cause an unexpected reaction.
  4. Mandatory adherence to the tattoo artist’s recommendations for tattoo care during the healing period of the skin and after it (maintenance of hygiene, use of antiseptic ointments and gels, limited contact with the sun 1 person.
    Average rating: 5 out of 5 .

If you are going to visit Germany on a friendly visit, you need to prepare in advance. You can start learning German on your own, buy a phrase book, memorize basic phrases, or ask a teacher for help. If you have a lot of time left, then you should take the matter seriously; it’s not easy in a foreign country without knowing the language.

Where should you start learning?

So, it’s wise to start with the following points:

  • Introduction to the German alphabet and the rules of pronunciation of sounds and words;
  • Learning basic verbs and commonly used words;
  • Familiarity with grammar and rules for constructing sentences;
  • Pronunciation training, getting used to the sound of German speech using music, films and programs;
  • Reading books, magazines and adapted material from translations;
  • Communication with native speakers and other students to consolidate the results obtained.

Begin! The first successes can be made after 2-3 weeks of training, and you can start talking to a German and exchange a few phrases by the end of the first month. The main thing is to start studying so that before the trip you have time to systematize the information received in your head!

With intensive and regular training, you can begin to speak and understand your interlocutor within a couple of months. Of course, at first there will be banal everyday simple phrases: greetings, questions, requests, words to keep the conversation going. Then the vocabulary will expand to 1000-1500 concepts, you will even be able to discuss some events. In everyday life, excluding highly specialized terms at work, the average German resident uses about 2000-2500 different words.

To travel to a country to see the sights and relax, the following basic groups of words are enough:

    Greetings and farewells;

    Phrases for finding a road: directions, street names;

    Necessary phrases for airports, railway stations and public transport;

    Necessary phrases for cafes or shopping in stores;

    Phrases for emergency situations;

    Words to express regret and gratitude;

    Expressions for keeping a conversation going.

For a comfortable stay, 100 phrases are enough – that’s about 300-500 words. It’s not enough to learn them, practice pronouncing them correctly so that your interlocutor understands you. You also need to prepare for the expected answers - asking for directions and not understanding the answer will be a very unpleasant discovery. To be on the safe side, you can take a phrasebook to find the right phrase, but you shouldn’t rely on it, it’s difficult to maintain a conversation and look for information in a book.

Phrases for greetings and farewells

Germans are kind and polite people, slightly reserved, and they need good reasons for close communication or invitations to visit. On the street or in a public place, they will gladly come to the aid of someone in need. First, you should learn greeting and conversation starter phrases.

It is customary to say “Hello” and “Bye” to people you know closely and peers. In German the phrases would look like this: “Hallo!” and “Tschüs!”, but they sound “Halo!” and “Chus!” When talking with a stranger or an interlocutor who is clearly older than you, you should use a standard politeness phrase:

  • Grüss Gott!(Grus Goth) - Hello!
  • Guten Morgen/Tag/Abend!(guten morgen/tak/abent!), which translated means Good morning/afternoon/evening!
  • Auf Wiedersehen!- the most common phrase when saying goodbye, an analogue of our “Goodbye!” and it reads “auf wiedersein”.
  • Bis bald/morgen/später!(bis balt/morgen/spate) – “See you soon/tomorrow/meeting!”

Phrases are appropriate in any situation, whether you know the interlocutor or not, they will be a manifestation of politeness.

  • Gute Nacht!(gute nakht!) literally translates as “Good night!”, sometimes used by familiar people when saying goodbye.
  • Alles Gute!(ales gute!) The meaning of the phrase is “Good luck!” or “All the best!”, and its meaning does not change depending on the intonation, as in the Russian language.

Understand! Germans speak very emotionally, in contrast to their coldness and stiffness. Sometimes they seem to express indignation or anger, but in most cases it turns out that this is how the words sound in German. You need to understand that Germans are quite cultured and will not be rude to a stranger without reason.

There is one more phrase, it can also be used when ending a conversation, it is hardly suitable for communicating with strangers - “Viel Glück!” Literally translated as a wish of good luck, or “Happy!”

What you need to keep a conversation going

The Germans are polite and cultured; after greeting you, they will most likely ask you how you are doing or inquire about your health. The phrase goes something like this:

  • Wie geht es Ihnen? (vi gate es inen?), they thank you in response and ask counter questions. Like that:
  • Danke, gut Und Ihnen? (danke, gut und inen?), which means “Thank you, everything is fine! And you?"

In German there are 2 forms of the word “Sorry”. To attract the attention of the interlocutor, they say “Entschuldigung”, it looks complicated, but it sounds “entschuldigung”. And if you want to apologize for the inconvenience, then the phrase will sound slightly different - Entschuldigen Sie “entschuldigen zi”.

Remember! The complexity of the German language is word formation; sometimes a word can consist of several parts. Remembering this approach is quite difficult, it will take time.

If you still find it difficult to express yourself in German, you can tell your interlocutor that you do not understand him well and ask if he speaks another language. “Spreche ich deutsch nicht” translates to “I don’t speak German.” You can find out about other languages ​​using the phrase:

  • Sprechen Sie Russisch/Englisch? (sprechen zi russish/English?), if the interlocutor answers “I” (Ja), you can safely switch to a language more familiar to you.

Useful words at the airport and train station

Arrival in Germany involves passing through customs control at the border or at the airport. As in any other country, here it is better to clearly answer the questions left and try not to say too much. Customs officers may not understand Russian humor, and it will be quite difficult to overcome the language barrier if there is a misunderstanding with government officials.

For your information! At every airport in Germany, as well as at large railway stations, you have the opportunity to ask for help if the problem has gotten out of control and you and the employee no longer understand each other. “Ich brauche einen übersetzer” phrase means that you need a translator.

You may be asked about the purpose of the visit, whether you have all the necessary documents, whether you have filled out a declaration, whether you have permission to import items of luggage, and so on. If you memorize the phrases from the sign, it will not be difficult for you to pass customs control.

At the railway station, questions may arise regarding the location of luggage, orientation in the room, calling a taxi, etc. Even without knowing the correct wording of the desired phrase, there is no need to panic and get upset. Template expressions will come to your aid; using them you can easily explain the problem to station representatives. At the information desk you can find out the information you need: about train schedules, required documents, ticket prices, location of luggage storage, taxi ranks and exits to the city.

By the way, the Germans are friendly people, when they understand that you are a foreigner and you need help, they will be happy to help, and with the presence of translators in smartphones and tablets, you can even start a conversation that is understandable to both.

If you need to order something or buy something in a store

In a cafe or restaurant where you need to place an order, you will need a few basic phrases to ask for the menu and the bill, as well as find out the cost of the dishes:

  • Wir hätten gern die Karte- We'd like a menu.
  • Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen?– Can you recommend me something?
  • Das habe ich nicht bestellt!- this is not my order / I did not order this dish.
  • Wir möchten bitte bezahlen!/Die Rechnung bitte!- We would like to pay! / Bring the bill, please!
  • Stimmt so!- No change needed!

By the way, recently it has become common to call waiters simply “Entschuldigung!” (Sorry!), but most often they come up on their own and address visitors with the phrase:

  • Was kann ich Ihnen anbieten?- What can I offer you?
  • Or, Was nehmen Sie?– What will you order?

When buying something in a store, you will need to know the cost, expiration date, change amount and other little things. Trying on clothes will require you to know the sizes translated into German or European.

On the street - phrases in German for finding your way

If you move around a German city by taxi or public transport, you will sometimes have to ask for directions or correct the driver's direction. You need to learn phrases to address people on the street and the police. The basis of all expressions of this kind:

  • Wo befindet sich…/Ich suche…(in befindet zikh.../ikh zuhe...) – where is.../I’m looking for...
  • die Apotheke(di apoteke) - ... pharmacy;
  • die Kaufhalle(di kauf-halle) - ... store;
  • polizeirevier(policeman Revere) - ... police station;
  • eine Bank(aine bank) - ... bank;
  • mein Hotel(mein hotel) - ... hotel;
  • das Postamt(yes postmark) - ... mail.

All the necessary phrases for communicating with public transport and taxi drivers will be enough for you:

For tourists in large cities in Germany, there are many explanatory and guiding signs; on them you can read the information you need, for example, where the toilet is located, or in which direction the square is located. Warning signs in public places are duplicated in English. It is more familiar to our eyes, but you also need to know the German symbols well.

Phrases for hotel or hotel

Upon arrival in the country, you will need to stay somewhere, most likely you will need a hotel or a hotel. Large and famous establishments have a translator, but medium and cheap establishments will meet you with German staff. And you will have to explain your wishes in their native language or with gestures. It's unlikely that everyone will get what they want.

For productive communication with staff, 15-20 phrases will be enough for you:

German phrases for emergencies

On good trips and successful trips, such phrases do not need to be used. But situations are different and you need to know them. At a minimum, so as not to look in the phrasebook for how to call a doctor if someone urgently needs help. It is enough to learn a few things to be able to call the police or doctors at the right time.

Important! Every country has intelligence service phone numbers that you can call even if you don’t have access to a mobile network. You can find them at the hotel reception, at customs or at the information desk.

Situations with money at an exchange office or bank also require understanding, so that an incident does not result from a misunderstanding with employees.

What do you need to visit a foreign country?

In addition to a camera, money and personal belongings, you will definitely need:

  • Detailed map of the city;
  • Russian Embassy telephone numbers;
  • Numbers of special services and codes for calling them from a cell phone;
  • Russian-German phrasebook in case of an unforeseen situation;
  • Positive attitude and good spirits;
  • “Reinforced concrete” knowledge of basic politeness words and the ability to use them.
  • Nice retreat! Declaring love in German is quite simple, the phrase is simple - “Ich liebe dich”, sounds like “ich liebe dich”.

To summarize, let us recall the main words for communication in any country and in any language:

  • "Thank you!" in German it sounds like “Danke” or “Danke schön!”
  • "Please!" will be "Bitte" or "Bitte schön!"
  • "I'm really sorry!” can be expressed with the words “Es tut mir leid!”
  • "Nice to meet you!" in German it sounds important and weighty - “Schön, Sie kennenzulernen!”
  • "Be healthy!"- “Gesundheit!”, regardless of nationality and traditions, a wish for health from the heart will always be accepted by the interlocutor with pleasure.

It is these little things that often help tourists out on the streets of a foreign city, and when combined with common sense, a well-developed route and learned basic phrases, they will allow you to get maximum pleasure from your trip.